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This study aimed to describe the working and health conditions of physical education teachers in public basic education in the state of Minas Gerais - Brazil during the COVID-19 pandemic. Cross-sectional study, carried out from August to September 2020, via digital form and had the support of the Minas Gerais State Department of Education. The instrument presented variables related to the sociodemographic profile, work and health conditions during the pandemic. The prevalences of the variables were presented. 1,016 physical education teachers participated in the study. Of these, 61.4% were female, 65.8% aged 21 to 40 years and 15.3% worked in the countryside. In relation to working conditions during the pandemic, 99% performed remote activities, 35.7% were dissatisfied with their work, 37% worked much more than they used to and 81.2% presented the interest of students/parents in classes as a difficulty. As for health conditions during the pandemic, 10.3% increased their consumption of alcoholic beverages, 26.1% did not practice physical exercise, 56.5% had increased body weight and 37.8% reported a lot of fear of COVID-19. Physical education teachers of basic education in the state of Minas Gerais were significantly affected by the pandemic, so it is important to implement support strategies.

Coronavirus; Physical education; Faculty; Occupational health; Health surveys


Este estudo objetivou descrever as condições de trabalho e saúde dos professores de educação física da educação básica pública do estado de Minas Gerais - Brasil durante a pandemia da COVID-19. Estudo transversal, realizado de agosto a setembro de 2020, via formulário digital e contou com o apoio da Secretaria de Estado de Educação de Minas Gerais. O instrumento apresentou variáveis referentes ao perfil sociodemográfico, condições de trabalho e saúde durante a pandemia. Foram apresentadas as prevalências das variáveis. Participaram do estudo 1.016 professores de educação física. Destes, 61,4% eram mulheres, 65,8% com idade de 21 a 40 anos e 15,3% trabalhavam na zona rural. Em relação às condições de trabalho durante a pandemia, 99% realizaram atividades remotas, 35,7% estavam insatisfeitos com o trabalho, 37% trabalharam muito mais que costumavam e 81,2% apresentaram como dificuldade o interesse dos alunos/pais pelas aulas. Quanto às condições de saúde durante a pandemia, 10,3% aumentaram o consumo de bebidas alcóolicas, 26,1% não praticaram exercício físico, 56,5% tiveram aumento de peso corporal e 37,8% relataram muito medo da COVID-19. Os professores de educação física da educação básica do estado de Minas Gerais foram significativamente afetados pela pandemia, portanto é importante implementação de estratégias de apoio.

Coronavírus; Educação física; Professores; Saúde do trabalhador; Inquérito epidemiológico


The disease resulting from infection with the new coronavirus SARS-COV-2, designated COVID-19, by the World Health Organization (WHO), was first identified in humans in December 2019, in the city of Wuhan, China. On January 30, 2020, WHO declared a state of emergency in public health at the international level and, on March 11, it was declared a pandemic.11 WHO - World Health Organization. Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV): Situation Report. 2020.[Acessed15th January 2020]. Available from: Available from:
Immediately several measures to control and prevent the disease were taken by health authorities.

Several changes were adopted in the social, economic and educational spheres, directed by the federal, state and municipal governments. The evident need for social isolation and the mandatory use of personal protective equipment were emphasized, as strategies capable of reducing infections and deaths by COVID-19.22 Aquino EML, Silveira IH, Pescarini JM, Aquino R, de Souza-Filho JM, Rocha AS, et al. Medidas de distanciamento social no controle da pandemia de COVID-19: potenciais impactos e desafios no Brasil. Ciênc saudecolet 2020;25:2423-46. Doi:
The WHO guideline was that the population should avoid leaving their homes and going to places with a concentration of people. In order to contain agglomerations and contribute to social distance, commercial establishments were temporarily closed, and the face-to-face activities of schools and universities were suspended.

The need for social distancing led to the suspension of face-to-face activities in public and private educational institutions and on April 1, 2020, Provisional Measure 934 was published, which established exceptional standards for the school year of Basic Education resulting from COVID-19 coping measures.33 Brasil. Secretaria Geral. Medida provisória 934 de 2020. Estabelece normas excepcionais sobre o ano letivo da educação básica e do ensino superior decorrentes das medidas para enfrentamento da situação de emergência de saúde pública de que trata a Lei nº 13.979 [Internet]. [Accessed 27th January 2021]. Available from: Available from:
And on April 17, 2020, the State Department of Education of the State of Minas Gerais published Resolution 4310, which instituted the special teleworking regime in state schools in the public basic education network to meet, in the context of a pandemic, the minimum number of hours required.44 Minas Gerais. Secretaria de Estado de Educação. Dispõe Resolução 4310 de 2020. Dispõe sobre as normas para a oferta de Regime Especial de Atividades Não Presenciais, e institui o Regime Especial de Teletrabalho nas Escolas Estaduais da Rede Pública de Educação Básica e de Educação Profissional, em decorrência da pandemia Coronavírus (COVID-19), para cumprimento da carga horária mínima exigida [Internet]. [Accessed6th February 2021]. Available from: Available from:
Faced with this scenario, the need for a new teaching model became evident, with new strategies and tools aimed at the use of technologies as a way of maintaining the contents programmed for the school year, through remote teaching.

Remote online education differs from distance education due to the emergency nature that proposes uses and appropriations of technologies in specific service circumstances where formerly on-site education used to exist.55 Hodges C, Moore S, Lockee B, Trust T, Bond A. The difference between emergency remote teaching and online learning. Educause2020[Cited on January 27 2021];27:1-12.. Available from: Available from:
Basic education teachers, when faced with the impossibility of conducting face-to-face classes, had to create new methodological paths to continue the contents that were in progress, through remote classes to leverage teaching strategies in the emergency context, when possible.66 Senhoras, EM. Coronavírus e educação: análise dos impactos assimétricos. Boletim de Conjuntura2020;2(5):128-136. Doi:

Challenges and perspectives for pedagogical practices exclusively online have emerged. This impasse highlighted the interventions of physical education teachers in the face of a new scenario of professional performance. The educational practice of school physical education integrated with the school's pedagogical proposal, is a mandatory curricular component of basic education.77 Brasil. Secretaria de Educação Média. Parâmetros curriculares nacionais: educação física. 1997; 96. However, it is in the school environment that physical education reproduces a discipline linked and applied to precepts and meanings present in the bodily practices of the body culture of movement.88 Daolio J. Educação Física e o conceito de cultura. Campinas, SP: Autores Associados; 2004.),(99 Malacarne V, Strieder DM, Lima DF. O papel da escola na promoção da saúde - uma mediação necessária. EccoS Rev Cient 2012;28:191-206. Doi:

Currently, it is imperative to know the impacts and changes in the work of physical education teachers in the face of the COVID-19 pandemic. Therefore, the objective of the present study was to verify the working and health conditions of physical education teachers in public basic education in the state of Minas Gerais during the COVID-19 pandemic.


This is an epidemiological and cross-sectional study, carried out with physical education teachers from basic education (elementary and high school) from schools in the state public school system in the state of Minas Gerais, Brazil. The state of Minas Gerais had 3,441 public schools in 2020.1010 Secretaria de Estado de Educação de Minas Gerais. Relação de estabelecimentos de ensino ativos em Minas Gerais. 2020.

Authorization was obtained from the Minas Gerais State Department of Education (SEE-MG) to carry out the research in the entire state of Minas Gerais. A previous pilot study was carried out to test and adjust the data collection instrument. Data collection took place from August 20 to September 11, 2020 using a digital form made available to teachers via the Google Forms® platform. The link to the digital form was widely disseminated and sent to the teachers' institutional e-mail with the support of SEE-MG. To avoid automatic filling of the form by computer systems, a reCAPTCHA was used, which presented tests on images, preventing the form from being successfully sent by any robot. All questions on the form were mandatory, minimizing loss of information. The study also guaranteed the teachers' anonymity and the data collection form took approximately 25 minutes to complete.

The study included physical education teachers in exercise of the teaching function in 2020, working in elementary and / or high school (linked to some state public school in Minas Gerais) and those who accepted to participate in the research. Teachers deviating from the teaching function, retirees and those who answered “no” when asked if they agreed to participate in the study did not participate in the research.

The study addressed variables referring to three subject blocks, sociodemographic profile, working conditions and health conditions during the pandemic, presented below.

Sociodemographic profile: sex, age, census area (referring to the location of the state school where the teacher worked), marital status and child (ren).

Working conditions during the pandemic: years of teaching work, weekly hours of teaching work, type of link with the school, if you have a graduate degree, doing remote work, job satisfaction during the pandemic, workload, difficulty in develop work, mastery of virtual technologies, computer available at home, if didactic activities can be performed remotely, participation in training for the use of digital technologies in the classroom, opinion on strategies and tools “Estude em Casa”, "Se liga na Educação" and "Conexão Escola”, digital tools used, difficulties to teach remote classes and students' access to physical education classes. Health and lifestyle conditions during the pandemic: smoking, alcohol consumption, physical exercise or sport (days of the week), physical exercise or sport (minutes per day), watching television (hours per day), use of computer or tablet (hours per day), body weight (pregnant women were disregarded), sleep problems, medical diagnosis of anxiety and / or depression, perception of quality of life (before and during the pandemic), perception of the state health (before and during the pandemic) and “Fear of COVID-19”. The COVID-19 Fear Scale is an instrument that investigates people's fear of COVID-19. The scale has seven items that are answered on a Likert-type scale. The total score was obtained from the sum of the items, categorized from seven to 19 points as "little fear", from 20 to 26 points "moderate fear" and 27 to 35 points "very fear".1111 Ahorsu DK, Lin CY, Imani V, Saffari M, Griffiths MD, Pakpour AH. The Fear of COVID-19 Scale: Development and Initial Validation. Int J Ment Health Addict 2020;1-9. Doi:

The data were organized, audited and analyzed with the aid of the statistical program Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS®) version 22.0. Simple and relative frequency of the studied variables were presented.

The project was submitted to the Research Ethics Committee of the State University of Montes Claros (Unimontes), with consolidated opinion No. 4,200,389/2020 and CAAE: 35982220.0.0000.5146. All participants received a copy of the Free and Informed Consent Form and marked “yes” to the question regarding the agreement to participate in the research. The research also complied with resolution 466/12 of the National Health Council / Ministry of Health, which deals with research with human beings.


Participied in the study 1,016 physical education teachers from the state of Minas Gerais, coming from 369 among the 853 municipalities in Minas Gerais. Of the total number of teachers, 61.4% were female, 65.8% aged 21 to 40 years and 15.3% worked in rural areas (Table 1).

The data in Table 2 show the working conditions of physical education teachers during the COVID-19 pandemic. Among the results, there is a prevalence of 35.7% of dissatisfied with work, 37% who worked much more than they used to and felt exhausted.

Figure 1 shows the digital tools used by teachers to develop remote activities, showing the use of WhatsApp or Telegram (96%), e-mail (74.1%), Conexão Escola (73.1%) and Google Meet (68.4%).

Regarding the frequency of students in physical education classes, 14% of teachers surveyed reported attendance of less than a fifth of students in activities developed during the pandemic (Figure 2).

Table 3 shows the results of teachers' health conditions during the COVID-19 pandemic. There is a prevalence of 10.3% of teachers who were consuming alcoholic beverages more than they used to, 26.1% did not practice physical exercise on any day of the week, 87.7% used a computer or tablet for four hours or more a day, 31.4% started to have sleep problems, 20.9% reported medical diagnosis for anxiety and / or depression, 67.7% presented worsening in quality of life, 46% worsened in the perception of health status and 37.8 % reported much fear of COVID-19.

Figure 1
Digital tools used by physical education teachers from the state public school system in the state of Minas Gerais - Brazil during the pandemic. 2020 (n=1.016)

Figure 2
Access of students from the state public school system in the state of Minas Gerais - Brazil to remote activities of the physical education discipline. 2020 (n=1.016)

Table 1
Sociodemographic profile of Physical Education teachers in the state public school system in the state of Minas Gerais - Brazil. 2020 (n=1.016)
Table 2
Working conditions of Physical Education teachers from the state public school system in the state of Minas Gerais - Brazil during a pandemic of COVID-19. 2020 (n=1.016)
Table 3
Lifestyle and health conditions of Physical Education teachers from the state public school system in the state of Minas Gerais - Brazil during a pandemic of COVID-19. 2020 (n=1.016)


This study showed that considerable part of physical education teachers in public basic education in the state of Minas Gerais showed changes in terms of working conditions and lifestyle, due to the problems caused by the pandemic of COVID-19, such as the suspension of face-to-face school activities and the sudden start of remote teaching.

The substitution of face-to-face with remote education, changed the routine of practical and methodological activities adopted by teachers, especially impacting physical education teachers,1212 Gobbi E, Maltagliati S, Sarrazin P, Fronso S, Colangelo A, Cheval B, et al. Promoting physical activity during school closures imposed by the first wave of the covid-19 pandemic: Physical education teachers’ behaviors in france, italy and turkey. Int J Environ Res Public Health 2020;17(24):9431. Doi:
since face-to-face classes are more dynamic, intense and practices.1313 Machado RB, Fonseca DG, Medeiros FM, Fernandes N. Educação física escolar em tempos de distanciamento social: panorama, desafios e enfrentamentos curriculares. Movimento Porto Aleg. 2020; 26:26081. Doi:

Regarding working conditions, this study found that more than a third of teachers were dissatisfied with their work after the start of the pandemic. Similar results, outside the context of the pandemic, were verified in a study carried out in the United Kingdom with professors of universities, which showed dissatisfaction below 33%.1414 Dwaikat M, Nazzal M, Buzeih MS. The effect of job satisfaction on the performance of nursing educators among nursing faculties in West Bank [thesis]. Juneid: An-Najah National University. 2011. A study conducted in the United States, on the other hand, showed dissatisfaction with work among 11% of basic education teachers.1515 Luckner JL, Dorn B. Job satisfaction of teachers of students who are deaf or hard of hearing. J Deaf Stud Deaf Educ 2017;22(3):336-345. Doi:
Dissatisfaction with work significantly predicts professional performance and its increase can therefore have a negative impact,1616 Judge TA, Thoresen CJ, Bono JE, Patton GK. The job satisfaction-job performance relationship: A qualitative and quantitative review. Psychol Bull 2001;127(3):376-407. Doi:
especially for the exhaustion and burnout of professionals,1717 Lu MH, Luo J, Chen W, Wang MC. The influence of job satisfaction on the relationship between professional identity and burnout: A study of student teachers in Western China. Curr Psychol 2019;1-9. Doi:
),(1818 Lima DF, Lima LA, Sampaio AA. Análise da imagem e da condição de saúde de professores no Brasil. Perspectivas em Diálogo2020[Cited on 27 January 2021];7(15):94-101. Available from:Available from:
a situation that is further aggravated by the challenges and problems of online education1919 Moueleu Ngalagou PT, Assomo-Ndemba PB, Owona Manga LJ, Owoundi Ebolo H, Ayina Ayina CN, Lobe Tanga MY, et al. Burnout syndrome and associated factors among university teaching staff in Cameroon: Effect of the practice of sport and physical activities and leisures. Encephale. 2019;45:101-106. Doi:
adopted in the context of the pandemic.

In this study, it was found that most teachers showed an increase in the workload, with more than 1/3 reporting a feeling of exhaustion for that reason. Result that is similar to a study carried out with physical education teachers in schools in Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, also during the pandemic1313 Machado RB, Fonseca DG, Medeiros FM, Fernandes N. Educação física escolar em tempos de distanciamento social: panorama, desafios e enfrentamentos curriculares. Movimento Porto Aleg. 2020; 26:26081. Doi:
and also reported by another study with higher education teachers from Minas Gerais, Brazil.2020 Praça LA, Oliveira VM. Qualidade de vida no trabalho em tempos de pandemia de COVID-19: os desafios e oportunidades dos docentes do ensino superior. Gestão2020[Cited onJanuary 27 2021];2(2).. Available from: Available from:
This situation may have been favored by the difficulties of the online format of classes required in this period. The increase in workload can have repercussions both for the health of professionals, contributing to the problems of sleep, fatigue, exhaustion and tension, and can interfere with the quality of teaching.1919 Moueleu Ngalagou PT, Assomo-Ndemba PB, Owona Manga LJ, Owoundi Ebolo H, Ayina Ayina CN, Lobe Tanga MY, et al. Burnout syndrome and associated factors among university teaching staff in Cameroon: Effect of the practice of sport and physical activities and leisures. Encephale. 2019;45:101-106. Doi:

As for the way of working and the tools used in this study, the use of WhatsApp and Telegram as a means of conducting the online class predominated, and the use of e-mail, Conexão Escola and Google Meet was also important. The predominance of the use of WhatsApp and the importance of Google Meet was found in other studies also conducted in Brazil.1313 Machado RB, Fonseca DG, Medeiros FM, Fernandes N. Educação física escolar em tempos de distanciamento social: panorama, desafios e enfrentamentos curriculares. Movimento Porto Aleg. 2020; 26:26081. Doi:
),(2121 Musa VS, Santos WR, Menezes RP, Costa V, Aquino R, Menezes RP. COVID-19 and Brazilian handball coaches: impacts on training prescription and professional learning. Mot Rev Educ Fis 2020;26(4): e10200127. Doi:
It was also found that the attendance of students was considerably reduced in the online format. This result was similar to another study realized with teachers of public high schools at Brazil, and this information is detrimental to the teaching and learning process.2222 Oliveira DA, P Junior EAP. Trabalho docente em tempos de pandemia: mais um retrato da desigualdade educacional brasileira. Retratos Esc 2020;14(30):719-34. Doi:

Regarding behavioral issues, it was found that part of the teachers surveyed increased the consumption of alcoholic beverages during the pandemic, a result similar to that found in Brazilian adults in the same period.2323 Malta DC, Szwarcwald CL, Barros MBA, Gomes CS, Machado IE, S Júnior PRBS, et al. A pandemia da COVID-19 e as mudanças no estilo de vida dos brasileiros adultos: um estudo transversal. Epidemiol Serv Saude2020;29e2020407. Doi:
A possible justification for the increase in alcohol consumption is the stressful and challenging nature of teaching work, enhanced by the pandemic.2424 Deguchi Y, Iwasaki S, Kanchika M, Nitta T, Mitake T, NogiY , et al. Gender differences in the relationships between perceived individual-level occupational stress and hazardous alcohol consumption among Japanese teachers: A cross-sectional study. PloS One 2018;13(9):e0204248. Doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0204248
If high, alcohol consumption is a significant social problem,2323 Malta DC, Szwarcwald CL, Barros MBA, Gomes CS, Machado IE, S Júnior PRBS, et al. A pandemia da COVID-19 e as mudanças no estilo de vida dos brasileiros adultos: um estudo transversal. Epidemiol Serv Saude2020;29e2020407. Doi:
which leads to a decrease in productivity, damage to health, development of mental disorders and increasing the risk of accidents.2525 Roche AM, Pidd K, Berry JG, Harrison JE. Workers’ drinking patterns: the impact on absenteeism in the Australian work-place. Addiction2008;103:738-48. Doi: 10.1111/j.1360-0443.2008.02154.x

More than a quarter of the teachers studied did not practice physical exercise on any day of the week, a result lower than that found in Brazilian adults during the pandemic,2323 Malta DC, Szwarcwald CL, Barros MBA, Gomes CS, Machado IE, S Júnior PRBS, et al. A pandemia da COVID-19 e as mudanças no estilo de vida dos brasileiros adultos: um estudo transversal. Epidemiol Serv Saude2020;29e2020407. Doi:
but similar to other studies with teachers, which demonstrated a high sedentary rate in a different context of the pandemic.2626 Delfino LD, Tebar WR, Gil FC, Souza JM, Romanzini M, Fernandes RA, et al. Association of sedentary behaviour patterns with dietary and lifestyle habits among public school teachers: a cross-sectional study. BMJ Open 2020;10(1):9. Doi:
The lack of physical exercise can generate several consequences, among them worsening quality of life2727 Barbosa BT, Silva RLS, Meneses ABC, Brindeiro-Neto W, Bacurau TP, Rocha AISS, et al. Self-related quality of life of elderly submitted to a 12-week aquatic training program. J Hum Sport Exerc 2019;14(2):281-91. Doi:
and alteration in the function of the immune system, so important in the context of the pandemic.2828 Silva Filho E, Teixeira ALS, Xavier JBS, B Júnior DSB, Barbosa RA, Albuquerque JA. Physical education role during coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic Physical education and COVID-19. Mot Rev Educ Fis2020;26(2):e10200086. Doi:
Even during the pandemic, due to its importance, regular physical exercise was recommended, taking due care.2929 Jiménez-Pavón D, Carbonell-Baeza A, Lavie CJ. Physical exercise as a therapy to fight against the mental and physical consequences of COVID-19 quarantine: Special focus in older people. Prog Cardiovasc Dis 2020;63(3):386-88. Doi:

In the present study, almost all teachers used a computer or tablet for four hours or more a day, a result similar to that found in Brazilian adults, in the context of the pandemic.2323 Malta DC, Szwarcwald CL, Barros MBA, Gomes CS, Machado IE, S Júnior PRBS, et al. A pandemia da COVID-19 e as mudanças no estilo de vida dos brasileiros adultos: um estudo transversal. Epidemiol Serv Saude2020;29e2020407. Doi:
The high screen time had a contribution from online classes, but despite the imposed situation, it is necessary to highlight the risk for the occurrence of overweight, obesity, depression, reduced sleep, among others.3030 Hale L, Kirschen GW, LeBourgeois MK, Gradisar M, Garrison MM, Montgomery-Downs H, et al. Youth screen media habits and sleep: sleep-friendly screen behavior recommendations for clinicians, educators, and parents. Child Adolesc Psychiatr Clin N Am2018;27(2):229-45. Doi:
It is necessary to reflect that this is a problem that crosses professions, since the adult population spends a large part of the day in sedentary behavior, such as, mainly, use of computers, televisions, tablets and cell phones,3131 Nam JY, Kim J, Cho KH, Choi Y, Choi J, Shin J, et al. Associations of sitting time and occupation with metabolic syndrome in South Korean adults: a cross-sectional study. BMC Public Health 2016;16(1):943. Doi:
which was intensified to social distance.

During the pandemic, almost a third of the teachers surveyed started reporting sleep problems. This data draws attention because it is similar to the prevalence found in frontline professionals in the treatment of COVID-19.3232 Zhang C, Yan L, Liu S, Ma S, Wang Y, Cai Z, et al. Survey of insomnia and related social psychological factors among medical staffs involved with the 2019 novel coronavirus disease outbreak. Front Psychiatry 2020;11:306. Doi:
Sleep disorders can be caused by quarantine and the need for social distance3333 Altena E, Baglioni C, Espie CA, Ellis J, Gavriloff D, Holzinger B, et al. Dealing with sleep problems during home confinement due to the COVID‐19 outbreak: Practical recommendations from a task force of the European CBT‐I Academy. J Sleep Res 2020;29(4):e13052. Doi:
as well as the high screen time that remote classes require.3030 Hale L, Kirschen GW, LeBourgeois MK, Gradisar M, Garrison MM, Montgomery-Downs H, et al. Youth screen media habits and sleep: sleep-friendly screen behavior recommendations for clinicians, educators, and parents. Child Adolesc Psychiatr Clin N Am2018;27(2):229-45. Doi:
In addition, this situation can compromise the proper function of the immune system.3434 Silva ESME, Ono BHVS, Souza JC. Sleep and immunity in times of COVID-19. Rev Assoc Med Bras 2020;66:143-147. Doi:

In this study, about a fifth of teachers reported medical diagnosis for anxiety and / or depression. Results similar to that observed in a study conducted with elementary and high school teachers in Japan, outside the context of a pandemic.3535 Nakada A, Iwasaki S, Kanchika M, Nakao T, Deguchi Y, Konishi A, et al. Relationship between depressive symptoms and perceived individual level occupational stress among Japanese schoolteachers. Ind Health 2016;54(5):396-402. Doi:
Teachers are at greater risk of having disorders and changes related to mental health, one of the reasons being that it is a profession with a lot of pressure3636 Deguchi Y, Iwasaki S, Kanchika M, Nitta T, Mitake T, Nogi Y, et al. Gender differences in the relationships between perceived individual-level occupational stress and hazardous alcohol consumption among Japanese teachers: A cross-sectional study. PLoS One 2018;13(9): e0204248. Doi:
which can be enhanced by the challenges presented by the pandemic2828 Silva Filho E, Teixeira ALS, Xavier JBS, B Júnior DSB, Barbosa RA, Albuquerque JA. Physical education role during coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic Physical education and COVID-19. Mot Rev Educ Fis2020;26(2):e10200086. Doi:
and the remote education adopted.1919 Moueleu Ngalagou PT, Assomo-Ndemba PB, Owona Manga LJ, Owoundi Ebolo H, Ayina Ayina CN, Lobe Tanga MY, et al. Burnout syndrome and associated factors among university teaching staff in Cameroon: Effect of the practice of sport and physical activities and leisures. Encephale. 2019;45:101-106. Doi:

More than two thirds of the teachers in the present study reported worsening quality of life during the pandemic. This result was greater than that found in a survey conducted with higher education teachers in Minas Gerais, Brazil.2020 Praça LA, Oliveira VM. Qualidade de vida no trabalho em tempos de pandemia de COVID-19: os desafios e oportunidades dos docentes do ensino superior. Gestão2020[Cited onJanuary 27 2021];2(2).. Available from: Available from:
The change from face-to-face teaching to remote classes caused many challenges for teachers, contributing to a worse compromise in the quality of life and work, especially in school physical education teachers,1919 Moueleu Ngalagou PT, Assomo-Ndemba PB, Owona Manga LJ, Owoundi Ebolo H, Ayina Ayina CN, Lobe Tanga MY, et al. Burnout syndrome and associated factors among university teaching staff in Cameroon: Effect of the practice of sport and physical activities and leisures. Encephale. 2019;45:101-106. Doi:
generating greater demand in the workload of them.2020 Praça LA, Oliveira VM. Qualidade de vida no trabalho em tempos de pandemia de COVID-19: os desafios e oportunidades dos docentes do ensino superior. Gestão2020[Cited onJanuary 27 2021];2(2).. Available from: Available from:

Almost half of the teachers in the present study reported worsening health perceptions during the pandemic. Result superior to that found in adult Brazilians during the pandemic.3737 Almeida WS, Szwarcwald CL, Malta DC, Barros MBA, Júnior PRBS, Azevedo LO, et al. Mudanças nas condições socioeconômicas e de saúde dos brasileiros durante a pandemia de COVID-19. Rev Bras Epidemiol 2020;23:e200105. Doi:
Possible reasons are fear of the disease, changes in mood, as well as socioeconomic and routine changes, as a consequence of social distance.3838 Szwarcwald CL, Damacena GN, Barros MBA, Malta DC, Souza Júnior PRB, Azevedo LO, et al. Factors affecting the Brazilians’ self-rated health during the COVID-19 pandemic. Rev bras epidemiol2020;23:e200105. Doi:
It was also found that more than two thirds of the teachers reported moderate or high fear in relation to COVID-19. High rates of fear were also found in a study conducted with high school teachers in Mexico.3939 Cervantes-Guevara G, Maciel-Saldierna M, Elizondo-Hernández E, Cervantes-Pérez LA, Cervantes-CardonaGA,García-Reyna B, et al. Fear of COVID-19 in High School Personnel: a Survey Study in Western Mexico. Int J Ment Health Addict 2021;1-8. Doi:
Fear is a strong feeling that can change decision-making and behaviors, as well as impact the quality of the professionals' work.3939 Cervantes-Guevara G, Maciel-Saldierna M, Elizondo-Hernández E, Cervantes-Pérez LA, Cervantes-CardonaGA,García-Reyna B, et al. Fear of COVID-19 in High School Personnel: a Survey Study in Western Mexico. Int J Ment Health Addict 2021;1-8. Doi:

Being a physical education teacher in school, by itself, has negative impacts on their health.4040 Naghieh A, Montgomery P, Bonell CP, Thompson M, Aber JL. Organisational interventions for improving wellbeing and reducing work‐related stress in teachers. Cochrane Database Syst Rev 2015;(4): CD010306. Doi:
The support is even more relevant in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic, which brought several difficulties and challenges,2828 Silva Filho E, Teixeira ALS, Xavier JBS, B Júnior DSB, Barbosa RA, Albuquerque JA. Physical education role during coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic Physical education and COVID-19. Mot Rev Educ Fis2020;26(2):e10200086. Doi:
placing the physical education teacher in an even greater challenge, when compared with the activities, until then, carried out in person, totally changing the way of working, exchanging the court for the computer.

The COVID-19 pandemic brought with it the requirement of social distancing and, consequently, the performance of remote education, contexts that helped in the significant worsening of the quality of life of elementary and high school physical education teachers. These professionals are particularly affected due to the greater change in teaching dynamics and strategies, which are more intense and practical in face-to-face teaching.

The data of the present study, in general, are negative and indicate the exposure of physical education teachers to various health risks intensified during the pandemic. In order to improve the context of these professionals and also improve the quality of the teaching-learning process, it is important to have support measures, such as training and psychological support.

The study has as main limitations the data collection to be carried out via the internet, generating the possibility of selection bias, the answers being based on the self-report, allowing the occurrence of memory bias. However, the study's strong points are also highlighted, such as the support of SEE-MG, the good distribution of teachers throughout the state of Minas Gerais and methodological rigor.


The results of the study show the effects and changes caused by the pandemic of COVID-19 on the lifestyle and work routine of school physical education teachers, showing dissatisfaction with work, greater workload, use of communication tools for the development of classes, remote teaching, resistance and disinterest of parents and students regarding remote classes, increase in alcohol consumption, physical inactivity, intensification of sedentary behavior, increase in body weight, sleep problems and worsening in the quality of life and the awakening of fear of COVID-19.


We thank the Teachers of the State of Minas Gerais for participating in the study, the support of Unimontes and SEE-MG and the Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior - CAPES for granting scholarships.


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Publication Dates

  • Publication in this collection
    04 July 2022
  • Date of issue


  • Received
    07 May 2021
  • Reviewed
    27 Jan 2022
  • Accepted
    31 Jan 2022
Universidade Estadual de Maringá Avenida Colombo, 5790 - cep: 87020-900 - tel: 44 3011 4315 - Maringá - PR - Brazil