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Química Nova, Volume: 28, Número: 5, Publicado: 2005
  • Editorial

  • Análise de praguicidas organofosforados em água por extração em fase sólida (SPE) utilizando discos C18 e cromatografia em fase gasosa: avaliação da contaminação do reservatório de Furnas (MG-Brasil) Artigo

    Santos Neto, Alvaro José dos; Siqueira, Maria Elisa Pereira Bastos de

    Resumo em Inglês:

    Solid phase extraction (SPE) in C18 disks has been optimized and validated for extraction of 5 organophosphorus (OP) pesticides in water. Extraction has been followed by separation and detection by gas chromatography/flame photometry. Excellent linearity was obtained for all compounds (r greater than 0.99), with CVs between 1.0-6.9%, recoveries between 73-95% and quantification limits between 2.5-5.0 µg L-1. Samples from Furnas dam were analyzed monthly during one year and 10% showed OP pesticide residues.
  • Materiais magnéticos baseados em diferentes zeólitas para remoção de metais em água Artigo

    Pergher, Sibele B. C.; Oliveira, Luiz C. A.; Smaniotto, Alessandra; Petkowicz, Diego I.

    Resumo em Inglês:

    In this work the adsorption features of zeolites (NaY, Beta, Mordenite and ZSM-5) have been combined with the magnetic properties of iron oxides in a composite to produce a magnetic adsorbent. These magnetic composites can be used as adsorbents for contaminants in water and subsequently removed from the medium by a simple magnetic process. The magnetic zeolites were characterized by XRD, magnetization measurements, chemical analyses, N2 adsorption isotherms and Mössbauer spectroscopy. These magnetic adsorbents show remarkable adsorption capacity for metal ion contaminants in water.
  • Avaliação de indicadores de uso diverso como inibidores de corrosão Artigo

    Cardoso, Sheila Pressentin; Reis, Fernanda Almeida dos; Massapust, Filipe Castelletti; Costa, Jeremias de Freitas; Tebaldi, Larissa Silveira; Araújo, Luiz Felipe Leal de; Silva, Marcus Vinícius Augusto da; Oliveira, Thiago Sousa de; Gomes, José Antônio da Cunha Ponciano; Hollauer, Eduardo

    Resumo em Inglês:

    Very often hydrochloric acid is employed in acidification operations aiming to dissolve the mineral matrix in petroleum wheel operations, which always require intense use of corrosion inhibitors. This work presents an evaluation of common indicators, phenolfthaleine, fluorescein, methylene blue, alizarine S and methyl orange, as corrosion inhibitors for carbon steel in HCl 15% w/v at temperatures of 26, 40 and 60 ºC. Fluorescein and methyl orange show excelent corrosion inhibition efficiencies at 26 ºC; however at 60 ºC only fluorescein shows good corrosion inhibition when employed with alcohol and/or formaldehyde. For the fluorescein 1% w/v + formaldehyde 0.6% w/v mixture we present polarization and impedance curves and adsorption isotherms.
  • Decomposição térmica de complexos de Zn e Cd com isomaleonitriladitiolato (imnt) Artigo

    Barbosa, Cristiane M. L.; Sansiviero, Maria Terezinha Caruso

    Resumo em Inglês:

    Thermal decomposition of [Bu4N]2[Zn(imnt)2] and [M(NH3)2(imnt)] complexes with M = Zn and Cd, and imnt = (bis 1,1-dicyanoethylene-2,2 dithiolate) in inert atmosphere was investigated by thermogravimetric analysis (TG) and differential scanning calorimetry (DSC). Pyrolysis studies at different temperatures, 300, 400, 500, and 600 ºC, in N2 atmosphere were performed and the products were characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD), infrared and Raman spectroscopy, and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The products were identified as sulfide sub-micron particles, along with amorphous carbon. Particle sizes estimated by SEM were ca. 50 nm for the cationic complexes and 500 nm for the neutral complexes.
  • Aplicação da tecnologia de eletrofloculação na recuperação do corante índigo blue a partir de efluentes industriais Artigo

    Paschoal, Fabiana Maria Monteiro; Tremiliosi-Filho, Germano

    Resumo em Inglês:

    The indigo blue dye is widely used in the textile industry. When discarded, besides polluting the environment, it affects the appearance and transparency of aquatic bodies, causing damage to flora and fauna. The removal of this dye from industrial effluents is difficult due to its resistance towards degradation. This work proposes the recovery of indigo blue by electroflocculation, as a subsidy for the treatment of effluents from the jeans industry.
  • Diazepam e nordiazepam em plasma: métodos de extração líquido-líquido e em fase sólida no pré-tratamento de amostras para análise cromatográfica em fase líquida Artigo

    Freire, Ellen Figueiredo; Miranda, Juniella Luiza; Maia, Patrícia Penido; Vieira, Elisabeth Pizzamiglio; Borges, Keyller Bastos; Siqueira, Maria Elisa Pereira Bastos de

    Resumo em Inglês:

    Analysis of diazepam (DZP) and its active metabolite nordiazepam (NDZP) in plasma is commonly performed in clinical medicine to ensure proper therapeutic effects while minimizing the incidence of toxicity. This study aimed to optimize analytical parameters and compare two pre-treatment techniques, liquid-liquid (LLE) and solid phase extraction (SPE), as well as liquid chromatographic conditions to analyze simultaneously DZP and NDZP in plasma from 20 patients treated with a daily dose of 10 mg. Both techniques showed to be well in line with the international criteria for analytical validation, which permitted to quantify DZP (66.2 - 1148.6 ng mL-1) and NDZP (138.5 - 808.6 ng mL -1) in all samples. The correlation coefficients between SPE and LLE were respectively 0.9729 for DZP and 0.9643 for NDZP.
  • Pilarização de uma argila brasileira com poliidroxications de alumínio: preparação, caracterização e propriedades catalíticas Artigo

    Pergher, Sibele Berenice Castellã; Sprung, Renato

    Resumo em Inglês:

    Montmorillonite clay from Brazil was pillared with aluminium polyhydroxications. The influence of aging of the pillaring solution and the concentration of the clay suspension on the properties of the prepared materials was studied. The materials were characterized by chemical analysis, XRD and pore analysis by N2 adsorption. The catalytic properties were evaluated in the cumene cracking reaction. Results showed that the pillarization process increases the basal spaces of natural clay from 9.7 to 18.5 Å and the surface area from 41 to 300 m²/g.
  • Determinação turbidimétrica de dipirona em fluxo utilizando um reator contendo cloreto de prata imobilizado em resina poliéster Artigo

    Marcolino-Jr., Luiz H.; Bonifácio, Viviane Gomes; Fatibello-Filho, Orlando; Teixeira, Marcos F. S.

    Resumo em Inglês:

    A simple flow injection procedure was developed for determining dipyrone (1-phenyl-2,3-dimethyl-4-methylaminomethano-5-pyrazolone sodium, metamizol, analgin) in pharmaceutical formulations. The determination is based on the reduction of Ag+ ions to Ag0 by dipyrone. A colloidal suspension of Ag0 produced was transported by carrier solution (0.01 mol L-1 NaOH) and turbidimetrically detected at 425 nm. The analytical curve for dipyrone was linear in the range from 5.0 x 10-4 to 2.5 x 10-3 mol L-1 with a correlation coefficient of 0.9990. The detection limit was 1.3 x 10-4 mol L-1 (3sigmaB/slope). The relative standard deviation for ten successive measurements was 1.8% and an analytical frequency of 45 h-1 was obtained. The recovery values from three samples ranged from 96.0 to 102%.
  • O impacto industrial na composição química das águas subterrâneas com enfoque de consumo humano (Rio Grande, RS) Artigo

    Mirlean, Nicolai; Machado, Maria Isabel; Osinaldi, Guillermo Martinez; Demoliner, Adriana; Baisch, Paulo

    Resumo em Inglês:

    The alteration in the quality of groundwater in the industrial zone of Brazil's southernmost state was assessed by a hydrogeochemical study. In 70-85% of the studied area, fluoride, nitrate and phosphate in groundwater surpass the maximum limits for human consumption according to Brazilian environmental legislation. The chemical spectrum of contaminants and their spatial distribution show that fertilizer production processes are responsible for groundwater pollution. The natural conditions of the region are not favorable for minimal protection against infiltration of pollutants into the aquifer.
  • Estudo da influência do solvente, carboidrato e ácido graxo na síntese enzimática de ésteres de açúcares Artigo

    Paula, Ariela V. de; Barboza, Jayne C. de Souza; Castro, Heizir F. de

    Resumo em Inglês:

    The aim of this work was to gain knowledge of enzymatic processes for the synthesis fatty acid esters of sugar, with the objective to develop an enzymatic process for the preparation of non-toxic biodegradable surface-active agents derived entirely from renewable resources. A wide range of data were collected for reaction conditions involving different sugars (glucose, fructose and sucrose), fatty acids (oleic, palmitic, lauric), solvents (hexane, heptane and t-butanol) and different sources of lipases in both free and immobilized forms. As a solvent t-butanol provided the best conditions to create a catalytic liquid phase in which the reaction occurs. Sugars were preferentially esterified in the following order: fructose > glucose > sucrose, depending on the enzyme preparation. For fructose no influence was found concerning de acyl donor and similar rates were achieved for all tested fatty acids. Ester synthesis was maximized for substrates containing fructose, lauric or oleic acids, t-butanol and lipase from porcine pancreas immobilized on polysiloxane-polyvinyl alcohol particles. Under such conditions molar conversions were higher than 50%.
  • Determinação indireta de N-acetil-L-cisteína por injeção em fluxo empregando Ce(IV) e ferroína Artigo

    Vieira, Heberth Juliano; Fatibello-Filho, Orlando

    Resumo em Inglês:

    An indirect flow injection spectrophotometric procedure is proposed for the determination of N-acetyl-L-cysteine in pharmaceutical formulations. In this system, ferroin ([Fe(II)-(fen)2]2+) in excess, with a strong absorption at 500 nm, is oxidized by cerium(IV) yielding cerium(III) and [Fe(III)-(fen)2]3+ (colorless), thus producing a baseline. When N-acetyl-L-cysteine solution is introduced into the flow injection system, it reacts with cerium(IV) increasing the analytical signal in proportion to the drug concentration. Under optimal experimental conditions, the linearity of the analytical curve for N-acetyl-L-cysteine ranged from 6.5x10-6 to 1.3x10-4 mol L-1. The detection limit was 5.0x10-6 mol L-1and recoveries between 98.0 and 106% were obtained. The sampling frequency was 60 determinations per hour and the RSD was smaller than 1.4% for 2.2x10-5 mol L-1 N-acetyl-L-cysteine.
  • Triterpenóides tipo cicloartano de própolis de Teresina - PI Artigo

    Silva, Maria do Socorro Sousa da; Citó, Antônia Maria das Graças Lopes; Chaves, Mariana H.; Lopes, José Arimatéia Dantas

    Resumo em Inglês:

    The chemical study of the propolis produced in Teresina city, state of Piaui, resulted in the identification of six cycloartane triterpenoids: isomangiferolic acid, 24-methylenecycloartane-3beta,26-diol, mangiferolic acid, mangiferonic acid, ambonic acid and ambolic acid. The substances were characterized by one and two-dimensional ¹H and 13C NMR analysis.
  • Estudo espectroscópico de complexos de Eu3+, Tb3+ E Gd3+ com ligantes derivados de ácidos dicarboxílicos Artigo

    Lima, Patrícia P.; Malta, Oscar L.; Alves Júnior, Severino

    Resumo em Inglês:

    Complexes of Eu3+, Tb3+ and Gd3+ with dipicolinic acid, chelidamic acid and chelidonic acid have been synthesized in order to study the effect of the substituent groups on the luminescence of the lanthanide complexes. The luminescence of the Eu3+ and Tb3+ complexes was quantified by quantum yield measurements. The complexes of Gd3+ have been used to determine the energies of the triplet states of the ligands. The Tb3+ complex synthesized with dipicolinic acid presented the highest quantum yield due to the energy difference between the triplet state of the dipicolinic acid and the emitting level of the Tb3+ ion.
  • Síntese e caracterização de novos complexos de platina (II) com ligantes derivados do furano e nitrofurano Artigo

    Guerra, Wendell; Fontes, Ana Paula Soares; Almeida, Mauro Vieira de; Silva, Heveline

    Resumo em Inglês:

    Platinum (II) complexes, for example, cisplatin and carboplatin, have been used as chemotherapeutic agents for the treatment of various types of cancer. Several other complexes of this metallic ion are also under clinical evaluation. This work describes the synthesis of five new platinum (II) complexes having furan and 5-nitrofuran derivatives and chloride as ligands. The compounds were characterized by NMR, IR and elemental analysis.
  • Caracterização de cimento odontológico obtido a partir de um vidro preparado pelo método dos precursores poliméricos Artigo

    Bertolini, Marcio José; Zaghete, Maria Aparecida; Gimenes, Rossano; Paiva-Santos, Carlos de Oliveira; Palma-Dibb, Regina Guenka

    Resumo em Inglês:

    Glass ionomer cements are glass and polymer composite materials. These materials currently find use in dentistry. The purpose of this work is to obtain glass powders based on the composition 4.5SiO2 - 3Al2O3 - 2CaO to be used in dentistry. The powders were prepared by a chemical route at 700 0C. The properties of glass ionomer cements obtained from powders prepared at 700 ºC were studied. Diametral tensile strength and microhardness were evaluated for the experimental glass ionomer cements and a commercial material. It was concluded that the properties of experimental cements were similar to those of the commercial ones.
  • Utilização de um eletrodo de grafite-epóxi recoberto com [Zn(FEN)3][tetratris(4-clorofenil) borato]2 sensível a zinco(II) em meio 1,10-fenantrolina como eletrodo indicador em titulações potenciométricas de precipitação Artigo

    Teixeira, Marcos F. S.; Fatibello-Filho, Orlando; Ramos, Luiz Antônio

    Resumo em Inglês:

    The construction and analytical evaluation of a coated graphite-epoxy electrode sensitive to the zinc-1,10-phenantroline complex based on the [Zn(fen)3][tetrakis(4-chlorophenyl)borate]2 incorporated into a poly(vinylchloride) (PVC) matrix are described. A thin membrane film of this ion-pair, dibutylphthalate (DBPh) and PVC were deposited directly onto an electrically conductive graphite-epoxy support located inside a Perspex® tube. The best PVC polymeric membrane contains 65% (m/m) DBPh, 30% (m/m) PVC and 5% (m/m) of the ion-pair. This electrode shows a response of 19.5 mV dec-1 over the zinc(II) concentration range of 1.0 x 10-5 to 1.0 x 10-3 mol L-1 in 1,10-phenantroline medium, at pH 6.0. The response time was less than 20 seconds and the lifetime of this electrode was more than four months (over 1200 determinations by each polymeric membrane). It was successfully used as an indicator electrode in the potentiometric precipitation titration of zinc(II) ions.
  • Adsorção de As, Cu, Pb e Cr na avaliação da capacidade de fixação de metais por resíduo de mineradoras de ferro Artigo

    Basílio, Márcio Silva; Friese, Kurt; Lena, Jorge Carvalho de; Nalini Júnior, Hermínio Arias; Roeser, Hubert Mathias Peter

    Resumo em Inglês:

    Two samples of residues from iron mining plants have been investigated for their retention capacity of As, Cu, Cr, and Pb. The sample with the higher content of iron oxides showed the highest capacity to retain metals. The adsorption affinity series changes from Pb>Cu>Cr~As to As>Pb>Cu>Cr or As>Cu>Cr>Pb, depending on the material and the concentration of the initial solution. In the competitive environment, the Pb adsorption decreases and the As, Cu and Cr adsorption increases. Sequential extraction procedures, carried out after adsorption batch experiments, showed that the most important adsorption process occurs in the oxide fraction and that the major part of the absorbed metal is remobilized from exchangeable and oxide fractions.
  • Hemes férricos pentacoordenados e hexacoordenados dos monômeros d nativo e reconstituído da hemoglobina extracelular de Glossoscolex paulistus: estudos espectroscópicos em meio ácido Artigo

    Ribelatto, Julio C.; Poli, Alessandra L.; Moreira, Leonardo M.; Imasato, Hidetake

    Resumo em Inglês:

    UV-Vis and fluorescence spectroscopic studies of the native and reconstituted d monomers of Glossoscolex paulistus were performed in acid medium. The coexistence of distinct species shows the complexity of the equilibria. Besides the hexacoordinate low spin hemichrome, with bands at 535 and 565 nm, a pentacoordinate high spin hemichrome is identified by the blue-shifted low intensity Soret band (371 nm) and the LMCT band (643 nm). The pentacoordinate hemichrome must be related to the partial unfolding of the polypeptide.
  • Constituintes químicos de Luehea divaricata Mart. (Tiliaceae) Artigo

    Tanaka, Júlio Cesar Akio; Silva, Cleuza Conceição da; Dias Filho, Benedito Prado; Nakamura, Celso Vataru; Carvalho, João Ernesto de; Foglio, Mary Ann

    Resumo em Inglês:

    Chemical studies of the leaves of L. divaricata afforded 3beta-p-hydroxybenzoyl-tormentic acid, a triterpene with an ursene-type skeleton, a mixture whose main compound was an oleanene derivative, the maslinic acid, a C-glycoside flavone, vitexin and glucopyranosylsitosterol. A flavonoid, characterized as (-)-epicatechin, which belongs to the flavan-3-ol class, was isolated from the stem's bark. The structures of the compounds were elucidated by spectroscopic analysis. The antibacterial, antifungal and antiproliferative activities of the crude methanolic extracts of leaves and bark were evaluated and the antibacterial properties of the fractions of the barks were also investigated.
  • Utilização de regressão multivariada para avaliação espectrofotométrica da demanda química de oxigênio em amostras de relevância ambiental Artigo

    Peralta-Zamora, Patricio; Cordeiro, Gilcélia A.; Nagata, Noemi

    Resumo em Inglês:

    In this work, a partial least squares regression routine was used to develop a multivariate calibration model to predict the chemical oxygen demand (COD) in substrates of environmental relevance (paper effluents and landfill leachates) from UV-Vis spectral data. The calibration models permit the fast determination of the COD with typical relative errors lower by 10% with respect to the conventional methodology.
  • Síntese e caracterização de nanocompósitos Ni: SiO2 processados na forma de filmes finos Artigo

    Gouveia, Paulo Sérgio; Escote, Marcia Tsuijama; Longo, Elson; Leite, Edson R.; Carreño, Neftali L. V.; Fonseca, Fabio C.; Jardim, Renato de F.

    Resumo em Inglês:

    We have produced nanocomposite films of Ni:SiO2 by an alternative polymeric precursor route. Films, with thickness of ~ 1000 nm, were characterized by several techniques including X-ray diffraction, scanning electron microscopy, atomic force microscopy, flame absorption atomic spectrometry, and dc magnetization. Results from the microstructural characterizations indicated that metallic Ni-nanoparticles with average diameter of ~ 3 nm are homogeneously distributed in an amorphous SiO2 matrix. Magnetization measurements revealed a blocking temperature T B ~ 7 K for the most diluted sample and the absence of an exchange bias suggesting that Ni nanoparticles are free from an oxide layer.
  • Utilização de reações foto-Fenton na prevenção de contaminações agrícolas Artigo

    Trovó, Alam Gustavo; Dalla Villa, Ricardo; Nogueira, Raquel Fernandes Pupo

    Resumo em Inglês:

    In this work the application of the photo-Fenton process for the treatment of washing water of herbicide containers using solar energy was studied. The influence of the H2O2 concentration and the iron source on the degradation of tebuthiuron and diuron was investigated. The degradation efficiency was strongly affected by the iron source. Using ferrioxalate, total mineralization of diuron and tebuthiuron was obtained either for the individual compounds or for a mixture containing both herbicides, while when using Fe(NO3)3, the maximum mineralization reached for both herbicides was only 50%.
  • Alendronato de sódio: metodologias para análise quantitativa Revisão

    Ribeiro, Ana Ferreira; Volpato, Nadia Maria

    Resumo em Inglês:

    This paper presents a review of some published proposals for the analysis of sodium alendronate. The drug is an aminobisphosphonate compound used to inhibit the osteoclastic resorption of bone, and different methods were developed for its quantitative determination. These methodologies employed reversed-phase or ion-exchange HPLC analysis, both associated with different detectors: UV and fluorescence detection after derivatization of the drug, conductivity and refractive index detectors, as well as the indirect UV detection. Titrimetry and spectrophotometry (with previous complexation of the drug), which are simpler procedures, were also described, but they showed poor specificity when compared to liquid chromatography.
  • Aerossóis atmosféricos: perspectiva histórica, fontes, processos químicos de formação e composição orgânica Revisão

    Alves, Célia

    Resumo em Inglês:

    This work starts with a historical perspective of the social and scientific progress related to the understanding of the atmospheric aerosol. Its origin, physical, chemical and optical characteristics, as well as its environmental behaviour are described, retracing the evolution of the concepts related to this subject over the last centuries. The main sources that contribute to atmospheric particulate matter and the modern understanding of its formation processes and constitution, focusing on the chemical pathways leading to it and on its organic components are presented. This discussion is complemented with recent evaluations of the quantities emitted by primary, secondary, biogenic and anthropogenic sources and the effects due to accumulation or dispersion of aerosols, justifying the chemical and environmental interest they engender.
  • Produção, purificação, clonagem e aplicação de enzimas líticas Revisão

    Fleuri, Luciana Francisco; Sato, Hélia Harumi

    Resumo em Inglês:

    Lytic enzymes such as beta-1,3 glucanases, proteases and chitinases are able to hydrolyse, respectively, beta-1,3 glucans, mannoproteins and chitin, as well as the cell walls of many yeast species. Lytic enzymes are useful in a great variety of applications including the preparation of protoplasts; the extraction of proteins, enzymes, pigments and functional carbohydrates; pre-treatment for the mechanical rupture of cells; degradation of residual yeast cell mass for the preparation of animal feed; analysis of the yeast cell wall structure and composition; study of the yeast cell wall synthesis and the control of pathogenic fungi. This review presents the most important aspects with respect to lytic enzymes, especially their production, purification, cloning and application.
  • Análise de fármacos em material biológico: acoplamento microextração em fase sólida "no tubo" e cromatografia líquida de alta eficiência Revisão

    Queiroz, Maria Eugênia C.; Lanças, Fernando M.

    Resumo em Inglês:

    A new solid phase microextraction (SPME) system, known as in-tube SPME, was recently developed using an open tubular fused-silica capilary column, instead of an SPME fiber, as the SPME device. On-line in-tube SPME is usually used in combination with high performance liquid chromatography. Drugs in biological samples are directly extracted and concentrated in the stationary phase of capillary columns by repeated draw/eject cycles of sample solution, and then directly transferred to the liquid chromatographic column. In-tube SPME is suitable for automation. Automated sample handling procedures not only shorten the total analysis time, but also usually provide better accuracy and precision relative to manual techniques. In-tube SPME has been demonstrated to be a very effective and highly sensitive technique to determine drugs in biological samples for various purposes such as therapeutic drug monitoring, clinical toxicology, bioavailability and pharmacokinetics.
  • Riboflavina: uma vitamina multifuncional Revisão

    Souza, Ana Carolina Santos de; Ferreira, Carmen Veríssima; Jucá, Marilena Bezerra; Aoyama, Hiroshi; Cavagis, Alexandre D. Martins; Peppelenbosch, Maikel P.

    Resumo em Inglês:

    Riboflavin, a component of the B2 vitaminic complex, plays important roles in biochemistry, especially in redox reactions, due to the ability to participate in both one- and two-electron transfers as well as acting as a photosensitizer. Accordingly, low intakes of this vitamin have been associated with different diseases, including cancer and cardiovascular diseases. Riboflavin is thought to contribute to oxidative stress through its capacity to produce superoxide but, interestingly, it can also promote the reduction of hydroperoxides. This peculiar and multifunctional behavior allows riboflavin to take part in various biochemical pathways as a nucleophile and an electrophile, turning it into a versatile and important biological compound.
  • Taninos: uma abordagem da química à ecologia Divulgação

    Monteiro, Julio Marcelino; Albuquerque, Ulysses Paulino de; Araújo, Elcida de Lima; Amorim, Elba Lúcia Cavalcanti de

    Resumo em Inglês:

    Tannins are compounds of great interest in chemistry and ecology. They have various effects on food digestibility and the performance of animals. In this work, the chemistry, the biological activity and the ecology of tannins are examined. A brief discussion of several analytical methods for the determination of tannins is presented.
  • Da cor à cor inexistente: uma reflexão sobre espectros eletrônicos e efeitos cromáticos Divulgação

    Toma, Henrique E.; Bonifácio, Leonardo da Silva; Anaissi, Fauze J.

    Resumo em Inglês:

    Inexistent colors have been the inspiring theme of investigation by Israel Pedrosa, a Brazilian artist, who has devoted his life to creative painting, exploiting the chemical and physical effects associated with light, especially those generated in the light refraction domain. In this article, by focusing on the electronic spectra of phthalocyanines and gold nanoparticles, we discuss how such effects can influence the spectroscopic measurements, leading to inexistent bands and transitions.
  • Los electrodos de pasta de carbono en el estudio electroquímico de minerales metálicos

    Nava, José L.; González, Ignacio

    Resumo em Inglês:

    This paper shows the applicability of the carbon paste electrode-mineral (CPE-mineral) to study the dissolution mechanisms of minerals in powder form and in flotation concentrates. A potentiodynamic strategy to find the dissolution mechanism of galena (PbS) is presented. In this way, minerals less studied such as orpiment (As2S3) and realgar (As2S2) are investigated. The electrochemical activity of a more complicated mineral such as sphalerite (ZnS), containing 12.3 and 0.43% of iron in solid solution, is discussed. The mechanism of a complex zinc concentrate (containing 63.4% ZnS, 20.1% FeS2, 5% CuFeS2, 0.33% PbS, 0.45% Cu12Sb4S13 and 0.4% FeAsS) is described. Finally, an electrochemical method for the detection of the different leachable and refractory silver phases (contained in two mineral concentrates) is presented. This paper reviews the power of the use of CPE-mineral coupled to electrochemical techniques in hydrometallurgy.
  • PARAFAC: uma ferramenta quimiométrica para tratamento de dados multidimensionais. Aplicações na determinação direta de fármacos em plasma humano por espectrofluorimetria Divulgação

    Sena, Marcelo M.; Trevisan, Marcello G.; Poppi, Ronei J.

    Resumo em Inglês:

    Since the last decade, the combined use of chemometrics and molecular spectroscopic techniques has become a new alternative for direct drug determination, without the need of physical separation. Among the new methodologies developed, the application of PARAFAC in the decomposition of spectrofluorimetric data should be highlighted. The first objective of this article is to describe the theoretical basis of PARAFAC. For this purpose, a discussion about the order of chemometric methods used in multivariate calibration and the development of multi-dimensional methods is presented first. The other objective of this article is to divulge for the Brazilian chemical community the potential of the combination PARAFAC/spectrofluorimetry for the determination of drugs in complex biological matrices. For this purpose, two applications aiming at determining, respectively, doxorrubicine and salicylate in human plasma are presented.
  • Construção e estudos de perfomance de um reator fotoquímico tipo CPC ("Compound Parabolic Concentrator") Nota Técnica

    Duarte, Edward Thomas Fleury Mendonça; Xavier, Thiago Padovani; Souza, Danilo Rodrigues de; Miranda, Jacques Antonio de; Machado, Antonio Eduardo da Hora; Jung, Christian; Oliveira, Lamark de; Sattler, Christian

    Resumo em Inglês:

    A CPC (Compound Parabolic Concentrator) reactor was projected and constructed aiming to promote the degradation of the organic matter present in considerable volumes of aqueous effluents, under the action of solar radiation. The essays were done using a model effluent which consists of a mixture of fragments of a sodium salt of lignosulphonic acid possessing a mean molecular weigth of 52,000 Daltons, and a real effluent, from a chip board industry. The volume of effluent in each test was about 50 L. The tests involved heterogeneous (TiO2 P25 Degussa and formulations made from the association of TiO2 with a photosensitiser), and homogeneous (thermal and photochemical Fenton reactions) catalysis of the effluents. The results demonstrate the viability of application of this kind of reactor even when the load of organic pollutants is high.
  • Montagem de câmara com lâmpada de ultravioleta de baixo custo Nota Técnica

    Alvarenga, Elson Santiago de; Saliba, William Argolo; Milagres, Benjamin Gonçalves

    Resumo em Inglês:

    Thin layer chromatography is a quick, inexpensive and effective way of screening mixtures of non-volatile organic compounds and it is highly recommended for analytical studies. Inspection of plates under ultraviolet light for the detection of colourless compounds should be performed before any further chemical methods are applied. Construction of a low-cost UV-viewing cabinet with lamp employing parts easily found on the local market is described.
  • The trouble with resonance energies: a Hückel theory topic

    Langler, Richard Francis

    Resumo em Inglês:

    Resonance energies are shown to be quasithermodynamic in character. Hence, they are generally unsuitable as bases for anticipating kinetic stabilities. Examples are provided, leading to the conclusion that those who intend the word 'aromatic' to mean chemically unreactive, need to carry out full Hückel calculations in order to rank hydrocarbons using the frontier orbital energies.
  • Uso de membranas de Nafion para a construção de sensores ópticos para medidas de pH Educação

    Pinheiro, Silvia Cristina Lopes; Raimundo Jr, Ivo M.

    Resumo em Inglês:

    The behaviour of Nafion® polymeric membranes containing acid-base dyes, bromothymol blue (BB) and methyl violet (MV), were studied aiming at constructing an optical sensor for pH measurement. BB revealed to be inadequate for developing sensing phases due to the electrostatic repulsion between negative groups of their molecules and the negative charge of the sulfonate group of the Nafion®, which causes leaching of the dye from the membrane. On the other hand, MV showed to be suitable due to the presence of positive groups in its structure. The membrane prepared from a methanolic solution whose Nafion®/dye molar ratio was 20 presented the best analytical properties, changing its color from green to violet in the pH range from 0.6 to 3.0. The membrane can be prepared with good reproducibility, presenting durability of ca. 6 months and response time of 22 s, making possible its use for pH determination in flow analysis systems.
Sociedade Brasileira de Química Instituto de Química, Universidade Estadual de Campinas (Unicamp), CP6154, 13083-0970 - Campinas - SP - Brazil