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Effect of delayed auditory feedback on clutter’s speech and reading



Auditory feedback changes, in general, provide the increase of the speech fluency of people who stutter, but few studies have investigated the effects on speech of people who clutter. Purpose: To compare the speech rate and frequency of speech disruption in spontaneous speech and reading of adults with and without cluttering, with two different auditory feedbacks.


Participants were 16 adults, divided into two groups: Research Group (G1) composed by eight cluttering adults; Control Group (G2), composed by 8 fluent adults, paired by age and gender to participants of G1. The participants of G1 should present at least 10% of common disfluencies, and speech rate higher than the standards expected for age and gender. The procedures used were audiology assessment and fluency evaluation (spontaneous speech and reading) in two listening conditions, with Non-Altered Auditory Feedback (NAF) and after with Delayed Auditory Feedback (DAF).


DAF caused reduction of flow of syllables per minute and frequency of common disfluencies in G1 during spontaneous speech task. In reading, there was a decrease in speech disruption and flow of syllables per minute, in G2, influenced by the effect of DAF.


The delayed auditory feedback effect in adults who clutter was positive in spontaneous speech due the reduction of speech rate and common disfluencies that are the main manifestations of this disorder.

Speech, language and hearing sciences; Speech; Speech disorders; Evaluation; Feedback



Alterações do feedback auditivo, em geral, propiciam o aumento da fluência da fala de pessoas com gagueira, porém, poucos estudos investigaram os efeitos na fala de pessoas com taquifemia.


Comparar a velocidade de fala e a frequência das disfluências da fala espontânea e da leitura em adultos com e sem taquifemia, com duas formas diferentes de retroalimentação auditiva.


Participaram deste estudo 16 adultos, divididos em dois grupos: grupo pesquisa (G1), composto por oito adultos com taquifemia e grupo controle (G2), com oito adultos fluentes, pareados por gênero e idade. Os participantes do G1 deveriam apresentar 10%, ou mais, de disfluências comuns e velocidade de fala maior do que os padrões esperados para a idade e gênero. Os procedimentos utilizados foram: avaliação audiológica, avaliação da fluência (fala espontânea e leitura), em duas condições de escuta: inicialmente sem alteração na retroalimentação auditiva – Retroalimentação Auditiva Habitual (RAH) – e, posteriormente, com a Retroalimentação Auditiva Atrasada (RAA).


A RAA ocasionou redução do fluxo de sílabas por minuto e da frequência das disfluências comuns no G1, na tarefa de fala espontânea. Na leitura, houve diminuição da descontinuidade de fala e do fluxo de sílabas por minuto, no G2, sob o efeito da RAA.


O efeito da Retroalimentação Auditiva Atrasada nos adultos taquifêmicos foi positivo na fala espontânea, devido à redução da velocidade de fala e das disfluências comuns, que são as principais manifestações do distúrbio.

Fonoaudiologia; Fala; Distúrbios da fala; Avaliação; Retroalimentação


Cluttering is a fluency disorder(11. Santana BA, Oliveira CMC. Achados relevantes na história clínica de taquifêmicos. Rev CEFAC. 2014;16(6):1860-70.
), characterized by fast or irregular speech segments, accompanied by excessive common disfluencies, omission of syllables, syllabic stress and abnormal speech rhythms or pauses(22. St Louis KO, Schulte K. Defining cluttering: the lowest common denominator. In: Ward D, Scott S, organizers. Cluttering: a handbook of research, intervention and education. New York: Psychology Press; 2011. p. 233-53.). It rarely occurs as an isolated clinical condition because it is frequently associated with stuttering or other communication disorders(22. St Louis KO, Schulte K. Defining cluttering: the lowest common denominator. In: Ward D, Scott S, organizers. Cluttering: a handbook of research, intervention and education. New York: Psychology Press; 2011. p. 233-53.).

Like stuttering, the cluttering has a multidimensional nature(33. Myers FL, Bakker K. Experts’ saliency ratings of speech-language dimensions associated with cluttering. J Fluency Disord. 2014;42:35-42.
), with a neurobiological basis(44. Alm PA. Cluttering: a neurological perspective. In: Ward D, Scott KS, organizers. Cluttering: a handbook of research, intervention and education. New York: Psychol Press; 2011. p. 3-28.). In the description of the cluttering neurological foundations, a study concluded that the disorder may be explained by imbalance in the anterior cingulate cortex circuit and the supplementary motor area(55. Ward D, Connally EL, Pliatsikas C, Bretherton-Furness J, Watkins KE. The neurological underpinnings of cluttering: some initial findings. J Fluency Disord. 2015;43:1-16.

The main characteristics of cluttering are increased speech rate and excessive disfluencies(22. St Louis KO, Schulte K. Defining cluttering: the lowest common denominator. In: Ward D, Scott S, organizers. Cluttering: a handbook of research, intervention and education. New York: Psychology Press; 2011. p. 233-53.,66. LaSalle LR, Wolk L. Stuttering, cluttering, and phonological complexity: case studies. J Fluency Disord. 2011;36(4):285-9.
,77. Myers FL, Bakker K, St Louis KO, Raphael LJ. Disfluencies in cluttered speech. J Fluency Disord. 2012;37(1):9-19.
,88. Oliveira CMC, Broglio GAF, Bernardes APL, Capellini SA. Relação entre taxa de elocução e descontinuidade da fala na taquifemia. CoDAS. 2013;25(1):59-63.
,99. Souza JB, Paschoalino FC, Cardoso VM, Oliveira CMC. Frequência e tipologia das disfluências: análise comparativa entre taquifêmicos e gagos. Rev CEFAC. 2013;15(4):857-86.
,1010. Zaalen Y, Reichel IK. Cluttering treatment: theorical considerations and intervention planning. Perspect Glob Iss CSD. 2014;4(2):57-62.
). Fast speech was reported both by studies that assessed speech rate(88. Oliveira CMC, Broglio GAF, Bernardes APL, Capellini SA. Relação entre taxa de elocução e descontinuidade da fala na taquifemia. CoDAS. 2013;25(1):59-63.
,99. Souza JB, Paschoalino FC, Cardoso VM, Oliveira CMC. Frequência e tipologia das disfluências: análise comparativa entre taquifêmicos e gagos. Rev CEFAC. 2013;15(4):857-86.
) and compared it with normative standard(1111. Andrade CRF. Perfil da fluência de fala: parâmetro comparativo diferenciado por idade para crianças, adolescentes, adultos e idosos (CD-ROM). Barueri: Pró-Fono; 2006.), as well as by reports of the own adults who clutter(11. Santana BA, Oliveira CMC. Achados relevantes na história clínica de taquifêmicos. Rev CEFAC. 2014;16(6):1860-70.
). This last study was performed with eight cluttering adults and characterized relevant findings of the clinical history. The results showed that all participants had a fast speech complaint(11. Santana BA, Oliveira CMC. Achados relevantes na história clínica de taquifêmicos. Rev CEFAC. 2014;16(6):1860-70.

One of the most important goals in the cluttering treatment is to reduce the speech rate(1010. Zaalen Y, Reichel IK. Cluttering treatment: theorical considerations and intervention planning. Perspect Glob Iss CSD. 2014;4(2):57-62.
,1212. St. Louis KO, Myers FL, Cassidy LJ, Michael AJ, Penrod SM, Litton BA et al. Efficacy of delayed auditory feedback for treating cluttering: two cases studies. J Fluency Disord. 1996;21(3-4):305-14.
,1313. St Louis KO, Raphael LJ, Myers FL, Bakker K. Cluttering updated. ASHA Leader. 2003;8:4-22.
) and to reduce the excess of common disfluencies(1212. St. Louis KO, Myers FL, Cassidy LJ, Michael AJ, Penrod SM, Litton BA et al. Efficacy of delayed auditory feedback for treating cluttering: two cases studies. J Fluency Disord. 1996;21(3-4):305-14.
,1313. St Louis KO, Raphael LJ, Myers FL, Bakker K. Cluttering updated. ASHA Leader. 2003;8:4-22.
). It is worth mentioning that the goal of reducing speech rate is also indicated to improve the broad spectrum of cluttering clinical manifestations(1313. St Louis KO, Raphael LJ, Myers FL, Bakker K. Cluttering updated. ASHA Leader. 2003;8:4-22.

A central aspect of cluttering therapy is speech monitoring(44. Alm PA. Cluttering: a neurological perspective. In: Ward D, Scott KS, organizers. Cluttering: a handbook of research, intervention and education. New York: Psychol Press; 2011. p. 3-28.,1010. Zaalen Y, Reichel IK. Cluttering treatment: theorical considerations and intervention planning. Perspect Glob Iss CSD. 2014;4(2):57-62.
,1212. St. Louis KO, Myers FL, Cassidy LJ, Michael AJ, Penrod SM, Litton BA et al. Efficacy of delayed auditory feedback for treating cluttering: two cases studies. J Fluency Disord. 1996;21(3-4):305-14.
), which provides control of speech rate. In order to obtain this domain of oral production, the speaker uses auditory feedback(1414. Cai S, Beal DS, Ghosh SS, Guenther FH, Perkell JS. Impaired timing adjustments in response to time-varying auditory perturbation during connected speech production in persons who stutter. Brain Lang. 2014;129:24-9.
), which also assists in the maintenance of speech fluency(1515. Chester J, Baghai-Ravary L, Möttönen R. The effects of delayed auditory and visual feedback on speech production. J Acoust Soc Am. 2015;137(2):873-83.

Auditory Feedback Alteration (AFA) is the collective term for the conditions which involve the electronic alteration of the speech signal, in which the speakers perceive their speech differently from the usual one(1616. Lincoln M, Packman A, Onslow M. Altered auditory feedback and the treatment of stuttering: a review. J Fluency Disord. 2006;31(4):71-89.
). Delay and frequency alteration of auditory feedback are the most common alterations in the population of disfluent people(1717. Carrasco ER, Schiefer AM, Azevedo MF. O efeito do feedback auditivo atrasado na gagueira. Audiol Commun Res. 2015;20(2):116-22.

18. Gallop RF, Runnyan CM. Long-term effectiveness of the SpeechEasy fluency- enhancement. J Fluency Disord. 2012;37(4):334-43.

19. Ratyńska J, Szkiełkowska A, Markowska R, Kurkowski M, Mularzuk M, Skarżyński H. Immediate speech fluency improvement after application of the Digital Speech Aid in stuttering patients. Med Sci Monit. 2012;18(1):CR9-12.

20. Ritto AP, Juste FS, Andrade CRF. Impacto do uso do SpeechEasy nos parâmetros acústicos e motores da fala de indivíduos com gagueira. Audiol Commun Res. 2015;20(1):1-9.

21. Unger JP, Gluck CW, Cholewa J. Immediate effects of AAF devices on the characteristics of stuttering: a clinical analysis. J Fluency Disord. 2012;37(2):22-34.

22. Yamamoto K, Kawabata H. Temporal recalibration in vocalization induced by adaptation of delayed auditory feedback. PLoS One. 2011;6(12):1-8.

23. Antipova EA, Purdy SC, Blakeley M, Williams S. Effects of altered auditory feedback (AAF) on stuttering frequency during monologue speech production. J Fluency Disord. 2008;33(4):274–90.
-2424. Ritto AP, Juste FS, Stuart A, Kalinowski J, Andrade CR. Randomized clinical trial: the use of SpeechEasy® in stuttering treatment. Int J Lang Commun Disord. 2016;51(6):769-774.
). According to a study, these alterations cause the “choral speech phenomenon”. This phenomenon generates a second speech signal, which can be understood as an additional gestural information that promotes fluent speech(2020. Ritto AP, Juste FS, Andrade CRF. Impacto do uso do SpeechEasy nos parâmetros acústicos e motores da fala de indivíduos com gagueira. Audiol Commun Res. 2015;20(1):1-9.
). The authors clarified that the additional auditory feedback provided by the choir works as an exogenous speech motor control, enabled by greater cortex activation.

As the main focus of Speech-Language Pathology intervention in cluttering is the speech rate reduction and the fluency promotion, and these are the most frequently found effects in DAF(1515. Chester J, Baghai-Ravary L, Möttönen R. The effects of delayed auditory and visual feedback on speech production. J Acoust Soc Am. 2015;137(2):873-83.
,1717. Carrasco ER, Schiefer AM, Azevedo MF. O efeito do feedback auditivo atrasado na gagueira. Audiol Commun Res. 2015;20(2):116-22.

18. Gallop RF, Runnyan CM. Long-term effectiveness of the SpeechEasy fluency- enhancement. J Fluency Disord. 2012;37(4):334-43.

19. Ratyńska J, Szkiełkowska A, Markowska R, Kurkowski M, Mularzuk M, Skarżyński H. Immediate speech fluency improvement after application of the Digital Speech Aid in stuttering patients. Med Sci Monit. 2012;18(1):CR9-12.

20. Ritto AP, Juste FS, Andrade CRF. Impacto do uso do SpeechEasy nos parâmetros acústicos e motores da fala de indivíduos com gagueira. Audiol Commun Res. 2015;20(1):1-9.

21. Unger JP, Gluck CW, Cholewa J. Immediate effects of AAF devices on the characteristics of stuttering: a clinical analysis. J Fluency Disord. 2012;37(2):22-34.

22. Yamamoto K, Kawabata H. Temporal recalibration in vocalization induced by adaptation of delayed auditory feedback. PLoS One. 2011;6(12):1-8.

23. Antipova EA, Purdy SC, Blakeley M, Williams S. Effects of altered auditory feedback (AAF) on stuttering frequency during monologue speech production. J Fluency Disord. 2008;33(4):274–90.
-2424. Ritto AP, Juste FS, Stuart A, Kalinowski J, Andrade CR. Randomized clinical trial: the use of SpeechEasy® in stuttering treatment. Int J Lang Commun Disord. 2016;51(6):769-774.
), it becomes relevant to investigate the effects of delayed auditory feedback on the cluttering individuals’ speech. Will the greater cortex activation in people who clutter also increase the fluency?

Although the authors indicate the use of DAF in the cluttering therapy(1313. St Louis KO, Raphael LJ, Myers FL, Bakker K. Cluttering updated. ASHA Leader. 2003;8:4-22.
,2525. Daly D. Helping the clutterer: therapy considerations. In: St Louis KO, Myers FL, organizaers. Cluttering a clinical perspective. St Louis: Singular; 2006. p. 107-21.), in the compiled literature, only one research was found regarding the therapy of two cluttering adolescents with the use of DAF, induced by the device “Phonic Ear PM 505 DAF”(1212. St. Louis KO, Myers FL, Cassidy LJ, Michael AJ, Penrod SM, Litton BA et al. Efficacy of delayed auditory feedback for treating cluttering: two cases studies. J Fluency Disord. 1996;21(3-4):305-14.
). The delay time initially used was 220 milliseconds and later reduced to 105 milliseconds, and 35 milliseconds. The results of this investigation demonstrated a decrease in fast speech, improvement in intelligibility and support in thoughts organization.

Studies have already proved effects under speech fluency through altered auditory feedback(1717. Carrasco ER, Schiefer AM, Azevedo MF. O efeito do feedback auditivo atrasado na gagueira. Audiol Commun Res. 2015;20(2):116-22.

18. Gallop RF, Runnyan CM. Long-term effectiveness of the SpeechEasy fluency- enhancement. J Fluency Disord. 2012;37(4):334-43.

19. Ratyńska J, Szkiełkowska A, Markowska R, Kurkowski M, Mularzuk M, Skarżyński H. Immediate speech fluency improvement after application of the Digital Speech Aid in stuttering patients. Med Sci Monit. 2012;18(1):CR9-12.

20. Ritto AP, Juste FS, Andrade CRF. Impacto do uso do SpeechEasy nos parâmetros acústicos e motores da fala de indivíduos com gagueira. Audiol Commun Res. 2015;20(1):1-9.

21. Unger JP, Gluck CW, Cholewa J. Immediate effects of AAF devices on the characteristics of stuttering: a clinical analysis. J Fluency Disord. 2012;37(2):22-34.

22. Yamamoto K, Kawabata H. Temporal recalibration in vocalization induced by adaptation of delayed auditory feedback. PLoS One. 2011;6(12):1-8.

23. Antipova EA, Purdy SC, Blakeley M, Williams S. Effects of altered auditory feedback (AAF) on stuttering frequency during monologue speech production. J Fluency Disord. 2008;33(4):274–90.
-2424. Ritto AP, Juste FS, Stuart A, Kalinowski J, Andrade CR. Randomized clinical trial: the use of SpeechEasy® in stuttering treatment. Int J Lang Commun Disord. 2016;51(6):769-774.
). It was made a comparison between two groups, each one with eight stuttering adults, submitted to speech therapy: one group using the SpeechEasy® device and the other one without SpeechEasy® (55. Ward D, Connally EL, Pliatsikas C, Bretherton-Furness J, Watkins KE. The neurological underpinnings of cluttering: some initial findings. J Fluency Disord. 2015;43:1-16.
). It was observed an improvement in the stuttering degree in both groups, and the group that used the SpeechEasy® showed a trend towards a greater reduction in disfluency index and a greater gain in articulatory rate and information production rate(1717. Carrasco ER, Schiefer AM, Azevedo MF. O efeito do feedback auditivo atrasado na gagueira. Audiol Commun Res. 2015;20(2):116-22.

Another study accomplished with SpeechEasy® analyzed the immediate and long-term effect of 11 individuals with stuttering, from 11 to 51 years old(1818. Gallop RF, Runnyan CM. Long-term effectiveness of the SpeechEasy fluency- enhancement. J Fluency Disord. 2012;37(4):334-43.
). The authors concluded that occurred the reduction of stuttering as an immediate effect for most participants. However, in the long term, the SpeechEasy® presented several results.

Digital Speech Aid (DSA) was the device used to cause delay and alter the auditory feedback frequency of 335 individuals with stuttering, from 6 to 62 years old(1919. Ratyńska J, Szkiełkowska A, Markowska R, Kurkowski M, Mularzuk M, Skarżyński H. Immediate speech fluency improvement after application of the Digital Speech Aid in stuttering patients. Med Sci Monit. 2012;18(1):CR9-12.
). The immediate fluency improvement was obtained 82.1% of the participants, in reading, 84.5%, in the dialogue, and 81.2%, in the monologue.

The impact of SpeechEasy® use on acoustic and speech motor parameters of ten adults with stuttering was compared with ten adults of the control group(2020. Ritto AP, Juste FS, Andrade CRF. Impacto do uso do SpeechEasy nos parâmetros acústicos e motores da fala de indivíduos com gagueira. Audiol Commun Res. 2015;20(1):1-9.
). There was fluency improvement in adults with stuttering in spontaneous speech and significant increase in flow of syllables per minute. The authors reported that the increase of speech rate must have occurred as a consequence of the disfluencies reduction, which were not withdrawn for the calculation of the speech rate. In fluent individuals, there was an increase in the stuttered syllables percentage in spontaneous speech.

The immediate effect of altered auditory feedback (delayed and altered frequency) was used in 30 individuals with stuttering, from 18 to 68 years old, using two devices: Fluency Enhancer and SmallTalk(2121. Unger JP, Gluck CW, Cholewa J. Immediate effects of AAF devices on the characteristics of stuttering: a clinical analysis. J Fluency Disord. 2012;37(2):22-34.
). Both devices caused a statistically significant reduction in the frequency of stuttered syllables, in the three speech samples analyzed: oral reading, monologue and dialogue.

It is believed that delayed auditory feedback may be beneficial for people who clutter, in the same way as it helps people who stutter, but the effect of delayed auditory feedback on the speech of cluttering individuals is not yet clear. Thus, it is necessary to conduct studies that demonstrate the effects of DAF on cluttering individuals, with a greater number of participants and with the use of objective assessments, which can serve as an effective measure to improve the clinical care of this population.

In this sense, the purpose of this research was to compare speech rate and frequency of speech disruption of the spontaneous speech and reading in adults with and without cluttering, with two different forms of auditory feedback: non-altered (NAF) and delayed (DAF).


This cross-sectional, with comparison between groups, descriptive, quantitative and qualitative study was approved by the Research Ethics Committee of the Universidade Estadual Paulista “Júlio de Mesquita Filho” (UNESP) (nº 0671/2013). All participants were informed about the characteristics and procedures of the research and signed the Informed Consent Form.


A total of 16 adults, aged from 19 to 47 years and 11 months (mean age 33.2 ± 0.5) participated of the study and were divided into two groups:

  • - Research Group (G1), composed of eight adults, seven male and one female, with diagnosis of cluttering. The inclusion criteria of G1 were: being a speaker of Brazilian Portuguese; fast speech personal complaint, with communication impairment; manifesting disfluent speech, with excess of common disfluencies and presenting less than 3% of stuttering-like disfluencies in order to be dismissed the possibility of associated stuttering; no other comorbidities of oral communication, hearing loss and neurological and / or psychiatric diseases.

  • - Control Group (G2), composed of eight fluent adults, matched by gender and age to G1, who fit the following inclusion criteria: being a Brazilian Portuguese speaker; with no presence of fast speech complaint, cluttering or stuttering, current and past; negative familial history of cluttering and stuttering; present less than 3% of stuttering-like disfluencies in the evaluation of spontaneous speech and no have oral communication disorders, hearing loss and neurological and / or psychiatric disorders.

The G1 participants were evaluated at the Fluency Studies Laboratory (FSL), at the Education and Health Studies Center (EHSC), at the Universidade Estadual Paulista “Júlio de Mesquita Filho” (UNESP), and all of them presented a score above 120 in the Predictive Cluttering Inventory(2525. Daly D. Helping the clutterer: therapy considerations. In: St Louis KO, Myers FL, organizaers. Cluttering a clinical perspective. St Louis: Singular; 2006. p. 107-21.), a score that suggests diagnosis of cluttering. The G2 was composed of employees from UNESP, where the research was conducted.


The procedures described below were applied to all participants (G1 and G2).

Audiological assessment: the data collection was done through anamnesis, meatoscopy, pure tone thresholds audiometry, speech audiometry and immittanciometry (tympanometry and acoustic reflex research). The pure tone thresholds audiometry was performed in an acoustic booth using the GSI-61 (Grason Standler®) audiometer, with TDH-50 headphones, calibrated according to ANSI-69 standards. The audibility thresholds were obtained by air conduction, in the sound frequencies from 250 Hz to 8000 Hz and were considered normal when they were in an intensity equal to or less than 25 dB, in all frequencies tested.

The speech recognition threshold (SRT) was searched through a dissyllable words list, phonetically balanced, and should be compatible with pure tone average.

For immittanciometry was used the GSI-38 immitanciometer (Grason Standler®), with a 226 Hz probe. After sealing the external acoustic meatus, tympanometry was performed. The acoustic reflex was then investigated, ipsilateral and contralateral modes, which were considered present or absent.

Fluency evaluation: a fluency evaluation protocol was applied, proposed in the Speech Fluency Profile test(1111. Andrade CRF. Perfil da fluência de fala: parâmetro comparativo diferenciado por idade para crianças, adolescentes, adultos e idosos (CD-ROM). Barueri: Pró-Fono; 2006.), to perform the collection and analysis of speech samples. Speech samples constituted of spontaneous speech elicited by a figure and reading of text were collected in two different listening conditions: Non-Altered Auditory Feedback (NAF) and Delayed Auditory Feedback (DAF). For the oral reading task, the narrative texts “The eating habits of Brazilians” for NAF and “Dead Sea Project” for DAF, were proposed for adults by a specific material for reading evaluation(2626. Saraiva RA, Moojen SPM, Munarski R. Avaliação da compreensão leitora de textos expositivos para fonoaudiólogos e psicopedagogos. São Paulo: Casa do Psicólogo; 2006. p. 80-6.). The reading texts were different, to eliminate the adaptation effect.

Recording sequence of tasks was the same for all participants. The recordings were performed with the participants sitting in a quiet environment, with the headphones set. The audio-visual record of a self-expressive speech sample composed of 200 fluent syllables was made using a video camera, tripod, headphone with microphone connected to a computer (Andrea PureAudio® USB-AS adapter and Karsect® HT- 2 auricular microphone), with a specific software (Fono Tools, 1.5h version, CTS Informatic®).

Participants’ speech was recorded and processed through the software, which performed delayed auditory feedback (DAF) and returned to the participants’ ears 100 milliseconds delayed (mean time of greater comfort and better results obtained in a pilot study), through the headphone, which was set with the microphone positioned at 90-degree angle and ten centimeters away from the mouth. The presentation of DAF to the participants was binaural.

The procedures involved four experimental conditions: spontaneous speech with NAF; spontaneous speech with DAF; reading with NAF and reading with DAF. A two-minute interval between each experimental condition was offered to participants and within this interval they were instructed to remain silent.

The speech samples, both spontaneous and reading, were transcribed in their entirety and considering fluent and non-fluent syllables. The transcript size for the four samples collected was 200 fluent syllables. In the readings, a section was selected for each text, standardized, for analysis in all participants, as proposed by another study(2727. Pinto JCBR, Schiefer AM, Ávila CRB. Disfluencies and speech rate in spontaneous production and in oral reading in people who do stutter and who do not stutter. Audiol Commun Res. 2013;18(2):63-70.
). Subsequently, the speech sample was analyzed and the typology of disfluencies was characterized according to the following description(1111. Andrade CRF. Perfil da fluência de fala: parâmetro comparativo diferenciado por idade para crianças, adolescentes, adultos e idosos (CD-ROM). Barueri: Pró-Fono; 2006.):

  • - Common disfluencies: hesitations, interjections, revisions, unfinished words, segments repetition, words repetition and phrases repetition.

  • - Stuttering-like disfluencies: sounds repetition, syllables repetition, prolongations, blocks, pause and intrusions.

For characterizer the frequency of speech disruptions, the following measurements were used: percentage of speech discontinuity, percentage of common disfluencies and percentage of stuttering-like disfluencies. The speech rate was measured in the flow of syllables and words per minute(1111. Andrade CRF. Perfil da fluência de fala: parâmetro comparativo diferenciado por idade para crianças, adolescentes, adultos e idosos (CD-ROM). Barueri: Pró-Fono; 2006.).

In the G1 participants, the Predictive Cluttering Inventory was applied(2525. Daly D. Helping the clutterer: therapy considerations. In: St Louis KO, Myers FL, organizaers. Cluttering a clinical perspective. St Louis: Singular; 2006. p. 107-21.), to analyze the most indicative characteristics of the disorder and the diagnosis confirmation. Total score between 80 and 120 is indicative of stuttering/cluttering presence and, above 120, suggests a cluttering diagnosis(2525. Daly D. Helping the clutterer: therapy considerations. In: St Louis KO, Myers FL, organizaers. Cluttering a clinical perspective. St Louis: Singular; 2006. p. 107-21.).

Statistical analysis

The data were stored and tabulated and the statistical analysis was performed with Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS), 21.0 version. The Mann-Whitney test was applied to compare the quantitative results between G1 and G2 individuals. In the intragroup comparison, which analyzed the same participants in each of the listening conditions, the Wilcoxon Signal Post test was used. Values were considered significant for p less than 0.05, with a 95% confidence interval. Significant values were highlighted with the asterisk symbol (*).


In relation to the characterization of adults with cluttering, it was possible to verify that the majority of participants belonged to the male gender (87.5%). The cluttering’s group presented a total from 10% to 19.5% of common disfluencies and the values of the Predictive Cluttering Inventory varied from 124 to 141. The fluent adults were paired by gender and age to the adults who clutter (Table 1).

Table 1
Description of the sample, according to the characteristics evaluated

The G1 intragroup comparison, in relation to the spontaneous speech, showed that the delay in auditory feedback caused reduction of common disfluencies and flow of syllable per minute. There were not differences for the analyzed variables, regarding the spontaneous speech of the fluent adults, compared in the conditions of NAF and DAF. The G2 results showed a tendency in the increase of speech disruption, common and stuttering-like disfluencies in spontaneous speech with DAF, in addition a decrease in the flow of syllables and words per minute (Table 2).

Table 2
Intragroup and intergroup comparison, regarding to occurrence of speech disruption, common disfluencies, stuttering-like disfluencies, flow of syllables and words per minute, in non-altered auditory feedback and delayed auditory feedback conditions in spontaneous speech

The intergroup comparison showed that, in the NAF condition, adults with cluttering (G1) demonstrated a higher frequency of speech disruption, common disfluencies and stuttering-like disfluencies, as well as a greater flow of words per minute. In NAF situation, there was difference between groups for common disfluencies. Adults without cluttering (G2) showed more common disfluencies when compared to adults who clutter (G1), under the effect of DAF (Table 2).

The intragroup comparison of adults who clutter (G1), in reading, it did not show differences between the NAF and DAF conditions for the different analyzed variables. Fluent adults (G2) demonstrated, in reading, reduction of speech disruption and flow of syllables per minute, as a result of delayed auditory feedback (Table 3).

Table 3
Intragroup and intergroups comparison, regarding to occurrence of speech disruption, common disfluencies, stuttering-like disfluencies, flow of syllables and words per minute, in non-altered auditory feedback and delayed auditory feedback conditions in reading

The comparison between G1 and G2, in reading, showed that in the NAF condition, the fluent adults (G2) presented a higher frequency of speech disruption and greater flow of syllables per minute, whereas adults with cluttering (G1) showed higher frequency of common disfluencies. With delayed auditory feedback, adults with cluttering (G1) showed greater amount of stuttering-like disfluencies, compared to fluent adults (G2) (Table 3).


Regarding speech rate, it was observed that adults with cluttering (Table 1) showed values well above the normative data(1111. Andrade CRF. Perfil da fluência de fala: parâmetro comparativo diferenciado por idade para crianças, adolescentes, adultos e idosos (CD-ROM). Barueri: Pró-Fono; 2006.), confirming previous studies that described the presence of fast speech in the cluttering(66. LaSalle LR, Wolk L. Stuttering, cluttering, and phonological complexity: case studies. J Fluency Disord. 2011;36(4):285-9.
,77. Myers FL, Bakker K, St Louis KO, Raphael LJ. Disfluencies in cluttered speech. J Fluency Disord. 2012;37(1):9-19.
,88. Oliveira CMC, Broglio GAF, Bernardes APL, Capellini SA. Relação entre taxa de elocução e descontinuidade da fala na taquifemia. CoDAS. 2013;25(1):59-63.
,99. Souza JB, Paschoalino FC, Cardoso VM, Oliveira CMC. Frequência e tipologia das disfluências: análise comparativa entre taquifêmicos e gagos. Rev CEFAC. 2013;15(4):857-86.
). In relation to speech disruption, the cluttering group (G1) was heterogeneous: some presented values close to those considered normal(1111. Andrade CRF. Perfil da fluência de fala: parâmetro comparativo diferenciado por idade para crianças, adolescentes, adultos e idosos (CD-ROM). Barueri: Pró-Fono; 2006.), but the majority showed increased values. This finding is in agreement with the literature, considering that the cluttering clinical condition is heterogeneous(44. Alm PA. Cluttering: a neurological perspective. In: Ward D, Scott KS, organizers. Cluttering: a handbook of research, intervention and education. New York: Psychol Press; 2011. p. 3-28.) (Table 1).

The data obtained in spontaneous speech allowed to verify that, in the intragroup analysis, the DAF caused statistically significant effects only in adults with cluttering (G1) (Table 2). There was an average reduction of 20.15% in the flow of syllables per minute and 60.65% in the frequency of common disfluencies in G1, with the delay in auditory feedback in spontaneous speech (Table 2).

The data related to the comparison of non-altered and delayed auditory feedback in spontaneous speech showed positive results in the cluttering group (G1), since there was a reduction in the main manifestations of the disorder, which are increased speech rate(22. St Louis KO, Schulte K. Defining cluttering: the lowest common denominator. In: Ward D, Scott S, organizers. Cluttering: a handbook of research, intervention and education. New York: Psychology Press; 2011. p. 233-53.,66. LaSalle LR, Wolk L. Stuttering, cluttering, and phonological complexity: case studies. J Fluency Disord. 2011;36(4):285-9.
,77. Myers FL, Bakker K, St Louis KO, Raphael LJ. Disfluencies in cluttered speech. J Fluency Disord. 2012;37(1):9-19.
,88. Oliveira CMC, Broglio GAF, Bernardes APL, Capellini SA. Relação entre taxa de elocução e descontinuidade da fala na taquifemia. CoDAS. 2013;25(1):59-63.
,99. Souza JB, Paschoalino FC, Cardoso VM, Oliveira CMC. Frequência e tipologia das disfluências: análise comparativa entre taquifêmicos e gagos. Rev CEFAC. 2013;15(4):857-86.
) and excessive number of common disfluencies(22. St Louis KO, Schulte K. Defining cluttering: the lowest common denominator. In: Ward D, Scott S, organizers. Cluttering: a handbook of research, intervention and education. New York: Psychology Press; 2011. p. 233-53.,77. Myers FL, Bakker K, St Louis KO, Raphael LJ. Disfluencies in cluttered speech. J Fluency Disord. 2012;37(1):9-19.
,88. Oliveira CMC, Broglio GAF, Bernardes APL, Capellini SA. Relação entre taxa de elocução e descontinuidade da fala na taquifemia. CoDAS. 2013;25(1):59-63.
,99. Souza JB, Paschoalino FC, Cardoso VM, Oliveira CMC. Frequência e tipologia das disfluências: análise comparativa entre taquifêmicos e gagos. Rev CEFAC. 2013;15(4):857-86.
) (Table 2). It is suggested that the chorus effect provoked by the delay in auditory feedback, which facilitates the greater cortex activation(2020. Ritto AP, Juste FS, Andrade CRF. Impacto do uso do SpeechEasy nos parâmetros acústicos e motores da fala de indivíduos com gagueira. Audiol Commun Res. 2015;20(1):1-9.
), assists the speech control and monitoring of adults who clutter.

The difference observed in the comparison of flow of syllables per minute in spontaneous speech, between NAF and DAF (Table 2), is in agreement with two studies that described the relevance of the use of DAF to reduce the speech rate of individuals who clutter(1212. St. Louis KO, Myers FL, Cassidy LJ, Michael AJ, Penrod SM, Litton BA et al. Efficacy of delayed auditory feedback for treating cluttering: two cases studies. J Fluency Disord. 1996;21(3-4):305-14.
,1313. St Louis KO, Raphael LJ, Myers FL, Bakker K. Cluttering updated. ASHA Leader. 2003;8:4-22.
). It is relevant to note that, in the spontaneous speech of the cluttering group, it was observed, in addition to the reduction of the flow of syllables per minute, the reduction of the number of common disfluencies (Table 2). Thus, the present study evidenced that the effect of DAF was positive, both to reduce the number of syllables per minute and to increase the fluency. This finding agrees with another study, which stated that the decrease in speech rate leads to an improvement in other manifestations of the cluttering clinical manifestations(1313. St Louis KO, Raphael LJ, Myers FL, Bakker K. Cluttering updated. ASHA Leader. 2003;8:4-22.

In this study, according to a research(1212. St. Louis KO, Myers FL, Cassidy LJ, Michael AJ, Penrod SM, Litton BA et al. Efficacy of delayed auditory feedback for treating cluttering: two cases studies. J Fluency Disord. 1996;21(3-4):305-14.
), the delay in auditory feedback resulted in a decrease in the speech rate of adults who clutter during spontaneous speech (Table 2).

In fluent adults (G2), it was observed that the delayed auditory feedback caused a tendency to increase the frequency of disfluencies in spontaneous speech (Table 2). These results reinforce reports from students who described difficulties in speaking fluently with DAF(1515. Chester J, Baghai-Ravary L, Möttönen R. The effects of delayed auditory and visual feedback on speech production. J Acoust Soc Am. 2015;137(2):873-83.
,2828. Chon H, Kraft SJ, Zhang J, Loucks TM, Ambrose NG. Individual variability in delayed auditory feedback effects on speech fluency and rate in normally fluent adults. J Speech Lang Hear Res. 2013;56(2):489-504.

In the intergroup comparison of spontaneous speech, there were more differences in Non-Altered Auditory Feedback condition than in the delayed one (Tables 2). This result was already expected, once the main characteristic of cluttering is the increase in speech rate and the number of common disfluencies(22. St Louis KO, Schulte K. Defining cluttering: the lowest common denominator. In: Ward D, Scott S, organizers. Cluttering: a handbook of research, intervention and education. New York: Psychology Press; 2011. p. 233-53.,66. LaSalle LR, Wolk L. Stuttering, cluttering, and phonological complexity: case studies. J Fluency Disord. 2011;36(4):285-9.
,77. Myers FL, Bakker K, St Louis KO, Raphael LJ. Disfluencies in cluttered speech. J Fluency Disord. 2012;37(1):9-19.
,88. Oliveira CMC, Broglio GAF, Bernardes APL, Capellini SA. Relação entre taxa de elocução e descontinuidade da fala na taquifemia. CoDAS. 2013;25(1):59-63.
,99. Souza JB, Paschoalino FC, Cardoso VM, Oliveira CMC. Frequência e tipologia das disfluências: análise comparativa entre taquifêmicos e gagos. Rev CEFAC. 2013;15(4):857-86.
,1010. Zaalen Y, Reichel IK. Cluttering treatment: theorical considerations and intervention planning. Perspect Glob Iss CSD. 2014;4(2):57-62.
). It is worth highlining that in the spontaneous speech under the DAF, the groups differed in the number of common disfluencies (Table 2). However, in this listening condition, fluent adults were more disfluent than adults who clutter. In the present study, it was clear that delayed auditory feedback decreased the number of common disfluencies in the adults who clutter and provoked an opposite effect in fluent adults, that is, an increase in the number of common disfluencies in spontaneous speech.

In relation to the reading, in the intragroup analysis, the DAF caused significant effects only for fluent adults (G2) (Table 3). There was a reduction in speech disruption and flow of syllables per minute. According to another study(2222. Yamamoto K, Kawabata H. Temporal recalibration in vocalization induced by adaptation of delayed auditory feedback. PLoS One. 2011;6(12):1-8.
), the most cited effect of DAF on fluent people is speech rate slowing.

In intergroup comparison of the reading, it was observed more differences in the NAF condition compared to DAF (Table 3). Adults with cluttering showed greater number of common disfluencies. However, fluent adults showed greater speech disruption in relation to the adults who clutter in NAF. The flow of syllables per minute was higher in the fluents, in relation to the adults who clutter, in the NAF. Under the effect of DAF, the adults who clutter showed more stuttering-like disfluencies when compared to the fluent adults.

In summary, this research contributed to know the immediate effects of delayed auditory feedback in adults with cluttering and also to reinforce the importance of the use of DAF in individuals with this disorder.

One of the limitations of the study was the fact that the analysis was performed only to ascertain the immediate DAF effects and not in the long term. Therefore, it cannot conclude about these long-term effects in the speech of adults who clutter.

This research presented important scientific and clinical implications. In scientific terms, these new study designs are proposed with the cluttering population: researches on the effects of DAF in the long-term speech; researches that analyze the effect of delay and alteration in the frequency of auditory feedback; inclusion of subjective measures in the evaluation, as questionnaires on the effectiveness of the delay in daily life situations and, finally, evaluation of the effects of DAF on the speech intelligibility and naturalness.

Regarding the clinical implications, it is believed that the speech-language pathologist should perform a therapeutic test to analyze the immediate effects of DAF on the people who clutter before the resource use. It is also suggested a careful evaluation of the abilities for each individual, related mainly to speech and hearing, and to consider them in the decision about the indication or not of the DAF.


The immediate effect of Delayed Auditory Feedback on the speech of cluttering adults was positive, once it caused, in spontaneous speech, a significant decrease in flow of syllables per minute and in the number of common disfluencies.

In intergroup comparison of the spontaneous speech, it is possible to state that delayed auditory feedback diminished the differences between groups, due to the reduction of main manifestations of the cluttering clinical condition (fast speech and excessive common disfluencies).


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  • Source of funding: PROEX- UNESP – Extension Project

Publication Dates

  • Publication in this collection


  • Received
    7 Oct 2016
  • Accepted
    5 June 2017
Academia Brasileira de Audiologia Rua Itapeva, 202, conjunto 61, CEP 01332-000, Tel.: (11) 3253-8711 - São Paulo - SP - Brazil