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Química Nova, Volume: 25, Número: 4, Publicado: 2002
  • Editorial

    Barreiro, Eliezer J.
  • Synthesis and characterization of oxovanadium (IV) dithiocarbamates with pyridine

    Doadrio, Antonio L.; Sotelo, José; Fernández-Ruano, Ana

    Resumo em Inglês:

    We report the synthesis and study of a new series of oxovanadium (IV) dithiocarbamate adducts and derivatives with pyridine and cyclohexyl, di-iso-butyl, di-n-propyl, anilin, morpholin, piperidin and di-iso-propyl amines. The complexes have been characterized by analytical, magnetochemical, IR, visible-UV spectral and thermal studies, and are assigned the formulas [VO(L)2].py, where L=cyclohexyl, di-iso-butyl, di-n-propyl, anilin dithiocarbamate and [VO(OH)(L)(py)2]OH.H2O (L=morpholin, piperidin and di-iso-propyl dithiocarbamate). The effect of the adduct formation on the pV=0 bound is discussed in terms of the IR (V=O, V-S and V-N stretching frequencies) and electronic spectra (d-d transitions).
  • Estudo da degradação do herbicida ácido 2,4- diclorofenoxiacético (2,4-D) por meio da radiação gama do cobalto-60 em solução aquosa contendo ácido húmico Artigo

    Campos, Sandro Xavier de; Vieira, Eny Maria

    Resumo em Inglês:

    The use of pesticides in agriculture presents some problems to ecosytems as a consequence of their remaining in the environment. Conventional methods for environmental decontamination sometimes just transfer these residues from one place to another. The use of gamma radiation from cobalt-60 to induce 2,4-D degradation in aqueous solution containing humic acid was studied. Results show that the herbicide is completely degraded after treatment with a 30 kGy dose. There were decreases in the degradation of the 2,4-D when humic acid was added at all doses. Some radiolytic products are proposed. The 2,4-D radiolytic yields (G) from 2,4-D were calculated.
  • Tendências evolutivas de famílias produtoras de cumarinas em angiospermae Artigo

    Ribeiro, Claudia Valeria Campos; Kaplan, Maria Auxiliadora Coelho

    Resumo em Inglês:

    Coumarins are special metabolites well distributed in the Angiospermae, either in Monocotyledoneae or Dicotyledoneae. Simple coumarins, the most widespread type, is found in all coumarin-producing families, such as: Apiaceae, Rutaceae, Asteraceae, Fabaceae, Oleaceae, Moraceae e Thymelaeaceae. The other types, linear- and angular furanocoumarins, linear- and angular pyranocoumarins, lignocoumarins, bis- and triscoumarins, are of more restricted circumscription. Among the families with occurrence numbers (NO) > 100, the more advanced ones are specialized in the production of only one or two coumarin types, while the primitive families are very well diversified in types. Calculations of percentual numbers of occurrence (%NO) show relevant meaning of coumarin-types in the taxonomic positioning of the producing taxa.
  • Estudo do estado fundamental de aglomerados de silício via redes neurais Artigo

    Lemes, Maurício Ruv; Dal Pino Júnior, Arnaldo

    Resumo em Inglês:

    We introduce a global optimization method based on the cooperation between an Artificial Neural Net (ANN) and Genetic Algorithm (GA). We have used ANN to select the initial population for the GA. We have tested the new method to predict the ground-state geometry of silicon clusters. We have described the clusters as a piling of plane structures. We have trained three ANN architectures and compared their results with those of pure GA. ANN strongly reduces the total computational time. For Si10, it gained a factor of 5 in search speed. This method can be easily extended to other optimization problems.
  • Influência da matéria orgânica na adsorção do fungicida triadimenol pelo solo Artigo

    Lopes, Nilva Pereira; Queiroz, Maria Eliana Lopes Ribeiro de; Neves, Antônio Augusto; Zambolim, Laércio

    Resumo em Inglês:

    The adsorption of triadimenol (1-(4-chlorophenoxy)-3,3-dimethyl-1-(1H-1,2,4-triazol-1-yl)butan-2-ol) on soil samples with varying contents of organic matter was studied. The adsorption was described by means of the Freundlich's isoterm. An increase in the capacity of adsorption was observed as the content of organic carbon in the matrix increased. That effect was observed when removing the organic matter from the soil, when adding a urban waste compost to the soil sample as well as to the soil sample without organic matter, and also after leaving proportions of urban waste compost incubated in these matrices for a period of 120 days. The results show that the adsorption of the triadimenol in the soil is dependent of its content of organic carbon.
  • Determinação de cobre, alumínio e ferro em solos derivados do basalto através de extrações seqüenciais Artigo

    Costa, Antonio Carlos Saraiva da; Almeida, Vitor de Cinque; Lenzi, Ervim; Nozaki, Jorge

    Resumo em Inglês:

    Copper, aluminum and iron concentrations were determined in four geochemical fractions of three different basaltic soils from the northwest region of the Parana State, Brazil. The fractions examined were the reducible manganese dioxide and amorphous iron oxide, crystaline iron oxide, organic and residual. Metal concentrations were determined in the extracts by flame atomic absorption spectrophotometry. High Fe concentrations were extracted from the crystalline iron oxide (>20%), as well as the amorphous iron oxide (>12%). Copper was extracted from the amorphous and crystalline iron oxides in the range 5 to 12%, but low concentrations were bound to organic matter. Low concentrations of aluminum were extracted (<8%) from the amorphous and crystaline iron oxides, and organic matter. High concentrations of aluminum were found in the residual fraction.
  • Determinação espectrofotométrica de dipirona em produtos farmacêuticos por injeção em fluxo pela geração de íons triiodeto Artigo

    Pereira, Airton Vicente; Penckowski, Luciane; Vosgerau, Marcos; Sassá, Michelli Fernanda; Fatibello Filho, Orlando

    Resumo em Inglês:

    A flow injection spectrophotometric procedure was developed for the determination of metamizol in pharmaceutical formulations. The system is based on the reaction between metamizol and triiodide generated in the system by mixing iodate and iodide-starch solutions. The absorbance of triiodide-starch complex giving a steady-state baseline value which was monitored at 580 nm. The inverse peaks caused by metamizol samples were measured and there was a direct relationship between absorbance decreasing and metamizol concentration from 1.4 x 10-4 to 7.0 x 10-4 mol L-1. The RSD was 0.45 % for a metamizol solution 4.2 x 10-4 mol L-1 (n = 10) with a detection limit (three-fold blank standard deviation/slope) of 6.0 x 10-5 mol L-1 The feasibility of the system was demonstrated for the determination of metamizol in commercial samples with sixty results obtained per hour. The results obtained for metamizol in pharmaceutical formulations using the proposed flow procedure and those obtained using an iodimetric procedure are in agreement at the 95% confidence level and within an acceptable range of error.
  • Geração sonoquímica de oxidantes em solução aquosa saturada de tetracloreto de carbono Artigo

    Borges, Sivanildo da Silva; Korn, Mauro

    Resumo em Inglês:

    In this work the CCl4 degradation in aqueous solution by sonication with 40 kHz commercial ultrasonic bath was investigated. Sonochemical degradation of CCl4 occur by the cleavage of C-Cl bond into the cavitation bubbles. Oxidation reactions and the pH decreasing in the bulk solution during sonication were attributed to chlorine radicals produced by CCl4 sonolysis, leading to increase the chloride concentration. The formation of oxidizing agents was evaluated employing I- and Fe2+ ion solutions, converted to I2 and HIO, and Fe3+, respectively. The amount of chloride and hydronium ions produced after 3 min of irradiation was 11.52 and 12.19 mmol, respectively, suggesting that the same reaction was involved to produce these ions. Fe2+ oxidation and the pH variation were monitored to estimate chlorine radical formation rate in the presence (0.107 mumol s-1) and absence (0.092 mumol s-1) of metallic ion during the first minute of sonication.
  • Xerogel p-anisidinapropilsílica: estudo da estabilidade térmica e da resistência à lixiviação com solventes Artigo

    Franken, Leonardo; Santos, Lisiane S. dos; Caramão, Elina B.; Costa, Tania M. H.; Benvenutti, Edilson V.

    Resumo em Inglês:

    The xerogel p-anisidinepropylsilica was obtained. This solid presents some residual paraffin and also a small fraction of high organofunctionalized material that was leached in polar solvent. The xerogel purification could be achieved by exhaustively washing with hexane and dichloromethane solvents, or submitting the xerogel to thermal treatment up to 300 ºC, in vacuum. The resulting purified xerogel material present an appreciable thermal stability and resistance to leaching by solvents.
  • Estudos de proteção da célula de saccharomyces cerevisiae para utilização em reações de redução em meio orgânico Artigo

    Nascimento, Maria da Graça; Zanotto, Sandra Patricia; Melegari, Sílvia Pedroso; Moran, Paulo J. S.

    Resumo em Inglês:

    New methodologies for protection of Saccharomyces cerevisiae (FP) cells when supported in montmorillonite K10 (K10), recovered or not with gelatin (G) and in the presence or absence of sucrose (S) are presented. These systems were used for the enantioselective reduction of ethyl acetoacetate and a-chloroacetophenone in hexane, under FP/K10/G/S and FP/S at 20ºC during 24 hours, affording S-(+)-ethyl-3-hydroxybutanoate in 100% conversion and 99% ee, and R-(-)-2-chloro-1-phenylethanol 79% and 78% ee at 20 and 30 ºC, respectivelly.
  • O impacto do crômio nos sistemas biológicos Revisão

    Ferreira, Alba Denise de Queiroz

    Resumo em Inglês:

    The impact of biological chromium's activity may be beneficial or not. This review presents the most relevant chemical aspects of these "two faces" of chromium by covering first, the efforts toward a clearer understanding of the carcinogenic properties of chromium compounds. The biomimetic chemistry of Cr(V) complexes illustrates the interactions of the intermediates formed by Cr(VI) reduction with DNA or oligonucleotides. The importance of trivalent chromium as an essential element is also emphasized by summarizing the recent results of the investigations on trinuclear chromium complexes as models of the cofactor responsible for the insulin activity, as well as good candidates for new nutritional supplements.
  • Dinámica de reacciones unimoleculares en fase gas: Desviaciones del comportamiento estadístico

    Martínez-Núñez, Emilio; Vázquez, Saulo A.

    Resumo em Inglês:

    The present review summarizes the most relevant results of our research group obtained recently in the field of unimolecular reaction dynamics. The following processes are specifically analyzed: the isomerization, dissociation and elimination in methyl nitrite, the fragmentation reactions of the mercaptomethyl cation, the C-CO dissociation in the acetyl and propionyl radicals, and the decomposition of vinyl fluoride. In all the cases, only state- or energy-selected systems are considered. Special emphasis is paid to the possibility of systems exhibiting non-statistical behavior.
  • Glifosato: propriedades, toxicidade, usos e legislação Revisão

    Amarante Junior, Ozelito Possidônio de; Santos, Teresa Cristina Rodrigues dos; Brito, Natilene Mesquita; Ribeiro, Maria Lúcia

    Resumo em Inglês:

    This paper supplies a compact revision on the herbicide glyphosate physic-chemistry characteristic mains, including toxicity and valid Brazilian legislation for its use.
  • Danos ao DNA promovidos por ácido 5-aminolevulínico: possível associação com o desenvolvimento de carcinoma hepatocelular em portadores de porfiria aguda intermitente Revisão

    Onuki, Janice; Teixeira, Priscila C.; Medeiros, Marisa H.G.; Di Mascio, Paolo

    Resumo em Inglês:

    5-Aminolevulinic acid (ALA) is a heme precursor accumulated in acute intermittent porphyria (AIP), which might be associated with hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) in symptomatic patients. Under metal catalyzed oxidation, ALA and its cyclic dimerization product, 3,6-dihydropyrazine-2,5-dipropanoic acid, produce reactive oxygen species that damage plasmid and calf thymus DNA bases, increase the steady state level of 8-oxo-7,8-dihydro-2´-deoxyguanosine in liver DNA and promote mitochondrial DNA damage. The final product of ALA, 4,5-dioxovaleric acid (DOVA), is able to alkylate guanine moieties, producing adducts. ALA and DOVA are mutagenic in bacteria. This review shows an up-to-date literature data that reinforce the hypothesis that the DNA damage induced by ALA may be associated with the development of HCC in AIP patients.
  • Detecção de adulterações em produtos alimentares contendo leite e/ou proteínas lácteas Revisão

    Veloso, Ana Cristina A.; Teixeira, Natércia; Ferreira, Isabel M.P.L.V.O.; Ferreira, Margarida A.

    Resumo em Inglês:

    A critical review of the most relevant analytical methodologies for quality and authenticity control of dairy products and foods containing milk proteins is presented. Chromatographic, electrophoretic and immunological methods are used for: detection of cow's milk in ewe and goat milks, detection of whey added to milk, detection of caseins and/or whey proteins in non-lactic foods and study compounds resulting from milk proteins degradation. Techniques based on polimerase chain reaction are also suitable for detection of cow's milk on cheeses of ewe and goat milks.
  • Fases estacionárias para cromatografia líquida de alta eficiência em fase reversa (CLAE-FR) baseadas em superfícies de óxidos inorgânicos funcionalizados Revisão

    Tonhi, Edivan; Collins, Kenneth E.; Jardim, Isabel C. S. F.; Collins, Carol H.

    Resumo em Inglês:

    Particles of porous silica or other solvent resistent inorganic oxides can be functionalized by aliphatic (e.g., C-8 or C-18) or other groups to give stationary phases for use in reversed phase HPLC. The functionalization can be done by bonding of individual groups to the surface of the support particles, by producing an organic polymeric film from pre-polymers, or by adsorbing/immobilizing pre-formed polymers on the surfaces. These three types of functionalization are reviewed.
  • Transferência de elétrons em sistemas inorgânicos de valência mista Divulgação

    Rocha, Reginaldo C.; Toma, Henrique E.

    Resumo em Inglês:

    This article reports on some basic and conceptual principles concerning electron transfer (ET) and/or intervalence transfer (IT) phenomena in inorganic mixed-valence systems.
  • Medidas de resistividade elétrica DC em sólidos: como efetuálas corretamente Divulgação

    Girotto, Emerson M.; Santos, Ivair A.

    Resumo em Inglês:

    This paper deals with the most common methods for determining the dc electrical resistivity in solid materials. A brief overview of the fundamental concepts related to the electrical resistivity on materials is introduced. Undoubtedly, the most common and useful procedure to determine the electrical resistivity (rho) is the fourpoint probe method. Some crucial mistakes regarding the experimental procedure and the appropriated correction factors are found in the literature. Thus, the correction factor for the most common sample geometries were gathered and revised in order to provide an easy way to use and apply them.
  • Espectroscopia vibracional: sistemática para o cálculo dos estiramentos CO de complexos carbonílicos e determinação da sua atividade IV e Raman Divulgação

    Oliveira, Gelson Manzoni de

    Resumo em Inglês:

    IR bands related to M-C stretchings are not diagnostically significant for the identification of carbonyl groups in the spectra of carbonyl complexes. Otherwise, the frequency, intensity and number of bands for the CO stretchings provide very useful informations about the number of CO ligands and many others structural proprieties, like the presence of bridged CO groups. We report about a relatively simple and useful method for the determination of the CO stretchings of carbonyl complexes, which considers only the bond stretching internal coordinates of the CO groups.
  • Utilização de índices r e R obtidos de programas interlaboratoriais para o controle de precisão de método analítico: Determinação de água por Karl Fischer Divulgação

    Queenie, Siu Hang Chui; Antonoff, Heloísa Burkhardt; Olivieri, José Carlos

    Resumo em Inglês:

    Values of repeatability (r) and reproducibility (R) are parameters of an analytical method. They are related to the maximum difference between two results of analysis (permissible range) and can be obtained by interlaboratorial comparisons. They represent great importance for the quality control of the results and decisions about the fitness-for-purpose of the method. Water determination in fuel oil samples were performed by 16 laboratories, using the Karl Fischer reaction, during the period from June 1997 to December 1999. Values of r and R were presented. Discussion is made in terms of the main factors that would be contribution to analytical method variabilities and uncertainties of final results.
  • Microondas em síntese orgânica Divulgação

    Sanseverino, Antonio Manzolillo

    Resumo em Inglês:

    The application of microwave heating to organic synthesis is presented in a concise manner. Issues such as the history of the microwave oven, dielectric heating, reactions techniques (dry reactions, MORE chemistry), domestic ovens, microwave reactors, microwave effect and control of selectivities are discussed. Selected examples from the literature showed faster reactions, improved yields, less thermal degradations and cleaner reactions.
  • Métodos sintéticos para preparação de 2,2'-bipiridinas substituídas Divulgação

    Donnici, Claudio Luis; Oliveira, Ione Maria Ferreira de; Temba, Eliane Sílvia Codo; Castro, Maurício Costa Rogério de

    Resumo em Inglês:

    The 2,2'-bipyridine has been entitled as the most widely used ligand. Nowadays there is a large variety of known molecules comprising at least two 2,2'-bipyridine units and the number of applications in many areas such as catalysis, new materials, optoeletronics and electrochemistry have increased very much in the past decades. Nevertheless, there is no article that gives an overview of the main synthetic methods for obtaining the substituted 2,2'-bipyridines, generally non available. This article presents a synthetic discussion about the three different methods (coupling reaction, ciclo-functionalization and functionalization of the heteroaromatic rings of 2,2'-bipyridine) for preparing these heterocyclic compounds and also provides a practical and fundamental guide, for obtaining more than eighty different symmetric and unsymmetrical substituted 2,2'-bipyridines, shown in a table with the corresponding references.
  • Comparação de metodologias para a determinação de umidade em geléia real Nota Técnica

    Garcia-Amoedo, Luis Henrique; Almeida-Muradian, Ligia Bicudo de

    Resumo em Inglês:

    The aim of this paper was to compare methods of moisture determination to choose the best one for the determination of this parameter in royal jelly samples. Royal jelly is sensitive to high temperatures becoming dark and loosing volatiles in high temperatures. The methods were: vacuum oven at 60 ºC, 70 ºC, conventional oven at 105 ºC, Karl Fisher, dissecator with sulfuric acid and dryness with infrared light at 105 ºC. Based on the results, the best method was the dissecator with sulfuric acid for moisture determination in royal jelly.
  • Identificação de pigmentos naturais de espécies vegetais utilizando-se cromatografia em papel Educação

    Okumura, Fabiano; Soares, Márlon Herbert Flora Barbosa; Cavalheiro, Éder Tadeu Gomes

    Resumo em Inglês:

    The use of natural dyes to demonstrate principles of paper chromatography is proposed. Extraction of the coloring compounds were performed in order to obtain the aglycone form of the anthocyanins present in the crude extracts. Separations were carried out on chromatographic paper with BAW (butanol/acetic acid/water) as mobile phase and the results compared with literature data. The crude extracts were obtained from Tibouchina granulosa, Rododhendron simsii, Impatiens walleriana flowers which are wildely found in Brazil and Phaseolus vulgaris L. grains skin which is the principal ingredient of the world famous "feijoada". Such species were chosen in order to attract the students attention since they are present in their quotidian, in agreement with the new proposals for Brazilian education.
  • Indicadores naturais de pH: usar papel ou solução? Educação

    Terci, Daniela Brotto Lopes; Rossi, Adriana Vitorino

    Resumo em Inglês:

    In this work, the fruit extracts of Morus nigra - mulberry, Syzygium cuminii - jambolão, Vitis vinifera <FONT FACE=Symbol>¾</FONT> grape, Myrciaria cauliflora - jabuticaba are suggested as pH indicators in the form of either solutions or paper. The pH indicator solutions were prepared by soaking the fruits or their peels in ethanol 1:3 (m/V) for 24 h, followed by simple filtration. The pH indicator papers were prepared by imersion of the qualitative filter paper strips in the pH indicator solutions. The different pH leads to color changes in the indicator solutions or papers and it can be used for teaching elementary chemistry concepts.
  • História da química e da geologia: Joseph Black e James Hutton como referências para educação em ciências Assuntos Gerais

    Sicca, Natalina Aparecida L.; Gonçalves, Pedro Wagner

    Resumo em Inglês:

    The second half of eighteenth century is marked by the advancement of chemistry and geology. The first science acquired the law of conservation of mass and this science represented a important support to geology and mineralogy. We say that both became modern science that time. Our aim is to show up some interrelations between history of chemistry and history of geology by means of the study of Joseph Black's and James Hutton's works. We defend that it is positive to science education to understand and approach the relations among different and disciplinary areas of science.
  • Formação e trabalho de mestres e doutores em química titulados no Brasil Assuntos Gerais

    Braga, Mauro Mendes; Azevedo, Sérgio de

    Resumo em Inglês:

    This article reports questions related to the training and jobs of chemistry graduates from Brazilian universities. It is focussed on academic and career paths and on relations between knowledge and work. The main questions addressed in this study were: what have been the paths since undergraduate education? what were graduates doing before their enrolment in master and doctoral programs? Which were their motivations for this? Where do graduates work now? How do they appraise some aspects of their graduate education? Did the degree enlarge their job opportunities and improve work quality? How much do they earn?
Sociedade Brasileira de Química Instituto de Química, Universidade Estadual de Campinas (Unicamp), CP6154, 13083-0970 - Campinas - SP - Brazil