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Functional magnetic resonance imaging and swallowing: systematic review



Evaluate the feasibility and safety of functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) for the evaluation of cortical areas involved in swallowing.

Research strategy

The search was conducted from April 2003 to April 2013, using the keywords “functional magnetic resonance imaging” or“fMRI” and “dysphagia” and“functional magnetic resonance imaging” or“fMRI” and “swallowing” in “PubMed” database.

Selection criteria

Studies were reviewed by analyzing their titles and abstracts with the following inclusion criteria: research involving human subjects, use of neurofunctional tests, reference to swallowing function, adult and/or elderly population analysis and association with neurological disorders.


the search strategy resulted in 1167 citations, from which only 35 met the eligibility criteria.


the functional magnetic resonance imaging was considered safe and feasible for evaluating cortical areas involved in swallowing. However, the reports of functional magnetic resonance usage differed between the reviewed studies and the variability in the methodology used, made meaningful comparisons difficult.

Disorders of swallowing; Neuroimaging; Swallowing; Neurology; Neurological diagnostic techniques


Avaliar a viabilidade e segurança da ressonância magnética funcional para a avaliação de áreas corticais envolvidas na deglutição.

Estratégia de pesquisa

Conduziu-se uma busca entre abril de 2003 e abril de 2013, usando as palavras chave “functional magnetic resonance imaging” or“fMRI” and “dysphagia” e“functional magnetic resonance imaging” or“fMRI” and “swallowing” na base de dados PubMed.

Critérios de seleção

Os estudos foram revisados por análise de seus títulos eabstracts e os critérios de inclusão utilizados foram: pesquisas envolvendo seres humanos, utilização de exames neurofuncionais, referência à função de deglutição, análise de população adulta e/ou idosa, relação com patologias neurológicas.


A estratégia de busca resultou em 1167 citações, das quais apenas 35 preencheram os critérios de elegibilidade.


A ressonância magnética funcional foi considerada segura e viável para a avaliação de áreas corticais envolvidas na deglutição. Entretanto, os relatos de utilização de ressonâcia magnética funcional diferiram entre os estudos revisados e houve variabilidade na metodologia utilizada, dificultando as comparações.

Transtornos da deglutição; Neuroimagem; Deglutição; Neurologia; Técnicas de diagnóstico neurológico


Swallowing is one of the processes that ensure the human being survival and its disorders require global health care. Among its consequences are dehydration, malnutrition and pulmonary complications involving aspiration, pneumonia and deficits in the quality of life(11 Malandraki GA, Perlman AL, Karampinos DC, Sutton BP. Reduced somatonsensory activations in swallowing with age. Hum Brain Mapp. 2009;32(5):730-43.
). Initially, research in neurophysiology swallowing restricted the process to functional mechanisms of the brain stem. Subsequently, however, thanks to advances in the use of functional neuroimaging techniques, the cerebral cortex contribution in the swallowing control has been better understood(22 Michou E, Hamdy S. Cortical input in control of swallowing. Curr Opin Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg. 2009;17(3):166-71.

The complexity involving swallowing is the result of a sequence of coordinated movements, including pressure balance, sensory processing of ingested food and synergistic movement of the muscles involved in the oral, pharyngeal and laryngeal regions. It is synchronized with other stomatognathic functions such as breathing and chewing and, when voluntarily performed, requires a cognitive processing and attention activation(33 Martin RE, MacIntosh BJ, Smith RC, Barr AM, Stevens TK, Gati JS et al. Cerebral areas processing swallowing and tongue movement are overlapping but distinct: a funcional magnetic resonance imaging study. J Neurophysiol. 2004;92(4):2428-43.
). From the first swallowing component until the last stage of the solid bolus movement, multiple oral and perioral muscles are used(44 Leopold N, Daniels SK. Supranuclear control of swallowing. Dysphagia. 2010;25(3):250-7.

The knowledge of the swallowing neurophysiology, including understanding the role of different brain structures in the movement synergy, can bring new perspectives of dysphagia management and treatment. Studies in the fMRI brain field (functional MRI) in recent decades have helped to understand the brain spatial and temporal activities of swallowing by means of a noninvasive procedure. Although fMRI is an important tool for understanding the brain mechanisms involved in swallowing, the methodologies and paradigms used are varied.


The purpose of this systematic review was to identify and compare brain activation during swallowing, analyzing the tasks used and stimuli provided to patients in healthy adults, elderly and with dysphagia.

Data collected for the functional MRI studies were analyzed in order to verify the safety and reliability of the findings, in a comparative way.


To identify the swallowing and brain imaging studies, a search of publications available in PubMed and MEDLINE databases was conducted. In order to achieve a broad base of literature review, the research including studies published since 2003. The survey was conducted using the following keywords: “functional magnetic resonance imaging” or “fMRI” and “dysphagia” and “functional magnetic resonance imaging” or “fMRI” and “swallowing”.


The studies analyzed by two examiners independently, were selected according to the following inclusion criteria:

- Published between 2003 and 2013;

- Original studies involving human subjects;

- tudies, whose objective was the evaluation of swallowing through the brain neuroimaging;

- Analysis on adult or elderly population.

Exclusion criteria used for this work were:

- Samples with animals;

- Samples with fetuses, children and adolescents;

- Evaluation of related functions such as speech, voice, among others;

- Peripheral structures evaluation: larynx, pharynx, tongue, vocal folds;

- No use of fMRI.

Full texts were classified according to the type of study (case study, meta-analysis, systematic review or experimental); type of protocol used to collect the cortical functioning of images; the sample size; the population characteristics and results found. The tests results were compared between two evaluators and the criteria classification was revalued in a consensus meeting, analyzing differences. Differences occurred in the articles classification exclusion. Therefore, the hierarchy among the topics for deletion was established and unselected items were reclassified.

The search for studies published between April 2003 and April 2013 resulted in 1167 articles, of which 397 were repeated. 728 abstracts were excluded for not using neurophysiology assessment techniques, studies not related to swallowing functions, anatomical functioning and/or functional studies sensory oral motor system, among others. 35 complete articles that met the proposed criteria for this systematic review were included.

Figure 1 shows the breakdown of the articles analysis.

Figure 1
Selection of abstracts and articles complete texts


Determining the recommendation degree and level of evidence

Articles framed in defined criteria were assessed by two researchers on the type of study, level of evidence and recommendation grade, according to the Oxford Centre for Evidence-Based Medicine Classification. In a consensus meeting, studies were organized (Figure 2).

Figure 2
Distribution of items according to the recommendation degree, level of evidence (Oxford Centre for Evidence-Based Medicine) and its classification


Population studied

The number of subjects in the selected relevant studies ranged from 1(55 Malandraki GA, Johnson S, Robbins J. Functional MRI of swallowing: from neurophysiology to neuroplasticity. Head Neck. 2011;33 Suppl 1:S14-20.
) to 56(66 Wang K, Duan LP, Zeng XZ, Liu JY, Xu-Chu W. Differences in cerebral response to esophageal acid stimuli and psychological antecipation in GERD subtypes: a fMRI study. BMC Gastroenterol. 2011;11:28.
). Scientific articles were categorized and classified into clinical cases, meta-analyzis, systematic reviews and experimental studies.

Studies involving healthy volunteers aimed to search for specific features to the swallowing cortical representation(33 Martin RE, MacIntosh BJ, Smith RC, Barr AM, Stevens TK, Gati JS et al. Cerebral areas processing swallowing and tongue movement are overlapping but distinct: a funcional magnetic resonance imaging study. J Neurophysiol. 2004;92(4):2428-43.
,77 Toogood JA, Barr AM, Stevens TK, Gati JS, Menon RS, Martin RE. Discrete functional contribuitions of cerebral cortical foci in voluntary swallowing: a functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) “Go, No Go” study. Exp Brain Res. 2005;161(1):81-90.

8 Solstysïk DA, Hyde JS. Strategies for block-design fMRI experiments during task-related motion of structures of the oral cavity. Neuroimage. 2006;29(4):1260-71.

9 Marciani L, Pfeiffer J, Hort J, Head K, Bush D, Taylor AJ et al. Improved methods for fMRI studies of combined taste and aroma stimuli. J Neurosci Methods. 2006;158(2):186-94.

10 Paine PA, Hamdy S, Chitnis X, Gregory LJ, Giampietro V, Brammer M et al. Modulation of activity in swallowing motor cortex following esophagel acidification: a functional magnetic resonance imaging study. Dysphagia. 2008;23(2):146-54.

11 Shibamoto I, Tanaka T, Fujishima I, Katagiri, Uematsu H. Cortical activation during solid bolus swallowing. J Med Dent Sci. 2007;54(1):25-30.

12 Kami NY, Goto TK, Tokumori K, Yoshiura T, Kobayashi K, Nakamura Y et al. The development of a novel automated taste stimulus delivery system for fMRI studies on the human cortical segregation of taste. J Neurosci Methods. 2008;172(1):48-53.

13 Sörös P, Lalone E, Smith R, Stevens T, Theurer J, Menon RS et al. Funcional MRI of oropharygeal air-pulse stimulation. Neuroscience. 2008;153(4):1300-8.

14 Malandraki GA, Sutton BP, Perlman AL, Karampinos DC, Conway C. Neural activation of swallowing and swallowing-related tasks in healty young adults: an attempt to separate the components of deglutition. Hum Brain Mapp. 2009;30(10):3209-26.

15 Kern M, Chai K, Lawal A, Shaker R. Effect of esophageal acid exposure on the cortical swallowing network in healthy human subjects. Am J Physiol Gastrointest Liver Physiol. 2009;297(1):G1520-8.

16 Kawai T, Watanabe Y, Tonogi M, Yamane SA, Yoshiaki Y, Callan A. Visual and auditory stimuli associated with swallowing: an fMRI study. Bull Tokyo Dent Coll. 2009;50(4):169-81.

17 Babaei A, Kern M, Antonik S, Mepani R, Ward BD, Li SJ et al. Enhancing effects of flavored nutritive stimuli on cortical swallowing network activity. Am J Physiol Gastrointest Liver Physiol. 2010;299(2):G422-9.

18 Peck KK, Branski RC, Lazarus C, Cody V, Kraus D, Haupage S et al. Cortical activation during swallowing rehabilitation maneuvers: a functional MRI study of healthy controls. Laringoscope. 2010;120(11):2153-9.

19 Lowell SY, Poletto CH, Knorr-Chung BR, Reynolds RC, Simonyan K, Ludlow CL. Sensory stimulation activates both motor and sensory componentes of the swallowing system. Neuroimage. 2008;42(1):285-95.

20 Paine TL, Conway CA, Malandraki GA, Sutton BP. Simultaneous dynamic and functional MRI scanning (simulscan) of natural swallows. Magn Reson Med. 2011;65(5):1247-52.

21 Ogura E, Matsuyama M, Goto TK, Nakamura Y, Koyano K. Brain activation during oral exercises used for dysphagia rehabilitation in healthy human subjects: a functional magnetic resonance imaging study. Dysphagia. 2011;27(3):353-60.

22 Lowell SY, Reynolds RC, Chen G, Horwitz B, Ludlow CL. Functional connectivity and laterality of the motor and sensory componentes in the volitional swallowing network. Exp Brain Res. 2012;219(1):85-96.

23 Babaei A, Ward D, Ahamad S, Patel A, Nencka A, Li SJ et al. Reproducibility of swallow-induced cortical BOLD positive and negativa fMRI activity. Am J Physiol Gastrointest Liver Physiol. 2012;303(5):G600-9.

24 Humbert IA, Joel S. Tactile, gustatory, and visual biofeedback stimuli modulate neural substrates of deglutition. Neuroimage. 2012;59(2):1485-90.
-2525 Mihai PG, Halbach OVBU, Lotze M. Differentiation of cerebral representation of occlusion and swallowin with fMRI. Am J Physiol Gastrointest Liver Physiol. 2013;304(10):G847-54.
). Research on elderly and patients with dysphagia underwent compared to control groups. There was a tendency to use healthy adults for comparison with elderly people(11 Malandraki GA, Perlman AL, Karampinos DC, Sutton BP. Reduced somatonsensory activations in swallowing with age. Hum Brain Mapp. 2009;32(5):730-43.
,2626 Humbert IA, Fitzgeral ME, McLaren DG, Johnson S, Porcaro E, Kosmatka K et al. Neurophysiology of swallowing: effects of age and bolus type. Neuroimage. 2011;44(3):982-91.
,2727 Malandraki GA, Sutton BP, Perlman AL, Karampinos DC. Age-related differences in laterality of cortical activations in swallowing. Dysphagia. 2010;25(3):238-49.
), except in two researches(55 Malandraki GA, Johnson S, Robbins J. Functional MRI of swallowing: from neurophysiology to neuroplasticity. Head Neck. 2011;33 Suppl 1:S14-20.
,2828 Martin R, Barr A, MacIntosh B, Smith R, Stevens T, Taves D et al. Cerebral cortical processing of swallowing in older adults. Exp Brain Res. 2007;176(1):12-22.
). Studies involving dysphagia patients groups or patients with specific diseases were compared with those who evaluated healthy individuals, matched by chronological age and elderly patients(66 Wang K, Duan LP, Zeng XZ, Liu JY, Xu-Chu W. Differences in cerebral response to esophageal acid stimuli and psychological antecipation in GERD subtypes: a fMRI study. BMC Gastroenterol. 2011;11:28.
,2929 Humbert IA, McLaren DG, Kosmatka K, Fitzgerald M, Johnson S, Porcaro E et al. Early deficits in cortical control of swallowing in Alzheimer’s disease. J Alzheimers Dis. 2010;19(4):1185-97.

30 Li S, Chen Q, Yu B, Xue K, Luo C, Xu Y et al. Structural and functional changes mapped in the brains of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis patients with/without dysphagia: a pilot study. Amyothroph Lateral Scler. 2009;10(5-6):280-7.

31 Humbert IA, Mclaren DG, Malandraki GM, Johnson SC, Robbins J. Swallowing intentional off-state in aging and Alzheimer’s disease: preliminar study. J Alzheimers Dis. 2011;26(2):347-54.
-3232 Li S, Luo C, Yu B, Yan B, Gong Q, He Q et al. Functional magnetic resonance imaging study on dysphagia after unilateral hemispheric stroke: a preliminar study. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry. 2013;80(12):1320-9.

Tasks used

A chronological analysis of the presented studies, observed that initially the concern was the confirmation of cortical activation mechanisms for swallowing

Therefore, procedures such as saliva(11 Malandraki GA, Perlman AL, Karampinos DC, Sutton BP. Reduced somatonsensory activations in swallowing with age. Hum Brain Mapp. 2009;32(5):730-43.
,33 Martin RE, MacIntosh BJ, Smith RC, Barr AM, Stevens TK, Gati JS et al. Cerebral areas processing swallowing and tongue movement are overlapping but distinct: a funcional magnetic resonance imaging study. J Neurophysiol. 2004;92(4):2428-43.
,55 Malandraki GA, Johnson S, Robbins J. Functional MRI of swallowing: from neurophysiology to neuroplasticity. Head Neck. 2011;33 Suppl 1:S14-20.
,77 Toogood JA, Barr AM, Stevens TK, Gati JS, Menon RS, Martin RE. Discrete functional contribuitions of cerebral cortical foci in voluntary swallowing: a functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) “Go, No Go” study. Exp Brain Res. 2005;161(1):81-90.
,1616 Kawai T, Watanabe Y, Tonogi M, Yamane SA, Yoshiaki Y, Callan A. Visual and auditory stimuli associated with swallowing: an fMRI study. Bull Tokyo Dent Coll. 2009;50(4):169-81.

17 Babaei A, Kern M, Antonik S, Mepani R, Ward BD, Li SJ et al. Enhancing effects of flavored nutritive stimuli on cortical swallowing network activity. Am J Physiol Gastrointest Liver Physiol. 2010;299(2):G422-9.

18 Peck KK, Branski RC, Lazarus C, Cody V, Kraus D, Haupage S et al. Cortical activation during swallowing rehabilitation maneuvers: a functional MRI study of healthy controls. Laringoscope. 2010;120(11):2153-9.

19 Lowell SY, Poletto CH, Knorr-Chung BR, Reynolds RC, Simonyan K, Ludlow CL. Sensory stimulation activates both motor and sensory componentes of the swallowing system. Neuroimage. 2008;42(1):285-95.
-2020 Paine TL, Conway CA, Malandraki GA, Sutton BP. Simultaneous dynamic and functional MRI scanning (simulscan) of natural swallows. Magn Reson Med. 2011;65(5):1247-52.
,2222 Lowell SY, Reynolds RC, Chen G, Horwitz B, Ludlow CL. Functional connectivity and laterality of the motor and sensory componentes in the volitional swallowing network. Exp Brain Res. 2012;219(1):85-96.
,2323 Babaei A, Ward D, Ahamad S, Patel A, Nencka A, Li SJ et al. Reproducibility of swallow-induced cortical BOLD positive and negativa fMRI activity. Am J Physiol Gastrointest Liver Physiol. 2012;303(5):G600-9.
,2626 Humbert IA, Fitzgeral ME, McLaren DG, Johnson S, Porcaro E, Kosmatka K et al. Neurophysiology of swallowing: effects of age and bolus type. Neuroimage. 2011;44(3):982-91.
,2929 Humbert IA, McLaren DG, Kosmatka K, Fitzgerald M, Johnson S, Porcaro E et al. Early deficits in cortical control of swallowing in Alzheimer’s disease. J Alzheimers Dis. 2010;19(4):1185-97.

30 Li S, Chen Q, Yu B, Xue K, Luo C, Xu Y et al. Structural and functional changes mapped in the brains of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis patients with/without dysphagia: a pilot study. Amyothroph Lateral Scler. 2009;10(5-6):280-7.

31 Humbert IA, Mclaren DG, Malandraki GM, Johnson SC, Robbins J. Swallowing intentional off-state in aging and Alzheimer’s disease: preliminar study. J Alzheimers Dis. 2011;26(2):347-54.
-3232 Li S, Luo C, Yu B, Yan B, Gong Q, He Q et al. Functional magnetic resonance imaging study on dysphagia after unilateral hemispheric stroke: a preliminar study. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry. 2013;80(12):1320-9.
), water(55 Malandraki GA, Johnson S, Robbins J. Functional MRI of swallowing: from neurophysiology to neuroplasticity. Head Neck. 2011;33 Suppl 1:S14-20.
,1111 Shibamoto I, Tanaka T, Fujishima I, Katagiri, Uematsu H. Cortical activation during solid bolus swallowing. J Med Dent Sci. 2007;54(1):25-30.,1212 Kami NY, Goto TK, Tokumori K, Yoshiura T, Kobayashi K, Nakamura Y et al. The development of a novel automated taste stimulus delivery system for fMRI studies on the human cortical segregation of taste. J Neurosci Methods. 2008;172(1):48-53.
,1717 Babaei A, Kern M, Antonik S, Mepani R, Ward BD, Li SJ et al. Enhancing effects of flavored nutritive stimuli on cortical swallowing network activity. Am J Physiol Gastrointest Liver Physiol. 2010;299(2):G422-9.
,2424 Humbert IA, Joel S. Tactile, gustatory, and visual biofeedback stimuli modulate neural substrates of deglutition. Neuroimage. 2012;59(2):1485-90.

25 Mihai PG, Halbach OVBU, Lotze M. Differentiation of cerebral representation of occlusion and swallowin with fMRI. Am J Physiol Gastrointest Liver Physiol. 2013;304(10):G847-54.
-2626 Humbert IA, Fitzgeral ME, McLaren DG, Johnson S, Porcaro E, Kosmatka K et al. Neurophysiology of swallowing: effects of age and bolus type. Neuroimage. 2011;44(3):982-91.
,2828 Martin R, Barr A, MacIntosh B, Smith R, Stevens T, Taves D et al. Cerebral cortical processing of swallowing in older adults. Exp Brain Res. 2007;176(1):12-22.
,2929 Humbert IA, McLaren DG, Kosmatka K, Fitzgerald M, Johnson S, Porcaro E et al. Early deficits in cortical control of swallowing in Alzheimer’s disease. J Alzheimers Dis. 2010;19(4):1185-97.
,3131 Humbert IA, Mclaren DG, Malandraki GM, Johnson SC, Robbins J. Swallowing intentional off-state in aging and Alzheimer’s disease: preliminar study. J Alzheimers Dis. 2011;26(2):347-54.
), barium(55 Malandraki GA, Johnson S, Robbins J. Functional MRI of swallowing: from neurophysiology to neuroplasticity. Head Neck. 2011;33 Suppl 1:S14-20.
,2626 Humbert IA, Fitzgeral ME, McLaren DG, Johnson S, Porcaro E, Kosmatka K et al. Neurophysiology of swallowing: effects of age and bolus type. Neuroimage. 2011;44(3):982-91.
,2929 Humbert IA, McLaren DG, Kosmatka K, Fitzgerald M, Johnson S, Porcaro E et al. Early deficits in cortical control of swallowing in Alzheimer’s disease. J Alzheimers Dis. 2010;19(4):1185-97.
,3131 Humbert IA, Mclaren DG, Malandraki GM, Johnson SC, Robbins J. Swallowing intentional off-state in aging and Alzheimer’s disease: preliminar study. J Alzheimers Dis. 2011;26(2):347-54.
) swallowing were performed, comparing swallow and not swallow(11 Malandraki GA, Perlman AL, Karampinos DC, Sutton BP. Reduced somatonsensory activations in swallowing with age. Hum Brain Mapp. 2009;32(5):730-43.
,77 Toogood JA, Barr AM, Stevens TK, Gati JS, Menon RS, Martin RE. Discrete functional contribuitions of cerebral cortical foci in voluntary swallowing: a functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) “Go, No Go” study. Exp Brain Res. 2005;161(1):81-90.
,1414 Malandraki GA, Sutton BP, Perlman AL, Karampinos DC, Conway C. Neural activation of swallowing and swallowing-related tasks in healty young adults: an attempt to separate the components of deglutition. Hum Brain Mapp. 2009;30(10):3209-26.
,2727 Malandraki GA, Sutton BP, Perlman AL, Karampinos DC. Age-related differences in laterality of cortical activations in swallowing. Dysphagia. 2010;25(3):238-49.
). Later on, studies began to analyze differences in the cortical areas, responsible for each motor phase, differentiating the role of the structures involved. To this end, electrical stimulation(2424 Humbert IA, Joel S. Tactile, gustatory, and visual biofeedback stimuli modulate neural substrates of deglutition. Neuroimage. 2012;59(2):1485-90.
), swallowing by means of air pulses in the oral cavity(1313 Sörös P, Lalone E, Smith R, Stevens T, Theurer J, Menon RS et al. Funcional MRI of oropharygeal air-pulse stimulation. Neuroscience. 2008;153(4):1300-8.
,3131 Humbert IA, Mclaren DG, Malandraki GM, Johnson SC, Robbins J. Swallowing intentional off-state in aging and Alzheimer’s disease: preliminar study. J Alzheimers Dis. 2011;26(2):347-54.
), gustatory stimulation(1212 Kami NY, Goto TK, Tokumori K, Yoshiura T, Kobayashi K, Nakamura Y et al. The development of a novel automated taste stimulus delivery system for fMRI studies on the human cortical segregation of taste. J Neurosci Methods. 2008;172(1):48-53.
,1717 Babaei A, Kern M, Antonik S, Mepani R, Ward BD, Li SJ et al. Enhancing effects of flavored nutritive stimuli on cortical swallowing network activity. Am J Physiol Gastrointest Liver Physiol. 2010;299(2):G422-9.
,2424 Humbert IA, Joel S. Tactile, gustatory, and visual biofeedback stimuli modulate neural substrates of deglutition. Neuroimage. 2012;59(2):1485-90.
), olfactory(99 Marciani L, Pfeiffer J, Hort J, Head K, Bush D, Taylor AJ et al. Improved methods for fMRI studies of combined taste and aroma stimuli. J Neurosci Methods. 2006;158(2):186-94.
) and stimulation of the esophagus(11 Malandraki GA, Perlman AL, Karampinos DC, Sutton BP. Reduced somatonsensory activations in swallowing with age. Hum Brain Mapp. 2009;32(5):730-43.
,66 Wang K, Duan LP, Zeng XZ, Liu JY, Xu-Chu W. Differences in cerebral response to esophageal acid stimuli and psychological antecipation in GERD subtypes: a fMRI study. BMC Gastroenterol. 2011;11:28.
,1515 Kern M, Chai K, Lawal A, Shaker R. Effect of esophageal acid exposure on the cortical swallowing network in healthy human subjects. Am J Physiol Gastrointest Liver Physiol. 2009;297(1):G1520-8.
) were employed.

In an attempt to assess the representativeness of sensory-motor organs, the authors proposed an examination of cortical responses to movements used in rehabilitation procedures, such as orofacial exercises(11 Malandraki GA, Perlman AL, Karampinos DC, Sutton BP. Reduced somatonsensory activations in swallowing with age. Hum Brain Mapp. 2009;32(5):730-43.
,1414 Malandraki GA, Sutton BP, Perlman AL, Karampinos DC, Conway C. Neural activation of swallowing and swallowing-related tasks in healty young adults: an attempt to separate the components of deglutition. Hum Brain Mapp. 2009;30(10):3209-26.
,2121 Ogura E, Matsuyama M, Goto TK, Nakamura Y, Koyano K. Brain activation during oral exercises used for dysphagia rehabilitation in healthy human subjects: a functional magnetic resonance imaging study. Dysphagia. 2011;27(3):353-60.
,2727 Malandraki GA, Sutton BP, Perlman AL, Karampinos DC. Age-related differences in laterality of cortical activations in swallowing. Dysphagia. 2010;25(3):238-49.
) and maneuvers used in rehabilitation(1818 Peck KK, Branski RC, Lazarus C, Cody V, Kraus D, Haupage S et al. Cortical activation during swallowing rehabilitation maneuvers: a functional MRI study of healthy controls. Laringoscope. 2010;120(11):2153-9.

Even on population with dysphagia, they used swallowing of different types of food, such as water(55 Malandraki GA, Johnson S, Robbins J. Functional MRI of swallowing: from neurophysiology to neuroplasticity. Head Neck. 2011;33 Suppl 1:S14-20.
,2929 Humbert IA, McLaren DG, Kosmatka K, Fitzgerald M, Johnson S, Porcaro E et al. Early deficits in cortical control of swallowing in Alzheimer’s disease. J Alzheimers Dis. 2010;19(4):1185-97.

30 Li S, Chen Q, Yu B, Xue K, Luo C, Xu Y et al. Structural and functional changes mapped in the brains of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis patients with/without dysphagia: a pilot study. Amyothroph Lateral Scler. 2009;10(5-6):280-7.
-3131 Humbert IA, Mclaren DG, Malandraki GM, Johnson SC, Robbins J. Swallowing intentional off-state in aging and Alzheimer’s disease: preliminar study. J Alzheimers Dis. 2011;26(2):347-54.
), barium(55 Malandraki GA, Johnson S, Robbins J. Functional MRI of swallowing: from neurophysiology to neuroplasticity. Head Neck. 2011;33 Suppl 1:S14-20.
,2929 Humbert IA, McLaren DG, Kosmatka K, Fitzgerald M, Johnson S, Porcaro E et al. Early deficits in cortical control of swallowing in Alzheimer’s disease. J Alzheimers Dis. 2010;19(4):1185-97.
,3131 Humbert IA, Mclaren DG, Malandraki GM, Johnson SC, Robbins J. Swallowing intentional off-state in aging and Alzheimer’s disease: preliminar study. J Alzheimers Dis. 2011;26(2):347-54.
) and saliva(55 Malandraki GA, Johnson S, Robbins J. Functional MRI of swallowing: from neurophysiology to neuroplasticity. Head Neck. 2011;33 Suppl 1:S14-20.
,2929 Humbert IA, McLaren DG, Kosmatka K, Fitzgerald M, Johnson S, Porcaro E et al. Early deficits in cortical control of swallowing in Alzheimer’s disease. J Alzheimers Dis. 2010;19(4):1185-97.

30 Li S, Chen Q, Yu B, Xue K, Luo C, Xu Y et al. Structural and functional changes mapped in the brains of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis patients with/without dysphagia: a pilot study. Amyothroph Lateral Scler. 2009;10(5-6):280-7.

31 Humbert IA, Mclaren DG, Malandraki GM, Johnson SC, Robbins J. Swallowing intentional off-state in aging and Alzheimer’s disease: preliminar study. J Alzheimers Dis. 2011;26(2):347-54.
-3232 Li S, Luo C, Yu B, Yan B, Gong Q, He Q et al. Functional magnetic resonance imaging study on dysphagia after unilateral hemispheric stroke: a preliminar study. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry. 2013;80(12):1320-9.
). In the case of food introduction, they were generally administered by positioning a catheter in different portions of the oral treatment, varying in time and food volume administration. Agar-agar seaweed(1010 Paine PA, Hamdy S, Chitnis X, Gregory LJ, Giampietro V, Brammer M et al. Modulation of activity in swallowing motor cortex following esophagel acidification: a functional magnetic resonance imaging study. Dysphagia. 2008;23(2):146-54.
) was used as solid food, for being devoid of flavor, and chewing gum(88 Solstysïk DA, Hyde JS. Strategies for block-design fMRI experiments during task-related motion of structures of the oral cavity. Neuroimage. 2006;29(4):1260-71.
) to evaluate the chewing and swallowing.

Stimulation type and swallowing monitoring

The motivation to study the stimuli used to trigger the swallowing process emerged as a result of competitive activation of stimuli on brain areas. The overlap of the swallowing task with the trigger for its elicitation makes it difficult to determine the areas truly activated during the swallowing act.

Researches show that tasks requiring attention activate a group of cortical regions related to the nature of the task (sensory, motor, cognitive, visual or auditory).

Guidance provided to different groups of surveyed subjects included visual(33 Martin RE, MacIntosh BJ, Smith RC, Barr AM, Stevens TK, Gati JS et al. Cerebral areas processing swallowing and tongue movement are overlapping but distinct: a funcional magnetic resonance imaging study. J Neurophysiol. 2004;92(4):2428-43.
,77 Toogood JA, Barr AM, Stevens TK, Gati JS, Menon RS, Martin RE. Discrete functional contribuitions of cerebral cortical foci in voluntary swallowing: a functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) “Go, No Go” study. Exp Brain Res. 2005;161(1):81-90.
,88 Solstysïk DA, Hyde JS. Strategies for block-design fMRI experiments during task-related motion of structures of the oral cavity. Neuroimage. 2006;29(4):1260-71.
,1010 Paine PA, Hamdy S, Chitnis X, Gregory LJ, Giampietro V, Brammer M et al. Modulation of activity in swallowing motor cortex following esophagel acidification: a functional magnetic resonance imaging study. Dysphagia. 2008;23(2):146-54.
,1414 Malandraki GA, Sutton BP, Perlman AL, Karampinos DC, Conway C. Neural activation of swallowing and swallowing-related tasks in healty young adults: an attempt to separate the components of deglutition. Hum Brain Mapp. 2009;30(10):3209-26.
,1616 Kawai T, Watanabe Y, Tonogi M, Yamane SA, Yoshiaki Y, Callan A. Visual and auditory stimuli associated with swallowing: an fMRI study. Bull Tokyo Dent Coll. 2009;50(4):169-81.

17 Babaei A, Kern M, Antonik S, Mepani R, Ward BD, Li SJ et al. Enhancing effects of flavored nutritive stimuli on cortical swallowing network activity. Am J Physiol Gastrointest Liver Physiol. 2010;299(2):G422-9.

18 Peck KK, Branski RC, Lazarus C, Cody V, Kraus D, Haupage S et al. Cortical activation during swallowing rehabilitation maneuvers: a functional MRI study of healthy controls. Laringoscope. 2010;120(11):2153-9.
-1919 Lowell SY, Poletto CH, Knorr-Chung BR, Reynolds RC, Simonyan K, Ludlow CL. Sensory stimulation activates both motor and sensory componentes of the swallowing system. Neuroimage. 2008;42(1):285-95.
,2323 Babaei A, Ward D, Ahamad S, Patel A, Nencka A, Li SJ et al. Reproducibility of swallow-induced cortical BOLD positive and negativa fMRI activity. Am J Physiol Gastrointest Liver Physiol. 2012;303(5):G600-9.

24 Humbert IA, Joel S. Tactile, gustatory, and visual biofeedback stimuli modulate neural substrates of deglutition. Neuroimage. 2012;59(2):1485-90.

25 Mihai PG, Halbach OVBU, Lotze M. Differentiation of cerebral representation of occlusion and swallowin with fMRI. Am J Physiol Gastrointest Liver Physiol. 2013;304(10):G847-54.

26 Humbert IA, Fitzgeral ME, McLaren DG, Johnson S, Porcaro E, Kosmatka K et al. Neurophysiology of swallowing: effects of age and bolus type. Neuroimage. 2011;44(3):982-91.

27 Malandraki GA, Sutton BP, Perlman AL, Karampinos DC. Age-related differences in laterality of cortical activations in swallowing. Dysphagia. 2010;25(3):238-49.
-2828 Martin R, Barr A, MacIntosh B, Smith R, Stevens T, Taves D et al. Cerebral cortical processing of swallowing in older adults. Exp Brain Res. 2007;176(1):12-22.
,3030 Li S, Chen Q, Yu B, Xue K, Luo C, Xu Y et al. Structural and functional changes mapped in the brains of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis patients with/without dysphagia: a pilot study. Amyothroph Lateral Scler. 2009;10(5-6):280-7.

31 Humbert IA, Mclaren DG, Malandraki GM, Johnson SC, Robbins J. Swallowing intentional off-state in aging and Alzheimer’s disease: preliminar study. J Alzheimers Dis. 2011;26(2):347-54.
-3232 Li S, Luo C, Yu B, Yan B, Gong Q, He Q et al. Functional magnetic resonance imaging study on dysphagia after unilateral hemispheric stroke: a preliminar study. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry. 2013;80(12):1320-9.
), hearing(66 Wang K, Duan LP, Zeng XZ, Liu JY, Xu-Chu W. Differences in cerebral response to esophageal acid stimuli and psychological antecipation in GERD subtypes: a fMRI study. BMC Gastroenterol. 2011;11:28.
,1616 Kawai T, Watanabe Y, Tonogi M, Yamane SA, Yoshiaki Y, Callan A. Visual and auditory stimuli associated with swallowing: an fMRI study. Bull Tokyo Dent Coll. 2009;50(4):169-81.
,2121 Ogura E, Matsuyama M, Goto TK, Nakamura Y, Koyano K. Brain activation during oral exercises used for dysphagia rehabilitation in healthy human subjects: a functional magnetic resonance imaging study. Dysphagia. 2011;27(3):353-60.
,2929 Humbert IA, McLaren DG, Kosmatka K, Fitzgerald M, Johnson S, Porcaro E et al. Early deficits in cortical control of swallowing in Alzheimer’s disease. J Alzheimers Dis. 2010;19(4):1185-97.
) and sensorial clues(55 Malandraki GA, Johnson S, Robbins J. Functional MRI of swallowing: from neurophysiology to neuroplasticity. Head Neck. 2011;33 Suppl 1:S14-20.
,99 Marciani L, Pfeiffer J, Hort J, Head K, Bush D, Taylor AJ et al. Improved methods for fMRI studies of combined taste and aroma stimuli. J Neurosci Methods. 2006;158(2):186-94.
,1111 Shibamoto I, Tanaka T, Fujishima I, Katagiri, Uematsu H. Cortical activation during solid bolus swallowing. J Med Dent Sci. 2007;54(1):25-30.,1313 Sörös P, Lalone E, Smith R, Stevens T, Theurer J, Menon RS et al. Funcional MRI of oropharygeal air-pulse stimulation. Neuroscience. 2008;153(4):1300-8.
,1515 Kern M, Chai K, Lawal A, Shaker R. Effect of esophageal acid exposure on the cortical swallowing network in healthy human subjects. Am J Physiol Gastrointest Liver Physiol. 2009;297(1):G1520-8.
,1717 Babaei A, Kern M, Antonik S, Mepani R, Ward BD, Li SJ et al. Enhancing effects of flavored nutritive stimuli on cortical swallowing network activity. Am J Physiol Gastrointest Liver Physiol. 2010;299(2):G422-9.
,1919 Lowell SY, Poletto CH, Knorr-Chung BR, Reynolds RC, Simonyan K, Ludlow CL. Sensory stimulation activates both motor and sensory componentes of the swallowing system. Neuroimage. 2008;42(1):285-95.
,2424 Humbert IA, Joel S. Tactile, gustatory, and visual biofeedback stimuli modulate neural substrates of deglutition. Neuroimage. 2012;59(2):1485-90.
,2929 Humbert IA, McLaren DG, Kosmatka K, Fitzgerald M, Johnson S, Porcaro E et al. Early deficits in cortical control of swallowing in Alzheimer’s disease. J Alzheimers Dis. 2010;19(4):1185-97.
). In studies examining the food swallowing, its ingestion was the track for the patient to swallow, i.e., the absence of formal statement was a major factor, differentiating it from studies with other types of tasks.

The use of fMRI techniques provides high resolution anatomical images, which can detect human tissue variations (55 Malandraki GA, Johnson S, Robbins J. Functional MRI of swallowing: from neurophysiology to neuroplasticity. Head Neck. 2011;33 Suppl 1:S14-20.
). The biggest advantage of this technique is related to security, for it is a non-invasive method of investigation of the human brain operating processes, capable of detecting relatively small signal changes, with high resolution reliability and location in areas used in the neuronal activity. Furthermore, it allows many brain areas to be analyzed with relative ease(55 Malandraki GA, Johnson S, Robbins J. Functional MRI of swallowing: from neurophysiology to neuroplasticity. Head Neck. 2011;33 Suppl 1:S14-20.

The fMRI disadvantages making the swallowing operation depend on the examined patient positioning, who should be in a supine position during mapping, which means an unfamiliar position, making it difficult to search different food types, beyond saliva. It is assumed that swallowing without food intake, i.e., saliva only, when lying down, occurs in people’s various everyday situations, either asleep, or awake. However, the authors agree that it is doubtful that the neural swallowing activation would vary according to body positioning(33 Martin RE, MacIntosh BJ, Smith RC, Barr AM, Stevens TK, Gati JS et al. Cerebral areas processing swallowing and tongue movement are overlapping but distinct: a funcional magnetic resonance imaging study. J Neurophysiol. 2004;92(4):2428-43.
,1414 Malandraki GA, Sutton BP, Perlman AL, Karampinos DC, Conway C. Neural activation of swallowing and swallowing-related tasks in healty young adults: an attempt to separate the components of deglutition. Hum Brain Mapp. 2009;30(10):3209-26.
,3333 Humbert IA, Robbins J. Normal swallowing and functional magnetic resonance imaging: a systematic review. Dysphagia. 2007;22(3):266-75.
). Other factors that may influence the signal accuracy include the use of medication and its effects on the hemodynamic response of neural excitability, the motion artifacts required for certain motor tasks in assessment and the patient’s degree of relaxation(55 Malandraki GA, Johnson S, Robbins J. Functional MRI of swallowing: from neurophysiology to neuroplasticity. Head Neck. 2011;33 Suppl 1:S14-20.
). It is evident that the swallowing cortical representation involves various related fields, as a network of sequential or simultaneous activation, found in the pre-motor cortex, the sensory-motor, cingulate gyrus and some limbic regions(1414 Malandraki GA, Sutton BP, Perlman AL, Karampinos DC, Conway C. Neural activation of swallowing and swallowing-related tasks in healty young adults: an attempt to separate the components of deglutition. Hum Brain Mapp. 2009;30(10):3209-26.
). Therefore, the clinical findings suggest that there may be the existence of a functioning network for swallowing(33 Martin RE, MacIntosh BJ, Smith RC, Barr AM, Stevens TK, Gati JS et al. Cerebral areas processing swallowing and tongue movement are overlapping but distinct: a funcional magnetic resonance imaging study. J Neurophysiol. 2004;92(4):2428-43.

In an attempt to elucidate the activated locations contributions during swallowing, an experiment using the “swallow, not swallow” paradigm was designed aiming to compare these conditions. The tasks have been previously trained with patients and, for the swallowing task, saliva was used. The experiment was considered satisfactory and the suggested tasks suitable to achieve the proposed objectives(77 Toogood JA, Barr AM, Stevens TK, Gati JS, Menon RS, Martin RE. Discrete functional contribuitions of cerebral cortical foci in voluntary swallowing: a functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) “Go, No Go” study. Exp Brain Res. 2005;161(1):81-90.

The orofacial exercises and tongue, lips and jaw movements have been used in order to monitor the activated cortical areas, serving as a control task for the swallowing analysis(33 Martin RE, MacIntosh BJ, Smith RC, Barr AM, Stevens TK, Gati JS et al. Cerebral areas processing swallowing and tongue movement are overlapping but distinct: a funcional magnetic resonance imaging study. J Neurophysiol. 2004;92(4):2428-43.
,1414 Malandraki GA, Sutton BP, Perlman AL, Karampinos DC, Conway C. Neural activation of swallowing and swallowing-related tasks in healty young adults: an attempt to separate the components of deglutition. Hum Brain Mapp. 2009;30(10):3209-26.
,2121 Ogura E, Matsuyama M, Goto TK, Nakamura Y, Koyano K. Brain activation during oral exercises used for dysphagia rehabilitation in healthy human subjects: a functional magnetic resonance imaging study. Dysphagia. 2011;27(3):353-60.
,2727 Malandraki GA, Sutton BP, Perlman AL, Karampinos DC. Age-related differences in laterality of cortical activations in swallowing. Dysphagia. 2010;25(3):238-49.
). Movements involving the tongue mobility can be used to monitor the activated cortical areas, serving as an important comparative feature between the cortex regions.

The use of short air pulses directed to the posterior oral cavity and the oropharynx, monitored during fMRI, aimed to analyze that region processing during swallowing. The authors argue that the use of this type of stimulation useful for research is effective and well tolerated by the subjects, allowing exploring the oral and oropharyngeal sensory systems, increasing the swallowing frequency(1313 Sörös P, Lalone E, Smith R, Stevens T, Theurer J, Menon RS et al. Funcional MRI of oropharygeal air-pulse stimulation. Neuroscience. 2008;153(4):1300-8.

Cortical regions activated

Current evidence on the cortical regions involved in swallowing have been obtained thanks to fMRI studies results in humans(3434 Miller AJ. The neurobiology of swallowing and dysphagia. Dev Disabil Res Rev. 2008;14(2):77-86.
). Multiple regions of the brain are seen as responsible for this task, however, the functional contributions of each region remain uncertain(33 Martin RE, MacIntosh BJ, Smith RC, Barr AM, Stevens TK, Gati JS et al. Cerebral areas processing swallowing and tongue movement are overlapping but distinct: a funcional magnetic resonance imaging study. J Neurophysiol. 2004;92(4):2428-43.
). Studies suggest that the neuronal activity is located in different cortical regions, including pre-central, post-central gyrus and insula for saliva automatic swallowing, saliva voluntary swallowing and food bolus swallowing(1313 Sörös P, Lalone E, Smith R, Stevens T, Theurer J, Menon RS et al. Funcional MRI of oropharygeal air-pulse stimulation. Neuroscience. 2008;153(4):1300-8.
). Meta-analysis studies show that networks involved in swallowing water and saliva are distributed and partially overlapping in the cerebral cortex(3535 Sörös P, Inamoto Y, Martin R. Functional brain imaging of swallowing: an activation likelihood estimation meta-analysis. Hum Brain Mapp. 2009;30(8):2426-39.

The back of the oral cavity and oropharynx have a decisive role in the swallowing process. The experience of monitoring them concluded that their stimulation can activate a cortical network bilaterally distributed, which overlaps the regions previously involved in the pharynx sensory motor functions, as well as the tongue movement, chewing and swallowing. The direction of the food bolus through the oral cavity is preceded by the oral preparatory stage, which is highly dependent on the sensory motor cortical integration(1313 Sörös P, Lalone E, Smith R, Stevens T, Theurer J, Menon RS et al. Funcional MRI of oropharygeal air-pulse stimulation. Neuroscience. 2008;153(4):1300-8.

In the meta-analysis articles, it is concluded that when swallowing water, there is greater activation in the sensory motor cortex, left parietal lobe and right anterior insula. For saliva swallowing, a higher activation in the left sensory motor cortex, right motor cortex and bilateral cingulate gyrus was found. The comparison between the two tasks revealed evidence of increased participation of cortical areas for water than for saliva swallow, in the inferior parietal lobe, right post-central gyrus and right anterior insula. The higher activation for saliva was found in the supplementary motor area, bilateral anterior cingulate gyrus and bilateral pre-central gyrus, which are crucial to the initiation and control of movement(3434 Miller AJ. The neurobiology of swallowing and dysphagia. Dev Disabil Res Rev. 2008;14(2):77-86.

Combined techniques such as fluoroscopy video and fMRI were used to observe the oropharyngeal motor behaviors, associated with brain regions. Data were obtained through healthy adults’ response analyses, who were passively watching to a movie. The fluoroscopy video use determined the beginning of swallowing and controlled the cortical activation analysis. The results found with fMRI were the activation of regions commonly identified as swallowing network areas. However, differences included the Brodmann activation areas 8 and 41 and precuneus, which may be related to the nature of the additional proposed task, requiring a visual demand(2020 Paine TL, Conway CA, Malandraki GA, Sutton BP. Simultaneous dynamic and functional MRI scanning (simulscan) of natural swallows. Magn Reson Med. 2011;65(5):1247-52.

The cortical activation result in response to auditory and sensory clues was investigated, in order to observe its effects on patients with dysphagia treatment. Through auditory, visual and audiovisual stimuli presentation of swallowing movements the brain areas, activated in healthy adult volunteers, were mapped. For visual stimulation, the primary and pre-motor areas of the right and left hemispheres as well as the pre-frontal area of the left hemisphere were activated. Concerning the auditory stimulus, answers in the supplementary area were observed and for the audiovisual stimulus, the pre-motor areas and prefrontal right and left hemisphere showed positive responses. It is concluded that the brain areas related to swallowing performance and programming were triggered by visual, auditory and audiovisual stimuli provided(1616 Kawai T, Watanabe Y, Tonogi M, Yamane SA, Yoshiaki Y, Callan A. Visual and auditory stimuli associated with swallowing: an fMRI study. Bull Tokyo Dent Coll. 2009;50(4):169-81.

Studies showed no correlation concerning the lateralization aspects of the swallowing function in the cerebral cortex. The preparatory and oral stages have been linked by varying degrees of the bilateral cortical activation(33 Martin RE, MacIntosh BJ, Smith RC, Barr AM, Stevens TK, Gati JS et al. Cerebral areas processing swallowing and tongue movement are overlapping but distinct: a funcional magnetic resonance imaging study. J Neurophysiol. 2004;92(4):2428-43.
,44 Leopold N, Daniels SK. Supranuclear control of swallowing. Dysphagia. 2010;25(3):250-7.
). It was found that for the tongue lifting there is a preferred activation in the left cortex(44 Leopold N, Daniels SK. Supranuclear control of swallowing. Dysphagia. 2010;25(3):250-7.
). It is noted that this lateralization may be related to the dominance of the left hemisphere for language and lingual functions, including those associated to swallowing(44 Leopold N, Daniels SK. Supranuclear control of swallowing. Dysphagia. 2010;25(3):250-7.

The swallow and not swallow skills, tested in an experiment, suggest that pre-central, post-central gyrus and the anterior cingulate gyrus primarily contribute to the act of swallowing. However, contrary to what was expected, there was no difference in the cuneus and precuneus activation in both tasks, suggesting that these regions mediate the input signal of the swallowing process(77 Toogood JA, Barr AM, Stevens TK, Gati JS, Menon RS, Martin RE. Discrete functional contribuitions of cerebral cortical foci in voluntary swallowing: a functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) “Go, No Go” study. Exp Brain Res. 2005;161(1):81-90.

Studies results suggest the occurrence of a bilateral activation in the neuronal extensive network, including pre-central gyrus (primary motor cortex) and multiple activations in the primary sensory motor cortex, supplementary motor cortex, prefrontal cortex, Helsch gyrus, cingulate gyrus, insula, Broca’s area and superior temporal gyrus. The increased activation leads some researchers to suggest that these areas are not specific for swallowing, but indicate the location for related functions with the tongue, larynx, pharynx and face also(55 Malandraki GA, Johnson S, Robbins J. Functional MRI of swallowing: from neurophysiology to neuroplasticity. Head Neck. 2011;33 Suppl 1:S14-20.

Hemispheric representation

The models of cerebral lateralization were analyzed using fMRI, by comparing preparing tasks for swallowing, swallowing, tongue pressure and clearing of oropharyngeal tract. The study included 10 young and 9 elderly people. The results showed that the hemispheric lateralization was more frequent in the young group for swallowing and planning and that the elderly people tended to combine laterality during swallowing and clearing the oropharynx(2727 Malandraki GA, Sutton BP, Perlman AL, Karampinos DC. Age-related differences in laterality of cortical activations in swallowing. Dysphagia. 2010;25(3):238-49.

Depending on each investigation’s context, the swallowing lateralization may show different fMRI results. Comparing the cortical activation results, measuring water and saliva, it was concluded that there was initiation of the cortical activity, primarily in the right hemisphere for water and bilateral for saliva(44 Leopold N, Daniels SK. Supranuclear control of swallowing. Dysphagia. 2010;25(3):250-7.

It is noteworthy that the cortex primary sensory and motor areas are constantly driven in healthy adult subjects. Other activated areas also include the cingulate cortex and the insular cortex. When comparing saliva swallowing and the tongue lifting movements, it was found that approximately 60% of the subjects showed strong lateralization in post-central gyros for the left hemisphere, during the swallowing task. In 40% of the subjects, there was an activation similar to the language elevation, showing that there is no equivalence between the sensory motor oral cortex in different hemispheres, representing a non equivalent functionality in the above mentioned tasks. Regarding the type of task requested, the study found that the activated regions for swallowing and the language movements are the same, being consistent with the pericentral lateral cortex, the front-parietal operculum and the anterior cingulate cortex, showing higher activation in the tongue mobility than for the swallowing task(33 Martin RE, MacIntosh BJ, Smith RC, Barr AM, Stevens TK, Gati JS et al. Cerebral areas processing swallowing and tongue movement are overlapping but distinct: a funcional magnetic resonance imaging study. J Neurophysiol. 2004;92(4):2428-43.

Oral exercises have been widely used in the rehabilitation of patients with dysphagia, as it is believed that they affect nerve centers in various ways. Therefore, in a study analyzing the brain activity of eight healthy adults, performing labial contraction exercises, stretching lip, tongue protrusion, lateral movements of the tongue and roll a ball in the oral cavity, it was found that many regions increased their brain activity. The regions commonly activated during the lips and tongue exercises include the pre-central gyrus and cerebellum. The rolling the ball in the oral cavity activation activity was longer, compared with the other three exercises(2121 Ogura E, Matsuyama M, Goto TK, Nakamura Y, Koyano K. Brain activation during oral exercises used for dysphagia rehabilitation in healthy human subjects: a functional magnetic resonance imaging study. Dysphagia. 2011;27(3):353-60.

The current trend in neuroimaging studies is to analyze the relationship between the cerebral cortex and sub-cortical regions, responsible for the swallowing task, in its different phases. The normal subjects fMRI during saliva swallowing and the tongue elevation showed that motor responses activate the pericentral lateral cortex, the anterior parietal cortex and the supplemental motor area adjacent, suggesting that these regions may serve both functions. However, the tongue elevation activates a larger volume of cortex than saliva(3333 Humbert IA, Robbins J. Normal swallowing and functional magnetic resonance imaging: a systematic review. Dysphagia. 2007;22(3):266-75.

To view the cortical activation of all swallowing stages, it was proposed to 10 healthy volunteers, responding to a visual stimulus, to perform the following movements: swallow, prepare to swallow, raise the tongue and throat clearing randomly. These movements were helpful to identify the neural location of various swallowing components. The more activated areas during the throat clearing, when compared to other tasks, were the posterior insula and small portions of the pre-central gyrus and post-central, bilaterally. The tongue elevation showed high activation in the pre-motor cortex portions, the primary sensory motor cortex and parietal lobes. Planning swallowing did not show greater activation of any particular region. When swallowing was compared to other tasks, there were more significant activation in the cerebellum, the thalamus, the cingulate gyrus and in all areas of the sensory motor cortex, bilaterally(1414 Malandraki GA, Sutton BP, Perlman AL, Karampinos DC, Conway C. Neural activation of swallowing and swallowing-related tasks in healty young adults: an attempt to separate the components of deglutition. Hum Brain Mapp. 2009;30(10):3209-26.


Study of cortical representation in subjects with dysphagia

Studies on the neurophysiology of swallowing after neurological injuries can provide information on the brain operating implications, identifying the swallowing cortical representation(22 Michou E, Hamdy S. Cortical input in control of swallowing. Curr Opin Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg. 2009;17(3):166-71.
). For speech therapy, these studies are important for the understanding of normal and pathological physiology, to the implications for rehabilitation. The motor aspects and sensory implications compose a set of monitored skills, due to its importance on the rehabilitation procedures(22 Michou E, Hamdy S. Cortical input in control of swallowing. Curr Opin Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg. 2009;17(3):166-71.

One study analyzing a eight weeks pre-treatment and post-treatment of a dysphagic patient with fMRI swallowing barium, water and saliva showed increased activation in the contralateral lesion, indicating plasticity related to treatment. To confirm these findings, muscle and dietary conditions were also considered, highlighting the patient food benefits(55 Malandraki GA, Johnson S, Robbins J. Functional MRI of swallowing: from neurophysiology to neuroplasticity. Head Neck. 2011;33 Suppl 1:S14-20.

There is evidence of changes in swallowing cortical activation networks in healthy adults and patients with Alzheimer’s disease (AD). In a study aiming to analyze swallowing through saliva, water and barium use, the control group subjects - healthy adults - showed higher cortical activation in the swallowing network than the group with AD, for water and saliva swallowing. There was great activation of the insula and operculum for the experimental group, in agreement with previous studies showing that these areas are activated with the swallowing onset. Patients need to make additional efforts to “bind” the swallowing centers, putting the function in a conscious alertness(3131 Humbert IA, Mclaren DG, Malandraki GM, Johnson SC, Robbins J. Swallowing intentional off-state in aging and Alzheimer’s disease: preliminar study. J Alzheimers Dis. 2011;26(2):347-54.
). The study highlights that there is a preclinical condition of dysphagia in patients with this pathology, and therefore patients should be carefully evaluated(3131 Humbert IA, Mclaren DG, Malandraki GM, Johnson SC, Robbins J. Swallowing intentional off-state in aging and Alzheimer’s disease: preliminar study. J Alzheimers Dis. 2011;26(2):347-54.

The comparison between subjects diagnosed with neurogenic dysphagia post stroke was performed using the saliva swallowing task during the fMRI procedure. The results showed activation opposite to the lesion, in areas related to swallowing, i.e., patients with lesions on the right hemisphere showed great activation on the left hemisphere and vice versa for patients with injury on the left side. These findings enable the analysis of cortical adaptation phenomenon of the neurological damage process(3232 Li S, Luo C, Yu B, Yan B, Gong Q, He Q et al. Functional magnetic resonance imaging study on dysphagia after unilateral hemispheric stroke: a preliminar study. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry. 2013;80(12):1320-9.

Similarly to the previous study, patients with Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS), with and without dysphagia, were compared to healthy individuals. Results concluded that the non dysphagia group had neurophysiologic responses similar to the control group. However, dysphagic patients showed reduced signal, specifically in the primary motor sensory cortex(3030 Li S, Chen Q, Yu B, Xue K, Luo C, Xu Y et al. Structural and functional changes mapped in the brains of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis patients with/without dysphagia: a pilot study. Amyothroph Lateral Scler. 2009;10(5-6):280-7.

The implications on neuroplasticity are particularly important in speech rehabilitation processes. In a case study with a dysphagic patient, the neural activation was compared for barium, saliva and water swallowing. The authors state that results should be analyzed with caution, but point out that, in neurofunctional post-treatment evaluations, more areas in both hemispheres, ipsilaterally and opposite to the lesion were activated(55 Malandraki GA, Johnson S, Robbins J. Functional MRI of swallowing: from neurophysiology to neuroplasticity. Head Neck. 2011;33 Suppl 1:S14-20.

Studies with fMRI in populations of dysphagic patients have limited use in determining results due to difficulties related to patient’s positioning, postural changes during the exam and its duration. However, these studies may have important information on adaptations of the brain in neurological damage in acute or chronic disease’s phase(55 Malandraki GA, Johnson S, Robbins J. Functional MRI of swallowing: from neurophysiology to neuroplasticity. Head Neck. 2011;33 Suppl 1:S14-20.

In studies with dysphagic patients, it is still necessary to analyze the characteristics of neurological damages, such as location, size, etc. In neurodegenerative diseases, implications as the pathology diagnosis time, the intensity of symptoms and treatments provided to the patient may also produce variants to be studied.

The rehabilitation processes variables, such as time, intensity and treatment characteristics need to be carefully controlled, so that data can be generalized.

Study of aging and the swallowing cortical representation

It is reported that extra cortical activation is found in elderly, when compared to young adults, in swallowing the same type of bolus and it is believed that this difference may be related to the first group increased effort needed(55 Malandraki GA, Johnson S, Robbins J. Functional MRI of swallowing: from neurophysiology to neuroplasticity. Head Neck. 2011;33 Suppl 1:S14-20.
). This activation increase was found in somatosensorial areas in both cerebral hemispheres and may be due to inaccuracy in swallowing, according to age. The effects on the swallowing physiology have been shown in all phases, but specifically the increase of the oral phase and the reduced pharyngeal sensitivity lead to difficulties in the swallowing reflex trigger(11 Malandraki GA, Perlman AL, Karampinos DC, Sutton BP. Reduced somatonsensory activations in swallowing with age. Hum Brain Mapp. 2009;32(5):730-43.
,55 Malandraki GA, Johnson S, Robbins J. Functional MRI of swallowing: from neurophysiology to neuroplasticity. Head Neck. 2011;33 Suppl 1:S14-20.
). Moreover, it is noted that the areas involved in the sensory processing, sensory integration and motor coordination, show limited cortical activity in elderly patients(33 Martin RE, MacIntosh BJ, Smith RC, Barr AM, Stevens TK, Gati JS et al. Cerebral areas processing swallowing and tongue movement are overlapping but distinct: a funcional magnetic resonance imaging study. J Neurophysiol. 2004;92(4):2428-43.

Physiological changes in the functional behavior of the elderly swallowing are described in literature. Through water and saliva swallowing, the activation trigger of multiple cortical regions was found, including anterior cingulate cortex, perisylvian and pericentral lateral. The activation of the post-central gyrus was lateralized to the left hemisphere in swallowing of the two comparative situations. The activation relationship between saliva and water swallowing showed a fourfold increased volume for water related to saliva, particularly in the right hemisphere of the pre-motor and prefrontal cortex. This finding may suggest a compensatory response in water demand, compared to saliva, due to the sensory motor functional abilities decline related to age(2828 Martin R, Barr A, MacIntosh B, Smith R, Stevens T, Taves D et al. Cerebral cortical processing of swallowing in older adults. Exp Brain Res. 2007;176(1):12-22.

Comparing healthy adults and elderly in saliva, water and barium swallowing, through video-fluoroscopic and fMRI analyses, we found increased brain activity in elderly cortex regions, indicating they required greater effort to swallow. This factor may be related to the increased need of the sphincter response to swallow different bolus types and also an additional effort in memorizing tasks inherent to these procedures. The barium swallowing recruited more regions and saliva swallowing an increased number of activated areas, with non associated specific functions for this function, bilaterally(2626 Humbert IA, Fitzgeral ME, McLaren DG, Johnson S, Porcaro E, Kosmatka K et al. Neurophysiology of swallowing: effects of age and bolus type. Neuroimage. 2011;44(3):982-91.

In patients with Alzheimer’s disease at an early stage, the mapping of cortical areas responsible for swallowing demonstrated less activation of regions traditionally identified as constituents of a working network. This also occurs in areas commonly affected by the disease typical clinical picture. Therefore, authors point out that investigation with functional neuroimaging means showed that swallowing includes regularly cortical cognitive areas(2929 Humbert IA, McLaren DG, Kosmatka K, Fitzgerald M, Johnson S, Porcaro E et al. Early deficits in cortical control of swallowing in Alzheimer’s disease. J Alzheimers Dis. 2010;19(4):1185-97.

The effects and results found in the analysis of the selected studies are related to the ability to objectively measure the changes undergone in the cortical tissue and therefore, generalize this information to the rehabilitation process.

Different paradigms have been used by researchers and applied in different population groups and, just recently, research models have been applied in dysphagic patients. It is difficult to generalize the results obtained in researches, due to the variability of tasks and stimuli used that generate activation of non specific areas to swallowing, however related to the received stimulus. The establishment of guidelines for fMRI studies is suggested, in order to standardize and classify applied protocols, facilitating the comparison with similar studies.


The study of swallowing neurophysiology is a valuable method for understanding the normal and pathological physiology, which can contribute to the rehabilitation techniques innovation. Despite differences in paradigms used in the studies, it appears that the activated areas during swallowing are not specific, i.e., the swallowing cortical representation seems to be multifocal and overlapped to the motor areas responsible for controlling the oral motor gestures.

Therefore, an extensive field of research opens up in the swallowing neurophysiology and its rehabilitation, when the typical physiological mechanisms are understood, in aging and disease.


  • 1
    Malandraki GA, Perlman AL, Karampinos DC, Sutton BP. Reduced somatonsensory activations in swallowing with age. Hum Brain Mapp. 2009;32(5):730-43.
  • 2
    Michou E, Hamdy S. Cortical input in control of swallowing. Curr Opin Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg. 2009;17(3):166-71.
  • 3
    Martin RE, MacIntosh BJ, Smith RC, Barr AM, Stevens TK, Gati JS et al. Cerebral areas processing swallowing and tongue movement are overlapping but distinct: a funcional magnetic resonance imaging study. J Neurophysiol. 2004;92(4):2428-43.
  • 4
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  • Work developed at the Universidade de Passo Fundo – UPF – Passo Fundo (RS), Brazil.
  • Erratum

    In the article Functional magnetic resonance imaging and swallowing: systematic review, doi number, published in journal Audiology – Communication Research, 20(2):167-74, page 167:
    Which read:
    “Ana Carolina Batezzini”
    “Ana Carolina Battezini”

Publication Dates

  • Publication in this collection
    Apr-Jun 2015


  • Received
    9 Sept 2014
  • Accepted
    25 May 2015
Academia Brasileira de Audiologia Rua Itapeva, 202, conjunto 61, CEP 01332-000, Tel.: (11) 3253-8711 - São Paulo - SP - Brazil