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Memórias do Instituto Oswaldo Cruz, Volume: 37, Número: 3, Publicado: 1942
  • Sobre a dosagem fluorométrica da riboflavina na urina

    Villela, Gilberto G.

    Resumo em Inglês:

    Urinary determinations of riboflavine were done with the methods of Emmerie, Ferrebee and Najjar. Recovery experiments gave better results with the method of Ferrebee and the modification of Najjar. Some details are presented and calibration curves are constructed for the use of the Pulfrich fotometer and the pfalz and Bauer fluorphotometer. In two normal cases it was observed that the excretion of riboflavine is great after 2 to 5hs of the injection of 1mg. of synthetic riboflavine. Normal cases excreted in an adequate diet 12 to 145 microg. of riboflavine per 100cc. of urine and 76 to 1300 microg. per day.
  • 8ª Contribuição ao estudo dos Flebotomus (Diptera: Psychodidae): Flebotomus (Brumptomyia) avellari Costa Lima, 1932

    Mangabeira Filho, O.
  • 10ª Contribuição ao estudo dos Flebotomus (Diptera: Psychodidae) Flebotomus longispinus Mangabeira, 1942

    Mangabeira Filho, O.

    Resumo em Inglês:

    The A. describes the life history of Flebotomus longispinus Mangabeira, 1942, the ova, the larvae of the first, second and fourth stages and the female. For lack of material the larval third stage and the puppae were not described.
  • Relatório da sexta excursão do Instituto Oswaldo Cruz, realizada à zona da Estrada de Ferro Noroeste do Brasil, em Novembro de 1941

    Travassos, Lauro; Freitas, J. F. Texeira de
  • 11ª Contribuição ao estudo do Flebotomus (Diptera: Psychodidae): Flebotomus oswaldoi Mangabeira, 1942

    Mangabeira Filho, O.
  • Sobre algumas espécies do gênero Gliricola (Mallophaga)

    Werneck, Fabio Leoni

    Resumo em Inglês:

    Two new species and three new sub-especies of the genus Gliricola are described in this paper. The former were found on a specimen of Cavia aperea from Santo Amaro, near the city São Paulo, and the latter on wild rats from several localities in Brazil. The parasites of Cavia aperea - G. spinosus and G. lindolphoi - are characterised by the male genitalia. That of G. spinosus is similar to that of G. porcelli, the type species of the genus, but is distinguished by two large hook-like spines on the copulatory sac; that of G. lindolphoi by possessing an appearence entirely its own, principally concerning the chitinous structure of the vesicula and the articulation parameres-basal plate. Several females were also found on the same host, the author inclining to consider them as G. spinosus but that might actually be G. porcelli or G. lindolphoi. The author considers the new rat parasites, and also G. fonsecai, sub-especies of G. decartatus, thus joining in a natural group closely allied forms wich may be recognised though small particularities of chaetotaxy found in the abdomen and the genital region of the females. The males are difficult to identify, although having small differences in the genitalia of some of them.
  • Tumor misto do rim com estrutura de Miosarcoma Mipernefroma e blastema renal em individuo adulto

    Azevedo, A. Penna de

    Resumo em Português:

    O A. descreve um caso de turmor misto do rim, em indivíduo do sexo masculino, com 58 anos de idade. A doença teve evolução lenta, somente sendo suspeitada, quando atingiu a fase final. O exame necroscópico revelou a existência de volumoso tumor do rim direito, apresentando forma bosselada, medindo 19 x 10 x 10 cm e pesando 940 g. A massa tumoral destrói quase completamente a estrutura renal, desta pouca restando reconhecivel. Fora do rim, encontra-se tambem tecido blastomatoso no figado, nos gânglios linfáticos mesentéricos, no peritônio e no epiploon. A estrutura do tumor, observada nos cortes histológicos, é variavel conforme o tecido examinado: no rim hipernefroma; fígado, gãnglios linfáticos, nos nódulos do peritônio e do epiploon, sarcoma mioblástico; em alguns gânglios do mesentério, alem da estrutura de sarcoma mioblástico, existe tecido nefrógeno, representado por formações pouco numerosas, constituidas por túbulos epiteliais, reproduzindo a estrutura de túbulo urinífero. casos desta natureza teem sido referidos com particular raridade, muito se aproximando o caso estudado do descrito por CHEVREL-BODIN e MARUELLE.

    Resumo em Inglês:

    The A. describes a case of mixed tumor of the kidney in a 58-year-old male individual. The disease underwent a slow evolution, only being suspected when it attained its final stage. The post mortem examination revealed the presence of a bulky tumor of the right kidney, of a bosselated surface, measuring 19 x 10 x 10 cms. and 940 grs. in weigtht. The tumoral mass destroys the whole kidney structure, of which but very little of recognizable tissue is left. Outside the kidney, blastomatous tissue is also met with in the liver, mesenteric lymphatic glands, peritoneum and apiploon. The tumor structura observed on histological section, varies in conformity with the tissue examined: hipernephroma in the kidney; myoblastic sarcoma in the liver, lymphatic glands, nodules of the peritoneum and epiploon; in some mesenteric glands, apart from the myoblasto-sarcomatous structure, there is nephrogenic tissue, represented by infrequent formations made up epithelial tubules reproducing the structure of uriniferous tubules. Cases of such a feature have been reported as being of particular rarity, and the case here studied approaches very much that described by CHEVREL-BODIN and MARUELLE.
  • 12ª Contribuição ao estudo do Flebotomus (Diptera: Psychodidae) Flebotomus nordestinus n. sp

    Mangabeira Filho, O.
  • Alguns dados sobre a leishmaniose visceral americana e doença de Chagas no Nordeste Brasileiro (Relatório de uma excursão realizada nos Estados do Ceará, Pernambuco e Baía)

    Pondé, R.; Mangabeira Filho, O.; Jansen, G.

    Resumo em Português:

    Antes de nossas pesquisas, nas zonas emque trabalhamos, haviam sido asinalados cinco casos vivos de Leishmaniose Visceral Americana, três no Ceará e dois em Pernambuco. Alem desses, oito tinham sido evidenciados por viscerotomia na Baía, município de Jacobina. Já se tinha conhecimento tambem, de um caso de Doença de Chagas no Ceará. Na confecção do presente trabalho visitamos regiões dos Estados do Ceará, Pernambuco e Baía, onde realizamos rápidos inquéritos epidemiológicos sobre as duas protozooses. No Ceará, região do Cariri, encontramos dois novos casos de Leishmaniose Visceral Americana, cujo diagnóstico foi confirmado pelo exame de esfregaços de polpa esplênica, e cinco de Doença de Chagas, evidenciandos pelos xenodiagnóstico. Foram capturados Flebotomus longipalpis Lutz & Neiva, F. villelai Mangabeira., F. limai Fonseca e F. nordestinus Mangabeira, assim com Panstrongylus megistus (Burm.), 13.5% dos quais infectados. Examinamos animais domésticos (cães e gatos) e silvestres com resultado negativo. Em Pernambuco, município de Exú, fizemos um inquérito sobre os dois casos de Leishmaniose Visceral Americana anteriormente assinalados, não encontrando outros. foram capturados F. longipalpis Lutz & Neiva, alem de Panstrongylus magistus (Burm.) e Triatoma brasiliensis Neiva; nenhum deles estava infectado. Dos animais domésticos foram autopsiados três cães sendo encontrado um com leishmanias no fígado e no baço. O exame de 43 animais silvestres nada revelou. Na Baía, município de Jacobina, encontramos, na zona periférica da cidade, um caso de Leishmaniose visceral Americana e, em outras localidades do município, três outros casos, cujos diagnósticos foram confirmados pelo exame de esfregaços de polpa esplênica; encontramos, também dois casos de Doença de Chagas, evidenciados pelo xenodiagnóstico. Foram capturados F. evandroi Costa Lima, F. lenti Mangabeira e F. longipalpis Lutz & Neiva; Panstrongylus megistus (Burm.) (65.5% infectados) e um exemplar de Eutriatoma maculata (Erich.). Encontramos, tambem, em oco de pau, longe das habitações, um exemplar de P. megistus (Burm.) infectado. Examinamos quatro animais domésticos (cães e gatos), tendo sido encontrado um cão portador de S. cruzi.

    Resumo em Inglês:

    In the regions we have worked in there had been found five patients of american visceral leishmaniasis before our researches, three in the State of Ceará and two in the State of Pernambuco. Eight other cases had been reported by viscerotomy in the State of Baía, district of jacobina. One case of Chagas' disease has been found in the State of Ceará. For the execution of our work we travelled through the States of Ceará, Pernambuco and Baía, in the very regions where the reported cases were found. At these places we made rapid epidemiological reports about those diseases. At the State of Ceará, zone of Cariri, we found two new cases of american visceral leismaniasis, the diagnosis of which was confirmed by the examination of the material of spleen punctures. Five cases of Chagas' disease shown by xenodiagnostic were found too. We collected flebotomus longipalpis Lutz & Neiva, F. villelai Mangabeira, F. limai fonseca and F. nordestinus Mangabeira and Panstrongylus megistus (Burm.) with 13.5% infected. We had negative results in the examination of domestic (dogs and cats) and wild animals. At the State of Pernambuco, district of Exú, we made inquiries about two cases of american visceral leishmaniasis previously refered and found no new cases. We collected, F. longipalpis Lutz & Neiva, Panstrongylus megistus (Burm.) and Triatoma brasiliensis Neiva; none was infected. Among the domestic animals (3 dogs) we found leishmaniae in liver and spleen of one of them. the results of the examination of 43 wild animals were negative. In the State of Baía, district of jacobina, we found along the cityline one case of american visceral leishmaniasis and in others regions of this district, three new cases, the diagnosis of which was confirmed by the examination of the pulp of the spleen; we also found two cases of Chagas' disease, by xenodiagnostic. We collected F. evandroi Costa Lima. F. lenti Mangabeira, and F. longipalpis Lutz & Neiva; Panstrongylus megistus (Burm.) (65.5% infected) and one single specimen Eutriatoma maculata (Erich.) Further we have found an infected specimen of p. megistus (Burm.) in tree burrows some distance from the houses. We examined four domestic animals (dogs and cats) and found one dog infected with S. cruzi.
  • Verificação da lepra murina na cidade do Rio de Janeiro: sua distribuição geográfica e considerações endemiológicas

    Linhares, Herminio

    Resumo em Português:

    1 - A lepra murina foi encontrada na cidade do Rio de Janeiro, em 37 ratos, entre 10.000 examinados, dos quais 32 R. norvegicus, 3 R. alexandrinus e 2 M. musculus. 2 – A infecção é mais freqüente em animais adultos (94,6%). 3 – O sexo provavelmente não tem influência sobre a infecção. 4 – A infecção ganglionar é a mais freqüente; foram observados 25 ratos com esta forma, 9 com a forma músculo-cutânea e 3 com a forma mista.

    Resumo em Inglês:

    1 – Rat leprosy hás been found in the city of Rio de Janeiro. Among 10.000 rats examined there were 37 that presented characteristic lesion of rat leprosy disease, out of which 32 were Rattus norvegicus (86,5%), 3 Rattus alexandrinus (8,1%) and 2 Mus musculus (5,4%). 2 – The disease was observed mostly in adult rats, i.e 94,6%; the rest being observed in young ones. 3 – Probably the sex has not influence upon the infection, but the A. has found 24 males and 13 females affected, a ratio of 1.8:1. 4 – The glandular form of the disease was the most prevalent being observed in 25 rats, 9 rats showed the musculo-cutaneous form and 3 the mixed form. This one was noticed only in advanced cases of the infection.
  • 13ª Contribuição ao estudo dos Flebotomus (Diptera: Psychodidae): Flebotomus (Brumptomyia) travassosi Mangabeira, 1942

    Mangabeira Filho, O.

    Resumo em Inglês:

    The A. describes the life history of Flebotomus (Brumptomyia) travassosi Mangabeira, 1942. The paper deals with the morphology of the eggs, the larvae in all stages, the pupae and the female. Also gives the differences between the 3 known species of that subgenus (avellari, travassosi and guimarãisi) pointing out the characters in common, principally the presence of only two caudal hairs in all stages. The pupae do not present specifical characters.
  • Sobre Dipetalonema spiralis (Molin, 1860) (Nematoda, Filarioidea)

    Lent, Herman; Freitas, J. F. Teixeira de

    Resumo em Inglês:

    The authors give a description of Dipetalonema spiralis (Molin, 1860), based on two samples collected by the C. E. E. L. V. A. in the joints of the hands and feet of Choloepus didactylus (L.) at Piratuba, State of Pará, Brazil, both containing males and females. A study of the literature is made and original drawings are presented.
  • Poderá o carrapato transmitir a lepra?: mais quatro amostras de culturas de bacilos acido-alcool resistentes obtidas de carrapatos (2 de "Amblyomma cajennense"e 2 de "Boophilus microplus") infectados em leprosos do Paraná: 3ª nota

    Souza-Araujo, H. C. de; Miranda, Ruy Noronha

    Resumo em Inglês:

    The AA. carried out experiments in the leprosarium São Roque, State of Paraná, South Brazil, to verify if the cattle tick Boophilus microplus could be experimentally infected in lepers, which was true. The AA. Tried also to be ascertained if Boophilus microplus and Amblyomma cajennense could change of hosts during their feedings which was true, both ticks continue feeding, the last species for many days, after being transferred from one to another leper. The junior A. describes in full their experiments and also a dermatites caused by tick bites. The senior A. brought to Rio de Janeiro most of the infected ticks for examination, which revealed a very high positivity. He smeared the sediments of lots of both species of ticks in Loewenstein medium and after a variable periode of incubation at 37° C. he obtained four new samples of cultures of acid-fast organisms, two from Amblyomma cajennense and two from Boophilus microplus. These cultures are being studied and will be inoculated into laboratory animals. The senior A. inoculated new batches of white rats with sediments of many ticks infected in lepers. Various hypotheses of both previous notes upon the subject now are verified facts. The A. is accumulating facts to draw the conclusions in the future. He also suggested the leprosy workers in the interior of the country to cooperate with him in such important studies, specially in the habitat of lepers in the rural zones of various States.
Instituto Oswaldo Cruz, Ministério da Saúde Av. Brasil, 4365 - Pavilhão Mourisco, Manguinhos, 21040-900 Rio de Janeiro RJ Brazil, Tel.: (55 21) 2562-1222, Fax: (55 21) 2562 1220 - Rio de Janeiro - RJ - Brazil