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The use of system of Frequency Modulation by children and adolescents from a hearing health care service



To analyze de use and reasons for not using of FM systems by children and adolescents with hearing loss and users of hearing aids (HA) and or cochlear implant (CI).


A questionnaire applied in the form of an a interview through telephone contact was used. The questions were removed from the questionnaire “FM Listening Evaluation for children”, translated and adapted for Portuguese language by Jacob et al. (2010) and named “Avaliação do Sistema FM”, and three other questions prepared by the researchers.


87 parents/guardians were interviewed, and it was verified that less than half of the sample used the FM system. As for the median use of the FM systems daily hours, there was a statistical difference in patients with FM in CI, Who used the device for a greater number of daily hours than hearing AID users. The main reason for non-use also presented statistical difference to the fact that patients have received new hearing aids and/or CI incompatible with previously obtained. Also, respondents would like the guidance provided improved.


Most patients did not use the FM system, the main reason being the usage of new hearing aids and/or CI. Patients with CI use FM more effectively (daily).

Hearing loss; Hearing aids; Cochlear implant; Noise; Child; Learning



Analisar o uso e os motivos para o não uso do Sistema de Frequência Modulada (FM) por crianças e adolescentes com perda auditiva e usuários de aparelhos de amplificação sonora individual (AASI) e/ou com implante coclear (IC).


Foi aplicado um questionário em forma de entrevista, por meio de contato telefônico. As questões foram retiradas do questionário FM Listening Evaluation for Children, traduzido e adaptado para a língua portuguesa por Jacob et al. (2010) e denominado Avaliação do Sistema FM, bem como outras três perguntas elaboradas pelos pesquisadores.


Foram entrevistados 87 pais/responsáveis, verificando-se que o sistema FM era utilizadopor menos da metade da amostra. Quanto à mediana de uso de horas diárias do sistema, observou-se diferença nos pacientes com FM no IC, que usavam o dispositivo por maior número de horas diárias, do que os usuários de AASI. Igualmente apresentou diferença estatística o principal motivo para onão uso, relacionado ao fato de os pacientes terem recebido novos AASI e/ou IC incompatíveis com a tecnologia obtida anteriormente. Ainda, os entrevistados gostariam que lhes fossem fornecidas melhores orientações.


a maior parte dos pacientes não utiliza o sistema FM, sendo o principal motivo o uso de novos AASI e/ou IC. Os pacientes com IC usam o FM de forma mais efetiva (diariamente).

Perda auditiva; Auxiliares de audição; Implante coclear; Ruído; Criança; Aprendizagem


Reducing the negative impact of hearing loss on communication is one of the main objectives of the habilitation or rehabilitation process for people with hearing loss. The process starts with the recommendation, selection, and hearing aid fitting.

Nowadays, we have access to cutting-edge technology, such as the use of algorithms, which partially suppresses environmental noises, and directional microphones, which make it possible to capture sounds from a certain direction. However, we find that hearing aids have limitations, especially when it comes to optimizing the signal/noise relationship for thehearing impaired, particularly when the sound source is distant(11 Jacob RTS, Zattoni MQ. Sistemas de frequência modulada. In: Boéchat EM, Menezes PL, Couto CM, Frizzo ACF, Scharlach RC, Anastácio A, editores. Tratado de audiologia. São Paulo: 2015. p. 298-310.). Background noise (competitive) hinders communication. It may disrupt comprehension and cause tiredness due to increased listening effort and learning difficulties caused by the loss of information or by the wrongmeaning extracted from the speaker’s message(22 Dreossi RCF, Momensohn-Santos TM. A interferência do ruído na aprendizagem. Rev Psicopedag. 2004;21(64):38-47.).

To improve the comprehension of the signal/speech in noisy, reverberant environments and when the sound source is distant, there is the Modulated Frequency System - FM, which is a hearing accessibility device(33 Santos FR, Delgado-Pinheiro EMC. Relação entre o conhecimento dos professores sobre grau de perda auditiva, dispositivos tecnológicos e estratégias de comunicação. CoDAS. 2018;30(6):e20180037. PMid:30517271.
)used as a complement to the hearing aid, or cochlear implant (CI). Its use can result in a better perception of speech recognition for adults and children with or without hearing loss(44 Schafer EC, Thibodeau LM. Speech recognition abilities of adults using cochlear implants with FM Systems. J Am Acad Audiol. 2004;15(10):678-91. PMid:15646666.

In Brazil, Ordinance nº 1.274 ofJune 25th2013 includes the FM System in the table of procedures, medications, orthoses, prostheses and special materials of Sistema Único de Saúde – SUS (Unified Health System). According to the Ordinance nº 1.274, to be eligible to receive a hearing aid, patients must be at least 5 years of age and not older than 17 years of age, have mild, moderate, severe or profoundsensorineural hearing loss impairment, andbe enrolled in elementaryschool, junior high or high school.The reason for that recommendation relies on the fact that during formal education years, students with hearing loss need to hear their teacher’s voices, even in noisy, reverberant environments or from a great distance(33 Santos FR, Delgado-Pinheiro EMC. Relação entre o conhecimento dos professores sobre grau de perda auditiva, dispositivos tecnológicos e estratégias de comunicação. CoDAS. 2018;30(6):e20180037. PMid:30517271.
,55 Carvalho DS, Pedruzzi CM. Uso do sistema de frequência modulada por escolares com perda auditiva. Distúrb Comun. 2019 Mar 29;31(1):12-21.
). Some authors consider this system an important educational tool for people with hearing impairment(66 Silva Miranda E, Soares Brazorotto J. Facilitadores e barreiras para o uso do Sistema de FM em escolares com deficiência auditiva. Rev CEFAC. 2018;20(5):583-94.).

In 2020 a new ordinance of Ministério da Saúde– MS (Brazilian Ministry of Health) (Ordinance of November 19th, 2020) was published in order to extend the use of FM System to people with hearing impairment who are attending any school level, regardless of their age(77 Brasil. Ministério da Saúde. Portaria nº 3 de 19 de fevereiro de 2020. Torna pública a decisão de ampliar o uso do Sistema de Frequência Modulada Pessoal para indivíduos com deficiência auditiva de qualquer idade matriculados em qualquer nível acadêmico, no âmbito do Sistema Único de Saúde - SUS. Diário Oficial da União [Internet]; Brasília; 2020 [citado em 2021 Mar 14]. Disponível em:
). Its aim was to improve students hearing abilities and, consequently, learning opportunities.

The use of the FM System involves the proper trainingfor parents and teachers, given the fact that the family is fundamental during the adjustment period to wearing hearing aids and for language development. Teachersspend a lot of time with children at school, and it is important that they know how to handle the device so that students have a clear reception of the messages being conveyed, which is thefirst step in processing information and learning(88 Rocha BS, Scharlach RC. O uso de Sistema de Frequência Modulada por crianças com perda auditiva: benefício segundo a perspectiva do familiar. CoDAS. 2017;29(6):e20160236. PMid:29069130.
). A few authors state that instructions should be given to the entire school staff, including support teachers, trained personnel, and classmates of the hearing aid user. The fear of handling hearing devices may cause the user to partially use it or not to use it at school(66 Silva Miranda E, Soares Brazorotto J. Facilitadores e barreiras para o uso do Sistema de FM em escolares com deficiência auditiva. Rev CEFAC. 2018;20(5):583-94.).

Considering the benefits of the FM System in the reception of auditory stimuli and, as a result, the development of language and learning, as well as the possibility of its concession by hearing health programs accredited by the Ministério da Saúde (Brazilian Ministry of Health), it is necessary to investigate the use of this device by children and adolescents who, through the public system, receive it with the hearing aid or CI. This study aimed toanalyze the use and reasons forchildren and adolescents with hearing loss not using the FM System.


We conducted an observational, analytical, cross-sectional study which was approved by the Research Ethics Committee of the Hospital de Clínicas of Porto Alegre under the number 2.140.611. Since the data collection was carried out by telephone, and in accordance with the authorization of the Research Ethics Committee, the initial part of the telephone call was about the Informed Consent Form. The interviews startonly after the reading of information and details about the research and the acceptance by the parents of the children and adolescents.

The sample consists of children and adolescents with bilateral hearing loss users of hearing aids and/or cochlear implants who received the FM System at the institution, according to the criteria for prescription determined by the Ordinance 1.274. We consulted a protocol book to identify patients. Subsequently, electronic medical records were consulted to verify patients’ data, such as gender, age, type and degree of hearing loss, and telephone numbers to contact. As for the degree of patients’ hearing loss, we choose the classification following the World Health Organization (WHO)(99 Conselho Federal de Fonoaudiologia. Guia de orientações na avaliação audiológica básica [Internet]. Brasilia; 2017 [citado em 2021 Mar 14]. Disponível em:

We excluded from the sample patients over 18 years of age and those whose parents/guardians did not answer the telephone calls after three failed attempts. We excluded patients over 18 years of age because of the objective of this study, which is to investigate the use of the FM System by children and adolescents. According to the Estatuto da Criança e do Adolescente – ECA (Child and Adolescent Statute), individuals under 12 years of age are considered children, and individuals between 12 and 18 years of age are considered adolescents(1010 Brasil. Lei Federal nº 8.069, de 13 de julho de 1990. Diário Oficial da União [Internet]; Brasília; 16 jul 1990 [citado em 2021 Mar 14]. Disponível em:

To assess the use of the FM System in children and adolescents, as well as the reasons for not using it, part of the FM Listening Evaluation for Children instrument, which was created by Cheryl Johnson in 2003(1111 Gabbard SA. The use of FM Technology for infants and Young children. In: Fabry DA, Johnson CD, editores. ACCESS: achieving clear communication employing sound solutions. Great Britain: Cambrian Printers; 2004. p. 93-9.) and translated and adapted by Jacob et al. (1111 Gabbard SA. The use of FM Technology for infants and Young children. In: Fabry DA, Johnson CD, editores. ACCESS: achieving clear communication employing sound solutions. Great Britain: Cambrian Printers; 2004. p. 93-9.), was used. We used questions addressing the topic “Information on the use of the FM System”. To obtain specific information about the use of this resource at school, the challenges of its adaptation and suggestions, we elaborated and included three more questions.

Considering that many patients do not live in the same city as the institution where this study was carried out, we decided to use a questionnaire was administered over the telephone, following a script designed specially for the study. The same researcher made all the calls using the institution's telephones. We decided to ask the questions to parents or guardians due to the age of part of the participants and the possibility that, over the telephone, patients have difficulty in understanding questions.

The researcher followed a script over the phone. At the beginning, parents/guardians answered questions about the daily use of FM System. When they informed that the patient did not use it daily, the classification we gave was occasional use. After that, the question was about the hours of use.

Subsequently, the explanation was:

I will ask you a few questions about everyday situations without FM (or with FM). You will tell me which answer is closest to the number of times that it happens to your child in a given situation. For example, if the auditory response happens in a certain normally exposed situation, you can tell me “4” or “5”. If your child hardly ever responds audibly to this, you will indicate “1” or “2”. Thus, the options are from 1 to 5;the more often they respond in a situation, the higher the score. An example of what we expect from you is: if I ask you “Do you drink milk?” and your answer is 1 (one), it means that you almost never drink milk, or if you answer 5 (five), it means that you always drink milk. Think before answering, take your time. There is no right or wrong answer. I am interested to find out what really happens to your child in these situations. If I ask something that does not happen on a daily basis, let me know, for we can check the answer 'not applicable'. Some situations exemplified may not be relevant to your child at this time, but that does not mean that their development is delayed. As this questionnaire is used to assess children of different age groups, some questions may not apply, but it is important that you report it to me so that I can make a note and verify their development in this situation in assessments that will be carried out in the future(1212 Jacob RTS, Molina SV, Amorim RB, Bevilacqua MC, Lauris JRP, Moret ALM. FM listeningevaluation for children: adaptação para a língua portuguesa. Rev Bras Educ Espec. 2010;16(3):359-73.

Then, parents/guardians answered the 12 questions. The initial 5 questions were about the handling, operating conditions and the comfort in using the device. The answers received scores from 1 (hardly ever) to 5 (usually) or NA ‘not applicable’.The questions were the following:

  1. 1

    Are they easy to handle?

  2. 2

    Have they been in good functional order?

  3. 3

    Are they comfortable for your child to use it?

  4. 4

    Does your child try to turn it off?

  5. 5

    Do they have audio feedback (whistling)?

Questions 6 and 7 were about activities in which FM System was used (break time at school, games, reading stories, playground, walking, speech therapy, shopping mall, car). Considering all the activities, they should inform in which of them the patient used the technology in question number 6, whereas in question number 7 they should indicate in which activity FM System had helped the most. Question number 8 was about the interviewee’s knowledge about the benefits of FM System. Question number 9 was about the parents’/guardians’perception on the greatest changes due to the use of the technology.

With questions 10, 11, and 12, created by the authors, we aimed to investigate the use of FM System at school, the adaptation challenges, and suggestions about the process of adaptation to the use of a hearing aid.

The sample size calculation was performed using WinPEPI (“Programs for Epidemiologists”), 11.43version, and based on the study by Alves et al.(1313 Alves LM, Silva BR, Rocha TM, Sales CB, Celeste LC. Avaliação da qualidade de vida em usuários do Sistema de Frequência Modulada. Rev Tecer. 2015;8(15):89-102.
). For a confidence level of 95%, maximum estimated prevalence of 50% (questions about the activity in which the FM System is used, ease of use, good operating conditions, comfort, child who tried to turn it off, greater benefit of the FM System, changes perceived because of the FM System), population that received the FM System (155 children and adolescents), error rate of 7%, the minimum total number obtained was 87 children and adolescents.

The numerical variables were described considering their mean and standard deviation, or median and interquartile range. The categorical variables were described by absolute and relative frequencies.To compare the medians, Mann-Whitney test or Kruskal-Wallis test, and Dunn tests, were used. To the comparison of the proportions, Fisher’s Exact test or Chi-squared test, and analysis of adjusted residuals were used. The significance level we used was 5% (p<0.05) and the analysis were carried out using the program SPSS 21.0 version.


Throughout the study, we could identify that 176 patients had received FM System at the institution. 21 of them were excluded for being over 18 years of age on the day of the telephone call and 68 did not answer the phone calls after three attempts, or the telephone number was out of date. Therefore, the sample had 87 patients. The mean age was 11.9±2.4 years and 56.3% were female.

The hearing categorization of patients included in the study indicates that 95.4% of them had sensorineural hearing loss and the predominant degree was profound (Table 1).

Table 1
Auditory caracterizazion of patients included in the study

It was found that, of 87 patients, 39 (44.8%) children/adolescents were using FM System. The total sample of patients who received the FM System was distributed regarding the use (or not using) of the device considering the indication hearing aid or Cochlear Implant or hearing aid and Cochlear implant, no significance was found (p=1.0) (Table 2). The main reasons that caused patients not to use their devices were due to imcompatibility with the hearing aids or technical problems (Figure 1).

Table 2
Association of use/non use I the total sample in relation to the device to witch it was adopted (hearing aids, cochlear implant or both)
Figure 1
Reasons for not using the FM system

As for data regarding daily use (or not), there was a similarity in the number of patients with hearing aids or CI who reported having used the device daily. As for the median for the daily use of the system, there was a statistical difference in patients with FM in their CI who used the device for longer hours daily than hearing aid users(p=0.002) (Table 3).

Table 3
Report of use of the Frequency Modulated System in relation to the adaptation of the device (hearing aids, cochlear implant or both)

Among patients who used the FM System daily and occasionally, data on handling, operating conditions, feedback, comfort and attempts to turn off the device were collected. Except for the questions about disconnection attempts and feedback, the answers were similar between daily and occasional users (Figure 2).

Figure 2
Comparison of patients who use daily versus occasional use

With regard to the main uses of the FM System, it was found that patients used the devices to read stories and for speech therapy (Figure 3).

Figure 3
Activities where the FM system is used

Question number 8 was about the interviewee’s knowledge about the FM System benefits: 56.4% answered that they noticed overall improvement in understanding and 20.5% evidenced noise reduction and amplification of important sounds.

With question 9, we wanted to verify the parents’/guardians’ opinionsabout the greatest change they noticed about their child due to the use of technology: 38.5% reported that 'attention improved' and 28.2% informed 'learning improvement'.

After answering the questions, the parents/guardians were asked about a few specific situations. With regard to the school, from the total of respondents (87), 66.7% reported that there was acceptance by children and adolescents’ peers at school. However, when asked about difficulties in the adaptation process, only 30.2% answered that the process happened without any difficulty. Among the challenges during the process, 29.1% of interviewees mentioned 'school'; 15.1%, the 'embarrassment presented by the patients because of the use'; 15.1%, the 'difficulty in handling the technology'. When asked about suggestions for improving the FM System adaptation process, most parents whose children used the FM System had no suggestions. Among parents whose children did not use the device, 56% reported having no suggestions; 25% would like to be given instructionsand believe that teachers should be given as well, and, in this item, there was a significant difference between the parents of patients who used (or not used) the device (p=0.041) (Table 4).

Table 4
Parents/guardians suggestions for maintaining/expanding the use of the Frequency Modulated System


This study analyzed the use and the reasons that cause patients not to use the technology FM System, provided by SUS, which complements the adaptation of hearing aids and/or CI, aiming to provide patients with a better reception and understanding of people’s speech in different types of environment.

The results indicate that nearly half of the patients included in the study who had received the FM System did not use it, which confirms previous studies(1414 Mezzacasa GP, Aita ADC, Boscolo CC. Desempenho do sistema de frequência modulada em diferentes ambientes comunicativos: percepção dos pais e fonoaudiólogo. In: Costa-Ferreira MID, editor. Reabilitação auditiva: fundamentos e proposições para atuação no Sistema Único de Saúde (SUS). Ribeirão Preto: Book Toy; 2017. p. 377-408.,1515 Silva JM, Pizarro LMPV, Tanamati LF. Uso do Sistema FM em implante coclear. CoDAS. 2017;29(1):1-8.
). The main reason mentioned by the interviewees was related to the fact that they had received new hearing aids and/or new CI that were incompatible with the FM System receptordeliveredpreviously. The SUS hearing health program provides the replacement of hearing aids, but not the FM System. Considering that many children do not know how to handle their devices or take proper care of them, devices’ lifespan is reduced. In addition, among other problems that can damage the devices, children participate in activities that put their devices at risk, such as games, which exposes their hearing aids to falls, impacts, and humidity. Thus, it is clear that instruction on the proper handling of the devices is as important as the fitting. Investing in changes in this area is one of the ways to minimize public spending on devices replacement. A study carried out at the same hospital wherethis study was conducted shows that the replacement of hearing aids in children took longer on average than in adults and the elderly. As a result, we state that SUS should consider the possibility of maintainance the FM System(1616 Ruschel NL, Bonatto AS, Teixeira AR. Reposição de próteses auditivas em programa de saúde auditiva. Audiol Commun Res. 2019;24:e2025.

With the new ordinance by the Ministério da Saúde, the age range for granting the FM System was expanded, including individuals attending any academic level(77 Brasil. Ministério da Saúde. Portaria nº 3 de 19 de fevereiro de 2020. Torna pública a decisão de ampliar o uso do Sistema de Frequência Modulada Pessoal para indivíduos com deficiência auditiva de qualquer idade matriculados em qualquer nível acadêmico, no âmbito do Sistema Único de Saúde - SUS. Diário Oficial da União [Internet]; Brasília; 2020 [citado em 2021 Mar 14]. Disponível em:
). The maintenance or replacement of the FM System due to technical problems is, however, not mentioned in the official documents. Thus, the concession is expanded, but the user is still at risk of discontinue the use if any technical problem occurs, which can be extremely harmful, especially in the age group of this study. Children need to have their hearing aidsreplaced, especially due to technical problems, which often happens more than once(1616 Ruschel NL, Bonatto AS, Teixeira AR. Reposição de próteses auditivas em programa de saúde auditiva. Audiol Commun Res. 2019;24:e2025.
). Amplification systems are replaced. In the same way, we strongly believe that FM Systems should be replaced as well.

Some countries that have embraced the use of the FM System, such as Canada, Lithuania and Jordan, provide replacement of this type of technology. In Canada, the government subsidizes 75% of the system value every three years. In Lithuania and Jordan, after five years of use, it is possible for the patient to buy new equipment. However, there are countries such as Brazil, Austria, Denmark, France, Germany, Sweden, Norway and the United States that have adhered to the use of the system, but have not discussed its replacement(1717 Brasil. Ministério da Saúde. Sistema de frequência modulada pessoal-FM equipamento que possibilita a acessibilidade da criança e/ou jovem com deficiência auditiva na escola [Internet]. Brasilia: Ministério da Saúde; 2013 [citado em 2021 Mar 14]. Disponível em:

Since 6/25/2013 when Ordinance nº 1.274 was published, which included the personal FM device as a hearing aid, it is up to hearing health programs to prescribe the use of this technology, subject to compliance with certain criteria(1818 Brasil. Ministério da Saúde. Portaria nº 1.274, de 25 de junho de 2013. Inclui o Procedimento de Sistema de Frequência Modulada Pessoal (FM) na Tabela de Procedimentos, Medicamentos, Órteses, Próteses e Materiais Especiais (OPM) do Sistema Único de Saúde. Diário Oficial da União; Brasilia; jun 2013 [citado em 2021 Mar 14]. Disponível em:
). Respecting, through a thorough evaluation, the indication criteria recommended by the aforementioned ordinance is crucial for the successful adaptation of the FM System, which is individualized for each patient.

In addition to the criteria in the ordinance, a audiologist can check the condition of the FM System using a tool to assess its transparency, that is, to verify its electroacoustic characteristics, which is a crucial procedure for effective adaption. The American Academy of Audiology (AAA) defines 'Transparency' as the ability to ensure that the FM System connection does not change the hearing aid gain settings and that both the signals, FM and the hearing aid microphone, are audible. Transparency is achieved when the 65 dB SPL input for the FM microphone produces a result equal to the 65 dB SPL input for the hearing aid microphone(1919 American Academy of Audiology. American Academy of Audiology Clinical practice guidelines: remote microphone hearing assistance technologies for children and youth from birth to 21 years. Reston; 2008.). The findings of this study underline the need of verifying the system's transparency, which was not done with the participants. That associated with the auditory profile of the patients who had a high prevalence of profound hearing loss in both ears shows a scenario with the predominance of patients who, with the adoption of hearing aids, have little chance of success, in terms of auditory perception.

We found evidence that indicate that the CI users use the FM System more effectively (5-6 hours/day). Previous studies show the same, FM associated with CI as essential for children with hearing impairment, especially at school(44 Schafer EC, Thibodeau LM. Speech recognition abilities of adults using cochlear implants with FM Systems. J Am Acad Audiol. 2004;15(10):678-91. PMid:15646666.
,1414 Mezzacasa GP, Aita ADC, Boscolo CC. Desempenho do sistema de frequência modulada em diferentes ambientes comunicativos: percepção dos pais e fonoaudiólogo. In: Costa-Ferreira MID, editor. Reabilitação auditiva: fundamentos e proposições para atuação no Sistema Único de Saúde (SUS). Ribeirão Preto: Book Toy; 2017. p. 377-408.,2020 Schafer EC, Wolfe J, Lawless T, Stout B. Effects of FM-receiver gain on speech-recognition performance of adults with cochlear implants. Int J Audiol. 2009;48(4):196-203. PMid:19363720.

21 Iglehart F. Speech perception by students with cochlear implants usings ound-field systems in classrooms. Am J Audiol. 2004;13(1):62-72. PMid:15248805.
-2222 Thibodeau L. Benefits of adaptive FM Systems on speech recognition in noise for listeners who use hearing aids. Am J Audiol. 2010;19(1):36-45. PMid:20220201.

The results can be explained by several reasons: careful selection before surgical indication; pre-implant assessment; multifactorial indication, which includes the type and the degree of hearing loss, age, time of auditory sensory deprivation; access to speech therapy; global development; the presence of other impairments related to hearing loss; instruction to parents/guardians about the importance of hearing to their child’s development; motivation and participation of parents/guardians in the child's rehabilitation process(2121 Iglehart F. Speech perception by students with cochlear implants usings ound-field systems in classrooms. Am J Audiol. 2004;13(1):62-72. PMid:15248805.
).When the family of the user is more engaged, we promote a favorable attitude toward the process.

The interviewees who said their child used technology on a regular basis also said it happened at school. The classroom setting is an example of how factors, such as reverberation, the distance between speaker and listener, acoustics, and excessive noise can hinder listening comprehension and cause educational problems. The use of the FM System downplays these obstacles and, consequently, creates opportunities for better learning(11 Jacob RTS, Zattoni MQ. Sistemas de frequência modulada. In: Boéchat EM, Menezes PL, Couto CM, Frizzo ACF, Scharlach RC, Anastácio A, editores. Tratado de audiologia. São Paulo: 2015. p. 298-310.).

When asked about challenges to adapting to the FM System, parents/guardians mentioned the school, the embarrassment of their child in using the technology, and difficulties in handling the device. For the dispensation of the FM System, it is necessary not only a hearing assessment but also follow-ups, through reviews, to verify the use of the system and the benefits related to it. The monitoring of patients who received FM kits by SUS allows the evaluation of their use, benefits, and any problems related to the functioning of the device.

Difficulties at school are the main challenge, which evidences the need for more integration between the audiologist, family, and school. The difficulties may exist due to teachers' lack of knowledge regarding the FM System technology. Other researchers have confirmed similar findings(88 Rocha BS, Scharlach RC. O uso de Sistema de Frequência Modulada por crianças com perda auditiva: benefício segundo a perspectiva do familiar. CoDAS. 2017;29(6):e20160236. PMid:29069130.
,2323 Leidens B, Boscolo CC, Aita ADC. A formação de professores de escolas regulares para o atendimento de alunos deficientes auditivos. In: Costa-Ferreira MID, editor. Reabilitação auditiva: fundamentos e proposições para atuação no Sistema Único de Saúde (SUS). Ribeirão Preto: Book Toy; 2017. p. 409-28.

24 Gasparetto MERF, Maia SR, Maior EJMI, Nascimento FC, Miranda JR, Ramos CR, et al. Uso de recursos e equipamentos de tecnologia assistiva na educação municipal, estadual e federal tecnológica [Internet]. In: Brasil. Subsecretaria Nacional de Promoção dos Direitos da Pessoa com Deficiência, editor. Tecnologia assistiva. Brasilia; 2009. p. 41-58 [citado em 2021 Mar 14]. Disponível em:

25 Delgado-Pinheiro EMC, Antonio FL, Libardi AL, Seno MP. Programa de acompanhamento fonoaudiológico de professores de alunos deficientes auditivos que utilizam a comunicação oral. Distúrb Comun. 2009;21(1):66-77.
-2626 Libardi AL. Avaliação do site “Curso de sistema de frequência modulada para professores" [dissertação]. Bauru: Universidade de São Paulo; 2012 [citado em 2021 Mar 14]. Disponível em:

We highlight that instruction materials should be distributed to help teachers in the use of this technology, and the implementation of measures that enable parents/guardians to collaborate in theprocess and, consequently, contribute to the adaptation(1313 Alves LM, Silva BR, Rocha TM, Sales CB, Celeste LC. Avaliação da qualidade de vida em usuários do Sistema de Frequência Modulada. Rev Tecer. 2015;8(15):89-102.
,1515 Silva JM, Pizarro LMPV, Tanamati LF. Uso do Sistema FM em implante coclear. CoDAS. 2017;29(1):1-8.
,3232 Balen SA, Brazorotto JS. Uso do Sistema de FM no Ambiente Escolar [Internet]. Natal: SEDIS-UFRN; 2019 [citado em 2021 Mar 14]. Disponível em:

The ‘embarrassment’ in using the devices and the ‘handling difficulty’ have also been addressed in previous studies(1313 Alves LM, Silva BR, Rocha TM, Sales CB, Celeste LC. Avaliação da qualidade de vida em usuários do Sistema de Frequência Modulada. Rev Tecer. 2015;8(15):89-102.
,1515 Silva JM, Pizarro LMPV, Tanamati LF. Uso do Sistema FM em implante coclear. CoDAS. 2017;29(1):1-8.
), in which a few children reported not using the FM System in the classroom because they would feel embarrassed in front of their peers.

The integration of patients with hearing impairment in environment where they can, through contact with listeners, have auditory experiences has been proved to be beneficial to hearing, speech, language, and learning development. However, the integration of the family, school and audiologist is crucial.

As for suggestions, parents/guardians of patients who did not use the device made a statement about the possibility of better instruction to family members and teachers, which has been stated by other authors previously(2626 Libardi AL. Avaliação do site “Curso de sistema de frequência modulada para professores" [dissertação]. Bauru: Universidade de São Paulo; 2012 [citado em 2021 Mar 14]. Disponível em:
,2727 Nelson LH, Poole B, Muñoz K. Preschool teachers’ perception and use of hearing assistive technology in educational settings. Lang Speech Hear Serv Sch. 2013;44(3):239-51. PMid:23843650.
). It is increasingly common for students using hearing aids or CI to attend regular schools. Therefore, it is necessary to prepare teachers. Specific training for problem-solving and instruction about the benefits of using the devices in the classroom would assist users. However, a single appointment is not enough to address the technology thoroughly. It is essential to promote meetings that enable the clarification of questions with families and teachers on a regular basis. A significant group of parents/guardians identified benefits aboutthe device’s use. As for the activity in which the FM System helped the most, the reading of stories was mentioned, findings that agree with other authors(88 Rocha BS, Scharlach RC. O uso de Sistema de Frequência Modulada por crianças com perda auditiva: benefício segundo a perspectiva do familiar. CoDAS. 2017;29(6):e20160236. PMid:29069130.
,1212 Jacob RTS, Molina SV, Amorim RB, Bevilacqua MC, Lauris JRP, Moret ALM. FM listeningevaluation for children: adaptação para a língua portuguesa. Rev Bras Educ Espec. 2010;16(3):359-73.

The interviewee’s understanding about the main benefits of the FM System was identified by other authors(88 Rocha BS, Scharlach RC. O uso de Sistema de Frequência Modulada por crianças com perda auditiva: benefício segundo a perspectiva do familiar. CoDAS. 2017;29(6):e20160236. PMid:29069130.
,1313 Alves LM, Silva BR, Rocha TM, Sales CB, Celeste LC. Avaliação da qualidade de vida em usuários do Sistema de Frequência Modulada. Rev Tecer. 2015;8(15):89-102.
,1414 Mezzacasa GP, Aita ADC, Boscolo CC. Desempenho do sistema de frequência modulada em diferentes ambientes comunicativos: percepção dos pais e fonoaudiólogo. In: Costa-Ferreira MID, editor. Reabilitação auditiva: fundamentos e proposições para atuação no Sistema Único de Saúde (SUS). Ribeirão Preto: Book Toy; 2017. p. 377-408.) in studies that showed 'improved understanding' as a result of the use of technology.Studies evidence that the use of the FM System favors a positive signal/noise ratio of more than 20 dB HL, due to the proximity of the microphone – 6 to 8 cm from the teacher's mouth –, which influences the improvement of speech perception(2828 Bertachini ALL, Pupo AC, Morettin M, Martinez MAN, Bevilacqua MC, Moret ALM, et al. Frequency Modulation System and speech perception in the classroom: a systematic literature review. CoDAS. 2015;27(3):292-300. PMid:26222948.

29 Wolfe J, Schafer EC. Optimizing the benefit of sound processors coupled to personal FM systems. J Am Acad Audiol. 2008;19(8):585-94. PMid:19323350.
-3030 Jacob RTS, Alves TKM, Moret ALM, Morettin M, Santos LG, Mondelli MFCG. Participation in regular classroom of student with hearing loss: frequency modulation System use. CoDAS. 2014;26(4):308-14. PMid:25211690.
). Improvement of speech perception was one of the aspects that parents/guardians reported in this study. They also reported that the use of technology 'decreases noise'.

We emphasize that attention is a precondition for learning to happen. With the decreasing of noise, attention is favored and the outcome will be an improvement in comprehension, which reflects in better learning. Findings from other authors show that the greatest change perceived was the 'improvement in attention’(88 Rocha BS, Scharlach RC. O uso de Sistema de Frequência Modulada por crianças com perda auditiva: benefício segundo a perspectiva do familiar. CoDAS. 2017;29(6):e20160236. PMid:29069130.
,1010 Brasil. Lei Federal nº 8.069, de 13 de julho de 1990. Diário Oficial da União [Internet]; Brasília; 16 jul 1990 [citado em 2021 Mar 14]. Disponível em:
,1212 Jacob RTS, Molina SV, Amorim RB, Bevilacqua MC, Lauris JRP, Moret ALM. FM listeningevaluation for children: adaptação para a língua portuguesa. Rev Bras Educ Espec. 2010;16(3):359-73.
,1313 Alves LM, Silva BR, Rocha TM, Sales CB, Celeste LC. Avaliação da qualidade de vida em usuários do Sistema de Frequência Modulada. Rev Tecer. 2015;8(15):89-102.
,2727 Nelson LH, Poole B, Muñoz K. Preschool teachers’ perception and use of hearing assistive technology in educational settings. Lang Speech Hear Serv Sch. 2013;44(3):239-51. PMid:23843650.
,3131 Jacob RTS, Almeida MA, Bevilacqua MC. Uso alternativo do sistema de frequência modulada (FM): crianças com dificuldades de aprendizagem e déficit de atenção alternativa. J Bras Fonoaudiol. 2002;3(10):54-9.), which is line with our finding.

To promote inclusive education, it is necessary to instruct teachers considering the principles of diversity in education. In order to do so, it is essential to promote respect in the classroom so that students with special needs have good school performance and feel pleasure in learning(2424 Gasparetto MERF, Maia SR, Maior EJMI, Nascimento FC, Miranda JR, Ramos CR, et al. Uso de recursos e equipamentos de tecnologia assistiva na educação municipal, estadual e federal tecnológica [Internet]. In: Brasil. Subsecretaria Nacional de Promoção dos Direitos da Pessoa com Deficiência, editor. Tecnologia assistiva. Brasilia; 2009. p. 41-58 [citado em 2021 Mar 14]. Disponível em:

The positive results are not only about students' performance at school, overall improvement can be noticed outside the classroom as well. The system provides better amplification, it helps listening skills and gives hearing aids more impetus, keeping the user focused on the speaker, allowing them to be move around and continue listening.

Among the limitations of the study, the impossibility of obtaining information about the use of the FM System from part of the patientsdue to the difficulty of contacting patients. Although the hospital where the study was carried out requested patients or relatives to keep their telephone numbers updated, some of them did not, which made impossible for the team to contact them.


Only 44.8% of patients use the FM System. CI users are the ones who use the system on a daily basis

The main reasons for patients not to use the technology is related to thefact that patients had not received new hearing aids or had received CI that were incompatiblewith the technology.

  • Study carried out at Hospital de Clínicas de Porto Alegre – HCPA – Porto Alegre (RS), Brasil.
  • Funding: None.


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Publication Dates

  • Publication in this collection
    10 Dec 2021
  • Date of issue


  • Received
    14 Mar 2021
  • Accepted
    24 Oct 2021
Academia Brasileira de Audiologia Rua Itapeva, 202, conjunto 61, CEP 01332-000, Tel.: (11) 3253-8711 - São Paulo - SP - Brazil