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Speech-language rehabilitation in peripheral facial paralysis: integrative review



identify and analyze the scientific production about the therapeutic strategies employed in the speech-language rehabilitation of people with peripheral facial paralysis.

Research strategy

an integrative review was performed using the SciELO, PubMed, Web of Science, ScienceDirect and Portal CAPES databases. The descriptors were: facial paralysis and Bell's palsy, combined with rehabilitation, myofunctional therapy and Speech, Language and Hearing Sciences or their correlates in english.

Selection criteria

studies available in their entirety, which addressed speech-language rehabilitation in people with peripheral facial paralysis, published between 1999 and 2019, in Brazilian Portuguese, english or spanish, were selected.


650 publications were identified, but only five articles met the proposed inclusion criteria. Among these, SciELO and PubMed obtained two articles included each. In addition, most were published in the last ten years and produced in Brazil. Brazilian Portuguese was the language of publication of three of the five included, with no predominance of a specific level of evidence. The description of the procedures used was not sufficiently detailed in the studies. Isotonic and isometric exercises were approached more frequently. Bandage emerged as a therapeutic resource in one study.


Although there are a large number of articles related to peripheral facial paralysis, only five studies described speech-language procedures for people with peripheral facial paralysis, with low level of evidence. Therefore, further studies addressing the topic are needed.

Facial paralysis; Bell Palsy; Rehabilitation; Myofunctional Therapy; Speech, Language and Hearing Sciences



identificar e analisar a produção científica sobre as estratégias terapêuticas empregadas na reabilitação fonoaudiológica de pessoas com paralisia facial periférica (PFP).

Estratégia de pesquisa

foi realizada uma revisão integrativa, utilizando-se as bases de dados SciELO, PubMed, Web of Science, ScienceDirect e Portal CAPES. Os descritores foram: paralisia facial e paralisia de Bell, combinados com reabilitação, terapia miofuncional e fonoaudiologia ou seus correlatos em inglês.

Critérios de seleção

estudos disponíveis na íntegra, que abordaram a reabilitação fonoaudiológica em pessoas com PFP, publicados no período entre 1999 e 2019, em português brasileiro, inglês ou espanhol.


foram identificadas 650 publicações, mas apenas cinco artigos contemplaram os critérios de inclusão propostos. Dentre estes, a SciELO e PubMed obtiveram dois artigos incluídos cada. Além disso, a maioria foi publicada nos últimos dez anos e produzida no Brasil. O português brasileiro foi o idioma de publicação de três dos cinco artigos incluídos, não ocorrendo predominância de um nível de evidência específico. A descrição dos procedimentos utilizados não foi suficientemente detalhada nos estudos. Exercícios isotônicos e isométricos foram abordados mais frequentemente. A bandagem surgiu como recurso terapêutico em um estudo.


embora haja um grande número de artigos relacionadas à PFP, apenas cinco estudos descreveram procedimentos fonoaudiológicos para pessoas com PFP, com nível de evidência baixo. Portanto, novos estudos abordando o tema são necessários.

Paralisia facial; Paralisia de Bell; Reabilitação; Terapia Miofuncional; Fonoaudiologia


Peripheral facial palsy (PFP) is a neurological condition caused by reduced or interrupted axonal transport to the facial nerve, resulting in partial or complete paralysis of the facial mimic muscles(11 May M. Microanatomy and pathophysiology of the facial nerve. New York: Thieme; 1986. The facial nerve; p. 63-73.). It has many causes, including idiopathic (Bell’s palsy), infectious, systemic bacterial (local), traumatic, iatrogenic, and metabolic etiologies(22 Lazarini PR, Fouquet ML. Paralisia facial: avaliação, tratamento e reabilitação. São Paulo: Lovise; 2006.).

BP is the most common PFP cause in the population. According to the international literature, its yearly incidence rate is 11.5 to 40.2 cases per 100,000 inhabitants. This condition may also affect one in every 60 people throughout life, with peaks of incidence between 30 and 50 years old and between 60 and 70 years old. There seems to be no difference in frequency distribution per sex or impaired hemiface(33 De Diego JI, Prim MP, Madero R, Gavilán J. Seasonal patterns of idiopathic facial paralysis: a 16-year study. Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg. 1999;120(2):269-71. PMid:9949364.

PFP sequelae cause important changes and difficulties in the life of those who are affected. The impairment of mimics and facial expression affects psychic and social aspects(44 Silva MFF, Cunha MC, Lazarini PR, Fouquet ML. Conteúdos psíquicos e efeitos sociais associados à paralisia facial periférica: abordagem fonoaudiológica. Arq Int Otorrinolaringol. 2011;15(4):450-60.
,55 Silva MFF, Guedes ZCF, Cunha MC. Aspectos psicossociais associados à paralisia facial periférica na fase sequelar: estudo de caso clínico. Rev CEFAC. 2013;15(4):1025-31.
), with great impact on their appearance(66 Fernandes AMF, Lazarini PR. Anatomia do nervo facial. In: Lazarini PR, Fouquet ML, editores. Paralisia facial: avaliação, tratamento e reabilitação. São Paulo: Lovise; 2006. p. 1-10.), difficulties in verbal and nonverbal communication, and, consequently, interpersonal relationships(44 Silva MFF, Cunha MC, Lazarini PR, Fouquet ML. Conteúdos psíquicos e efeitos sociais associados à paralisia facial periférica: abordagem fonoaudiológica. Arq Int Otorrinolaringol. 2011;15(4):450-60.
,55 Silva MFF, Guedes ZCF, Cunha MC. Aspectos psicossociais associados à paralisia facial periférica na fase sequelar: estudo de caso clínico. Rev CEFAC. 2013;15(4):1025-31.
), besides anxiety, emotional stress, and depression(77 Silva MFF, Peres SV, Tessitore A, Paschoal JR, Cunha MC. Aplicação da escala psicossocial de aparência facial na avaliação da paralisia facial periférica: estudo piloto. Audiol Commun Res. 2016;21(0):e1618.

As for the other orofacial functions, changes in muscle tone and strength are commonly found in PFP, causing changes in mimics and facial expression and inadequate bilabial and labiodental phoneme production. Difficulties in masticatory function are caused by the decrease in the orbicularis oris and buccinator muscle tone and strength, as a consequence of the paralysis/paresis in the affected hemiface. These people may have difficulties swallowing because of lip closure incompetence, resulting in food escape(88 Finsterer J. Management of peripheral facial nerve palsy. Eur Arch Otorhinolaryngol. 2008;265(7):743-52. PMid:18368417.

9 Mory MR, Tessitore A, Pfeilsticker LN, Couto EB Jr, Paschoal JR. Mastigação, deglutição e suas adaptações na paralisia facial periférica. Rev CEFAC. 2013;15(2):402-10.
-1010 Silva MFF, Brito AF, Campos MF, Cunha MC. Atendimento multiprofissional da paralisia facial periférica: estudo de caso clínico. Distúrbios Comum. 2015;27(2):364-8.).

Given the many PFP causes and its functional and aesthetic impacts on the life of people with this condition, its treatment requires the work of a multidisciplinary team, which may include a physician (otorhinolaryngologist, ophthalmologist, and neurologist), physical therapist, psychologist, and speech-language-hearing (SLH) therapist(11 May M. Microanatomy and pathophysiology of the facial nerve. New York: Thieme; 1986. The facial nerve; p. 63-73.,22 Lazarini PR, Fouquet ML. Paralisia facial: avaliação, tratamento e reabilitação. São Paulo: Lovise; 2006.). Their teamwork enables these patients’ comprehensive care and potentializes the evolution of the cases.

The work of an SLH therapist in the rehabilitation process in people with PFP aims to reduce the effects of paralysis on mimics and facial expression, speech, mastication, sucking, and swallowing(1111 Guedes ZCF. A atuação do fonoaudiólogo na equipe multidisciplinar de atendimento ao portador de paralisia facial periférica [tese]. São Paulo: Universidade Federal de São Paulo; 1994.

12 Goffi-Gomez MVS, Vasconcelos LGE, Moraes MFBB. Trabalho miofuncional na paralisia facial. Arq Fund Otorrinol. 1999;3(1):30-4.

13 Fouquet ML. Atuação fonoaudiológica nas paralisias faciais. In: Barros APB, Arakawa L, Tonini MD, Carvalho VA, organizador. Fonoaudiologia em cancerologia. São Paulo: Fundação Oncocentro; 2000. p. 99-104.

14 Altmann EBC, Vaz ACN. Paralisia facial: implicações da etiologia e das diferentes cirurgias. In: Comitê de Motricidade Orofacial da SBFa. Motricidade orofacial: como atuam os especialistas. São Paulo: Pulso; 2004. p. 187-98.

15 Bernardes DF, Gomez MV, Pirana S, Bento RF. Functional profile in patients with facial paralysis treated in a myofunctional approach. Pro Fono. 2004;16(2):151-8. PMid:15311739.
-1616 Calais LL, Gomez MV, Bento RF, Comerlatti LR. Avaliação funcional da mímica na paralisia facial central por acidente cerebrovascular. Pro Fono. 2005;17(2):213-22. PMid:16909531.
). Myofunctional rehabilitation requires the maintenance of muscle tone and readjustment of functional and aesthetic aspects(1010 Silva MFF, Brito AF, Campos MF, Cunha MC. Atendimento multiprofissional da paralisia facial periférica: estudo de caso clínico. Distúrbios Comum. 2015;27(2):364-8.).

When an SLH professional establishes myofunctional rehabilitation therapeutic strategies for people with PFP, they must seek the scientific literature for updates in SLH therapy in order to get prepared. hence, it is essential to summarize the SLH rehabilitation processes in PFP to make it easier for SLH therapists to look for new therapeutic programs and resources, optimizing their clinical practice.


The objectives of this study were to identify and analyze the scientific production on the therapeutic strategies employed in the SLH rehabilitation of people with PFP.


This study was methodologically designed as an integrative review of the literature. This research method enables the search, critical evaluation, and synthesis of evidence on a specific topic, and the results identify gaps, point to the need for further research, and help health professionals choose clinical procedures and make decisions(1717 Mendes KDS, Silveira RCCP, Galvão CM. Revisão integrativa: método de pesquisa para a incorporação de evidências na saúde e na enfermagem. Texto Contexto Enferm. 2008;17(4):758-64.
). The methodological design of the study was based on the following research question: “What types of therapeutic strategies do SLH therapists use in the myofunctional rehabilitation of people with PFP?”.

The publications were surveyed between July and September 2019 in the following databases: Scientific Electronic Library Online (SciELO), PubMed, Web of Science – ISI, ScienceDirect, and the Portal of Journals of the Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel (CAPES, in Portuguese). We chose these databases because they are the most researched and gather the main scientific journals in the health sciences. Moreover, they can be accessed either openly or via public Brazilian universities.

We used the following descriptors, identified in the Health Sciences Descriptors (DeCS, in Portuguese) to survey the publications in the databases: “paralisia facial” and “paralisia de Bell” in combination with “reabilitação”, “terapia miofuncional”, and “fonoaudiologia”, or their corresponding terms in English (respectively, “facial paralysis”, “Bell’s palsy”, “rehabilitation”, “myofunctional therapy”, and “speech, language and hearing sciences”). We used the following search keys: “facial paralysis” AND “rehabilitation”, “facial paralysis” AND “myofunctional therapy”, “facial paralysis” AND “speech, language and hearing sciences”, as well as “Bell’s palsy” with these same combinations.


We established the following inclusion criteria to select the publications for this review: scientific articles available in full-text, approaching SLH rehabilitation in people with PFP, published between 1999 and 2019, in Brazilian Portuguese, English, or Spanish. The exclusion criteria were as follows: duplicate publications and studies that did not describe the therapeutic strategies used in SLH rehabilitation of PFP.

The study selection had the following stages: 1) searching for publications in each database; 2) systematizing in Microsoft Office Excel 2016 all the studies identified by the researchers, for their control; 3) preselecting the studies, based on the inclusion criteria, and excluding the duplicate and unidentified articles; 4) selecting the articles that answered the research question (i.e., that addressed SLH rehabilitation of people with PFP) by reading the titles and abstracts, when available; 5) checking the publication sample selected from each database, which was done by a second evaluator; 6) reading the selected studies in full and extracting their data with a data collection sheet developed for this research; 7) defining the articles to be included in the review – i.e., those which described the therapeutic strategies used; 8) classifying the level of scientific evidence of the studies that had been included.


We analyzed the selected articles based on the data we extracted with the data collection sheet, approaching the following variables of interest: database, year of publication, country of origin, language, title, objective of the study, sample characterization, therapeutic procedures, main results, conclusion, whether the article was included, and its level of evidence. We decided to analyze them because, after reading their titles and abstracts, we verified that they referred to some myofunctional therapeutic procedures aimed at rehabilitating people with PFP. These data were also analyzed in relation to the studies included. We made a bibliometric analysis of these identification data and systematized them to better understand the scientific productions on the investigated topic.

As for the included studies, besides the identification data, we systematized the information on the objective of the study, sample characterization, therapeutic procedures employed, main results, and conclusion. Additionally, all papers selected and included in this review were analyzed and classified according to the levels of scientific evidence established in 2005 by the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA)(1818 ASHA: American Speech and Hearing Association. An introduction to clinical trials [Internet]. 2005 [citado em 2019 Out 29]. Disponível em:
) (Box 1). Articles not classified according to these criteria were qualified as not applicable (NA).

Box 1
Levels of scientific evidence proposed by the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association


In the database search stage, we found 650 publications. After applying the selection criteria and data analysis, five articles were included in this review (Figure 1).

Figure 1
Flowchart of the process of identifying, selecting, and including the articles

Of the five databases, we observed a predominance of articles selected from PubMed (n = 14), being that only two studies were included in this integrative review from this database and SciELO. No article from ScienceDirect was either selected or included.

We identified 13 different countries in the sample of selected studies (n = 25), namely: Brazil, China, South Korea, United States of America (USA), Netherlands, India, Iran, Italy, Japan, Malaysia, United Kingdom, Czech Republic, and Tunisia. The countries were grouped in their respective continents, and we observed a predominance of publications on the topic in the American continent (40.0%). Three of the articles included (n = 5) had been conducted in Brazil, while the other two were from the Netherlands and Japan.

Regarding the language of publication, 76.0% (n = 19) of the 25 selected pieces of research were published in English, while the other 24.0% (n = 6) were in Brazilian Portuguese. Three out of the five studies included were published in Portuguese, and the other two, in English.

To describe the results obtained in this review regarding the therapeutic strategies employed in the rehabilitation of people with PFP, Box 2 shows the data of the studies included – i.e., the objective of the study, the sample studied, therapeutic procedures investigated, main results obtained, and conclusion of the authors.

Box 2
Description of the objectives, sample, therapeutic procedures, main results, and conclusions of the studies included in the review

In Box 3, we present the therapeutic strategies described by the authors in each of the studies included, encompassing the therapeutic program proposed (number and frequency of the therapy sessions).

Box 3
Description of the therapeutic procedures found in the studies included in the review

The articles included in this review were classified as follows, according to ASHA: 1b/3b (high-quality randomized controlled trials/individual cohort studies or low-quality randomized controlled trials); 4 (clinical outcome studies); 6, 7 (expert opinion without explicit critical appraisal); NA. We did not observe a predominance of a single classification of the level of evidence among the studies included.


This study identified and analyzed publications that approached the therapeutic procedures used by SLH therapists in the myofunctional rehabilitation of people with PFP. As mentioned above, only five out of the 25 selected studies answered the research question – i.e., they described therapeutic strategies related to SLH practice. The other selected publications, though addressing therapeutic techniques to rehabilitate from PFP, either did not approach specific SLH clinical practices or did not describe in detail the procedures employed. Hence, few studies in the literature present or describe these procedures in detail.

The bibliometric analysis revealed that fewer studies were identified in SciELO in the search stage than in the other databases, whereas most selected articles were obtained from PubMed. Together, these two databases provided four(1919 Beurskens CHG, Heymans PG. Mime therapy improves facial symmetry in people with long-term facial nerve paresis: a randomised controlled trial. Aust J Physiother. 2006;52(3):177-83. PMid:16942452.
,2121 Tessitore A, Paschoal JR, Pfeilsticker LN. Avaliação de um protocolo da reabilitação orofacial na paralisia facial periférica. Rev CEFAC. 2009;11(3, suppl 3):432-40.

22 Romão AM, Cabral C, Magni C. Intervenção fonoaudiológica precoce num paciente com paralisia facial após otomastoidite. Rev CEFAC. 2015;17(3):996-1003.
-2323 Kasahara T, Ikeda S, Sugimoto A, Sugawara S, Koyama Y, Toyokura M, et al. Efficacy of tape feedback therapy on synkinesis following severe peripheral facial nerve palsy. Tokai J Exp Clin Med. 2017;42(3):139-42. PMid:28871583.) of the five studies included in the final sample (Figure 1). On the other hand, most studies were identified in ScienceDirect but none of them approached SLH interventions in PFP in detail. Therefore, SciELO and PubMed seem to be the best sources of information for clinicians interested in rehabilitating myofunctional functions in PFP.

As for the year of publication, we observed that most of the articles had been published in the last 10 years – this pattern was also found in the studies included(2020 Magalhães HV Jr. Fonoterapia na paralisia facial periférica: uma abordagem miofuncional orofacial. RBPS. 2009;22(4):259-63.

21 Tessitore A, Paschoal JR, Pfeilsticker LN. Avaliação de um protocolo da reabilitação orofacial na paralisia facial periférica. Rev CEFAC. 2009;11(3, suppl 3):432-40.

22 Romão AM, Cabral C, Magni C. Intervenção fonoaudiológica precoce num paciente com paralisia facial após otomastoidite. Rev CEFAC. 2015;17(3):996-1003.
-2323 Kasahara T, Ikeda S, Sugimoto A, Sugawara S, Koyama Y, Toyokura M, et al. Efficacy of tape feedback therapy on synkinesis following severe peripheral facial nerve palsy. Tokai J Exp Clin Med. 2017;42(3):139-42. PMid:28871583.). We found in the literature a study on orofacial myofunctional therapy, in which we observed a similar pattern(2424 Kayamori F, Bianchini EMG. Efeitos da terapia miofuncional orofacial em adultos quanto aos sintomas e parâmetros fisiológicos dos distúrbios respiratórios do sono: revisão sistemática. Rev CEFAC. 2017;19(6):868-78.
) – which possibly results from the appearance of new therapeutic strategies and technologies, as well as the growth of the movement for evidence-based practice. This would explain the increase in SLH scientific production on the topic. We did not find other studies approaching the possible causes of the abovementioned pattern.

Concerning the distribution of publications per country of origin, Brazil stood out in the scientific production on SLH intervention in myofunctional rehabilitation of people affected with PFP in the American continent, whose strategies had been described in their methodologies. Thus, we can infer that SLH pathology in Brazil has a greater focus on the rehabilitation of people with PFP than in other countries, where there seems to be a greater focus on physical therapy.

Two(2121 Tessitore A, Paschoal JR, Pfeilsticker LN. Avaliação de um protocolo da reabilitação orofacial na paralisia facial periférica. Rev CEFAC. 2009;11(3, suppl 3):432-40.
,2222 Romão AM, Cabral C, Magni C. Intervenção fonoaudiológica precoce num paciente com paralisia facial após otomastoidite. Rev CEFAC. 2015;17(3):996-1003.
) of the studies included in this review were found in the CEFAC journal. In a recent literature review article(2525 Tomaz-Morais J, Lima JAS, Luckwu-Lucena BT, Limeira RRT, Silva SM, Alves GÂS, et al. Estudos clínicos de intervenção em motricidade orofacial: análise metodológica de investigações brasileiras. Rev CEFAC. 2018;20(3):388-99.
) that analyzed clinical studies with interventions in oral-motor function in Brazilian SLH scientific journals, CEFAC was the main journal in which studies in such field had been published.

The overall objectives of the included studies varied, though three of them investigated the results of therapeutic approaches(1919 Beurskens CHG, Heymans PG. Mime therapy improves facial symmetry in people with long-term facial nerve paresis: a randomised controlled trial. Aust J Physiother. 2006;52(3):177-83. PMid:16942452.
,2121 Tessitore A, Paschoal JR, Pfeilsticker LN. Avaliação de um protocolo da reabilitação orofacial na paralisia facial periférica. Rev CEFAC. 2009;11(3, suppl 3):432-40.
,2323 Kasahara T, Ikeda S, Sugimoto A, Sugawara S, Koyama Y, Toyokura M, et al. Efficacy of tape feedback therapy on synkinesis following severe peripheral facial nerve palsy. Tokai J Exp Clin Med. 2017;42(3):139-42. PMid:28871583.). In the other two articles – one is a literature review(2020 Magalhães HV Jr. Fonoterapia na paralisia facial periférica: uma abordagem miofuncional orofacial. RBPS. 2009;22(4):259-63.
) and the other, a case study(2222 Romão AM, Cabral C, Magni C. Intervenção fonoaudiológica precoce num paciente com paralisia facial após otomastoidite. Rev CEFAC. 2015;17(3):996-1003.
) –, the objectives outlined the SLH interventions in cases of PFP, though with different levels of evidence.

The sample profile in the studies differed from one another. The sample size ranged from one to 48, totaling 81 participants in four(1919 Beurskens CHG, Heymans PG. Mime therapy improves facial symmetry in people with long-term facial nerve paresis: a randomised controlled trial. Aust J Physiother. 2006;52(3):177-83. PMid:16942452.
,2121 Tessitore A, Paschoal JR, Pfeilsticker LN. Avaliação de um protocolo da reabilitação orofacial na paralisia facial periférica. Rev CEFAC. 2009;11(3, suppl 3):432-40.

22 Romão AM, Cabral C, Magni C. Intervenção fonoaudiológica precoce num paciente com paralisia facial após otomastoidite. Rev CEFAC. 2015;17(3):996-1003.
-2323 Kasahara T, Ikeda S, Sugimoto A, Sugawara S, Koyama Y, Toyokura M, et al. Efficacy of tape feedback therapy on synkinesis following severe peripheral facial nerve palsy. Tokai J Exp Clin Med. 2017;42(3):139-42. PMid:28871583.) studies. The age range of the participants was from 11 to 73 years, with a predominance of men. As for their clinical condition, 20 participants were classified as paralysis degree IV in the House-Brackmann scale. The degree of the other ones was not specified, only its phase – regarding which, 33 patients were in the initial phase, while 48 had been affected for more than 9 months. The literature review that was included here(2020 Magalhães HV Jr. Fonoterapia na paralisia facial periférica: uma abordagem miofuncional orofacial. RBPS. 2009;22(4):259-63.
) did not specify the samples of participants in those studies.

Of the four(1919 Beurskens CHG, Heymans PG. Mime therapy improves facial symmetry in people with long-term facial nerve paresis: a randomised controlled trial. Aust J Physiother. 2006;52(3):177-83. PMid:16942452.
,2121 Tessitore A, Paschoal JR, Pfeilsticker LN. Avaliação de um protocolo da reabilitação orofacial na paralisia facial periférica. Rev CEFAC. 2009;11(3, suppl 3):432-40.

22 Romão AM, Cabral C, Magni C. Intervenção fonoaudiológica precoce num paciente com paralisia facial após otomastoidite. Rev CEFAC. 2015;17(3):996-1003.
-2323 Kasahara T, Ikeda S, Sugimoto A, Sugawara S, Koyama Y, Toyokura M, et al. Efficacy of tape feedback therapy on synkinesis following severe peripheral facial nerve palsy. Tokai J Exp Clin Med. 2017;42(3):139-42. PMid:28871583.) studies that used measures to analyze the results of the therapeutic procedures, two measured the angle of the corner of the mouth pre- and post-intervention, validating the effective improvement of oromyofunctional aspects(2121 Tessitore A, Paschoal JR, Pfeilsticker LN. Avaliação de um protocolo da reabilitação orofacial na paralisia facial periférica. Rev CEFAC. 2009;11(3, suppl 3):432-40.
,2222 Romão AM, Cabral C, Magni C. Intervenção fonoaudiológica precoce num paciente com paralisia facial após otomastoidite. Rev CEFAC. 2015;17(3):996-1003.
). Beurskens and Heymans(1919 Beurskens CHG, Heymans PG. Mime therapy improves facial symmetry in people with long-term facial nerve paresis: a randomised controlled trial. Aust J Physiother. 2006;52(3):177-83. PMid:16942452.
) used scales to assess orofacial aspects before and after the treatment, which confirmed the reestablishment of facial symmetry and a decrease in palsy severity. In this study, ocular symmetry at rest was the only aspect that remained the same after the intervention. As for the paper by Tessitore et al.(2121 Tessitore A, Paschoal JR, Pfeilsticker LN. Avaliação de um protocolo da reabilitação orofacial na paralisia facial periférica. Rev CEFAC. 2009;11(3, suppl 3):432-40.
), myofunctional assessment and palsy degree scales and photographic documentation were used to assess the results obtained with the therapy.

Concerning the conclusions obtained by the authors of the studies included(1919 Beurskens CHG, Heymans PG. Mime therapy improves facial symmetry in people with long-term facial nerve paresis: a randomised controlled trial. Aust J Physiother. 2006;52(3):177-83. PMid:16942452.

20 Magalhães HV Jr. Fonoterapia na paralisia facial periférica: uma abordagem miofuncional orofacial. RBPS. 2009;22(4):259-63.

21 Tessitore A, Paschoal JR, Pfeilsticker LN. Avaliação de um protocolo da reabilitação orofacial na paralisia facial periférica. Rev CEFAC. 2009;11(3, suppl 3):432-40.

22 Romão AM, Cabral C, Magni C. Intervenção fonoaudiológica precoce num paciente com paralisia facial após otomastoidite. Rev CEFAC. 2015;17(3):996-1003.
-2323 Kasahara T, Ikeda S, Sugimoto A, Sugawara S, Koyama Y, Toyokura M, et al. Efficacy of tape feedback therapy on synkinesis following severe peripheral facial nerve palsy. Tokai J Exp Clin Med. 2017;42(3):139-42. PMid:28871583.) in this review, the favorable results of the SLH therapeutic procedures, with an increase in muscle tone and readjustment of facial symmetry, were not common points. Two of these protocols that had been proposed and analyzed were recommended by their authors for myofunctional rehabilitation in people with PFP(2121 Tessitore A, Paschoal JR, Pfeilsticker LN. Avaliação de um protocolo da reabilitação orofacial na paralisia facial periférica. Rev CEFAC. 2009;11(3, suppl 3):432-40.
,2222 Romão AM, Cabral C, Magni C. Intervenção fonoaudiológica precoce num paciente com paralisia facial após otomastoidite. Rev CEFAC. 2015;17(3):996-1003.

A pattern was found in the instructions given to the patients in the therapeutic procedures – they should be made autonomously at home, in at least three articles(1919 Beurskens CHG, Heymans PG. Mime therapy improves facial symmetry in people with long-term facial nerve paresis: a randomised controlled trial. Aust J Physiother. 2006;52(3):177-83. PMid:16942452.
,2121 Tessitore A, Paschoal JR, Pfeilsticker LN. Avaliação de um protocolo da reabilitação orofacial na paralisia facial periférica. Rev CEFAC. 2009;11(3, suppl 3):432-40.
,2222 Romão AM, Cabral C, Magni C. Intervenção fonoaudiológica precoce num paciente com paralisia facial após otomastoidite. Rev CEFAC. 2015;17(3):996-1003.
). The instructions addressed the manner how the participants should correctly perform orofacial massage and exercise. The studies(1919 Beurskens CHG, Heymans PG. Mime therapy improves facial symmetry in people with long-term facial nerve paresis: a randomised controlled trial. Aust J Physiother. 2006;52(3):177-83. PMid:16942452.
,2121 Tessitore A, Paschoal JR, Pfeilsticker LN. Avaliação de um protocolo da reabilitação orofacial na paralisia facial periférica. Rev CEFAC. 2009;11(3, suppl 3):432-40.
,2222 Romão AM, Cabral C, Magni C. Intervenção fonoaudiológica precoce num paciente com paralisia facial após otomastoidite. Rev CEFAC. 2015;17(3):996-1003.
) also had other instructions related to people with PFP, such as caring for the affected eye.

Even though the studies describe to some extent the therapeutic strategies, we verified that the descriptions were not detailed enough in some cases, as the authors did not provide important information for proper and precise clinical use of the strategies. All the included publications lacked information on the series and/or time to perform each exercise. A possible explanation for this is that the studies did not have a preestablished treatment protocol and that the SLH therapy is individualized – i.e., it depends on the complaints, SLH assessment results, and each person’s limits.

Three studies approached isotonic and isometric myofunctional exercises as therapeutic procedures(2020 Magalhães HV Jr. Fonoterapia na paralisia facial periférica: uma abordagem miofuncional orofacial. RBPS. 2009;22(4):259-63.

21 Tessitore A, Paschoal JR, Pfeilsticker LN. Avaliação de um protocolo da reabilitação orofacial na paralisia facial periférica. Rev CEFAC. 2009;11(3, suppl 3):432-40.
-2222 Romão AM, Cabral C, Magni C. Intervenção fonoaudiológica precoce num paciente com paralisia facial após otomastoidite. Rev CEFAC. 2015;17(3):996-1003.
), though the review study(2020 Magalhães HV Jr. Fonoterapia na paralisia facial periférica: uma abordagem miofuncional orofacial. RBPS. 2009;22(4):259-63.
) only referred to the possibility of using this type of exercise. The study by Kasahara et al.(2323 Kasahara T, Ikeda S, Sugimoto A, Sugawara S, Koyama Y, Toyokura M, et al. Efficacy of tape feedback therapy on synkinesis following severe peripheral facial nerve palsy. Tokai J Exp Clin Med. 2017;42(3):139-42. PMid:28871583.) used tapes as a therapeutic strategy with a quite specific objective: to investigate the effectiveness of this resource in preventing oro-ocular synkinesis deterioration. The tapes were recently incorporated into SLH practice as a therapeutic resource to optimize the therapeutic results(2626 Silva AP, Carvalho ARR, Sassi FC, Silva MAA. Os efeitos da bandagem elástica no músculo trapézio em adultos saudáveis. CoDAS. 2019;31(5):e20180077. PMid:31644716.
). This resource can be applied not only in facial palsies but also in oral-motor function, as effective results have already been demonstrated in its use as a complementary therapeutic method to reestablish such changes(2727 Silva AP, Escamez NES, Morini N Jr, Silva MAA. Método Therapy Taping®: bandagem elástica como recurso terapêutico na clínica Fonoaudiológica. Distúrbios da Comum. 2014;26(4):805-8.).

Regarding their therapeutic program, three studies suggested having sessions once a week(1919 Beurskens CHG, Heymans PG. Mime therapy improves facial symmetry in people with long-term facial nerve paresis: a randomised controlled trial. Aust J Physiother. 2006;52(3):177-83. PMid:16942452.
,2121 Tessitore A, Paschoal JR, Pfeilsticker LN. Avaliação de um protocolo da reabilitação orofacial na paralisia facial periférica. Rev CEFAC. 2009;11(3, suppl 3):432-40.
,2222 Romão AM, Cabral C, Magni C. Intervenção fonoaudiológica precoce num paciente com paralisia facial após otomastoidite. Rev CEFAC. 2015;17(3):996-1003.
); also, the study by Romão et al.(2222 Romão AM, Cabral C, Magni C. Intervenção fonoaudiológica precoce num paciente com paralisia facial após otomastoidite. Rev CEFAC. 2015;17(3):996-1003.
) indicated daily exercise. Another study(2323 Kasahara T, Ikeda S, Sugimoto A, Sugawara S, Koyama Y, Toyokura M, et al. Efficacy of tape feedback therapy on synkinesis following severe peripheral facial nerve palsy. Tokai J Exp Clin Med. 2017;42(3):139-42. PMid:28871583.) proposed an intensive treatment, with three sessions a day, which was also the only study that used tapes in its procedures. We also observed differences in the duration of the interventions, ranging from 1 to 12 months between the studies.

As for the classification into levels of evidence (Box 1), five articles we selected did not meet the criteria established by ASHA, as the type of study was not on the scale. Of the included articles, only one did not meet the criteria of level of evidence(2323 Kasahara T, Ikeda S, Sugimoto A, Sugawara S, Koyama Y, Toyokura M, et al. Efficacy of tape feedback therapy on synkinesis following severe peripheral facial nerve palsy. Tokai J Exp Clin Med. 2017;42(3):139-42. PMid:28871583.). In general, the selected and included studies that were classified had low levels of evidence. Thus, having or not described the therapeutic procedures they employed to treat PFP, they do not yet have robust scientific evidence to ground such practice. Nonetheless, we observed positive results when treating people with PFP using these interventions.

We pondered that these low levels of evidence limit the development of an SLH practice based on evidence, as the clinician finds difficulties replicating the therapeutic interventions because of the fragile criteria used to verify their effectiveness. Researchers must give priority to study designs that can find scientific evidence at higher levels and that are more adequate to the therapeutic method investigated, and include a full description of the intervention approach.

We believe this integrative review was limited by not assessing the methodological quality of the studies included, aiming at a more precise classification into levels of scientific evidence. Incorporating formal instruments to assess research quality in this type of review can help better understand the qualitative level of knowledge production on the topic.

Given the above, we highlight the need for further research due to the scarcity of studies on SLH rehabilitation in people with PFP. Moreover, future investigations must have an adequate methodological design, such as randomized controlled clinical trials, thus decreasing the risks of bias and increasing the possibility of generalizing the results for more assertive and appropriate clinical decision-making.


Few studies address SLH protocols or therapies for PFP in detail, with a strong level of evidence, and enabling clinical applicability.

As for the therapeutic strategies found, we observed a pattern in the studies regarding the instructions given by the therapists, consisting of the methods to perform the exercise at home. On the other hand, they lacked information on the therapeutic program, such as the number of series and/or duration of the interventions. Most procedures approached isotonic and isometric exercises. Elastic tapes appeared as a therapeutic resource to potentialize SLH therapy.

  • Study carried out at Department of Specific Training in Speech Therapy, Universidade Federal Fluminense – UFF – Nova Friburgo (RJ), Brasil.
  • Funding: None.


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Publication Dates

  • Publication in this collection
    29 Nov 2021
  • Date of issue


  • Received
    17 Feb 2021
  • Accepted
    28 June 2021
Academia Brasileira de Audiologia Rua Itapeva, 202, conjunto 61, CEP 01332-000, Tel.: (11) 3253-8711 - São Paulo - SP - Brazil