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Memórias do Instituto Oswaldo Cruz, Volume: 54, Número: 2, Publicado: 1956
  • Estudo sôbre hemoparasitos de Bufo marinus L. da Venezuela: 1. Hemogregarinas - - 2. Uma nova espécie de Toxoplasma

    Scorza, José Vicente; Dagert B., Cecilia; Arocha, Luís Iturriza

    Resumo em Português:

    Faz-se uma revisão das espécies de Haemogregarina, encontradas, até a presente data, em Bufo marinus L. da região Norte, Leste e Sul da Venezuela,descrevendo-se o ciclo agâmico da Haemogregarina darlingi Leger, 1918, o ciclo esquizogônico da Haemogregarina aquai Phisalix, 1930, propondo-se seja denominada Karyolysus aquai (Phisalix) por realizar o ciclo agâmico nas células endoteliais. Descreve-se a Haemogregarina legeri nov. sp. Estuda-se um Toxoplasma no sangue e vísceras de Bufo marinus L., descrevendo-se a anatomia patológica dos órgãos afetados, discutindo-se o estado atual da sistemática das espécies de Toxoplasma, parasitos de vertebrados poikilotermos, propondo-se o nome de Toxoplasma serpai nov. sp. para êste protozoário.

    Resumo em Espanhol:

    Se hace una revisión de las especies de Haemogregarina encontradas hasta el presente en Bufo marinus L. de la región neotrópica, estudiando estos parásitos en sapos del centro, norte, oriente y sur de Venezuela, describiendo el ciclo agamico de la Haemogregarina darlingi Leger 1918, el ciclo esquizogonico de la Haemogregarina aquai Phisalix 1930, proponiendo denominaria Karyolysus aquai (Phisalix) por realizar su ciclo agámico en las células endoteliales. Se describe la Haemogregarina legeri nov. sp. Se estudia un Toxoplasma en la sangre y visceras de bufo marinus L. describiendo la anatomia patológica de los órganos afectados, discutiendose el estado actual de la sistematica de Toxoplasma parasitos de vertebrados poikilotermos, proponiendo el nombre de Toxoplasma serpai nov. sp. para este protozoario.

    Resumo em Inglês:

    A revision is made of the species of Haemogregarina found up to now in Bufo marinus L. from the Neotropical Region. Parasites in toads from the north, center, south and east of Venezuela are studied and descriptions are made of the agamic cycle of Haemogregarina darlingi Leger 1918; the schizogonic cycle of Haemogregarina aquai Phisalix 1930, proposing reclassify it as Karyolysus aquai (Phisalix) since its agamic cycle is carried through in endothelial cells, and Haemogregarina legeri nov. sp. A Toxoplasma is studied in the blood and viscera of Bufo marinus L. describing the pathology of affected organs, proposing the name Toxoplasma serpai nov. sp. for it. The actual state of the systematics of Toxoplasma parasites in poikilotherm vertebrates is discussed.

    Resumo em de:

    Es wird eine Revision von den bisher in bufo marinus L. gefundenen Haemogregarina-Arten in der neotropischen Region zusammengefasst. Die genannten Parasiten wurden in den Kröten der zentralen, nördlichen, östlichen und südlichen venezuela studiert. Der agamische Zyclus von Haemogregarina darlingi Langer 1918 und der schizogonische Zyclus von Haemogregarina aquai Phisalix 1930 wurde beschrieben, was als Karyolysus aquai (Phisalix) zu nennen vorgeschlagen wurde, da er seinen agamischen Zyclus in endotelialen Zellen vollbringt. Man beschreibt Haemogregarina legeri sp. n. Man erforscht ein Toxoplasma im Blut und Eingeweiden von Bufo marinus L., beschreibend die patologische Anatomie der befallenen Organen, erörtend den jetzigen Zustand über Sistematik der Toxoplasma-Parasiten von poikolithermen Wirbeltieren. Es wird der Name Toxoplasma serpai sp. n. für den genannten Einzeller vorgeschlagen.
  • Ensaios de micologia contribuição para o conhecimento das Esporotricoses

    Magalhães, Octavio de

    Resumo em Inglês:

    The author describes the forms found in material obtained from a human lesion localized in the mouth. The patient was a farmer and the diagnosis unknown. The author found yeast forms, some germinating, resembling those found in the mycosis of LUTZ. It was Sporotricosis and only once, in 96 cases, has the author found these fungous forms in the suspected material. The cultures in Sabouraud glucose and in many other media were positive for Sporotrichum, resembling that described by BENEDEK in 1926 (variety?) principally by the reddish colour of some cultures. The author thinks there is, perhaps, a mutation influenced by the surroundings and the light in certain cultures and that the dark pigment is the dominant one. He considers that the pigment will not do for the differentiation of species and that it is, really, Sporotrichum Schencki-Beurmanni. The author calls attention to the question of diagnosis and studies separately, each of the elements in which his opinion is based, finding that only a macro and microscopic study of the cultures decides the question.
  • Cheiloschisis e Cheilognatoschisis inferior

    Torres, C. Magarinos; Cardoso, Rita A. de Almeida; Gomes, Graccho Leite

    Resumo em Inglês:

    Two rare anomalies of the face are presented, cheiloschisis inferior (a white brazilian boy, two years old) and cheilognatoschisis inferior (a colored Brazilian boy, two years old).
  • A existência de Clypeaster latissimus (Lamarck) no Brasil e considerações sôbre Clypeaster subdepressus (Gray) (Clypeastroida, Echinoidea)

    Krau, Luiza
  • Nova espécie de Lapethus (Col. Colydiidae, Murmidiidae, Lapethini)

    Lima, A. da Costa
  • Índice lipásido Seabra: seu valor no diagnóstico da tuberculose

    Mello, Maria Isabel; Queiroga, Laura T.; Marcchesi, Paulo

    Resumo em Inglês:

    The determination of blood lipase has been proposed by SEABRA as a method for detecting predisposition to initial or subsequent stages of tuberculosis; normal subjects having high titers (8-12 units), tuberculous patients low ones (5-7), falling to zero in advanced stages of the disease. An assay of the method has been made by the AA. in sera of 238 non tuberculous subjects (419 tests) and 207 tuberculous ones (456 tests) following the technical procedures described by SEABRA. All of them had their Roentgenographies taken at the same day of blood collection. Factors interfering with blood lipase values in tuberculosis are discussed. A relationship between the course of the disease and the serum lipase could not be confirmed. High and low values were found in initial as well as in advanced cases. Our results are in agreement with those recorded in the literature (Figs. I and II). It seems that the general condition, rather than pulmonary lesions are responsible for the blood lipase values. There was no direct relationship between blood lipase titer and severity of pulmonary tuberculosis; however the data presented in this paper do not agree with such correlation, stated by SEABRA, FERNANDES and VICENTE.
Instituto Oswaldo Cruz, Ministério da Saúde Av. Brasil, 4365 - Pavilhão Mourisco, Manguinhos, 21040-900 Rio de Janeiro RJ Brazil, Tel.: (55 21) 2562-1222, Fax: (55 21) 2562 1220 - Rio de Janeiro - RJ - Brazil