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Exclusive breastfeeding difficulty in rooming-in care: integrative review



Identify and analyze the studies that evaluated the difficulties faced by the puerperal women to implement exclusive breastfeeding up to 72 hours after delivery during the period in which they stayed in the rooming-in.

Research strategy

The search for articles was carried out on the PubMed, BVS, and SciELO platforms.

Selection criteria

Original articles were selected, with an available summary, published between 2010 and 2020 in Portuguese, English or Spanish that investigated the difficulties observed in exclusive breastfeeding during which the mother-baby dyad stayed in the period of Rooming-in Care.


The final sample of this study consisted of 11 articles published between the years 2010 and 2019, having Brazil being the country with the largest number of publications. The sample sizes in the studies ranged from 40 to 1,691 puerperal women, having ages between 13 and 46 years. It was observed a prevalence of breastfeeding in the first hour after birth between 43.9% and 77.3%.


Most articles pointed out that the main difficulty in relation to breastfeeding in the postpartum period refers to nipple trauma. Nipple trauma is caused by characteristics of breastfeeding, women, breast, pregnancy, childbirth and the postpartum support network.

Breastfeeding; Weaning; Rooming-in care; Postpartum period; Public health



Identificar e analisar os estudos que avaliaram as dificuldades enfrentadas pelas puérperas para implementação do aleitamento materno exclusivo até 72 horas após o parto, durante o período em que permaneceram no alojamento conjunto.

Estratégia de pesquisa

Foi realizada busca de artigos nas plataformas PubMed, BVS e SciELO.

Critérios de seleção

Foram selecionados artigos originais, com resumo disponível, publicados entre os anos de 2010 e 2020, em português, inglês ou espanhol, que investigaram as dificuldades observadas no aleitamento materno exclusivo durante o período em que a díade mãe/bebê permaneceu no alojamento conjunto.


A amostra final consistiu em 11 artigos publicados entre os anos de 2010 e 2019, sendo o Brasil o país com maior número de publicações. O tamanho das amostras nos estudos variou de 40 a 1.691 puérperas, com faixas etárias entre 13 e 46 anos. Observou-se prevalência de amamentação na primeira hora após o nascimento entre 43,9% e 77,3%.


A maioria dos artigos indicou que a principal dificuldade no aleitamento materno no período pós-parto se refere aos traumas mamilares. Os traumas mamilares são ocasionados por características do aleitamento, da mulher, da mama, da gestação, do parto e da rede de apoio da puérpera.

Aleitamento materno; Desmame; Alojamento conjunto; Período pós-parto; Saúde pública


Breastfeeding (BF) is an important factor in health promotion because it is a technique of protection, bonding, affection and nutrition for children(11 de Almeida GG, Spiri WC, Juliani CM, Paiva BS. Proteção, promoção e apoio ao aleitamento materno em um hospital universitário. Cien Saude Colet. 2008;13(2):487-94. PMid:18813565.
). Breastfeeding is the most economical and effective practice for reducing infant morbidity and mortality, when performed exclusively in the first six months and complemented up to two years of age or older, as recommended by the World Health Organization (WHO)(22 Abolyan LV, Haiek LN, Pastbina IM, Maastrup R. Compliance with the “Baby-Friendly Hospital Initiative for Neonatal Wards” in Russian Hospitals. J Hum Lact. 2021;37(3):521-31. PMid:33823698.

Breastfeeding is much more than nourishing the child, it is a process that involves deep interaction between mother and child, and promotes numerous benefits for both(33 Victoria CG, Barros AJD, França GVA, Bahl R, Rollins NC, Horton S, et al. Amamentação no século 21: epidemiologia, mecanismos, e efeitos ao longo da vida. Epidemiol Serv Saude. 2016;387:475-90.). For the mother, breastfeeding reduces the likelihood of breast cancer, provides more intervals between deliveries, and facilitates uterine involution, with a consequent reduction in postpartum bleeding(44 Esteves TMB, Daumas RP, Oliveira MIC, Andrade CAF, Leite IC. Fatores associados à amamentação na primeira hora de vida: revisão sistemática. Rev Saude Publica. 2014 Ago;48(4):697-708. PMid:25210829.
). Human milk contains hundreds of bioactive molecules that protect the newborn against infection and inflammation and contribute to immune maturation, organ development, and healthy microbial colonization. Compared with formula feeding, breastfeeding has been associated with decreased morbidity and mortality in infants and lower incidence of gastrointestinal infections and inflammatory, respiratory and allergic diseases(55 Nuzzi G, Trambusti I, DI Cicco ME, Peroni DG. Breast milk: more than just nutrition! Minerva Pediatr (Torino). 2021;73(2):111-4. PMid:33880902.

6 Kar P, Reynolds JE, Grohs MN, Bell RC, Jarman M, Dewey D, Lebel C. Association between breastfeeding during infancy and white matter microstructure in early childhood. Neuroimage. 2021;236:118084.
-77 Sánchez C, Franco L, Regal P, Lamas A, Cepeda A, Fente C. Breast milk: a source of functional compounds with potential application in nutrition and therapy. Nutrients. 2021;13(3):1026. PMid:33810073.
), favoring cognitive and psychomotor development and the proper development of facial structures, among other benefits for the baby(88 da Silva EP, Alves AR, Macedo AR, Bezerra RM, de Almeida PC, Chaves EM. Diagnósticos de enfermagem relacionados à amamentação em unidade de alojamento conjunto. Rev Bras Enferm. 2013;66(2):190-5. PMid:23743837.
). Colostrum, a low-volume milk secreted in the first days, contains epidermal growth factor, which accelerates the maturation of the intestinal mucosa, and bioactive immunological factors that confer immunological protection to the infant, preventing intestinal colonization by pathogenic microorganisms(99 Passanha A, Cervato-Mancuso AM, Silva MEMP. Elementos protetores do leite materno. Rev Bras Crescimento Desenvolvimento Hum. 2010;20(2):351-60.). Breastfeeding can influence the development of maternal sensitivity, and a sensitive mother tends to identify, interpret, and respond to her infant's signals promptly and appropriately, leading to a greater likelihood that the infant will develop a secure attachment to the mother. This secure attachment is of paramount importance for the development of emotionally positive, less aggressive, more self-confining, socially competent, and cooperative children(1010 Diehl JP, Anton MC. Fatores emocionais associados ao aleitamento materno exclusivo e sua interrupção precoce: um estudo qualitativo. Aletheia. 2011;72(34):47-60.).

Rooming-in is defined as a hospital system in which the newborn, soon after birth, remains at the mother's side 24 hours a day, in the same environment, until hospital discharge. This system is important because it allows the multi-professional team to provide direct care, control of the environment and articulation with other sectors, enabling the prevention of infections and contributing to the health of the mother-child binomial(1111 Handelzalts JE, Levy S, Molmen-Lichter M, Muzik M, Krissi H, Wiznitzer A, et al. Associations of rooming-in with maternal postpartum bonding: the impact of mothers’ pre-delivery intentions. Midwifery. 2021;95:102942. PMid:33607604.

The study of the dimensions that may interfere in the maintenance of exclusive breastfeeding from the first hours of life can help in devising strategies that aim to encourage and support this practice. The data obtained can help professionals and trainees target more specific orientations and interventions in these early days. Many studies are concerned with investigating the reasons for early weaning, but little attention has been paid to identifying the problems that occur specifically at this time. Only then will it be possible to achieve a more humanized and individualized assistance.


The present study aimed to identify and analyze the studies that evaluated the difficulties faced by puerperal women to implement exclusive breastfeeding up to 72 hours after birth, during the period they stayed in the rooming-in.


Research strategy

This is an integrative literature review, which involved the following steps: elaboration of the guiding question; establishment of key words and criteria for inclusion and exclusion of articles; search, selection, and critical analysis of the articles.

The following guiding question for this study was established: “What is the main difficulty in breastfeeding faced by puerperal women accompanied in the rooming-in unit up to 72 hours after delivery?” The keywords used in the search were: breastfeeding and rooming-in, in addition to their English and Spanish equivalents. We opted for a broader search so as not to lose relevant studies.

Search strategies were carried out in the platforms PubMed (Medline), BVS (Lilacs, IBECS, Cumed, BBO, MedCaribe) and SciELO (Chart 1).

Chart 1
Data Search Strategy

Selection criteria

The inclusion criteria for the articles were: to be original; to have an abstract available; to have been published from 2010 to 2020, in Portuguese, English, or Spanish; to have investigated the difficulties faced by puerperae in implementing exclusive breastfeeding during the period of rooming-in. Exclusion criteria were: the articles that evaluated the mother-baby binomial 72 hours after birth, even if in a rooming-in setting.

Two researchers carried out the selection of articles independently, after reading the titles and abstracts. Data management was done using an Excel spreadsheet, which allowed the evaluators two responses for inclusion of the studies: yes or no. The articles that received “yes” from both evaluators were included for reading in full, and those that received “no” answers from both were excluded from the study. It was established that if there were divergences in the answers between the two evaluators, a consensus meeting would be held, and if the impasse remained, a third evaluator would be consulted.

Data analysis

The analysis of the material was performed in two stages. In the first, the duplicate references in the consulted databases were eliminated and, by reading the titles and abstracts, the articles that did not meet the established objectives were excluded. In the second stage, the articles were obtained and read in full (Figure 1).

Figure 1
Flowchart of the study selection process

Of the articles selected for analysis of the results and discussion of the findings, the author, year of publication, country of origin, objectives, sample characteristics, results, and conclusion were recorded.


Initially, 232 articles were found. After consensus of the two evaluators, 43 articles were included for full reading, of which 32 were excluded for not meeting the established inclusion criteria, resulting in 11 selected articles (Chart 2).

Chart 2
Main findings in the literature on the difficulties faced by puerperae in maintaining exclusive breastfeeding during the period of rooming-in

The sample of this study therefore consisted of 11 articles published in the years 2010(1212 Oliveira JS, Joventino ES, Dodt RCM, Veras JEGLF, Ximenes LB. Fatores associados ao desmame precoce entre multíparas. Rev Rene. 2010 Out/Dez;11(4):95-102.), 2011(1313 Moraes M, Silva L, Faliú B. Técnica de alimentación a pecho y aparición de trauma del pezón previo al alta hospitalaria. Arch Pediatr Urug. 2011;82(1):10-7.), 2013(1414 Pereira CRVR, Fonseca VM, Oliveira MIC, Souza IEO, Mello RR. Avaliação de fatores que interferem na amamentação na primeira hora de vida. Rev Bras Epidemiol. 2013;16(2):525-34. PMid:24142022.
), 2014(1515 Shimoda GT, Aragaki IMM, Souza CA, Silva IA. Associação entre persistência de lesão de mamilos e condições de aleitamento materno. Rev Min Enferm. 2014 Jan/Mar;8(1):68-74.), 2016(1616 Sá NNB, Gubert MB, Santos W, Santos LMP. Fatores ligados aos serviços de saúde determinam o aleitamento materno na primeira hora de vida no Distrito Federal, Brasil, 2011. Rev Bras Epidemiol. 2016;19(3):509-24. PMid:27849267.
,1717 Cirico MOV, Shimoda GT, Oliveira RNG. Qualidade assistencial em aleitamento materno: implantação do indicador de trauma mamilar. Rev Gaúcha Enferm. 2017 Dez;37(4):e60546. PMid:28225853.
), 2017(1818 Rosa JBS, Delgado SE. Conhecimento de puerpéras sobre aleitamento materno e introdução alimentar. Rev Bras Promoç Saúde. 2017 Out/Dez;30(4):1-9.
), 2018(1919 Barbosa DM, Caliman MZ, Alvarenga SC, Lima EFA, Leite FMC, Primo CC. Avaliação dos fatores associados ao trauma mamilar. J Res Fundam Care Online. 2018 Out/Dez;10(4):1063-9.,2020 Silva LLA, Cirino IP, Santos MS, Oliveira EAR, Sousa AF, Lima LHO. Prevalência do aleitamento materno exclusivo e fatores de risco. Rev Saúde e Pesq. 2018 Set/Dez;11(3):527-34.
) and 2019(2121 Cunha AMS, Martins VE, Lourdes ML, Paschoini MC, Parreira BDM, Ruiz MT. Prevalência de traumas mamilares e fatores relacionados em puérperas assistidas em um hospital de ensino. Esc Anna Nery. 2019;23(4):e20190024.
,2222 Pitilin ÉB, Polleto M, Gasparin VA, Oliveira PP, Sbardelotto T, Schirmer J. Fatores associados ao aleitamento materno segundo os tipos de mamilos. Rev Rene. 2019 Set 25;20:e41351.
), showing stability over the years. Sample sizes in the studies ranged from 40(1616 Sá NNB, Gubert MB, Santos W, Santos LMP. Fatores ligados aos serviços de saúde determinam o aleitamento materno na primeira hora de vida no Distrito Federal, Brasil, 2011. Rev Bras Epidemiol. 2016;19(3):509-24. PMid:27849267.
) to 1.691(1515 Shimoda GT, Aragaki IMM, Souza CA, Silva IA. Associação entre persistência de lesão de mamilos e condições de aleitamento materno. Rev Min Enferm. 2014 Jan/Mar;8(1):68-74.) puerperae with age range of 13(1414 Pereira CRVR, Fonseca VM, Oliveira MIC, Souza IEO, Mello RR. Avaliação de fatores que interferem na amamentação na primeira hora de vida. Rev Bras Epidemiol. 2013;16(2):525-34. PMid:24142022.
) to 46(1414 Pereira CRVR, Fonseca VM, Oliveira MIC, Souza IEO, Mello RR. Avaliação de fatores que interferem na amamentação na primeira hora de vida. Rev Bras Epidemiol. 2013;16(2):525-34. PMid:24142022.
) years.

With regard to the results found by the studies, difficulties in establishing emotional ties were indicated as a negative factor influencing exclusive BF (EBF) in rooming-in in 1 (9,1%) study(1818 Rosa JBS, Delgado SE. Conhecimento de puerpéras sobre aleitamento materno e introdução alimentar. Rev Bras Promoç Saúde. 2017 Out/Dez;30(4):1-9.
). These difficulties were characterized as mothers hardly touching their babies, holding the baby nervously, and mothers not maintaining eye contact with their babies. These factors were explained by the fact that in the postpartum period mothers are more sensitive and susceptible in their ability to breastfeed.(1818 Rosa JBS, Delgado SE. Conhecimento de puerpéras sobre aleitamento materno e introdução alimentar. Rev Bras Promoç Saúde. 2017 Out/Dez;30(4):1-9.

Breast problems such as engorgement, blocked ducts or mastitis were also cited in only 1 (9,1%) article(2020 Silva LLA, Cirino IP, Santos MS, Oliveira EAR, Sousa AF, Lima LHO. Prevalência do aleitamento materno exclusivo e fatores de risco. Rev Saúde e Pesq. 2018 Set/Dez;11(3):527-34.
). The causes of nipple lesions are multifactorial and studies have pointed out that the position of the child during breastfeeding and the breastfeeding technique are factors with great influence on the appearance of nipple trauma(1313 Moraes M, Silva L, Faliú B. Técnica de alimentación a pecho y aparición de trauma del pezón previo al alta hospitalaria. Arch Pediatr Urug. 2011;82(1):10-7.,2020 Silva LLA, Cirino IP, Santos MS, Oliveira EAR, Sousa AF, Lima LHO. Prevalência do aleitamento materno exclusivo e fatores de risco. Rev Saúde e Pesq. 2018 Set/Dez;11(3):527-34.

The importance of knowledge about the correct breastfeeding technique was also pointed out in the studies, since the adequate positioning of the pair and the baby's effective grip favor the prevention of pain while breastfeeding and breast trauma, reducing the probability of interrupting breastfeeding due to complications(1818 Rosa JBS, Delgado SE. Conhecimento de puerpéras sobre aleitamento materno e introdução alimentar. Rev Bras Promoç Saúde. 2017 Out/Dez;30(4):1-9.
,2020 Silva LLA, Cirino IP, Santos MS, Oliveira EAR, Sousa AF, Lima LHO. Prevalência do aleitamento materno exclusivo e fatores de risco. Rev Saúde e Pesq. 2018 Set/Dez;11(3):527-34.

Complaints regarding the presence of pain(1313 Moraes M, Silva L, Faliú B. Técnica de alimentación a pecho y aparición de trauma del pezón previo al alta hospitalaria. Arch Pediatr Urug. 2011;82(1):10-7.,2020 Silva LLA, Cirino IP, Santos MS, Oliveira EAR, Sousa AF, Lima LHO. Prevalência do aleitamento materno exclusivo e fatores de risco. Rev Saúde e Pesq. 2018 Set/Dez;11(3):527-34.
), infant refusal(1212 Oliveira JS, Joventino ES, Dodt RCM, Veras JEGLF, Ximenes LB. Fatores associados ao desmame precoce entre multíparas. Rev Rene. 2010 Out/Dez;11(4):95-102.,2020 Silva LLA, Cirino IP, Santos MS, Oliveira EAR, Sousa AF, Lima LHO. Prevalência do aleitamento materno exclusivo e fatores de risco. Rev Saúde e Pesq. 2018 Set/Dez;11(3):527-34.
) and the belief that milk is weak or insufficient(1212 Oliveira JS, Joventino ES, Dodt RCM, Veras JEGLF, Ximenes LB. Fatores associados ao desmame precoce entre multíparas. Rev Rene. 2010 Out/Dez;11(4):95-102.,2020 Silva LLA, Cirino IP, Santos MS, Oliveira EAR, Sousa AF, Lima LHO. Prevalência do aleitamento materno exclusivo e fatores de risco. Rev Saúde e Pesq. 2018 Set/Dez;11(3):527-34.
) were quoted in 2 (18,2%) papers each. According to the papers, women's understanding of breastfeeding directly influences their attitude towards breastfeeding(1212 Oliveira JS, Joventino ES, Dodt RCM, Veras JEGLF, Ximenes LB. Fatores associados ao desmame precoce entre multíparas. Rev Rene. 2010 Out/Dez;11(4):95-102.), the mother interprets the child's crying as a lack of satiation or hunger and waits for the child to sleep after feeding, considering her milk insufficient and of low quality to meet the nutritional demands of her child(2020 Silva LLA, Cirino IP, Santos MS, Oliveira EAR, Sousa AF, Lima LHO. Prevalência do aleitamento materno exclusivo e fatores de risco. Rev Saúde e Pesq. 2018 Set/Dez;11(3):527-34.

The type of nipple of the lactating women appeared as a hindrance to the practice of breastfeeding in rooming-in in 3 (27,3%) articles(1818 Rosa JBS, Delgado SE. Conhecimento de puerpéras sobre aleitamento materno e introdução alimentar. Rev Bras Promoç Saúde. 2017 Out/Dez;30(4):1-9.
,2020 Silva LLA, Cirino IP, Santos MS, Oliveira EAR, Sousa AF, Lima LHO. Prevalência do aleitamento materno exclusivo e fatores de risco. Rev Saúde e Pesq. 2018 Set/Dez;11(3):527-34.
,2222 Pitilin ÉB, Polleto M, Gasparin VA, Oliveira PP, Sbardelotto T, Schirmer J. Fatores associados ao aleitamento materno segundo os tipos de mamilos. Rev Rene. 2019 Set 25;20:e41351.
). Although successful breastfeeding does not depend solely on nipple type, the anatomical prevalence of nipple protrusion has been shown to be a contributing factor(2020 Silva LLA, Cirino IP, Santos MS, Oliveira EAR, Sousa AF, Lima LHO. Prevalência do aleitamento materno exclusivo e fatores de risco. Rev Saúde e Pesq. 2018 Set/Dez;11(3):527-34.
,2222 Pitilin ÉB, Polleto M, Gasparin VA, Oliveira PP, Sbardelotto T, Schirmer J. Fatores associados ao aleitamento materno segundo os tipos de mamilos. Rev Rene. 2019 Set 25;20:e41351.
). Positive practices positively affect breastfeeding and increase confidence, motivation, self-efficacy, and willingness to breastfeed(2222 Pitilin ÉB, Polleto M, Gasparin VA, Oliveira PP, Sbardelotto T, Schirmer J. Fatores associados ao aleitamento materno segundo os tipos de mamilos. Rev Rene. 2019 Set 25;20:e41351.

The main difficulties encountered in breastfeeding by puerperal women are related to breast trauma(1313 Moraes M, Silva L, Faliú B. Técnica de alimentación a pecho y aparición de trauma del pezón previo al alta hospitalaria. Arch Pediatr Urug. 2011;82(1):10-7.,1515 Shimoda GT, Aragaki IMM, Souza CA, Silva IA. Associação entre persistência de lesão de mamilos e condições de aleitamento materno. Rev Min Enferm. 2014 Jan/Mar;8(1):68-74.,1717 Cirico MOV, Shimoda GT, Oliveira RNG. Qualidade assistencial em aleitamento materno: implantação do indicador de trauma mamilar. Rev Gaúcha Enferm. 2017 Dez;37(4):e60546. PMid:28225853.

18 Rosa JBS, Delgado SE. Conhecimento de puerpéras sobre aleitamento materno e introdução alimentar. Rev Bras Promoç Saúde. 2017 Out/Dez;30(4):1-9.

19 Barbosa DM, Caliman MZ, Alvarenga SC, Lima EFA, Leite FMC, Primo CC. Avaliação dos fatores associados ao trauma mamilar. J Res Fundam Care Online. 2018 Out/Dez;10(4):1063-9.

20 Silva LLA, Cirino IP, Santos MS, Oliveira EAR, Sousa AF, Lima LHO. Prevalência do aleitamento materno exclusivo e fatores de risco. Rev Saúde e Pesq. 2018 Set/Dez;11(3):527-34.
-2121 Cunha AMS, Martins VE, Lourdes ML, Paschoini MC, Parreira BDM, Ruiz MT. Prevalência de traumas mamilares e fatores relacionados em puérperas assistidas em um hospital de ensino. Esc Anna Nery. 2019;23(4):e20190024.
), quoted in 7 (63,6%) studies, whereby, in 2(1515 Shimoda GT, Aragaki IMM, Souza CA, Silva IA. Associação entre persistência de lesão de mamilos e condições de aleitamento materno. Rev Min Enferm. 2014 Jan/Mar;8(1):68-74.,1919 Barbosa DM, Caliman MZ, Alvarenga SC, Lima EFA, Leite FMC, Primo CC. Avaliação dos fatores associados ao trauma mamilar. J Res Fundam Care Online. 2018 Out/Dez;10(4):1063-9.), there was an association with the presence of pain and, in 4(1313 Moraes M, Silva L, Faliú B. Técnica de alimentación a pecho y aparición de trauma del pezón previo al alta hospitalaria. Arch Pediatr Urug. 2011;82(1):10-7.,1515 Shimoda GT, Aragaki IMM, Souza CA, Silva IA. Associação entre persistência de lesão de mamilos e condições de aleitamento materno. Rev Min Enferm. 2014 Jan/Mar;8(1):68-74.,1717 Cirico MOV, Shimoda GT, Oliveira RNG. Qualidade assistencial em aleitamento materno: implantação do indicador de trauma mamilar. Rev Gaúcha Enferm. 2017 Dez;37(4):e60546. PMid:28225853.
,1818 Rosa JBS, Delgado SE. Conhecimento de puerpéras sobre aleitamento materno e introdução alimentar. Rev Bras Promoç Saúde. 2017 Out/Dez;30(4):1-9.
), with the incorrect grip.

It was also found that the prevalence of breastfeeding in the first hour after birth was surveyed in 2 (18,2%) works and ranged from 43,9%(1414 Pereira CRVR, Fonseca VM, Oliveira MIC, Souza IEO, Mello RR. Avaliação de fatores que interferem na amamentação na primeira hora de vida. Rev Bras Epidemiol. 2013;16(2):525-34. PMid:24142022.
) and 77,3%(1616 Sá NNB, Gubert MB, Santos W, Santos LMP. Fatores ligados aos serviços de saúde determinam o aleitamento materno na primeira hora de vida no Distrito Federal, Brasil, 2011. Rev Bras Epidemiol. 2016;19(3):509-24. PMid:27849267.


Despite the numerous beneficial effects of EBF(55 Nuzzi G, Trambusti I, DI Cicco ME, Peroni DG. Breast milk: more than just nutrition! Minerva Pediatr (Torino). 2021;73(2):111-4. PMid:33880902.,66 Kar P, Reynolds JE, Grohs MN, Bell RC, Jarman M, Dewey D, Lebel C. Association between breastfeeding during infancy and white matter microstructure in early childhood. Neuroimage. 2021;236:118084.
), the early interruption of this practice continues to be one of the most important public health problems in Brazil(2323 Feitosa MEB, Silva SEO, Silva LL. Aleitamento materno: causas e consequências do desmame precoce. Res Soc Dev. 2020 Jun 16;9(7):e856975071.
). The prevalence of EBF in children under 6 months of age is 54% in all Brazilian capitals(2424 Nascimento JC, Silva NL, Lima MFS, Lima MCBM, Oliveira GS. Prevalência do aleitamento materno exclusivo nas regiões brasileiras em 2015. Carpe Diem. 2018;16(2):252-69.). The highest percentages of EBF were identified in the Midwest Regions (59%) and North (58%), followed by the Southern Regions (56%)and Southeast (55%). On the other hand, the Northeast Region (39%) had the lowest prevalence of EBF compared to other regions(2424 Nascimento JC, Silva NL, Lima MFS, Lima MCBM, Oliveira GS. Prevalência do aleitamento materno exclusivo nas regiões brasileiras em 2015. Carpe Diem. 2018;16(2):252-69.). In China, the largest population in the world and Asia, studies reported that the breastfeeding rate for infants aged 1 to 2 months ranged from 59.4% to 66.5% and the exclusive breastfeeding rate was only 15.8% for infants below 6 months of age(2525 Wang L, Li QJ, Miao XF, Chen H, Zhao Y, Liu LY, et al. Correlation between types of feeding and growth and nutrition status of 42-day infants. Chinese Journal of Reproductive Health. 2020;31(01):24-7.). By 6 months, prevalence rates in the range 90% to 100%, good 50% to 89%, fair 12% to 49%, and poor 0 to 11% are considered by WHO to be indicators of EBF(2424 Nascimento JC, Silva NL, Lima MFS, Lima MCBM, Oliveira GS. Prevalência do aleitamento materno exclusivo nas regiões brasileiras em 2015. Carpe Diem. 2018;16(2):252-69.).

Helping mothers to initiate breastfeeding in the best possible way corresponds to step 4 of the Baby-friendly Hospital Initiative (BFHI)(2626 Lima APC, Nascimento DS, Martins MMF. A prática do aleitamento materno e os fatores que levam ao desmame precoce: uma revisão integrativa. J Health Biol. Sci. 2018;6(2):189-96.
) and is a practice that can reduce neonatal mortality by 22%(2727 Brito APA, Caldeira CF, Salvetti MG. Prevalence, characteristics, and impact of pain during the postpartum period. Rev Esc Enferm USP. 2021;55:e03691. PMid:33886917.
). A study conducted in Ghana (Africa), with approximately 11,000 children, concluded that 22% of neonatal deaths could have been avoided if all of them had been breastfed within the first hour(2828 Fucile S, McFarland DV, Gisel EG, Lau C. Oral and nonoral sensoriomotor interventions facilitate suck-swallow-respiration functions and their coordination in preterms infants. Early Hum Dev. 2012;88(6):345-50. PMid:21962771.
).In India, late initiation of breastfeeding (more than 24 hours) was found to be related to a 78% increased risk of neonatal mortality (2929 Fujinaga CI, Chaves JC, Karkow IK, Klossowski DG, Silva FR, Rodrigues AH. Frênulo lingual e aleitamento materno: estudo descritivo. Audiol Commun Res. 2017;22(0):e1762.
). A study in Nepal (Asia), with more than 22,000 infants, found that the risk of neonatal mortality increased by 41% when breastfeeding occurred after 24 hours of life(3030 Braga LAS, Silva J, Pantuzzo CL, Motta AR. Prevalência de alteração no frênulo lingual e suas implicações na fala de escolares. Rev CEFAC. 2009;11(suppl 3):378-90.

In this study, the search for articles was done in a broad way by means of the guiding question, and the works found cited several aspects that were related to the difficulties of the puerperal woman, and some cited only breast trauma as a complicating factor(1313 Moraes M, Silva L, Faliú B. Técnica de alimentación a pecho y aparición de trauma del pezón previo al alta hospitalaria. Arch Pediatr Urug. 2011;82(1):10-7.,1515 Shimoda GT, Aragaki IMM, Souza CA, Silva IA. Associação entre persistência de lesão de mamilos e condições de aleitamento materno. Rev Min Enferm. 2014 Jan/Mar;8(1):68-74.,1717 Cirico MOV, Shimoda GT, Oliveira RNG. Qualidade assistencial em aleitamento materno: implantação do indicador de trauma mamilar. Rev Gaúcha Enferm. 2017 Dez;37(4):e60546. PMid:28225853.
,1919 Barbosa DM, Caliman MZ, Alvarenga SC, Lima EFA, Leite FMC, Primo CC. Avaliação dos fatores associados ao trauma mamilar. J Res Fundam Care Online. 2018 Out/Dez;10(4):1063-9.,2121 Cunha AMS, Martins VE, Lourdes ML, Paschoini MC, Parreira BDM, Ruiz MT. Prevalência de traumas mamilares e fatores relacionados em puérperas assistidas em um hospital de ensino. Esc Anna Nery. 2019;23(4):e20190024.
). Referring to the most frequent mammary trauma, one article reported and analyzed the type of nipple as a complicating factor(2222 Pitilin ÉB, Polleto M, Gasparin VA, Oliveira PP, Sbardelotto T, Schirmer J. Fatores associados ao aleitamento materno segundo os tipos de mamilos. Rev Rene. 2019 Set 25;20:e41351.
); the other articles analyzed various factors that could be related to early weaning(1212 Oliveira JS, Joventino ES, Dodt RCM, Veras JEGLF, Ximenes LB. Fatores associados ao desmame precoce entre multíparas. Rev Rene. 2010 Out/Dez;11(4):95-102.,1414 Pereira CRVR, Fonseca VM, Oliveira MIC, Souza IEO, Mello RR. Avaliação de fatores que interferem na amamentação na primeira hora de vida. Rev Bras Epidemiol. 2013;16(2):525-34. PMid:24142022.
,1616 Sá NNB, Gubert MB, Santos W, Santos LMP. Fatores ligados aos serviços de saúde determinam o aleitamento materno na primeira hora de vida no Distrito Federal, Brasil, 2011. Rev Bras Epidemiol. 2016;19(3):509-24. PMid:27849267.
,1818 Rosa JBS, Delgado SE. Conhecimento de puerpéras sobre aleitamento materno e introdução alimentar. Rev Bras Promoç Saúde. 2017 Out/Dez;30(4):1-9.
,2020 Silva LLA, Cirino IP, Santos MS, Oliveira EAR, Sousa AF, Lima LHO. Prevalência do aleitamento materno exclusivo e fatores de risco. Rev Saúde e Pesq. 2018 Set/Dez;11(3):527-34.

The main difficulties in breastfeeding faced by puerperae monitored in the rooming-in unit up to 72 hours after delivery were problems related to breast traumas(1313 Moraes M, Silva L, Faliú B. Técnica de alimentación a pecho y aparición de trauma del pezón previo al alta hospitalaria. Arch Pediatr Urug. 2011;82(1):10-7.,1515 Shimoda GT, Aragaki IMM, Souza CA, Silva IA. Associação entre persistência de lesão de mamilos e condições de aleitamento materno. Rev Min Enferm. 2014 Jan/Mar;8(1):68-74.,1717 Cirico MOV, Shimoda GT, Oliveira RNG. Qualidade assistencial em aleitamento materno: implantação do indicador de trauma mamilar. Rev Gaúcha Enferm. 2017 Dez;37(4):e60546. PMid:28225853.

18 Rosa JBS, Delgado SE. Conhecimento de puerpéras sobre aleitamento materno e introdução alimentar. Rev Bras Promoç Saúde. 2017 Out/Dez;30(4):1-9.

19 Barbosa DM, Caliman MZ, Alvarenga SC, Lima EFA, Leite FMC, Primo CC. Avaliação dos fatores associados ao trauma mamilar. J Res Fundam Care Online. 2018 Out/Dez;10(4):1063-9.

20 Silva LLA, Cirino IP, Santos MS, Oliveira EAR, Sousa AF, Lima LHO. Prevalência do aleitamento materno exclusivo e fatores de risco. Rev Saúde e Pesq. 2018 Set/Dez;11(3):527-34.
-2121 Cunha AMS, Martins VE, Lourdes ML, Paschoini MC, Parreira BDM, Ruiz MT. Prevalência de traumas mamilares e fatores relacionados em puérperas assistidas em um hospital de ensino. Esc Anna Nery. 2019;23(4):e20190024.
). It is one of the major breast problems that directly influence the breastfeeding experience and is pointed out as one of the main risk factors for weaning(1515 Shimoda GT, Aragaki IMM, Souza CA, Silva IA. Associação entre persistência de lesão de mamilos e condições de aleitamento materno. Rev Min Enferm. 2014 Jan/Mar;8(1):68-74.,2525 Wang L, Li QJ, Miao XF, Chen H, Zhao Y, Liu LY, et al. Correlation between types of feeding and growth and nutrition status of 42-day infants. Chinese Journal of Reproductive Health. 2020;31(01):24-7.,2626 Lima APC, Nascimento DS, Martins MMF. A prática do aleitamento materno e os fatores que levam ao desmame precoce: uma revisão integrativa. J Health Biol. Sci. 2018;6(2):189-96.
). Breast trauma can cause pain(44 Esteves TMB, Daumas RP, Oliveira MIC, Andrade CAF, Leite IC. Fatores associados à amamentação na primeira hora de vida: revisão sistemática. Rev Saude Publica. 2014 Ago;48(4):697-708. PMid:25210829.
,2626 Lima APC, Nascimento DS, Martins MMF. A prática do aleitamento materno e os fatores que levam ao desmame precoce: uma revisão integrativa. J Health Biol. Sci. 2018;6(2):189-96.
) and this pain is an unpleasant sensory and affective experience for the woman and can cause her to stop breastfeeding(2727 Brito APA, Caldeira CF, Salvetti MG. Prevalence, characteristics, and impact of pain during the postpartum period. Rev Esc Enferm USP. 2021;55:e03691. PMid:33886917.

The most frequent breast traumas observed were excoriation(1515 Shimoda GT, Aragaki IMM, Souza CA, Silva IA. Associação entre persistência de lesão de mamilos e condições de aleitamento materno. Rev Min Enferm. 2014 Jan/Mar;8(1):68-74.,1717 Cirico MOV, Shimoda GT, Oliveira RNG. Qualidade assistencial em aleitamento materno: implantação do indicador de trauma mamilar. Rev Gaúcha Enferm. 2017 Dez;37(4):e60546. PMid:28225853.
,1818 Rosa JBS, Delgado SE. Conhecimento de puerpéras sobre aleitamento materno e introdução alimentar. Rev Bras Promoç Saúde. 2017 Out/Dez;30(4):1-9.
,2121 Cunha AMS, Martins VE, Lourdes ML, Paschoini MC, Parreira BDM, Ruiz MT. Prevalência de traumas mamilares e fatores relacionados em puérperas assistidas em um hospital de ensino. Esc Anna Nery. 2019;23(4):e20190024.
), fissures(1313 Moraes M, Silva L, Faliú B. Técnica de alimentación a pecho y aparición de trauma del pezón previo al alta hospitalaria. Arch Pediatr Urug. 2011;82(1):10-7.,1616 Sá NNB, Gubert MB, Santos W, Santos LMP. Fatores ligados aos serviços de saúde determinam o aleitamento materno na primeira hora de vida no Distrito Federal, Brasil, 2011. Rev Bras Epidemiol. 2016;19(3):509-24. PMid:27849267.
,1818 Rosa JBS, Delgado SE. Conhecimento de puerpéras sobre aleitamento materno e introdução alimentar. Rev Bras Promoç Saúde. 2017 Out/Dez;30(4):1-9.
,1919 Barbosa DM, Caliman MZ, Alvarenga SC, Lima EFA, Leite FMC, Primo CC. Avaliação dos fatores associados ao trauma mamilar. J Res Fundam Care Online. 2018 Out/Dez;10(4):1063-9.) and redness/hyperemia(1616 Sá NNB, Gubert MB, Santos W, Santos LMP. Fatores ligados aos serviços de saúde determinam o aleitamento materno na primeira hora de vida no Distrito Federal, Brasil, 2011. Rev Bras Epidemiol. 2016;19(3):509-24. PMid:27849267.
,1818 Rosa JBS, Delgado SE. Conhecimento de puerpéras sobre aleitamento materno e introdução alimentar. Rev Bras Promoç Saúde. 2017 Out/Dez;30(4):1-9.
,1919 Barbosa DM, Caliman MZ, Alvarenga SC, Lima EFA, Leite FMC, Primo CC. Avaliação dos fatores associados ao trauma mamilar. J Res Fundam Care Online. 2018 Out/Dez;10(4):1063-9.). Nipple cracking has also been described(1313 Moraes M, Silva L, Faliú B. Técnica de alimentación a pecho y aparición de trauma del pezón previo al alta hospitalaria. Arch Pediatr Urug. 2011;82(1):10-7.) as a recurrent type of nipple trauma in the immediate postpartum period and that directly influences early weaning(1313 Moraes M, Silva L, Faliú B. Técnica de alimentación a pecho y aparición de trauma del pezón previo al alta hospitalaria. Arch Pediatr Urug. 2011;82(1):10-7.). The variety of nomenclature used to define breast trauma stands out as an observation of the present study: complications(1313 Moraes M, Silva L, Faliú B. Técnica de alimentación a pecho y aparición de trauma del pezón previo al alta hospitalaria. Arch Pediatr Urug. 2011;82(1):10-7.), breast lesion(1515 Shimoda GT, Aragaki IMM, Souza CA, Silva IA. Associação entre persistência de lesão de mamilos e condições de aleitamento materno. Rev Min Enferm. 2014 Jan/Mar;8(1):68-74.) and breast issues(2020 Silva LLA, Cirino IP, Santos MS, Oliveira EAR, Sousa AF, Lima LHO. Prevalência do aleitamento materno exclusivo e fatores de risco. Rev Saúde e Pesq. 2018 Set/Dez;11(3):527-34.
). For this work we opted for the term “breast trauma”, which is defined as injury and/or alteration of the mammary tissue, generally resulting from inadequate management and/or error in the breastfeeding technique (incorrect positioning and/or incorrect holding of the infant)(2121 Cunha AMS, Martins VE, Lourdes ML, Paschoini MC, Parreira BDM, Ruiz MT. Prevalência de traumas mamilares e fatores relacionados em puérperas assistidas em um hospital de ensino. Esc Anna Nery. 2019;23(4):e20190024.

The factors that were associated with the appearance of nipple trauma described in the studies analyzed were: changes in breastfeeding position(1313 Moraes M, Silva L, Faliú B. Técnica de alimentación a pecho y aparición de trauma del pezón previo al alta hospitalaria. Arch Pediatr Urug. 2011;82(1):10-7.,1818 Rosa JBS, Delgado SE. Conhecimento de puerpéras sobre aleitamento materno e introdução alimentar. Rev Bras Promoç Saúde. 2017 Out/Dez;30(4):1-9.
,3131 Marcione ESS, Coelho FG, Souza CB, França ECL. Classificação anatômica do frênulo lingual de bebês. Rev CEFAC. 2016;18(5):1042-9.
), grip difficulties(1313 Moraes M, Silva L, Faliú B. Técnica de alimentación a pecho y aparición de trauma del pezón previo al alta hospitalaria. Arch Pediatr Urug. 2011;82(1):10-7.,1818 Rosa JBS, Delgado SE. Conhecimento de puerpéras sobre aleitamento materno e introdução alimentar. Rev Bras Promoç Saúde. 2017 Out/Dez;30(4):1-9.
,3131 Marcione ESS, Coelho FG, Souza CB, França ECL. Classificação anatômica do frênulo lingual de bebês. Rev CEFAC. 2016;18(5):1042-9.
), inappropriate suction pattern(1313 Moraes M, Silva L, Faliú B. Técnica de alimentación a pecho y aparición de trauma del pezón previo al alta hospitalaria. Arch Pediatr Urug. 2011;82(1):10-7.,1717 Cirico MOV, Shimoda GT, Oliveira RNG. Qualidade assistencial em aleitamento materno: implantação do indicador de trauma mamilar. Rev Gaúcha Enferm. 2017 Dez;37(4):e60546. PMid:28225853.
,3232 Kronborg H, Vaeth M. How are effective breastfeeding techniqueand pacifier use related to breastfeeding problems and breastfeeding duration? Birth. 2009;36(1):34-42. PMid:19278381.
), presence of mammary trauma in previous pregnancies(1313 Moraes M, Silva L, Faliú B. Técnica de alimentación a pecho y aparición de trauma del pezón previo al alta hospitalaria. Arch Pediatr Urug. 2011;82(1):10-7.), primiparity(1313 Moraes M, Silva L, Faliú B. Técnica de alimentación a pecho y aparición de trauma del pezón previo al alta hospitalaria. Arch Pediatr Urug. 2011;82(1):10-7.,1717 Cirico MOV, Shimoda GT, Oliveira RNG. Qualidade assistencial em aleitamento materno: implantação do indicador de trauma mamilar. Rev Gaúcha Enferm. 2017 Dez;37(4):e60546. PMid:28225853.
,3333 Goyal RC, Banginwar AS, Ziyo F, Toweir AA. Breastfeeding practices: positioning, attachment (latch-on) and effective suckling – A hospital-based study in Libya. J Family Community Med. 2011;18(2):74-9. PMid:21897915.
), less pigmented nipple-areolar region(1515 Shimoda GT, Aragaki IMM, Souza CA, Silva IA. Associação entre persistência de lesão de mamilos e condições de aleitamento materno. Rev Min Enferm. 2014 Jan/Mar;8(1):68-74.,1717 Cirico MOV, Shimoda GT, Oliveira RNG. Qualidade assistencial em aleitamento materno: implantação do indicador de trauma mamilar. Rev Gaúcha Enferm. 2017 Dez;37(4):e60546. PMid:28225853.
), adolescent nutrient(1717 Cirico MOV, Shimoda GT, Oliveira RNG. Qualidade assistencial em aleitamento materno: implantação do indicador de trauma mamilar. Rev Gaúcha Enferm. 2017 Dez;37(4):e60546. PMid:28225853.
), white skin color(1717 Cirico MOV, Shimoda GT, Oliveira RNG. Qualidade assistencial em aleitamento materno: implantação do indicador de trauma mamilar. Rev Gaúcha Enferm. 2017 Dez;37(4):e60546. PMid:28225853.
), not being the premature newborn(1717 Cirico MOV, Shimoda GT, Oliveira RNG. Qualidade assistencial em aleitamento materno: implantação do indicador de trauma mamilar. Rev Gaúcha Enferm. 2017 Dez;37(4):e60546. PMid:28225853.
), the newborn's stay in the neonatal intensive care unit(1717 Cirico MOV, Shimoda GT, Oliveira RNG. Qualidade assistencial em aleitamento materno: implantação do indicador de trauma mamilar. Rev Gaúcha Enferm. 2017 Dez;37(4):e60546. PMid:28225853.
), in addition to orientation and number of prenatal visits, and even puerperal women who had seven or more visits had breast trauma(1919 Barbosa DM, Caliman MZ, Alvarenga SC, Lima EFA, Leite FMC, Primo CC. Avaliação dos fatores associados ao trauma mamilar. J Res Fundam Care Online. 2018 Out/Dez;10(4):1063-9.).

Other factors are also described in the literature as being associated with breast trauma: individual maternal and family characteristics, the neonates' characteristics, and the health care services related to the postpartum and BF process(1313 Moraes M, Silva L, Faliú B. Técnica de alimentación a pecho y aparición de trauma del pezón previo al alta hospitalaria. Arch Pediatr Urug. 2011;82(1):10-7.,3333 Goyal RC, Banginwar AS, Ziyo F, Toweir AA. Breastfeeding practices: positioning, attachment (latch-on) and effective suckling – A hospital-based study in Libya. J Family Community Med. 2011;18(2):74-9. PMid:21897915.
). As for the characteristics of childbirth care, we observed an association between the mammary lesion and the following variables: use of anesthesia at delivery, gestational age between 37 and 40 weeks, and the presence of breastfeeding in the first hour of life(3434 Thompson R, Kruske S, Barclay L, Linden K, Gao Y, Kildea S. Potential predictors of nipple trauma from an in home breastfeeding programme: a cross-sectional study. Women Birth. 2016;29(4):336-44. PMid:26895966.
). On the other hand, the orientation received on proper grip and positioning of the infant at the breast was considered a protective factor for breast trauma(3535 Coca KP, Gamba MA, de Sousa e Silva R, Abrão AC. Does breast feeding position influence the onset of nipple trauma? Rev Esc Enferm USP. 2009;43(2):446-52. PMid:19655688.

The newborn (NB) should suck in an adequate manner to ensure efficient and safe feeding, with rhythm, strength and support, which encompasses adequacy in the following aspects: Searching and sucking reflex, lip seal, tongue and jaw movement, suction-swallowing-breathing coordination, and sucking rhythm. These movements allow a variation in intraoral pressure and are fundamental in extracting and driving milk(3636 Edmond KM, Zandoh C, Quigley MA, Amenga-Etego S, Owusu-Agyei S, Kirkwood BR. Delayed breastfeeding initiation increases risk of neonatal mortality. Pediatrics. 2006;117(3):e380-6. PMid:16510618.
). Through suckling at the breast, during the first months of life, the newborn will adequately develop the phono-articulatory organs and the functions performed by them(3636 Edmond KM, Zandoh C, Quigley MA, Amenga-Etego S, Owusu-Agyei S, Kirkwood BR. Delayed breastfeeding initiation increases risk of neonatal mortality. Pediatrics. 2006;117(3):e380-6. PMid:16510618.

It is also worth mentioning the importance of evaluating the lingual frenulum alteration. Studies report that this alteration causes difficulties in breastfeeding, and those difficulties arise in 25% of the cases of children with this problem(3737 Garcia CR, Mullany LC, Rahmathullah L, Katz J, Thulasiraj RD, Sheeladevi S, et al. Breast-feeding initiation time and neonatal mortality risk among newborns in South India. J Perinatol. 2011;31(6):397-403. PMid:21164424.
). The main symptoms associated with ankyloglossia during breastfeeding are pain in the mother's nipple, sucking and milking difficulties, resulting in early weaning and weight loss(3838 Mullany LC, Katz J, Li MY, Khatry SK, LeClerq SC, Darmstadt GL, et al. Breast-feeding patterns, time to initiation and mortality risk among newborns in southern nepal. J Nutr. 2008;138(3):599-603. PMid:18287373.
). The deprivation of tongue movement can also compromise the functions of sucking, chewing, swallowing, and speaking(3939 Duffy EP, Percival P, Kershaw E. Positive effects of an antenatal group teaching session on postnatal nipple pain, nipple trauma and breast feeding rates. Midwifery. 1997;13(4):189-96. PMid:9511686.

Regarding the breasts, breast engorgement, blocked ducts, and mastitis were cited as causes of difficulty for breastfeeding in the rooming-in(2020 Silva LLA, Cirino IP, Santos MS, Oliveira EAR, Sousa AF, Lima LHO. Prevalência do aleitamento materno exclusivo e fatores de risco. Rev Saúde e Pesq. 2018 Set/Dez;11(3):527-34.
). These complications that affect the breasts lead to pain and, consequently, can determine early weaning(4040 Murray EK, Ricketts S, Dellaport J. Hospital practices that increase breastfeeding duration: results from a population-based study. Birth. 2007;34(3):202-11. PMid:17718870.
,4141 Boccolini CS, Carvalho ML, Oliveira MI, Pérez-Escamilla R. Breastfeeding during the first hour of life and neonatal mortality. J Pediatr (Rio J). 2013;89(2):131-6. PMid:23642422.
), demanding systematic monitoring by the rooming-in health team(1818 Rosa JBS, Delgado SE. Conhecimento de puerpéras sobre aleitamento materno e introdução alimentar. Rev Bras Promoç Saúde. 2017 Out/Dez;30(4):1-9.

Still on the subject of breasts, the type of nipple of the lactating women appeared as a hindrance or facilitator for the practice of breastfeeding. Flat and inverted nipples showed to be an aspect with a high rate of difficulties in the beginning of breastfeeding(1818 Rosa JBS, Delgado SE. Conhecimento de puerpéras sobre aleitamento materno e introdução alimentar. Rev Bras Promoç Saúde. 2017 Out/Dez;30(4):1-9.
,2020 Silva LLA, Cirino IP, Santos MS, Oliveira EAR, Sousa AF, Lima LHO. Prevalência do aleitamento materno exclusivo e fatores de risco. Rev Saúde e Pesq. 2018 Set/Dez;11(3):527-34.
,2222 Pitilin ÉB, Polleto M, Gasparin VA, Oliveira PP, Sbardelotto T, Schirmer J. Fatores associados ao aleitamento materno segundo os tipos de mamilos. Rev Rene. 2019 Set 25;20:e41351.
). However, even though breast protrusion favors satisfaction, correct latching, and breastfeeding self-efficacy(2222 Pitilin ÉB, Polleto M, Gasparin VA, Oliveira PP, Sbardelotto T, Schirmer J. Fatores associados ao aleitamento materno segundo os tipos de mamilos. Rev Rene. 2019 Set 25;20:e41351.
) it is worth reinforcing that different anatomies do not prevent the practice, they only require the use of different strategies and the possibility of using devices that help, providing the child with the benefits granted by breast milk(4242 Huang Y, Ouyang YQ, Redding SR. Previous breastfeeding experience and its influence on breastfeeding outcomes in subsequent births: a systematic review. Women Birth. 2019;32(4):303-9. PMid:30274877.

Difficulty in establishing affectionate bonds (such as mothers who hardly touched their babies, mothers who held the baby nervously, and mothers who did not maintain eye contact with their babies) was also found as behavior indicative of problems in the initiation of breastfeeding(1818 Rosa JBS, Delgado SE. Conhecimento de puerpéras sobre aleitamento materno e introdução alimentar. Rev Bras Promoç Saúde. 2017 Out/Dez;30(4):1-9.
). Breastfeeding should be understood beyond the biological aspects, seeking the valorization of psychological and socio-cultural factors(4343 Amaral LJX, Sales SS, Carvalho DPSRP, Cruz GKP, Azevedo IC, Ferreira MA Jr. Fatores que influenciam na interrupção do aleitamento materno exclusivo em nutrizes. Rev Gaúcha Enferm. 2015;36(esp):127-34. Thus, the health team needs to be constantly trained to better understand all the dimensions of breastfeeding, as well as the reality of the population it serves.

As risk factors for early weaning in rooming-in, it was also observed that the newborn had refused milk and the mother considered the milk to be weak(2020 Silva LLA, Cirino IP, Santos MS, Oliveira EAR, Sousa AF, Lima LHO. Prevalência do aleitamento materno exclusivo e fatores de risco. Rev Saúde e Pesq. 2018 Set/Dez;11(3):527-34.
). It is known that women's understanding of breastfeeding directly influences their attitudes towards the act of breastfeeding(4444 Gebremichael B, Beletew Abate B, Tesfaye T. Mothers had inadequate knowledge towards key essential nutrition action messages in mainly rural Northeast Ethiopia. J Nutr Sci. 2021;10:e19. PMid:33889402.) .

Breastfeeding in the first hours after birth is very important for the maintenance of exclusive breastfeeding(4545 Brunken GS, Silva SM, França GVA, Escuder MM, Venâncio SI. Fatores associados à interrupção precoce do aleitamento materno exclusivo e à introdução tardia da alimentação complementar no centro-oeste brasileiro. J Pediatr. 2006;6(82):445-51.).The immediate postpartum period is characterized by the first two hours after placental abruption. Breastfeeding in this period allows the newborn to better adapt to extrauterine life and to regulate blood glucose, cardiorespiratory, and temperature; the baby's suckling stimulates the pituitary gland, which leads to the production of oxytocin and prolactin, thus increasing milk production(4545 Brunken GS, Silva SM, França GVA, Escuder MM, Venâncio SI. Fatores associados à interrupção precoce do aleitamento materno exclusivo e à introdução tardia da alimentação complementar no centro-oeste brasileiro. J Pediatr. 2006;6(82):445-51.,4646 Madalozo F, Xavier APR. Projeto consulta puerperal de enfermagem: avaliando o aprendizado adquirido de puérperas sobre o pós-parto. Rev Conexão UEPG. 2013;9(1):154-61.).

The golden hour is characterized by the baby's first hour of life, and practices on how to breastfeed and the skin-to-skin contact occur at this time and are important for both mother and baby; the baby is alert and with the sucking stimuli sharpened, creating the perfect moment for him to get to know his mother and create the first bond with her, through breastfeeding(44 Esteves TMB, Daumas RP, Oliveira MIC, Andrade CAF, Leite IC. Fatores associados à amamentação na primeira hora de vida: revisão sistemática. Rev Saude Publica. 2014 Ago;48(4):697-708. PMid:25210829.
). Studies also show reduced mortality among breastfeeding neonates on the first day of life, especially in the first hours after birth(2727 Brito APA, Caldeira CF, Salvetti MG. Prevalence, characteristics, and impact of pain during the postpartum period. Rev Esc Enferm USP. 2021;55:e03691. PMid:33886917.
,4747 Silva JLP, Linhares FMP, Barros AA, Souza AG, Alves DS, Andrade PON. Fatores associados ao aleitamento materno na primeira hora de vida de um hospital amigo da criança. Texto Contexto Enferm. 2018;27(4):1-10.,4848 Alvarenga SC, Castro DS, Costa Leite FM, Gomes Brandão MA, Zandonade E, Caniçali Primo C. Fatores que influenciam o desmame precoce. Aquichan. 2017;17(1):93-103.
). Research has also indicated that sociodemographic characteristics, prenatal procedures, and hospital procedures can promote or hinder breastfeeding in the first postpartum hour(2626 Lima APC, Nascimento DS, Martins MMF. A prática do aleitamento materno e os fatores que levam ao desmame precoce: uma revisão integrativa. J Health Biol. Sci. 2018;6(2):189-96.

In the studies surveyed, the prevalence of breastfeeding in the first hour after birth is still low(1414 Pereira CRVR, Fonseca VM, Oliveira MIC, Souza IEO, Mello RR. Avaliação de fatores que interferem na amamentação na primeira hora de vida. Rev Bras Epidemiol. 2013;16(2):525-34. PMid:24142022.
,1616 Sá NNB, Gubert MB, Santos W, Santos LMP. Fatores ligados aos serviços de saúde determinam o aleitamento materno na primeira hora de vida no Distrito Federal, Brasil, 2011. Rev Bras Epidemiol. 2016;19(3):509-24. PMid:27849267.
). According to the literature, some factors positively influence breastfeeding to occur in the first hour of life: non-black women, multiparous, who had prenatal care, delivered normally, whose babies had birth weight equal to or greater than 2,500g, and who received help from the health team to breastfeed in the delivery room(1414 Pereira CRVR, Fonseca VM, Oliveira MIC, Souza IEO, Mello RR. Avaliação de fatores que interferem na amamentação na primeira hora de vida. Rev Bras Epidemiol. 2013;16(2):525-34. PMid:24142022.
). There are also factors that negatively influenced breastfeeding in the first hour of life such as: not having had adequate prenatal care, having had a cesarean delivery, and mother and child not staying in a rooming-in unit after delivery(1616 Sá NNB, Gubert MB, Santos W, Santos LMP. Fatores ligados aos serviços de saúde determinam o aleitamento materno na primeira hora de vida no Distrito Federal, Brasil, 2011. Rev Bras Epidemiol. 2016;19(3):509-24. PMid:27849267.

Finally, the high frequency of breastfeeding difficulties in rooming-in brings an alert to the risk of early weaning, which is still a prevalent reality in Brazil and should be investigated. It also warns about the need for guidance and monitoring of the mother-baby dyad in the first hours after birth, offering support to mothers in facing clinical and emotional issues, so that breastfeeding is encouraged and the chances of interruption of breastfeeding are minimized.

As a limitation of this study, it was observed that there is still a small number of articles that refer to the difficulties specifically in rooming-in and, especially, outside the country. In Brazil, in 1993, the basic norms for the implantation of the system of rooming-in in the entire national territory were approved(4949 Ungerer RLS, Miranda ATC. Rooming-in history. J Pediatr (Rio J). 1999 Jan 15;75(1):5-10.
), but in many countries, the rooming-in system is only a recommendation.


Most articles indicated that the main difficulty for breastfeeding by puerperae accompanied in the rooming-in up to 72 hours refers to problems related to breast trauma, caused by characteristics of breastfeeding, individual characteristics of women, of the breast, pregnancy, delivery, and the puerperal support network.

Identifying the cause of these difficulties is of utmost importance in order to implement a systematic follow-up by the health team in the rooming-in unit.

  • Study carried out at Departamento de Fonoaudiologia, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais – UFMG – Belo Horizonte (MG), Brasil.
  • Funding: None.


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Publication Dates

  • Publication in this collection
    22 Nov 2021
  • Date of issue


  • Received
    03 Feb 2021
  • Accepted
    21 July 2021
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