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Memórias do Instituto Oswaldo Cruz, Volume: 56, Número: 1, Publicado: 1958
  • Notas sôbre algumas espécies do gênero "Gorgoderina" Looss, 1902: (Trematoda, Gorgoderidae)

    Fernandes, Júlio C.
  • O relêvo do solo como fator determinante da distribuição dos Anofelíneos na região "Bromeliácea-Malária do Brasil

    Veloso, Henrique P.

    Resumo em Inglês:

    The "Bromeliad-Kerteszia" problem may be summarized in four important points, as far as the soil relief is concerned: 1 - Zone where the Anopheles (Kerteszia) cruzii is found; continental plains of the basins of the Itapocú river in the north and the Araranguá river in the south of the region here considered. 2 - Zone where the Anopheles (Kerteszia) cruzii and bellator are found; quaternary plains of marine sedimentation (restingas). 3 - Zone where the Anopheles (Kerteszia) cruzii, bellator and homunculus occur; sufficiently moved relief of the subparallel mountains toward EW. 4 - Zone where the Anopheles (Kerteszia) cruzii and homunculus occur; these are the slopes of the mountain borders of the crystalline highland deeply cut by rivers going to the sea. It is shown, moreover, that the percentage of larges of Anopheles (Kerteszia) cruzii is more or less the same in the four regions. This fact points to the following conclusions: 1 - the large increasing or decreasing of positivity of the biotopes is not in correlation with the number of larves of A. (K.) cruzii present. The variation in positivity is rather on the dependence of the "habitats" suitable to the development of the A. (K.) bellator and homunculus. Finally it is shown that, in a general way, the positivity of the biotopes decreases from E. to W. and, to a lesser extent, from N. to S.

    Resumo em de:

    Aus dem Vorhergehenden ergibt sich, dass das Problem "Bromeliaceen-Kerteszia" hinsichtlich des Bodenreliefs in vier Punkten zusammengefasst werden kann: 1- Zone des Vorkommens von Anopheles (Kerteszia) cruzii; das sind die Kontinentalebenen der Niederung des Itapocú im Norden der Region und der des Araranguá im Sueden. Dazu kommen die benachbarten Streifen einschliesslich der Abhaenge der Serra do Mar. 2 - Zone des Vorkommens von Anopheles (Kerteszia) cruzii und bellator; das sind die quartaeren Ebenen mariner Sedimente (Restingas). 3 - Zone des Vorkommens von Anopheles (Kerteszia) cruzii, bellator und homunculus; das ist das stark vertikal aufgeteilte Relief der parallel zueinander in EW-Richtung verlaufenden Gebirgszuege. 4 - Zone des Vorkommens von Anopheles (Kerteszia) cruzii und homunculus; das sind die Abhaenge der Gebirgsraender des kristalinen Hochlandes, die tief durch die zum Meer gerichteten Fluesse zerschnitten sind. Ebenfalls erbigt sich, dass in den vier Zonen die Art Anopheles (Kerteszia) cruzii einen gleichbleibenden Prozentsatz an Larven aufweist, woraus hervorgeht: 1 - Die Art besitzt keine bevorzugte Wohnstaette, in Bezug aur die Eiablage, in der zur Frage stehenden biogeographischen Region. 2- Die grossen Differenzen bezueglich des Prozentsatzes an positiven Brutstaetten in den bearbeiteten Gebieten haengt nicht von dem groesseren oder geringeren vorkommen der entspreschenden Art im biotop ab, sondern von den Wohnstaetten, die fuer das Leben der Arten Anopheles (Kerteszia) bellator und homunculus geeignet sind. Des weiteren ersieht man, dass, im allgemeinen gesehen, eine Abnahmees der Positivitaet der Brutstaetten in der EW-Richtung besteht, dagegen ist die Verringerung in der NS-Richtung weininger akzentuiert.
  • Bromeliaceae do Herbário do Dr. Adolpho Lutz: Encholirium Lutzii L. B. Smith n. sp

    Smith, Lyman B.

    Resumo em Inglês:

    Encholirium Lutzii is distinguished from the majority of species by its branched inflorescence. Only E. horridum L. B. Smith and rarely E. spectabile Martius exhibit this character, but have much larger flowers than E. Lutzii and stout floral axes. Also the wing of the seed in E. horridum is very long-caudate. We feel that it is particularly appropriate to dedicate this new species to Dr. Adolpho Lutz because of his great discoveries in the biological relationships of the Bromeliaceae.
  • Poluição das águas marítimas: estragos na flora e fauna do Rio de Janeiro

    Oliveira, Lejeune P. H de
  • Ensaios de micologia: contribuição para a conhecimento das Esporotricoses

    Magalhães, Octávio de

    Resumo em Inglês:

    The Author made the description of the clinic furunculosis forms of the Sporotrichosis, which he found twice in 102 observations. He considers the localized forms of the disease and obtains pure and abundant cultures of Sporotrichum Schencki-Beurmanni.
  • Miocardite no macaco Cebus após inoculações repetidas com Schizotrypanum cruzi

    Torres, C. Magarinos; Tavares, Brenildo M.

    Resumo em Inglês:

    Transmission of Chagas disease is realized through contamination of ocular conjunctiva, mucosa or skin with infected dejections eliminated by the insect vectors of Schizotrypanum cruzi (Triatoma infestans, Panstrongylus megistus and Rhodnius prolixus). The triatomid bugs live in holes and craks in the walls, in beds, behind trunks, etc. Found in primitive mud huts covered with thatched roofs, and so the human dwellers have many chances to contract the disease, reinfections being reasonably more to expect than a single inoculation. Experimental work reproducing those natural conditions is welcomed as some important features in the pathologic picture of the disease such as the extensive myocardial fibrosis seen in chronic cases are still incompletely known. Microscopic changes were studied in the heart muscle of seven Cebus monkeys infected by S. cruzi. This animal survives the acute stage of the disease and so is particularly suited to experiments of long duration in which several inoculations of S. cruzi are performed. Three different strains of S. cruzi isolated from acute cases of Chagas' disease were employed. One monkey was injected in the skin with infected blood and necropsied after 252 days. Two monkeys were three times, and one, eight times infected in skin, one of them with contaminated blood, and two with contaminated blood and dejections from infected bugs. The necropsies were performed after 35, 95 and 149 days. One monkey was three times inoculated through the intact ocular conjunctiva (one time with infected blood, two times with dejections from infected bugs), and one time through the wounded buccal mucosa, and necropsied after 134 days. Another monkey was six times inoculated, four times through the intact ocular conjunctiva (one time with contaminated blood, three times with dejections from infected bugs) and two times injected in the skin with infected blood, and necropsied after 157 days. Finally, another monkey was nine times inoculated, four times through the intact ocular conjunctiva (one time with infected blood, and three times with dejections from infected bugs), and five times injected in the skin (four times with contaminated blood, and one time with dejections from infected bugs), and necropsied after 233 days. The microscopic picture was uniform presenting, however, considerable individual variations, and was represented by diffuse interstitial myocarditis, frequently more (marked in the right ventricle base of the heart), accompanied by lymphatic stasis. The infiltration consists of macrophages, plasma cells and lymphocytes, the cellular reaction having sometimes a perivascular distribution, involving the auriculo-ventricular system of conduction, endocardium, epicardium and cardiac sympathetic gangliae. The loss of cardiac muscle fibers was always minimal. Leishmanial forms of S. cruzi in myocardial fibers are scanty and, in two cases, absent. Fatty necrosis in the epicardium was noted in two cases. Obliterative changes of medium-sized branches of coronary arteries (hypersensitivity reaction?) and multiple infarcts of the myocardium was found in one instance. The diffuse myocarditis induced by S. cruzi in several species of monkeys of the genus Cebus observed after 233 days (several inoculations) and 252 days (single inoculation) is not associated with disseminated fibrosis such as is reported in chronic cases of Chagas' disease. Definite capacity of reversion is another characteristic of the interstitial myocarditis observed in the series of Cebus monkeys here studied. The impression was gained that repeated inoculation with S. cruzi may influence the myocardial changes differently according to the period between the reinoculations. A short period after the first inoculation is followed by more marked changes, while long periods are accompanied by slight changes, which suggests an active immunisation produced by the first inoculation. More data are required, however before a definite statement is made on this subject considering that individual variations, the natural capacity of reversion of the interstitial myocarditis and the employement of more than a species of Cebus monkeys probably exerts influence also in the results here reported.
  • Glypthelmins vitellinophilum sp. n., parasito de Hyla raniceps (Cope): (Trematoda, Plagiorchidae)

    Dobbin Junior, James E.
  • Considerações gerais sôbre os biótopos e habitats dos Anofelíneos do sub-gênero Kerteszia

    Veloso, Henrique P.

    Resumo em Inglês:

    The present work can be summarized in the following itens: 1. The ovoposition of the Anopheles (Kerteszia) homunculus and bellator displays a vertical distribution which seems to be determined by special ecological factors. The A. (K.) cruzzi, on the other hand, shows no microclimatic preference. 2. There is no specificity in relation to the Bromeliads for the ovoposition of the Anophelines. What seems to be determinant for the ovoposition is the biotope environment. 3. It is always possible to show that, in the whole area studied, the Bromeliads with large water content present a high incidence of larves. The Bromeliads with a small water volume, though much more numeros, become significantly positives, only when they live on the ground and in dense forest or on the talwegs of zones of sufficiently moved relief. The microclimatic conditions operating in these cases tend to hamper water evaporation, thus warranting a more stable condition for larve beeding. 4. There is a correlation between the periodicity of the Anopheline larves and the imagos captured in the forest. The adults show a uniforme vertical distribuition whereas the larves are distributed in the different levels according to the preferential environment of each species. As far as the practical problem of Malaria control is these regions is concerned, we can state: 5. In the region under consideration only a small number of species of Bromeliads (twelve), precislly the less abundants (about 0,5% of the median occurrence) are to be taken in consideration as effective breeding spots for the Anophelines vectors of Malaria. This makes the problem of malaria control on the region much simpler. 6. The A. (K.) bellator occurs only in very small scale and in limited areas in the whole region studied. Thus only the A. (K.) cruzii which is abundant and distributed in a large area, needs to be taken in consideration in the planes for malaria control in the region. 7. The larves of A. (K.) cruzii though present at all levels in the forest are more abundant at the level where the three branches take origin. Here, also, is where we find the highest frequency of large bromeliads. the destruction of these bromeliads should cause a significant decrease in the number of mosquitoes in the forest. 8. In the areas of sufficiently moved relief, specially in the Itajaí valley, as we have seen the A. (K.) cruzii occurs with high frequency in the bromeliads which are on the ground. In these cases the bromeliads should all be destructed, no matter their size. In conclusion we can say that the destruction of the large bromeliads...

    Resumo em de:

    Die vorliegende Arbiet koennen wir, entsprechend den obigen Erklaerungen, wie folgt, zusammenfassen: 1. Es bestehen im vertikalen Sinne besondere oekologische Bedingungen bezueglich der Eiablage fuer Anopheles (Kerteszia) homunculus und bellator, waehrend A. (K.) cruzii eine grosse Indifferenz bezueglich des Mikroklimas zeigt. 2. Die Anophelinen zeigen keine besondere Bevorzugung irgendeiner Bromelienart in Bezug auf die Eiablage. Es laesst sich feststellen, dass gewisse Bedingungen eines Biotops erfuelt sein muessen, damit dieses in begrenztem Wohnbezirk zu ienem ausgesprochenen Brutplatz wird. Aus diesem Grunde wurden einige Bromelienarten zu Hauptbrutstaetten der Anopheleslarven des Gebietes. 3. Bezueglich der Wassermenge finden wir in der gesamten Region die Anopheleslarven weitaus am haeufigsten in Bromelien mit grosser Kapazitaet. Die Arten mit geringem Fassungsvermoegen, die wesentlich zahlreicher als die erstgenannten sind, sind nur gute Brutstaetten, ween sie auf dem Boden wachsen oder Talsohle in huegeligem Gelaende, dort wo der Wald ausreichend dicht ist. Hier halten die mikroklimatischen Bedingungen die Verdunstung hintan, wodurch den Anopheleslarven in diesen Bromelien das Leben ermoeglicht wird. 4. Es besteht eine Beziehung zwischen der Periodizitaet der Larven und der gefluegelten Formen der Anophelinen, die in einem Waldstueck gefangen wurden. Die letzteren zeigen im vertikalen Sinne keine ausgesprochenen Variationen bezueglich der prozentualen Haeufigkeit, waehrend die Larven in ieder Hoehe ausgesprochene Haeufigkeitsschwankungen aufweisen, die immer von der von Art bevorzugten Habitat in einer bestimmten Hoehenlage abhaengen. Bezueglich einer moeglichst vollstaendigen Erklaerung des Problems "Bromelien-Malaria" dieser Region, koennen wir folgendes feststellen: 5. Die definitive Loesung des Problems wird wesentlich erleichtert durch den Nachweis, dass nur eine geringe Anzahl von Bromelien (12 Arten) - und gerate die weniger haeufigen...
  • Considerações gerais sôbre o indice "MK" (Malária-Kerteszia)

    Veloso, Henrique P.; Fontana Júnior, Pedro

    Resumo em Português:

    Os autores apresentam seis tabelas, distribuídas de acôrdo com o relêvo do solo, onde tôdas as áreas estudadas nos Estados de Santa Catarina e Paraná são paresentadas com os índices trabalhados. No texto é realçado o valor quantitativo do índice "MK". A possibilidade de deduzir-se um fator de correção que representam um novo índice qualitativo (α), não pôde ser sustentada. Os autores, também, procurando relacionar a fitossociologia das áreas trabalhadas com o índice qualitativo correspondente (sociologia dos anofelíneos), acharam três tipos bastante diferentes de habitats para o subgênero Kerteszia na região. Concluindo, os mesmos, realçam que a presente nota apenas visa um subsídio a novos métodos ecológicos no estudo dêsses problemas.

    Resumo em Inglês:

    The authors present six tables, distributed in accordance with the soil relief, where all the studied areas in the States of Santa catarina and Paraná (brasil), are presented with the index statistic work. The quantitative value of the "MK" index is brought forward. The authors have arrived as the conclusions that the index "α" previonsly presented ar a conection factor is not consistent with the studies performed in the field. The authors, also in an effort of reporting the phytosociology of the worked areas with the corresponding index of quality (sociology of the anopheline), found three different types of habitats for the subgenus kerteszia in the region. In conclusion, the authors point out that the present paper only aims at a new introduction to new ecological methods, in the study of these problems.

    Resumo em de:

    Die Autoren veroeffentlichen sechs Tabellen, verteilt in Uebereinstimmung mit dem Bodenrelief, in denen alle bearbeiteten Waldflaechen in den Staaten Santa Catarina und Paraná mit den betreffenden Indices dargestellt sind. Im Text heben sie den quantitativen Wert des Index "MK" hervor. Die moegliche Ableitung eines Korrektionsfaktors, der einen neuen qualitativen Index (α) darstellen koennte, kan nicht erwiessen werden. Die Autoren fanden, indem sie versuchen die Phytosoziologie der bearbeiteten Flaechen mit dem korrespondierenden qualitativen Index (Soziologie der Anophelinen) in Beziehung zu bringen, drei gut differenzierte Typen von "Habitats" fuer die Untergattung Kerteszia in dem betreffenden Gebiet. Zum Schluss heben sie hervor, dass die vorliegende Mitteilung nur auf neue oekologische Methoden im Studium dieser Probleme hinweisen soll.
  • Estudos anatômicos e histológicos sôbre a subfamília Triatominae (Heteroptera, Reduviidae): VIII parte: observações sôbre a superfície dos ovos das espécies mais importantes

    Barth, Rudolf; Muth, Hans

    Resumo em Português:

    Nesta comunicação analisa-se a formação do cório e a amostra da sua superfícies do ovo maduro. As amostras superficiais do cório, apresentadas em esquemas, são características para cada espécie examinada, de maneira que estas estruturas servem para a classificação das espécies.

    Resumo em de:

    In dieser Mitteilung werden die Bildung des Chorions und das oberflaechenmuster reifer Eier untersucht. Die Muster des Chorions, schematisch fuer jede Art dargestellt, sind arteigen, so dass diese Strukturen zur Klassifizierung der Arten dienen koennen.
  • Estudos anatômicos e histológicos sôbre a subfamília Triatominae (Heteroptera, Reduviidae): IX. parte: vaso deferente e mesadênias de Triatoma infestans

    Barth, Rudolf

    Resumo em Português:

    Neste trabalho descreve-se o aparelho condutor, do testículo até o ductus ejaculatorius, incluindo as glândulas anexas, do macho de Triatoma infestans. O vas deferens compõem-se de três regiões: a) parte proximal do vas deferens; b) vesícula seminalis; c) parte distal do vas deferens com uma região glândular no ponto de saída da vesícula seminalis. As partes finais do vas deferens desembocam nos lados internos de dois ramos terminais do ductus ejaculatorius. O sistema das glândulas anexas consta de 4 mesadênias. Estas são glândulas vesiculares das quais duas são ragiócrinas e duas lipócrinas. A terceira e a quarta glândula possuem a mesma formação e função, enquanto que a primeira se difere profundamente da segunda. As secreções das glândulas misturam-se num hilo de onde o líquido passa ao ductus glandularum que o conduz ao ductus ejeculatorius. Êste possui nos seus ramos terminais uma glândula mesodérmica de natureza ragiócrina (mesadênia modificada em posição extremamente distal) e uma origem ectedérmica (ectadênia modificada em posição extremamente proximal). As secreções são expulsas das vesículas glandulares por contração da musculatura das suas paredes. O transporte dos líquidos misturados, através do ductus glandularum, verifica-se por ondas peristálticas da musculatura da membrana peritoneal do próprio ducto. As glândulas não possuem válvulas. Um refluxo das secreções é evitado pelo turgor das células epiteliais dos canais condutores. O esperma, ao entrar no ductus ejaculatorius, recebe uma mistura de 5 diferentes secreções, na qual o mesmo diluido, formando, finalmente, uma suspensão. Os aspectos histológicos estão apresentados nas figuras.

    Resumo em de:

    Es wird der Ausleitungsapparat der maennlichen Geschlechtsprodukte vom Testikel bis zum ductus ejaculatorius mit Einschluss der Anhangsdruesen von Triatoma infestans beschrieben. Das vas deferens besteht aus drei Abschnitten: a) oberes vas deferens; b) vesícula seminalis; c) unteres vas deferens mit einer druesigen Region am Ausgang aus der vesicula seminalis. Der untere Teil des vas deferens muendet auf der Innenseite der beiden Endzweige des ductus ejaculatorius in diesen. Das System der Anhangsdruesen besteht aus vier Mesadenien. Dieses sind vesikulaere Druesen, von denen zwei rhagiokriner und zwei lipokriner Natur sind; die ersten beiden sin histologisch und funktionell voellig verschieden von einander. die beiden letzteren sind in jeder Hinsicht gleiche Druesen. Alle vier Druesen leiten ihre Sekrete in einen Hilus, durch den sie mit dem ductus glandularum in Verbindung stehen. Dieser muendet unmittelbar hinter dem vas deferens in den ductus ejaculatorius, der in seinen beiden Endaesten je eine rhagiokrine mesodermale Druese (modifizierte Mesadenie in extrem proximaler Position) besitzt. Die Sekrete werden aus den Druesenblasen durch Kontraktion der eigenen Wandmuskeln ausgepresst. Der Transport der gemischten Fluessigkeiten durch den ductus glandularum erfolgt durch peristaltische Wellen der peritonealen Membran des Ganges. Die Druesen der Epithelzellen des Auleitungskanals verhindert. Das konzentrierte Sperma erhaelt beim eintritt in den ductus ejaculatorius ein Gemisch von fuent veschiedenen Sekreten, in dem es suspensiert wird. Die histologischen Besonderheiten ergeben sich aus den Figuren.
  • Novos anfíbios anuros das Serras costeiras do Brasil

    Lutz, Bertha; Carvalho, Antenor Leitão de

    Resumo em Português:

    Ao correr dos últimos anos, a co-autora dêste trabalho vem se dedicando ao estudo da fauna anura das zonas mais elevadas das serras vizinhas da costa brasileira. Êste fato conduziu à descoberta, ou ao conhecimento mais exato, de certo número de formas muito interessantes que não ocorrem em altitudes menores ou na planície. Uma destas formas constitui o assunto do presente trabalho. Tratando-se de batrácio que não se enquadra perfeitamente em nenhum dos gêneros descritos, resolveu ela consultar o seu colega Sr. Antenor Leitão de Carvalho, conhecedor exímio de anatomia, que diafanisou um exemplar adulto e outro juvenil. Os caractéres osteológicos encontrados levaram á criação de mais um gênero cujos caractéres diferenciais são enumerados abaixo. Ficou resolvido que seria descrito por ambos os herpetologistas do Museu Nacional, de conjunto, versando a autora as suas notas de campo, os caractéres morfológicos e o texto, ao passo que o autor contribuiria com a osteologia, os desenhos e as mensurações. O nome genérico foi sugerido pela autora e o específico pelo Sr. Antenor Leitão de Carvalho, em homenagem ao Professor Adolpho Lutz, um dos pioneiros no estudo dos anfíbios anuros do Brasil. A propósito da designação específica, a autora, filha de Adolpho Lutz, deseja publicar preliminarmente a Nota, por ela assinada, que segue sob a sua responsabilidade pessoal.

    Resumo em Inglês:

    During the last years, one of the authors has turned her attention, increasingly, to the anuran fauna of the high forested ranges near the sea-board of S.E. Brazil. This has led to the finding of a number of very interesting frogs which do not occur in the lower, mesic, or, occasionally, xeric, open country. One of these forms is presented here. As it did not fit perfectly into any of the known genera, she decided to consult her fellow herpetologist at the National Museum, Mr. Antenor Leitão de Carvalho, who is interested in anatomy. He cleared an adult and a juvenille specimen; the osteological characters found are given below. Joint publication was decided upon, one author contributing her field-notes and the morphological characters and drafting the text, whereas the other contributed the osteology, drawings and measurements. The specific name was also chosen by Leitão de Carvalho, in homage to the late Professor Adolpho Lutz, a pioneer in the study of Brazilian frogs. In regard to the specific designation, the co-author and daughter of Adolpho Lutz wishes to publish the following.
  • Observações biológicas e meteorológicas feitas na Ilha de Trindade

    Barth, Rudolf

    Resumo em Português:

    1. As observações faunísticas, florísticas e climatológicas formam ainda um aspecto incompleto da Ilha de Trindade. Necessitamos ainda de observações em outras estações do ano e, também, do arquipélago de Martin Vaz, bem como de dados meteorológicos de alguns anos consecutivos. 2. A vegetação da ilha e, concomitantemente, a parte fértil da terra, estão desaparecendo pela influência de animais introduzidos (porcos, cabritos e carneiros) que se alimentam das pucas plantas, destruindo o revestimento do solo e, assim, acelerando a erosão. Para possibilitar habitações permanentes em pequena escala, são necessárias duas operações imediatas; a) diminuir ou, ainda melhor, eliminar por completo êstes animais cuja carne é comestível; b) plantar árvores pelo menos na parte habitada e no córrego que abastece a guarnição com água. 3. O solo é rico em minerais, porém pobre em micro-organismos. Para horticultura basta uma adubação por estrume natural e cal, que existe em quantidade na ilha em forma de recifes coralinos. 4. É explicada a formação provàvel da inversão dos alísios e, com isso, o clima sêco da ilha. 5. De vários pontos de vista (ecologia, climatologia, de navegação e aviação, de previsão de tempo no continente, da pesca etc.), torna-se aconselhável manter na ilha um pôsto permanente de meteorologia e radiossondagem.

    Resumo em de:

    1. Die faunistischen, floristischen und klimatologischen Beobachtungen geben einen nur unvollkommenen Anblick der Insel Trindade. Wir benoetigen noch Beobachtungen zu anderen Jahreszeiten, desweiteren einen Besuch der inselgruppe Martin Vaz und ebenso meteorologische Daten aus einigen sich folgenden Jahren. 2. Die Vegetation der Insel und gleichzeitig der fruchbare Teil der Erde verringern sich schnell unter dem Einfluss eingefuehrter Tiere (Schweine, Ziegen, Schafe), die sich von den wenigen Pflanzen ernaehren und dadurch die Bodenbedeckung zerstoeren und die Erosion beschleunigen. Um die Insel in kleinem Masstab bewohnbar zu erhalten, sind zwei Massnahmen unbedingt erforderlich: a) die genannten Tiere verringern oder, besser noch, voellig ausrotten; ihr Fleisch ist verwendbar; b) Pflanzen von Baeumen zumindest in der bewohnten Zone und am Wasserlauf, der die Garnison versorgt. 3. Der Boden ist reich an Mineralien, aber arm an Mikroorganismen. Um Gartenbau zu ermoeglichen, genuegt eine Duengung mit natuerlichem Duenger und Kalk, der in Menguen auf der Insel in Form von Korallenriffs vorhanden ist. 4. Es wird die wahrscheinliche Art der Bildung der Passat-Inversion und damit das trockene Klima der Insel erklaert. 5. Von verschiedenen Gesichtspunkten aus (Oekologie, Klimatologie, Schiffahrt und Luftfahrt, Wettervorhersage auf dem Kontinent, Fischerei usw) ist es ratsam, auf der Insel der eine dauernde Wetterstation mit Radiosonde aufrecht zu erhalten.
Instituto Oswaldo Cruz, Ministério da Saúde Av. Brasil, 4365 - Pavilhão Mourisco, Manguinhos, 21040-900 Rio de Janeiro RJ Brazil, Tel.: (55 21) 2562-1222, Fax: (55 21) 2562 1220 - Rio de Janeiro - RJ - Brazil