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Química Nova, Volume: 32, Número: 5, Publicado: 2009
  • A reunião anual itinerante vale o quanto custa? Editorial

    Catalani, Luiz Henrique; Lopes, Norberto Peporine; Bolzani, Vanderlan da Silva
  • Branqueamento de polpa celulósica kraft de eucalipto com peróxido ácido ativado por molibdênio Artigo

    Rabelo, Marcos Sousa; Silva, Vanessa Lopes; Barros, Denise Pires de; Colodette, Jorge Luiz; Sacon, Vera Maria; Silva, Marcelo Rodrigues da

    Resumo em Inglês:

    Optimum conditions to run the P Mo stage for bleaching eucalyptus kraft pulp were 90 ºC, pH 3.5, 2 h, 0.1 kg/t Mo and 5 kg/t H2O2. The P Mo stage efficiency increased with decreasing pH (1.5-5.5) and increasing temperature (75-90 ºC), time (2-4 h), and hydrogen peroxide (3-10 kg/t) and molybdenum concentration (0.1-0.4 kg/t). The implementation of the P Mo stage, as replacement for the A stage, decreased total active chlorine demand of the OAZDP sequence by 6 kg/t to reach 90% ISO, both in laboratory and mill scale. Such practice resulted in decreased bleaching chemical costs to produce fully bleached pulp of 90% ISO.
  • Relationship between botanical origin and antioxidants vitamins of bee-collected pollen

    Oliveira, Karla C. L. S.; Moriya, Marina; Azedo, Ricardo A. B.; Almeida-Muradian, Ligia B. de; Teixeira, Erica W.; Alves, Maria L. T. M. F.; Moreti, Augusta C. de C. C.

    Resumo em Inglês:

    This study quantified vitamin C, E and β-carotene in samples of fresh bee-collected pollen and correlating them with the botanical origin. Vitamin content varied between 13.5 and 42.5 µg/g for vitamin E; 56.3 and 198.9 µg/g for β-carotene and 273.9 and 560.3 µg/g for vitamin C. It was concluded that the botanical origin and collecting season influenced the vitamin contents. There is a relationship between the vitamins and its botanical origin: Raphanus sp and Macroptilium sp, Mimosa caesalpineafolia with β-carotene; Raphanus sp, Eucalyptus sp, Macroptilium sp, Mimosa caesalpineafolia with vitamin E and Anadenanthera sp, Arecaceae type and Philodendron sp with vitamin C.
  • Atividade antibacteriana de floroglucinóis e do extrato hexânico de Hypericum brasiliense Choysi Artigo

    França, Hildegardo Seibert; Kuster, Ricardo Machado; Rito, Priscila da Nóbrega; Oliveira, Adriana Passos de; Teixeira, Lenise Arneiro; Rocha, Leandro

    Resumo em Inglês:

    Three phloroglucinols were obtained from Hypericum brasiliense: japonicine A (1), isouliginosin B (2) and uliginosin B (3). Bioautography and disk diffusion methods were used to determine antibacterial activity of the hexanic extract. Strains of the Coagulase Negative Staphylococcus and American Methicillin Resistant Staphylococcus aureus clones showed a growth inhibition zone ranging from 10 to 12 mm and 7 to 15 mm, respectively. Minimal inhibitory concentration (MIC) values were used to measure antistaphylococcal activity for all phloroglucinols. Isouliginosin B and uliginosin B presented MIC values of 1.5 and 3.0 µg/mL, respectively, while japonicine A displayed MIC value of 50.0 µg/mL.
  • Flavonas, lignanas e terpeno de Piper umbellata (Piperaceae) Artigo

    Baldoqui, Debora Cristina; Bolzani, Vanderlan da S.; Furlan, Maysa; Kato, Massuo J.; Marques, Márcia O. M.

    Resumo em Inglês:

    The phytochemical investigation of Piper umbellata leaves yielded nine compounds including one terpenoid glucoside, five flavones (vitexin 2"-O-β-glucopyranoside, apigenin 8-C-β-D-glucopyranoside,orientin 8-C-β-D-glucopyranoside,5-hydroxy-7,3',4'-trimethoxy-flavone and velutin), two lignans (sesamin e dihydrocubebin) and 4-nerolidylcathecol. Excepting 4-nerolidylcathecol, all compounds have not been described from this species yet.
  • Caracterização de cinza obtida por combustão de casca de arroz em reator de leito fluidizado Artigo

    Martínez Angel, Juan Daniel; Pineda Vásquez, Tatiana Gisset; Junkes, Janaina Accordi; Hotza, Dachamir

    Resumo em Inglês:

    The rice husk combustion in a bubbling and atmospheric fluidized bed reactor was investigated. This paper presents the rice husk ash characterization employing the techniques of X-ray diffraction (XRD), X-ray fluorescence (XRF), and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) among others. After combustion, a rice husk ash containing 93% amorphous silica and <3% unburned char was produced. Methods usually applied to fixed bed considering external sources of energy and high reaction times were employed. Thus, the potential of this type of reactors with respect to speed, continuity and self-sufficiency energy of the process was shown.
  • Estudo da resposta termicamente estimulada do compósito LDPE/CB por meio da técnica de corrente de despolarização termicamente estimulada (TSDC) Artigo

    Kowalski, Edemir Luiz; Robert, Renê; Rúvolo Filho, Ademar

    Resumo em Inglês:

    The thermally stimulated depolarization current (TSDC) in a range of temperature from 84 to 373 K, has been applied to study the depolarization current of polyethylene and polyethylene composites in form of film and filled with commercial or oxidative surface treatment carbon black. The diagrams of TSDC obtained show that the composite in which the carbon black had received oxidative surface treatment reducing on an average depolarization current intensity in a magnitude order if compared to the composite with commercial carbon black. Therefore in the area between α and β transitions the difference is accentuated by reaching a peak 55 times in a temperature of 240 K. The difference in results is explained in terms of molecular interactions neighboring of carbon black particles.
  • Estudo espectroscópico em elucidação estrutural de flavonoides de Solanum jabrense Agra & Nee e S. paludosum Moric Artigo

    Silva, Tania Maria Sarmento da; Carvalho, Mario Geraldo de; Braz-Filho, Raimundo

    Resumo em Inglês:

    The NMR (RMN¹H, 13C, COSY, HMQC, HMBC, NOE-DIFF, NOESY) and mass spectra data analysis of sixteen flavonoids, including nine natural, 7-O-methylkanferol (ramnocitrin), 3,7-di-O-methylkanferol (kumatakenin), 3-O-methylquercetin, 3,7,3',4'-tetra-O-methylquercetin (retusin), 3,7,8,4'-tetra-O-methylgossipetin, 3,7,8,3',4'-penta-O-methylgossipetin, 7-O-methylapigenin (genkwanin), 3,7,8-tri-O-methylherbacetin, 7,4'- di-O-methylquercetin (ombuine), isolated from Solanum paludosum and S. jabrense, and seven prepared methyl and acetyl derivatives, are discussed according the substitution on the rings A, B and C.
  • Óxidos do tipo perovskita para reação de redução de no com CO Artigo

    Tanabe, Eurico Y.; Assaf, Elisabete M.

    Resumo em Inglês:

    In this work, the perovskite-type oxides LaNiO3, LaMnO3, La0,7Sr0,3NiO3 and La0,7Sr0,3MnO3 were prepared by co-precipitation and tested in the NO reduction with CO at 400 and 500 ºC for 10 h. The catalysts were characterized by X-ray diffraction, temperature programmed reduction with hydrogen, nitrogen adsorption and chemical analysis. The nonstoichiometric oxygen was quantified by temperature programmed reduction, and the catalytic tests showed that the La0,7Sr0,3MnO3 catalyst presented the higher performance for the reduction reaction of NO with CO. The partial substitution of lanthanum by strontium increased the NO conversion and the N2 yield.
  • Estudo da adsorção de brometo de etídeo em resina XAD-7 Artigo

    Oliveira, Mônica Winkler de; Hilsdorf, Alexandre W. S.; Silva, Astréa F. de Souza; Oliveira, André Fernando

    Resumo em Inglês:

    The adsorption of ethidium bromide on XAD-7 resin was studied. The Freundlich model was the most representative isotherm model to describe the sorption behavior. A solid-liquid equilibrium model was proposed to explain the resin mass influence on the sorption. The equilibrium constant value estimated was 2.31. The results showed an ethidium bromide ion-pair physical adsorption, with adsorption enthalpy equals to -19.33 kJ/mol. A pK2 value equals to 4.69 ± 0.01 was estimated by two distinct methods. The results will be applied to the ethidium bromide preconcentration aiming its decomposition.
  • Produção e caracterização de carvão ativado produzido a partir do defeito preto, verde, ardido (PVA) do café Artigo

    Ramos, Paulize H.; Guerreiro, Mário C.; Resende, Eliane C. de; Gonçalves, Maraísa

    Resumo em Inglês:

    The black, green and sour coffee defect (PVA) contributes with 20% of the total coffee production. It should be separate from the normal coffee grains in order to improve the final quality of the beverage. In this way, the present work has the objective to use the PVA reject for the production of activated carbon. The activated carbon (CA) was prepared from PVA defect using zinc chloride as activating agent. The prepared material (CA PVA) was characterized and the adsorption tests were carried out using as organic models methylene blue (AM) and reactive red (VR). The CA PVA revealed to be more efficient in the removal of the organic contaminants compared to a commercial activated carbon.
  • Influência da ação das enzimas alcalase e flavourzyme no grau de hidrólise das proteínas de carne de frango Artigo

    Schmidt, Cristiano Gautério; Salas-Mellado, Myriam

    Resumo em Inglês:

    To study the action of Alcalase and Flavourzyme on the proteins of chicken meat, the influence of the substrate concentration [S], enzyme concentration [E] and hydrolysis time on the degree of hydrolysis (DH) of the proteins was evaluated. The highest DH for breast meat was obtained with a [S] of 3.3% (w/v), with a [E] of 6% (w/w) and reaction time of 90 min, for both enzymes. For thigh meat the conditions to get the highest DH were: [S] of 5% (w/v), [E] of 8% (w/w) and a reaction time of 120 min, for both enzymes.
  • Reaction mixtures formed by nitrite and selected sulfa-drugs showed mutagenicity in acidic medium

    Trossero, Claudia; Pontoriero, Ana; Hure, Estela; Monti, Laura; Gorr, Carolina; Mosconi, Natalia; Rizzotto, Marcela; Caffarena, Graciela

    Resumo em Inglês:

    Nitrite, which is present in preserved meat and can be produced in the oral cavity by reduction of nitrate taken from vegetables, could react in stomach with nitrosatable drugs, giving genotoxic-carcinogenic N-nitroso compounds (NOC). The mutagenicity of reaction mixtures formed by sodium nitrite and selected sulfa-drugs (sulfathiazole, HST; phtalylsulfathiazole, PhST; complex Co(II)-sulfathiazole, Co(II)-ST) in acidic medium was evaluated using the Salmonella typhimurium reverse mutation assay (Ames test), with TA98 and TA 100 strains. The reactions were carried out at room temperature, with a mole ratio [nitrite]/[sulfa-drug] > 1. The three reaction mixtures showed mutagenic effects in the considered range.
  • Polarizabilidades e primeira hiperpolarizabilidades elétricas dipolares de ésteres E-4-amino-trans-1,3-butadienil-(1',2'-di-hidroxibenzeno) de boro, alumínio e gálio Artigo

    Procópio, Márcia Barsottelli; Cesar, Amary

    Resumo em Inglês:

    Static electric dipole polarizabilities and first hyperpolarizabilites have been calculated for the title molecules and their 3' and 4'-nitro derivatives at ab-initio Hartree- Fock/6-31G(d, p) level. The influence of the pivotal p vacant 3A elements (B, Al or Ga) substitution on the electrical properties of these molecules is detailed. The axial vector components of the first hyperpolarizabilities β(0) of the push-pull 4'-nitro derivatives, -18.2×10-32 esu (B), -21.1×10-32 esu (Al) and -20.8×10-32 esu (Ga) are calculated to be as much as fourfold larger then that calculated for the p-nitroaniline, a reference organic molecule for comparison for this type of molecular property.
  • Fotodegradación heterogénea de bisfenol A en agua con dióxido de titanio

    Gómez, Luisa F.; Sarria, Victor M.

    Resumo em Inglês:

    Bisphenol A (BPA) is a monomer used in epoxy resin and polycarbonate manufacture. This molecule is considered as an endocrine disruptor that causes different diseases. The human exposition to this non biodegrable substance is increasing in the time; in particular, water is contaminated by industrial remainder flow. In this article heterogeneous photo degradation of a solution of BPA in water solution using a catalytic photo reactor with UV light and titanium dioxide (TiO2) was evaluated. High performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) was used to analyze the photo degradation of BPA solutions. The influence of titanium dioxide amount, BPA concentration, reaction temperature and the catalyst state like suspension and immobilized were also determinated. The highest elimination of BPA was 83.2%, in 240 min, beginning with 0.05 mM of BPA and 100 mg/L of TiO2 in suspension.
  • High encapsulation efficiency of sodium alendronate in eudragit S100/HPMC blend microparticles

    Cruz, Letícia; Assumpção, Evelise; Guterres, Sílvia Stanisçuaski; Pohlmann, Adriana Raffin

    Resumo em Inglês:

    The hydrophilic drug sodium alendronate was encapsulated in blended microparticles of Eudragit® S100 and Methocel® F4M or Methocel® K100LV. Both formulations prepared by spray-drying showed spherical collapsed shape and smooth surface, encapsulation efficiencies of 85 and 82% and mean diameters of 11.7 and 8.4 µm, respectively. At pH 1.2, in vitro dissolution studies showed good gastro-resistance for both formulations. At pH 6.8, the sodium alendronate release from the microparticles was delayed and was controlled by Fickian diffusion. In conclusion, the prepared microparticles showed high encapsulation efficiency of sodium alendronate presenting gastro-resistance and sustained release suitable for its oral administration.
  • Sistema multicomutado de análise em fluxo para determinação de amônio e monocloramina em águas residuais e produtos de desinfecção Artigo

    Borges, Sivanildo da Silva; Acevedo, Maria Soledad Moura Soares Fernandez; Korn, Mauro

    Resumo em Inglês:

    A binary sampling flow analysis system equipped with gas diffusion cell was developed for NH4+ and/or NH2Cl determination in wastewater and disinfection products samples based on the Berthelot reaction of the NH2Cl diffused through the semi-permeable PTFE membrane. The effect of the analytical conditions related to the reaction and flow parameters were evaluated and N-NH4+ and N-NH2Cl were determined in concentration ranges from 0.17 to 5 mg L-1 and from 0.5 to 14.5 mg L-1, respectively. Limits of detection (3σ) of 50 and 140 µg L-1 for N-NH4+ and N-NH2Cl were calculated, respectively, and RSD of 5 and 2% were calculated for 10 consecutive determinations of N-NH4+ (1 and 3 mg L-1) and N-NH2Cl (3 and 9 mg L-1), respectively with 30 determinations h-1.
  • Development and application of spectrophotometric method for the determination of cefaclor in pharmaceutical formulations

    Raza, Asad; Ijaz, Abdul Subhan; Ahmad, Shabbir

    Resumo em Inglês:

    A simple, fast and sensitive spectrophotometric method for the determination of cefaclor in pharmaceutical raw and dosage forms based on reaction with ninhydrin is developed, optimized and validated. The purple color (Ruhemenn's purple) that resulted from the reaction was stabilized and measured at 560 nm. Beer's law is obeyed in the concentration range of 4-80 µg mL-1 with molar absorptivity of 1.42 × 10(5) L mole-1 cm-1. All variables including the reagent concentration, heating time, reaction temperature, color stability period, and cefaclor/ninhydrin ratio were studied in order to optimize the reaction conditions. No interference was observed from common pharmaceutical adjuvant. The developed method is easy to use, accurate and highly cost-effective for routine studies relative to HPLC and other techniques.
  • Metodologia AGOA: a modelagem de clusters de hidratação no complexo aziridina···ácido fluorídrico Artigo

    Oliveira, Boaz G.; Araújo, Regiane C. M. U.; Carvalho, Antônio B.; Ramos, Mozart N.

    Resumo em Inglês:

    We present a theoretical study of solvent effect on C2H5N···HF hydrogen-bonded complex through the application of the AGOA methodology. By using the TIP4P model to orientate the configuration of water molecules, the hydration clusters generated by AGOA were obtained through the analysis of the molecular electrostatic potential (MEP) of solute (C2H5N···HF). Thereby, it was calculated the hydration energies on positive and negative MEP fields, which are maxima (PEMmax) and minima (PEMmin) when represent the -CH2- methylene groups and hydrofluoric acid, respectively. By taking into account the higher and lower hydration energy values of -370.6 kJ mol-1 and -74.3 kJ mol-1 for PEMmax and PEMmin of the C2H5N···HF, our analysis shows that these results corroborate the open ring reaction of aziridine, in which the preferential attack of water molecules occurs at the methylene groups of this heterocyclic.
  • Validação de metodologia para a determinação simultânea dos antioxidantes sintéticos em óleos vegetais, margarinas e gorduras hidrogenadas por CLAE/UV Artigo

    Takemoto, Emy; Teixeira Filho, José; Godoy, Helena Teixeira

    Resumo em Inglês:

    The use of antioxidants either to prevent or retard food's lipids oxidation was approved after inquires that verified their security within a daily intake limit. In this study, the methodology was developed and validated for the analysis of synthetic antioxidants: propylgallate (PG), tert-butylhydroquinone (TBHQ), butylhydroxyanisole (BHA), octylgallate (OG) and butylhydroxytoluene (BHT) in vegetables oils, margarine and hydrogenated fats by high performance liquid chromatographic. The methodology revealed itself efficient, with recovery rates above 90% for all antioxidant substances, besides good linearity in concentration range of 40-240 mg kg-1 (r = 0,999), repeatability with CV < 3,7% and limit of quantification 16.55, 10.32, 1.40, 3.76 and 9.30 mg/kg for BHT, BHA, PG, OG and TBHQ, respectively.
  • Imobilização da lacase em micropartículas de quitosana obtidas por spray drying e usadas na construção de biossensores Artigo

    Oliveira, Inês Rosane Welter Zwirtes de; Fatibello-Filho, Orlando; Fernandes, Suellen Cadorin; Vieira, Iolanda Cruz

    Resumo em Inglês:

    Biosensors based on laccase immobilized on microparticles of chitosan crosslinked with tripolyphosphate (biosensor I) and glyoxal (biosensor II) obtained by spray drying for the determinations of rutin in pharmaceutical formulations were developed. Under optimized operational conditions (pH 4.0, frequency of 30 Hz, pulse amplitude of 40 mV and scan increment of 2.0 mV) two analytical curves were obtained for both biosensors showing a detection limit of 6.2x10-8 mol L-1 for biosensor (I) and 2.0x10-8 mol L-1 for biosensor (II). The recovery of rutin from pharmaceutical sample ranged from 90.7 to 105.0% and the lifetime of these biosensors were 4 months (at least 400 determinations).
  • On-line preconcentration system using a microcolumn packed with Alizarin Red S-modified alumina for zinc determination by flame atomic absorption spectrometry

    Shabani, A.M. Haji; Dadfarnia, S.; Moosavinejad, T.; Ahmadi, Seyyed Hamid

    Resumo em Inglês:

    A simple and sensitive on-line flow injection system for determination of zinc with FAAS has been described. The method is based on the separation and preconcentration of zinc on a microcolumn of immobilized Alizarin Red S on alumina. The adsorbed analyte is then eluted with 250 µL of nitric acid (1 mol L-1) and is transported to flame atomic absorption spectrometer for quantification. The effect of pH, sample and eluent flow rates and presence of various cations and anions on the retention of zinc was investigated. The sorption of zinc was quantitative in the pH range of 5.5-8.5. For a sample volume of 25 mL an enrichment factor of 144 and a detection limit (3S) of 0.2 µg L-1 was obtained. The precision (RSD, n=7) was 3.0% at the 20 µg L-1 level. The developed system was successfully applied to the determination of zinc in water samples, hair, urine and saliva.
  • Adsorção de íons fosfato em óxido de nióbio hidratado Artigo

    Rodrigues, Liana Alvares; Silva, Maria Lúcia Caetano Pinto da

    Resumo em Inglês:

    The adsorption kinetics of phosphate on Nb2O5.nH2O was investigated at initial phosphate concentrations 0.25, 0.50 and 1.00 mg.L-1. The kinetic process was described by a pseudo-second-order rate model very well. The adsorption thermodynamics was carried out at 298, 308, 318, 328 and 338 K. The positive values of both ΔH and ΔS suggest an endothermic reaction and increase in randomness at the solid-liquid interface during the adsorption. ΔG values obtained were negative indicating a spontaneous adsorption process. The Langmuir model described the data better than the Freundlich isotherm model. The effective desorption could be achieved using water at pH 12.
  • Heterogeneidade de álcoois secundários em aguardentes brasileiras de diversas origens e processos de fabricação Artigo

    Penteado, José Carlos Pires; Masini, Jorge Cesar

    Resumo em Inglês:

    Secondary alcohol concentrations in sugar cane spirits from different origins were determined by gas chromatography. A great variation in the concentration of the secondary alcohols was found in these spirits. Of the 33 brands analyzed, 8 of them were found to be out of conformity with the legislation. Sec butanol, for which the maximum allowed concentration level is 100 mg.L-1 in absolute ethanol, was found within a concentration range between 5 mg.L-1, the limit of quantitation (LQ) and 408 mg.L-1 in absolute ethanol. Sugar cane samples from Salinas, MG, were the only ones that exhibited self similarity because of the low concentrations of n-butanol and n-amylic alcohol (< limit of detection LD).
  • Avaliação da biodegradação de matrizes porosas à base de hidroxiapatita para aplicação como fontes radioativas em braquiterapia Artigo

    Lacerda, Kássio André; Lameiras, Fernando Soares; Silva, Viviane Viana

    Resumo em Inglês:

    Porous ceramic materials based on calcium phosphate compounds (CPC) have been studied aiming at different biomedical applications such as implants, drug delivery systems and radioactive sources for brachytherapy. Two kinds of hydroxyapatite (HAp) powders and their ceramic bodies were characterized by a combination of different techniques (XRF, BET method, SEM, ICP/AES and neutron activation analysis - NAA) to evaluate their physico-chemical and microstructural characteristics in terms of chemical composition, segregated phases, microstructure, porosity, chemical and thermal stability, biodegradation and incorporation of substances in their structures. The results revealed that these systems presented potential for use as porous biodegradable radioactive sources able to be loaded with a wide range of radionuclides for cancer treatment by the brachytherapy technique.
  • Evaluation of anti-Mycobacterium tuberculosis activity of Campomanesia adamantium (Myrtaceae)

    Pavan, Fernando Rogério; Leite, Clarice Queico Fujimura; Coelho, Roberta Gomes; Coutinho, Isabel Duarte; Honda, Neli Kika; Cardoso, Claudia Andréa Lima; Vilegas, Wagner; Leite, Sergio Roberto de Andrade; Sato, Daisy Nakamura

    Resumo em Inglês:

    The anti-Mycobacterium tuberculosis activity of Campomanesia adamantium fruits extracts were evaluated. Six compounds, identified as flavanones and chalcones were quantified by HPLC-DAD-UV. Promising antitubercular activity was observed with ethyl acetate extract (MIC 62.5 µg/mL) and their fractions (MIC values ranging from 39 to above 250 µg/mL). The better MIC result of 39 µg/mL was associated with two fractions that contain bigger amounts of 5,7-dihydroxy-6, 8-di-C-methylflavanone and 2',4'-dihydroxy-3',5'-dimethyl-6'-methoxychalcone. These compounds exhibited MICs >250 and 62.5 µg/mL, respectively, while their mixtures showed values ranging from 62.5 to 7.8 µg/mL, demonstrating a synergism between them.
  • Determinação de ácido valpróico em soro por cromatografia líquida de alta eficiência com detector de arranjo de diodos (CLAE-DAD), após derivatização com brometo de fenacila Artigo

    Antunes, Marina Venzon; Nagel, Viviane; Linden, Rafael; Werlang, Helenice Orosco; Hermes, Daniela

    Resumo em Inglês:

    Valproic acid (VA) is a drug used to control seizures in several epileptic conditions. In VA pharmacotherapy, therapeutic drug monitoring is recommended to obtain adequate seizure control and avoid toxicity. The aim of this study was to validate a method for the determination of valproic acid in serum, employing high performance liquid chromatography with diode array detection (HPLC-DAD), after derivatization with phenacyl bromide. The calibration curve (y=0.0133x-0.0025) presented good linearity with r²=0.9999. Accuracy (101-115%), intra-assay precision (4.53-8.15%) and inter-assay precision (3.15-6.77%) were acceptable. The quantification limit was 2.0 µg/mL. The method presented similar results to enzyme immunoassay.
  • Uso das técnicas de infravermelho e de ressonância magnética nuclear na caracterização da reação ácido-base de um cimento odontológico experimental Artigo

    Bertolini, Marcio José; Zaghete, Maria Aparecida; Gimenes, Rossano

    Resumo em Inglês:

    Glass ionomer cements (GICs) are products of the acid-base setting reaction between an finely fluoro-alumino silicate glass powder and poly(acrylic acid) in aqueous solution. The sol gel method is an adequate route of preparation of the glasses used to obtain the GICs. The objective of this paper was to compare two powders: a commercial and an experimental and to investigate the structural changes during hardening of the cements by FTIR and Al MAS NMR. These analyses showed that the experimental glass powder reacted with organic acid to form the GICs and it is a promising material to manufacture dental cements.
  • Hidrogenação eletrocatalítica de substratos orgânicos utilizando eletrodos modificados poliméricos contendo partículas de Ni/Pd e Ni/Pt Artigo

    Purgato, Fabiana L. S.; Romero, José R.; Abrantes, Luisa M.

    Resumo em Inglês:

    Novel modified electrodes bearing dispersed Pd and Pt particles have been prepared from poly (allyl ether of the p-benzenesulfonic acid) films with incorporated nickel particles making use of galvanic displacement reactions. The SEM analysis of the new modified electrodes revealed efficient deposition of Pd but weak up-take of Pt. Electrocatalytic hydrogenation of several classes of organic substrates were carried out using the MEs Ni, Ni/Pd and Ni/Pt. The Ni/Pd ME showed to be the best of them for the hydrogenation of double, triple and carbonyl bonds. The complete hydrogenation of the aromatic rings for the well-adsorbed substrates acetophenone and benzophenone is noteworthy.
  • Elimination of dyes from aqueous solutions using iron oxides and chitosan as adsorbents: a comparative study

    Pirillo, Silvina; Pedroni, Viviana; Rueda, Elsa; Luján Ferreira, María

    Resumo em Inglês:

    This work investigates the adsorption of Alizarin, Eriochrome Blue Black R and Fluorescein using chitosan, goethite and magnetite as adsorbents. For Alizarin, the best adsorbent is chitosan with a Langmuir parameter of 15.8 mmol dye/g adsorbent. For Eriochrome Blue Black R only 1.94 mmol dye/g chitosan is adsorbed. Langmuir parameters for the Alizarin adsorption on both iron oxides display one or two orders of magnitude lower than for chitosan and two orders of magnitude lower in the case of Eriochrome Blue Black R. Fluorescein does not adsorb in appreciable amounts on chitosan and it presents the lower affinity on the iron oxides.
  • Derivados oleananos e ursanos e sua importância na descoberta de novos fármacos com atividade antitumoral, anti-inflamatória e antioxidante Revisão

    Dalla Vechia, Luciana; Gnoatto, Simone C. B.; Gosmann, Grace

    Resumo em Inglês:

    Oleanolic and ursolic acids are triterpenes that exist abundantly in the plant kingdom. They show antitumor activity and their cytotoxic activity was already evaluated against a broad range of cell lines. The inhibition of enzymes involved in the metabolism of DNA and the induction of apoptosis are known events that have been related to the antitumour activity of these triterpenes. The antiinflamatory and antioxidant activities also seem to play an important role in their antitumour activity. In this review, it is presented an overview of the importance of the potential antitumour, antiinflamatory and antioxidant activities of these triterpenoid derivatives. Also, we propose a structural-activity relationship to triterpenes containing oleanane or ursane skeleton and their cytotoxic activity.
  • Lipídios estruturados: alternativa para a produção de sucedâneos da gordura do leite humano Revisão

    Silva, Roberta Claro da; Gioielli, Luiz Antonio

    Resumo em Inglês:

    Human milk has characteristics of great importance for the newborn. Its composition shows all nutrients in quantity and quality needed, in addition to providing protection against infections and allergies and stimulating the immune system. Therefore, the composition of fatty acids and their distribution in the triacylglycerols are targets of studies on infant formula, and the triacylglycerols of human milk fat should serve as a model for the lipid components. This review aims to report studies of technology in lipids in order to produce structured lipids as substitutes of human milk fat.
  • Peptídeos cíclicos de biomassa vegetal: características, diversidade, biossíntese e atividades biológicas Revisão

    Picchi, Douglas Gatte; Altei, Wanessa Fernanda; Saito, Mônica Sue; Bolzani, Vanderlan da Silva; Cilli, Eduardo Maffud

    Resumo em Inglês:

    Natural peptides are outstanding as the most promising macromolecules in the search for new drugs, especially those of cyclic nature. The higher plants revealed a very peculiar composition of their cyclic peptides, which distinguish themselves by a "head-to-tail" cyclization. It is possible to define two groups of cyclic peptides from plant biomass. Those called in this review as Eucyclopeptides formed by 2-12 amino acid, and Cyclotides considered as circular polypeptides, composed of 29-37 amino acid that retain three disulfides bridges in an arrangement known as cyclic cystine knot. Searching for plant peptides should form into a subject for scientific research in the forefront of great importance for bioprospecting natural products macromolecular.
  • Estado da arte de figuras de mérito em calibração multivariada Revisão

    Valderrama, Patrícia; Braga, Jez W. B.; Poppi, Ronei J.

    Resumo em Inglês:

    The validation of an analytical procedure must be certified through the determination of parameters known as figures of merit. For first order data, the acuracy, precision, robustness and bias is similar to the methods of univariate calibration. Linearity, sensitivity, signal to noise ratio, adjustment, selectivity and confidence intervals need different approaches, specific for multivariate data. Selectivity and signal to noise ratio are more critical and they only can be estimated by means of the calculation of the net analyte signal. In second order calibration, some differentes approaches are necessary due to data structure.
  • Cromatografia de afinidade por íons metálicos imobilizados (IMAC) de biomoléculas: aspectos fundamentais e aplicações tecnológicas Revisão

    Bresolin, Igor Tadeu Lazzarotto; Miranda, Everson Alves; Bueno, Sônia Maria Alves

    Resumo em Inglês:

    Immobilized Metal Ion Affinity Cromatography - IMAC - is a group-specific based adsorption applied to the purification and structure-function studies of proteins and nucleic acids. The adsorption is based on coordination between a metal ion chelated on the surface of a solid matrix and electron donor groups at the surface of the biomolecule. IMAC is a highly selective, low cost, and easily scaled-up technique being used in research and commercial operations. A separation process can be designed for a specific molecule by just selecting an appropriate metal ion, chelating agent, and operational conditions such as pH, ionic strength, and buffer type.
  • Montagem e caracterização elétrica de pilhas a combustível de óxido sólido (PaCOS) Revisão

    Tarôco, Hosane Aparecida; Andrade, Samuel Tadeu de Paula; Brant, Márcia Caldeira; Domingues, Rosana Zacarias; Matencio, Tulio

    Resumo em Inglês:

    This paper is focused on a review of the design features and the electrochemistry characterization of anode-supported planar SOFC. Studies and results of metallic alloy interconnectors and recovery for protection against corrosion and for contact layer are showed. Moreover a discussion of examples of measurements of impedance spectrometry, according to the literature and our experimental results are made. For the anode supported fuel cells the power density varies from 0.1 to 0.5 Wcm², according to results in the literature (showed in this paper). For electrolyte supported fuel cell the power density can be 10 Wcm-2 for high temperatures. An English-Portuguese glossary of most used terms in SOFC stack is given for greater clarity and to introduce new terms to the reader.
  • Métodos para fabricação de microeletrodos visando a detecção em microambientes Revisão

    Paixão, Thiago R. L. C.; Bertotti, Mauro

    Resumo em Inglês:

    Analysis at microenvironments, like single cells or in minute volumes (nL), is an area of great interest for analytical and biological sciences. Measurements at these experimental conditions demand analytical tools (microelectrodes) capable of monitoring with rapid response, good resolution and minimal perturbation of the system. The major drawbacks in producing these microscopic electrodes have been largely overcome, principally due to the development of new fabrication methods. In this review, these procedures are described with emphasis to those devoted to the construction of microelectrodes for application in microenvironments. Examples of our efforts to use these devices as effective electrochemical sensors are also addressed.
  • Aplicação de planejamento fatorial a protocolo de extração e fixação de sulfetos volatilizáveis por acidificação (SVA) em amostras de sedimento Nota Técnica

    Schnitzler, Danielle Caroline; Grassi, Marco Tadeu; Quinaia, Sueli Pércio

    Resumo em Inglês:

    The AVS is defined operationally as acid volatile sulfide, which is a controlling phase on the partition of some metallic species in sediments. A Factorial design was evaluated by means of 16 experiments and using four variables: temperature, extraction time, N2 flow, and volume of the S2- collection solution. The factors that contributed to the efficiency of the process were the extraction time and the N2 flow. Trapping of S2- was efficient in AAB. The S2- was quantified using a potentiometric procedure. Recovery tests for S2- concentrations varying from 1×10-5 to 1×10-4 mol L-1 were in the range from 93 to 116%.
  • UVA I-protection effectiveness of bioactive compound and organic UV filters: an in vitro assessment

    Baby, André Rolim; Balogh, Tatiana Santana; Pedriali, Carla Aparecida; Kaneko, Telma Mary; Velasco, Maria Valéria Robles

    Resumo em Inglês:

    This research work aimed at determining the UVA effectiveness (UVA I/UV ratio), by diffuse transmittance analysis, of sunscreens developed with a bioactive substance, the rutin, associating or not with organic UVB-UVA filters incorporated at a phosphate-base O/W emulsion. Sunscreens provided conflicting and unpredictable results concerning the anti-UVA protection, specially, at the UVA I region. Possible interactions among the organic UV filters and the polyphenolic bioactive substance may have accounted with improvement or reduction of UV protection by a complex and not yet elucidated mechanism, probably regarding wavelength delocalization to superior or inferior values, by resonant molecule stabilization or destabilization.
  • Extração e purificação de fármacos anti-inflamatórios não esteroidais ciclo-oxigenase-2 seletivos Nota Técnica

    Moreira, Tailane Sant'Anna; Cid, Yara Peluso; Pierre, Maria Bernadete Riemma; Sousa, Valeria Pereira de; Kummerle, Arthur Eugen; Fraga, Carlos Alberto Manssour

    Resumo em Inglês:

    Celecoxib (CB) and lumiracoxib (LM) are potent COX-2 inhibitors widely marketed for the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis. Nevertheless, it is difficult to obtain because it are protected under patents. The aim of this work was to develop an extraction method of drugs, CB and LM, in order to obtain the drug with a purity degree appropriated for use in research projects. The developed method showed to be effective of both drugs, becoming interesting due to its low cost, easy and speed of execution, application to different dosage forms (capsules and tablets) and drugs with different physicochemical properties.
  • Development and validation of a dissolution test for telithromycin in coated tablets

    Vaucher, Lauren C.; Paim, Clésio S.; Lange, Alini D.; Schapoval, Elfrides E. S.

    Resumo em Inglês:

    A dissolution test for telithromycin tablets was validated and developed. In order to choose the most discriminatory one, the conditions to carry out are 900 mL of sodium phosphate buffer at pH 7.5, paddles at 50 rpm stirring speed, time test set to 60 min and using USP apparatus 2 with paddles. The UV spectrophotometric method for determination of telithromycin released was developed and validated. The method presents linearity (r = 1) in the concentration range of 20-60 µg/mL. Precision and recoveries were good, 100.62 and 97.06%, respectively. The method was successfully used for the dissolution test of telithromycin tablets.
  • Optimization of the carrot leaf dehydration aiming at the preservation of omega-3 fatty acids

    Almeida, Vanessa Vivian de; Bonafé, Elton Guntendorfer; Muniz, Edvani Curti; Matsushita, Makoto; Souza, Nilson Evelázio de; Visentainer, Jesuí Vergílio

    Resumo em Inglês:

    The carrot leaf dehydration conditions in air circulation oven were optimized through response surface methodology (RSM) for minimizing the degradation of polyunsaturated fatty acids, particularly alpha-linolenic (LNA, 18:3n-3). The optimized leaf drying time and temperature were 43 h and 70 ºC, respectively. The fatty acids (FA) were investigated using gas chromatography equipped with a flame ionization detector and fused silica capillary column; FA were identified with standards and based on equivalent-chain-length. LNA and other FA were quantified against C21:0 internal standard. After dehydration, the amount of LNA, quantified in mg/100 g dry matter of dehydrated carrot leaves, were 984 mg.
  • Comparação entre métodos de quantificação em cromatografia gasosa: um experimento para cursos de química Educação

    Ligiero, Carolina Bastos Pereira; Reis, Lindomar Augusto dos; Parrilha, Gabrieli Lessa; Baptista Filho, Milton; Canela, Maria Cristina

    Resumo em Inglês:

    This article describes an experiment designed to teach quantitative determination in gas chromatography (GC) in Organic and Analytical Chemistry practical classes. The experiment consisted of extracting and analyzing eugenol from clove seeds to perform a quantitative approach aimed at comparing results obtained by external and internal calibration procedures. Therefore, this experiment proved to be very effective tool to enhance students awareness on the need to understand different types of calibration in GC and on how to avoid common experimental errors, and to find the best ways to eliminate their interference during the quantitative analysis phase.
  • Aceite de almendras dulces: extracción, caracterización y aplicación

    Hernández, Sandra A.; Zacconi, Flavia C. M.

    Resumo em Inglês:

    The extraction of sweet almond oil at room temperature and reflux is an easy and accessible procedure to obtain natural oil in a laboratory scale for undergraduates' courses in chemistry and related areas. In this paper we show how the utilization of Fourier Transform Infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy can be interesting in the qualitative analysis of these oils. We also propose the preparation of three different skin creams to demonstrate the effective uses of sweet almond oil in cosmetics and pharmaceutical fields.
  • Síntese e estudo de ortossilicatos de zinco luminescentes com aplicação da técnica sol-gel Educação

    Oliveira, Heitor Fernando Nunes de; Trinca, Rafael Bergamo; Gushikem, Yoshitaka

    Resumo em Inglês:

    Usually, the concepts of the Sol-Gel technique are not applied in experimental chemistry courses. This work presents a feasible experiment for chemistry instruction, which involves the synthesis of luminescent materials - Zn2SiO4, with and without Mn2+ as a dopant - by the Sol-Gel technique. The obtained materials were analyzed by scanning electron microscopy, X-Ray diffraction, IR spectroscopy and luminescence measures by UV-vis spectroscopy. The results allow the students to confirm the luminescent properties of the zinc orthosilicate luminophores as well as the structural features expected from literature data.
  • Adsorción física sobre sólidos: aspectos termodinámicos

    Arias, Juan Miguel; Paternina, Elihu; Barragán, Daniel

    Resumo em Inglês:

    A thermodynamic formalism based on the Gibbs Dividing Surface (GDS) for the description of a solid-fluid interface is presented, so that the adsorption layer is understand as a phase and the adsorption process as the transference of components between a 3-dimensional phase and a 2-dimensional one. Using a state equation derived from the Henry's Law, we shall show how the Langmuir isotherm is deduced from de Gibbs isotherm. The GDS is useful also for understanding the release of heat by a system as the adsorption occurs.
  • Sustainable drugs and global health care

    Cordell, Geoffrey A.

    Resumo em Inglês:

    Each day, Earth's finite resources are being depleted for energy, for material goods, for transportation, for housing, and for drugs. As we evolve scientifically and technologically, and as the population of the world rapidly approaches 7 billion and beyond, among the many issues with which we are faced is the continued availability of drugs for future global health care. Medicinal agents are primarily derived from two sources, synthetic and natural, or in some cases, as semi-synthetic compounds, a mixture of the two. For the developed world, efforts have been initiated to make drug production "greener", with milder reagents, shorter reaction times, and more efficient processing, thereby using less energy, and reactions which are more atom efficient, and generate fewer by-products. However, most of the world's population uses plants, in either crude or extract form, for their primary health care. There is relatively little discussion as yet, about the long term effects of the current, non-sustainable harvesting methods for medicinal plants from the wild, which are depleting these critical resources without concurrent initiatives to commercialize their cultivation. To meet future public health care needs, a paradigm shift is required in order to adopt new approaches using contemporary technology which will result in drugs being regarded as a sustainable commodity, irrespective of their source. In this presentation, several approaches to enhancing and sustaining the availability of drugs, both synthetic and natural, will be discussed, including the use of vegetables as chemical reagents, and the deployment of integrated strategies involving information systems, biotechnology, nanotechnology, and detection techniques for the development of medicinal plants with enhanced levels of bioactive agents.
  • Carta ao editor Carta Ao Editor

    Ribeiro, Antônio Alonso
Sociedade Brasileira de Química Instituto de Química, Universidade Estadual de Campinas (Unicamp), CP6154, 13083-0970 - Campinas - SP - Brazil