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Speech therapy graduates perception of situation and professional satisfaction



To analyze the association between Speech Therapy graduates inserted in the labor market with sociodemographic variables, aspects of situation and professional satisfaction.


An observational cross–sectional study, with a non-probabilistic sample of 196 Speech Therapy graduates from a Brazilian public university working as speech therapists. The instrument used was a questionnaire distributed both online and physical. In the present study the sociodemographic issues, aspects of situation and professional satisfaction, composed the research axes. Pearson's chi-square test was used for the association analysis, being considered significant p≤0.05.


There was an association between those who work exclusively as a speech therapists with the variables salary range (p=0.003), working hours (p=0.001), economic situation after graduation (p=0.004), continuity of the studies (p=0.001), perception of professional (p=0.008) and financial achievement (p=0.012).


The perceptions of Speech Therapy graduates inserted in the labor market reveal a positive evaluation of the profession. Working exclusively as a speech therapist is related to the salary range, working hours, perception of professional achievement and improvement of the economic situation after graduation. Although most of the graduates are not financially fulfilled, they advance in the continuity of the studies.

Speech, Language and hearing sciences; Student; Labor market; Professional practice; Job satisfaction; Continuing education



Analisar a associação entre egressos de Fonoaudiologia inseridos no mercado de trabalho com as variáveis sociodemográficas, aspectos da situação e da satisfação profissional.


Estudo observacional analítico de delineamento transversal, com amostra não probabilística de 196 egressos de Fonoaudiologia de uma universidade pública brasileira, que trabalhavam como fonoaudiólogos. O instrumento utilizado foi um questionário distribuído de forma online e física e, neste estudo, os eixos de investigação foram compostos por questões sociodemográficas, aspectos de situação e de satisfação profissional. Para as análises de associação foi utilizado o teste Qui-Quadrado de Pearson, sendo considerado significante o valor de p≤0,05.


Houve associação entre quem trabalha exclusivamente como fonoaudiólogo com as variáveis faixa salarial (p=0,003), carga horária de trabalho (p=0,001), situação econômica após conclusão do curso (p=0,004), continuidade dos estudos (p≤0,001), percepção de realização profissional (p=0,008) e financeira (p=0,012).


A percepção dos egressos de Fonoaudiologia inseridos no mercado de trabalho revela uma avaliação positiva da profissão. Trabalhar exclusivamente como fonoaudiólogo tem relação com a faixa salarial, carga horária de trabalho, percepção de realização profissional e melhora da situação econômica, após conclusão do curso. Embora a maioria dos egressos não esteja realizada financeiramente, eles avançam na continuidade dos estudos.

Fonoaudiologia; Estudante; Mercado de trabalho; Prática profissional; Satisfação no emprego; Educação continuada


Among the different forms of assessment of undergraduate courses is the follow-up of graduates(11 Pena MDC. Acompanhamento de egressos: uma análise conceitual e sua aplicação no âmbito educacional brasileiro. Educ Tecnol. 2000;5(2):25-30.

2 Lousada ACZ, Martins GA. Egressos como fonte de informação à gestão dos cursos de Ciências Contábeis. R Cont Fin. 2005;16(37):73-84.

3 Bardagi MP, Bizarro L, Andrade AMJ, Audibert A, Lassance MCP. Avaliação da formação e trajetória profissional na perspectiva de egressos de um curso de Psicologia. Psicol Cienc Prof. 2008;28(2):304-15.

4 Barreto DM, Lazaroto TC, Barreto JBM. Caracterização de egressos e acadêmicos do curso de Psicologia em relação à atuação profissional. Unoesc & Ciência – ACHS. 2013;4(1):101-12.

5 Andriola WB. Estudo de egressos de cursos de graduação: subsídios para a autoavaliação e o planejamento institucionais. Educ Rev. 2014;54(54):203-20.
-66 Santos JG, Souza RS. Proposta de acompanhamento dos egressos do IFB com base em um estudo do acompanhamento dos egressos em nível nacional. Revista EIXO. 2015;4(1):53-73.
). From the perception of the alumni, it is possible to map out the academic trajectory and professional situation as well as to visualize the working reality of these professionals(22 Lousada ACZ, Martins GA. Egressos como fonte de informação à gestão dos cursos de Ciências Contábeis. R Cont Fin. 2005;16(37):73-84.
,55 Andriola WB. Estudo de egressos de cursos de graduação: subsídios para a autoavaliação e o planejamento institucionais. Educ Rev. 2014;54(54):203-20.
,77 Câmara AMCS, Santos LLCP. Um estudo com egressos do curso de Fisioterapia da Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais (UFMG) – 1982-2005. Rev Bras Educ Med. 2012;36(1 Supl 1):5-17.

8 Lima LA, Andriola LWB. Acompanhamento de egressos: subsídios para a avaliação de Instituições de Ensino Superior (IES). Avaliação. 2018;23(1):104-25.

9 Teixeira LC, Rodrigues ALV, Santos JN, Cardoso AFR, Gama ACC, Resende LM. Professional trajectory of graduates in speech, language and hearing sciences. Rev CEFAC. 2013 Ago;15(6):1591-600.

10 Sousa JE, Maciel LKB, Oliveira CPS, Zocratto BF. Mercado de trabalho em Odontologia: perspectivas dos estudantes concluintes de faculdades privadas. Revista da ABENO. 2017;17(1):74-86.
-1111 Silva LC, Bastos AVBB, Ribeiro JLLS, Peixoto ALA. Acompanhamento de egressos como ferramenta para a gestão universitária: um estudo com graduados da UFBA. Revista GUAL. 2017;10(4):293-313.
) and their satisfaction with the profession(77 Câmara AMCS, Santos LLCP. Um estudo com egressos do curso de Fisioterapia da Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais (UFMG) – 1982-2005. Rev Bras Educ Med. 2012;36(1 Supl 1):5-17.
,1212 Silva DCP, Grazziano CR, Carrascosa AC. Satisfação profissional e perfil de egressos em Fisioterapia. ConScientiae Saúde. 2018;17(1):65-71.

The professional situation is marked by roles and responsibilities, which the professional must be able to perform and which will serve as a regular source of subsistence. Professional satisfaction comes from the results obtained in the practice of the profession, confronted with the expectations of the individual; and it not only derives from remuneration, but also from interpersonal relationships, type of work performed, accomplishment and recognition for their work(77 Câmara AMCS, Santos LLCP. Um estudo com egressos do curso de Fisioterapia da Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais (UFMG) – 1982-2005. Rev Bras Educ Med. 2012;36(1 Supl 1):5-17.
,1212 Silva DCP, Grazziano CR, Carrascosa AC. Satisfação profissional e perfil de egressos em Fisioterapia. ConScientiae Saúde. 2018;17(1):65-71.

In this context, the understanding of the described aspects has double importance, both for the original course and for their professional area, which will benefit from this exploration for the training of future professionals facing the reality of the labor market.

Many institutions, however, do not regularly follow up on graduates after completing the course(11 Pena MDC. Acompanhamento de egressos: uma análise conceitual e sua aplicação no âmbito educacional brasileiro. Educ Tecnol. 2000;5(2):25-30.,55 Andriola WB. Estudo de egressos de cursos de graduação: subsídios para a autoavaliação e o planejamento institucionais. Educ Rev. 2014;54(54):203-20.
,66 Santos JG, Souza RS. Proposta de acompanhamento dos egressos do IFB com base em um estudo do acompanhamento dos egressos em nível nacional. Revista EIXO. 2015;4(1):53-73.
). In the field of speech pathology, research regarding undergraduate graduates is still incipient and the existing studies bring data only from Brazilian public universities(99 Teixeira LC, Rodrigues ALV, Santos JN, Cardoso AFR, Gama ACC, Resende LM. Professional trajectory of graduates in speech, language and hearing sciences. Rev CEFAC. 2013 Ago;15(6):1591-600.
,1313 Barreto SS, Castro L. Formação e práticas em saúde de fonoaudiólogos inseridos em serviços públicos de saúde. Cien Saude Colet. 2011;16(1):201-10. PMid:21180828.

In one of the studies about this topic, the authors sought to understand the aspects of the professional path and continuity of the studies of Speech Therapy students. The results pointed out that the aspects that contribute to the speech therapists’ financial independence are age increase, working hours over 20 hours and positive evaluation about the academic education(99 Teixeira LC, Rodrigues ALV, Santos JN, Cardoso AFR, Gama ACC, Resende LM. Professional trajectory of graduates in speech, language and hearing sciences. Rev CEFAC. 2013 Ago;15(6):1591-600.
). Independence is related to the highest average salary and directly interferes with job satisfaction(99 Teixeira LC, Rodrigues ALV, Santos JN, Cardoso AFR, Gama ACC, Resende LM. Professional trajectory of graduates in speech, language and hearing sciences. Rev CEFAC. 2013 Ago;15(6):1591-600.

In the other study(1313 Barreto SS, Castro L. Formação e práticas em saúde de fonoaudiólogos inseridos em serviços públicos de saúde. Cien Saude Colet. 2011;16(1):201-10. PMid:21180828.
), the authors described the profile of education and health practices of speech therapists, former students of the institution, inserted in municipal health services. The graduates were young adults, female, graduated between four and seven years before. Most of them had previous internship experiences in the health network, they were specialists, had double employment relationships and their clinical practice was centered around individual clinical-therapeutic care(1313 Barreto SS, Castro L. Formação e práticas em saúde de fonoaudiólogos inseridos em serviços públicos de saúde. Cien Saude Colet. 2011;16(1):201-10. PMid:21180828.

Therefore it is proposed that understanding the professional path of graduates of Speech Therapy may contribute to the area as a whole. The studies will favor the construction of a graduates’ follow-up policy, adding research evidence to guide new studies and map the speech therapist's job market.

Given the above, the objective of this research was to analyze the association between Speech Therapy graduates inserted in the labor market with sociodemographic variables, aspects of the situation and job satisfaction.


This is an observational analytical cross-sectional study with a non-probabilistic sample, cleared by the Research Ethics Committee of the Federal University of Minas Gerais. - CEP–UFMG, under opinion number 2.936.803.

Speech Language and Hearing Therapy graduates were invited to participate in the research from January to June 2017, via e-mail, social networks, or in person, and participated in the study after online or physical signature of the Informed Consent.

The inclusion criterion was to have a Bachelor degree in Speech Language and Hearing Therapy from the study university, between 2003/2 ° (1st class of the course) and 2016/1 ° and working in the profession. The exclusion criterion was to have been transferred to another school or course, dropped out of the course, or left the institution, and to have exceeded the deadline for crediting their course and, for that reason to be a statutory left out.

The study undergraduate course had, until July 2016, 26 graduated classes and 529 alumni. The sample calculated for study feasibility was 223 egresses (5% sample error and 95% confidence level). In all, 245 questionnaires were returned from a total of 529 distributed. Eligibility criteria were applied and, in the end, 196 graduates participated in this research, among which 168 worked exclusively as speech therapists and the other 28 did not work exclusively in the profession.

The instrument used in the research was an online and physical questionnaire, developed by the researchers, based on other questionnaires used in health graduates research(77 Câmara AMCS, Santos LLCP. Um estudo com egressos do curso de Fisioterapia da Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais (UFMG) – 1982-2005. Rev Bras Educ Med. 2012;36(1 Supl 1):5-17.
,99 Teixeira LC, Rodrigues ALV, Santos JN, Cardoso AFR, Gama ACC, Resende LM. Professional trajectory of graduates in speech, language and hearing sciences. Rev CEFAC. 2013 Ago;15(6):1591-600.
,1414 Magalhães GE, Coelho PHO, Noronha R, Santos FN, Barbosa CFS, Ribeiro EF, et al. Relatório de dados da pesquisa egressos curso de medicina. Belo Horizonte: Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, Faculdade de Filosofia e Ciências Humanas, Núcleo de Avaliação de Políticas Sociais; 2007.) (Box 1).

Box 1
Questionnaire applied to Speech Language and Hearing Pathology graduates

The research axes for the analysis in this research included sociodemographic issues (age, gender, institution where high school was completed, parental education and access to student assistance); professional status issues (length of work, weekly working hours, salary range, difficulty finding first job, time to enter the labor market, improvement in socioeconomic status after graduation, continuation of studies, working exclusively as a speech therapist) and, finally, questions about professional achievement (if the graduate would choose speech therapy again; professional and financial achievement).

The dependent variable analyzed was “working exclusively as a speech therapist” and the independent variables were the other variables investigated in relation to sociodemographic data, situation and job satisfaction.

The data analysis processing was performed through the software Statistical Package for the Social Sciences - SPSS, version 21.0. Descriptive analysis and data association were performed. For the descriptive analysis, the frequency distribution of all categorical variables was performed analyzing central tendency and dispersion measures of continuous variables. For association analyzes, Pearson's chi-square test was used, considering significant those associations with p ≤ 0.05.


The average age of the 196 graduates was 29.42 years, the median of 29.00 and the standard deviation 3.67.

Most of the sample subjects were female (98.0%), up to 29 years old (58.2%), descended from fathers (71.9%) and mothers (68.9%) who did not attend higher education and did not receive student assistance during graduation (66.8%). Half of the sample (50.0%) attended high school in a public school and the other half (50.0%) in a private school. Part of the sample was working between 2 years and 5 years and 11 months (34.2%), received between 3 and 7 minimum wages (45.9%), with workloads between 31 and 40 hours per week (36.2%) and their average difficulty reported was to find the first job (48.0%). Most took up to 6 months to enter the job market (75.5%), worked exclusively as a speech therapist (85.7%). Most reported that their economic situation improved after graduation (87.8%) and did some post graduate course (73.0%). Regarding job satisfaction, most reported that they would choose speech therapy again (68.4%), they felt professionally fulfilled (70.9%), even though not financially fulfilled (73.5%). The descriptive data of the study are presented in Table 1.

Table 1
Descriptive data of speech language and hearing pathology graduates from a public university

There was no association between those who worked exclusively as a speech therapist and sociodemographic variables (Table 2).

Table 2
Association between graduates who work exclusively as speech therapists with sociodemographic characteristics

Regarding the association between speech therapists who worked exclusively in the profession and the aspects of the professional situation, there was an association with the variables salary range (p=0.003), workload (p=0.001), economic status after graduating (p=0.004) and continuity of studies (p≤0.001). Most of the graduates working exclusively as speech therapists received between 3 and 7 minimum wages (49.4%) and had workloads between 31 and 40 hours (37.0%). Most had better economic status after graduation (90.5%) and had not completed postgraduate studies (78.0%). The other variables were not significantly associated (Table 3).

Table 3
Association between graduates who work exclusively as speech therapists with aspects of their professional situation

There was an association between speech therapists working exclusively in the profession and the variables perception of professional achievement (p=0.008) and financial (p=0.012) achievement. Among the graduates who worked exclusively as speech therapists, most reported feeling professionally fulfilled (74.4%) even though not financially fulfilled (70.2%) (Table 4).

Table 4
Association between graduates who work exclusively as speech therapists with aspects of job satisfaction


According to the perception of the speech language and hearing therapists graduates of a Brazilian public institution, it was possible to assess a positive analysis of the speech language and hearing therapy profession, regarding the aspects of the situation and professional satisfaction, exception made for the financial achievement. The data showed that working exclusively as a speech therapist is associated with salary range, workload, improvement of the economic situation after graduation, continuity of studies and professional achievements.

In this study, the egresses were mostly female up to 29 years old. Studies have shown that speech therapy profession is mostly undertaken by female professionals(99 Teixeira LC, Rodrigues ALV, Santos JN, Cardoso AFR, Gama ACC, Resende LM. Professional trajectory of graduates in speech, language and hearing sciences. Rev CEFAC. 2013 Ago;15(6):1591-600.
,1515 Braga CM, Martins KVC, Queiroz MAS, Câmara MFS. Market profile of the phonoaudiologist in the area of clinical audiology. Rev CEFAC. 2013;15(3):546-51.

16 Berberian AP, Ribas A, Massi G, Marques JM, Serratto MRF, Guarinello AC. Changes in the profile of speech-language therapists from Paraná and Santa Catarina from 2000 to 2011. Audiol Commun Res. 2014;19(4):406-11.

17 Gonçalves MT, Fernandes BL, Santos JN, Ninno CQMSD, Britto DBO. Trabalho, educação continuada e renda do profissional fonoaudiólogo atuante em audiologia. Rev CEFAC. 2014;16(6):1775-82.

18 Theissen HF. Perfil dos fonoaudiólogos atuantes no Rio Grande do Sul em 2005 [dissertação]. Porto Alegre: Universidade do Rio Grande do Sul; 2015.

19 Faria TCF. Perfil profissional e percepções de fonoaudiólogos acerca da profissão [dissertação]. Goiânia: Universidade Federal de Goiás; 2015.

20 Celeste LC, Zanoni G, Queiroga B, Alves LM. Hearing and speech sciences in educational environment mapping in Brazil: education, work and professional experience. CoDAS. 2017;29(1):1-7. PMid:28300956.

21 Escarce AG, Lemos SMG, Carvalho SAS. Correlation between satisfaction aspects and the work of speech therapists of a hearing health care network. Rev CEFAC. 2017;19(6):756-63.
-2222 Escarce AG, Lemos SMG, Carvalho SAS. Satisfação de fonoaudiólogos na atenção à saúde auditiva sob a perspectiva da remuneração e carga horária. Distúrb Comun. 2018;30(1):30-42.
). One author relates this occurrence to the fact that women are more maternally oriented, transferring to the professional practice the tasks related to the care of another person(2323 Gattoni AWD. A inserção do Fonoaudiólogo no mercado de trabalho de Belo Horizonte [dissertação]. Belo Horizonte: FEAD – Centro de Gestão Empreendedora; 2008.).

Regarding the age of the professionals, in other studies it has been observed an average age over 30 years, at the time the research was conducted(1515 Braga CM, Martins KVC, Queiroz MAS, Câmara MFS. Market profile of the phonoaudiologist in the area of clinical audiology. Rev CEFAC. 2013;15(3):546-51.

16 Berberian AP, Ribas A, Massi G, Marques JM, Serratto MRF, Guarinello AC. Changes in the profile of speech-language therapists from Paraná and Santa Catarina from 2000 to 2011. Audiol Commun Res. 2014;19(4):406-11.

17 Gonçalves MT, Fernandes BL, Santos JN, Ninno CQMSD, Britto DBO. Trabalho, educação continuada e renda do profissional fonoaudiólogo atuante em audiologia. Rev CEFAC. 2014;16(6):1775-82.

18 Theissen HF. Perfil dos fonoaudiólogos atuantes no Rio Grande do Sul em 2005 [dissertação]. Porto Alegre: Universidade do Rio Grande do Sul; 2015.

19 Faria TCF. Perfil profissional e percepções de fonoaudiólogos acerca da profissão [dissertação]. Goiânia: Universidade Federal de Goiás; 2015.
-2020 Celeste LC, Zanoni G, Queiroga B, Alves LM. Hearing and speech sciences in educational environment mapping in Brazil: education, work and professional experience. CoDAS. 2017;29(1):1-7. PMid:28300956.,2222 Escarce AG, Lemos SMG, Carvalho SAS. Satisfação de fonoaudiólogos na atenção à saúde auditiva sob a perspectiva da remuneração e carga horária. Distúrb Comun. 2018;30(1):30-42.
) and only two studies with speech therapy graduates reported average age within the range of 20 to 30 years(99 Teixeira LC, Rodrigues ALV, Santos JN, Cardoso AFR, Gama ACC, Resende LM. Professional trajectory of graduates in speech, language and hearing sciences. Rev CEFAC. 2013 Ago;15(6):1591-600.
,1313 Barreto SS, Castro L. Formação e práticas em saúde de fonoaudiólogos inseridos em serviços públicos de saúde. Cien Saude Colet. 2011;16(1):201-10. PMid:21180828.

The study found no association between working exclusively in the profession and the sociodemographic data. Although no association was found, it is noteworthy that most parents of the sample graduates did not attend university studies (69.9%). Authors of one study reported that many students were the first in the family to enter college(2424 Soares AB, Francischetto V, Dutra BM, Miranda JM, Nogueira CCC, Leme VR, et al. O impacto das expectativas na adaptação acadêmica dos estudantes no ensino superior. Psico-USF. 2014;19(1):49-60.
). From this fact, it is proposed that future investigations on the association between parental education and the educational performance/retention of children in the undergraduate courses may be of interest. Research is also suggested in relation to public school attendance, necessary for the academic path of low-income students. This was indicated in a previous study, which showed that subsidy policies favor the permanence of the student, in obtaining the diploma and is effective in inserting disadvantaged graduates into the labor market(2525 Vargas MLF. Ensino superior, assistência estudantil e mercado de trabalho: um estudo com egressos da UFMG. Avaliação. 2011;16(1):149-63.
). The expansion of university access promoted in recent years must be studied in detail.

Regarding salary range, most graduates stated that they receive between three and seven minimum wages and most of them reported better economic situation after graduation, a result similar to other studies conducted with professionals in the area, which showed average salaries between two and six minimum wages(1515 Braga CM, Martins KVC, Queiroz MAS, Câmara MFS. Market profile of the phonoaudiologist in the area of clinical audiology. Rev CEFAC. 2013;15(3):546-51.
,1717 Gonçalves MT, Fernandes BL, Santos JN, Ninno CQMSD, Britto DBO. Trabalho, educação continuada e renda do profissional fonoaudiólogo atuante em audiologia. Rev CEFAC. 2014;16(6):1775-82.
,1919 Faria TCF. Perfil profissional e percepções de fonoaudiólogos acerca da profissão [dissertação]. Goiânia: Universidade Federal de Goiás; 2015.,2626 Martins KVC, Costa TP, Câmara MFS. Market profile of speech therapist professional working in the area of school hearing screening. Rev CEFAC. 2012;14(4):641-9.
). A study conducted with speech therapists enrolled in the Regional Council of Speech Therapy (CRFa) - 6th Region of Brazil, the region where the researched course is inserted, found that most professionals worked exclusively as a speech therapist and most received from two to five minimum wages(1717 Gonçalves MT, Fernandes BL, Santos JN, Ninno CQMSD, Britto DBO. Trabalho, educação continuada e renda do profissional fonoaudiólogo atuante em audiologia. Rev CEFAC. 2014;16(6):1775-82.

Most of the graduates of this study reported working between 31 and 40 hours per week, similar to the weekly workloads of speech therapists found in other studies, which ranged from 20 to 40 hours(1515 Braga CM, Martins KVC, Queiroz MAS, Câmara MFS. Market profile of the phonoaudiologist in the area of clinical audiology. Rev CEFAC. 2013;15(3):546-51.
,1919 Faria TCF. Perfil profissional e percepções de fonoaudiólogos acerca da profissão [dissertação]. Goiânia: Universidade Federal de Goiás; 2015.,2222 Escarce AG, Lemos SMG, Carvalho SAS. Satisfação de fonoaudiólogos na atenção à saúde auditiva sob a perspectiva da remuneração e carga horária. Distúrb Comun. 2018;30(1):30-42.
,2626 Martins KVC, Costa TP, Câmara MFS. Market profile of speech therapist professional working in the area of school hearing screening. Rev CEFAC. 2012;14(4):641-9.
,2727 Stefaneli FR, Monteiro KDGM, Spinelli RL. Perfil do fonoaudiólogo na cidade de São José dos Campos. Rev CEFAC. 2004;6(1):101-5.). In a study conducted with speech language and hearing therapy graduates, the authors observed that weekly workloads over 20 hours were even longer for those who lived out exclusively of their work as speech therapists(99 Teixeira LC, Rodrigues ALV, Santos JN, Cardoso AFR, Gama ACC, Resende LM. Professional trajectory of graduates in speech, language and hearing sciences. Rev CEFAC. 2013 Ago;15(6):1591-600.

There was also an association between working exclusively in the profession and continuing education. The continuity of studies has been pointed, in several studies, as a reality in the profession of different areas of health, including speech therapy. Most of the graduating professionals intend to perform, or have already done some postgraduate studies, being the specialization the most commonly done as well as desired by them(1212 Silva DCP, Grazziano CR, Carrascosa AC. Satisfação profissional e perfil de egressos em Fisioterapia. ConScientiae Saúde. 2018;17(1):65-71.
,1717 Gonçalves MT, Fernandes BL, Santos JN, Ninno CQMSD, Britto DBO. Trabalho, educação continuada e renda do profissional fonoaudiólogo atuante em audiologia. Rev CEFAC. 2014;16(6):1775-82.
,2222 Escarce AG, Lemos SMG, Carvalho SAS. Satisfação de fonoaudiólogos na atenção à saúde auditiva sob a perspectiva da remuneração e carga horária. Distúrb Comun. 2018;30(1):30-42.
,2828 Silva DGM, Sampaio TMM, Bianchini EMG. Percepções do fonoaudiólogo recém-formado quanto a sua formação, intenção profissional e atualização de conhecimentos. Rev Soc Bras Fonoaudiol. 2010;15(1):47-53.
,2929 Querino JPFO, Peixoto LR, Sampaio GAM. Perfil dos concluintes de odontologia da Universidade Estadual da Paraíba. Revista da ABENO. 2018;18(1):170-81.
). In one survey, only three of the 136 newly graduated speech therapists in the state of Rio de Janeiro did not intend to continue updating their training, and most wanted to do specialization (70.0%), followed by master's degree (61.0%) and doctorate (26.0%)(2828 Silva DGM, Sampaio TMM, Bianchini EMG. Percepções do fonoaudiólogo recém-formado quanto a sua formação, intenção profissional e atualização de conhecimentos. Rev Soc Bras Fonoaudiol. 2010;15(1):47-53.

Regarding aspects of job satisfaction, most graduates who worked exclusively within the profession felt professional achievement, even though not financially fulfilled. In this way graduates recognize the profession as a source of satisfaction, regardless of financial satisfaction. Only one study with similar population was found, which also observed independence between job and financial satisfaction(99 Teixeira LC, Rodrigues ALV, Santos JN, Cardoso AFR, Gama ACC, Resende LM. Professional trajectory of graduates in speech, language and hearing sciences. Rev CEFAC. 2013 Ago;15(6):1591-600.
). Other studies in the literature found that job satisfaction is directly linked to financial satisfaction(1717 Gonçalves MT, Fernandes BL, Santos JN, Ninno CQMSD, Britto DBO. Trabalho, educação continuada e renda do profissional fonoaudiólogo atuante em audiologia. Rev CEFAC. 2014;16(6):1775-82.
,2626 Martins KVC, Costa TP, Câmara MFS. Market profile of speech therapist professional working in the area of school hearing screening. Rev CEFAC. 2012;14(4):641-9.
). A survey conducted with speech therapists found that 54.1% of professionals were dissatisfied with the profession and of these, 34.6% pointed out as a cause of dissatisfaction: low pay, 10.2%, lack of employment, 5.3%, lack of recognition and 4.0% did not justify the reason(1717 Gonçalves MT, Fernandes BL, Santos JN, Ninno CQMSD, Britto DBO. Trabalho, educação continuada e renda do profissional fonoaudiólogo atuante em audiologia. Rev CEFAC. 2014;16(6):1775-82.
). Authors discussed that compensation is one of the determining factors for professional satisfaction, as well as working conditions and staff, possibility of recognition and professional growth(1717 Gonçalves MT, Fernandes BL, Santos JN, Ninno CQMSD, Britto DBO. Trabalho, educação continuada e renda do profissional fonoaudiólogo atuante em audiologia. Rev CEFAC. 2014;16(6):1775-82.
,2121 Escarce AG, Lemos SMG, Carvalho SAS. Correlation between satisfaction aspects and the work of speech therapists of a hearing health care network. Rev CEFAC. 2017;19(6):756-63.

Given the results of this study, it is suggested to conduct new research, including multi-center studies, in order to provide a broader overview of the insertion and professional path of graduates of speech language and hearing therapy courses in Brazil. Research with graduates is important for the profession and for undergraduate courses throughout the country.

As limitations observed in the development of the present study, we highlight the sample size. The non-updating of e-mails of graduates by the institution and the lack of a channel for contacting between the alumni and the university caused distancing and consequently impaired the access to them, creating obstacles to obtain a larger sample.


Working exclusively as a speech therapist is related to the salary range, workload, perception of professional achievement and improvement of the economic situation after graduation. Although most graduates are not financially successful, they go ahead furthering their studies.

The follow-up of the speech therapists is fundamental to know the aspects of the situation and the professional satisfaction of the alumni, to evaluate the teaching provided by the institution and to understand the reality of the professional group and their job market.

  • Study conducted at Programa de Pós-graduação em Ciências Fonoaudiológicas, Departamento de Fonoaudiologia, Faculdade de Medicina, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais – UFMG – Belo Horizonte (MG), Brasil.
  • Funding: Bolsa de pós-graduação concedida pela Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de Minas Gerais (FAPEMIG). Número do processo: 11714.


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Publication Dates

  • Publication in this collection
    12 Sept 2019
  • Date of issue


  • Received
    13 Oct 2018
  • Accepted
    24 June 2019
Academia Brasileira de Audiologia Rua Itapeva, 202, conjunto 61, CEP 01332-000, Tel.: (11) 3253-8711 - São Paulo - SP - Brazil