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Química Nova, Volume: 20, Número: 4, Publicado: 1997
  • Editorial - A nova LDB: perspectivas e desafios

    Rocha Filho, Romeu C.
  • Recuperação de metais de catalisadores usados de hidrotratamento (NiMo E CoMo/AL2O3) Artigo

    Afonso, Júlio C.; Lajter, Karen; Góes, Ronny S.

    Resumo em Inglês:

    This work presents a detailed study of the leaching behavior of deactivated hydrotreating catalysts (CoMo, NiMo/Al2O3) in presence of oxalate and NH4+ ions in various media. The yield of metals recovery may be optimized by adjusting several experimental parameters (time, temperature, etc). Leaching is limited by physical factors (diffusional effects caused by coke) and by the existence of silicate/spinel-like species which are poorly soluble in leaching solutions. Coke may be eliminated by an oxidation step at temperatures between 300-400ºC. Above 400ºC, solubilization of Ni and Co is drastically reduced. 50-90% wt of sulphate species and 15-30% wt of phosphate ions are solubilized during leaching. Silicon (as SiO2) is not solubilized. The best Ni-Co-Mo recoveries are in the 70-90% wt range; Fe recovery may be quantitative, whereas Al leaching may be lower than 5% wt.
  • Preparação de nanocompósitos através do encapsulamento de polímeros condutores em 2H-MoS2 e 1T-TiS2 Artigo

    Wypych, Fernando; Seefeld, Natali; Denicoló, Ireno

    Resumo em Inglês:

    Nanocomposites obtained by the encapsulation of conducting polymers such as polyaniline and polydiphenylamine in 2H-MoS2 and 1T-TiS2 are synthesized and characterized by X-ray diffraction and infrared spectrophotometry. The synthesis consists in intercalating the layered compound with n-butyllithium and subsequent exfoliation in water and organic solvents. The nanocomposites are obtained by the adsorption of the polymers into the single-layers sulfides and posterior restacking. The X-ray diffraction measurements showed that the organic conducting polymers are encapsulated in mono and bilayers arrangement in a well-ordered fashion to produce single phase compounds.
  • Síntesis de espirobrasinoesteroides análogos de la 6-desoxocastasterona

    Iglesias Arteaga, Martín A.; Leliebre Lara, Vivian; Pérez Martínez, Carlos; Coll Manchado, Francisco

    Resumo em Inglês:

    The synthesis of two new spirostanic analogs of the natural occurring brassinosteroid 6-desoxocastasterone (1) is described. The scheme consists in the formation and elimination of tigogenin mesylate followed by catalytic dihydroxylation of the resulting D2-steroid (3) and acetylation of the 2a, 3a-diol introduced.Treatment diacetate (5) with NaNO2/BF3.Et2O and chromatography in alumina led to a 23-keto (6) which on reduction produced the 23S alcohol (8) as major product. Saponification of the 2a, 3a-diacetoxy-23-keto compound (6) and the 2a,3a-diacetoxy-23-hydroxy compound (8) led to the spirobrasinosteroids (7) and (9).13C NMR and ¹H RMN characteristics derived from substitution at C23 are briefly discussed.
  • Alcatrão ou creosoto de eucalipto na produção de adesivos fenólicos para colagem de madeira Artigo

    Pimenta, Alexandre Santos; Vital, Benedito Rocha; Fujiwara, Fred Yukio

    Resumo em Inglês:

    This study has shown that Eucalyptus tar and creosote can be used in phenolic adhesive formulations (resols) for wood products bonding. Some adhesives were prepared substituting 0; 17.7; 35.0 and 67.0% of the phenol by anhydrous tar and 0; 15.0 e 28.5% by creosote. In gluing Brazilian pine veneers, eucalypt tar and creosote based adhesives required longer pressing times for curing than conventional phenol-formaldehyde adhesives. By using 13C NMR, the number of carbons in side chains and hydroxyl, carbonyl, carboxyl and methoxyl groups related to 100 aromatic rings could be estimated in tar and creosote. In creosote, after reaction with excess formaldehyde in alkaline medium, only 0,28 hydroxymethyl groups was detected per phenolic ring. This low amount of hydroxymethylation explains the lack of reactivity in curing observed when creosote was introduced in a standard adhesive formulation.
  • Multicomutação e amostragem binária em análise química em fluxo: determinação espectrofotométrica de ortofosfato em águas naturais Artigo

    Kronka, Eloisa Ap. Mocheuti; Reis, Boaventura Freire dos; Vieira, Jonas A.; Blanco, Telma; Gervasio, Ana Paula G.

    Resumo em Inglês:

    A flow system based on multicommutation and binary sampling process was developed to implement the sample zone trapping technique in order to increase the spectrophotometric analytical range and to improve sensitivity. The flow network was designed with active devices in order to provide facilities to determine sequentialy analyte with a wide concentration range, employing a single pumping channel to propel sample and reagents solutions. The procedure was employed to determine ortophosphate ions in water samples of river and waste. Profitable features such as an analytical throughput of 60 samples determination per hour, relative standard deviation (r.s.d.) of 2% (n = 6) for a typical sample with concentration of 2.78 mg/L were achieved. By applying the paired t-test no significant difference at 95% confidence level was observed between the results obtained with the proposed system and those of the usual flow injection system.
  • A natureza das substâncias de referência na avaliação de massas molares de resinas PBLH por meio de cromatografia de exclusão por tamanho e osmometria de pressão de vapor Artigo

    Takahashi, Marta Ferreira Koyama; Lima, Mauro de; Polito, Wagner Luiz

    Resumo em Inglês:

    The SEC and VPO behaviour of hydroxyl-terminated polybutadiene resins was investigated using toluene as solvent and polybutadiene and polystyrene as standards. The results show that molar mass obtained depend on the nature of the standards used in the calibration, specialy in SEC analysis.
  • Síntese e caracterização estrutural de complexos mono e bimetálicos de paládio e platina com ligantes contendo nitrogênio e enxofre Artigo

    Knupp, Vagner Fernandes; Nicesio, Isa Carla; Queiroz, Fernanda de Magalhães; Matos, Robson Mendes; Passos, Bernadette de F. Trigo

    Resumo em Inglês:

    The synthesis of several mono- and bimetallic platinum and palladium complexes are reported. The monometallic complexes are of the type MCl2(PEt3)2L (L=2-aminothiazol; benzothiazol; 2-imidazolidithione; M=Pt; Pd), and the bimetallic complexes (M2Cl4(PEt3) 2L) are derived from them. Infrared spectroscopic characterization of the monometallic complexes shows that the metal centre are coordinated through the N-endocyclic (L=2-aminothiazol; benzothiazol) and through the sulphur when L=2-imidazolidithione. Coordination of a second metal fragment occurs via the sulphur atom (L=2-aminothiazol; benzothiazol) according to infrared studies. 31P{¹H} NMR spectroscopy suggest that the complexes have a cis- configuration since the ¹J Pt-P are around the value found for this type of compound.
  • Naturally occurring pentaoxygenated, hexaoxygenated and dimeric xanthones: a literature survey

    Peres, V.; Nagem, T. J.

    Resumo em Inglês:

    This review gives information on the chemical study of 71 pentaoxygenated, 11 hexaoxygenated and 9 dimeric and more complex xanthones naturally occurring in 7 families, 29 genus and 62 species of higher plants, and 11 described as fern and fungal metabolites. The value of these groups of substances in the connection with the pharmacological activity and the therapeutic use of some species is shown. The structural formulas of 23 isolated compounds and their distribution in the species studied are given.
  • Compostos de platina em quimioterapia do câncer Revisão

    Fontes, Ana Paula Soares; Almeida, Sérgio Gama de; Nader, Letícia de Andrade

    Resumo em Inglês:

    The vast majority of clinically used antitumor drugs are either synthetic or natural product based organic compounds. In this review we describe different aspects, such as structure-activity relationships, mechanism of action, clinical uses and possible future prospects, of the platinum antitumor complexes, a distinct class of antitumor agents.
  • O problema da contaminação na determinação de traços de alumínio Divulgação

    Garcia, Solange Cristina; Gioda, Adriana; Nascimento, Denise Bohrer do

    Resumo em Inglês:

    The most common difficulties which occur in trace analysis are those which involve contamination, mainly when the measurement is at very low concentration of ubiquitous elements as aluminium. The worst situation is when a separation step is necessary, because it requires extra-manipulations of the sample. This article describes the degree of contamination and its control for the aluminium trace analysis in dialysis solutions, when aluminium content of about 15 µg/l must be determinated.
  • Análise potenciométrica de redissolução com ultramicroeletrodos: fundamentos e aplicações na determinação de metais traços Divulgação

    Nobre, Ana Lúcia da Rocha; Mazo, Luiz Henrique

    Resumo em Inglês:

    The Potentiometric Stripping Analysis (PSA) is described with emphasis on ultramicroelectrode applications with a laboratory developed computer based instrumentation. The technique potentialities as compared with the voltammetric approach are pointed out based on the current literature. Some results of trace metals analysis including zinc, cadmium, lead and copper in vinegar and canned food samples are presented. The mainly advantage found in our laboratory was the technique capability to analyse natural samples with minimum matrix interference and the low level of noise found in our determinations.
  • A presença de mercúrio em casa constitui um risco de contaminação humana e / ou ambiental? Relato de um caso Divulgação

    Moreira, Josino C.; Pivetta, Fatima R.; Kuriyama, Gisele S.; Barrocas, Paulo R.; Nicola, Fernando L. G.; Rosa, Fernanda C. G.; Jacob, Silvana C.

    Resumo em Inglês:

    Mercury kept in a garage of a residencial building in Rio de Janeiro was accidentally released and caused local (environmental and human) contamination. The concentration of mercury in indoor air of the most critical site reached 15.5 mg/m³. Outdoor air samples showed concentrations ranging from 0.37 to 6.6 mg/m³ . Seventy five per cent of the urine samples collected from 22 residents in the contaminated building showed levels of mercury higher than those observed in non exposed individuals (>6.9 mg/L); in 30% of these samples, the concentration was higher than 20 mg/L. These values show a high level of human contamination and the final consequences were not so serious owing to the quick action taken by one of the residents.
  • Chemistry and light - part 2: light and energy

    Scandola, Franco; Bignozzi, Carlo Alberto; Balzani, Vincenzo

    Resumo em Inglês:

    The conversion of solar energy into more useful forms of energy, such as chemical fuels or electricity, is one of the central problems facing modern science. Progress in photochemistry and chemical synthesis has led to a point where light energy conversion by means of artificial molecular devices can be rationally attempted. In this article, a general approach towards this challenging goal is presented.
  • Conforma: a program for determining ring conformations and puckering coordinates

    Iulek, J.; Zukerman-Schpector, J.

    Resumo em Inglês:

    A program (CONFORMA) was developed to calculate ring puckering coordinates using Cremer and Pople's (J. Am. Chem. Soc. 1975, 97, 1354) methodology, which quantifies the conformation of five or more atom rings. The program performs, also, a conformational analysis based on these results.
  • Síntese de β-cetoésteres cíclicos: novo procedimento para ciclizações de Dieckmann empregando ALCL3 e trietilamina Nota Técnica

    Peçanha, Emerson P.; Barreiro, Eliezer J.; Fraga, Carlos A. M.

    Resumo em Inglês:

    In this communication we describe a new methodology to Dieckmann cyclization of diethyl adipate (1) and diethyl pimelate (3) applying "push-pull" strategy using anhydrous aluminium trichloride and triethylamine in dichloromethane at room temperature. This method is very efficient, simple, safe and reproducible, giving the corresponding cyclic β-keto ester derivatives in 84% and 71% yield, respectively.
  • Perfil sócio-econômico dos alunos, repetência e evasão no curso de Química da UFMG Educação

    Braga, Mauro Mendes; Miranda-Pinto, Clotilde O. B. de; Cardeal, Zenilda de Lourdes

    Resumo em Inglês:

    This paper describes a study about the causes for the dropout of chemistry undergraduate students at UFMG in the nineties. The students' social and economic profile was outlined. It was observed a correlation between family income and academic performance and between failure at the beginning of the course and the dropout, but it seems that family income doesn't affect markedly the dropout. The endogenous and exogenous causes contribute equally for the dropout. The authors suggest that the dropout could be significantly reduced if the endogenous causes such as large classes, inadequate curricula and programmes, poor teaching and the unapproachability on the part of the teachers were faced.
  • As "Disquisitiones" do naturalista Arruda da Câmara (1752-1811) e as relações entre a Química e a Fisiologia no final do Século das Luzes Assuntos Gerais

    Almeida, Argus Vasconcelos de; Magalhães, Francisco de Oliveira

    Resumo em Inglês:

    This work is intended to rescue the field of validity of the "Disquisitiones" by the naturalist Arruda da Câmara placing them in the scientific and historical context of the end of the "Century of Light". Thus, a tentative is made here to reconstruct the debate established among the several theories that served as background of the relationships between Chemistry and Physiology of that time. In the present work is presented by the first time an integral translation of the "Disquisitiones" and a biographical resume of the naturalist in the historical context of his epoch in Northeast Brazil, especially in Pernambuco.
Sociedade Brasileira de Química Instituto de Química, Universidade Estadual de Campinas (Unicamp), CP6154, 13083-0970 - Campinas - SP - Brazil