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Memórias do Instituto Oswaldo Cruz, Volume: 42, Número: 1, Publicado: 1945
  • Nota sobre Tuberculinas

    Monteiro, Estácio

    Resumo em Português:

    O A. faz considerações sôbre a técnica de preparação da tuberculina e relata o método que usa no Instituto Oswaldo Cruz. Êste método consiste no emprêgo de amostras de bacilo de koch do tipo humano (RATTI) e do tipo bovino (VALLÉE) cultivadas em meio de DORSET, com pequenas modificações. Êste meio foi o que mostrou melhores resultados em comparação com outros experimentados. Com relação à verificação da atividade, examina os diversos métodos empregados e mostra preferir o método comparativo com uma tuberculina padrão pela reação de VON PIRQUET, num grupo de indivíduos adultos, tomados indistintamente.

    Resumo em Inglês:

    The A. makes considerations on the technique of preparing tuberculins and reports the method which he uses at the Instituto oswaldo Cruz. This method consists in the use of Koch's bacillus strains both of human (Ratti) and bovine type (Vallée) cultivated on Dorset's medium slightly modified. This medium was that which afforded better results as compared with others experimented by the A. As to the verification of the tuberculin activity, the A. examines the various methods employed and gives the preference to be method of comparison with a standard tuberculin, by means of Von Pirquet's reaction, in a group of adult individuals, taken indiscriminately.
  • Uma nova espécie de Aedes, transmissora de Plasmodium gallinaceum (Diptera Culicidae)

    Cerqueira, N. L.; Paraense, W. Lobato
  • Estudo sôbre flebotomus no vale Amazônico: parte II. descrição de F. Dunhami, F. Melloi e F. Wagleyi (Diptera, Psychodidae)

    Causey, O. R.; Damasceno, R. G.

    Resumo em Português:

    Três espécies novas de Flebotomus da Região Amazônica são descritas sob os nomes de F. dunhami, F. melloi e F. wagleyi. Tôdas apresentam quatro espinhos no segmento distal da gonapófise superior e gonapófise mediana não bifurcada mas provida de um apêndice na face superior que dá ao conjunto a aparência de uma bifurcação.
  • Influência da glicose no cultivo do pneumococo

    Monteiro, Estacio

    Resumo em Inglês:

    I - Pneumococcus develops more actively on media containing 1% of glucose. II - When smaller percentages of glucose are used, growth is not so abundant. When percentages above 1% are used, the number of germs per cubic centimeter of medium is in a lower proportion, the higher the concentration of glucose is, up to the limit of 20% in which no growth at all is observed. III - Final pH in 1% glucose broth medium is approximately 4.5 to 5.0.
  • Ensaios de micologia: contribuição dos cogumelos patogênicos em Minas Gerais

    Magalhães, Octavio de

    Resumo em Português:

    O autor diz que, de outubro de 1941 a dezembro de 1943, insulou numerosos fungos patogênicos de lesões as mais variadas. Obteve culturas puras de 5 casos de Rinocladiose, 3 de Moléstia de Lutz, apurou um Actinomyces minutissimus, 2 de Malassezia furfur e 2 Actinomyces, ainda em estudos, etc. Uma das observações de Esporotricose merece referência especial. Tratava-se de um indivíduo, morador em Governador Valadares, que apresentava uma lesão gomosa, nodular e verrucóide, fistulosa, localizada na região umbilical, provocada pela dentada de um peixe, de espécie ignorada, que atacou o paciente quando êste se banhava, completamente despido, nas águas do Rio Doce. O ponto da dentada sangrou ligeiramente e pouco depois começavam a aparecer os nódulos, que se sucederam progressivamente sem perturbar o estado geral do paciente. As sementeiras do pus de uma dessas gomas deram culturas puras do Rhinocladium Beurmanni, única espécie que o autor até hoje insulou, em 55 casos de Esporotricose em Minas Gerais. O autor já havia registrado a moléstia pela dentada de ratos, pelos ferimentos de espinhos de roseiras, pedaços de madeira, facas de cozinha, marteladas etc. Pensa, porém, que a moléstia produzida pela dentada de peixe é a primeira vez que se faz referência na literatura. Referiu-se depois o autor aos casos de Otomicoses que lhe chegaram às mãos em 1942, no serviço do Prof. ILDEU DUARTE. Dá o resumo das observações e concluiu que se tratava de lesões produzidas pelo Aspergillus fumigatus de FRESENIUS, 1841, de acôrdo com as lesões histopatológicas e as culturas que obteve.

    Resumo em Inglês:

    The author says that, from October 1941 do December 1943, has insulated numerous pathogenic fungi of the most varied lesions. He obtained pure cultures of 5 cases of Rhinocladiosis, 3 of Lutz disease, verified one Actinomyces minutissimus, 2 of Malassezia furfur and 1 Actinomyces, still under study, etc. One of the observations of Sporotrichosis deserves a special reference. It refers to an individual, living in Governador Valadares, who presented a gummy, nodular lesion and verrucoide, fistulous, localized in the umbilical region, caused by the bite of a fish, kind unknown, that attacked the patient when bathing, naked, in the waters of the Rio Doce, State of Minas Gerais. The place of the bite bled slightly and soon after the nodules began to appear, progressively, without affecting the general state of the patient. The sowing of the pus from some of these "nodules" gave pure cultures of Rhinocladium Beurmanni, the only kind the author has insulated up to the present in 55 cases of Sporotrichosis in Minas Gerais. The author had already registered the disease caused by rat-bites, by scratches of rose-thorns, pieces of wood, kitchen knives, blows, etc. He believes, however, this is the first time that the disease caused by the bite of a fich has been recorded. The author refers next to cases of Otomycoses which passed through his hands in 1942, in the service of prof. dr. Ildeu Duarte. He gives a resumé of this observations and concludes they referred to lesionsproduced by, the Aspergillus fumigatus of Fresenius, 1841, according to the histopatological lesions and the cultures he obtained.
  • A pesquisa bacteriológica post-mortem

    Lacorte, J. Guilherme; Santos, Mário

    Resumo em Inglês:

    The A. A. made bacteriological invesigations in 145 cases of autopsy. These investigations were carried out on the blood and spleen. The cultures were positive in 67 cases and in 21 of these there was body contamination. In the other cases the isolated bacteria were the proved or probable cause of the disease. For the Staphylococcus alone (isolated in 9 cases) we cannot give a definite opinion. We think that presence of bacteria in the blood and in the spleem implies bacteriemia at the moment of death, according to the observations of Hunt and co-workers. In our cases such presence was related to that of anatomical lesions of bacterial origin. When the bacteria were present only in the spleen we think that there had been bacteriemia, not present at the moment of the death. We only observed the contamination by contiguity when the bacteria were present in the blood of the heart. The isolated bacteria were always related to the presence of anatomical lesions. In only 4 cases was this not observed. We were impressed by the great number of negative results even in bodies kept for more than 24 hours. In only 21 cases was body contamination present. In rare cases the bacteria were isolated from the lesions and not from the blood and spleen. We think that apart from the interest of invesigaion, the bacteriological examinations in body material will be able to clear up the diagnosis of many obscure and unnoticed infections. In almost all our cases we obtained that result.
  • O aparelho muscular dos Proglotes de Taenia Saginata

    Xavier, Antonio Augusto; Salles, Jonio F. de

    Resumo em Inglês:

    The writers describe the muscular texture of the proglottides of Taenia saginata, Goeze, 1782, based upon microscopical preparations of mature and gravid proglottides stained by several methods. The muscular system of the proglottides of Taenia saginata is disposed mainly in two layers, a longitudinal and external one, and a deeper transverse layer, lining the body parenchym and internal organs. A circular or annular layer ranging under the cuticle is also referred. The writers emphasize the peculiar texture of the smooth muscle fibres, which only excepcionally do exist as isolated fibres, anastomosis between the fibres being the common histological appearence. Special features of the body parenchym such as calcareous bodies and globous nuclea scattered in the parenchym are also described.
  • A transmissão de Plasmodium Gallinaceum pelo Aedes (Ochlerotatus) lepidus

    Paraense, W. Lobato

    Resumo em Português:

    Foi pesquisada a capacidade transmissora do Aëdes (O.) lepidus em relação ao Plasmodium gallinaceum. Êste mosquito comportou-se como ótimo vector, apresentando elevado índice oocístico e esporozoítico e produzindo a malária por picada em animais sensíveis (pintos e frangos).

    Resumo em Inglês:

    The observations reported in this paper indicate that the recently describeb Aëdes (O.) lepidus is a very good vector of Plasmodium gallinaceum, transmitting the malarial infection to chicks of varying ages.
  • Os tricodectideos dos roedores (Mallophaga)

    Werneck, Fabio Leoni

    Resumo em Francês:

    On sait que la plupart des mallophages vivant sur les rongeurs appartiennent à la famille Gyropidae; quelques uns, cependant, qui se trouvent sur les porcs-épics et les "pocket-gophers" d'Amerique, sont des trichodectidés. Au cours de nos travaux, nous avons eu l'opportunité non seulement de collectionner un grand nombre de ces derniers mais aussi d'examiner ceux qui font partie des collections déposées à l'Université de Stanford et au Muséum de Washington, y compris les types de plusieurs espèces. Nous nous sommes rendu compte en même temps, qu'il serait utile de publier un travail sur l'ensemble de ces patasites, dont l'étude laissait à désirer, et nous avons décidé la publication de nos recherches, sans espérer, évidemment, faire paraitre une oeuvre definitive. Nous avons apporté le plus grand soin à l'identification et à la description des anciennes espèces, de façon à permettre à ceux qui n'ont pas accès aux collections de poursuivre l'étude de ces mallophages sur des bases solides, sans engendrer la confusion causée par la description au hasard de nouvelles espèces. Et nous croyons avoir réussi le plus souvent. Certes, il nous a été impossible de reconnaitre Geomydoecus expansus; il y a des restrictions à faire au sujet de l'identification de Geomydoecus californicus, mais sur toutes les autres identifications il n'y a guère de doute.
  • Relatório da excursão do Instituto Oswaldo Cruz ao Rio Paraná (Porto Cabral), em março e abril de 1944

    Travassos, Lauro
  • Estudos sobre a dosagem microbiológica das vitaminas do complexo B - I. Riboflavina

    Villela, Gilberto G.; Hargreaves, Alberto B.

    Resumo em Inglês:

    The microbiological assay for riboflavin was employed for the determination in liver, yeast and plasma extracts. Snell and Strong's method was used and slight modifications were introduced for the preparation of the basal medium. Accurate results were obtained and the practical value of the method is discussed.
  • Incidência do reumatismo (febre reumática, reumatismo infecioso específico) no Rio de Janeiro

    Azevedo, A Penna de

    Resumo em Inglês:

    1 – A close inquiry into 6700 post mortem examinations reveals amongst them 589 cases of endocarditis which, as causa mortis, thus concur with an 8.82% score. 2 – As to their etiology, the endocarditis cases are classified in: Rheumatic E………………417cases or 6.22% of the necropsies; Syphilitic E……………….106 cases or 1.58% of the necropsies; Malignant E………………….66 cases or 0.98% of the necropsies . 3 – With the exception of the cases of syphilitic endocarditis, or aortic endocarditis connected with syphilitic changes, as well as of malignant (bacterial) endocarditis, 417 cases of rheumatic endocarditis are left which constitute 6.22% of the total amount of the post mortem examinations and 70.79% of the endocarditis cases. 4 – As to their anatomical location, the cases of rheumatic endocarditis are distributed as follows: Valvular E………..396 cases or 94.96% of the endocarditis cases; Mural E………..21 cases or 5.04% of the endocarditis cases; 5 – As to valvular changes, the following location was observed: Mitral E…………….156 cases or 39.39%; Aortic E……………120 cases or 30.30%; Tricuspid E…………10 cases or 2.51%; Pulmonary E…………2 cases or 0.50%; Mitral-aortic E……….88 cases or 22.22%; Mitral-tricuspid E………….10 cases or 2.51%; Mitral-tricuspid-aortic E…………9 cases or 2.27%; Mitral-tricuspid-pulmonary E………….1 cases or 0.25%. 6 – As to sex, 59.21% are males and 40.70% females. As regards mitral endocarditis, the incidence for both sexes is practically one and the same (49.55% of males and 50.47% of females), whilst as regards aortic endocarditis 74.16% of males and 26.84% of females are affected by. 7 – As to colour: White……..50.24% of the cases; Black……………28.50% of the cases; Brown……………21.25% of the cases. 8 – As to nationality: Brazilians…………81.86% of the cases; Aliens…………..18.13% of the cases. 9 – As to age: 0 to 10 years…………7 cases, 51 to 60 years……57 cases; 11 to 20 years……..33 cases, 61 to 70 years……51 cases; 21 to 30 years……..64 cases, 71 to 80 years……..21 cases; 31 to 40 years……..79 cases, 81 to 90 years……1 cases; 41 to 50 years…………58 cases, 91 to 100 years……..2 cases.
  • Estudos sobre a dosagem microbiologica das vitaminas do complexo B - II. Niacina

    Villela, Gilberto G.; Hargreaves, Alberto B.

    Resumo em Inglês:

    The microbiological assay method of Snell and Wright for niacine was studied and some modifications of the basal medium were proposed. A maximal growth of the "Lactobacillus arabinosus" was obtained by the addition to the basal medium of 25 mg % asparagine and increasing the percentages of glucose and sodium acetate. Liver and yeast extracts were assayed satisfactory and the niacine added was recovered quantitatively.
  • Classificação hidrobiologica das aguas do Oceano Atlântico no litoral do Brasil

    Oliveira, Lejeune P. H. de
  • Xenodiagnóstico na Habronemose dos Equídeos: estudo das larvas do Helminto

    Sales, Jônio F. de; Jansen, Jeth

    Resumo em Inglês:

    Xenodiagnosis for habronemosis was 96,6% positive in 87 stud horses at Instituto Oswaldo Cuz, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, from July-November, 1944. The A A. were unable to identify the Habronema larvae obtained from parasitider fly maggots. Measurements and drawings of the larvae are presented.
  • As leprolinas Souza Araujo-seu emprego-resultados em comparaçãocom a reação de Mitsuda

    Pereira, Paulo Cerqueira R.
  • Estudos e revisão dos principais testes para diagnóstico da gravidez: II. testes químicos

    Mello, Maria Isabel
  • O eletrocardiograma na doença de Chagas experimental

    Magalhães, Bernardo Figueiredo; Freire, S. Americano
  • Contribuição para o estudo dos vetores de malaria no Brasil: Anopheles (Nyssorhynchus) Darlingi Root, em Campos, no Estado do Rio

    Coutinho, J. O.

    Resumo em Português:

    Os autores relatam nesse trabalho observações colhidas no estudo da fauna anofélica da cidade de Campos, Estado do Rio. Assinalaram a presença das espécies A. arbitarsis, A. darlingi, A. triannulatus, A. oswaldoi, A. noroestensis, A. pessoai e A. intermedius. Em capturas domiciliares foram assinalados o darlingi, albitarsis e triannulatus, sendo êste último encontrado em pequeno número e nas casas em que animais domésticos cohabitavam com o homem, dormindo sob o mesmo teto. Como vetores locais encontraram o A. darlingi com 6.8% de oócistos e 4% de esporozoítos, o albitarsis com 2% de oócistos e as glândulas negativas para esporozoítos. Fizeram os A. A. um estudo sumário dos criadouros, assinalaram que as larvas do darlingi tanto podem ser encontradas nas grandes coleções hídricas, lagoas e canais, como em depressão do terreno e valas de drenagem a céu aberto. Fizeram ainda uma revisão bibliográfica em relação a capacidade vetora do darlingi e sôbre a ecologia das suas larvas.

    Resumo em Inglês:

    We met with A. albitarsis, A. darlingi, A. triannulatus, A. oswaldoi, A. noroestensis, A. pessoai and A. intermedius in Campos city, Rio de Janeiro State; indoors catches: darlingi, albitarsis and triannulatus, the last in small numbers in buildings where men and domestic animals cohabitate; as malaria vectors: darlingi (6.8% oocyst-, 4% sporozoit- indices) and albitarsis (2% oocyst, 0% sporozoit-indices). We are reporting a short study of the breeding places and pointing out that darlingi larvae breed in greater water collections, pond and channels as well as in small pools and drainage ditches under open sky. We are presenting a revision of the literature concerned with darlingi as a vector and with the ecology of their larvae.
Instituto Oswaldo Cruz, Ministério da Saúde Av. Brasil, 4365 - Pavilhão Mourisco, Manguinhos, 21040-900 Rio de Janeiro RJ Brazil, Tel.: (55 21) 2562-1222, Fax: (55 21) 2562 1220 - Rio de Janeiro - RJ - Brazil