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Fluency in primary progressive aphasia - logopenic variant


This research is a case report which aims to perform a longitudinal analysis of fluency of a subject with Primary Progressive Aphasia (PPA), Logopenic variant. The method of analysis was based on seven speech therapy sessions of a 61-year-old patient diagnosed with PPA. The data was analyzed qualitatively in light of Enunciative-Discursive Neurolinguistics. The results showed that the patient has the logopenic variant of PPA, with the following characteristics: preservation of speech grammar structure, preserved comprehension of single words and phrases during conversation in dialogical interaction. Speech flow difficulties were marked by occurrences of repetitions of longer and more unusual words, phonological paraphasias, non-fluent pauses and anomies. The analysis also pointed to a progression of symptoms, with increasing number of repetitions of different forms of occurrence. These modifications suggest an inversely proportional relationship between oral fluency and disease progression in which speech flow tends to decay. This scenario is relevant for subjects' language because it influences their social interaction, i.e., the less fluent their speech, the more affected they are as speakers.

Aphasia; Primary progressive aphasia-logopenic; Language; Neurolinguistic; Neuropschology

Esta pesquisa é um estudo de caso que tem como objetivo analisar, longitudinalmente, a fluência de um sujeito com Afasia Progressiva Primária (APP) Logopênica. O método de análise baseou-se em sete sessões de atendimento fonoaudiológico de uma paciente com 61 anos de idade, diagnosticada com APP. Os dados foram analisados de forma qualitativa, a partir da Neurolinguística Enunciativo-Discursiva. Os resultados sugerem que a paciente apresentava a variante Logopênica da APP, com as seguintes características: fala com estrutura gramatical reservada, manutenção da compreensão de palavras isoladas e de frases preservadas, durante a conversação na interação dialógica. As dificuldades de fluência referiram-se às ocorrências de repetição em palavras longas e menos cotidianas, parafasias fonológicas, pausas disfluentes e anomia. A análise também apontou modificação progressiva nos sintomas, com aumento do número de repetições e alteração de sua forma de ocorrência. Essas modificações parecem indicar uma relação inversamente proporcional entre fluência de fala e avanço da doença, em que a fluência tende à deterioração. Esse cenário assume aspecto relevante na linguagem do sujeito na medida em que influencia na sua interação e papel social, ou seja, quanto menos fluente é o discurso, mais essa condição afeta sua posição de falante.

Afasia; Afasia progressiva primária logopênica; Linguagem; Neurolinguística; Neuropsicologia


Primary Progressive Aphasia (PPA) is characterized by progressive deterioration of language through gradual atrophy, which can remain isolated from language for up to ten years(1. Mesulam MM. Primary progressive afasia: A dementia of the language network. Dement Neuropsychol. 2013;7(1):2-9.). PPA is considered part of a group of rare neurodegenerative diseases, including frontotemporal dementia that appears in individuals aged between 45 and 70. Although Progressive Aphasia subtypes were described more than 100 years ago, in the cases studied by Pick, Sérieux, Dejerine, Franceschi, and Rosenfeld(1. Mesulam MM. Primary progressive afasia: A dementia of the language network. Dement Neuropsychol. 2013;7(1):2-9.,2. Baumann T, Tolnay M, Monschc A. Aphasie primaire progressive: mémoire sans parole. Forum Med Suisse. 2009;9(37):646-50.), it was not until the 1980s that more systematic studies started being conducted on the subject.

In 1982, neurologist Mesulan was one of the pioneers that researched the phenomenon. He described six early cases of PPA(3. Mesulam MM. Slowly progressive aphasia without generalized dementia. Ann Neurol. 1982;11(6):592-8. doi:10.1002/ana.410110607.), and highlighted the initial presence of language change in the clinical picture, with absence of global cognitive impairment signals (i.e., dementia). The modern description of PPA(4. Espert E, Gadea M, Villalba A. Afasia progresiva primaria: 20 anos de história (1982-2002). In: II Internacional Congress of Neuropsychology in the Internet; 2003. [Acesso em: 30 maio 2014]. Disponível em:
)as a clinical entity, apart from degenerative dementias, aroused debate in the literature about its legitimacy as a distinct syndrome. Thus, because of its progressive nature and similarities with other dementia diseases at an early stage, there is a recurrence of the use of the term "dementia process" in its definition(4. Espert E, Gadea M, Villalba A. Afasia progresiva primaria: 20 anos de história (1982-2002). In: II Internacional Congress of Neuropsychology in the Internet; 2003. [Acesso em: 30 maio 2014]. Disponível em:

There is no consensus in the literature regarding the classification of PPA syndromes or subtypes(5. Senaha ML, Caramelli P, Brucki SM, Smid J, Takada LT, Porto CS et al. Primary progressive afasia: classification of variants in 100 consecutive Brazilian cases. Dement Neuropsychol. 2013;7(1):110-21.). However, there are four major variants: Agrammatic Primary Progressive Aphasia (PPA-A), Semantic Primary Progressive Aphasia (PPA-S), Mixed Primary Progressive Aphasia (PPA-M) and Logopenic Primary Progressive Aphasia (PPA-L). PPA-L, the subject of the present study, is associated with damage in the first few convolutions of the left temporal lobe and, therefore, among the aforementioned variants, it is the most frequently associated with Alzheimer's Disease (AD), because they both have similar symptoms.

Inaccurate distinction between PPA and AD leads to up to 15% of errors in diagnosis as a result of low frequency of cases and aetiological ambiguity between the two diseases(4. Espert E, Gadea M, Villalba A. Afasia progresiva primaria: 20 anos de história (1982-2002). In: II Internacional Congress of Neuropsychology in the Internet; 2003. [Acesso em: 30 maio 2014]. Disponível em:
). This is due to the fact that the clinical pictures of both PPA and Alzheimer's Disease are difficult to define at their early stages(6. Antunes EB, Bruna L, Jessica R, Helena N, Sara C, Sara S. Afasia progressiva primária e variantes. Rev Fac Ciências Saúde. 2010;(7): 282-93.). However, the diseases can be distinguished when neural aspects and endophenotypes between AD and PPA-L are compared(7. Leyton C, Hodges JR. Towards a clearer definition of logopenic progressive aphasia. Curr Neurol Neurosci Rep. 2013;13(11):1-7. doi:10.1007/s11910-013-0396-6.).

Speech fluency is usually identified as one of the facilitating factors for differentiation between PPA and dementias when the former is investigated(6. Antunes EB, Bruna L, Jessica R, Helena N, Sara C, Sara S. Afasia progressiva primária e variantes. Rev Fac Ciências Saúde. 2010;(7): 282-93.). In PPA-L, both grammar and comprehension remain relatively preserved. However, the speech of subjects with PPA-L is marked by constant hesitation, long anomic pauses, pathological repetition of sentences(4. Espert E, Gadea M, Villalba A. Afasia progresiva primaria: 20 anos de história (1982-2002). In: II Internacional Congress of Neuropsychology in the Internet; 2003. [Acesso em: 30 maio 2014]. Disponível em:
) and difficulties in phonological choices(2. Baumann T, Tolnay M, Monschc A. Aphasie primaire progressive: mémoire sans parole. Forum Med Suisse. 2009;9(37):646-50.). Phonological difficulties, i.e., the effort assigned to lexical access and the inability for sentence repetition, appear to be the result of damage to the left posterior temporal gyrus, or more specifically, a thinning of this area, which is characteristic of the syndrome(7. Leyton C, Hodges JR. Towards a clearer definition of logopenic progressive aphasia. Curr Neurol Neurosci Rep. 2013;13(11):1-7. doi:10.1007/s11910-013-0396-6.).

It should be noted that speech flow is understood, in such cases, as the result of production of words per minute. In this sense, the pursuit of speed and lexical access were relevant for classifying PPA variants; PPA-A is also referred to as Non-Fluent PPA (NFPPA) and PPA-S, as Fluent PPA (FPPA). In other words, vocabulary production per minutes (understood as speech flow) is consistently low in the logopenic and grammatic subtypes and high or excessive in the semantic subtype, with object naming as possibly the most significant difficulty in neuropsychological testing(4. Espert E, Gadea M, Villalba A. Afasia progresiva primaria: 20 anos de história (1982-2002). In: II Internacional Congress of Neuropsychology in the Internet; 2003. [Acesso em: 30 maio 2014]. Disponível em:
). Although the logopenic subtype is not characterized as FPPA, it can be seen that speech flow, considered from a discourse perspective, is one of the relevant factors to the diagnosis of the variant, since the speech of patients with PPA-L is marked by hesitations and pauses that interrupt "the flow of conversation and give their speech a nonfluent quality"(7. Leyton C, Hodges JR. Towards a clearer definition of logopenic progressive aphasia. Curr Neurol Neurosci Rep. 2013;13(11):1-7. doi:10.1007/s11910-013-0396-6.). Longitudinal studies(8. Gorno-Tempini ML, Hillis AE, Weintraub S, Kertesz A, Mendez M, Cappa SF et al. Classification of primary progressive aphasia and its variants. Neurology. 2011;76(11):1006-14. doi:10.1212/WNL.0b013e31821103e6.), especially on the logopenic variant of PPA, can shed light on disease progression.

Speech flow, therefore, is an important aspect of language for the characterization and diagnosis of PPA, and it has been understood quantitatively, with a focus on production. There are no studies analyzing fluency in PPA from a dialogical perspective and with a qualitative approach. Therefore, this study, conducted from the perspective of enunciative-discursive neurolinguistics(9. Coudry MIH, Freire FMP, Andrade MLF, Silva MA. Caminhos da neurolinguística discursiva: teorização e práticas com a linguagem. Campinas: Mercado das Letras; 2010.), can bring theoretical contributions to the field, as this theory favors the analysis of the speech of subjects in meaningful contexts of production, as well as their work on language. Thus, the aim of this study was to make a longitudinal analysis of speech flow of a subject with PPA-L.


This study deals with the qualitative and longitudinal analysis of Roberta's case (not her real name), a retired 61-year-old accounting clerk, who completed vocational secondary education. Roberta was initially diagnosed with Alzheimer's Disease (AD) in 2011, and she was diagnosed with PPA only in March 2012. The patient complains of difficulty in articulating speech and trouble in finding words.

The results of clinical MRI (03/03/2011), EEG (06/07/2011) and SPECT (26/09/2011), indicated, respectively: (1) "small image with low signal intensity on T2, juxtacortical lesion in the middle frontal gyrus on the right, related to calcification or chronic hemosiderin deposit"; (2) "irregularities and disorganization of the base rate, with mixed pattern of frequencies and wide variability in the amplitude modulated by theta activity, reactive to eye opening and closing. Hyperventilation caused nonspecific, slow bilateral response"; (3) "severe hypoperfusion in the anterior projection of the left temporal lobe and moderate hypoperfusion in the middle third and posterior projections, ipsilaterally; mild hypoperfusion in the projection of the left occipital cortex."

Transversal data collection was performed between March 2012 and March 2014 and took place at the University Hospital (UH) of a federal university in Brazil. The episodes reported in this study were recorded in clinical speech therapy sessions, conducted from the perspective of Enunciative-Discursive Neurolinguistics. The data, which comprise four episodes of reading and three episodes of spontaneous speech, were transcribed and analyzed qualitatively. However, they show frequency of occurrence of events. Data were transcribed by following these conventions(1010 . Marcuschi L. Análise da conversação. 5a ed. São Paulo: Ática; 2003.): (( )) for insertion of researcher's comments; + for marking every 0.5 pause; ( ) to inform the length of pauses longer than 1.5s; ----for syllabication; : for marking vowel stretching and" for marking interrogation.

This study was approved by the Research Ethics Committee of theUniversidade Federal de Santa Catarina (UFSC), technical report no. 21084913.6.0000.012. Both the patient and her guardian signed an informed consent form.


Data 1: Episode 1R (4/5/2012). Context: Roberta read aloud a magazine headline (Isto é magazine).

Data 2: Episode 2R (9/20/2012) (5 months later). Context: Reading aloud a news story about wine.

Data 3: Episode 3L (11/13/2013) – (1 year and 7 months later). Context: Reading aloud the story "The Princess and the Frog."

Data 4: Episode 4L (3/15/2014) (2 years later). Context: Reading informational text "The water in the world."

Spontaneous speech

Data 5: Episode 1S (4/5/2012). Context: Talk about the headline she read, referring to the stress that children suffer from overload of activities.

Data 6: Episode 2S (11/13/2013) (1 year and 7 months later). Context: Spontaneous conversation with the therapist, after a period of absence in the clinic. R tells how she feels at the moment.

Data 7: Episode 2S (3/15/2014) (2 years later). Context: Spontaneous conversation.


By analyzing the four episodes of the reading task, it could be seen that Roberta's reading was marked by repetitions and syllabifications, which, while not predictable as to their occurrence, were somewhat systematic. By analyzing the repetitions in more detail, it is clear that they are frequent disfluencies in reading and they had the following characteristics(1111 . Ribeiro DC. Afasia progressiva primária: um estudo de caso [trabalho de conclusão de curso] Florianópolis: Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina; 2014.): a) Word fragments such as "fol follow" (episode 1R T1), "re release", "fa (+) fat" (episode 2R , T8), "contem (+) contemplating", "na nature", "hand handsome" (episode 3R, T2), "al also", "bout about" "mi (3.0) minor" (episode 4R T2), among others; b) Whole words such as "modern(+) modern" (episode1R, T1), "wonderful (+) wonderful", "was was", "build (+) build" (episode 3R, T2), "are are "(episode 4R, T2), among others; c) Utterances like "says chemist says chemist" (episode 2R , T8), "she came across (+) she came across," "wash my (+) wash my" (episode 3R , T2), "well-be (+) well-being" (episode 4R, T2), among others.

The repetition word fragments and whole words were the most frequent, with increasing occurrence during the course of the syndrome (Figure 1). These two types of repetition are directly proportional to the length of PPA, that is, the more advanced the syndrome, the higher the occurrence of this disfluency.

Figure 1
Type of repetition in word

Roberta's reading rate remained unchanged during data collection, but her reading rate was perceived as slower in episodes 3 and 4 than in previous episodes. There were several pauses in all episodes.

It was found also that while dysfluency in complex and/or irregular words or utterances with complex and/or irregular words accounted for more than 50% of disfluency occurrences in 2012, this figure did not amount to even 20% in 2014 (Figure 2).

Figure 2
Type of repeated word

As for phonological aspects, it was observed that the repetitions occurred before anterior phonemes (+anterior), especially in +consonant, voiced phonemes (Figure 3). In this sense, Roberta tended to have greater difficulty in producing phonemes with these features. Therefore, as can be seen later in the spontaneous speech tasks, occurrences of paraphasias also tended to occur before that phonological context.

Figure 3
Phonological context of repetition

Roberta had intelligible speech in spontaneous speech tasks, which is indicative that her oral language was still preserved. She accurately reported her granddaughter's activities and showed very fluent speech in episode 5. In episodes 6 and 7, unlike episode 5, Roberta showed difficulties in maintaining speech flow. For this reason, she made longer pauses and repetitions, so that she could produce her utterance. Except for the repetition of word fragments, such as in "ha have" in episode 6, T5, Roberta's disfluencies, including pauses, do not seem to be related to a specific type of word, but they proved to be more related to an enunciative functionality, as language strategies. The literature has categorized these aspects as prospective and retrospective repairs, which show speakers' effort in the development of what will be said(1212 . Barbosa BT. O fenômeno do reparo na fala. Veredas. 1999;4(1):91-109.): prospective repairs for failed memory (anomie), with pauses, as in "(3.0) ::: she bought (+) bought a machine to (+) shock shocks (+); retrospective repair for correction of paraphasias, as in "no, I'm not talking (2.0) I'm not having it"; "swif swee switch the words". It was noted that in order to maintain fluency, Roberta relied on the utterance of her interlocutor so that she could develop her own utterance (episode 7S, turns 17-18): (IV: and it's hard? R: uh-huh it's difficult); she sometimes resorts to her interlocutor.

Another observation from a qualitative point of view, which seems to point to a worsened clinical picture, are changes in repetitions. Unlike in 2012 and 2013, in 2014 Roberta started to repeat the same word fragment more often, whole word and part of the utterance, for example, "acti acti acti activities", "bra bru (+) bru brush", "liqui liqui liquids", "clim clim climate", "on on on" and "when we drink (+) when (+) when we drink" (episode 4R, T1). It was observed that disfluency occurred both in regular words and in complex and irregular words. However, the occurrence of disfluency in utterances with complex and/or irregular words were most significant in the first episodes, accounting for more than 50% of disfluency instances.

Qualitative analysis of Roberta's reading skills and spontaneous and dialogical speech revealed characteristics of PPA-L at the early stages of the disease(4. Espert E, Gadea M, Villalba A. Afasia progresiva primaria: 20 anos de história (1982-2002). In: II Internacional Congress of Neuropsychology in the Internet; 2003. [Acesso em: 30 maio 2014]. Disponível em:
). In addition to the lesion found by MRI, which matches the location described in the literature - damage to the angular gyrus and the first left temporal convolutions(1313 . Assal F, Paquier CR. L'aphasie (primaire) progressive: un diagnostic simple ou complexe? Schweiz Arch Neurol Psychiatr. 2009;160(7):275-9.) - Roberta's speech showed preserved grammatical structure, preserved comprehension of individual words and preserved phrases, during conversation in dialogic interaction. Moreover, she had more difficulty in producing long words, both in oral language(7. Leyton C, Hodges JR. Towards a clearer definition of logopenic progressive aphasia. Curr Neurol Neurosci Rep. 2013;13(11):1-7. doi:10.1007/s11910-013-0396-6.)and in reading: she chose to read syllable by syllable instead of the whole word. Likewise, less commonly used words appeared as repetitions and reading difficulty(7. Leyton C, Hodges JR. Towards a clearer definition of logopenic progressive aphasia. Curr Neurol Neurosci Rep. 2013;13(11):1-7. doi:10.1007/s11910-013-0396-6.).

The above data showed that as Roberta's disease progressed for two years after diagnosis, her dysfluency increased, and tended to increasingly occur at regular words, showing a progressive degeneration of her language system, as far as reading is concerned. However, Roberta's speech cannot be analyzed only in terms of deficit. It should also be mentioned that while the repetitions and syllabication showed deterioration of language, they also revealed Roberta's efforts on language. In this regard, the concept of language used by Enunciative-Discursive Neurolinguistics(9. Coudry MIH, Freire FMP, Andrade MLF, Silva MA. Caminhos da neurolinguística discursiva: teorização e práticas com a linguagem. Campinas: Mercado das Letras; 2010.) should be emphasized: language is seen as work shared among interlocutors so that they can construct and interpret meaning. Roberta performed epilinguistic work on language(1414 . Geraldi JW. Portos de passagem. 6th ed. São Paulo: Martins Fontes; 2013.) by hesitating, rephasing, negotiating "articulatory gestures" for reading and demonstrating, thus, the subject's relationship with language itself. Roberta showed to be aware of her difficulties, acknowledging her inability to pronounce a few words. The increase in these difficulties, however, did not prevent Roberta from understanding the text, but placed her in the role of apprentice, although an apprentice who "works" on the language, according to her own words: "it seems that I am learning to speak"(1515 . Santana AP, Berberian, AP, Martins DAF. Letramento e demência de Alzheimer. In: Moura H, Mota MB, Santana AP. Cognição, léxico e gramática. Florianópolis: Insular; 2012. p. 155-73.). Thus, it can be seen that Roberta's disfluencies in speech also showed the enunciative-discursive strategic function and demonstrated, in fact, her epilinguistic work on language. Through disfluencies, Roberta maintained her enunciation flow, making herself understood by her interlocutor(1111 . Ribeiro DC. Afasia progressiva primária: um estudo de caso [trabalho de conclusão de curso] Florianópolis: Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina; 2014.).


The two-year longitudinal analysis of Logopenic Progressive Aphasia showed qualitative and quantitative changes in symptoms, with increased number of repetitions (in speaking, writing and reading) and changes in how it occurred (in reading). These changes seem to suggest an inverse relationship between speech fluency and disease progression, whereby fluency tends to worsen. This scenario becomes relevant in subjects' language, as it influences their interaction and their social role, because the less fluent speech is, the more this condition affects their role as speakers.

Another point that seems to draw more attention in language deficits is the set of aspects related to speech disfluency. Such disfluency is expressed through repetitions, anomies, long and frequent pauses and difficulty in lexical and phonological access (paraphasias and phonological exchange). Seen from this angle, speech disfluency expresses more than low production of words within a time slot; it discloses several difficulties and linguistic symptoms which leads the subject to disfluent speech. At the same time, they reveal strategies and conditions for continued production of speech, even if more slowly, because they expand the time of linguistic elaboration and re-elaboration. In this sense, this research indicates that understanding disfluency in subjects with LPPA can be crucial to better understand language in use, as well as its evaluation and therapeutic process.


  • 1
    Mesulam MM. Primary progressive afasia: A dementia of the language network. Dement Neuropsychol. 2013;7(1):2-9.
  • 2
    Baumann T, Tolnay M, Monschc A. Aphasie primaire progressive: mémoire sans parole. Forum Med Suisse. 2009;9(37):646-50.
  • 3
    Mesulam MM. Slowly progressive aphasia without generalized dementia. Ann Neurol. 1982;11(6):592-8. doi:10.1002/ana.410110607.
  • 4
    Espert E, Gadea M, Villalba A. Afasia progresiva primaria: 20 anos de história (1982-2002). In: II Internacional Congress of Neuropsychology in the Internet; 2003. [Acesso em: 30 maio 2014]. Disponível em:
  • 5
    Senaha ML, Caramelli P, Brucki SM, Smid J, Takada LT, Porto CS et al. Primary progressive afasia: classification of variants in 100 consecutive Brazilian cases. Dement Neuropsychol. 2013;7(1):110-21.
  • 6
    Antunes EB, Bruna L, Jessica R, Helena N, Sara C, Sara S. Afasia progressiva primária e variantes. Rev Fac Ciências Saúde. 2010;(7): 282-93.
  • 7
    Leyton C, Hodges JR. Towards a clearer definition of logopenic progressive aphasia. Curr Neurol Neurosci Rep. 2013;13(11):1-7. doi:10.1007/s11910-013-0396-6.
  • 8
    Gorno-Tempini ML, Hillis AE, Weintraub S, Kertesz A, Mendez M, Cappa SF et al. Classification of primary progressive aphasia and its variants. Neurology. 2011;76(11):1006-14. doi:10.1212/WNL.0b013e31821103e6.
  • 9
    Coudry MIH, Freire FMP, Andrade MLF, Silva MA. Caminhos da neurolinguística discursiva: teorização e práticas com a linguagem. Campinas: Mercado das Letras; 2010.
  • 10
    Marcuschi L. Análise da conversação. 5a ed. São Paulo: Ática; 2003.
  • 11
    Ribeiro DC. Afasia progressiva primária: um estudo de caso [trabalho de conclusão de curso] Florianópolis: Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina; 2014.
  • 12
    Barbosa BT. O fenômeno do reparo na fala. Veredas. 1999;4(1):91-109.
  • 13
    Assal F, Paquier CR. L'aphasie (primaire) progressive: un diagnostic simple ou complexe? Schweiz Arch Neurol Psychiatr. 2009;160(7):275-9.
  • 14
    Geraldi JW. Portos de passagem. 6th ed. São Paulo: Martins Fontes; 2013.
  • 15
    Santana AP, Berberian, AP, Martins DAF. Letramento e demência de Alzheimer. In: Moura H, Mota MB, Santana AP. Cognição, léxico e gramática. Florianópolis: Insular; 2012. p. 155-73.
  • Research conducted in the Undergraduate Program in Speech Therapy, Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina – UFSC – Florianópolis (SC), Brazil, based on a final term paper by one of the authors, entitled Primary Progressive Aphasia: a case study.

Publication Dates

  • Publication in this collection
    Jul-Sep 2015


  • Received
    12 Mar 2015
  • Accepted
    17 Aug 2015
Academia Brasileira de Audiologia Rua Itapeva, 202, conjunto 61, CEP 01332-000, Tel.: (11) 3253-8711 - São Paulo - SP - Brazil