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Orofacial rehabilitation in head and neck burns: a systematic review of the literature



Analyze studies addressing the treatment of head and neck burns in different fields of health care, especially treatments that involve the functional rehabilitation of the head and neck muscles.

Research strategy

This qualitative review of the literature analyzed international scientific publications in the PubMed database that used the following keywords: “burn and face and speech-language pathology”, “burn and face and speech language”, “burn and face and rehabilitation”, “burn and face and myofunctional rehabilitation”, “burn and face and myofunctional therapy”, “nonsurgical and scar and management”, “burn and face and nonsurgical”, and “burn and face and scar and management”.

Selection criteria

Scientific publications on treatment strategies for head and neck burns associated to functional rehabilitation of the head and neck muscles using muscle exercises and/or manual therapy were included in this study.


Overall, most of the treatments described in the investigated studies presented positive outcomes for patients with head and neck burns. The studies showed wide variability in terms of treatment proposals and methodologies used to verify treatment efficacy.


Although a growing number of publications on the rehabilitation of head and neck burns were observed, the best therapeutic technique and its real benefits remain unclear. There is a wide range of treatment protocols, and very few focus on the functional treatment of the orofacial myofunctional system. Most of the studies propose isolated motor activities to improve the mandibular range of movements.

Burns; Head; Neck; Speech, Language and hearing sciences; Rehabilitation; Review



Investigar estudos sobre o tratamento das queimaduras em cabeça e pescoço, nas diversas áreas da saúde envolvidas na assistência a queimados (médica, enfermagem, fonoaudiologia, fisioterapia e terapia ocupacional), avaliando a eficácia das técnicas empregadas, principalmente no que se refere à reabilitação da funcionalidade da musculatura em cabeça e pescoço.

Estratégia de pesquisa

Os artigos foram selecionados por meio da base de dados PubMed, utilizando os descritores “burn and face and speech-language pathology”, “burn and face and speech language”, “burn and face and rehabilitation”, “burn and face and myofunctional rehabilitation”, “burn and face and myofunctional therapy”, “nonsurgical and scar and management”, “burn and face and nonsurgical” e “burn and face and scar and management”.

Critérios de seleção

Foram incluídos artigos que investigaram os tratamentos das queimaduras em cabeça e pescoço, associados à reabilitação da funcionalidade da musculatura em cabeça e pescoço, utilizando exercícios musculares e/ou terapias manuais.


A maioria dos tratamentos descritos apresentou efeitos benéficos para pacientes com queimaduras. Foi observada grande variabilidade da metodologia adotada para a aplicação e verificação dos efeitos dos tratamentos.


Apesar do crescente número de pesquisas, ainda não existe consenso quanto à melhor técnica terapêutica e ao real benefício de cada uma delas. Existe uma grande diversidade nos protocolos de tratamento, sendo que um número pequeno de estudos de tratamento visa a funcionalidade do sistema miofuncional orofacial. A maioria dos estudos tem, como foco, atividades motoras isoladas, que visam à mobilidade mandibular.

Queimaduras; Cabeça; Pescoço; Fonoaudiologia; Reabilitação; Revisão


According to the literature, burns are defined as lesions to organic tissues caused by traumas of different origins. These traumas can be thermal (exposure to flames, hot or cold liquids, and combustion), solid (by friction), electrical, chemical (sulfuric acid, caustic soda, nitric acid, and anhydrous ammonia), or by radiation (uranium, radium, plutonium, and the radiation produced by X-ray and radiotherapy devices), compromising the integrity of the skin and soft tissues(11 Magnani DM, Sassi FC, Vana LPM, Alonso N, Andrade CRF. Evaluation of oral-motor movements and facial mimic in patients with head and neck burns by a public service in Brazil. Clinics. 2015;70(5):339-45. PMid:26039950.

2 Herson MR, Teixeira N No, Paggiaro AO, Carvalho VF, Machado LCC, Ueda T, Ferreira MC. Estudo epidemiológico em sequelas de queimadura. Rev Bras Queimaduras. 2009;8(3):82-6.
-33 Gonçalves LF, Franco D. Queimaduras. In: Franco T, Franco D, Gonçalves LF, organizadores. Princípios da cirurgia plástica. 1a ed. São Paulo: Atheneu; 2002.).

Epidemiological data show that burns account for over 300,000 deaths/year, and nearly 11 million people worldwide require burn-related medical assistance(11 Magnani DM, Sassi FC, Vana LPM, Alonso N, Andrade CRF. Evaluation of oral-motor movements and facial mimic in patients with head and neck burns by a public service in Brazil. Clinics. 2015;70(5):339-45. PMid:26039950.
,44 Peck MD. Epidemiology of burns throughout the word Part I: distribution and risk factors. Burns. 2011;37(7):1087-100. PMid:21802856.
). Statistics from the United States indicate that more than one million burns occur each year, with five thousand of these injuries being fatal, placing burns as the fourth leading cause of death from unintentional injuries(44 Peck MD. Epidemiology of burns throughout the word Part I: distribution and risk factors. Burns. 2011;37(7):1087-100. PMid:21802856.
,55 Cruz BF, Cordovil PBL, Batista KNM. Epidemiological profile of patients who suffered burns in Brasil: literature review. Rev Bras Queimaduras. 2012;11(4):246-50.).

Brazil ranks fifth in the world for this occurrence, both by geographical area and population. For this reason, the incidence rate of burns tends to vary considerably in the literature, and reports are usually limited to a single Burn Treatment Center (BTC)(11 Magnani DM, Sassi FC, Vana LPM, Alonso N, Andrade CRF. Evaluation of oral-motor movements and facial mimic in patients with head and neck burns by a public service in Brazil. Clinics. 2015;70(5):339-45. PMid:26039950.
,44 Peck MD. Epidemiology of burns throughout the word Part I: distribution and risk factors. Burns. 2011;37(7):1087-100. PMid:21802856.
). Burns are also a significant public health concern(11 Magnani DM, Sassi FC, Vana LPM, Alonso N, Andrade CRF. Evaluation of oral-motor movements and facial mimic in patients with head and neck burns by a public service in Brazil. Clinics. 2015;70(5):339-45. PMid:26039950.
,44 Peck MD. Epidemiology of burns throughout the word Part I: distribution and risk factors. Burns. 2011;37(7):1087-100. PMid:21802856.
), representing the second cause of death in children in Brazil(44 Peck MD. Epidemiology of burns throughout the word Part I: distribution and risk factors. Burns. 2011;37(7):1087-100. PMid:21802856.
). The National Health Surveillance Agency (Anvisa) reports that there are approximately 300,000 new cases of child burns per year(66 Brasil. Agência Nacional de Vigilância Sanitária. O álcool na forma de gel é ou não um saneamento? [Internet]. Brasília; 2014 [citado em 2014 Jan 10]. Disponível em:
). A literature review published in 2012 showed that over 4% of all public hospital admissions in the Country are a result of burns. Prevalence rates for head and neck burns also vary considerably, with estimates of 6-60% of all burns recorded in the Country(77 Rumbach AF, Ward EC, Cornwell PL, Bassett LV, Muller MJ. The challenges of dysphagia management and rehabilitation after extensive thermal burn injury: a complex case. J Burn Care Res. 2009;30(5):901-5. PMid:19692928.

In general, burns are classified with respect to their depth, according to involvement of the constituent layers of the skin. First-degree burns affect only the epidermis and the hair follicles. Second-degree burns may be superficial or deep: the superficial ones affect the whole epidermis and a portion of the dermis, whereas the deep ones cause the destruction of practically the entire dermis. Third-degree burns, however, destroy all layers of the skin, and can reach subcutaneous and other deeper tissues such as muscles, tendons, bones, and the digestive and respiratory tracts(11 Magnani DM, Sassi FC, Vana LPM, Alonso N, Andrade CRF. Evaluation of oral-motor movements and facial mimic in patients with head and neck burns by a public service in Brazil. Clinics. 2015;70(5):339-45. PMid:26039950.
,88 Singer AJ, Clark RAF. Cutaneous wound healing. N Engl J Med. 1999;341(10):738-46. PMid:10471461.

Hypertrophic scars are hard, raised, red, pruritic, tender, and contracted(88 Singer AJ, Clark RAF. Cutaneous wound healing. N Engl J Med. 1999;341(10):738-46. PMid:10471461.
,99 Wang XQ, Kravchuk O, Winterford C, Kimble RM. The correlation of in vivo burn scar contraction with the level of α-smooth muscle actin expression. Burns. 2011;37(8):1367-77. PMid:21855218.
). Several methods for measuring scar severity and response to treatment have already been described, such as clinical observation, the Vancouver Scar Scale, scar volume, photography, vascularity, flexibility, and ultrasound thickness; however, none of these methods has been accepted as standard(1010 Santos MC, Tibola J, Marques CMG. Tradução, revalidação e confiabilidade da Escala de Cicatrização de Vancouver para língua portuguesa - Brasil. Rev Bras Queimaduras. 2014;13(1):26-30.,1111 Linhares CB, Viaro MSS, Collares MVM. Tradução para o português da Patient and Observer Scar Assessment Scale (POSAS). Rev Bras Cir Plást. 2016;31(1):95-100.). Keloids and hypertrophic scars are characterized by excess collagen accumulation in the wound and are examples of fibroproliferative disorders(1212 Ogawa R. Keloid and hypertrophic scars are the result of chronic inflammation in the reticular dermis. Int J Mol Sci. 2017;18(3):606-16. PMid:28287424.
,1313 Engrav LH, Garner WL, Tredget EE. Hypertrophic scar, wound contraction and hyper-hypopigmentation. J Burn Care Res. 2007;28(4):593-7. PMid:17665520.

The head and neck regions are exposed to various lesions. The contractile forces of the neck can also cause facial deformities and adversely affect the maturation of facial scars(1414 Makboul M, El-Oteify M. Classification of post-burn contracture neck. Indian Journal of Burns. 2013;21(1):50-4.
,1515 Güven E, Uğurlu AM, Hocaoğlu E, Kuvat SV, Elbey H. Treatment of post-burn upper extremity, neck and facial contractures: report of 77 cases. Ulus Travma Acil Cerrahi Derg. 2010;16(5):401-6. PMid:21038116.). Burns in the head and neck region are prone to develop hypertrophic scars and contractures that may cause incomplete oral occlusion, impairments in articulation and feeding, difficulties in intubation, oromaxillofacial skeletal deformities, oral/dental hygiene difficulties, esthetic deformity, and facial expression and vocal changes(11 Magnani DM, Sassi FC, Vana LPM, Alonso N, Andrade CRF. Evaluation of oral-motor movements and facial mimic in patients with head and neck burns by a public service in Brazil. Clinics. 2015;70(5):339-45. PMid:26039950.
,1616 Clayton NA, Ward EC, Maitz PKM. Full thickness facial burns: outcomes following orofacial rehabilitation. Burns. 2015;41(7):1599-606. PMid:25979798.

17 Clayton NA, Ellul G, Ward EC, Scott A, Maitz PK. Orofacial contracture management: currente patterns of clinical practice in Australian and New Zealand adult burn units. J Burn Care Res. 2016;38(1):204-11.
-1818 Nunes JA, Nemr K. Queimaduras e as alterações miofuncionais e laríngeas. Rev CEFAC. 2005;7(4):466-72.). Third-degree burns in the orofacial region are described as complex and difficult to treat(1616 Clayton NA, Ward EC, Maitz PKM. Full thickness facial burns: outcomes following orofacial rehabilitation. Burns. 2015;41(7):1599-606. PMid:25979798.

Most studies addressing burn treatments described in the literature refer to surgical evaluations and procedures performed in the acute phase of burn, as this is the most critical period for patient survival. However, many patients evolve with functional and esthetic sequelae, which can directly impact their quality of life(11 Magnani DM, Sassi FC, Vana LPM, Alonso N, Andrade CRF. Evaluation of oral-motor movements and facial mimic in patients with head and neck burns by a public service in Brazil. Clinics. 2015;70(5):339-45. PMid:26039950.
,1919 Ahuja RB, Mulay AM, Ahuja A. Assessment of quality of life (Qol) of burn patients in India using BSHS-RBA scale. Burns. 2016;42(3):639-47. PMid:26796242.,2020 Gobbi CIC. Atuação da Psicologia: uma possibilidade: a superação do horror da queimadura pela fala. In: Ferreira MC, Gomez DS, organizadores. Tratado de cirurgia plástica: queimaduras. São Paulo: Atheneu; 2013.).


Given the scarcity of data on functional treatments of head and neck burns, the purpose of this literature review was to verify possible treatments for these conditions in the various health care areas, assessing the efficacy of the techniques used, mainly with respect to rehabilitation of the head and neck musculature mobility and of the orofacial myofunctional functions, such as breathing, chewing, and swallowing.


Research methodology followed the precepts of the Cochrane Handbook for Systematic Reviews of Interventions(2121 Higgins JPT, Green S, organizadores. Cochrane handbook for systematic reviews of intervention. London: The Cochrane Colaboration; 2011.). The articles included in this study were selected at the PubMed database using the following keywords: “burn and face and speech-language pathology”, “burn and face and speech language”, burn and face and rehabilitation”, burn and face and myofunctional rehabilitation, “burn and face and myofunctional therapy”, “nonsurgical and scar and management”, “burn and face and nonsurgical”, and “burn and face and scar and management”; the search was limited to studies published in Portuguese and English between January 2008 and January 2018.

Search for articles in the database was performed independently (at different times, and without contact between the referees) by three researchers aiming to minimize possible citation losses. Only texts closely related to the study proposal were analyzed. All stages of the research, namely, database search and exclusion of texts in language other than Portuguese and English, repeated due to overlapping of keywords, with limited access, and lacking description of treatments, were conducted independently by the researchers.


Articles addressing treatments of head and neck burns associated with functional rehabilitation using muscle exercises and/or manual therapies were included in this review. Articles published in languages other than Portuguese and English were excluded, as well as those to which access to full text was limited and/or were in duplicate due to overlapping of keywords. Of the complete texts obtained, literature reviews, letters to the editor, and texts not directly associated with the study theme were excluded from this review. In case of disagreement between the researchers (they did not classify the text compatible with the investigated theme), only the texts on which a final consensus was reached were included in this literature review.


All selected texts were analyzed with respect to the following variables: study sample, age and gender of participants, burned body surface area (BBSA), study objective, techniques used, and results/conclusion.


Of the 181 articles selected, 14 were considered for analysis according to the inclusion criteria of the study. Of these, two were not available, thus 12 studies were included in the final review (Figure 1).

Figure 1
Selection of the articles included in the literature review

For analysis purposes, the articles were divided into and presented in two charts: Chart 1 – containing articles addressing burn treatment; Chart 2 – including case reports on treatment of burned individuals.

Chart 1
Burn treatment
Chart 2
Burn Treatment - Case Reports


Analysis of all selected articles, from all health areas, showed prevalence of males among the investigated patients, and that none of the studies used gender as a variable of research. Although the prevalence of burns in males is not well understood, the literature indicates that this finding can be explained by the behavior of this population, which is characterized by marked ability to explore the environment, excessive motor activity, and less caution, representing an increased risk for this type of accidents(22 Herson MR, Teixeira N No, Paggiaro AO, Carvalho VF, Machado LCC, Ueda T, Ferreira MC. Estudo epidemiológico em sequelas de queimadura. Rev Bras Queimaduras. 2009;8(3):82-6.

3 Gonçalves LF, Franco D. Queimaduras. In: Franco T, Franco D, Gonçalves LF, organizadores. Princípios da cirurgia plástica. 1a ed. São Paulo: Atheneu; 2002.

4 Peck MD. Epidemiology of burns throughout the word Part I: distribution and risk factors. Burns. 2011;37(7):1087-100. PMid:21802856.
-55 Cruz BF, Cordovil PBL, Batista KNM. Epidemiological profile of patients who suffered burns in Brasil: literature review. Rev Bras Queimaduras. 2012;11(4):246-50.,2222 Kara IG, Gok S, Horsanli O, Zencir M. A population-based questionnaire study on the prevalence and epidemiology of burns patients in Denizli, Turkey. J Burn Care Res. 2008;29(3):446-50. PMid:18388582.

A wide age range was observed in the samples of the selected articles, varying from 1 to 80 years, and including children, adolescents, adults and the elderly(1616 Clayton NA, Ward EC, Maitz PKM. Full thickness facial burns: outcomes following orofacial rehabilitation. Burns. 2015;41(7):1599-606. PMid:25979798.
,1717 Clayton NA, Ellul G, Ward EC, Scott A, Maitz PK. Orofacial contracture management: currente patterns of clinical practice in Australian and New Zealand adult burn units. J Burn Care Res. 2016;38(1):204-11.
,2323 Fischer S, Kueckelhaus M, Pauzenberger R, Bueno EM, Pomahac B. Functional outcomes of face transplantation. Am J Transplant. 2015;15(1):220-33. PMid:25359281.

24 Philp L, Umraw N, Cartotto R. Late outcomes after grafting of the severely burned face: a quality improvement initiative. J Burn Care Res. 2012;33(1):46-56. PMid:22002207.

25 Isaac C, Carvalho VF, Paggiaro AO, Maio M, Ferreira MC. Intralesional pentoxifyline as an adjuvant treatment for perioral post-burn hypertrophic scars. Burns. 2010;36(6):831-5. PMid:20064692.

26 Parry I, Sen S, Palmieri T, Greenhalgh D. Nonsurgical scar management of the face: does early versus late intervention affect outcomes? J Burn Care Res. 2013;34(5):569-75. PMid:23816994.

27 Parlak Gürol A, Polat S, Nuran Akçay M. Itching, pain, and anxiety level are reduce with massage therapy in burned adolescents. J Burn Care Res. 2010;31(3):429-32. PMid:20453734.

28 Andrade CRF. A estatística. In: Andrade ACR, organizadores. TCC em Fonoaudiologia. Barueri: Pró-Fono; 2012.

29 Wei Y, Li-Tsang CWP, Liu J, Xie L, Yue S. 3D-printed transparent facemask in the treatment of facial hypertrophic scars of young children with burns. Burns. 2017;43(3):e19-26. PMid:28040366.

30 Pontini A, Reho F, Giatsidis G, Bacci C, Azzena B, Tiengo C. Multidisciplinary care in severe pediatric electrical oral burn. Burns. 2015;41(3):e41-6. PMid:25716757.

31 Sadiq Z, Farook SA, Ayliffe P. The role of free flap reconstruction in paediatric caustic burns. Br J Oral Maxillofac Surg. 2013;51(6):563-4. PMid:23369780.

32 Clayton NA, Ward EC, Maitz PK. Intensive swallowing and orofacial contracture rehabilitation after severe burn: a pilot study and literature review. Burns. 2017;43(1):e7-17. PMid:27575671.
-3333 Clayton NA, Ledgard JP, Haertsch PA, Kennedy PJ, Maitz PK. Rehabilitation of speech and swallowing after burns reconstructive surgery of the lips and nose. J Burn Care Res. 2009;30(6):1039-45. PMid:19826257.). Although no statistics on burns by age group are available, in the United States, it is estimated that between 500,000 and 2 million burns occur per year, with burns in children accounting for 440,000/year; of these, 11,000 children are hospitalized and 7,800 evolve to death. In Brazil, 1 million burns occur each year, with children as the most affected(3434 Chen X, Sun W, Wang J, Han D, Gao G, Yan D, Zhao X, Yao X, Wang L, Wang G. Epidemiology of bedside stove burns in a retrospective cohort of 5089 pediatric patients. Burns. 2014;40(8):1761-9. PMid:24863713.

35 Egeland B, More S, Buchman SR, Cederna PS. Management of difficult pediatric facial burns: reconstruction of burn-related lower eyelid ectropion and perioral contractures. J Craniofac Surg. 2008;19(4):960-9. PMid:18650718.
-3636 Oliveira DS, Leonardi DF. Sequelas físicas em pacientes pediátricos que sofreram queimaduras. Rev Bras Queimaduras. 2012;11(4):234-9.).

According to the literature, severity of burn injuries is normally determined by calculating the BBSA, which can be assessed using the Lund-Browder chart(3737 Gomez DS, Gemperli R. Tratamento de urgência: cuidados no pronto socorro. In: Ferreira MC, Gomez DS, organizadores. Tratado de cirurgia plástica: queimaduras. São Paulo: Atheneu; 2013.). Although determination of burn severity is essential to define procedures and treatments to be adopted, this literature review showed that only six articles used this measure to characterize the sample, hindering generalization of the results(1616 Clayton NA, Ward EC, Maitz PKM. Full thickness facial burns: outcomes following orofacial rehabilitation. Burns. 2015;41(7):1599-606. PMid:25979798.
,1717 Clayton NA, Ellul G, Ward EC, Scott A, Maitz PK. Orofacial contracture management: currente patterns of clinical practice in Australian and New Zealand adult burn units. J Burn Care Res. 2016;38(1):204-11.
,2424 Philp L, Umraw N, Cartotto R. Late outcomes after grafting of the severely burned face: a quality improvement initiative. J Burn Care Res. 2012;33(1):46-56. PMid:22002207.
,2626 Parry I, Sen S, Palmieri T, Greenhalgh D. Nonsurgical scar management of the face: does early versus late intervention affect outcomes? J Burn Care Res. 2013;34(5):569-75. PMid:23816994.
,2727 Parlak Gürol A, Polat S, Nuran Akçay M. Itching, pain, and anxiety level are reduce with massage therapy in burned adolescents. J Burn Care Res. 2010;31(3):429-32. PMid:20453734.
). The literature shows that BBSA >20% is considered severe, requiring specific care such as volume replacement(3636 Oliveira DS, Leonardi DF. Sequelas físicas em pacientes pediátricos que sofreram queimaduras. Rev Bras Queimaduras. 2012;11(4):234-9.).

Sample size of the reviewed articles varied considerably, with only two studies conducted with more than 100 participants(1616 Clayton NA, Ward EC, Maitz PKM. Full thickness facial burns: outcomes following orofacial rehabilitation. Burns. 2015;41(7):1599-606. PMid:25979798.
,1717 Clayton NA, Ellul G, Ward EC, Scott A, Maitz PK. Orofacial contracture management: currente patterns of clinical practice in Australian and New Zealand adult burn units. J Burn Care Res. 2016;38(1):204-11.
). Of the 12 articles included in this literature review, four studies used a control group, two of them in the Speech-language Pathology (SLP) area, which had control groups matched for age of the participants(1616 Clayton NA, Ward EC, Maitz PKM. Full thickness facial burns: outcomes following orofacial rehabilitation. Burns. 2015;41(7):1599-606. PMid:25979798.
,1717 Clayton NA, Ellul G, Ward EC, Scott A, Maitz PK. Orofacial contracture management: currente patterns of clinical practice in Australian and New Zealand adult burn units. J Burn Care Res. 2016;38(1):204-11.
,2525 Isaac C, Carvalho VF, Paggiaro AO, Maio M, Ferreira MC. Intralesional pentoxifyline as an adjuvant treatment for perioral post-burn hypertrophic scars. Burns. 2010;36(6):831-5. PMid:20064692.
,2727 Parlak Gürol A, Polat S, Nuran Akçay M. Itching, pain, and anxiety level are reduce with massage therapy in burned adolescents. J Burn Care Res. 2010;31(3):429-32. PMid:20453734.
). Presence of a control group allows greater possibility of analysis and accuracy of results(2828 Andrade CRF. A estatística. In: Andrade ACR, organizadores. TCC em Fonoaudiologia. Barueri: Pró-Fono; 2012.).

Of the articles in the medical area, only one performed evaluation with pre- and post-treatment objective exams(2323 Fischer S, Kueckelhaus M, Pauzenberger R, Bueno EM, Pomahac B. Functional outcomes of face transplantation. Am J Transplant. 2015;15(1):220-33. PMid:25359281.
); the other two medical articles employed assessment methods published in the literature and widely used in the area, such as mandibular range of movement and mouth opening measurements, scar and speech intelligibility (auditory-perceptual evaluation) scales, and pressure sensibility sensation assessment(2424 Philp L, Umraw N, Cartotto R. Late outcomes after grafting of the severely burned face: a quality improvement initiative. J Burn Care Res. 2012;33(1):46-56. PMid:22002207.
,2525 Isaac C, Carvalho VF, Paggiaro AO, Maio M, Ferreira MC. Intralesional pentoxifyline as an adjuvant treatment for perioral post-burn hypertrophic scars. Burns. 2010;36(6):831-5. PMid:20064692.
). The following treatment techniques were reported in these medical studies: surgical (face transplantation, debridement, and grafting); massage and compression mask and use pharmaceuticals (pentoxifylline). All the articles showed positive results after the treatment used, and only one study reported use of myofunctional rehabilitation(2323 Fischer S, Kueckelhaus M, Pauzenberger R, Bueno EM, Pomahac B. Functional outcomes of face transplantation. Am J Transplant. 2015;15(1):220-33. PMid:25359281.

24 Philp L, Umraw N, Cartotto R. Late outcomes after grafting of the severely burned face: a quality improvement initiative. J Burn Care Res. 2012;33(1):46-56. PMid:22002207.
-2525 Isaac C, Carvalho VF, Paggiaro AO, Maio M, Ferreira MC. Intralesional pentoxifyline as an adjuvant treatment for perioral post-burn hypertrophic scars. Burns. 2010;36(6):831-5. PMid:20064692.

Still in the medical area, orofacial myofunctional rehabilitation techniques were reported but not detailed, that is, no description of the types of massage and exercise performed was provided and the frequency at which the techniques were used was not mentioned(2323 Fischer S, Kueckelhaus M, Pauzenberger R, Bueno EM, Pomahac B. Functional outcomes of face transplantation. Am J Transplant. 2015;15(1):220-33. PMid:25359281.
). Results of the study that assessed speech intelligibility and facial sensibility(2323 Fischer S, Kueckelhaus M, Pauzenberger R, Bueno EM, Pomahac B. Functional outcomes of face transplantation. Am J Transplant. 2015;15(1):220-33. PMid:25359281.
) demonstrated improvement in smell, breath, eat, speak, grimace and facial sensation, but the results regarding the evaluation of eat, breath and grimace were registered based on the patients' reports, and not by means of objective pre- and post-treatment assessments. According to the literature, self-assessments are considered subjective, because there may be difficulty understanding the questions, in the cases of patients with low schooling, and direct influence of the individual's psychological state at the time of evaluation. Despite being considered inaccurate, this type of evaluation is widely used in the literature(3838 Vana LPM. Estudo comparativo de matrizes dérmicas de colágeno bovino com e sem lâmina de silicone no tratamento da contratura cicatricial pós-queimadura: análise clínica e histológica [tese]. São Paulo: Faculdade de Medicina; 2017.

Studies selected in the SLP area were conducted by the same research team and in the same treatment center(1616 Clayton NA, Ward EC, Maitz PKM. Full thickness facial burns: outcomes following orofacial rehabilitation. Burns. 2015;41(7):1599-606. PMid:25979798.
,1717 Clayton NA, Ellul G, Ward EC, Scott A, Maitz PK. Orofacial contracture management: currente patterns of clinical practice in Australian and New Zealand adult burn units. J Burn Care Res. 2016;38(1):204-11.
). Both studies analyzed the effect of orofacial myofunctional rehabilitation: one conducted with patients with second-degree burns(1616 Clayton NA, Ward EC, Maitz PKM. Full thickness facial burns: outcomes following orofacial rehabilitation. Burns. 2015;41(7):1599-606. PMid:25979798.
) and the other with individuals with third-degree burns(1717 Clayton NA, Ellul G, Ward EC, Scott A, Maitz PK. Orofacial contracture management: currente patterns of clinical practice in Australian and New Zealand adult burn units. J Burn Care Res. 2016;38(1):204-11.
). Both studies used control groups matched for age, with evaluation measures taken at a single time for the control groups and pre- and post-treatment for the case groups. The same evaluation and treatment techniques were used in both studies(1616 Clayton NA, Ward EC, Maitz PKM. Full thickness facial burns: outcomes following orofacial rehabilitation. Burns. 2015;41(7):1599-606. PMid:25979798.
,1717 Clayton NA, Ellul G, Ward EC, Scott A, Maitz PK. Orofacial contracture management: currente patterns of clinical practice in Australian and New Zealand adult burn units. J Burn Care Res. 2016;38(1):204-11.
). For assessment, measures of horizontal (commissure to commissure) and vertical (lip to lip) mouth opening were taken. The treatment used was also the same, and both studies mentioned that exercises and stretching were performed (ten times each, five times a day). The following motion rehabilitation instruments were used for sustained stretching five times for 30 s, three times daily: Therabite®, Cheek Retractor® or OraStrech®. Both studies presented a description of the orofacial myofunctional therapy adopted and described the frequency of each treatment stage; however, neither mentioned which muscles were stretched and which exercises was performed(1616 Clayton NA, Ward EC, Maitz PKM. Full thickness facial burns: outcomes following orofacial rehabilitation. Burns. 2015;41(7):1599-606. PMid:25979798.
,1717 Clayton NA, Ellul G, Ward EC, Scott A, Maitz PK. Orofacial contracture management: currente patterns of clinical practice in Australian and New Zealand adult burn units. J Burn Care Res. 2016;38(1):204-11.
). The resources applied for sustained stretching require the use of these devices, which are not available in the therapeutic routine of BTCs in Brazil(3939 Almeida PCC, Gomez DS. Organização de um centro de tratamento de queimaduras. In: Ferreira MC, Gomez DS, organizadores. Tratado de cirurgia plástica: queimaduras. São Paulo: Atheneu; 2013.). The articles analyzed in the SLP area reported positive outcomes after treatment, aiming to improve mouth opening, and the need for long-term follow-up of the results obtained(1616 Clayton NA, Ward EC, Maitz PKM. Full thickness facial burns: outcomes following orofacial rehabilitation. Burns. 2015;41(7):1599-606. PMid:25979798.
,1717 Clayton NA, Ellul G, Ward EC, Scott A, Maitz PK. Orofacial contracture management: currente patterns of clinical practice in Australian and New Zealand adult burn units. J Burn Care Res. 2016;38(1):204-11.

In the area of Physical Therapy, only one article was selected(2626 Parry I, Sen S, Palmieri T, Greenhalgh D. Nonsurgical scar management of the face: does early versus late intervention affect outcomes? J Burn Care Res. 2013;34(5):569-75. PMid:23816994.
). Patient assessment was conducted using the Vancouver Scar Scale(1010 Santos MC, Tibola J, Marques CMG. Tradução, revalidação e confiabilidade da Escala de Cicatrização de Vancouver para língua portuguesa - Brasil. Rev Bras Queimaduras. 2014;13(1):26-30.), and non-invasive therapeutic techniques such as massage, exercises, compression mask, and earlier use of silicone gel were employed. This study also did not provide a detailed description of the techniques applied with respect to the types of massage and exercises, their frequency, and the pressure used. The study groups were divided according to the technique used (massage, exercises, compression mask, and earlier use of silicone); however, there was no standardization regarding the number of participants in each group and the application time of the rehabilitation strategies(2626 Parry I, Sen S, Palmieri T, Greenhalgh D. Nonsurgical scar management of the face: does early versus late intervention affect outcomes? J Burn Care Res. 2013;34(5):569-75. PMid:23816994.
). Concerning the results associated with efficacy of the techniques proposed in the area of Physical Therapy, earlier use of compression mask and exercises were related to improvement of vascularity ratings on the Vancouver Scar Scale, whereas earlier application of silicone gel and use of compression mask and exercises were associated with scar improvement and shorter scar maturation time. The authors did not detail which exercises were performed and the pressure used in the facemasks(2626 Parry I, Sen S, Palmieri T, Greenhalgh D. Nonsurgical scar management of the face: does early versus late intervention affect outcomes? J Burn Care Res. 2013;34(5):569-75. PMid:23816994.

Only one article was selected in the Nursing area(2727 Parlak Gürol A, Polat S, Nuran Akçay M. Itching, pain, and anxiety level are reduce with massage therapy in burned adolescents. J Burn Care Res. 2010;31(3):429-32. PMid:20453734.
). It aimed to analyze whether massage could reduce pain, pruritus and anxiety in adolescent patients with burn injuries. Although the purpose of this study was not directly related to myofunctional rehabilitation, a choice was made for keeping it in this literature review because it is understood that pain negatively influences myofunctional rehabilitation, considering that it can cause muscular adaptations that evolve to impairments of orofacial myofunctional functions(4040 Toledo P. Atuação da Fonoaudiologia e Terapia Miofuncional. In: Ferreira MC, Gomez DS, organizadores. Tratado de cirurgia plástica: queimaduras. São Paulo: Atheneu; 2013.

41 Lee J-W, Jang Y-C, Oh S-J. Esthetic and functional reconstruction for burn deformities of the lower lip and chin with free radial forearm flap. Ann Plast Surg. 2006;56(4):384-6. PMid:16557068.

42 Burkhead LM, Sapienza CM, Rosenbek JC. Strength-training exercise in dysphagia rehabilitation: principles, procedures, and directions for future research. Dysphagia. 2007;22(3):251-65. PMid:17457549.

43 Mordjikian E. Severe microstomia due to burn by caustic soda. Burns. 2002;28(8):802-5. PMid:12464482.

44 Dall’ Antonia M, Netto RMO, Sanches ML, Guimarães AS. Dor miofascial dos músculos da mastigação e toxina botulínica. Rev Dor. 2013;14(1):52-7.

45 Hanson M. An introduction to oral myofunctional disorders. Int J Oral Myol. 1979;5(2):5-9. PMid:293306.

46 Hanson ML, Barrett RH. Fundamentos da miologia orofacial. Rio de Janeiro: Enelivros; 1995. 399 p.

47 Kurita H, Ohtsuka A, Kurashina K, Kopp S. Chewing ability as a parameter for evaluation the disability of patients with temporomandibular disorders. J Oral Rehabil. 2001;28(5):463-5. PMid:11380787.

48 Berretin-Felix G, Jorge TM, Genaro KF. Intervenção fonoaudiológica em pacientes submetidos à cirurgia ortognática. In: Ferreira LP, Befi-Lopes D, Limonge SCO, organizadores. Tratado de Fonoaudiologia. São Paulo: Roca; 2004.

49 Felício CM, Melchior MO, Silva MAMR. Effects of orofacial myofunctional therapy on temporomandibular disorders. Cranio. 2010;28(4):249-59. PMid:21032979.

50 Le Bell Y, Lehtinen R, Peltomäki T, Peltola J. Function of masticatory system after surgical- orthodontic correction of maxilo mandibular discrepancies. Proc Finn Dent Soc. 1993;89(3-4):101-7. PMid:8134329.
-5151 Sassi FC, Silva AP, Santos RKS, Andrade CRF. Tratamento para disfunções temporomandibulares: uma revisão sistemática. Audiol Commun Res. 2018;23(0):e1871.
). Pre- and post-assessments were performed using a quantitative analogue pain rating scale. A Likert scale with 20 questions was applied to evaluate the level of anxiety. Both evaluations were subjective, that is, depended on the patient's reported opinion. This type of assessment is controversial, since patients do not follow pre-established theoretical and technical standards to fill the scales, and end up responding to the questions according to how they feel at the time of their application(2727 Parlak Gürol A, Polat S, Nuran Akçay M. Itching, pain, and anxiety level are reduce with massage therapy in burned adolescents. J Burn Care Res. 2010;31(3):429-32. PMid:20453734.
,2929 Wei Y, Li-Tsang CWP, Liu J, Xie L, Yue S. 3D-printed transparent facemask in the treatment of facial hypertrophic scars of young children with burns. Burns. 2017;43(3):e19-26. PMid:28040366.

30 Pontini A, Reho F, Giatsidis G, Bacci C, Azzena B, Tiengo C. Multidisciplinary care in severe pediatric electrical oral burn. Burns. 2015;41(3):e41-6. PMid:25716757.

31 Sadiq Z, Farook SA, Ayliffe P. The role of free flap reconstruction in paediatric caustic burns. Br J Oral Maxillofac Surg. 2013;51(6):563-4. PMid:23369780.

32 Clayton NA, Ward EC, Maitz PK. Intensive swallowing and orofacial contracture rehabilitation after severe burn: a pilot study and literature review. Burns. 2017;43(1):e7-17. PMid:27575671.

33 Clayton NA, Ledgard JP, Haertsch PA, Kennedy PJ, Maitz PK. Rehabilitation of speech and swallowing after burns reconstructive surgery of the lips and nose. J Burn Care Res. 2009;30(6):1039-45. PMid:19826257.

34 Chen X, Sun W, Wang J, Han D, Gao G, Yan D, Zhao X, Yao X, Wang L, Wang G. Epidemiology of bedside stove burns in a retrospective cohort of 5089 pediatric patients. Burns. 2014;40(8):1761-9. PMid:24863713.

35 Egeland B, More S, Buchman SR, Cederna PS. Management of difficult pediatric facial burns: reconstruction of burn-related lower eyelid ectropion and perioral contractures. J Craniofac Surg. 2008;19(4):960-9. PMid:18650718.

36 Oliveira DS, Leonardi DF. Sequelas físicas em pacientes pediátricos que sofreram queimaduras. Rev Bras Queimaduras. 2012;11(4):234-9.
-3737 Gomez DS, Gemperli R. Tratamento de urgência: cuidados no pronto socorro. In: Ferreira MC, Gomez DS, organizadores. Tratado de cirurgia plástica: queimaduras. São Paulo: Atheneu; 2013.).

The other analyzed articles were clinical case reports involving participants of both genders(2929 Wei Y, Li-Tsang CWP, Liu J, Xie L, Yue S. 3D-printed transparent facemask in the treatment of facial hypertrophic scars of young children with burns. Burns. 2017;43(3):e19-26. PMid:28040366.

30 Pontini A, Reho F, Giatsidis G, Bacci C, Azzena B, Tiengo C. Multidisciplinary care in severe pediatric electrical oral burn. Burns. 2015;41(3):e41-6. PMid:25716757.

31 Sadiq Z, Farook SA, Ayliffe P. The role of free flap reconstruction in paediatric caustic burns. Br J Oral Maxillofac Surg. 2013;51(6):563-4. PMid:23369780.

32 Clayton NA, Ward EC, Maitz PK. Intensive swallowing and orofacial contracture rehabilitation after severe burn: a pilot study and literature review. Burns. 2017;43(1):e7-17. PMid:27575671.
-3333 Clayton NA, Ledgard JP, Haertsch PA, Kennedy PJ, Maitz PK. Rehabilitation of speech and swallowing after burns reconstructive surgery of the lips and nose. J Burn Care Res. 2009;30(6):1039-45. PMid:19826257.). Results of these studies showed the effects of surgeries, scar improvement, and myofunctional rehabilitation(2929 Wei Y, Li-Tsang CWP, Liu J, Xie L, Yue S. 3D-printed transparent facemask in the treatment of facial hypertrophic scars of young children with burns. Burns. 2017;43(3):e19-26. PMid:28040366.

30 Pontini A, Reho F, Giatsidis G, Bacci C, Azzena B, Tiengo C. Multidisciplinary care in severe pediatric electrical oral burn. Burns. 2015;41(3):e41-6. PMid:25716757.

31 Sadiq Z, Farook SA, Ayliffe P. The role of free flap reconstruction in paediatric caustic burns. Br J Oral Maxillofac Surg. 2013;51(6):563-4. PMid:23369780.

32 Clayton NA, Ward EC, Maitz PK. Intensive swallowing and orofacial contracture rehabilitation after severe burn: a pilot study and literature review. Burns. 2017;43(1):e7-17. PMid:27575671.
-3333 Clayton NA, Ledgard JP, Haertsch PA, Kennedy PJ, Maitz PK. Rehabilitation of speech and swallowing after burns reconstructive surgery of the lips and nose. J Burn Care Res. 2009;30(6):1039-45. PMid:19826257.). In all of these case reports, the patients benefited from the treatments, showing improved motor signs and symptoms.

Overall, lack of consensus was observed regarding the techniques used for myofunctional rehabilitation in patients with burns in the four health areas included in this literature review. Scar scales and mouth opening measurements were the most commonly used assessment methods(1616 Clayton NA, Ward EC, Maitz PKM. Full thickness facial burns: outcomes following orofacial rehabilitation. Burns. 2015;41(7):1599-606. PMid:25979798.
,1717 Clayton NA, Ellul G, Ward EC, Scott A, Maitz PK. Orofacial contracture management: currente patterns of clinical practice in Australian and New Zealand adult burn units. J Burn Care Res. 2016;38(1):204-11.
,2424 Philp L, Umraw N, Cartotto R. Late outcomes after grafting of the severely burned face: a quality improvement initiative. J Burn Care Res. 2012;33(1):46-56. PMid:22002207.

25 Isaac C, Carvalho VF, Paggiaro AO, Maio M, Ferreira MC. Intralesional pentoxifyline as an adjuvant treatment for perioral post-burn hypertrophic scars. Burns. 2010;36(6):831-5. PMid:20064692.
-2626 Parry I, Sen S, Palmieri T, Greenhalgh D. Nonsurgical scar management of the face: does early versus late intervention affect outcomes? J Burn Care Res. 2013;34(5):569-75. PMid:23816994.
,3232 Clayton NA, Ward EC, Maitz PK. Intensive swallowing and orofacial contracture rehabilitation after severe burn: a pilot study and literature review. Burns. 2017;43(1):e7-17. PMid:27575671.
,3333 Clayton NA, Ledgard JP, Haertsch PA, Kennedy PJ, Maitz PK. Rehabilitation of speech and swallowing after burns reconstructive surgery of the lips and nose. J Burn Care Res. 2009;30(6):1039-45. PMid:19826257.). Although scar assessment scales are extensively reported in the literature, no correlation between scar rating and head and neck motor rehabilitation has been found to date. This type of evaluation also showed variability, with some studies using the Vancouver Scar Scale(1010 Santos MC, Tibola J, Marques CMG. Tradução, revalidação e confiabilidade da Escala de Cicatrização de Vancouver para língua portuguesa - Brasil. Rev Bras Queimaduras. 2014;13(1):26-30.) and others using the Patient and Observer Scar Assessment Scale (POSAS)(1111 Linhares CB, Viaro MSS, Collares MVM. Tradução para o português da Patient and Observer Scar Assessment Scale (POSAS). Rev Bras Cir Plást. 2016;31(1):95-100.). Mouth opening measurements are also widely reported in the literature, mainly with the aim of evaluating temporomandibular joint (TMJ) integrity. An article conducted with burned patients published in 2015 identified that reduced mandibular range of movement is considered a risk for the development of TMJ dysfunction (TMD)(11 Magnani DM, Sassi FC, Vana LPM, Alonso N, Andrade CRF. Evaluation of oral-motor movements and facial mimic in patients with head and neck burns by a public service in Brazil. Clinics. 2015;70(5):339-45. PMid:26039950.
). Although improvement in the quality of life (QoL) of patients with burns was a concern of the studies, only one of the analyzed articles used a QoL assessment scale - the Australian Therapy Outcome Measures (AusTOMS)(5252 Unsworth CA, Duckett SJ, Duncombe D, Perry A, Skeat J, Taylor N. Validity of the AusTOM scales: a comparison of the AusTOMs and EuroQol-5D. Health Qual Life Outcomes. 2004;2(1):64. PMid:15541181.
). QoL evaluation is important for the better understanding of physical, psychological and social impacts on victims of burns, as well as for discussion on possible interventions and treatments(5252 Unsworth CA, Duckett SJ, Duncombe D, Perry A, Skeat J, Taylor N. Validity of the AusTOM scales: a comparison of the AusTOMs and EuroQol-5D. Health Qual Life Outcomes. 2004;2(1):64. PMid:15541181.

53 Oh H, Boo S. Quality of life and mediating role of patirnt scar assessment in burn patients. Burns. 2017;43(6):1212-7. PMid:28400147.
-5454 Ahuja RB, Mulay AM, Ahuja A. Assessment of quality of life (Qol) of burn patients in India using BSHS-RBA scale. Burns. 2016;42(3):639-47. PMid:26796242.

Variability was also observed as for credibility of the studies and quality of research methodology: most of the selected articles did not present validated, published assessment protocols, but the clinical trials that used control groups(1616 Clayton NA, Ward EC, Maitz PKM. Full thickness facial burns: outcomes following orofacial rehabilitation. Burns. 2015;41(7):1599-606. PMid:25979798.
,1717 Clayton NA, Ellul G, Ward EC, Scott A, Maitz PK. Orofacial contracture management: currente patterns of clinical practice in Australian and New Zealand adult burn units. J Burn Care Res. 2016;38(1):204-11.
,2525 Isaac C, Carvalho VF, Paggiaro AO, Maio M, Ferreira MC. Intralesional pentoxifyline as an adjuvant treatment for perioral post-burn hypertrophic scars. Burns. 2010;36(6):831-5. PMid:20064692.
,2727 Parlak Gürol A, Polat S, Nuran Akçay M. Itching, pain, and anxiety level are reduce with massage therapy in burned adolescents. J Burn Care Res. 2010;31(3):429-32. PMid:20453734.
) showed more detailed methodologies, enabling their replication and verification of result reproducibility. As for the results achieved through the treatments, regardless of the area, most of the analyzed studies prioritized improvement of scar and motor function. Few studies assessed changes associated with orofacial functions(1616 Clayton NA, Ward EC, Maitz PKM. Full thickness facial burns: outcomes following orofacial rehabilitation. Burns. 2015;41(7):1599-606. PMid:25979798.
,1717 Clayton NA, Ellul G, Ward EC, Scott A, Maitz PK. Orofacial contracture management: currente patterns of clinical practice in Australian and New Zealand adult burn units. J Burn Care Res. 2016;38(1):204-11.
,3232 Clayton NA, Ward EC, Maitz PK. Intensive swallowing and orofacial contracture rehabilitation after severe burn: a pilot study and literature review. Burns. 2017;43(1):e7-17. PMid:27575671.
,3333 Clayton NA, Ledgard JP, Haertsch PA, Kennedy PJ, Maitz PK. Rehabilitation of speech and swallowing after burns reconstructive surgery of the lips and nose. J Burn Care Res. 2009;30(6):1039-45. PMid:19826257.). Only the studies in the SLP area referred to the importance of rehabilitation of orofacial functions and orofacial myofunctional balance(1616 Clayton NA, Ward EC, Maitz PKM. Full thickness facial burns: outcomes following orofacial rehabilitation. Burns. 2015;41(7):1599-606. PMid:25979798.
,1717 Clayton NA, Ellul G, Ward EC, Scott A, Maitz PK. Orofacial contracture management: currente patterns of clinical practice in Australian and New Zealand adult burn units. J Burn Care Res. 2016;38(1):204-11.
,3232 Clayton NA, Ward EC, Maitz PK. Intensive swallowing and orofacial contracture rehabilitation after severe burn: a pilot study and literature review. Burns. 2017;43(1):e7-17. PMid:27575671.
,3333 Clayton NA, Ledgard JP, Haertsch PA, Kennedy PJ, Maitz PK. Rehabilitation of speech and swallowing after burns reconstructive surgery of the lips and nose. J Burn Care Res. 2009;30(6):1039-45. PMid:19826257.).

Ordinance GM/MW nº. 1.273 of November 2000 of the Brazilian Ministry of Health considers, among other aspects, the need to ensure assistance to these patients at various levels of complexity, by multiprofessional teams, using specific techniques; however, speech-language pathologists are not included in these teams(5555 Brasil. Ministério da Saúde. Portaria GM nº 1.273, de 21 de novembro de 2000. Diário Oficial da União; Brasília; 23 nov. 2000.). In 2011, the European Burns Association published the European Practice Guidelines for Burn Care (Minimum Level of Burn Care Provision in Europe). In this manual, speech-language therapists are included in the multidisciplinary team for the care of burned patients(5656 Brychta P, Magnette A. European practice guidelines for burn care: minimum level of burn care provision in Europe. Vienna: Springer; 2011.). Currently, although not mandatory, some BTCs in Brazil have a speech-language therapist as a member of the multidisciplinary team to assist patients with head and neck burns(3838 Vana LPM. Estudo comparativo de matrizes dérmicas de colágeno bovino com e sem lâmina de silicone no tratamento da contratura cicatricial pós-queimadura: análise clínica e histológica [tese]. São Paulo: Faculdade de Medicina; 2017.
), with the objective of evaluating and rehabilitating orofacial myofunctional impairments as in breathing, chewing, swallowing, speech and voice, as well as vocal disorders caused by head and neck burns and by sequelae, such as contractures resulting from pathological cicatrization(11 Magnani DM, Sassi FC, Vana LPM, Alonso N, Andrade CRF. Evaluation of oral-motor movements and facial mimic in patients with head and neck burns by a public service in Brazil. Clinics. 2015;70(5):339-45. PMid:26039950.
,1616 Clayton NA, Ward EC, Maitz PKM. Full thickness facial burns: outcomes following orofacial rehabilitation. Burns. 2015;41(7):1599-606. PMid:25979798.
,1717 Clayton NA, Ellul G, Ward EC, Scott A, Maitz PK. Orofacial contracture management: currente patterns of clinical practice in Australian and New Zealand adult burn units. J Burn Care Res. 2016;38(1):204-11.
,3232 Clayton NA, Ward EC, Maitz PK. Intensive swallowing and orofacial contracture rehabilitation after severe burn: a pilot study and literature review. Burns. 2017;43(1):e7-17. PMid:27575671.
,3333 Clayton NA, Ledgard JP, Haertsch PA, Kennedy PJ, Maitz PK. Rehabilitation of speech and swallowing after burns reconstructive surgery of the lips and nose. J Burn Care Res. 2009;30(6):1039-45. PMid:19826257.,3838 Vana LPM. Estudo comparativo de matrizes dérmicas de colágeno bovino com e sem lâmina de silicone no tratamento da contratura cicatricial pós-queimadura: análise clínica e histológica [tese]. São Paulo: Faculdade de Medicina; 2017.
,5757 Magnani DM, Sassi FC, Andrade CRF. Plano Terapêutico Fonoaudiológico (PTF) para pacientes com queimadura em cabeça e pescoço. In: Pró-Fono, organizador. Planos Terapêuticos Fonoaudiológicos (PTFs). 1a ed. Barueri: Pró-Fono; 2015. p. 531-8. (v. 2).).


Despite the growing number of studies addressing face burn treatments, there is still no consensus as to the best therapeutic technique to be adopted, and little is known about the real benefit of each of these techniques. Speech-language Pathology emphasizes reduction of the orofacial contracture and the need for rehabilitation of the orofacial functions. There is great diversity of treatment protocols, and each of them presents some benefit. A small number of studies on treatment of head and neck burns aim at the functionality of the orofacial myofunctional system, and most of them are concerned with isolated motor activities such as mandibular mobility. Nevertheless, protocols with combined techniques, such as surgeries, massage, exercise therapy, compression mask, or association with the earlier use of silicone gel, show better results than the isolated treatments. These combinations foster improvements both associated with aspects of mandibular mobility and with enhanced functionality of the orofacial myofunctional system.

  • Study carried out at Divisão de Fonoaudiologia, Hospital das Clínicas, Faculdade de Medicina, Universidade de São Paulo – USP – São Paulo (SP), Brasil.
  • Funding: None.


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    Ogawa R. Keloid and hypertrophic scars are the result of chronic inflammation in the reticular dermis. Int J Mol Sci. 2017;18(3):606-16. PMid:28287424.
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    Engrav LH, Garner WL, Tredget EE. Hypertrophic scar, wound contraction and hyper-hypopigmentation. J Burn Care Res. 2007;28(4):593-7. PMid:17665520.
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  • 26
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  • 27
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  • 30
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  • 31
    Sadiq Z, Farook SA, Ayliffe P. The role of free flap reconstruction in paediatric caustic burns. Br J Oral Maxillofac Surg. 2013;51(6):563-4. PMid:23369780.
  • 32
    Clayton NA, Ward EC, Maitz PK. Intensive swallowing and orofacial contracture rehabilitation after severe burn: a pilot study and literature review. Burns. 2017;43(1):e7-17. PMid:27575671.
  • 33
    Clayton NA, Ledgard JP, Haertsch PA, Kennedy PJ, Maitz PK. Rehabilitation of speech and swallowing after burns reconstructive surgery of the lips and nose. J Burn Care Res. 2009;30(6):1039-45. PMid:19826257.
  • 34
    Chen X, Sun W, Wang J, Han D, Gao G, Yan D, Zhao X, Yao X, Wang L, Wang G. Epidemiology of bedside stove burns in a retrospective cohort of 5089 pediatric patients. Burns. 2014;40(8):1761-9. PMid:24863713.
  • 35
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Publication Dates

  • Publication in this collection
    23 May 2019
  • Date of issue


  • Received
    20 Sept 2018
  • Accepted
    30 Jan 2019
Academia Brasileira de Audiologia Rua Itapeva, 202, conjunto 61, CEP 01332-000, Tel.: (11) 3253-8711 - São Paulo - SP - Brazil