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Química Nova, Volume: 23, Número: 5, Publicado: 2000
  • Biodiversidade, lei de recursos genéticos e política científica Editorial

    Ferreira, Vitor Francisco
  • Sobre a aplicabilidade da termogravimetria para a estimativa de parâmetros termoquímicos de compostos de coordenação: os elementos lantanídicos Artigo

    Farias, Robson Fernandes de

    Resumo em Inglês:

    By using thermochemical data reported for a series of chelates of the type [Ln(thd)3], thd = 2, 2, 6, 6 tetramethyl- 3,5-heptanedione and Ln = La, Pr, Nd, Sm, Gd, Tb, Ho, Er, Tm and Yb, empirical correlations were found involving thermochemical parameters (e.g. dissociation enthalpy) and the thermodynamic temperatures of the beginning of thermal degradation of the chelates, t i. It is shown that t i values are of capital importance in the study of this all class of coordination compounds. Among others, the empirical equation is obtained: r3+ = (-0,013.Z + 1,36)/0,005, that relates the lanthanide cation radius (pm) with the atomic number of the element. The remarkable fact is that this equation is achieved by using thermogravimetric and calorimetric parameters. Is also shown that t i values are related with the P(M) function values, which are very close related with the energy difference, deltaE, between the lowest electronic energy level of the f n s²d¹ configuration and the lowest energy level of the f n+1s² configuration in the neutral gaseous atoms.
  • Implementação de um sistema de eletroforese capilar com detecção de fluorescência induzida por laser Artigo

    Santos, Marcia R.; Tavares, Marina F. M.; Rubim, Joel C.

    Resumo em Inglês:

    A capillary electrophoresis system using laser induced fluorescence detection is described. A Raman system equipped with a microscope has been used to focus the laser beam on the capillary giving a lateral resolution of 1.5 mm. The fluorescence signal of the analyte (ZnPcTS - tetrasulfonated zinc-phthalocyanine) was collected by the microscope objectives and analysed by a monochromator with confocal characteristics equipped with a CCD detector. Electropherograms obtained with this system were compared to those obtained on a commercial instrument, showing that the described system presents a lower detection limit and better resolution.
  • Níveis e origem da acidificação das chuvas na região do Rio Grande, RS Artigo

    Mirlean, Nicolai; Vanz, Argeu; Baisch, Paulo

    Resumo em Inglês:

    The current article presents the first data on physical-chemical parameters of wet precipitation collected at single collection point in the city of Rio Grande, during the period of 12 months in 1997-1998. The employed technique of rainwater separation into several portions made clear the process of the atmosphere self-purification during a precipitation event. The pH of rainwater depends on the extent of industrial emissions and increases during a precipitation event. The first portion of rainwater shows an obvious neutralizing effect of soil and ocean-derived components, whose intensity depends on the duration of the preceding dry period.
  • Produtos naturais das esponjas marinhas Aaptos sp., Hymeniacidon aff. heliophila, e do nudibrânquio Doris aff. verrucosa Artigo

    Granato, Ana Claudia; Berlinck, Roberto G. S.; Magalhães, Alviclér; Schefer, Alexandre B.; Ferreira, Antonio G.; Sanctis, Bianca de; Freitas, José Carlos de; Hajdu, Eduardo; Migotto, Alvaro E.

    Resumo em Inglês:

    Herein we describe the isolation of homarine and piridiniumbetaine B from the sponge Aaptos sp. Although homarine has a common occurrence among animals, piridiniumbetaine B was only recently isolated from the marine sponge Agelas dispar. The isolation of piridiniumbetaine B from two taxonomically distant marine sponges corroborate previous assumptions that such betaines should be regarded rather as primary metabolites. We have also isolated (9-[5'-(methylthio)-beta-D-xylofuranosyl]adenine (xylosyl-MTA) from the mantle of a nudibranch identified as Doris aff. verrucosa. The occurrence of xylosyl-MTA in the mantle of this animal strongly suggests that it is the same nudibranch species described for the Mediterranean sea. We have been unable to detect any other compound in the mantle extract of D. aff. verrucosa other than xylosil-MTA and sterols. GC-MS analysis of the sterol fraction from the nudibranch and its prey, the sponge Hymeniacidon aff. heliophila, revealed the occurrence of the ubiquitous sterols, cholesterol, brassicasterol, cholestanol, 24-methylcholesterol and 24-ethylcholesterol, as the only common metabolites, therefore precluding any assumption concerning the sequestration of secondary metabolites by the nudibranch from H. aff. heliophila.
  • Determinação da estrutura molecular do ciclooctano por métodos ab initio e difração de elétrons na fase gasosa Artigo

    De Almeida, Wagner B.

    Resumo em Inglês:

    The determination of the molecular structure of molecules is of fundamental importance in chemistry. X-rays and electron diffraction methods constitute in important tools for the elucidation of the molecular structure of systems in the solid state and gas phase, respectively. The use of quantum mechanical molecular orbital ab initio methods offer an alternative for conformational analysis studies. Comparison between theoretical results and those obtained experimentally in the gas phase can make a significant contribution for an unambiguous determination of the geometrical parameters. In this article the determination of the molecular structure of the cyclooctane molecule by electron diffraction in the gas phase and ab initio calculations will be addressed, providing an example of a comparative analysis of theoretical and experimental predictions.
  • Análise por difração de raios x de filmes de óxidos cerâmicos compostos por IrO2/TiO2/CeO2 Artigo

    Alves, Valéria Almeida; Silva, Luís Antônio da; Boodts, Julien Françoise Coleta

    Resumo em Inglês:

    Independent of the sample form (powder or film), XRD analysis of Ir0,3Ti(0,7-x)Ce xO2, (nominal) mixtures, for x=0, shows the formation of a solid solution phase between IrO2 and TiO2, as well as the rutile phases of IrO2 and TiO2. The presence of the anatase phase of TiO2 is also confirmed. The introduction of 30 mol% CeO2 in the mixture reveals the presence of the CeO2 and Ce2O3 phases, besides the already mentioned ones, in the powder. In the film form, however, an amorphous phase is identified. When all of the TiO2 is substituded by CeO2, for both sample forms, the only phases found are IrO2, CeO2 and Ce2O3. This result suggests cerium oxides are not capable of forming solid solutions with either IrO2 or (Ir,Ti)O2 acting solely as a dispersant matrix for these phases. These results are consistent with the much higher electrochemically active surface area when CeO2 is introduced in the binary Ti/Ir0,3Ti0,7O2 mixture. It was possible to establish a relationship between the electrochemical stability of the supported films and their crystalline structure. The unexpected presence of TiO2 and Ti2O3 in the Ti/Ir0,3Ce0,7O2 (film sample) is attributed to oxidation of the Ti support during the calcination step.
  • Estudo das partículas totais em suspensão e metais associados em áreas urbanas Artigo

    Carvalho, Fabiana Goulart de; Jablonski, André; Teixeira, Elba Calesso

    Resumo em Inglês:

    This work aims at the study of the air quality determination regarding the total suspended particles (TSP) and the associated metals in the counties of Charqueadas and Sapucaia do Sul at the state of Rio Grande do Sul. The TSP samples were collected using high volume samplers and the analysis of the metallic elements was accomplished through ICP-AES. The results revealed that the TSP concentrations, found in the two studied regions, have exceded the current air quality patterns established by the Brazilian Legislation. They also revealed high levels of several of the elements being attributed to the presence of anthropogenic sources. The correlation between meteorological data (speed and wind direction) and TSP concentrations were significant and revealed strong influence in particle dispersion.
  • Relações da atividade agropecuária com parâmetros físicos químicos da água Artigo

    Carvalho, Adriana Rosa; Schlittler, Flávio Henrique Mingante; Tornisielo, Valdemar Luiz

    Resumo em Inglês:

    Water Quality Index (WQI) was used during summer and winter of 1994 and 1995 in the final section of Onça and Feijão streams, downstream Broa Reservoir (São Carlos/SP) to evaluate agricultural and catlleman effects. In Onça stream water quality was "acceptable" in winter and "inappropriate to conventional treatment" in the summer. In Feijão stream the water had an "excellent" quality in winter and "good" in the summer. A MANOVA (Multivariate Analysis of Variance) has used to discriminate seasons and streams. Correlation (p<0,05) among the variables was tested. Water temperature, turbidity, pH and fecal bacteria are highly correlated and can be one of the factors that cause WQI change by seasons.
  • Triterpenos da resina de Protium heptaphyllum March (B0urseraceae): caracterização em misturas binárias Artigo

    Maia, Robinson Magalhães; Barbosa, Pedro Rocha; Cruz, Frederico Guaré; Roque, Nídia Franca; Fascio, Miguel

    Resumo em Inglês:

    Eight triterpenes, maniladiol, breine, ursa-9(11):12-dien-3beta-ol, oleana-9(11):12-dien-3beta-ol, 3alpha-hydroxy-tirucalla-8,24-dien-21-oic acid, 3alpha-hydroxy-tirucalla-7,24-dien-21-oic, alpha and beta amyrines were isolated as binary mixtures obtained from the chloroform extract of the oil-resin of Protium heptaphyllum March. The identification of the compounds was based mainly in 13C NMR data and mass spectra. The diene and the tetracyclic acid triterpenes were not reported before in the literature as constituents of the studied resin.
  • Morfologia e cristalinidade de hidroxicarbonato de zinco obtido via precipitação homogênea: influência dos ânions cloreto e nitrato Artigo

    Sigoli, Fernando Aparecido; Pires, Ana Maria; Stucchi, Elizabeth Berweth; Jafelicci Jr, Miguel; Davolos, Marian Rosaly

    Resumo em Inglês:

    The effects of chloride and nitrate anions and their respective concentrations, as well as urea presence, on solid phase morphologies were investigated. Zinc hydroxide carbonate was prepared by aging diluted zinc salt solution in presence of urea at 90ºC. Samples were identified by X-ray powder diffractograms showing the characteristic patterns of hydrozincite. The crystallinity was correlated with the concentrations of reagents. Spherulitic-type aggregates and single acicular particles were obtained from diluted chloride and nitrate solutions while porous aggregates of uniform size were formed from solutions with high chloride and urea concentrations.
  • Síntese do butirato de n-butila empregando lipase microbiana imobilizada em copolímero de estireno-divinilbenzeno Artigo

    Oliveira, Pedro Carlos de; Alves, Gizelda Maria; Castro, Heizir Ferreira de; Mei, Lucia Helena Innocentini

    Resumo em Inglês:

    This work investigates the reaction parameters of an immobilized lipase in the esterification reaction of n-butanol and butyric acid. Microbial lipase from Candida rugosa was immobilized onto styrene-divinylbenzene copolymer (STY-DVB) and subsequently introduced in an organic medium containing substrates in appropriate concentrations. Heptane was selected as solvent on the basis of its compatibility with the resin and the enzyme. The influence of molar ratio of acid to alcohol, amount of immobilized lipase and temperature on the butyl butyrate formation was determined. The results were compared with those achieved with free lipase and Lipozyme (commercially immobilized lipase) under the same operational conditions.
  • Determinação espectrofotométrica de vitamina B2 (riboflavina) em formulações farmacêuticas empregando sistema de análises por injeção em fluxo Artigo

    Aniceto, Clezio; Canaes, Larissa de Souza; Fatibello-Filho, Orlando; Cavalheiro, Carla C. S.

    Resumo em Inglês:

    A flow injection spectrophotometric procedure exploiting merging zones is proposed for determining vitamin B2 (riboflavin) in pharmaceutical preparations. The determination is based on the red-colored complex formation between vitamin B2 and silver(I) which was measured at 520 nm. Vitamin B2 was determined in four pharmaceutical preparations in the 1.0 to 50.0 mg L-1 concentration range, with a detection limit of 0.5 mg L-1. The recovery from three samples ranged from 98.0 to 104.0 %. The analytical frequency was 42 h-1 and r.s.d. were lower than 1% for solutions containing 10.0, 30.0 and 50.0 mg L-1 vitamin B2 (n= 10). The results obtained in commercial formulations using the FIA procedure were in good agreement with those obtained by using a conventional fluorimetric procedure (r=0.9998) and also with the label values (r= 0.9997).
  • Catálise de transferência de fase Revisão

    Lucchese, Angélica Maria; Marzorati, Liliana

    Resumo em Inglês:

    Since its discovery, phase transfer catalysis (PTC) has grown considerably and nowadays is one of the most versatile preparative methods. The search for new catalysts, their use in PTC asymmetric synthesis and the attempts to understand their mechanistic role are modern and exciting topics of investigation. A review on main achievements in the last two decades is presented.
  • Avaliação dos métodos analíticos para a determinação de metabólitos do benzeno como potenciais biomarcadores de exposição humana ao benzeno no ar Revisão

    Coutrim, Mauricio Xavier; Carvalho, Lilian R. F. de; Arcuri, Arline Sydneia Abel

    Resumo em Inglês:

    Increasing attention is being paid to the use of biomarkers for determining the exposure of humans to air toxics. Biomarkers include the nonreacted toxic substance, their metabolites, or the reaction products of these toxics with naturally substances in the body. Significant progress has been made in the measurement of biomarkers during the past several years. Much of this progress has been because of the development of advanced analytical techniques for identification and quantification of the chemical species in complex matrix, such as biological fluids. The assessment of the potential cancer risk associated with exposure to benzene at occupational and non-occupational ambient is necessary because of the toxicological implications of this air pollutant. Thus, in this review, the analytical methodologies used to determine the benzene metabolites, in special, urinary muconic acid and S-phenylmercapturic acid, are described and several problems affecting the precision of these procedures are discussed. Finally, in view of the difficulty pointed out for selecting the more adequate biomarker, further studies to evaluate the human exposure levels to benzene should be done.
  • Técnicas in situ de baixo custo em eletroquímica: a microbalança a cristal de quartzo Revisão

    Varela, Hamilton; Malta, Marcos; Torresi, Roberto M.

    Resumo em Inglês:

    Among in situ techniques, the electrochemical quartz crystal microbalance (EQCM) is a powerful tool for the study of electrochemical reactions that produce mass changes in the electrode/solution interface. This review present some systems in which the EQCM combined with classical electrochemical techniques, gives relevant information for understanding the charge transport process at a molecular level. The aim of this review is to do a brief description of experimental arrangements, with emphasis on some special cares that must be considered by the users. Secondly, some chosen electrochemical systems where the technique was successfully applied are discussed. Finally, a brief analysis of electroacoustic impedance experiments was done in order to show when the Sauerbrey equation can be used.
  • Principais avanços e perspectivas na área de produtos naturais ativos: estudos desenvolvidos no NIQFAR/UNIVALI Divulgação

    Cechinel Filho, Valdir

    Resumo em Inglês:

    This work describes the more promising chemical and pharmacological or biological results obtained with some selected Brazilian medicinal plants, which has been conducted at Núcleo de Investigações Químico-Farmacêuticas (NIQFAR)/UNIVALI in the last five years. It was found that several phytoconstituents exhibit different activities, such as antispasmodic, antiallergic, analgesic, antiinflammatory, antimicrobial and antiviral. Some of them were more potent than some well-known standard drugs used clinically.
  • Utilização de endoperóxidos de derivados de naftaleno como fontes químicas de oxigênio singlete em sistemas biológicos Divulgação

    Martinez, Glaucia R.; Medeiros, Marisa H. G.; Di Mascio, Paolo

    Resumo em Inglês:

    Molecular oxygen, in the first excited state (singlet oxygen, ¹O2), has a substantial reactivity towards electron-rich organic molecules, such as biological targets, including unsaturated fatty acids, proteins, RNA and DNA. Considering the complexity of biological systems and the great variety of reactive species generated by photochemistry, efforts have been devoted to develop suitable ¹O2 generators based on the thermolysis of water soluble naphthalene endoperoxides. These compounds are chemically inert and have been employed as versatile sources of ¹O2. The synthesis is based on structural modifications in position 1,4 of dimethylnaphtalene, grafting hydrophilic substituents. The correspondent endoperoxide can be generated using photochemical method, or molybdate-catalyzed disproportionation of hydrogen peroxide.
  • Utilização de filtro de transformada de fourier para a minimização de ruídos em sinais analíticos Divulgação

    Cerqueira, Eduardo O.; Poppi, Ronei J.; Kubota, Lauro T.; Mello, Cesar

    Resumo em Inglês:

    Instrumental data always present some noise. The analytical data information and instrumental noise generally has different frequencies. Thus is possible to remove the noise using a digital filter based on Fourier transform and inverse Fourier transform. This procedure enhance the signal/noise ratio and consecutively increase the detection limits on instrumental analysis. The basic principle of Fourier transform filter with modifications implemented to improve its performance is presented. A numerical example, as well as a real voltammetric example are showed to demonstrate the Fourier transform filter implementation. The programs to perform the Fourier transform filter, in Matlab and Visual Basic languages, are included as appendices
  • Uma disciplina teórica de química para os alunos ingressantes no curso de graduação em química Educação

    Santos Filho, Pedro Faria dos

    Resumo em Inglês:

    The topics developed in the first discipline applied to the freshmen at the Chemistry Institute of UNICAMP are described, along with a discussion of how the program is developed in our days.
  • Unambiguous assessments of reaction paths for selected pericyclic reactions

    Langler, Richard Francis

    Resumo em Inglês:

    Four commonplace concerted reactions are examined using (i) correlation diagrams, (ii) frontier molecular orbital analyses for transition states, (iii) Zimmerman-Dewar analyses for transition states and (iv) modified Zimmerman-Dewar analyses for transition states. Only the latter approach is consistently satisfactory.
  • Avaliacão de programas de aquecimento para espectrometria de absorção atômica com atomizacão eletrotérmica em filamento de tungstênio Nota Técnica

    Oliveira, Pedro V.; Catanho, Marciana; Nóbrega, Joaquim A.; Luccas, Pedro O.

    Resumo em Inglês:

    A tungsten coil atomizer was used to investigate the effect of heating programs with constant or variable drying temperatures on the atomization of Al, Cd, Cr and Pb. The variation of the surface temperature in the tungsten coil furnace can occur during each heating step due to the design of the power supply, that may apply constant voltages during a programmed time. For volatile elements (Cd), losses in sensitivity were observed when the program with a variable temperature was used. On the other hand, these effects are negligible for less volatile elements (Al and Cr) and any tested program, in different acidic media, could be used without appreciable changes in sensitivities. The results allow the establishment of proper heating programs for elements with different thermochemical behavior in the tungsten coil atomizer.
  • Glauber, Thurneisser e outros. Tecnologia química e química fina, conceitos não tão novos assim Assuntos Gerais

    Maar, Juergen Heinrich

    Resumo em Inglês:

    Chemical Technology and Fine Chemicals, in the sense we understand them, go back not to Leblanc's soda production process, as many historians of Science and chemists suggest, but to the XVIIth Century, with the "technological" activities of Glauber and others; the Paracelsian Thurneisser can be seen as the first to produce "fine chemicals".
Sociedade Brasileira de Química Instituto de Química, Universidade Estadual de Campinas (Unicamp), CP6154, 13083-0970 - Campinas - SP - Brazil