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Química Nova, Volume: 20, Número: 2, Publicado: 1997
  • Editorial

    Pinto, Angelo C.; Andrade, Jailson B. de
  • Estudos de QSAR baseados em dados de atividade biológica obtidos por microcalorimetria: III interação de m-alcoxifenóis e p-hidroxibenzoatos de alquila com Escherichia coli Artigo

    Volpe, P. L. O.; Montanari, C. A.

    Resumo em Inglês:

    QSAR studies based on flow microcalorimetric bioassay data for interaction of homologous series of m-alkoxyphenols and p-hydroxybenzoates with E. coli cells were carried out applying factorial design. Results for both series showed a linear relationship between log(dose)max and log Po/w. Analysis of these data allows the identification of contributions toward the derived bioactivity from the parent structures (the molecule minus n-CH2 groups present in the side-chain) and the lipophilic groups, CH2. These results are discussed with respect to drug quantitative structure-relationship.
  • Aplicação de modelo matemático às propriedades reológicas de géis mistos de agarose e de goma guar Artigo

    Andrade, Cristina T.; Garcia, Rosangela B.; Lobão, Marcos W. N.

    Resumo em Inglês:

    Certain biopolymers are capable of forming physically cross-linked gels in aqueous medium, stabilized by forces such as Coulombic, charge transfer, hydrogen bonding, dipole-dipole, van der Waals, and hydrophobic interactions. The mathematical description of these physical networks are difficult, but should contribute to a better understanding of the gelling process. The Clark and Ross-Murphy model was applied to experimental data for agarose-guar gum mixed systems, in which only agarose is the gelling polysaccharide. A computational routine based on the statistical maximum likehood principle was employed to estimate the f, K and a characteristic parameters. Statistical t-test and F-test were used to analyse the set of parameters.
  • Um fotômetro de fluxo para análises clínicas a base de um diodo emissor de luz bicolor Artigo

    Araújo, M. C. U.; Santos, S. R. B.; Silva, E. A.; Véras, G.; Lima, J. L. F. C.; Lapa, R. A. S.

    Resumo em Inglês:

    The construction and evaluation of an inexpensive flow photometer for clinical analysis, using a bicolour LED and a phototransistor adapted for tubular flow cell, are described. The instrument presents some new features such as: automatic zero, electronic calibration and peak-hold signal. When compared with a classical photometer, it is simpler and has the advantages of a flow analysis system: lower volumes of reagents and samples, lower levels of contamination, shorter time for analysis and lower analysis costs. The instrument was used in the determination of the constituents in blood samples. The results obtained agree with those obtained by a classical photometer and the precision was better.
  • Propriedades espectroscópicas Ab initio dos dímeros de van der waals Ne2 e Ar2 Artigo

    Pliego Jr., Josefredo R.; Almeida, Wagner B. de

    Resumo em Inglês:

    Results of high level ab initio calculations of the intermolecular potentials and theoretical dispersion coefficients for the Ne2 and Ar2 dimers were utilized to build analytical potentials for these species. The obtained potentials were used in the calculation of the dimers rovibrationals levels, and their respective spectroscopic constants determined. A comparison of high level experimental data with our theoretical results shows a very good agreement for Ne2, and also a good agreement for the Ar2 dimer.
  • Estudo microcalorimétrico da interação de tensoativos n-alquil-sulfato de sódio com tripsina a 298 k Artigo

    Silva Filho, Eloi A.; Volpe, Pedro L. O.

    Resumo em Inglês:

    Systematic study of the interactions of ionic surfactants with protein trypsin in buffer solution pH 3.5, 7.0 and 9.0, ionic strength 10 mM at 298 K was done using the microcalorimetric technique. In this study, anionic surfactant solutions of the sodium n-alkyl sulfates series (C8, C10, C12 and C14) were used. The enthalpy of interaction (ΔintHº) shows that the interaction of the surfactants C8, C10, C12 and C14 with trypsin in the solution pH 3.5 is an endothermic process with the value of ΔintHº decreasing linearly with increasing carbon chain length, which is attributed to the unfolding of the polypeptide chain. In the solution pH 7.0, we observed the same trend except for C14. In the solution pH 9.0, from C10 the enthapy of interaction didn't change with the increasing of the carbon chain length due to unfolding of the polypeptide. We concluded that when trypsin is folded, the enthalpy of interaction shows a linear relationship with the surfactant's hydrophobicity, in agreement with Traube's rule.
  • Modelando a coordenação de fosfato com o sítio ativo das fosfatases ácidas púrpuras Artigo

    Brito, Marcos Aires de; Neves, Ademir; Zilli, Luiz R.

    Resumo em Inglês:

    We present a new binuclear complex, Fe2III(BBPMP)(OH)(O2 P(OPh)2) ClO4.CH3OH, 3, where BBPMP is the anion of 2,6-bis(2-hydroxybenzyl)(2-pyridylmethyl) aminomethyl-4-methylphenol, as a suitable model for the chromophoric site of purple acid phosphatases coordinated to phosphate. The complex was obtained by the reaction of complex 2, Fe2III(BBPMP)(O2P(OPh) 2)2 ClO4.H2O, in CH3CN with one equivalent of triethylamine. Based on the chromophoric properties of the model complex, lmax = 560 nm/ e = 4480 M-1 cm-1/Fe2 compared to the enzyme coordinated to phosphate, we can speculate about a possible mechanism of fixing this oxyanion by the oxidized form of the enzymes.
  • Estereosseletividade em reações eletródicas Revisão

    Azevedo, Dayse Caldas de; Goulart, Marília Oliveira Fonseca

    Resumo em Inglês:

    This review discusses the present state of the art of the stereochemistry of electrochemical reactions. The extent of asymmetric induction is progressing, but in general diastereoselectivities and enantioselectivities remain behind those from chemical synthesis. In recent years, new methodological developments have been successful. Effects that play important roles in homogeneous chemistry have been used with success. Lack of expressive enantiomeric excess (ee) could be related to the absence of tightly organized structures during the reaction of interest. The highest ee might be expected for redox reactions where conformational preference in transition state plays the important role or for the ones performed while adsorbed on the electrode, and where the chiral element is also at the surface, either adsorbed or chemically bound to the surface and interacting directly with the substrate. Electroenzymatic synthesis has a promising future.
  • Alcalóides alquilpiridínicos de esponjas marinhas Revisão

    Almeida, Adaíla M. P.; Berlinck, Roberto G. S.; Hajdu, Eduardo

    Resumo em Inglês:

    The chemistry of alkylpyridine alkaloids originating from marine sponges is comprehensively reviewed, with emphasis on their natural occurrence, methods for their isolation, spectroscopic characterization, biological activities e chemical synthesis. A likely chemotaxonomic role is suggested, as markers for sponges of the Order Haplosclerida (Demospongiae).
  • Remediação de efluentes derivados da indústria de papel e celulose: tratamento biológico e fotocatalítico Revisão

    Peralta-Zamora, P.; Esposito, E.; Reyes, J.; Durán, N.

    Resumo em Inglês:

    The contribution of the industrial activities to the environmental contamination phenomena is evident. Great efforts are dedicated to the establishment of methodologies which permits an adequate treatment of the produced effluents, as a manner of minimizing the environmental impact of these wastes. The methodologies based on photocatalytic processes are very promise alternatives, because permits degradation of a great number of chemical substances of high toxic potential, without the use of other chemicals. The present work is an overview about the principal environmental aspects related with the paper and cellulose industry and the main alternatives employed for the reduction of environmental impact produced for its residues. The principal results of the photocatalytic treatment of this kind of effluents using metallic semiconductors is also showed.
  • Eletrodos quimicamente modificados aplicados à eletroanálise: uma breve abordagem Divulgação

    Souza, Maria de Fátima Brito

    Resumo em Inglês:

    Chemically modified electrodes (CMEs) have been subject of considerable attention since its inception about 23 years ago. CMEs result of a deliberate immobilization of a modifier agent onto the electrode surface obtained through chemical reactions, chemisorption, composite formation or polymer coating. This immobilization seeks transfer the physicochemical properties of the modifier to the electrode surface and thus to dictate and control the behavior of the electrode/solution interface. In recent years the interest in CMEs has increased particularly to enhance the sensitivity and/or the selectivity of electroanalytical techniques. In general higher sensitivity and/or selectivity may be achieved by exploiting one or more of the following phenomena: electrocatalysis, preconcentration and interferents exclusion. This paper deals with the application of CMEs in electroanalysis, including a brief presentation of the more general procedures that have been employed for the modification of electrode surfaces.
  • Contaminação por mercúrio no Brasil: fontes industriais vs garimpo de ouro Divulgação

    Lacerda, L. D.

    Resumo em Inglês:

    This paper reviews the history of Hg contamination in Brazil by characterizing and quantifying two major sources of Hg emissions to the environment: industrial sources and gold mining. Industry was responsible for nearly 100% of total Hg emissions from the late 1940's to the early 1970's, when efficient control policies were enforced, leading to a decrease in emissions. Gold mining, on the other hand was nearly insignificant as a Hg source up to the late 1970's, but presently is responsible for over 80% of total emissions. Presently, over 115 tons of Hg are released into the atmosphere in Brazil annually. Nearly 78 tons come from gold mining operations, 12 tons come from chlor-alkali industry and 25 tons come from all other industrial uses. Inputs to soils and waters however, are still unknown, due to lack of detailed data base. However, emissions from diffuse sources rather than well studied classical industrial sources are probably responsible for the major inputs of mercury to these compartments.
  • Para além das fronteiras da química: relações entre filosofia, psicologia e ensino de química Divulgação

    Mortimer, Eduardo Fleury

    Resumo em Inglês:

    The concepts of molecule and of molecular structure are so central to understand chemical phenomena that seems to be no doubt about the uniqueness of its meanings. Nevertheless, the idea that the world exhibits a multiform structure and that to different spheres of the world correspond different ways of knowing (Berger & Luckmann, 1967) has received support from different areas of scientific inquiry. Bachelard (1940, 1982) showed that a single philosophical doctrine is not enough to describe all the different ways of thinking when we try to explain a single concept. Wooley's question about the possibility of deducing the concept of molecular structure from quantum theory (Wooley, 1978) strengthened the feasibility of thinking the concept of molecule as a profile that encompasses different meanings. Moreover, research on students' learning of scientific concepts have brought to light that students use several ideas to explain scientific and everyday phenomena which are different from those learned in formal schooling. These ideas are not extinguished or replaced by scientific concepts, despite the efforts to do so in science classes. The common sense and scientific ways of understanding and talking about reality seems to be complementary in the same sense of the Bohr's complementarity (Halliday & Martin, 1993). So, we have to include in our profile of the concept of molecule not only scientific but also common sense zones. Drawing from Bachelard's notion of epistemological profile, from the history of science and from the research on children's ideas in science, we have developed the idea of a conceptual profile and used it to analyse basic scientific concepts, such as the concepts of matter and physical states of matter (Mortimer, 1995) and to investigate new ways to teach them. In the present paper, we will discuss the zones that might constitute a conceptual profile of molecule. The need of complementary views to account for the molecular structure in different contexts bring important issues for understanding and teaching chemistry, which will be discussed further in the article.
  • Avaliação de filtros domésticos comerciais para purificação de águas e retenção de contaminantes inorgânicos Nota Técnica

    Pedro, Nilva Aparecida Ressinetti; Brígido, Berenice Mandel; Badolato, Maria Irene Cibela; Antunes, José Leopoldo Ferreira; Oliveira, Elisabeth de

    Resumo em Inglês:

    Twenty domestic commercial filters, in order to determine the percentual retention of color, turbidity, dry residue, bicarbonates, carbonates, total hardness, nitrogens, iron, chlorides, fluorides, and residual chlorine (parameters of food legislation) and sulphides in thirteen water samples proceeding from springs, wells, rivers, lakes, drinking patterns and standards, before and after purification were evaluated. The results showed that purifiers presented adequate retention for nitrates (74.8 ± 16.2 %) and residual chlorine (74.0 ± 11.2) and medium retention for sulphides (61.7 ± 11.3); while porcelain plus activated carbon filters presented adequate retention for color (90.0 ± 19.7), turbidity (76.4 ± 18.4) and iron (83.5 ± 15.1). Therefore the retention of carbonates, bicarbonates, total hardness, chlorides, dry residue, fluorides, ammonium nitrogens and nitrites was less than 10%, and the values of pH didn't show significant variation, for all the filters studied.
  • Curso noturno de licenciatura em química: uma década de experiência na UFMS Educação

    Vianna, José F.; Aydos, Maria Celina R.; Siqueira, Onofre S.

    Resumo em Inglês:

    This is a study concerned with determining the efficiency in training high school chemistry teachers in the Federal University of Mato Grosso do Sul. The analysis was based on the following information, i.e., the opinion of the students who were enrolled in the course, university entrance examinations and academic performance. We reach the conclusion that the goal was partially achieved in training high schools' teachers. Further suggestions and strategies are proposed in order to overcome the problems.
  • O ajuste de funções matemáticas a dados experimentais Educação

    Custodio, Rogério; Andrade, João Carlos de; Augusto, Fábio

    Resumo em Inglês:

    The least square method is analyzed. The basic aspects of the method are discussed. Emphasis is given in procedures that allow a simple memorization of the basic equations associated with the linear and non linear least square method, polinomial regression and multilinear method.
  • In memoriam Educação

    Farias, Pércio Augusto M.
Sociedade Brasileira de Química Instituto de Química, Universidade Estadual de Campinas (Unicamp), CP6154, 13083-0970 - Campinas - SP - Brazil