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Química Nova, Volume: 20, Número: 3, Publicado: 1997
  • Editorial

    Freitas, Luiz Carlos Gomide
  • Reações de Etanol com CO/H2 na Presença do Sistema Catalítico Ru(acac)3/I- Artigo

    Trabuco, Elizeu

    Resumo em Inglês:

    The hydrocarbonylation reaction of ethanol with a CO/H2 mixture assisted by Ru(acac)3/iodide was investigated. Bronsted and Lewis acids and iodides salt were used as homogeneous promoters. The etherification reaction was the main reaction under typical acidic conditions of the catalytic system. When a hydrocarbon solvent (toluene) was added to the initial reaction, the alcohol conversion and the carbonylation products were increased. The catalytic activity of the Bronsted acids (conv. EtOH = 71-92%) was higher than that of the Lewis acids promoters (conv. EtOH = 65-85%). The salt present the lower catalytic activity among the promoters used. The long time reaction carried out with ethanol showed an increase of the product selectivity of the homologation and carbonylation reactions while the etherification reaction selectivity decreased. The recycled ether led to 60-65% ethanol conversion to C5 and C6 products. The main catalytic species are H+[Ru(CO)3I3]-, [HRu3(CO)11]- and [HRu(CO)4]-. The first one is active in the carbonylation and homologation reactions of alcohols while the two others take part only in the homologation reaction.
  • Reatividade Relativa em Solvólise Nucleofílica de Cloretos de Arilsulfenila, Arilcarbonila, Arilsulfonila, Arilmetila e de Arila Artigo

    Hirata, Rodobiko; Kiyan, Nilo Zengo; Miller, Joseph

    Resumo em Inglês:

    The experimental results for the 2-propanolysis of benzoyl, benzyl, benzene sulphenyl and benzene sulphonyl chlorides obtained by conductimetric technique were compared with estimates for chlorobenzene which is extremely unreactive as an electrophile. We thus obtained the following reactivity sequence: PhSCl>PhCOCl>PhSO2Cl>PhCH2 Cl>PhCl with rate-coefficiente ratios (in the same order): 9.5 x 10(4) : 1: 7.14 x 10-2 : 4.7 x 10-3 : about 10-26. We have discussed these results in specific terms and with the aid of general conclusions which stem from our own classification of electrophiles.
  • Determinação de Ácidos Carboxílicos na Atmosfera Urbana de São Paulo: uma abordagem analítica e ambiental Artigo

    Souza, Silvia R.; Carvalho, Lilian R. F.

    Resumo em Inglês:

    In this work, analytical strategies are evaluated in order to measure accurately the ambient levels of atmospheric organic acids. Environmental considerations about the determination of low molecular weight mono- and di-carboxylic acids from urban areas of São Paulo are described.
  • Simulação da Química da Atmosfera Poluída por Automóveis Movidos a Álcool Artigo

    Pimentel, A. S.; Arbilla, G.

    Resumo em Inglês:

    Numerical modeling studies of urban atmospheres were performed with a photochemical box submodel which incorporates primary emission rates, temperature and solar irradiance rate coefficients. Actinic flux calculations were made for an appropriate latitude for Rio de Janeiro and initial concentrations and emission rates were taken from experimental data. The relative importance of individual reactions is discussed as well as the effect of enhanced aldehyde emissions from vehicles using ethanol and ethanol-containing fuel.
  • Determinação da Estereoquímica Relativa de Pimaradienos Através de Produtos de Oxidação Artigo

    Cruz, Frederico Guaré; Roque, Nídia Franca

    Resumo em Inglês:

    Pimaradienes, including isopimaradienes, with an endocyclic double bond between C-9 and C-11 are uncommon compounds in nature. The diterpenoid pimar-9(11),15-dien-19-oic acid (1) was isolated from Mikania triangularis (Asteraceae) and the correct stereochemistry of 1was established by ¹H and 13C NMR studies of several oxidative products, mainly epoxides, of this compound and its double bond isomers.
  • Estudo da Determinação dos Grupos Silanóis ( º Si-OH) em Sílica: Aplicação à Materiais de Recheio Utilizados em Cromatografia Gasosa Artigo

    Pizzutti, Ionara Regina; Schwerz, Letícia; Viaro, Nádia Suzana Schneider; Adaime, Martha Bohrer

    Resumo em Inglês:

    A simple chemical method has been developed to quantify the silanol groups (º Si-OH) in silica as well as in coated chromatographic supports for use in packed - column Gas Chromatography. After adsorption of 10 mg/mL methylene blue, centrifuging action and filtration, the absorbance of the solution was inversely proportional to the silanol quantity. The difference between the absorbance of the pure solution and that of the solid - free filtrate was related to the silica weight, yielding a quantitative analysis of these groups.
  • O comportamento Fotoquímico dos Complexos Pentaaminas de Rutênio(II) com Ligantes π Insaturados Revisão

    Carlos, Rose Maria; Tfouni, Elia; Neumann, Miguel G.

    Resumo em Inglês:

    A general overview on the photochemical behaviour of [Ru(NH3)5L]2+ complexes (where L is a p ligand) is presented. The proposed mechanisms and techniques employed for the study of these reactions are discussed. Emphasis is made on the mechanisms that allow the identification of the reactive excited state of the [Ru(NH3)5py]2+ complex.
  • Utilização de α,α-Diclorociclobutanonas em Síntese de Produtos Naturais Revisão

    Lima, Marco Edilson F. de; Coelho, Fernando A. S.

    Resumo em Inglês:

    The preparation and chemical potentiality of a,a-dichlorocyclobutanones as useful intermediates in the total synthesis of natural products are reviewed. Some aspects related to the recent advances reported in the literature about the mechanism of [2+2] cycloaddition reaction between dichloroketene and olefins are also presented.
  • Lipídios como Indicadores de Mudanças Climáticas no Passado 1: Biomarcadores Marinhos Divulgação

    Madureira, Luiz A. S.

    Resumo em Inglês:

    The distribution and abundance of specific lipid biomarkers in marine sediments can play an important rule for the reconstruction of past climatic changes. Here, it is shown the use of a widely known paleo Sea Surface Temperature (SST) proxy based on the unsaturation ratio of a suite of long-chain C37 alkenones: the alkenone unsaturation index, U K37'. These compounds are biosynthesised by only a restricted group of prymnesiophyte algae, mostly notably the coccolithophorid Emiliania huxleyi. To ilustrate the importance of the U K37' index as a molecular tool, the correlation between the SST signal derived from the U K37' and other paleoclimatic records examined in a core from the North Atlantic is discussed.
  • Modelagem Molecular: Uma Ferramenta para o Planejamento Racional de Fármacos em Química Medicinal Divulgação

    Barreiro, Eliezer J.; Rodrigues, Carlos Rangel; Albuquerque, Magaly Girão; Sant'Anna, Carlos Mauricio Rabello de; Alencastro, Ricardo Bicca de

    Resumo em Inglês:

    The molecular basis of modern therapeutics consist in the modulation of cell function by the interaction of microbioactive molecules as drug cells macromolecules structures. Molecular modeling is a computational technique developed to access the chemical structure. This methodology, by means of the molecular similarity and complementary paradigm, is the basis for the computer-assisted drug design universally employed in pharmaceutical research laboratories to obtain more efficient, more selective, and safer drugs. In this work, we discuss some methods for molecular modeling and some approaches to evaluate new bioactive structures in development by our research group.
  • Método Melhorado para Calcular a Leitura Infinita de Cinéticas de Primeira Ordem Nota Técnica

    Humeres, Eduardo; Quijano, Jairo

    Resumo em Inglês:

    Infinity readings for first order kinetics can be calculated from any three measurements (triads) of a physical property l at three equallyspaced times. Accurate results can be obtained from time intervals aslow as 0.4 half-life. Calculation of infinity readings l¥ from severaltriads at increasing values of time gives an insight into the deviation of the first order kinetics when parallel, consecutive or other spurious reactions occur along with the main first order reaction, not allowing direct measurements or calculation of l¥. The proposed method is more sensitive in distinguishing between first and second order kinetics than the Guggenheim and Kezdy-Swinbourne methods.
  • Algumas Considerações sobre a Regra de Hund e a Estrutura Eletrônica de Átomos no Ensino de Química Educação

    Subramanian, Natarajan; Oliveira, Severino Francisco de

    Resumo em Inglês:

    Hund's maximum multiplicity rule as stated in most elementary and intermediate level textbooks on general and inorganic chemistry and usually taught at the college and undergraduate level is incorrect. It is true that electrons entering a subshell of an atom tend to occupy the orbitals singly as far as possible but not necessarily with parallel spins. Also, proper definitions and correct use of terms like configuration, microstate, spectroscopic term, level and state are essential if confusion on the part of the student, especially the beginner, is to be avoided.
  • Uma Demonstração Sobre o Espalhamento Inelástico de Luz: Repetindo o Experimento de Raman Educação

    Faria, D. L. A. de; Santos, L. G. C.; Gonçalves, N. S.

    Resumo em Inglês:

    An adaptation of the Raman experiment is presented as a very convenient, simple and easily made demonstration about inelastic light scattering. The procedure involves an overhead projector, a rectangular and transparent cell, complementary filters and solvent. Alternatively a spectrofluorimeter can he used to evaluate how weak Raman scattering is.
  • A Eterna Busca do Indivisível: do Átomo Filosófico aos Quarks e Léptons Assuntos Gerais

    Caruso, Francisco; Oguri, Vitor

    Resumo em Inglês:

    The fascinating search of the inner boundaries of the Universe, has been entangled, since the birth of greek philosophy 25 centuries ago, with the main epistemological changes in the History of Science. This paper does not intend to present a systematic description of the discovery of the elementary particles. By stressing the main achievements of the knowledge of matter's structure and their dependence on symmetry arguments, it is argued that even considering profound differences in each historical period, there is a paradgima of atom shared by Chemistry and Particle Physics. This text could help High School Teachers of Chemistry and Physics, as well as motivate them, in the challenge of explaining to their pupils how the idea of atom evolved.
  • Walter Charleton (1620 - 1707) e sua Teoria Atômica Assuntos Gerais

    Porto, Paulo Alves

    Resumo em Inglês:

    Several authors in the 17th century used the atomic hypothesis to explain observable phenomena. This paper analyzes some ideas about chemical transformation proposed by the English physician Walter Charleton. In Physiologia Epicuro-Gassendo-Charltoniana (London, 1654), Charleton examined philosophical aspects of the atomic theory, and suggested that the best explanation for all natural phenomena would be only in terms of atoms and their motions. Sometimes, however, he had to attribute to the atoms some kind of "internal virtue", to explain more complex properties of the matter. His idea of "element", and the little use of experimentation and quantification, also limited the range of Charleton's theory.
Sociedade Brasileira de Química Instituto de Química, Universidade Estadual de Campinas (Unicamp), CP6154, 13083-0970 - Campinas - SP - Brazil