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Química Nova, Volume: 33, Número: 9, Publicado: 2010
  • A fitoterapia no mundo atual Editorial

    Ferreira, Vitor F.; Pinto, Angelo C.
  • Variabilidade espacial e temporal de parâmetros físico-químicos nos rios Turvo, Preto e Grande no estado de São Paulo, Brasil Artigo

    Campanha, Mariele B.; Melo, Camila A.; Moreira, Altair B.; Ferrarese, Renata Flavia Milani Silva; Tadini, Amanda M.; Garbin, Elaine V.; Bisinoti, Márcia Cristina; Pereira-Filho, Edenir R.

    Resumo em Inglês:

    This work aims to study spatial and seasonal variability of some chemical-physical parameters in the Turvo/Grande watershed, São Paulo State, Brazil. Water samples were taken monthly, 2007/07-2008/11, from fourteen sampling stations sited along the Turvo, Preto and Grande Rivers and its main tributaries. The Principal Component Analysis and hierarchical cluster analysis showed two distinct groups in this watershed, the first one associated for the places more impacted by domestic effluent (lower levels of dissolved oxygen in the studied region). The sampling places located to downstream (Turvo and Grande rivers) were discriminate by diffuse source of pollutants from flooding and agriculture runoffs in a second group.
  • Determinação de hormônios estrógenos em água potável usando CLAE-DAD Artigo

    Verbinnen, Raphael Teixeira; Nunes, Gilvanda Silva; Vieira, Eny Maria

    Resumo em Inglês:

    An analytical procedure for determination of estriol, 17β-estradiol, estrone and 17α-ethinylestradiol in drinking water is presented. The method employs solid phase extraction (SPE) and sample dechlorination as cleanup procedures, followed by HPLC-DAD analysis. Validation was carried out using RE No. 899/2003 guidelines established by the Agência Nacional de Vigilância Sanitária (National Agency of Sanitary Surveillance, Brazil), with some adaptations. The statistically evaluated results have shown that the method is selective, precise (0,06% to 19,40% CV) and accurate (91,52% to 109,41% average recoveries). The developed method was applied to the analysis of these contaminants in drinking water from São Luís, MA.
  • Identificação de microcistina LR ao nível molecular empregando microscopia de força atômica Artigo

    Etchegaray, Augusto; Bueno, Carolina de Castro; Teschke, Omar

    Resumo em Inglês:

    Microcystins are non-ribosomal peptides that must be detected for its health concern. Here, microcystin LR and its specific antibody were respectively tethered to the substrate and to the tip of an atomic force microscope, after surface functionalization using 3-aminopropyltriethoxysilane and glutaraldehyde. Functionalization was confirmed comparing topographic images taken on bare and modified tips. Force versus distance curves were successfully used to measure the specific antibody-antigen interactions comparing with a control in which microcystin was initially blocked by incubation with free antibodies. The results showed unequivocally the specific recognition of MLR, suggesting that this method could be useful for biosensor development.
  • Atividade inseticida dos frutos de Trichilia claussenii (Meliaceae) sobre Spodoptera frugiperda Artigo

    Nebo, Liliane; Matos, Andréia Pereira; Vieira, Paulo Cezar; Fernandes, João Batista; Silva, Maria Fátima das Graças Fernandes da; Rodrigues, Ricardo Ribeiro

    Resumo em Inglês:

    An evaluation of the insecticidal activity of the fruits extracts of Trichilia claussenii was carried out and the methanol extract revealed to have strong insecticidal activity. The fractionation of methanol extract of T. claussenii seeds bioassay-guided against Spodoptera frugiperda has led to the identification of the ω-phenylalkyl and alkenyl fatty acids as active compounds in this extract. The structures of the compounds were proposed by spectroscopic analysis and comparison with literature data.
  • Metabólitos secundários das esponjas Aplysina fistularis e Dysidea sp. e atividade antituberculose da 11-cetofistularina-3 Artigo

    Gandolfi, Renata C.; Medina, Marina B.; Berlinck, Roberto G. S.; Lira, Simone P.; Galetti, Fabio Cícero de Sá; Silva, Célio L.; Veloso, Katyuscya; Ferreira, Antonio G.; Hajdu, Eduardo; Peixinho, Solange

    Resumo em Inglês:

    The present investigation reports the isolation of aeroplysinin-2, 2-(3,5-dibromo-4-methoxyphenyl)-N,N,N-trimethyletanamonium, 7,9-dibromo-10-hydroxy-8-methoxy-1-oxa-2-azaspiro[4.5]deca-2,6,8-trien-3-carboxylic acid and its methyl ester, 11-oxoaerothionin, aerothionin, 11-keto-12-hydroxyaerothionin, 11-ketofistularin-3 and fistularin-3 from Aplysina fistularis, as well as of furodysinin lactone and 9α,11α-epoxicholest-7-en-3β,5α,6α,10-tetrol-6-acetate from Dysidea sp. Although the extracts of both sponges displayed antituberculosis activity, only 11-ketofistularin-3 isolated from A. fistularis displayed antimycobacterial activity against Mycobacterium tuberculosis H34Rv, with MIC at 16 μg/mL and SI of 40, a result that reinforce that fistularin-3 derivatives are interesting leads for the development of antituberculosis drugs.
  • Produção de biodiesel através de transesterificação in situ de sementes de girassol via catálise homogênea e heterogênea Artigo

    Gama, Paola Ervatti; Gil, Rosane Aguiar da Silva San; Lachter, Elizabeth Roditi

    Resumo em Inglês:

    The objective of this work is to show the results of the in situ transesterification of sunflower seed oil with methanol on basic homogeneous and heterogeneous catalysis for the production of biodiesel. In homogeneous catalysis, the activity of KOH and K2CO3 were evaluated using the same oil:methanol ratio of 1:90. KOH showed to be more active than K2CO3, leading to total conversion in biodiesel after 1h reaction time. In the heterogeneous catalysis the activity of K2CO3/Al2O3 was comparable to the activity of K2CO3 bulk: 53.0 and 66.6% resp. The properties of samples of biodiesel produced by homogeneous and heterogeneous catalysis were evaluated and are in accordance with the recommended fuel properties.
  • Determinação de metais em óleos lubrificantes, provenientes de motores de ônibus urbano, utilizando a FAAS Artigo

    Silveira, Eva Lúcia Cardoso; Coelho, Ronaldo Cunha; Moita Neto, José Machado; Moura, Carla Verônica Rodarte de; Moura, Edmilson Miranda de

    Resumo em Inglês:

    This work proposed a procedure to examine ashes produced in burning lubricating oils used in public transportation, in Teresina PI. Sulphanilic acid was added to the oil samples, which were burned at 550 °C for three hours and 650 °C for two hours. The ash solutions were analyzed by FAAS and there were significant differences in the metal contents of the waste oil produced from normal car service. The quantification limits in μg g-1 were 5.9 (Fe), 4.4 (Pb), 1.7 (Ni), 2.1 (Cu), and 1.2 (Zn). The results showed positive accuracy and precision with recoveries between 88 and 108%, and RSD lower than 10%.
  • Nanopartículas de alginato como sistema de liberação para o herbicida clomazone Artigo

    Silva, Mariana dos Santos; Cocenza, Daniela Sgarbi; Melo, Nathalie Ferreira Silva de; Grillo, Renato; Rosa, André Henrique; Fraceto, Leonardo Fernandes

    Resumo em Inglês:

    In this paper, we describe the preparation of alginate nanoparticles as a delivery system for the herbicide clomazone. Two different methods were investigated and characterized by size distribution, zeta potencial, pH and in vitro release. The alginate/AOT nanoparticles had higher rates of association of the herbicide clomazone than alginate/chitosan nanoparticles. Clomazone release profile, showed a significant difference in release behavior of pure herbicide in solution when compared with herbicide loaded in both alginate nanoparticles. This study is important to construct a biodegradable release system using herbicide for later release into more specific targets, avoiding contamination of environmental matrices.
  • Constituintes químicos das folhas de Senna spectabilis (DC) Irwin & Barneby var. excelsa (Schrad.) Irwin & Barneby Artigo

    Silva, Fábio de Oliveira; Oliveira, Írvila Ricarte de; Silva, Maria Goretti de Vasconcelos; Braz-Filho, Raimundo

    Resumo em Inglês:

    From leaves of Senna spectabilis var. excelsa were isolated caffeine, the triterpenes lupeol, α-amyrin, β-amyrin, cycloeucalenol, friedelin and ursolic, oleanolic and betulinic acids, besides the steroids sitosterol and stigmasterol and their respective glucosides. The structures of these compounds were established by spectroscopic analysis including two-dimensional NMR methods and comparison with published spectral data. This paper deals with the first report of these compounds in S. spectabilis var. excelsa.
  • Flavonoides e outras substâncias de Lippia sidoides e suas atividades antioxidantes Artigo

    Almeida, Macia Cleane S. de; Alves, Leonardo A.; Souza, Luciana Gregório da S.; Machado, Luciana L.; Matos, Marcos C. de; Oliveira, Maria Conceição F. de; Lemos, Telma L. G.; Braz-Filho, Raimundo

    Resumo em Inglês:

    The chemical investigation of the ethanol extracts of stems, roots and leaves of Lippia sidoides led to the isolation of: steroid β-sitosterol, naphthoquinone tecomaquinone, monoterpene carvacrol, flavonoid 4',5,7-trihydroxyflavanone (naringenin), 3',4',5,7-tetrahydroxyflavanone and 4',5,7-trihydroxy-6-methoxyflavone flavonoids mixture, and 3,4,4',6'-tetrahydroxydihydrochalcone-2'-O-β-D-glucopyranoside and 4,4',6'-trihydroxydihydrochalcone-2'-O- β-D-glucopyranoside dihydrochalcones mixture. Their structures were characterized on the basis of spectral data, mainly ¹H and 13C NMR (1D and 2D) and mass spectra. The ethanol extract and isolated compounds were evaluated for their antioxidative properties using the method of inhibition of free radical DPPH (2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl).
  • Purificação e caracterização da quitinase de uva (Vitis vinífera L. cv Red Globe) para a produção de quitosana a partir de quitina de camarão Artigo

    Gomes, Laidson Paes; Oliveira, Carlos Ivan Ribeiro de; Silva, Márcia Cristina da; Andrade, Cristina Tristão de; Del Aguila, Eduardo Mere; Silva, Joab Trajano; Paschoalin, Vânia M. Flosi

    Resumo em Inglês:

    Chitinase is produced by a wide variety of plants as a defense against peste attacks. In this study, grape chitinases were purified 16 times by fractionation in 80% ammonium sulfate followed by dialysis and filtration. Purified chitinases exhibited enzymatic activity toward chitin azure. The yield of purified chitinase was 229 mg/L with chitinase activity of 563 U/g. Chitinases had molecular masses of 24 and 30 kDa, as evaluated by SDS-PAGE 12.5%. Two pH optima were determined 3.0 and 6.0. The optimal temperature was 42 °C. Pre hydrolysis of crystalline shrimp chitin by chitinases caused in an increase in the deacetylation ratio triggered by chitin deacetylase producing chitooligosaccharides with DA (degree acetylation) of 58.8%.
  • Interpretação do mecanismo de difusão no processo gás-sólido da reação de dessulfurização Artigo

    Mortari, Daniela Andresa; Crnkovic, Paula Manoel; Ávila, Ivonete; Milioli, Fernando Eduardo

    Resumo em Inglês:

    The present paper aims to interpret the SO2 diffusion mechanism process for two different limestones: a calcite and a dolomite. In previous study, the apparent activation energies for sulfation reaction were between 3.03 and 4.45 kJ mol-1 for the calcite, and 11.24 kJ mol-1 for the dolomite. Using nitrogen porosimetry it was possible to observe that the dolomite presents mesopores of 0.03 μm, while the calcite presents mesopores of 0.01 μm. The evaluation of limestones porous structure together with their kinetic parameters, allowed concluding that the diffusion mechanism follows Fick law and Knudsen law for dolomite and calcite, respectively.
  • Corrosion resistance improvement of titanium base alloys

    Popa, Mihai V.; Vasilescu, Ecaterina; Drob, Paula; Vasilescu, Cora; Drob, Silviu I.; Mareci, Daniel; Rosca, Julia C. Mirza

    Resumo em Inglês:

    The corrosion resistance of the new Ti-6Al-4V-1Zr alloy in comparison with ternary Ti-6Al-4V alloy in Ringer-Brown solution and artificial Carter-Brugirard saliva of different pH values was studied. In Ringer-Brown solution, the new alloy presented an improvement of all electrochemical parameters due to the alloying with Zr; also, impedance spectra revealed better protective properties of its passive layer. In Carter-Brugirard artificial saliva, an increase of the passive film thickness was proved. Fluoride ions had a slight negative influence on the corrosion and ion release rates, without to affect the very good stability of the new Ti-6Al-4V-1Zr alloy.
  • Uso de perfis cromatográficos de voláteis de cafés arábicas torrados para a diferenciação das amostras segundo o sabor, o aroma e a qualidade global da bebida Artigo

    Ribeiro, Juliano S.; Augusto, Fabio; Ferreira, Márcia M. C.; Salva, Terezinha J. G.

    Resumo em Inglês:

    In this work, the volatile chromatographic profiles of roasted Arabica coffees, previously analyzed for their sensorial attributes, were explored by principal component analysis. The volatile extraction technique used was the solid phase microextraction. The correlation optimized warping algorithm was used to align the gas chromatographic profiles. Fifty four compounds were found to be related to the sensorial attributes investigated. The volatiles pyrrole, 1-methyl-pyrrole, cyclopentanone, dihydro-2-methyl-3-furanone, furfural, 2-ethyl-5-methyl-pyrazine, 2-etenyl-n-methyl-pyrazine, 5-methyl-2-propionyl-furan compounds were important for the differentiation of coffee beverage according to the flavour, cleanliness and overall quality. Two figures of merit, sensitivity and specificity (or selectivity), were used to interpret the sensory attributes studied.
  • Determinação do coeficiente de atividade em diluição infinita de hidrocarbonetos em furfural a 298,15 K por SPME-GC/FID Artigo

    Furtado, Filipe Arantes; Coelho, Gerson Luiz Vieira

    Resumo em Inglês:

    In this work a new method (SPME-GC/FID) was developed to analyze the activity of binary liquid mixtures. The purpose is to demonstrate that SPME is capable to be used to determinate activity coefficients at infinite dilution knowing the fiber properties, with a lower cost than the conventional methods encountered in literature such as GLC. The activity coefficients at infinite dilution in furfural for n-hexane, n-heptane and cyclohexane at 298.15 K was determined using SPME and deviations of literature data was about 7%.
  • Estudo da reação de oxidação preferencial do co sobre o sistema CuO/CeO2-TiO2 Artigo

    Maciel, Cristhiane Guimarães; Assaf, José Mansur

    Resumo em Inglês:

    Cu catalysts supported on CeO2, TiO2 and CeO2/TiO2 were prepared by precipitation method and used for preferential oxidation of carbon monoxide contained in a hydrogen flow generated by methane steam reforming. The samples were characterized by XRD, BET and TPR techniques. The catalytic properties were studied in the 50-330ºC range by using a quartz micro-reactor vertically positioned on an electrical furnace. The results showed that the small copper particles generated with the lower metal content are the most easily reducible and give the best catalytic performance. In respect of support effect, the strong metal-support interaction and the redox characteristics of the CuOx-CeO2 series resulted in the best catalytic results, especially with the sample with 1% copper content.
  • Lipídios como indicadores de fontes e distribuição de matéria orgânica particulada em um complexo estuarino-lagunar tropical (Mundaú-Manguaba, AL) Artigo

    Costa, Talitha L. F.; Araujo, Michelle P.; Carreira, Renato S.; Knoppers, Bastiaan A.

    Resumo em Inglês:

    Fatty acids, alcohols and sterols were considered as markers of the source and distribution of particulate organic matter during the dry season in the Mundaú-Manguaba estuarine-lagoon system, NE Brazil. Lipid composition showed an overwhelming influence of autochthonous sources of organic matter in all system´s compartments, including the probable occurrence of algal blooms in specific areas. On the other hand, contamination by sewage was restricted to Mundaú lagoon. This scenario differed from known conditions observed in the wet season, illustrating the usefulness of the lipid biomarker approach for the characterization of other complex and dynamic systems in the Brazilian coastal zone.
  • Thermodynamic study of the solubility of sodium naproxen in some ethanol + water mixtures

    Delgado, Daniel R.; Ruidiaz, Miller A.; Gómez, Sandra M.; Gantiva, Mauricio; Martínez, Fleming

    Resumo em Inglês:

    By using the van't Hoff and Gibbs equations the apparent thermodynamic functions Gibbs energy, enthalpy, and entropy of solution for sodium naproxen in ethanol + water cosolvent mixtures, were evaluated from solubility data determined at temperatures from (278.15 to 308.15) K. The drug solubility was greatest in neat water and lowest in neat ethanol at all the temperatures studied. By means of non-linear enthalpy-entropy compensation analysis, it follows that the dissolution process of this drug in ethanol-rich mixtures is entropy-driven, whereas, in water-rich mixtures the process is enthalpy-driven.
  • Determinação do ponto de névoa em surfactantes não iônicos por espectroscopia de impedância elétrica Artigo

    Lima, Sandro Vagner de; Oliveira, Helinando Pequeno de

    Resumo em Inglês:

    In this paper, we analyze the use of electrical impedance spectroscopy applied to determination of cloud point. The slope of admittance measured at 100 kHz is reduced to temperature above the critical value which characterizes the phase transition, in a strong indication that this process is activated during the clouding. Additionally to this study we explored the influence of parameters such as additives and temperature on the performance of phase separation of residues (silver nanoparticles) by cloud point extraction. The interaction with salt maximizes the separation of chemical residues in a progressively reduced temperature.
  • O estado da arte da síntese de semicondutores nanocristalinos coloidais Revisão

    Silva, Fernanda Oliveira; Viol, Lívia Cristina de Souza; Ferreira, Diego Lourençoni; Alves, José Luiz Aarestrup; Schiavon, Marco Antônio

    Resumo em Inglês:

    Colloidal semiconductor nanocrystals, also known as quantum dots, have attracted great attention since they have interesting size-dependent properties due to the quantum confinement effect. These nanoparticles are highly luminescent and have potential applications in different technological areas, including biological labeling, light-emitting diodes and photovoltaic devices. The synthetic methods of semiconductor nanocrystals have progressed in the last 30 years, and several protocols were developed to synthesize monodisperse nanocrystals with good optical properties, different compositions and morphologies. This review describes the main methods used to synthesize nanocrystals in the II-VI and III-V systems, and the recent approaches in this field of research.
  • Aspectos coloidais da adesão de micro-organismos Revisão

    Araújo, Emiliane Andrade; Andrade, Nélio José de; Carvalho, Antônio Fernandes de; Ramos, Afonso Mota; Silva, Cleuber Antônio de Sá; Silva, Luis Henrique Mendes da

    Resumo em Inglês:

    The ability of bacteria to attach to surface and develop into a biofilm has been of considerable interest to food industry. Electrostatic, Lifhistz-van der Waals and Lewis acid-base forces are usually considered responsible for the interactions at the interface of the bacterial adhesion. The study of microbial adhesion thermodynamic is important because it represents the reflection of microbial surface and food processing surface physicochemical characteristics. This review examines the most important aspects involved in bacterial attachment to a surface with emphases in thermodynamics of adhesion process.
  • A análise por injeção sequencial (SIA): vinte anos em uma perspectiva brasileira Revisão

    Santos, Allan Cezar Vieira dos; Masini, Jorge Cesar

    Resumo em Inglês:

    The year of 2010 marks the 20th anniversary of the development of Sequential Injection Analysis (SIA) by Ruzicka and Marshall. Considered the second generation of the flow injection methods, this article briefly describes the history, the basic principles of the technique and reviews all papers developed by Brazilian scientists aiming the divulgation of this automation technique in Analytical Chemistry.
  • Recovery of manganese and zinc from spent Zn-C and alkaline batteries in acidic medium

    Silva, Rafael Gudim da; Silva, Cristiano Nunes da; Afonso, Júlio Carlos

    Resumo em Inglês:

    The anode and the internal paste of spent Zn-C and alkaline batteries were leached with 2 mol L-1 H2SO4 at 80 ºC for 2 h. Solid/liquid ratio was 1/10 (g mL-1). The leachate was treated with Na2S in order to precipitate Hg, Cd and Pb. Zn was quantitatively isolated at pH 1,5-2 by adding Na2S. Mn can be precipitated at pH close to 7. Na2S may be replaced by oxalic acid. Zn precipitated at pH around 0, whereas Mn was quantitatively recovered at pH > 4. Acidity control is a critical parameter. Na2SO4 and carbon are the end products.
  • Validação e estimativa da incerteza de método para análise de licopeno e β-caroteno em polpa de tomate por cromatografia líquida de alta eficiência Nota Técnica

    Alves, Adriana Barreto; Silva, Marta Gomes da; Carvalho, Paulo Roberto Nogueira; Vissotto, Lizziane Cynara; Bragagnolo, Neura

    Resumo em Inglês:

    A method to quantify lycopene and β-carotene in freeze dried tomato pulp by high performance liquid chromatography (HLPC) was validated according to the criteria of selectivity, sensitivity, precision and accuracy, and uncertainty estimation of measurement was determined with data obtained in the validation. The validated method presented is selective in terms of analysis, and it had a good precision and accuracy. Detection limit for lycopene and β-carotene was 4.2 and 0.23 mg 100 g-1, respectively. The estimation of expanded uncertainty (K = 2) for lycopene was 104 ± 21 mg 100 g-1 and for β-carotene was 6.4 ± 1.5 mg 100 g-1.
  • Desenvolvimento de método analítico para quantificação do efavirenz por espectrofotometria no UV-Vis Nota Técnica

    Alves, Lariza Darlene Santos; Rolim, Larissa Araújo; Fontes, Danilo Augusto Ferreira; Rolim-Neto, Pedro José; Soares, Mônica Felts de La Roca; Soares Sobrinho, José Lamartine

    Resumo em Inglês:

    An UV-Vis spectrophotometry analytical method for quantifying Efavirenz was developed and validated as an alternative to replace the HPLC current method. The report method presents sample concentration of 10 μg mL-1, dissolved in a solution ethanol:water (60:40, v/v), economic and technically adequate for the purpose adopted. The results and the statistical treated proved that the method being considered an precise and accurate analytical low cost alternative for laboratory routine. The adaptability of this method in product and other analytical methods development has been challenged by mathematical calculation of drug extinction coefficient in water and methanol and practical experiments, showing interesting results.
  • Benzo(a)pireno, carbamato de etila e metanol em cachaças Nota Técnica

    Caruso, Miriam Solange Fernandes; Nagato, Letícia Araujo Farah; Alaburda, Janete

    Resumo em Inglês:

    The objective of this work was to evaluate the presence of benzo(a)pyrene (BaP), ethyl carbamate (EC) and methanol in 61 samples of cachaça. The quantification of BaP was carried out using HPLC with fluorescence detection, EC concentrations was determined by GC/MS and that of methanol, by GC/FID. In all samples, the concentration of methanol remained below 5 mg 100 mL-1 absolute alcohol. The results of BaP varied from <0.03 to 0.86 μg L-1; the values of EC exceeded the limit established by Brazilian legislation (150 μg L-1) in 53% of the samples.
  • Eixo quinário: um elemento de simetria presente em moléculas e quasi-cristais - um experimento didático em cristalografia Educação

    Neves, Paulo Cesar Pereira das; Freitas, Darcson Vieira de; Baptista, Luis Andre

    Resumo em Inglês:

    Axis of quinary symmetry occur in molecular symmetry, as in the case of fullerenes, and in crystalline symmetry, in the quasicrystals. Minerals with pentagonal faces do not have this element of symmetry, as the pyrite (FeS2) which shows a ridge that is different from the other ones, in any face of the crystal. The purpose of this paper is to demonstrate conceptual differences between pyritohedron and regular pentagonal dodecahedron symmetries, discussing students' difficulties to identify them. Also is proposed a didactic experiment with spatial models of the above-mentioned forms and the demonstration of its symmetries in clinographic projections.
  • Escrita científica de alunos de graduação em química: análise de relatórios de laboratório Educação

    Oliveira, Jane Raquel Silva de; Batista, Alzir Azevedo; Queiroz, Salete Linhares

    Resumo em Inglês:

    The purpose of this study was to analyze written arguments found within laboratory reports by undergraduate students in a practical inorganic chemistry course. The quality of students' argumentation was analyzed based on the argumentation model developed by Kelly and Takao. Students presented scientific arguments grounded in data and building toward theoretical assertions. This indicates that students have some understanding of the rhetorical power of data in their explanations. The findings of this study also support the idea that Kelly and Takao's model is effective in other disciplines and in other rhetorical tasks distinct from those originally analyzed by them in their domain of oceanography.
  • Calorímetro de gelo: uma abordagem histórica e experimental para o ensino de química na graduação Educação

    Tavares, Guilherme W.; Prado, Alexandre G. S.

    Resumo em Inglês:

    In addition to the usual advantage of an ice calorimeter of being able to measure slow heat changes, the instrument described here is extremely simple to construct and operate. Specific heat of aluminum, copper, lead and tin metals were determined using the ice calorimeter made with easily accessible materials. The values obtained from specific heat are near to those found in the literature and were 0.204; 0.030; 0.086; 0.046 cal/g °C with an error of theoretical values of 6.84; 1,64; 5.49 and 8.00% for aluminum, copper, lead and tin, respectively.
  • Fracionamento de polifosfato de sódio e caracterização por RMN de 31P: um experimento para aulas de físico-química Educação

    Lima, Emília Celma de Oliveira; Alcantara, Glaucia Braz; Damasceno, Fernando Cruvinel; Moita Neto, José Machado; Galembeck, Fernando

    Resumo em Inglês:

    This text describes an experiment on fractional precipitation of a polymer together with determination of average degree of polymerization by NMR. Commercial sodium polyphosphate was fractionated by precipitation from aqueous solution by adding increasing amounts of acetone. The polydisperse salt and nine fractions obtained from it were analyzed by 31P Nuclear Magnetic Resonance and the degree of polymerization of the salts and of the fractions were calculated. Long-chain sodium polyphosphate was also synthesized and analyzed. This experiment was tested in a PChem lab course but it can be used also to illustrate topics of inorganic polymers and analytical chemistry.
  • Estudo de casos na formação de professores de química Educação

    Pinheiro, Antonio Narcisio; Medeiros, Ethanielda de Lima; Oliveira, Alcineia Conceição

    Resumo em Inglês:

    Case studies were used as teaching methodology in Chemistry teacher education. The reffered methodology consists of teaching principles of Physical Chemistry associated to biodiesel theme in an undergraduate chemistry course with pre-service teachers, who are temporary teachers in high schools in Fortaleza, Ceará, Brazil. The results showed that the methodology was well accepted by the pre-service teachers. The concepts related to Chemistry, by means of multidisciplinary science, technological and social approaches make it able to overcome and improve the present situation in public schools and provided the learning of the chemistry concepts by high school students.
  • The history of the rectilinear diameter law

    Reif-Acherman, Simón

    Resumo em Inglês:

    The formulation of the so-called law of rectilinear diameter for the determination of the critical volume of substances in the concluding decades of the nineteenth century became in a very useful and acceptably exact alternative tool for researchers in the field of critical phenomena. Its corresponding original expression, and even those of its early few modifications, were so mathematically simple that their use did not limit to exclusively contribute to remove the by then experimental obstacle for the estimating of this critical parameter, but also extended along several decades in the increasing applications of the principle of corresponding states.
Sociedade Brasileira de Química Instituto de Química, Universidade Estadual de Campinas (Unicamp), CP6154, 13083-0970 - Campinas - SP - Brazil