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Química Nova, Volume: 28, Número: 3, Publicado: 2005
  • Editorial

    Bolzani, Vanderlan da Silva
  • Composição química da precipitação atmosférica no sul do Brasil: estudo preliminar Artigo

    Migliavacca, Daniela Montanari; Teixeira, Elba Calesso; Machado, Andrea Cassia de Melo; Pires, Marçal Rodrigues

    Resumo em Inglês:

    The present work is a preliminary study of total and wet precipitation in the Candiota region, RS. The samples were collected from January to June 2001 at four different sites. The following variables were analysed: pH, conductivity, alkalinity, Cl-, NO3-, F-, SO4(2-), Na+, K+, Mg2+, NH4+, Ca2+ and Zn, Cu, Fe, Al, Mn. The results showed slightly acidic precipitation and higher concentrations of NH4+, Na+, Cl- and SO4(2-). Factor analysis applied to the variables studied allowed identifying the major sources. Na+, Cl- and Mg2+ have their origin in sea salts and NH4+, Ca2+, K+, SO4(2-) and NO3- are from local anthropogenic sources.
  • Método para a determinação de hexazinone e tebutiuron em água Artigo

    Ferracini, Vera L.; Queiroz, Sonia C. N.; Gomes, Marco A. F.; Santos, Gustavo L.

    Resumo em Inglês:

    This work presents an alternative method for determination of the herbicides tebuthiuron and hexazinone in ground water. The extraction was made with dichloromethane and the analyses by high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC), using reversed-phase column, C-18, mobile phase methanol/water 50:50, v/v, detection and quantification at 247 nm. The following validation parameters were obtained: limit of detection of method 0.02 and 0.03 µg L-1, limit of quantification of method 0.07 and 0.09 µg L-1; linear range limit of quantification of instrument - 300 µg L-1 (r² > 0.998); recoveries from 90.3 to 108.2% and 90.3 to 101.6%; intermediary precision (%RSD) < 8 and < 6%, for hexazinone and tebuthiuron, respectively. The method showed to be efficient and reliable for determination of the herbicides in ground water.
  • Caracterização hidrogeoquímica de água subterrânea em área de influência de futuras instalações de usinas hidrelétricas: bacia hidrográfica do rio Taquari-Antas/RS, Brasil Artigo

    Scopel, Rejane Maria; Teixeira, Elba Calesso; Binotto, Raquel Barros

    Resumo em Inglês:

    The identification and characterization of the hydrochemistry of the groundwaters has been done for seven wells. The sampling occurred during three bimonthly campaigns. The results classified the waters as of the calcium bicarbonated type for the majority of the samples, except for one well, whose composition is of the sodium bicarbonated type. The major ions found and how they determine the quality parameters are consistent with the reactions of mineral dissolution of the majority of volcanic rocks and the reactions with intrusion of alkaline rock in only one well. Anomalous values of nitrate in some wells alert to the impact of especially polluting sources at the time the reservoirs of the hydroeletric plant were formed.
  • Evidências da formação de monocamada de óxido de alumínio sobre sílica, através de reações de enxerto Artigo

    Cónsul, Julia M. D.; Baibich, Ione M.; Benvenutti, Edilson V.; Thiele, Daniel

    Resumo em Inglês:

    Aluminum oxide was dispersed on a commercial silica gel surface, using successive grafting reactions. The reaction products were characterized by N2 adsorption-desorption isotherms, scanning electron microscopy and infrared spectroscopy. The progressive incorporation of aluminum, up to 5.5% (w/w), does not produce agglomeration of alumina, since changes in the original pore size distribution of the silica matrix were not observed. The aluminum oxide covers homogeneously the silica surface.
  • Remoção de Cu+2 de soluções aquosas em zeólita NaX: efeito da granulometria Artigo

    Pergher, Sibele B. C.; Caovilla, Marcela; Detoni, Chaline; Machado, Nadia R. C. Fernandes

    Resumo em Inglês:

    The present study consists in evaluating the NaX zeolite efficiency in removing Cu2+ from aqueous solutions, for future use of NaX in removing metals from wastewaters. The experiments were performed in batch systems (with shaking and continous stirring) and for different time intervals (1 to 24 h). Three particle sizes were employed: < 850 µm, 850 µm - 1 mm and 3 mm. It has been concluded that it is possible to employ the NaX zeolite for metal removal and the particle size plays an important role in the adsorption process. Specifically, NaX zeolites of smaller particle size achieved the maximum adsorption capacity of 152.36 mg of Cu2+/g of zeolite at pH = 4.5.
  • The role of fast atom bombardment mass spectroscopy (FABMS) in cluster characterization

    Sotelo, Adriana F.; Felicissimo, Anna Maria P.

    Resumo em Inglês:

    Fast atom bombardment mass spectroscopy has been used to study a large number of cationic phosphine-containing transition-metal-gold clusters, which ranged in mass from 1000 to 4000. Many of these clusters have been previously characterized and were examined in order to test the usefulness of the FABMS technique. Results showed that FABMS is excellent in giving the correct molecular formula and when combined with NMR, IR, and microanalysis gave a reliable characterization for cationic clusters¹. Recently FABMS has become one of the techniques employed as routine in cluster characterization2,3 and also is an effective tool for the structure analysis of large biomolecules4. Some results in the present work reinforce the importance of these data in the characterization of clusters in the absence of crystals with quality for X-ray analysis.
  • Emprego de compostos organometálicos mononucleares de paládio(II) na ativação de macrófagos peritoneais de camundongos Artigo

    de Almeida, Eduardo Tonon; Mauro, Antonio Eduardo; Santana, Anderson Martinez; Godoy Netto, Adelino Vieira de; Carlos, Iracilda Zeppone

    Resumo em Inglês:

    The immune responses are mediated by a variety of cells that, when activated, produce a number of molecules. Macrophages are the first cells to take part in the immune response releasing many compounds in the extracellular environment such as H2O2. Taking into account this aspect we evaluated the activation of an immunological system, in vitro, by determining the H2O2 released in cultures of peritoneal macrophage cells from Swiss mice in the presence of organopalladated compounds of the type [Pd(dmba)(X)(dppp)], dmba = N,N-dimethylbenzylamine, dppp = 1,3-bis(diphenylphosphine)propane, X = Cl, N3, NCO, NCS. An excellent activation of macrophages by the [Pd(dmba)(X)(dppp)] compounds was observed and the influence of the X ligand on the immune response could be verified.
  • Fotodegradação de hidrocarbonetos policíclicos aromáticos em placas de sílica impregnadas com dióxido de titânio Artigo

    Xavier, Laura Furquim Werneck; Moreira, Isabel Maria N. S.; Higarashi, Martha M.; Moreira, Josino C.; Ferreira, Luiz Filipe V.; Oliveira, Anabela S.

    Resumo em Inglês:

    Photodegradation of the PAHs anthracene, chrysene and benzo[k]fluoranthane on silica gel impregnated with TiO2 and over glass plates holding TiO2 was studied. Silica gel plates holding these substances were exposed to solar radiation, developed with hexane and photographed under ultra-violet light. The plates containing benzo[k]fluoranthene were also analysed by both diffuse reflectance and laser induced fluorescence. Diffuse reflectance spectra of the fluorescent spot from non irradiated plates showed small differences when compared with those obtained from irradiated plates. These spectral differences are compatible with formation of less conjugated compounds during irradiation. Fluorescence and time resolved fluorescence spectra observed after irradiation were identical to those obtained with benzo[k]fluoranthene in methanol. On plates holding silica, PAH degradation requires longer periods of solar irradiation when compared with those plates containing silica impregnated with TiO2. Glass plates impregnated with TiO2 also showed very rapid PAH degradation.
  • Imobilização de enzimas a partir de "kit" comercial: determinação de parâmetros metabólicos em sangue animal empregando multicomutação em fluxo Artigo

    Pires, Cherrine Kelce; Reis, Boaventura Freire dos

    Resumo em Inglês:

    Automatic flow procedures based on the multicommutation concept, dedicated to the determination of 3-hydroxybutyrate, glucose and cholesterol are proposed. The enzymes were immobilized on glass beads and packed into mini-columns that were coupled to a flow system. Sampling throughputs of 55, 40 and 40 determinations per hour, linear response from 10 to 150, 50 to 600, 25 to 125 mg L-1, detection limits of 1.5, 14 and 4 mg L-1 and relative standard deviations of 1, 2 and 2% for 3-hydroxybutyrate, glucose and cholesterol, respectively, were achieved.
  • Antioxidant and antiviral properties of Pseudopiptadenia contorta (Leguminosae) and of quebracho (Schinopsis sp.) extracts

    Moreira, Davyson de L.; Leitão, Suzana G.; Gonçalves, Jorge Luiz S.; Wigg, Marcia D.; Leitão, Gilda G.

    Resumo em Inglês:

    Proanthocyanidins from P. contorta leaves and from a commercial quebracho extract were isolated and characterized. Flavonoids, catechins and gallic acid were also identified in the extracts of P. contorta. Compounds were evaluated for their antioxidant properties and for their antiviral activity against an acyclovir-resistant herpes simplex virus type 1 strain. The low molecular weight phenolic derivatives and the proanthocyanidins from P. contorta showed the highest antioxidant activity. Purified proanthocyanidins from both P. contorta and quebracho showed the same maximum non toxic concentrations (25 µg/mL), with 82.2% and 100% of virus inhibition, respectively.
  • Extração no ponto nuvem de compostos orgânicos homólogos e isômeros Artigo

    Duarte, Lindemberg J. N.; Canselier, Jean Paul

    Resumo em Inglês:

    In this work, the feasibility of employing micelle-mediated extraction for selective separation of homologous or isomeric organic compounds is demonstrated. Firstly, the main parameters controlling extraction performances, such as surfactant concentration and temperature were varied. A Scheffé-type experimental design was demonstrated as a novel and useful method to characterize the various experimental factors. At each point selected in the two-phase domain and for a given solute, extraction percentage (E%), concentration ratio, phase volume ratio, and equilibrium partition coefficient (K C) were determined. The values of E% and K C decrease in the following order: phenol > 1-phenylethanol ~ 2-phenylethanol > benzyl alcohol.
  • Resíduos sólidos de curtumes como adsorventes para a remoção de corantes em meio aquoso Artigo

    Dallago, Rogério Marcos; Smaniotto, Alessandra; Oliveira, Luiz Carlos Alves de

    Resumo em Inglês:

    The tanning process in the leather industry generates very high quantities of chromium-containing solid waste ("wet blue" leather). Environmental concerns and escalating landfill-costs are becoming increasingly serious problems for the leather industry and an alternative disposal is needed. In this work, we are presenting a novel application for this solid waste, which is the removal of organic contaminants from aqueous-solution. The adsorption isotherm of "wet blue" leather waste from the AUREA tanning company in Erechim-RS (Brazil) showed that this material presents high adsorption capacities of the reactive textile dyes.
  • Factors affecting Hg (II) adsorption in soils from the Rio Negro basin (Amazon)

    Miretzky, Patricia; Bisinoti, Márcia Cristina; Jardim, Wilson F.; Rocha, Júlio César

    Resumo em Inglês:

    Mercury (II) adsorption studies in top soils (top 10 cm) from the Rio Negro basin show this process depends strongly on some selected parameters of the aqueous phase in contact with the soils. Maximum adsorption occurred in the pH range 3.0-5.0 (>90%). Dissolved organic matter shows an inhibitory effect on the availability of Hg (II) to be adsorbed by the soils, whereas a higher chloride content of the solution resulted in a lower adsorption of Hg (II) at pH 5.0. Soils with higher organic matter content were less affected by changes in the salinity. An increase in the initial Hg (II) concentration increased the amount of Hg (II) adsorbed by the soil and decreased the time needed to reach equilibrium. A Freundlich isotherm provided a good model for Hg (II) adsorption in the two types of soil studied. The kinetics of Hg (II) adsorption on Amazonian soils showed to be very fast and followed pseudo-second order kinetics. An environmental implication of these results is discussed under the real scenario present in the Negro River basin, where acidic waters are in contact with a soil naturally rich in mercury.
  • Síntese de novas fitotoxinas derivadas do 8-oxabiciclo[3.2.1]oct-6-en-3-ona Artigo

    Barbosa, Luiz C. A.; Maltha, Célia R. A.; Demuner, Antônio J.; Ganen, Flávia R.; Silva, Antônio A. da

    Resumo em Inglês:

    The [4+3] cycloaddition was utilized in order to prepare 8-oxabicyclo[3.2.1]oct-6-en-3-one (1) derivatives. The correspondent acetonide 6 was converted into several alcohols (11-16). Addition of aryllithium reagents to 6 resulted in 3-(2-fluorophenyl)-6,7-exo-isopropylidenedioxy -8-oxabicyclo[3.2.1]octan-3alpha-ol (11, 72%) and 3-(2,4-dimethoxyphenyl)-6,7-exo-isopropylidenedioxy-8-oxabicyclo[3.2.1]octan -3alpha-ol (16, 20%). The 3-butyl-6,7-exo-isopropylidenedioxy-8-oxabicyclo[3.2.1]octan-3 alpha-ol (15, 56%) was obtained through a Grignard reaction. Reduction of 6 resulted in 6,7-exo-isopropylidenedioxy-8-oxabicyclo[3.2.1]octan-3 beta-ol (7, 62%) and 6,7-exo-isopropylidenedioxy-8-oxabicyclo[3.2.1]octan-3 alpha-ol (8, 20%). The alcohols were treated with thionyl chloride in pyridine, and the corresponding alkenes were obtained with 31-80% yield. The effect of these compounds on the development of radicle and aerial parts of Sorghum bicolor was evaluated.
  • Sorção e persistência da sorgoleona em um Latossolo Vermelho-Amarelo Artigo

    Demuner, Antonio J.; Barbosa, Luiz C. A.; Chinelatto Jr., Luiz S.; Reis, César; Silva, Antonio A.

    Resumo em Inglês:

    The root exudates produced by sorghum contain a biologically active constituent known as sorgoleone. The behavior of sorgoleone in a Red-Yellow Latosol was studied. The sorption model of sorgoleone in soil was better adjusted to the Freundlich equation, through the coefficients Kf (capacity of sorption) and 1/n (linearity of the isotherm). The persistence of sorgoleone in soil and its possible degradation were also evaluated by monitoring their residues in the soil along the time. Recovery rate of sorgoleone from the soil reached 93% after 24h. It was verified that sorgoleone is strongly sorbed in the soil and its half-life is 10 days, under the experimental conditions. The presence of sorgoleone or its metabolites was not detected in the soil after 60 days.
  • Estudo eletroquímico e químico-quântico da oxidação do antidepressivo tricíclico amitriptilina Artigo

    Toledo, Renata Alves de; Mazo, Luiz Henrique; Santos, Mauro Coelho dos; Honório, Káthia Maria; Silva, Albérico Borges Ferreira da; Cavalheiro, Éder Tadeu Gomes

    Resumo em Inglês:

    This work presents the electrochemical and quantum chemical studies of the oxidation of the tricyclic antidepressant amitriptyline (AM) employing a carbon-polyurethane composite electrode (GPU) in a 0.1 mol L-1 BR buffer. The electrochemical results showed that the oxidation of AM occurs irreversibly at potentials close to 830 mV with the loss of one electron and one proton and is controlled by reagent and product adsorption. According to the PM3 results, the atom C16 is the region of highest probability for the oxidation of AM since it has the largest charge variation.
  • Métodos imunoquímicos para análise de contaminantes ambientais: conceitos, estado da arte e perspectivas Revisão

    Nunes, Gilvanda Silva

    Resumo em Inglês:

    Immunoassay techniques provide simple, powerful and inexpensive methods for analysis of environmental contaminants. However, the acceptance of immunoassays is dependent on the clear demonstration of quality and validity compared to more traditional techniques. In this review, primarily, the understanding and the fundamentals of immunoassay methods are given in order to make good use of immunoassays, especially of EIA tests. Special attention is given to the concepts related to the enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) formats, such as inhibition concentration at 50% (IC50), detection limit (LOD), cross-reactivity (CR %). It is also explained why some immunoassays are quantitative methods whereas others can only be used as screening methods. A list of main commercial kits for detection of priority pollutants is given in order to help analysts. Others formats, such as flow-injection immunoassay analysis (FIIA), immunoassay chromatography and immunosensors are also cited.
  • Feromônios associados aos coleópteros-praga de produtos armazenados Revisão

    Moreira, Marcos Antônio Barbosa; Zarbin, Paulo Henrique Gorgatti; Coracini, Miryan Denise Araújo

    Resumo em Inglês:

    One strategy to overcome risks of insecticide-based control in agriculture is to use semiochemicals. In the case of pheromones, these specific compounds can be applied in traps to detect and monitor the occurrence, abundance and distribution of insect pests. Reliable detection helps to time insecticide sprays, to decide the quantity of insecticide that will be used and the place where it will be applied. This manuscript aims to give an overview of the pheromones associated to coleopteran pests in stored products, and their utilization in integrated pest management.
  • A destilação simulada na indústria do petróleo Revisão

    Ferreira, Alexandre de Andrade; Aquino Neto, Francisco Radler de

    Resumo em Inglês:

    One of the most widely used physico-chemical characterizations of hydrocarbon mixtures is the determination of their boiling point distribution. Knowledge of the boiling range of crude oils and petroleum products is essential to ensure the correct specification of final products and to control refinery processes. Simulated distillation, a GC based process, has been playing this role for the past decades in the petroleum industry. The main purpose of this work is to show the fundamentals of this technique as well as its present trends.
  • Bioquímica e ação citotóxica de alfa-aminocetonas endógenas Revisão

    Dutra, Fernando; Bechara, Etelvino J. H.

    Resumo em Inglês:

    alpha-Aminoketones are expected to undergo enolization and subsequent aerobic oxidation yielding oxyradicals and highly toxic a-oxoaldehydes. Our interest has been focused on two endogenous a-aminoketones: 5-aminolevulinic acid (ALA) and aminoacetone (AA), accumulated in porphyrias and diabetes mellitus, respectively, and recently implicated as contributing sources of oxyradicals in these diseases. The final oxidation product of ALA, 4,5-dioxovaleric acid (DOVA), is able to alkylate DNA guanine moieties and expected to promote protein cross-linking. Methylglyoxal (MG), the final oxidation product of AA, is also highly cytotoxic and able to aggregate protein molecules. This review covers chemical and biochemical aspects of these alpha-aminoketones and their putative roles in the oxidative stress associated with porphyric disorders and diabetes.
  • Aplicação de análise de componentes principais para verificação de atribuições de sinais nos espetros de RMN ¹H: o caso dos 3-aril (1,2,4)-oxadiazol-5-carboidrazida benzilidenos Divulgação

    Silva, João Bosco P. da; Malvestiti, Ivani; Hallwass, Fernando; Ramos, Mozart N.; Leite, Lúcia F. C. da Costa; Barreiro, Eliezer J.

    Resumo em Inglês:

    The ¹H NMR data set of a series of 3-aryl (1,2,4)-oxadiazol-5-carbohydrazide benzylidene derivatives synthesized in our group was analyzed using the chemometric technique of principal component analysis (PCA). Using the original ¹H NMR data PCA allowed identifying some misassignments of the proton aromatic chemical shifts. As a consequence of this multivariate analysis, nuclear Overhauser difference experiments were performed to investigate the ambiguity of other assignments of the ortho and meta aromatic hydrogens for the compound with the bromine substituent. The effect of the 1,2,4-oxadiazol group as an electron acceptor, mainly for the hydrogens 12,13, has been highlighted.
  • Estudo de homogeneidade de lote de material silício metálico candidato a material de referência Divulgação

    Chui, Queenie Siu Hang; Iamashita, Celia Omine; Bispo, João Marcos de Almeida

    Resumo em Inglês:

    From the perspective of the uncertainties in chemical measurements all uncertainty sources should be part of the uncertainty of the reference material. When the primary methods are not available, interlaboratorial comparisons are used as a means of certification. The material to be distributed to the laboratories should have its homogeneity confirmed. The uncertainty due to this factor will be added to the characterization uncertainty. This work presents a homogeneity study of a lot of silicon metal of chemical degree where the uncertainty due to inhomogeneity is obtained using analysis of variance.
  • Técnicas de caracterização para investigar interações no nível molecular em filmes de Langmuir e Langmuir-Blodgett (LB) Divulgação

    Ferreira, Marystela; Caetano, Wilker; Itri, Rosangela; Tabak, Marcel; Oliveira Jr., Osvaldo N.

    Resumo em Inglês:

    This paper discusses fundamental concepts for the characterization of Langmuir monolayers and Langmuir-Blodgett (LB) films, with emphasis on investigations of material properties at the molecular level. By way of illustration, results for phospholipid monolayers interacting with the drug dipyridamole are highlighted. These results were obtained with several techniques, including in situ grazing incidence X-ray diffraction, Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy, fluorescence microscopy, in addition to surface pressure and surface potential isotherms. Also mentioned are the difficulties in producing Langmuir and LB films from macromolecules, and how molecular-level interactions in mixed polymer LB films can be exploited in sensors.
  • Lipossomas: propriedades físico-químicas e farmacológicas, aplicações na quimioterapia à base de antimônio Divulgação

    Frézard, Frédéric; Schettini, Dante A.; Rocha, Olguita G. F.; Demicheli, Cynthia

    Resumo em Inglês:

    The use of organoantimonial complexes in the therapeutic of leishmaniasis and schistosomiasis has been limited mainly by the need for daily parenteral administration, their adverse side-effects and the appearance of drug resistance. Liposome encapsulation has been so far the most effective means to improve the efficacy of pentavalent antimonials against visceral leishmaniasis. Pharmacologically- and pharmaceutically-acceptable liposomal compositions are still being investigated through manipulation of preparation method, lipid composition and vesicle size. Recently, the encapsulation of a trivalent antimonial within "stealth" liposomes was found to reduce its acute toxicity and effectively deliver this compound to the parasite in experimental schistosomiasis.
  • Plantas medicinais: cura segura? Divulgação

    Veiga Junior, Valdir F.; Pinto, Angelo C.; Maciel, Maria Aparecida M.

    Resumo em Inglês:

    This paper reviews the recent literature on synergism, adulteration and risks of using medicinal plants. The use of copaiba and sacaca plants as well as their adulteration and side effects, are also described. In addition, the new regulations on phytotherapeutic registration in Brazil and Europe are discussed.
  • Interações hiperfinas em catalisadores metálicos Nota Técnica

    Saitovitch, Henrique; Silva, Paulo R. J.; Passos, Fabio B.

    Resumo em Inglês:

    Heterogeneous catalysts are of fundamental importance in several modern chemical processes. The characterization of catalysts is an issue of very present interest as it can provide a better understanding of the fundamental aspects of the catalytic phenomena, thus helping in the development of more efficient catalysts. In order to extend and improve the characterization of catalysts, new and less conventional methods are being applied, such as nuclear spectroscopies. In this paper we focus on the application of angular correlation, with can be used to resolve different local environments of probe atoms in solids and can be applied, as shown here, in the characterization of heterogeneous catalysts. A brief theoretical introduction is given and experimental results related to catalytic systems of alumina and niobia-supported Pt-In and Pd-In catalysts are presented.
  • Ação adsorvente da bauxita sobre óleo isolante novo Nota Técnica

    Luz Júnior, Geraldo Eduardo da; Guimarães Neto, João Mariz; Moita Neto, José Machado

    Resumo em Inglês:

    Samples of new insulating mineral oil, after contact with bauxite, were analyzed by visible spectrophotometry, impedance spectroscopy and their total acidity index was measured. The results of these analyses were compared to samples of new insulating mineral oil, which had not been in contact with bauxite. The comparison demonstrated that the bauxite didn't reduce the insulating capacity of the mineral oil and thus could be used to treat the oil in situ during the operation of an electric transformer.
  • Avaliação da padronização interna em espectrometria de absorção atômica utilizando gráficos de correlação Nota Técnica

    Correia, Paulo R. M.; Oliveira, Pedro V.

    Resumo em Inglês:

    The use of an internal standard (IS) in ET AAS can be considered a new trend after the commercial introduction of a simultaneous spectrometer. The evaluation of experimental data to choose the most appropriate IS can be done by comparing correlation graphs. They were used to verify the resemblance among the simultaneous measurements obtained for the analyte(s) and the IS by inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry (ICPOES). The judicious selection of IS by using correlation graphs for determinations by ET AAS can be exploited to improve the precision and accuracy of the analytical results. Therefore, a new approach for studying the use of IS in ET AAS is presented.
  • Aplicação e modificação química da sílica gel obtida de areia Educação

    Prado, Alexandre G. S.; Faria, Elaine A.; Padilha, Pedro M.

    Resumo em Inglês:

    The silica gel was obtained from sand and its surface was modified with POCl3 to produce Si-Cl bonds on the silica surface. Ethylenediamine was covalently bonded onto the chlorinated silica surface. The adsorption of the chlorides of divalent cobalt, nickel and copper was qualitatively studied to show that the bonding of ethylenediamine onto the silica gel surface produces a solid base capable of chelating metal ions from solution. The experiments illustrate the extraction of silica gel, its reactivity, the development of modified surfaces and its application in removing metal ions from water and are deigned for undergraduate inorganic chemistry laboratories.
  • Análise de imagem em química analítica: empregando metodologias simples e didáticas para entender e prevenir o escurecimento de tecidos vegetais Educação

    Lupetti, Karina Omuro; Carvalho, Lucinéia Cristina de; Moura, André Farias de; Fatibello-Filho, Orlando

    Resumo em Inglês:

    A simple and didactic experiment was developed for image monitoring of the browning of fruit tissues caused by the enzyme polyphenol oxidase. The procedure, easy and inexpensive, is a valuable tool to teach and demonstrate the redox reaction between the enzyme and the natural polyphenols. To obtain the browning percentage for apple, pear and banana, digital photographs were employed, and the images were analyzed by means of Monte Carlo methods and digital analysis programs. The effects of several experimental conditions were studied, such as pH, light, temperature and the presence of oxygen or anti-oxidants. It was observed that each fruit presented a different condition that better minimized the oxidation process. The absence of oxygen and the application of a bissulphite solution were sufficient to keep the quality of all fruits tested.
Sociedade Brasileira de Química Instituto de Química, Universidade Estadual de Campinas (Unicamp), CP6154, 13083-0970 - Campinas - SP - Brazil