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Química Nova, Volume: 32, Número: 3, Publicado: 2009
  • Alimentos, energia e matérias-primas: inovação no aproveitamento de recursos naturais Editorial

    Galembeck, Fernando; Pardini, Vera L.
  • Recursos humanos para novos cenários Artigo

    Pinto, Angelo C.; Zucco, Cesar; Andrade, Jailson B. de; Vieira, Paulo C.

    Resumo em Inglês:

    The Brazilian Chemical Society - SBQ has made substantial contributions to the formation of qualified human resources at all levels since its foundation in 1977. Several papers addressing this subject have been published in Quimica Nova by different authors over the last years. In this paper, we discuss the present need for "Curriculum Guidelines" for undergraduate education in Chemistry with actions to be taken in accord with the Principles of Green Chemistry and Sustainability.
  • Aproveitamento sustentável de biomassa e de recursos naturais na inovação química Artigo

    Galembeck, Fernando; Barbosa, César Augusto Sales; Sousa, Rafael Arromba de

    Resumo em Inglês:

    Increased production of biomass is currently the only immediately accessible alternative for large-scale carbon sequestration and it can produce large amounts of food, fuel and raw materials for the chemical industry that can in turn growingly replace oil as a source of organic building blocks and also of hydrogen and sulfur. Development of processes for biomass and abundant minerals transformation into chemical raw materials should now benefit from large inputs from nanotechnologies, biotechnologies, information and micro-reactor technologies. Success in R&D&Innovation along this line can yield new products and processes needed to perform desirable functions within a sustainable development paradigm.
  • Biomassa e energia Artigo

    Goldemberg, José

    Resumo em Inglês:

    Biomass was the dominating source of energy for human activities until the middle 19th century, when coal, oil, gas and other energy sources became increasingly important but it still represents ca. 10% of the worldwide energy supply. The major part of biomass for energy is still "traditional biomass" used as wood and coal extracted from native forests and thus non-sustainable, used with low efficiency for cooking and home heating, causing pollution problems. This use is largely done in rural areas and it is usually not supported by trading activities. There is now a strong trend to the modernization of biomass use, especially making alcohol from sugar cane thus replacing gasoline, or biodiesel to replace Diesel oil, beyond the production of electricity and vegetable coal using wood from planted forests. As recently as in 2004, sustainable "modern biomass" represented 2% of worldwide energy consumption. This article discusses the perspectives of the "first" and "second" technology generations for liquid fuel production, as well as biomass gaseification to make electricity or syngas that is in turn used in the Fischer-Tropsch process.
  • Óleos essenciais no Brasil: aspectos gerais, desenvolvimento e perspectivas Artigo

    Bizzo, Humberto R.; Hovell, Ana Maria C.; Rezende, Claudia M.

    Resumo em Inglês:

    Essential oils are extracted by steam distillation of plants or cold pressing of citrus fruit pericarp. They are used in food, cosmetic, personal care and pharmaceutical industries. In Brazil, oils from orange and related products contribute to near 97% to the positive commercial performance of the sector. Predatory exploitation and the availability of new sources of raw materials, with more attracting prices, changed the paradigm. Prospective studies, sustainable use of Brazilian biodiversity, domestication of exotic species with commercial relevance, the use of breeding techniques and the development of new applications for essential oils are thematic lines, usually multidisciplinary, which have been prompting the expansion of the research on essential oils. This paper presents an analysis on essential oils balance trade from 2005 to 2008 and some historical data on research and production of essential oils in Brazil.
  • Database of the Amazon aromatic plants and their essential oils

    Maia, José Guilherme S.; Andrade, Eloísa Helena A.

    Resumo em Inglês:

    The aromatic flora of the Amazon has been inventoried for 30 years. In this sense, were made over 500 field trips to collect over 2500 plants and to obtain more than 2000 essential oils and aroma concentrates, all of them submitted to GC and GC-MS. This work led to the creation of a database for the aromatic plants of the Amazon, which catalogs general information about 1250 specimens. The database has allowed the publication of the chemical composition of the oils and aromas of more than 350 species, associated with a larger number of chemical types. The essential oils of many species offer optimum conditions for economic exploitation and use in national and international market of fragrances, cosmetics, agricultural and household pesticides.
  • Potencialidades e oportunidades na química da sacarose e outros açúcares Artigo

    Ferreira, Vitor Francisco; Rocha, David Rodrigues da; Silva, Fernando de Carvalho da

    Resumo em Inglês:

    Non-renewable biomass, such as coal, oil and natural gas are not only energy sources but also important starting materials for the production of a variety of chemicals ranging from gasoline, diesel oil and fine chemicals. In this regard, carbohydrates, the most abundant class of enantiopure organic compounds, are very suitable for generation of chemicals of great practical value. Their bulk-scale availability associated with low cost make them unique starting materials for organic preparative purpose. They are a most attractive alternative for construction of enantiopure target molecules by asymmetric synthesis. This review addresses, in addition to the use of low molecular weight carbohydrates, issues related to renewable biomass from photosynthesis and alternatives for the production of bulk and fine chemicals.
  • Gliceroquímica: novos produtos e processos a partir da glicerina de produção de biodiesel Artigo

    Mota, Claudio J. A.; Silva, Carolina X. A. da; Gonçalves, Valter L. C.

    Resumo em Inglês:

    Glycerol is a byproduct of biodiesel production through transesterification of oils and fat. This article discusses the chemical transformation of glycerol in ethers, acetals and esters of high technological applications, especially in the fuel sector. Glycerol hydrogenolysis, dehydration to acrolein and oxidation are discussed as well, to show the potential use of glycerol for production of plastic monomers. Finally, the article shows other transformations, such as syn gas production, epichloridrin and glycerin carbonate.
  • Polissacarídeos da biodiversidade brasileira: uma oportunidade de transformar conhecimento em valor econômico Artigo

    Cunha, Pablyana Leila R. da; Paula, Regina Célia M. de; Feitosa, Judith P. A.

    Resumo em Inglês:

    A brief comment about general characteristics of polysaccharide was presented. Brazilian trade of polysaccharides was obtained from the "Ministério de Desenvolvimento, Indústria e Comércio Exterior" - Brazil. A list of these products was prepared and their price and amount analyzed in the period of 1998-2007. Some chemical properties and application of polysaccharides from our biodiversity was described. In this review they were classified by origin, in vegetal (exudate, seed, fruit, seaweed), animal and bacteria source. There is a trade deficit that can be reverted if part of the accumulated scientific knowledge was used to promote the national economic development in the field.
  • Aplicações de fibras lignocelulósicas na química de polímeros e em compósitos Artigo

    Silva, Rafael; Haraguchi, Shirani K.; Muniz, Edvani C.; Rubira, Adley F.

    Resumo em Inglês:

    The use of lignocellulosic fibers and their constituents, as raw materials in the production of polymeric and composite materials, represent an exceptional opportunity of sustainable technological development. In the present report works that discuss promising alternatives of obtaining and use of materials such as cellulose, hemicellulose, lignin, cellulose nanocrystals and biocomposites were revised. The advance in the use of biomass can be, in a near future, capable of going beyond the application difficulties of these vast materials, especially in relation to the economical unviability, by the production of high performance polymeric and composite materials. This advance would represent a higher profitability to some areas of agrobusiness, especially the sector of biofuels, which produces elevated amounts of biomass waste.
  • Quitosana: biopolímero funcional com potencial industrial biomédico Artigo

    Laranjeira, Mauro C. M.; Fávere, Valfredo T. de

    Resumo em Inglês:

    The importance of chitosan has grown significantly over the last two decades due to its renewable and biodegradable source, and also because of the recent increase in the knowledge of its functionality in the technological and biomedical applications. The present article reviews the biopolymer chitosan and its derivatives as versatile biomaterials for potential drug delivery systems, as well as tissue engineering applications, analgesia and treatment of arthritis.
  • Biodiversidade: fonte potencial para a descoberta de fármacos Artigo

    Barreiro, Eliezer J.; Bolzani, Vanderlan da Silva

    Resumo em Inglês:

    In economic terms, biodiversity transcends the boundaries usually given to conventional industries because it is a valuable source of biological and chemical data of great use to drug discovery. Certainly, the use of natural products has been the single most successful strategy in the discovery of novel medicines, and most of the medical breakthroughs are based on natural products. Half of the top 20 best-selling drugs are natural products, and their total sales amounted to US$ 16 billions shows the importance of natural products, which is evidenced by the new chemical entities (NCE) approved by regulatory authorities around the world in the past decade. Recently, the approval of the alkaloid galanthamine as a medicine to treat Alzheimer's disease shows that natural compounds from plants will continue to reach the market. The huge biological diversity of the Brazilian biomes, by its ability to generate new knowledge and technological innovation can be a fantastic alternative as raw material for drug discovery.
  • Fontes vegetais naturais de antioxidantes Artigo

    Oliveira, Alane Cabral de; Valentim, Iara Barros; Goulart, Marília Oliveira Fonseca; Silva, Cícero Alexandre; Bechara, Etelvino José Henriques; Trevisan, Maria Teresa Salles

    Resumo em Inglês:

    Growing knowledge on the health-promoting impact of antioxidants in everyday foods, combined with the assumption that a number of common synthetic preservatives may have hazardous side effects has led to increased investigations in the field of natural antioxidants, principally those found in plants. Food industries normally discard plant residues that could benefit the human health and diminish undesirable environmental impact. Once estimated the content of antioxidants in these residues, advantageous economical and social alternatives to the discard are possible, for example, their use for preparation of nutraceuticals to be offered to low-income populations. We present here a broad, although not complete, account of the continuously growing knowledge on the antioxidant capacity of whole fruits, seeds and peels, cereals, vegetal oils and aromatic plants, at several physical forms, as well as a description of the usual methods for evaluating their antioxidant capacity and examples of agroindustrial processes that could be harnessed for the production of antioxidant supplement food, along with research perspectives in the area.
  • Organismos marinhos como fonte de novos fármacos: histórico & perspectivas Artigo

    Costa-Lotufo, Letícia Veras; Wilke, Diego Veras; Jimenez, Paula Christine; Epifanio, Rosângela de A.

    Resumo em Inglês:

    Though sharing only a short part on the natural products timeline, the studies on marine products has already handed in four new drugs to the clinical arsenal and brought up a long and promising list of unique molecules to pre-clinical and clinical trials. Thus, as the available analytical resources improve and the interest of large pharmaceutical companies arises, medical use of marine products has definitely become a reality.
  • Fotoprotetores derivados de produtos naturais: perspectivas de mercado e interações entre o setor produtivo e centros de pesquisa Artigo

    Guaratini, Thais; Callejon, Daniel Roberto; Pires, Dalton Caprari; Lopes, José Norberto Callegari; Lima, Leonardo Mandalho; Giannella Neto, Daniel; Sustovich, Celso; Lopes, Norberto Peporine

    Resumo em Inglês:

    Ultraviolet radiation is the major exogenous mediators of skin damage. To prevent such damage, sunscreen products are used. New research aims at both the elucidation of new sunscreen compounds, as well as new assets for supporting and synergistic action. In this article it is presented a systematic data of innovation for sunscreen and a discussion on prospects for partnership between universities and enterprises, where it is believed that the innovations in cosmetics, driven by the constant demand of the market in new products, may be a stimulus for the interactions between university and company in Brazil.
  • Feromônios de insetos: tecnologia e desafios para uma agricultura competitiva no Brasil Artigo

    Zarbin, Paulo H. G.; Rodrigues, Mauro A. C. M.; Lima, Eraldo R.

    Resumo em Inglês:

    Pheromones are chemical compounds used by species to communicate intra and inter specifically. As strategy of integrated pest management (IPM), the use of these compounds allows the monitoring of target insects that results in more reliable interventions and consequently avoiding unnecessary use of pesticides. In certain crops these compounds are used as a control measure, not only monitoring. The Brazilian agriculture has a portfolio of 49 major crops that are attacked by 447 species of insects. Of this total, 103 species have already been the subject of study in the research with pheromones. Currently, in the Brazilian market, 28 pheromone products are indicated for the control of 19 insect pests. However, these products are not used regularly in major crops of the country. This stems from the lack of implementation of IPM of these crops. While the research focused on the main species of agribusiness pests, marked of pheromones products is serving to more marginal crops like apples and peaches at the expense of major crops like soybean and corn.
  • Óleo da castanha de caju: oportunidades e desafios no contexto do desenvolvimento e sustentabilidade industrial Artigo

    Mazzetto, Selma Elaine; Lomonaco, Diego; Mele, Giuseppe

    Resumo em Inglês:

    The new millennium is marked by a growing search for renewable fuels and alternative raw materials from biomass in the petrochemicals industry. However, there are many challenges to overcome regarding technological and human resources aspects. In this scenario, cashew nut oil, which is rich in natural phenols, is considered to be very promising for the development of synthetic and functional products and as a feedstock for production of fine chemicals and a wide variety of new materials.
  • Transformações biológicas: contribuições e perspectivas Artigo

    Oliveira, Luciana Gonzaga de; Mantovani, Simone Moraes

    Resumo em Inglês:

    In a moment that amazingly advances are being reached on the development of technologies to obtain high value chemical compounds as polymers, fine chemicals, pharmaceutical industry intermediates and chemical entities, we cannot refuse that a meaningful progress is due to the maturing in knowledge of biological transformations. Biocatalysis and biotransformations are being widespread applied to generate processes and products with incredible success. In this review article we present the main contributions of biotechnology and biological catalytic processes to Chemistry, the most important evolution steps on enzymatic transformations, how it has being applied and which are the perspectives to academic and industrial environments. We also would like to stimulate the community to step out research in biotechnology applicable to chemical and pharmaceutical industries, trying to achieve what we believe to be the ideal layout: integrating chemical transformations, enzymatic conversions and fermentation processes.
  • Energia, meio ambiente e economia: o Brasil no contexto mundial Artigo

    Vichi, Flavio Maron; Mansor, Maria Teresa Castilho

    Resumo em Inglês:

    The cycle of fossil fuels as an energy source for mankind is approaching its end. Finite resources, coupled with greenhouse gas, have led to an increased effort in the search for alternative renewable energy sources. Brazil has a leading position, due to a 46% participation of renewable sources in its primary energy supply, compared to the global average of 12%. The expansion of the renewable sources in Brazil depends on medium and long term planning, and a large volume of investments. The present financial crisis will have major effects in the energy market. Despite a negative initial impact, it is expected that the rearrangement of the financial system will ultimately lead to an expansion in the use of renewable energy sources. Brazil is a tropical country, with the largest biodiversity in our planet and excellent conditions to expand the use of all forms of renewable sources.
  • Biocombustíveis a partir de óleos e gorduras: desafios tecnológicos para viabilizá-los Artigo

    Suarez, Paulo A. Z.; Santos, André L. F.; Rodrigues, Juliana P.; Alves, Melquizedeque B.

    Resumo em Inglês:

    Periodically, during petroleum shortage, fatty acids and their derivatives have been used as alternative fuels to those derived from petroleum. Different approaches have been proposed, including the use of neat fats and oils or their derivatives. Indeed, the utilization of biodiesel produced by alcoholysis of triacilglycerides or esterification of fatty acids, or hydrocarbons obtained from cracking of fatty materials were studied and used in several countries. Increasing concerns about energy security and climate changes have lead several countries, including Brazil, to start up biofuels programs. Different technologies are currently being developed in order to produce biofuels with economical feasibility. In this work are discussed alternative fatty raw-materials and processing technologies that are currently being studied in order to produce fuels suitable to sustainable substitute diesel fuel.
  • Biodiesel: visão crítica do status atual e perspectivas na academia e na indústria Artigo

    Dabdoub, Miguel J.; Bronzel, João L.; Rampin, Márcia A.

    Resumo em Inglês:

    This article presents a bibliographic review of research carried out on different alternative processes for biodiesel production. The supercritical and subcritical (non catalytic) reaction conditions, the use of solid basic, solid acid and other heterogeneous catalysts, including the use of immobilized enzymes and whole-cell catalysts are also critically compared with the traditional homogeneous alkaline or acid catalysts that are common on industrial applications. Advantages and limitations of all these processes for the transference from the laboratory to the industry are discussed. A correlation of the chemical composition with the quality parameters of the produced biodiesel is done with aim to stablish adequate procedures for the right selection of the raw-material. Castor bean oil is used as an example of inappropriate oil in order to produce a B100 that fulfill all the international physico-chemical quality standards. In this article are presented research results to adequate the values of viscosity, density and iodine number of the castor and soybean biodiesel to the international standard limits by means blending these both biodiesels at the right ratio.
  • Cadeia do biodiesel da bancada à indústria: uma visão geral com prospecção de tarefas e oportunidades para P&D&I Artigo

    Quintella, Cristina M.; Teixeira, Leonardo S. G.; Korn, Maria Graças A.; Costa Neto, Pedro R.; Torres, Ednildo A.; Castro, Marilu P.; Jesus, Carlos A. C.

    Resumo em Inglês:

    Contextualized overview of the Biodiesel Production Chain, from the lab bench to the industry, with critical evaluation of state-of-art and technological development through scientific articles and patents, focusing on feedstock, reaction/production, first and second generation processes, specification and quality, transport, storage, co-products (effluents and sub-products), and emissions. Challenges are identified and solutions are proposed based on the Brazilian feedstock, edaphoclimatic conditions, process monitoring in remote regions, state policy, and environment preservation, among others. Forecasts are made based on the technology assessment, identifying future trends and opportunities for R&D&I.
  • Modificação química de argilas: desafios científicos e tecnológicos para obtenção de novos produtos com maior valor agregado Artigo

    Teixeira-Neto, Érico; Teixeira-Neto, Ângela Albuquerque

    Resumo em Inglês:

    Chemical modification of clays is possible due to their ion-exchange and adsorption capacities, which allows the adjustment of the physicochemical properties of the surfaces of their layers. This modification makes possible the use of clays to produce a great number of new materials, which range from coarse applications such as oil based drilling fluids to refined applications such as pharmaceutical products. This article intends to expose where there is still space for research and investment aiming at the performance improvement of clay-based materials.
  • Borracha natural e nanocompósitos com argila Artigo

    Rippel, Márcia Maria; Bragança, Fábio do Carmo

    Resumo em Inglês:

    The natural rubber is a strategic material which can not be replaced by synthetic rubber in many technological applications. Brazil is a rubber importer, but new techniques of cultivation, breeding and diversification of producing species can reverse this situation. One of the best ways to add value to this commodity is nanotechnology. The production of nanocomposites is already a reality and shows that the sustainable use of this natural resource can lead to new products and boost the national agribusiness setting labor-qualified in the field.
Sociedade Brasileira de Química Instituto de Química, Universidade Estadual de Campinas (Unicamp), CP6154, 13083-0970 - Campinas - SP - Brazil