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Química Nova, Volume: 35, Número: 1, Publicado: 2012
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    Torresi, Susana I. Córdoba de; Pardini, Vera L.; Ferreira, Vitor F.
  • Fluxos de nutrientes associados às descargas de água subterrânea para a Lagoa Mangueira (Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil) Artigo

    Andrade, Carlos F. F.; Niencheski, Luis F. H.; Attisano, Karina K.; Milani, Marcio R.; Santos, Isaac R.; Milani, Idel C.

    Resumo em Inglês:

    This study assesses the importance of groundwater discharge to dissolved nutrient levels in Mangueira Lagoon. A transect of an irrigation canal in the margin of Lagoon demonstrated a strong geochemical gradient due to high groundwater inputs in this area. Using 222Rn as a quantitative groundwater tracer, we observed that the flux of dissolved inorganic nitrogen (DIN), silicate and phosphate (1178 and 1977; 26190 and 35652; 167 and 188 mol d-1 for winter and summer, respectively) can continually supply/sustain primary production. The irrigation canals act as an artificial underground tributary and represent a new source of nutrients to coastal lagoons.
  • Influência do eletrólito na eletrodeposição de nanopartículas de Cu sobre eletrodo de diamante dopado com boro Artigo

    Matsushima, Jorge Tadao; Santos, Laura Camila Diniz; Couto, Andrea Boldarini; Baldan, Maurício Ribeiro; Ferreira, Neidenêi Gomes

    Resumo em Inglês:

    This paper presents the electrolyte influence on deposition and dissolution processes of Cu nanoparticles on boron doped diamond electrodes (BDD). Morphological, structural and electrochemical analysis showed BDD films with good reproducibility, quality and reversible in a specific redox system. Electrodeposition of Cu nanoparticles on DDB electrodes in three different solutions was influenced by pH and ionic strength of the electrolytic medium. Analyzing the process as function of the scan rate, it was verified a better efficiency in 0,5 mol L-1 Na2SO4 solution. Under the influence of the pH and ionic strength, Cu nanoparticles on DDB may be obtained with different morphologies and it was important for defining the desired properties.
  • Atribuição absoluta e geral de isômeros constitucionais por espectrometria de massas: o caso das metilpiperidinas Artigo

    Eberlin, Marcos N.; Benassi, Mario

    Resumo em Inglês:

    An absolute method is described via mass spectrometry (MS) for the structural assignment of isomers within the class of methylpiperidines. The method explores both the unimolecular and bimolecular gas phase behavior of structurally diagnostic fragment ions (SDFI). For the methylpiperidnes, the isomeric 2-methyl, 3-methyl and 4-methyl 2-azabutadienyl cations are found to function as SDFI. These fragment ions are expected to be formed from all members within the class, to be stable and to retain the structural information of the precursor molecule, and to not interconvert into one another. To characterize these SDFI, both the collision induced dissociation (CID) in argon and bimolecular ion/molecule chemistry with ethyl vinyl ether were compared.
  • Chumbo e zinco em águas e sedimentos de área de mineração e metalurgia de metais Artigo

    Melo, Vander de Freitas; Andrade, Maísa de; Batista, Araína Hulmann; Favaretto, Nerilde; Grassi, Marco Tadeu; Campos, Mônica Soares de

    Resumo em Inglês:

    Lead metallurgy at Adrianópolis is the largest environmental problem of Paraná, Brazil. The objective of this study was to determine Pb and Zn levels in water and sediment in two catchments by different extraction methods. The high levels of lead in water in most of samples do not allow the human use. Total Pb concentration as high as 795.3 µg L-1 was observed in Ribeira River bank, in a pluvial water stream flowering from a abandoned factory. Due to the high Pb levels in sediments from some sites (maximum of 24,300 mg kg-1) is recommended to avoid the water turbulence.
  • Fotoeletrodegradação do corante AO7 utilizando filmes de nanocompósitos de ZnO-TiO2 Artigo

    Frade, Tânia; Gomes, Anabela; Pereira, Maria Isabel da Silva; Lopes, Ana; Ciríaco, Lurdes

    Resumo em Inglês:

    The Zn-TiO2nanocomposite films were prepared by electrodeposition, using an acidic zinc sulphate solution with TiO2 nanoparticles in suspension. The as-deposited samples have been heated in air at 450 ºC for 6 h. The XRD and SEM analyses pointed out to the metal matrix conversion from Zn to ZnO and a rich morphology of needles-shaped grains. These materials were used on the photoelectrochemical degradation of AO7, which was efficiently degraded, with 40% of color removal, after 2 h period at 1.0 V, under white light irradiation. The apparent first order rate constant of the photoelectrodegradation reaction was 4.12 x 10-3 min-1.
  • Avaliação físico-química de efluente gerado em biodigestor anaeróbio para fins de avaliação de eficiência e aplicação como fertilizante agrícola Artigo

    Silva, Wilson Tadeu Lopes da; Novaes, Antonio Pereira de; Kuroki, Vivian; Martelli, Lilian Fernanda de Almeida; Magnoni Júnior, Lourenço

    Resumo em Inglês:

    The use of biodigester for basic and environmental sanitation has large demand in Brazil. A biodigester was built to treat conjunctly the human and pig feces and urine, regarding to its future application in rural small towns. The results show that the biodigester can reduce 90% of COD and BOD and, up to 99.99% of thermotolerant coliforms. The treated effluent has variable quantities of macro- and micro-nutrients; and organic matter. However, the concentration variability of the nutrients makes difficult a dosed application into soil. The soluble salts (mainly as Na+ form) make necessary a controlled use to avoid environmental degradation.
  • Iodeto de potássio suportado em peneiras moleculares mesoporosas (SBA-15 e MCM-41) como catalisador básico para síntese de biodiesel Artigo

    Galvão, Luzia Patricia Fernandes de Carvalho; Barbosa, Marcela Nascimento; Araujo, Antonio Souza; Fernandes Júnior, Valter José; Santos, Anne Gabriela Dias; Luz Jr, Geraldo E.

    Resumo em Inglês:

    Iodide potassium incorporated on mesoporous molecular sieves (SBA-15 and MCM-41) was used as heterogeneous catalysts in the transesterification of sunflower oil under different conditions of reaction time and ratio catalyst/oil (w/w). The results have showed that the system supported in SBA-15 has been more active than the supported in MCM-41, promoting a conversion to methyl esters of 84.98%.
  • Organic and total mercury determination in sediments by cold vapor atomic absorption spectrometry: methodology validation and uncertainty measurements

    Franklin, Robson L.; Bevilacqua, Jose E.; Favaro, Deborah I. T.

    Resumo em Inglês:

    The purpose of the present study was to validate a method for organic Hg determination in sediment. The procedure for organic Hg was adapted from literature, where the organomercurial compounds were extracted with dichloromethane in acid medium and subsequent destruction of organic compounds by bromine chloride. Total Hg was performed according to 3051A USEPA methodology. Mercury quantification for both methodologies was then performed by CVAAS. Methodology validation was verified by analyzing certified reference materials for total Hg and methylmercury. The uncertainties for both methodologies were calculated. The quantification limit of 3.3 µg kg-1 was found for organic Hg by CVAAS.
  • Avaliação de metodologia eletroquímica no monitoramento da conversão de óleo de girassol em biodiesel Artigo

    Sousa, Rogério Adelino de; Ribeiro, Caue

    Resumo em Inglês:

    The development of analytical procedures to evaluate transesterification process is still a challenge in biodiesel production. Then, this paper shows an electroanalytical methodology to transesterification process assessment, proposing the application of nanostructured TiO2 electrodes. The results showed, for sunflower oil - methanol reaction catalyzed by KOH, a reduction peak in - 1050 mV and the gradual appearance of a second peak at - 1160 mV. This peak was observed as originated by the transesterification process and is probably related to intermediates. By measuring the intensity of this peak a kinetic profile was determined, showing that the conversion is almost finished in 2 h.
  • Qualidade dos méis produzidos por Melipona fasciculata Smith da região do cerrado maranhense Artigo

    Holanda, Carlos Alexandre; Oliveira, Alene Ramos; Costa, Maria Célia Pires; Ribeiro, Maria Nilce de Sousa; Souza, Janilson Lima; Araújo, Maria José Abigail Mendes

    Resumo em Inglês:

    The honey of Melipona fasciculata is few known in terms of composition, and therefore generally associated with the characteristics of the honey of Apis mellifera. This study contributes to the knowledge of the physico-chemical characteristics of honey of M. fasciculata of the municipalities of Barra do Corda, Jenipapo dos Vieiras, Fernando Falcão, Carolina and Riachão, in cerrado region from Maranhão. The parameters studied were: moisture, pH, acidity, reducing sugars, apparent sucrose, hydroxymethylfurfural, diastase activity, insoluble solids, ash and color. Some of the observed patterns may conform to the established for A. mellifera, but others must be accompanied by a specific legislation.
  • Avaliação da resistência à corrosão de implantes em aços inoxidáveis ISO 5832-9 e F138 removidos de pacientes Artigo

    Silva, Elison da Fonseca e; Oliveira, Luiz Fernando Cappa de

    Resumo em Inglês:

    This work has compared the surfaces of two different steel samples used as orthopedical implants, classified as ASTM F138 and ISO5832-9, through optical emission spectroscopy, by means of SEM and EDS. The samples (implants) were also submitted to potentiodynamic cyclic polarization in Ringer lactate and NaCl 0.9 M L-1 solutions; ISO5832-9 sample did not show any kind of localized corrosion, but in the case of F138 steel was observed a pit localized corrosion in both solutions. In Ringer lactate solution it was observed a loss of about 63% for nickel and 26% for iron for F138 stell, compared to the initial composition.
  • Development and validation of a method for the analysis of Ochratoxin A in roasted coffee by liquid chromatography/electrospray-mass spectrometry in Tandem (LC/ESI-MS/MS)

    Bandeira, Raquel D. C. C.; Uekane, Thais M.; Cunha, Carolina P. da; Geaquinto, Luths R. O.; Cunha, Valnei S.; Caixeiro, Janaina M. R.; Godoy, Ronoel Luiz O.; de la Cruz, Marcus Henrique C.

    Resumo em Inglês:

    A method using LC/ESI-MS/MS for the quantitative analysis of Ochratoxin A in roasted coffee was described. Linearity was demonstrated (r = 0.9175). The limits of detection and quantification were 1.0 and 3.0 ng g-1, respectively. Trueness, repeatability and intermediate precision values were 89.0-108.8%; 2.4-13.7%; 12.5-17.8%, respectively. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first report in which Ochratoxin A in roasted coffee is analysed by LC/ESI-MS/MS, contributing to the field of mycotoxin analysis, and it will be used for future production of Certified Reference Material.
  • Liquid-phase microextraction for simultaneous chromatographic analysis of three antidepressant drugs in plasma

    Porto, Carlos Eduardo Dobrovolskni; Maia, Patrícia Penido; Freitas, Daniela Fernanda de; Araújo, Rafhaella Carolina Cedro; Siqueira, Maria Elisa Pereira Bastos de; Martins, Isarita; Santos-Neto, Álvaro José dos

    Resumo em Inglês:

    A method using Liquid Phase Microextraction for simultaneous detection of citalopram (CIT), paroxetine (PAR) and fluoxetine (FLU), using venlafaxine as internal standard, in plasma by high performance liquid chromatography with fluorescence detection was developed. The linearity was evaluated between 5.0 and 500 ng mL-1 (r > 0.99) and the limit of quantification was 2.0, 3.0 and 5.0 ng mL-1 for CIT, PAR and FLU, respectively. Therefore, it can be applied to therapeutic drug monitoring, pharmacokinetics or bioavailability studies and its advantages are that it necessary relatively inexpensive equipment and sample preparation techniques.
  • Modelagem da cinética de biodegradação de paclobutrazol em dois solos do semiárido do nordeste brasileiro Artigo

    Vaz, Fernanda Leitão; Maciel Netto, André; Antonino, Antonio Celso Dantas; Afonso, Antonio Cláudio Marques; Martins, Jean Manuel Fonseca; Gouveia, Ester Ribeiro

    Resumo em Inglês:

    Mathematical models can help to prevent high levels of toxic substances in soil or fruits of plants treated with pesticides and indicate that such substances should be systematically monitored. The aim of this research was to study the kinetics of paclobutrazol biodegradation by soil native bacteria using mathematical models. Three models were used to assess the kinetics of paclobutrazol biodegradation obtained experimentally. Excellent fits were obtained using dual kinetic and logistic models. The use of glycerol as additional carbon source increased the biodegradation of PBZ and consequently decreased the time required for a given PBZ initial concentration be halved.
  • Simulação do intemperismo natural de pilhas zinco-carbono e alcalinas Artigo

    Câmara, Sílvio Carrielo; Afonso, Júlio Carlos; Silva, Lilian Irene Dias da; Domingues, Nelma Nogueira; Alcover Neto, Arnaldo

    Resumo em Inglês:

    Spent alkaline and Zn-C batteries were placed in seawater, rainwater or landfill leachate at room temperature for up 30 days in order to simulate natural weathering. After the experiments pH and electrical conductivity of the liquid were measured. The precipitate formed and the filtrate were submitted to metal analysis by ICP-OES. Seawater is the most corrosive medium, followed by landfill leachate. Pb, Cd and Hg were mainly in the filtrate. Fe, Mn and Zn were generally dominant in the precipitate. Na and K account for the electrical conductivity and are good indicators of the corrosion stage of the batteries.
  • Uso de redes neurais recorrentes na determinação das constantes de acidez para a 7-epiclusianona em misturas etanol-água Artigo

    Costa, Éderson D' Martin; Lemes, Nelson Henrique Teixeira; Santos, Marcelo Henrique dos; Braga, João Pedro

    Resumo em Inglês:

    This work propose a recursive neural network to solve inverse equilibrium problem. The acidity constants of 7-epiclusianone in ethanol-water binary mixtures were determined from multiwavelength spectrophotmetric data. A linear relationship between acidity constants and the %w/v of ethanol in the solvent mixture was observed. The proposed method efficiency is compared with the Simplex method, commonly used in nonlinear optimization techniques. The neural network method is simple, numerically stable and has a broad range of applicability.
  • Análise e discriminação de quimiotipos de Lippia graveolens H.B.K. da Guatemala por microextração em fase sólida, CG-EM e análise multivariada Artigo

    Pérez Sabino, Juan Francisco; Mérida Reyes, Max; Farfán Barrera, Christian Daniel; Silva, Antonio Jorge Ribeiro da

    Resumo em Inglês:

    SPME-GC-MS, PCA and HCA multivariate techniques were used in order to evaluate their applicability to discriminate the three chemotypes (thymol, carvacrol and mixed) described for L. graveolens of Guatemala. The leaves of L. graveolens are used for treatment of colds, bronchitis, and as seasoning for food preparations, yielding essential oil up to 4.34 %. Leaves of 35 individuals from eight populations, and eight composite samples were analyzed using a DVB/Carboxen/PDMS fiber and GC-MS. PCA and HCA were carried out using eight markers (p-cymene, cis-sabinene hydrate, linalool, terpinen-4-ol, thymol, carvacrol, (E)-caryophyllene and caryophyllene oxide). The three chemotypes of L. graveolens were satisfactorily discriminated.
  • Efeito da associação do herbicida clomazone a nanoesferas de alginato/quitosana na sorção em solos Artigo

    Silva, Mariana dos Santos; Cocenza, Daniela Sgarbi; Rosa, André Henrique; Fraceto, Leonardo Fernandes

    Resumo em Inglês:

    Agrochemicals constitute the class of products most commonly found in water resources. Their high level of concentration is due to the fact that less than 0.1% of pesticides applied to crops reach their target. The present work aims to study the sorption of clomazone herbicide (associated or not with nanoparticles). The sorption tests, performed with the 2(4) factorial design, showed that the form of herbicide is the main factor for sorption of clomazone. The application of nanoparticles as delivery system for agrochemicals is a pressing area of study and can contribute for decrease in effects of clomazone in the environment.
  • Avaliação da natureza da atividade catalítica de compostos de bismuto em reações de metanólise do óleo de soja Artigo

    Silva, Fabiano Rosa da; Brugnago, Ricardo José; Marangoni, Rafael; Cordeiro, Claudiney Soares; Nakagaki, Shirley; Wypych, Fernando; Ramos, Luiz Pereira

    Resumo em Inglês:

    Sodium bismuthate dihydrate and two species derived from its thermal treatment were investigated as catalysts for soybean oil methanolysis and, regardless of the type of solid used, ester yields always above 76 wt% were obtained. After a single reaction course, both liquid and solid phases were characterized using several analytical methods such as X-ray diffraction and thermogravimetric analysis. As a result, the catalytic phenomenon was shown to be solely due to the leaching of alkalinecatalytic species from the solid materials.
  • Determinação espectrofotométrica por injeção em fluxo de glifosato em formulações comerciais de herbicidas Artigo

    Silva, Aline Santana da; Pezza, Leonardo; Pezza, Helena Redigolo

    Resumo em Inglês:

    A flow injection spectrophotometric procedure for the determination of glyphosate in commercial formulations of herbicides is proposed. The determination is based on the reaction of glyphosate and p-dimethylaminocinnamaldehyde, in acid medium, yielding a colored compound (l máx = 495 nm). Under optimal conditions, Beer's law is obeyed in a concentration range 40-640 mg mL-1 with a correlation coefficient of 0.9996. The detection limit was 8.60 mg mL-1 for glyphosate. The method was successfully applied for the determination of glyphosate in commercial formulations of herbicides. Recovery of glyphosate from various commercial samples of herbicides range from 91.0 to 110%.
  • Produção de biodiesel via transesterificação etílica com zeólitas básicas Artigo

    Ghesti, Grace F.; Macedo, Julio L. de; Dias, José A.; Dias, Sílvia C. L.

    Resumo em Inglês:

    Soybean oil transesterification with ethanol was carried out in a batch reactor using USY zeolites modified with barium and strontium (15 wt.%) as catalysts. A series of three catalytic cycles were performed for each zeolite without any loss of activity. The biodiesel product was analyzed by HPLC and FT-Raman, and the catalysts by pyridine and CO2 adsorption. Ba/USY provided higher conversions (> 97%) than Sr/USY (< 75%). The increased catalytic activity of Ba/USY was attributed to two different effects: a larger number of basic sites; and a lower interaction between barium species and HUSY BrØnsted sites.
  • Síntese e caracterização de beads acrílicos preparados por polimerização em suspensão visando aplicação como excipiente farmacêutico para compressão direta Artigo

    Villanova, Janaina Cecília Oliveira; Lima, Tadeu Henrique; Patrício, Patrícia Santiago; Pereira, Fabiano Vargas; Ayres, Eliane

    Resumo em Inglês:

    One of the difficulties reported for the suspension polymerization is control the size and granulometry of beads. The purpose of this work was to evaluate the use of cellulose nanowhiskers and mesoporous silica as stabilizers to reduce the size and the particle distribution. To monitor polymerization process was used FTIR-ATR spectroscopy. The morphology was analyzed by scanning electron microscopy. The particle size distribution was characterised using a CILAS granulometer. Thermal stability was studied by thermogravimetric analysis. The results indicated that cellulose nanowhiskers may provide stabilization and increase the thermal stability of the beads in contrast to mesoporous silica.
  • Desenvolvimento de nanocápsulas de poli-ε-caprolactona contendo o herbicida atrazina Artigo

    Souza, Patrícia Moraes Sinohara; Lobo, Fabiana Aparecida; Rosa, André Henrique; Fraceto, Leonardo Fernandes

    Resumo em Inglês:

    In this study, polymeric nanocapsules of PCL containing the herbicide atrazine were prepared. In order to optimize the preparation conditions, a 2³ factorial design was performed using different formulations of nanocapsules, which investigated the influence of three variables at two levels. The factors varied were the quantities of PCL, Span 60 and Myritol. The results were evaluated considering the size, polydispersity, zeta potential and association rate and the measures of these parameters were taken immediately after preparation and after 30 days of preparation. The formulations with minimum level of polymer in the preparation showed better stability results.
  • Constituintes químicos das folhas de Rollinia leptopetala R. E. Fries Artigo

    Costa, Vicente Carlos de O.; Tavares, Josean F.; Queiroga, Cinthia S.; Castello-Branco, Marianna V. S.; Diniz, Margareth F. F. Melo; Lima, Carolina Uchôa G. B. de; Santos, Bárbara Viviana de O.; Pita, João Carlos L. R.; Silva, Marcelo Sobral da; Sette, Ivana Maria Fechine

    Resumo em Inglês:

    The phytochemical investigation of Rollinia leptopetala led to the isolation of a new compound named α-terpinyl caffeate, and five known compounds, being three sesquiterpenes, spathulenol, β-caryophyllene and 4β,10α-aromadendrane-diol, and two alkaloids, (-)-3-hydroxynornuciferine and (+)-norisocorydine. These alkaloids are being described for the first time in this genus. The structures of the compounds were determined by analysis of IR, MS and NMR data, as well as by comparison with literature data. The crude extract of R. leptopetala leaves demonstrated a weak cytotoxicity on sarcoma 180 cells with an IC50 of 512.3 µg/mL. However, the in vivo results showed that the extract exhibited a significant dose-dependent tumor growth reduction.
  • Produção e caracterização de espumas cerâmicas obtidas a partir de lodo de anodização de alumínio Artigo

    Moraes, Graziela Guzi de; Rodrigues Neto, João Batista; Hotza, Dachamir; Oliveira, Antonio Pedro Novaes de; Oliveira, Bianca Goulart de; Oliveira, Therezinha Maria Novais de

    Resumo em Inglês:

    Ceramic foams were produced from a sludge generated in the aluminum anodizing process by using an industrial polyurethane foam (replication method) with open cell sizes of 10 ± 5 ppi (porosity = 97%) which were impregnated with suspensions containing 50-61 wt.% alumina, 1 wt.% citric acid, 6 wt.% bentonite and fired at 1600 ºC for 2 h. The aluminum anodizing sludge shows a high alumina content (87.5 wt.%) and a low particle size (~1.7 mm) after calcination and milling. The obtained filters show porosity of approximately 70%, filtration capability (mass water flow) of 1.7 kg/s and mechanical strength under compression of 2.40 MPa.
  • Designer drugs: aspectos analíticos e biológicos Revisão

    Bulcão, Rachel; Garcia, Solange Cristina; Limberger, Renata Pereira; Baierle, Marília; Arbo, Marcelo Dutra; Chasin, Alice Aparecida da Matta; Thiesen, Flávia Valladão; Tavares, Rejane

    Resumo em Inglês:

    In the recent years, analytical toxicologists have been facing difficulties in detecting designer drugs due to the chemical modifications on the existing structures and the speed in which they are released into the market, requiring the development and improvement of specific and appropriate analytical methods. This work is a review of the literature which summarizes the characteristics of the drugs and the analytical validated methods using conventional and unconventional matrices currently used for correct identification and quantification of the following classes of emerging drugs of abuse: derivatives of opiates, amphetamines, tryptamines, piperazines and cannabinoids.
  • Ocorrência, comportamento e impactos ambientais provocados pela presença de antimicrobianos veterinários em solos Revisão

    Pereira, Leandro Alves; Jardim, Isabel Cristina Sales Fontes; Fostier, Anne Hélène; Rath, Susanne

    Resumo em Inglês:

    Antimicrobials, among other veterinary drugs, are used worldwide in industry and agriculture to protect animal health and prevent economic loss. In recent years, they have been detected in various environmental compartments, including soil, surface and groundwater and have become a topic of research interest. Emphasizing this class of compounds, this review presents the different pathways which veterinary drugs enter in the environment, in particular contaminate soils. Also are presented regulatory aspects and guidelines, adsorption/desorption and degradation of these compounds in soils and the consequences of its dispersal in the environment.
  • Análise de especiação de cobre e zinco empregando voltametria de redissolução anódica com pulso diferencial Nota Técnica

    Tonietto, Alessandra Emanuele; Grassi, Marco Tadeu

    Resumo em Inglês:

    This work describes methodologies for speciation analysis of the metals copper and zinc as total, total dissolved, labile, as well as complexation capacity (conditional stability constants and available ligand concentration), using the same technique, differential pulse anodic stripping voltammetry (DPASV). Several supporting electrolytes were tested, and the results showed that KNO3 and HNO3 resulted in voltamograms without interferences as well as excellent resolution for the total and labile fractions. The methodology using the DPASV technique allows a simple and low cost analysis of copper and zinc speciation, with high precision and sensitivity, with limits of quantification (LOQ) of 1.8 nmol L-1 for copper and 2.1 nmol L-1 for zinc.
  • Aplicação de métodos quimiométricos na otimização da extração de Ca, Mg, K, Fe, Zn, Cu e Mn em folhas de braquiária Nota Técnica

    Souza, Diego M.; Madari, Beata E.; Sena, Marcelo M.

    Resumo em Inglês:

    This work applied a 2² factorial design to the optimization of the extraction of seven elements (calcium, magnesium, potassium, iron, zinc, copper and manganese) in brachiaria leaves, determined by flame atomic absorption spectrometry. The factors sample mass and digestion type were evaluated at two levels: 200/500 mg, and dry/wet, respectively. Principal component analysis allowed simultaneous discrimination of all the significant effects in one biplot. Wet digestion and mass of 200 mg were considered the best conditions. The decrease of 60% in sample mass allowed to save costs and reagents. The method was validated through the estimation of figures of merit.
  • Influência da saponificação na determinação de carotenoides em maracujás do cerrado Nota Técnica

    Wondracek, Daniele Cristina; Vieira, Roberto Fontes; Silva, Dijalma Barbosa da; Agostini-Costa, Tânia da Silveira; Sano, Sueli Matiko; Faleiro, Fábio Gelape

    Resumo em Inglês:

    This work describes the evaluation of the effect of saponification process in the carotenoid's content of three species of passion fruit. The results indicated the saponification of the extract was necessary to obtain cis-violaxanthin, trans-violaxanthin and β-cryptoxanthin hydrolyzed. These compounds were found in fruits of commercial P. edulis and yellow wild P. edulis. However, the extract saponification did not permitted to obtain free carotenes in fruits of wild purple P. edulis and P. setacea, and to trans-violaxanthin of P. cincinnata, therefore saponification was not indicated in the carotenoid analysis of these three accessions of passion fruit.
  • Validação de método multirresíduo para determinação de pesticidas em alimentos empregando QuEChERS E UPLC-MS/MS Nota Técnica

    Queiroz, Sonia C. N.; Ferracini, Vera L.; Rosa, Maria A.

    Resumo em Inglês:

    This paper presents a practical and rapid method which was validated for simultaneous quantification and confirmation of 29 pesticides in fruits and vegetables using ultra performance liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (UPLC-MS/MS). The samples were extracted following the method known as QuEChERS. Using the developed chromatographic conditions, the pesticides can be separated in less than 9 min. Two multiple reaction monitoring (MRM) assays were used for each pesticide. Four representative matrices (lettuce, tomato, apple and grapes) were selected to investigate the effect in recoveries and precision. Typical recoveries ranged from 70-120%, with relative standard deviation (RSDs) lower than 20%.
  • Gemifloxacin mesylate: UV spectrophotometric method for quantitative determination using experimental design for robustness

    Paim, Clésio Soldateli; Führ, Fernanda; Steppe, Martin; Schapoval, Elfrides Eva Scherman

    Resumo em Inglês:

    This study describes the validation of UV spectrophotometric method for quantitative determination of gemifloxacin mesylate (GFM) in tablets using methanol as solvent. The method was specific, linear, precise, exact and robust at 272 and 343 nm. The results confirmed that the method in both wavelengths is valid and useful to the routine quality control of GFM in coated tablets. The validate method was compared to liquid chromatography (HPLC), microbiological assay and visible (VIS) spectrophotometry, which were previously developed and validated to the same drug. There was not significative difference between the methods for GFM quantitation.
  • Dispersive liquid-liquid microextraction for the simultaneous separation of trace amounts of zinc and cadmium ions in water samples prior to flame atomic absorption spectrometry determination

    Mohammadi, Sayed Zia; Baghelani, Yar Mohammad; Mansori, Fatemeh; Shamspur, Tayebeh; Afzali, Daryoush

    Resumo em Inglês:

    In the proposed method, carbon tetrachloride and ethanol were used as extraction and dispersive solvents. Several factors that may be affected on the extraction process, such as extraction solvent, disperser solvent, the volume of extraction and disperser solvent, pH of the aqueous solution and extraction time were optimized. Under the optimal conditions, linearity was maintained between 1.0 ng mL-1 to 1.5 mg mL-1 for zinc and 1.0 ng mL-1 to 0.4 mg mL-1 for cadmium. The proposed method has been applied for determination of trace amount of zinc and cadmium in standard and water samples with satisfactory results.
  • Derivative spectrophotometric method for determination of acyclovir in polymeric nanoparticles

    Tavares, Guilherme Diniz; Ishikawa, Gisele Miki; Monteiro, Talita Ferreira; Zanolini, Carolina; Kedor-Hackmann, Érika Rosa Maria; Bou-Chacra, Nádia Araci; Consiglieri, Vladi Olga

    Resumo em Inglês:

    A derivative spectrophotometric method was validated for quantification of acyclovir in poly (n-butylcyanoacrylate) (PBCA) nanoparticles. Specificity, linearity, precision, accuracy, recovery, detection (LOD) and quantification (LOQ) limits were established for method validation. First-derivative at 295.2 nm eliminated interferences from nanoparticle ingredients and presented linearity for acyclovir concentrations ranging from 1.25 to 40.0 µg/mL (r = 0.9999). Precision and accuracy data demonstrated good reproducibility. Recovery ranged from 99.3 to 101.2. LOD was 0.08 µg/mL and LOQ, 0.25 µg/mL. Thus, the proposed method proved to be easy, low cost, and accurate, and therefore, an useful alternative to quantify acyclovir in nanoparticles.
  • Development and validation of a stability-indicating HPLC method for the determination of buclizine hydrochloride in tablets and oral suspension and its application to dissolution studies

    Kuminek, Gislaine; Stulzer, Hellen K.; Tagliari, Monika P.; Oliveira, Paulo R.; Bernardi, Larissa S.; Rauber, Gabriela; Cardoso, Simone G.

    Resumo em Inglês:

    A method using liquid chromatography has been developed and validated for determination of buclizine in pharmaceutical formulations and in release studies. Isocratic chromatography was performed on a C18 column with methanol:water (80:20 v/v, pH 2.6) as mobile phase, at a flow rate of 1.0 mL/min, and UV detection at 230 nm. The method was linear, accurate, precise, sensible and robust. The dissolution test was optimized and validated in terms of dissolution medium, apparatus agitation and rotation speed. The presented analytical and dissolution procedures can be conveniently adopted in the quality and stability control of buclizine in tablets and oral suspension.
  • Utilização do sensor linear de luz ILX554 em espectroscopia óptica Nota Técnica

    Assirati, Lucas; Terra, Idelma A. A.; Nunes, Luiz A. O.

    Resumo em Inglês:

    This technical note describes the construction of a low-cost optical detector. This device is composed by a high-sensitive linear light sensor (model ILX554) and a microcontroller. The performance of the detector was demonstrated by the detection of emission and Raman spectra of the several atomic systems and the results reproduce those found in the literature.
  • Desenvolvimento de microcélula eletroquímica para estudos de microrregiões Nota Técnica

    Akita, Adriano Heleno; Barragan, José Tiago Claudino; Fugivara, Cecílio Sadao; Benedetti, Assis Vicente

    Resumo em Inglês:

    The construction and optimization of a device that can be applied to electrochemical studies in flat micro regions are described. This was developed as an attempt to study small regions of metallic samples, whose properties may differ completely from its macroscopic behavior and for studies in highly resistive medium. Some results were obtained for individual grains of polycrystalline samples, welded regions, pure copper, platinum, glassy carbon, single crystals of Cu-Zn-Al alloy, and steel in biodiesel without electrolyte intentionally added. The device showed to be useful for the proposed purpose, allowing to be automated and has potential possibilities of other applications.
  • Experimento didático de quimiometria para análise exploratória de óleos vegetais comestíveis por espectroscopia no infravermelho médio e análise de componentes principais: um tutorial, parte I Educação

    Souza, André Marcelo de; Poppi, Ronei Jesus

    Resumo em Inglês:

    This manuscript aims to show the basic concepts and practical application of Principal Component Analysis (PCA) as a tutorial, using Matlab or Octave computing environment for beginners, undergraduate and graduate students. As a practical example it is shown the exploratory analysis of edible vegetable oils by mid infrared spectroscopy.
Sociedade Brasileira de Química Instituto de Química, Universidade Estadual de Campinas (Unicamp), CP6154, 13083-0970 - Campinas - SP - Brazil