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Química Nova, Volume: 31, Número: 7, Publicado: 2008
  • Novidades em QN Editorial

    Torresi, Susana I. Córdoba de; Pardini, Vera L.; Ferreira, Vitor F.
  • Conteúdo lipídico e composição de ácidos graxos de microalgas expostas aos gases CO2, SO2 e NO Artigo

    Radmann, Elisangela Martha; Costa, Jorge Alberto Vieira

    Resumo em Inglês:

    The objective of the present work was to verify the lipid content and the fatty acid composition of the microalgae Spirulina sp., Scenedesmus obliquus, Synechococcus nidulans and Chlorella vulgaris cultivated in a medium containing CO2, SO2 and NO. The microalga Scenedesmus obliquus presented the highest lipid content (6.18%). For the other microalgae the lipid content ranged from 4.56 to 5.97%. The major monounsaturated fatty acids content was 66.01% for S. obliquus. The PUFA were obtained in major amount by the microalgae Spirulina sp. (29.37%) and S. nidulans (29.54%). The palmitoleic acid was in larger amount, with 41.02% concentration (Spirulina sp.).
  • Fluxos de óxido nitroso na interface ar-mar na Baía de Guanabara Artigo

    Guimarães, Giselle Parno; Mello, William Zamboni de

    Resumo em Inglês:

    In Surface water concentrations of N2O were measured at 37 stations in Guanabara Bay and fluxes estimated across the air-sea interface. Concentrations averaged 8.2 ± 2.2 nmol L-1 and 90% of the stations showed supersaturation averaging 33%. N2O fluxes were estimated using a two-film model which is given by the product of the concentration difference across the film and the gas transfer coefficient (k w). Two parametrizations of k w were used which provided average fluxes of 0.3 and 3.0 µg N m-2 h-1. Flux measurements using floating chambers (not reported here) seem to agree with the upper limit of these estimates.
  • Caracterização físico-química de queijo prato por espectroscopia no infravermelho e regressão de mínimos quadrados parciais Artigo

    Sauer-Leal, Elenise; Okada, Fernanda Martins; Peralta-Zamora, Patricio

    Resumo em Inglês:

    In this work an analytical methodology for the determination of relevant physicochemical parameters of prato cheese is reported, using infrared spectroscopy (DRIFT) and partial least squares regression (PLS). Several multivariate models were developed, using different spectral regions and preprocessing routines. In general, good precision and accuracy was observed for all studied parameters (fat, protein, moisture, total solids, ashes and pH) with standard deviations comparable with those provided by the conventional methodologies. The implantation of this multivariate routine involves significant analytical advantages, including reduction of cost and time of analysis, minimization of human errors, and elimination of chemical residues.
  • Determination of Cd and Pb in fuel ethanol by filter furnace electrothermal atomic absorption spectrometry

    Saint'Pierre, Tatiana D.; Maranhão, Tatiane de A.; Frescura, Vera L.; Curtius, Adilson J.; Aucélio, Ricardo Q.

    Resumo em Inglês:

    A method was developed for quantification of Cd and Pb in ethanol fuel by filter furnace atomic absorption spectrometry. Filter furnace was used to eliminate the need for chemical modification, to stabilize volatile analytes and to allow the application of short pyrolysis step. The determinations in samples were carried out against calibration solutions prepared in ethanol. Recovery tests were made in seven commercial ethanol fuel samples with values between 90 and 120%. Limits of detection were 0.1 µg L-1 for Cd and 0.3 µg L-1 for Pb. Certified water samples (APS 1071, APS 1033, NIST 1643d, NIST 1640) were also used to evaluate accuracy and recoveries from 86.8% to115% were obtained.
  • Avaliação da contaminação por organofosforados em águas superficiais no município de Rondinha - Rio Grande do Sul Artigo

    Griza, Francieli Três; Ortiz, Karen Saldanha; Geremias, Douglas; Thiesen, Flávia Valladão

    Resumo em Inglês:

    Water pollution is a serious environmental problem. In Rondinha, Rio Grande do Sul, on a small area planted with tobacco, it has been using organophosphates pesticides. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the organophosphates pesticides contamination of the superficial water in this municipality. The samples collected in fifteen places were evaluated by the method of organophosphates acethylcolinestherase inhibition. In five samples the organophosphates levels were above the limit established by CONAMA, indicating the necessity of arrangements that allow reducing the risk of the population and the environment contamination.
  • Materiais à base de óxido de ferro para oxidação de compostos presentes no efluente da despolpa do café Artigo

    Gonçalves, Maraísa; Guerreiro, Mário César; Oliveira, Luiz Carlos Alves; Rocha, Cristian Luciana da

    Resumo em Inglês:

    Materials based on pure iron oxide and impregnated with niobia (Nb2O5) were prepared. Their catalytic activities were tested on the oxidation of compounds present in the wastewater from the processing of coffee berries. Particularly caffeine and catechol were tested. The oxidation reactions were carried out with the following systems (i) UV/H2O2, (ii) photo-Fenton and (iii) heterogeneous Fenton. All materials were characterized with X-ray diffraction, Mössbauer and infrared spectroscopy. Iron was mainly in the forms of goethite and maghemite. The oxidation kinetics were monitored by UV-vis and the oxidation products were monitored by mass spectrometry. The photo-Fenton reaction presented highest oxidation efficiency, removing 98% of all caffeine and catechol contents.
  • Predição da demanda química de oxigênio em chorume maduro contendo reagente de Fenton, por meio de modelo matemático empírico gerado com planejamento fatorial completo Artigo

    Peixoto, André Luís de Castro; Brito, Renata Alves de; Salazar, Rodrigo Fernando dos Santos; Guimarães, Oswaldo Luiz Cobra; Izário Filho, Hélcio José

    Resumo em Inglês:

    COD is an important parameter to estimate the concentration of organic contaminants. The closed system technique with the use of K2Cr2O7 is the most important one, however, it has the inconvenience to suffer positive chemical interferences from inorganic compounds such as Fe2+ and H2O2 (not enough reported in the literature). This paper considers a statistical-experimental set capable to validate a empirical mathematical model generated from a 23 experimental design, in the presence of Fe2+ and H2O2. The t test shows that mathematical model has 99,99999% confidence degree and the experimental validation test indicates absolute mean error of 4,70%.
  • Chemical composition and antimicrobial activity of the essential oil of Hyptis pectinata (l.) Poit.

    Santos, Patrícia O.; Costa, Marcilene de J. C.; Alves, José A. B.; Nascimento, Paula F. C.; Melo, Dângelly L. F. M. de; Barbosa Jr., Antônio M.; Trindade, Rita de C.; Blank, Arie F.; Arrigoni-Blank, Maria F.; Alves, Péricles B.; Nascimento, Maria da Paz F. do

    Resumo em Inglês:

    Essential oil was extracted from leaves of Hyptis pectinata using hydrodistillation, and its composition determined using GC-FID and GC-MS. Chemical analysis showed that there was a predominance of sesquiterpenes, of which β-caryophyllene (18.34%), caryophyllene oxide (18.00%) and calamusenone (24.68%) were measured for the first time in the genus Hyptis. Twenty-one compounds were identified, and calamusenone was isolated using preparative thin layer chromatography with a silica gel plate (60 PF254). The minimal inhibitory concentration (MIC) and minimal microbicidal concentration (MMC) were determined for various pathogenic microorganisms. H. pectinata oil was most effective against Gram (+) bacteria and yeasts.
  • Determinação turbidimétrica do antidepressivo amitriptilina em sistema fia explorando a formação do par iônico com lauril sulfato de sódio Artigo

    Silveira, Gustavo; Tarley, César Ricardo Teixeira

    Resumo em Inglês:

    The present work purposes the development of an analytical method for amitriptyline determination in pharmaceutical formulations using FIA system. It was based on interaction of amitriplyline with sodium lauryl sulphate in acid medium (pH 2.5) resulting in the ion-pair formation turbidimetrically detected at 410 nm. The fitting regression equation for range curve from 2.0 x 10-3 up to 3.2 x 10-3 mol L-1 was found to be analytical signal = -2.7417 + 0.1538 [amitriptyline] (r = 0.99991) with a detection limit of 1.8 x 10-3 mol L-1. The precision assessed as relative standard deviation (n = 10) was found to be 2.40 and 1.94%, for the respective concentration of amitriplyline 2.0 x 10-3 and 3.2 x 10-3 mol L-1 and the sample throughout was 60 h-1. The accuracy of method was successfully assessed in pharmaceutical formulation after comparison with a reference analytical method.
  • Avaliação do potencial antioxidante do pólen apícola produzido na região sul do Brasil Artigo

    Carpes, Solange Teresinha; Prado, Adna; Moreno, Ivani Aparecida M.; Mourão, Gerson Barreto; Alencar, Severino Matias de; Masson, Maria Lúcia

    Resumo em Inglês:

    The contents of total phenolics, flavonoids, and antioxidant activity of bee pollen ethanolic extract were determined and compared to those of commercial antioxidants. Bee pollen extract from the state of Rio Grande do Sul presented antioxidant activity statistically equal to that of α -tocopherol and higher than those of BHT and BHA. A statistically significant correlation was observed between the antioxidant activity and the total phenolics and total flavonoids contents of bee pollen extracts. HPLC technique made the identification of high contents of rutin and myricetin possible, which may partially explain the high antioxidant activity of Brazilian bee pollen.
  • Validação de métodos para determinação de fluoxetina em cápsulas Artigo

    Fregonezi-Nery, Marlene Maria; Baracat, Marcela Maria; Casagrande, Rubia; Machado, Hodnei Takashi; Miglioranza, Bruna; Gianotto, Elisabeth Aparecida dos Santos; Dalmas, José Carlos

    Resumo em Inglês:

    A UV spectrophotometric method was developed and validated and a chromatographic method was adapted from the American Pharmacopeia for the analysis of Fluoxetine Hydrochloride capsules. Ethanol was used as solvent for the spectrophotometric method, with detection and determination at 276 nm. The separation for the chromatographic method was carried out using the reversed-phase column LC-8, triethylamine buffer, stabilizer free tetrahydrofuran and methanol (5:3.5:1.5), pH 6.0 as mobile phase and detection at 227 nm. The results obtained for both methods showed to be accurate, precise, robust and linear over the concentration range 100.00 - 300.00 µg/mL and 40.00 - 80.00 µg/mL of fluoxetine hydrochloride for the spectrophotometric and chromatographic methods, respectively. The accuracy of the methods was evaluated by a recovery test and showed results between 98.89 and 101.10%.
  • Atividade biológica do lapachol e de alguns derivados sobre o desenvolvimento fúngico e em germinação de sementes Artigo

    Souza, Marco Andre Alves de; Silva, Andrea Rosane da; Ferreira, Marcio Alcântara; Lemos, Marcela Jacques de; Ramos, Rafael Gonçalves; Ferreira, Aurélio Baird Buarque; Souza, Sonia Regina de

    Resumo em Inglês:

    The natural quinones lapachol, α-lapachone and β-lapachone, and the synthetic derivative β-lapachone-3-sulfonic-acid were assayed for inhibition of fungal growth (Fusarium oxysporum) and germination of lettuce seeds (Lactuca sativa L.). β-Lapachone has the strongest activity as a germination inhibitor and lapachol shows no effect. β-Lapachone, followed by lapachol, are the most active in reducing fungal growth.
  • Um estudo teórico de propriedades moleculares em complexos de hidrogênio trimoleculares C2H4···2HF, C2H2···2HF e C3h6···2HF Artigo

    Oliveira, Boaz G.; Araújo, Regiane C. M. U.; Pereira, Flávia S.; Lima, Emmanuela F.; Silva, Washington L. V.; Carvalho, Antônio B.; Ramos, Mozart N.

    Resumo em Inglês:

    We present a theoretical study of molecular properties in C2H4···2HF, C2H2···2HF and C3H6···2HF trimolecular hydrogen-bonded complexes. From B3LYP/6-311++G(d,p) calculations, the most important structural deformations are related to the C=C (C2H4), C≡C (C2H2), C-C (C3H6) and HF bond lengths. According to the Bader's atoms in molecules and CHELPG calculations, it was identified a tertiary interaction between the fluorine atom of the second hydrofluoric acid molecule and hydrogen atoms of the ethylene and acetylene within the C2H4···2HF and C2H2···2HF complexes, respectively. Additionally, the evaluation of the infrared spectrum characterized the new vibrational modes and bathochromic effect of the HF molecules.
  • Chaetoglobosinas produzidas por Chaetomium globosum, fungo endofítico associado a Viguiera robusta Gardn. (Asteraceae) Artigo

    Momesso, Luciano da S.; Kawano, Cristina Y.; Ribeiro, Patrícia H.; Nomizo, Auro; Goldman, Gustavo H.; Pupo, Mônica T.

    Resumo em Inglês:

    Endophytes live in association with host plants during all or part of their life cycle without causing any apparent disease. They are considered outstanding and underexploited sources of novel bioactive compounds. Chaetomium globosum was isolated as an endophytic fungus from the healthy leaves of Viguiera robusta. C.globosum is a remarkable producer of chaetoglobosins, which are typically cytotoxic. In this work, chaetoglobosins B (1), D (2) and E (3) have been produced by the endophytic C. globosum strain. Chaetoglobosin B was evaluated against Jurkat (leukemia) and B16F10 (melanoma) tumoral cells and showed 89.55% and 57.10% of inhibition at 0.1 mg mL-1, respectively. Chaetoglobosin B also showed weak antibacterial activity against Staphylococcus aureus (MIC 120 µg/mL) and Escherichia coli (MIC 189 µg/mL).
  • Desenvolvimento e validação de método por cromatografia líquida de alta eficiência para determinação simultânea das impurezas timina e timidina na matéria-prima estavudina Artigo

    Silva, Gisele Rodrigues da; Condessa, Felipe Antonacci; Pianetti, Gérson Antônio; Nunan, Elzíria de Aguiar; Campos, Ligia Maria Moreira de

    Resumo em Inglês:

    A HPLC method was developed to quantify thymine and thymidine impurities in stavudine bulk drug. The separation was carried out in isocratic mode using methanol/water (20:80) as mobile phase, a C18 column and UV detection at 266 nm. The method provided selectivity based on peak purities and resolution among peaks. It was linear over the range of 0.5-5.0 µg/mL. The quantitation limits were 0.021 µg/mL for thymine and 0.134 µg/mL for thymidine. The average accuracies of three concentrations ranged from 97.06 to 102.61% and precision was close to 1%. The method showed robustness, remaining unaffected by deliberate variations in relevant parameters.
  • Constituintes químicos de Vernonia chalybaea mart. Artigo

    Costa, Francisco José da; Bandeira, Paulo N.; Albuquerque, Maria Rose Jane R.; Pessoa, Otília Deusdênia L.; Silveira, Edilberto R.; Braz-Filho, Raimundo

    Resumo em Inglês:

    The chemical investigation of the hexane and ethanol extracts from aerial parts of Vernonia chalybaea conducted to the isolation and characterization of a new aliphatic tetrahydroxyl ether, along with a series of known compounds such as 4 α,10 α-epoxyaromadendrane, friedelin, taraxasteryl acetate, pseudotaraxasteryl acetate, lupeyl acetate, lupeol, α-amiryn, β-amiryn, β-sitosterol, stigmasterol, 2,3-dimethyl-1,2,3-tri-hydroxybuthanol, angophorol, angophorol-7-O-glucoside, angophorol-7-O-rutinoside, 3,7-dimethoxy-5,3',4'-trihydroxyflavone and acacetin. The structures of all compounds were determined by spectroscopic analysis and comparison with published spectral data.
  • Detecção de contaminantes em espécie bioindicadora (Corbicula fluminea) - Rio Ribeira de Iguape - SP Artigo

    Guimarães, Valéria; Sígolo, Joel Barbujiani

    Resumo em Inglês:

    The study assessed heavy metal concentrations in the tissue samples of Corbiculafluminea, by ICP-OES. In the tissues, average levels of 23.99 µg/g of Cu, 144.21 µg/g of Zn, 0.71 µg/g of Cd, 7.10 µg/g of Cr and 2.41 µg/g of Pb were detected ahowing that this last value is high and above the ANVISA reference (2.00 µg/g) for fish and other products. The results suggest that natural processes occuring in the Ribeira de Iguape River are not sufficient for purification so that metals remain in the water and can accumulate in the trophic chain.
  • Avaliação do potencial antioxidante de extratos ativos de plantas obtidos por extração com fluido supercrítico Artigo

    Justo, Oselys Rodriguez; Moraes, Ângela Maria; Barreto, Gisela Pizarro de Mattos; Mercadante, Adriana Zerlotti; Rosa, Paulo de Tarso Vieira e

    Resumo em Inglês:

    The aim of this work was to evaluate the antioxidant properties of ginger and rosemary extracts, obtained by supercritical extraction. The extracts were characterized by HPLC, GC-MS, phenolic compounds content and antioxidant activity. The main active compounds were identified and high content of phenolic compounds was observed. The extracts presented high antioxidant activity against the free radicals ABTS•+ (350 and 200 mM Trolox/g, for ginger and rosemary, respectively) and DPPH•+ (145 and 80 mM Trolox/g, for ginger and rosemary, respectively). These results suggested that the attained extracts are potential substitutes of synthetic antioxidants used in chemical, food and pharmaceutical industries.
  • Obtenção de filmes finos de TiO2 nanoestruturado pelo método dos precursores poliméricos Artigo

    Stroppa, Daniel Grando; Giraldi, Tania Regina; Leite, Edson Roberto; Varela, José Arana; Longo, Elson

    Resumo em Inglês:

    This work focuses in optimizing setup for obtaining TiO2 thin films by polymeric precursor route due to its advantages on stoichiometric and morphological control. Precursor stoichiometry, synthesis pH, solids concentration and rotation speed at deposition were optimized evaluating thin films morphology and thickness. Thermogravimetry and RMN were applied for precursor's characterization and AFM, XRD and ellipsometry for thin films evaluation. Results showed successful attainment of homogeneous nanocrystalline anatase TiO2 thin films with outstanding control over morphological characteristics, mean grain size of 17 nm, packing densities between 57 and 75%, estimated surface areas of 90 m²/g and monolayers thickness within 20 and 128 nm.
  • Síntese e modificações de derivados heterocíclicos de D-arabinose: potenciais inibidores de glicose-6-fosfato isomerase e de glicosamina-6-fosfato sintase Artigo

    Viana, Renato Márcio Ribeiro; Prado, Maria Auxiliadora Fontes; Alves, Ricardo José

    Resumo em Inglês:

    The synthesis of -5-(D-arabino-1,2,3,4-tetrahydroxybutyl)tetrazole and -2-(D-arabino-1,2,3,4-tetra-acetoxybutyl)-5-methyl-1,3,4-oxadiazole from D-arabinose is described. Attempts at removing the protecting groups of the oxadiazole derivative were unsuccessful, leading to products resulting from the opening of the oxadiazole ring. The unprotected tetrazole derivative was selectively phosphorylated at the primary hydroxyl group with diethylphosphoryl chloride. The resulting 5-[D-arabino-4-(diethylphosphoryloxy)-1,2,3-trihydroxybutyl]tetrazole is a protected form of a potential inhibitor of the enzymes glucose-6-phosphate isomerase and glucosamine synthase.
  • Estudos termoanalíticos de sais de sódio e potássio de ditiocarbamatos em atmosfera oxidante Artigo

    Ramos, Luiz Antônio; Cavalheiro, Éder Tadeu Gomes; Chierice, Gilberto Orivaldo

    Resumo em Inglês:

    Thermoanalytical behavior of sodium and potassium salts of pyrrolidinedithiocarbamate (pyr), piperidineditiocarbamate (pip), morpholinedithiocarbamate (mor), hexametileneiminedithiocarbamate (hex), were investigated. In a first step the salts were synthesized and characterized by infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), ¹H and 13C nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) and elementar analysis. Finally, thermal analytical (TG/DTG and DSC) studies were performed in order to evaluate the thermal stability, as well as the pathways of the thermal decomposition based in the intermediate and final decomposition products.
  • Triterpenes and antitubercular activity of Byrsonima crassa

    Higuchi, Celio Takashi; Pavan, Fernando Rogério; Leite, Clarice Queico Fujimura; Sannomiya, Miriam; Vilegas, Wagner; Leite, Sergio Roberto de Andrade; Sacramento, Luis Vitor S.; Sato, Daisy Nakamura

    Resumo em Inglês:

    We evaluated the potential antitubercular activity of triterpenes obtained from leaves and bark of Byrsonima crassa. From chloroform extracts of the leaves, by bioassay-guided fractionation, we obtained mixtures of known triterpenes: α-amyrin, β-amyrin and their acetates, lupeol, oleanolic acid, ursolic acid and α-amyrinone. Tested against Mycobacterium tuberculosis, the triterpenes exhibited minimum inhibitory concentrations (MICs) of 31.25 - 312.25 µg/mL. β-amyrin and friedelin, isolated from the chloroform extract of bark, showed MICs of 312.25 and 125 µg/mL respectively. This is the first report of the identification and determination of the activity of B. crassa triterpenes against M. tuberculosis.
  • Síntese, caracterização e análise térmica dos sais de lítio, sódio e potássio do ácido palmítico e do seu éster etílico Artigo

    Sales, André Luis Castro de; Ramos, Luiz Antônio; Nunes, Ronaldo Spezia; Claro Neto, Salvador; Cavalheiro, Éder Tadeu Gomes

    Resumo em Inglês:

    Alkaline salts of the palmitic acid were synthesized and characterized from aqueous and ethanolic medium. The salts were characterized by elemental analysis (EA) and infrared spectroscopy (IR). EA and IR, being its synthesis comproved, also characterized the ethyl palmitate. All the salts and the ester were submitted to thermal analysis using thermogravimetry (TG), and differential thermal analysis (DTA) in the temperature ranging from room to 700 ºC under air dynamic atmosphere. Differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) measurements were taken from -90 ºC up to temperatures close to the starting of the decomposition temperature, determined by thermogravimetry, using heating and cooling cycles.
  • Avaliação da qualidade do corpo hídrico do rio Tibagi na região de Ponta Grossa utilizando análise de componentes principais (PCA) Artigo

    Zimmermann, Ciro Maurício; Guimarães, Orliney Maciel; Peralta-Zamora, Patricio Guillermo

    Resumo em Inglês:

    The aim of this paper was to evaluate alterations in the quality of the water of the Tibagi River caused by the urban and industrial activities in the region of Ponta Grossa. The study involved the monitoring of physico-chemical and microbiological parameters of the water body, which were evaluated by a principal components analysis routine. Sample collections were carried out monthly during one year (October of 2005 to September of 2006), at 3 sampling points: upstream and downstream of the industrial district and downstream from the city of Ponta Grossa. The principal components analysis showed the effect of point sources associated with industrial activity, which contribute to the rise of total concentration of amoniacal nitrogen and the reduction of dissolved oxygen in the studied region.
  • Indicadores químicos de qualidade da matéria orgânica de solo da sub-bacia do Rio das Mortes sob manejos diferenciais de cafeeiro Artigo

    Oliveira Júnior, Antônio Claret; Silva, Carlos Alberto; Curi, Nilton; Guilherme, Luiz Roberto Guimarães; Rangel, Otacílio José Passos

    Resumo em Inglês:

    This work evaluated the chemical quality of organic matter (OM) of a Brazilian Oxisol cultivated with coffee plants, under organic and conventional managements. Total organic C (TOC), light fraction C (LF-C) and C in humic (HA-C) and fulvic (FA-C) acids fractions was measured. Amongst the evaluated indexes, TOC and LF-C discriminated better OM attributes as a function of management. The stratification ratio (TOC5-10cm/TOC10-20cm) did not show differences between the systems studied. The organic system can contribute to the sustainability of coffee plantations in Brazil, because it maintains the chemical attributes of OM closer to the indexes verified under forest conditions.
  • Atividade antiinflamatória de carboidrato produzido por fermentação aquosa de grãos de quefir Artigo

    Moreira, Maria E. C.; Santos, Marcelo H.; Pereira, Ivan O.; Ferraz, Vany; Barbosa, Luiz C. A.; Schneedorf, José M.

    Resumo em Inglês:

    Kefir, a symbiont microorganism suspension, presents benefic effects to health. Some kefir grains were cultivated in brown sugar, allowing to isolate a substance named CSQ. This was evaluated on a biologic essay of mouse foot edema, presenting an inhibitory activity of 30+4 % against carrageenan after the stimulus. It was observed that a cultivation mean containing sucrose, and not the milky mean, lead to the production of different sugar polymeric chains of kefir. The results in vivo suggest that the CSQ exerted an anti-inflammatory activity.
  • Desenvolvimento de um procedimento biamperométrico para determinação de sacarina em produtos dietéticos Artigo

    Assumpção, Mônica H. M. T.; Medeiros, Roberta Antigo; Madi, Alexandro; Fatibello-Filho, Orlando

    Resumo em Inglês:

    In this work was developed a method for the determination of saccharin in dietary products by a biamperometric titration, using two silver electrodes as working electrodes and silver nitrate as titrant. It were used products as juices (light) and sweeteners with saccharin in concentrations ranged from 8.73 x 10-5 mol L-1 to 1.0 x 10-2 mol L-1, and the results were in close agreement with those data found using a HPLC method at a confidence level of 95%. The main advantages of the proposed method are its simplicity, rapid and low cost.
  • Chemical composition and analgesic activity of the leaves and branches of Marlierea tomentosa Camb.

    Messias, Karina Louise S.; Campos-Buzzi, Fátima de; Fischer, Luiz G. O.; Malheiros, Ângela; Delle Monache, Franco; Cechinel Filho, Valdir

    Resumo em Inglês:

    This paper describes the isolation of five phytoconstituents from Marlierea tomentosa. The triterpenes α-amyrin (1) and β-amyrin (2), and the flavonoids quercitrin (3) and isoquercetin (4), were isolated from the leaves. The branches afforded the triterpene arjunolic acid (5). The antinociceptive activity of crude extract, fractions and compound 5 were tested using the writhing and formalin tests in mice. The crude extract, some fractions, particularly dichloromethane and butanol (leaves), ethyl acetate (branches) and arjunolic acid (5) (81.2% inhibition) were more active against the writhing test than the two reference drugs, acetylsalicylic acid and indomethacin.
  • Implementação computacional do modelo carga-fluxo de carga-fluxo de dipolo para cálculo e interpretação das intensidades do espectro infravermelho Artigo

    Gomes, Thiago C. F.; Silva Jr., João Viçozo da; Vidal, Luciano N.; Vazquez, Pedro A. M.; Bruns, Roy E.

    Resumo em Inglês:

    The first computational implementation that automates the procedures involved in the calculation of infrared intensities using the charge-charge flux-dipole flux model is presented. The atomic charges and dipoles from the Quantum Theory of Atoms in Molecules (QTAIM) model was programmed for Morphy98, Gaussian98 and Gaussian03 programs outputs, but for the ChelpG parameters only the Gaussian programs are supported. Results of illustrative but new calculations for the water, ammonia and methane molecules at the MP2/6-311++G(3d,3p) theoretical level, using the ChelpG and QTAIM/Morphy charges and dipoles are presented. These results showed excellent agreement with analytical results obtained directly at the MP2/6-311++G(3d,3p) level of theory.
  • Aplicação e avanços da espectroscopia de luminescência em análises farmacêuticas Revisão

    Sotomayor, Maria D. P. T.; Dias, Iara Lúcia T.; Lanza, Marcos R. V.; Moreira, Altair B.; Kubota, Lauro T.

    Resumo em Inglês:

    This paper provides a review on the latest advances and applications of the luminescence spectroscopy for the development of pharmaceuticals analyses methods, basically based on the photo- and chemiluminescence. The different forms of the drugs determination on pharmaceuticals through the fluorescence and chemiluminescence are discussed. The analyses include the drugs native fluorescence (liquid and solid-phases); the fluorescence from the oxidizing or reducing forms of the drug; the fluorescence from the chemical derivatization and their photochemistry and hydrolysis reactions. The quenching of luminescence and chemiluminescence generation for the pharmaceutical quantification are also shown. Finally, the trends and future perspectives of the luminescence spectroscopy in the field of the pharmaceutical research are discussed.
  • Anestésicos locais: interação com membranas biológicas e com o canal de sódio voltagem-dependente Revisão

    Araujo, Daniele Ribeiro de; Paula, Eneida de; Fraceto, Leonardo Fernandes

    Resumo em Inglês:

    Many theories about the mechanism of action of local anesthetics (LA) are described in the literature. Two types of theories can be distinguished: those that focus on the direct effects of LA on their target protein in the axon membranes, i.e. the voltage-gated sodium channel and the ones that take into account the interaction of anesthetic molecules with the lipid membrane phase for the reversible nerve blockage. Since there is a direct correlation between LA hydrophobicity and potency, it is crucial to take this physico-chemical property into account to understand the mechanism of action of LA, be it on the sodium channel protein, lipid(s), or on the whole membrane phase.
  • Espectrometria de absorção atômica: o caminho para determinações multi-elementares Revisão

    Amorim, Fábio Alan Carqueija; Lobo, Ivon Pinheiro; Santos, Vera Lucia C. S.; Ferreira, Sérgio Luis Costa

    Resumo em Inglês:

    This paper present an overview of way covered for the spectrometry of atomic absorption (AAS), tracing a line of the historical events in its development and its establishment as a multielement technique. Additionally, the efforts carried by through several researchers in the search for the instrumental evolution, the advances, advantages, limitations, and trends of this approach are related. Several works focusing its analytical applications are cited employing simultaneous multielement determination by flame (FAAS) and/or graphite furnace (GF AAS), and fast sequential multielement determination using FAAS are reported in the present review.
  • Biossensores baseados no processo de inibição enzimática Revisão

    Marques, Paulo Roberto Brasil de Oliveira; Yamanaka, Hideko

    Resumo em Inglês:

    Fast, selective, reproducible and reliable detections have been carried out by using enzymatic biosensors in several areas. The enzymatic biosensors based on the inhibition represent an important role in analytical chemistry. Enzymes like cholinesterases, peroxidases, tyrosinases, etc. have been immobilized on electrochemical and optical transducers and the enzymatic activity decreasing in the presence of the inhibitor is related with its concentrations. This article presents a review on the enzymes used on the construction of these sensors, emphasizing the respective applications.
  • Alginato bacteriano: aspectos tecnológicos, características e produção Revisão

    Garcia-Cruz, Crispin Humberto; Foggetti, Ulisses; Silva, Adriana Navarro da

    Resumo em Inglês:

    Alginate is a biopolymer used for a variety of industrial applications, for example, in the textiles, cosmetics, foods, agricultural and biotechnological industries. This biopolymer is traditionally extracted from some brown seaweeds (Phaeophyceae) and can be produced by bacteria isolated from soil, as Azotobacter vinelandii, like capsular polysaccharide using glucose, sucrose, among others as carbon sources. The main difference between the alginate of seaweed and the bacterial ones, is the biggest degree of acetylation of this last one, with great influence in the gel force. These chemical characteristics and production of bacterial alginate are presented in this work.
  • Ocorrência e diversidade estrutural de metabólitos fúngicos com atividade antibiótica Revisão

    Takahashi, Jacqueline Aparecida; Lucas, Esther Maria Ferreira

    Resumo em Inglês:

    Several reasons motivated the development of new generations of antibiotics, such as their high ability to develop resistance to virtually all kinds of anti-infective agents and the crescent market demand for new drugs to treat special demanding patients. After penicillin discovery, several antibiotics were developed from fungal metabolites, since antibacterial secondary metabolites consists on a fungal endogenous protective mechanism against natural competitors. The aim of this review is to present the structural diversity of antibacterial and antifungal metabolites produced by fungi, mentioning sources of fungal isolates, cultivation process and details on the scope of their antibiotic activity.
  • Extração sortiva em barra de agitação para análise de fármacos em fluidos biológicos Revisão

    Chaves, Andréa Rodrigues; Queiroz, Maria Eugênia Costa

    Resumo em Inglês:

    A novel solventless sample preparation, stir-bar sorptive extraction (SBSE), for extraction, and sample enrichment of organic compounds from biological fluids, is described in this manuscript from principle to applications. The SBSE is based on sorptive extraction, whereby the compounds are extracted into a polymer coating, polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS), on a magnetic stirring rod. The extraction is controlled by the partitioning coefficient of drugs between the PDMS and sample matrix, and upon the sample-extraction medium phase ratio. The SBSE technique has been applied successfully, with high sensitivities, to biomedical analysis of volatiles and for semi-volatiles drugs from biological sample, including urine, plasma, and saliva. SBSE combined with in situ derivatization, drugs quite more polar (e.g. metabolites) also can be analyzed.
  • A toxicidade em ambientes aquáticos: discussão e métodos de avaliação Revisão

    Costa, Carla Regina; Olivi, Paulo; Botta, Clarice M. R.; Espindola, Evaldo L. G.

    Resumo em Inglês:

    Aquatic toxicity tests are assays performed with different aquatic organisms of different ecological organization levels. Such tests are a source of information on the toxicity of a given substance or wastewater under controlled conditions, and they complement the physico-chemical analyses. Moreover, they allow one to evaluate the risks resulting from the presence of toxic substances in the environment. Algae, crustaceans, fishes and bacteria are frequently used in toxicity tests. In this work, we will present the main aspects related to the aquatic toxicity tests and a discussion of their applicability will also be presented.
  • Performance characteristics of bioassay UV-spectrophotometry and high perfomance liquid chromatographic determination of gatifloxacin in tablets

    Lopes, Cristiani Capistrano Gonçalves de Oliveira; Salgado, Hérida Regina Nunes

    Resumo em Inglês:

    The microbiological bioassay, UV-spectrophotometry and HPLC methods for assaying gatifloxacin in tablets were compared. Validation parameters such as linearity, precision, accuracy, limit of detection and limit of quantitation were determined. Beer's law was obeyed in the ranges 4.0-14.0 μg/mL for HPLC and UV-spectrophotometric method, and 4.0-16.0 μg/mL for bioassay. All methods were reliable within acceptable limits for antibiotic pharmaceutical preparations being accurate, precise and reproducible. The bioassay and HPLC are more specific than UV-spectrophotometric analysis. The application of each method as a routine analysis should be investigated considering cost, simplicity, equipment, solvents, speed, and application to large or small workloads.
  • Analytical procedures for determining Pb and Sr isotopic compositions in water samples by ID-TIMS

    Martins, Veridiana; Babinski, Marly; Ruiz, Izabel; Sato, Kei; Souza, Solange; Hirata, Ricardo

    Resumo em Inglês:

    Few articles deal with lead and strontium isotopic analysis of water samples. The aim of this study was to define the chemical procedures for Pb and Sr isotopic analyses of groundwater samples from an urban sedimentary aquifer. Thirty lead and fourteen strontium isotopic analyses were performed to test different analytical procedures. Pb and Sr isotopic ratios as well as Sr concentration did not vary using different chemical procedures. However, the Pb concentrations were very dependent on the different procedures. Therefore, the choice of the best analytical procedure was based on the Pb results, which indicated a higher reproducibility from samples that had been filtered and acidified before the evaporation, had their residues totally dissolved, and were purified by ion chromatography using the Biorad® column. Our results showed no changes in Pb ratios with the storage time.
  • Avaliação do efeito da concentração de carbonato na eletrodeposição de cobre sobre discos de aço-carbono Nota Técnica

    Silva, Angélica Inês Ferreira da; Afonso, Júlio Carlos; Sobral, Luis Gonzaga Santos

    Resumo em Inglês:

    Mild steel blankets were covered with electrolytic copper thin layer, from cyanide bath, being evaluated the influence of the carbonate concentration in the physiochemical properties of those deposits. The cell voltage decreased as the current intensity decreased, but the adherence of the deposit was not enhanced, showing that the increment of carbonate concentration causes substantial problems. Chemical solubilization reactions of air-bearing carbon dioxide and oxidation of free cyanide ions through dissolved oxygen evolved in the anodic processes contribute to the copper plating to occur in an inefficient way. The best optimal conditions require a carbonate concentration below 50 g L-1.
  • Tratamento de águas de refrigeração com peróxido de hidrogênio Nota Técnica

    Peres, Fernando Antonio Serrapio; Teixeira, Luiz Alberto Cesar; Yokoyama, Lídia; Campos, Juacyara Carbonelli; Miguel, Marco Antônio Lemos

    Resumo em Inglês:

    Hydrogen peroxide and chlorine are compared as possible disinfectants for water-cooling circuits. To this purpose, samples taken from the cooling system of a steel making plant were treated (at 25ºC and pH values of 5.5 and 8.5) with varying amounts of the two oxidizing agents (0.0 mg/L, 2.0 mg/L and 6.0 mg/L). The results were evaluated through bacterial counting and measurement of corrosion rates upon AISI1020 carbon steel coupons. Bacterial removal and corrosion effects proved to be similar and satisfactory for both reagents.
  • Caracterização da pureza de fosfatidilcolina da soja através de RMN de ¹H e de 31P Nota Técnica

    Mertins, Omar; Sebben, Marcelo; Henrique Schneider, Paulo; Pohlmann, Adriana Raffin; Silveira, Nádya Pesce da

    Resumo em Inglês:

    A strategy is proposed to evaluate the purity of phosphatidylcholine from soybean lecithin, obtained by extraction or column chromatography, using the integrals ratio of ¹H NMR spectra. Integrals of methylene signals, around 1.3 and 1.6 ppm, are added and divided by the integral of the choline methyl groups, around 3.3 ppm. Before purification, a ratio of 19.68±1.37 was determined. Using extraction, a ratio of 10.70±0.61 was found, while from column chromatography, a value of 2.99±0.25 was detected. 31P NMR of standard phosphatidylcholine showed signals at -0.2 and -0.9 ppm, whereas the purified one showed a single signal at -0.9 ppm.
  • Determinação de carbamato de etila em aguardentes de cana por CG-EM Nota Técnica

    Labanca, Renata Adriana; Glória, Maria Beatriz Abreu; Afonso, Robson José de Cássia Franco

    Resumo em Inglês:

    A simple, specific and sensitive GC-MS procedure with ion m/z 62 was validated for the determination of ethyl carbamate (EC) in spirits. It exhibited linearity over the concentration of 30 to 600 μg/L with 30 μg/L limit of quantification. EC was detected in 70 of the 71 samples analyzed with levels from 33 to 2609 μg/L (mean level = 893 μg/L). 35% of the samples contained 500 to 1000 μg/L and 23% contained 150 to 500 and 1000 to 1500 μg/L. No significant correlation was found between EC and the levels of copper, pH and alcohol content of the samples.
  • Determinação simultânea de creatinina e indicadores biológicos de exposição ao tolueno, estireno e xilenos em urina por cromatografia líquida de alta eficiência Nota Técnica

    Antunes, Marina Venzon; Patuzzi, Ana Luiza Marques; Linden, Rafael

    Resumo em Inglês:

    A simple liquid chromatographic method for the simultaneous determination of creatinine, hippuric acid, mandelic acid, phenylglyoxylic acid and o, m and p-methylhippuric acids was developed and validated. Sample preparation was only dilution with water (1:10), followed by centrifugation. Analysis was performed in a reversed phase column (Lichrospher RP 8ec), 250 x 4.0 mm, with isocratic elution with phosphate buffer pH 2.3 and acetonitrile (90:10, v/v). The method presents adequate linearity, precision and accuracy and allows the simultaneous determination of the biomarkers of exposure to toluene, xylene and styrene together with creatinine, reducing cost and laboratory time.
  • O comportamento do elétron: uma análise do efeito compton e da relação de Broglie Educação

    Morgon, Nelson H.

    Resumo em Inglês:

    The De Broglie's relation was a fundamental step in the development of a wave nature for matter. Therefore, we have examined it from the perspective of the new atomic theory. This relation makes successful predictions of the stable energy levels for electrons orbiting a nucleus. The formulation of the de Broglie's relation is a fundamental application of the theory of wave-particle duality for a material particle. In this work, the direct demonstration employing the equations E = mc² and E = hcλ, was avoided. We provide a complete analysis of this relation considering features of the special theory of relativity.
  • Visões de ciências de professores de química: a mídia e as reflexões no ambiente escolar no nível médio de ensino Educação

    Mesquita, Nyuara Araújo da Silva; Soares, Márlon Herbert Flora Barbosa

    Resumo em Inglês:

    The present paper discusses the influence of TV and general media on students scientific ideas and the teacher's perception of this influence on students during class time. 17 high-school chemistry teachers with teaching degree, working in state schools, were interviewed. The interviews showed that both, teachers and students, have a positive opinion of science and the scientist. According to their teachers, students' positive view of science is greatly influenced by TV. The developed study shows how important epistemology is in teachers' college formation to offer them a critical perception of science treated in general media.
  • Calor e trabalho: são estes conceitos invariantes sob a permuta sistema-vizinhança? Educação

    Anacleto, Joaquim; Ferreira, José M.

    Resumo em Inglês:

    It is argued that the invariants associated to the First Law of Thermodynamics and to the concept of identical processes lead to a clear definition of heat and work. The conditions for heat and work to be invariant under a system-surroundings interchange are also investigated. Finally, examples are presented to illustrate the above conditions.
  • Preparação de N-alquil derivados do 1-bromo-2,4-dinitrobenzeno e do 1-cloro-2-nitrobenzeno: Uma alternativa às aulas práticas de substituição nucleofílica aromática Educação

    Dias, Ayres Guimarães; Pereira, Felipe Martins Alves; Soares, Renato de Oliveira

    Resumo em Inglês:

    Preparation of the title compounds are described as an alternative nucleophilic aromatic substitution for practices in the graduate laboratory. The low toxicity and disponibility of the reagents make a suitable procedure approach to experiments regarding this aromatic reaction.
  • A prática docente na formação do pós-graduando em química Educação

    Arroio, Agnaldo; Honório, Káthia Maria; Homem-de-Mello, Paula; Weber, Karen Cacilda; Silva, Albérico B. F. da

    Resumo em Inglês:

    The present work describes how a group of chemistry graduate students have improved their teaching skills by teaching extension courses. It is suggested that future teachers have much to be gained by sharing the insights they have whilst teaching with their peers and students. This work explores the implications in teaching and learning and the relationship between teachers and students. This relationship requires mutual respect of ideas as well as continuous critical evaluation in both directions.
  • A gestão de resíduos de laboratório na visão de alunos de um curso de graduação de quimica e áreas afins Educação

    Leite, Zélia Therezinha Custódio; Alcantara, Sarai de; Afonso, Júlio Carlos

    Resumo em Inglês:

    This work presents the students´ profile before and after working in the course "Laboratory Chemical Waste Treatment" in the last ten years. The structure of the course is also described. Although students have shown an increasing previous experience on waste management, many fundamental aspects are missing, especially knowledge on the directives focusing environmental aspects. Visits to industrial plants are also essential to better understand the impact of wastes in environment. Most students nowadays consider waste management as an essential part of their professional formation. A good waste management program must consider several topics of extreme relevance.
  • Fundação da SBQ ou o que os jovens precisam saber Assuntos Gerais

    Airoldi, Claudio

    Resumo em Inglês:

    This report has an objective to contribute the understanding of some historical features associated with the preceding period before SBQ foundation on 8th July of 1977. There are some descriptions involving chemist meetings to decide the strategy of splitting from the Brazilian Society for the Progress of Science (SBPC), in order to be independent on annual meeting organizations. The military political situation forced the annual SBPC meeting transference from Fortaleza to São Paulo, where the chemist assembly took place in PUC and the SBQ was definitively founded. The actual powerful of the Society and its successful in completing the thirty years anniversary is also exalted.
  • Otto Redlich: chemist and gentleman from the "old school"

    Reif-Acherman, Simón

    Resumo em Inglês:

    The name of Otto Redlich is generally remembered as co-author of one of most used equations of state for the calculation of volumetric and thermodynamic properties of pure substances and their mixtures. Nevertheless, he made also important contributions in different areas of chemistry and chemical engineering. Pursuits of race and religious order forced him and his family to leave his native Austria and emigrate to the United States. His professional career included both academic and industrial research achievements.
  • Joseph Neng Shun Kwong: a famous and obscure scientist

    Reif-Acherman, Simón

    Resumo em Inglês:

    Many students and professionals in chemistry and chemical engineering related the name Kwong with one of the most remarkable equations of state with two parameters. In the same way, very few people know who Kowng was. This article shows some of the unknown personal and professional facts of Joseph Neng Shun Kwong, a person who devoted almost four decades of his life to the industrial research in the adhesives industry.
  • O papel governamental como ator essencial para a P&D de medicamentos: um estudo de casos Assuntos Gerais

    Marinho, Vera Maria Costa; Seidl, Peter Rudolf; Longo, Waldimir Pirró e

    Resumo em Inglês:

    The importance of natural products as a source of new high value-added drugs has, no doubt, transformed Brazilian megadiversity into one of the country's most valuable and strategic assets. Thus the rational exploration of the Brazilian flora on an economic basis should be considered as part of a national development strategy. In this respect, governmental mechanisms to stimulate regulation on the access, bioprospection and industrial use of natural products represent a crucial issue. The aim of this paper is to show how the incentives and institutional arrangements that led to one of the greatest breakthroughs in the pharmaceutical industry, the development and commercialization of the anti-cancer agent Taxol, could be applied to the Brazilian case.
Sociedade Brasileira de Química Instituto de Química, Universidade Estadual de Campinas (Unicamp), CP6154, 13083-0970 - Campinas - SP - Brazil