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Memórias do Instituto Oswaldo Cruz, Volume: 22 Suplemento 5, Publicado: 1929
  • Dous phyllopodos, observados no Rio Grande do Norte

    Lutz, Adolpho

    Resumo em Francês:

    Le 19 juillet 1928 l'auteur trouva près de Natal, capitale de l'État de Rio Grande do Norte, a 5º 47' au sud de l'équateur, un nouveau Dendrocephalus qui portera le nom ornatus, dû a ses appendices caudales teints d'écarlate brillant. La femelle (Pl.1) atteint 12 mm. de longueur e contient des oeufs noirs dans sa cavité d'incubation. Le mâle, beaucoup plus robuste, atteint 16 mm. et montre, outre les caracteres sexuels, une modification extrémement compliquée des deuxièmes antennes (qui dans la planche II sont vues devant les premières). L'espèce est plus petite que les deux autres décrites de l'Amérique du Sud et se distingue facilement par les antennes du mâle. Elle fut trouvée au bord de la route dans une flaque large et profonde d'eau de pluie argileuse. Les exemplares rapportés moururent en quelques jours et la mare, lors d'une seconde visite, fut trouvé sèche. L'autre espèce, observée en 9. 7. 28 dans un étang naturel tout-près de la capitale, avait déjà été observée á Matto Grosso et en Paraguay et déterminée comme Cyclestheria hislopi BAIRD. THIELE pense que les individus de l'Amérique du Sud, pour cause de quelques petites différences, pour-raient nien former une autre espèce qu'il propose d'appeler sarsiana, mais la comparaison des desseins et descriptions avec mes exemplaires ne parait pas soutenir cette idée. Tout-de-mème la répartition connue de cette espèce est extrêmement curieuse et peut-être unique en zoologie. Elle a été signalée à Nagpur (Hindoustan), Ceylon, Queensland (Australie), Célèbes, Afrique orientale et Sansibar; seulement le premier lieu se trouve bien au nord de l'équateur, mais encore dans la zone tropicale, comme toutes les autres localités. L'explication de cette extension sur les deux mondes est tout ce qu'il a de plus difficile, puisque entre les localisations il n'y a pas seulement d'énormes distances sur terre (que l'on pourrait expliquer par un défaut d'observations), mais des espaces tres étendus, occupés par la mer. L'intervention de l'homme ne saurait expliquer ces faits et le transport par les oiseaux aquatiques ne pourrait être qu'un fait tout-a-fait excepcionnel pour les grands trajets océaniques. Le recours aux terres hypothétiques, qui formaient des ponts intercontinentaux dans des périodes géologiques extrêmement reculées, recontre des objections évidentes. En tous les cas on ne peut qu'admirer la constance avec laquelle le type de l'espèce s'est maintenu durant d'innombrales générations et a travers de telles distances quand les autres phyllopodes ont formé non seulement des variétés, mais même un grand nombre de genre et de familles.

    Resumo em Inglês:

    On the 10th of july the author found about 36 km. from Natal, capital of the brazilian State Rio Grande do Norte, at 5º 47' southern latitude, a new kind of Dendrocephalus which he proposes to name ornatus on account of the brillant scarlet colour of the caudal appendices. The female (Pl. 1) reaches 12 mm. in length and shows black eggs in its breeding cavity; the male attains 16 mm. and is much stouter, while its second antennae (which in Pl. 2 are seen in front of the first pair) show the most complicated structure, so far seen and delineated. They form the principal feature of the species which was caught in the muddy water of a large and deep puddle, formed by rain at the side of the road. This later dried up, while the specimens brought alive to the capital died in a few days. The second species, a Cyclestheria, was observed in a permanent natural pond in a suburb of Natal. Like other specimens from Matto Grosso and Paraguay, it was determined as hislopi BAIRD, the only known species. THIELE thought that the brazilian species might be separated under the name sarsiana, but the comparison of the specimens with other descriptions and drawings does not support this view. The strangest fact about this species is its distribution which includes western India (Nagpur), Ceylon, Australia (Queensland), Celebes, East Afrika and Sansibar, only the first place being considerably north of the equator. This distribution is very hard to explain, as there are not only large distances by land, but wide stretches of sea between these places, so that the supposition of a gradual transport by man or animals does not help much. Transportation by means of aquatic birds, if possible, must be extremely rare while the supposed landconnections in former geological periods can hardly furnish a satisfactory explanation. At any rate, it seems very wonderful that the same type should have kept true over such distances and through countless generations while other phyllopods seem to have formed not only varieties but many new species and even genera.

    Resumo em de:

    Auszug aus obiger Mitteilung; Am 19ten Juli 1928 fand der Autor in der Naehe von Natal, Hauptstadt des brasilianischen Staates Rio Grande do Norte, bei ca. 5º 47' suedlicher Breite, einen neuen Dendrocephalus, der, wegen seiner brillant scharlachroten Schwanzanhaenge, ornatus genannt wurde. Das Weibchen (Tafel 1) wird ca. 12 mm. lang und zeigt in seinem Bruetsack schwarze Eier; das Maennchen ist 16 mm. lang und bedeutend dicker. Seine zweiten Antennen, die auf Tafel 2 vor den ersten sichtbar sind, erreichen wohl den hoechsten Grad von Complizirtheit, der bisher abgebildet wurde und sind fuer die neue Art charakteristisch. Sie and sich in dem lehmigen Wasser einer grossen und tiefen Pfuetze an feinem Strassenrande. Die mitgenommenen Exemplare starben allmaelig ab und die Pfuetze trocknete spaeter aus. Die zweite Art (9-7-28 in Natal beobachtet) war eine Cyclestheria, sehon frueher in Matto Grosso und Paraguay gefunden und mit hislopi BAIRD identificirt. THIELE meint, dass vielleicht die brasilianische Art als sarslana abgetrennt werden sollte, indessen spricht die Vergleichung der Originalien und unabhaenger Zeichnungen nicht dafuer. Es ist eine hoechst auffaellige Tatsache, dass das Vorkommen dieser Art ausserdem in Vorderindien, Ceylon, Australien (Queensland), Celebes, Ostafrika und Sansibar festgestellt wurde und zwar nur einmal ziemlich weit noerdlich vom Aequator. Die Erklaerung dieser Verbreitung stoesst auf die groessten Schwierigkeiten, da zwischen den einzelnen Lokalitaeten weite Meere liegen und nicht bloss Landstriche, in denen die Art uebersehen werden koennte. Transport durch Menschenhand kann fuer groessere Strecken kaum in Betracht kommen und ein solcher durch Wasservoegel muesste jedenfalls ein sehr seltenes Ereigniss sein. Die Erklaerung der Verbreitung ueber hypothetische, in frueheren geologischen Perioden vorhandene Landbruecken ohne Veraenderung der Art kann ebenfalls kaum befriedigen. In allen Faellen kann man sich nur darueber wundern, wie, ueber solche Strecken und durch zahllose Generationen, derselbe Typus festgehalten wurde, waehrend sich bei anderen Phyllopoden nicht bloss Varietaeten, sondern neue Arten und sogar Gattungen gebildet haben.
  • El concepto Indice Delta en la determinación del valor funcional de los riñores

    Barrientos, Luis Prado
  • Note about experimental yellow fever

    Cunha, Aristides Marques da; Muniz, Julio
  • Contribuição preliminar á systematica dos nematodeos dos arthropodos

    Travassos, Lauro
  • Sobre o encystamento de Balantidium Coli

    Cunha, Aristides Marques da; Muniz, Julio
  • Nota sobre os parasitas intestinaes do Macacus Rhesus com a descripção de uma nova especie de Octomitus

    Cunha, Aristides Marques da; Muniz, Julio
  • Do funccionamento renal na febre amarella, na convalescença e após a cura

    Teixeira, J. Castro

    Resumo em Português:

    Graphico n. 1 - A. s. C., Reg. 169 A., 22 annos, branco, portuguez. Inicio com cephalalgia, mal estar e vomitos. Ao ser internado sentia grande abatimento, olhos injectados, ictericia bem nitida da esclerotica. Baço crescido. Dôr epigastrica. Bulhas cardiacas abafadas. Exame da urina: grande quantidade de albumina, cylindros granulosos, urobilina. Até o 13º dia continuou com grande adynamia. Até o 8º dia de molestia tinha cylindros na urina, persistindo depois traços de albumina. Graphico n. 2 - S. I. Reg. 829, 10 annos, branco, brasileiro. Adoeceu com dores musculares, fraqueza nos membros inferiores e peso na cabeça. Ao internar-se apresentava olhos brilhantes e injectados, e vaso dilatação peripherica. Baço augmentado. Durante 3 dias teve cylindros na urina e traços de albumina. Graphico n. 3 - I. D., Reg. 853, 14 annos, branco, russo. Inicio com cephalalgia, dores lombares e temperatura elevada. Ansiedade e dôres epigastricas. Vomitos de "borra de café" desde o 2º dia de molestia. Grande prostração, olhos brilhantes, sub-ictericia. Exame da urina, ao entrar: Grande quantidade de albumina, cylindros granulosos e epitheliaes e cellulas renaes. O estado do doente aggravou-se até o 7º dia de molestia, tendo dias de delirio. A ictericia augmentou progressivamente. Os signaes urinarios melhoraram depois do 16º dia. Graphico n. 4 - F. W., Reg. 165 A., 12 annos, branco, hungaro. Cephalalgia, fortes dores lombares, mau estar, vomitos e oppresão epigastrica. Grande prostração, rubor da face, vaso-dilatação peripherica. Face vultuosa. Depois de internado teve vomitos pretos. Os cylindros desappareceram depois do 8º dia e a albumina no 10º. Graphico n. 5 - A. H. M., 824, 22 annos, brancos, portuguez. Adoeceu com cephalalgia, dores lombares, calafrio e elevação thermica. Face vultuosa, olhos injectados. Albumina e cylindros na urina por muitos dias. Ictericia desde o 4º dia. Graphico n. 6 - Y. P., Reg. 824, 15 annos, branca, brasileira. Calafrios e elevação thermica. Cephalalgia e grande mal estar. Vomitos de "borra de café" desde o 4º dia. Nos primeiros dias o symptomas se aggravaram. Cylindruria até o 6º dia de molestia, restando traços de albumina. Graphico n. 7 - M. M., Reg. 829, 28 annos, branco, portuguez. Inicio com calafrios, febre, cephalalgia e dores lombares. Ao internar-se apresentava grande prostração, ruboe da face, olhos brilhantes e injectados. Lingua humida com muita saburra. A urina revelou grande quantidade de albumina e cylindros granulosos. Os signaes renaes duraram até o 16º dia. Não teve vomitos. Icterica intensa. Graphico n. 8 - A. S. S., Reg. 868, 18 annos, pardo, brasileiro. Internado em estado de confusão mental. Adynamia com grande apathia. Mucosas labiaes sangrando à pressão. Leve ictericia. Pequeno edema das palpebras. Baço palpavel. Oliguria. Grande quantidade de albumina e abundancia de cylindros granulosos e epitheliaes e cellulas renaes. Sómente depois de 10º dia de hospitalização foi que as melhoras se accentuaram e nesse dia desappareceram os cylindros. Traços de albumina. Graphico n. 9 - A. A. F., Reg. 821, 19 annos, branco, portuguez. Cephalalgia, rachialgia, adynamia. Face vultuosa. Suffusões sanguineas nos labios. As mucosas do nariz, gengivas e labios sangraram por muitos dias. Urina: grande quantidade de albumina, cylindros granulosos e epitheliaes e cellulas renaes, tendo este signaes desapparecido depois de 10º dia. Icterica muito accentuada.

    Resumo em en.:

    Graphic n. 1 - A. S. G., Reg. 169. A., 22 years, white, Portuguese. Begins with headache, ill feeling and vomiting. On being interned, great faintness, bloodshot eyes, clear jaundiced sclerotic. Spleen enlarged. - Epigastric pain, stifled heart breaths. Urine examination: big quantity of albumin, granulous casts, urobilin. Up to the 13th day, goes on with a great adynamy. Until the 8th day of the illness, there were casts in urine, persisting further traces of albumina. Graphic n. 2-S. I., Reg. 829, 20 years, while, Brazilian. Felt at first muscular pain, weakness of inferior limbs and a weight in the head. When interned glistening and bloodshot eyes, peripheric vaso-dilatation. Spleen enlarged. During three days, there were casts in urine and also traces of albumina. Graphic n. 3-I. D., Reg. 853, 14 years, Russian. Begins with headache, lumbar pain and high temperature. Anxiety and epigastric pain "coffee grounds" vomiting from the second day of the illness. Great prostration, glistening eyes, sub-ictericia. Urine examination on his admission: Great quantity of albumina, granulous and apithelial casts and renal cells. The condition of the patient grew worse until the 7th day of the illness, occurring some days delirium. Ictericia gradually increasing. Signs in urine improving from the 16th day. Graphic n. 4- F. W. Reg. 165 A., 12 years, Hungarian. Headache, great pain in the back, ill feeling, vomiting and epigastric oppression. Serious prostration, red face, peripheric vaso-dilatation, tnrgid face. After being interned, had dark vomiting. Casts disappeared after the 8th day, albumina after 10. Graphic n. 5 - A. H. M., Reg. 824, 22 years, white, Portuguese. Began with headache, lumbar pain, shivering and temperature rise.Turgid face, bloodshot eyes. Albumina and casts in urine for many days. Jaundice from the 4 th day. Graphic n. 6 - Y. P . Reg. 824, 15 years, white, Brazilian woman. Shivering and thermic rise. Headache and serious ill feeling. Vomiting of "coffee grounds type" from the 4th day. During the first days, symptoms grew worse. Cylindruria until the 6th day of the illness, remaining traces of albumina. Graphic n. 7 - M. M., Reg. 289, 28 years, white, Portuguese. Begins with shivering, fever, headache and lumbar pain. When interned, great prostration, red face, glistening and bloodshot eyes. Tongue wet and very saburrhal. Urine reveals great quantity of albumina and granulous casts. Renal signs persisting up to the 16th day. There is no vomiting. Intense jaundice. Graphic n. 8- A. S. S., Reg. 868, 18 years, myxed, Brazilian. Interned in complete state of mental confusion. Adynamy and great apathy. Labial mucosae bleeding under pressure. Slight jaundice. Slight oedema of the eyelids. Spleen palpable.-Oliguria.-Great quantity of albumina and of granulous and epithelial casts and renal cells. Only after 10 days of the internment, the improvement became patent, in which day the casts disappeared. Traces of albumina. Graphic n. 9- A. A. F., Reg. 821, 19 years, white, Portuguese. Headache, rachialgia, adynamia. Turgid face. Bleeding lips. The nasal, gums and labial mucosae bleeding for many days. Urine: big quantity of albumina, granulous and epithelial casts and renal cells, which signs disappear after the 10th day. Highly accentuated jaundice.
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