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Química Nova, Volume: 36, Número: 9, Publicado: 2013
  • Uma nova era das publicações da SBQ Editorial

  • PCA: uma ferramenta para identificação de traçadores químicos para água de formação e água de injeção associadas à produção de petróleo Artigo

    Ribeiro, Fabiana Alves de Lima; Mantovani, Guilherme Alvarenga; Poppi, Ronei Jesus; Rosário, Francisca Ferreira do; Bezerra, Maria Carmen Moreira; Bastos, Andre Luis Mathias; Melo, Vera Lúcia Alves de

    Resumo em Inglês:

    This study describes the use of Principal Component Analysis to evaluate the chemical composition of water produced from eight oil wells in three different production areas. A total of 609 samples of produced water, and a reference sample of seawater, were characterized according to their levels of salinity, calcium, magnesium, strontium, barium and sulphate (mg L-1) contents, and analyzed by using PCA with autoscaled data. The method allowed the identification of variables salinity, calcium and strontium as tracers for formation water, and variables magnesium and sulphate as tracers for seawater.
  • Frações da matéria orgânica e propriedades redox de substâncias húmicas em sedimentos de oceanos profundos Artigo

    Baldotto, Marihus Altoé; Gobo, Arizoli Antonio Rosa; Salomão, Marcos Sarmet Moreira de Barros; Rezende, Carlos Eduardo; Camargo, Plínio Barbosa de

    Resumo em Inglês:

    Previous studies have verified that free radicals such as quinone moieties in organic matter participate in the redox reactions in natural systems. These functional groups were positively correlated with the increase in aromaticity and hydrophobicity of the humic substances. As an alternative to relatively complex and expensive spectroscopic methods, the redox properties of the humic substances, determined by potentiometric titrations, have been used to evaluate organic carbon stability in soil and sediments. The present study aimed to perform organic matter fractionation and isolation of humic substances from deep oceans in different isobaths (750; 1,050; 1,350; 1,650; 1,950 m) to determine their redox properties by iodimetric titrations under an inert atmosphere and specified conditions of pH and ionic strength. Sediment samples were collected to the North and South of platforms of petroleum exploration located in the North of Rio de Janeiro State, Brazil. Fractions of organic carbon and redox properties of humic substances varied with origin and depth of the samples and with position North and South of the petroleum exploration area.
  • Determinação de nimesulida por análise por injeção em fluxo com detecção amperométrica de múltiplos pulsos Artigo

    Lima, Amanda Barbosa; Chaves, Sandro Cruz; Silva, Leonardo Morais da; Pereira, Polyana Fernandes; Richter, Eduardo Mathias; Santos, Wallans Torres Pio dos

    Resumo em Inglês:

    A simple and fast method for the determination of nimesulide (NI) using flow injection analysis with multiple-pulse amperometric (FIA-MPA) detection at a boron-doped diamond (BDD) electrode was developed. The method was based mainly on the application of a four-potential waveform, E1(det) = -0.8 V / 30 ms, E2(det) = 0.6 V / 30 ms, E3(det) = -0.4 V / 30 ms and E4(cleaning) = -0.45 V / 300 ms versus Ag/AgCl (3.0 mol L-1 KCl). NI was detected at three different electrode potentials, at which the nitro group undergoes different redox reactions. The proposed method was selective and sensitive (detection limit of 81.0 nmol L-1), and successfully applied for the determination of NI in pharmaceutical formulations, yielding similar results to those obtained by the reference method.
  • Síntese de derivados 4-aril-3,4-di-hidrocumarínicos catalisada por NbCl5 Artigo

    Santos, Willian Henrique dos; Siqueira, Mayara de Souza; Silva-Filho, Luiz Carlos da

    Resumo em Inglês:

    Multicomponent reactions between phenols, β-diesters and benzaldehydes for the synthesis of 4-aryl-3,4-dihydrocoumarin derivatives were carried out under mild conditions (room temperature) and presented moderate yields (38-88%) and reasonable reaction times (2-4 days), using niobium pentachloride as a catalyst.
  • Descriptores globales y locales de la reactividad para el diseño de nuevos fármacos anticancerosos basados en cis-platino(II)

    López, Jesús M.; Ensuncho, Adolfo E.; Robles, Juana R.

    Resumo em Inglês:

    Density functional theory was used to investigate the global and local reactivity of some cis-platinum(II) complexes including anticancer drugs, such as cisplatin and carboplatin. Calculated equilibrium geometries at mPW1PW/LANL2DZ* are in close agreement with their available X-ray data. We develop three new local reactivity descriptors: atomic descriptor of philicity, atomic descriptor group and atomic descriptor of philicity group for determining chemical reactivity and selectivity of the studied complexes. This contribution on chemical reactivity allow us to establish qualitative trends, which enable our descriptors for use in rational platinum based anticancer drug design.
  • Preparation and immobilization of diNOsarcobalt(III) complex in zeolite y for the catalyzed production of hydrogen peroxide

    Carriazo, José G.; Montoya-González, Efraín A.; Vanoy-Villamil, Michael N.

    Resumo em Inglês:

    A complex cation, diNOsarcobalt(III), [Co(diNOsar)]3+, (diNOsar = 1,8-dinitro-3,6,10,13,16,19-hexaazabicyclo-[6.6.6]eicosane), was synthesized and immobilized in the cavities of a Y zeolite by the reaction of precursor species in the pores of the zeolite. The encapsulated material was compared to the compound diNOsarcobalt(III) chloride, [Co(diNOsar)]Cl3. Both diNOsarcobalt(III) chloride and the zeolite-encapsulated complex, [Co(diNOsar)]3+/zeolite, were obtained in high yield and characterized by ultraviolet-visible and infrared spectroscopy. X-ray diffraction demonstrated the incorporation of the complex cation into the pores of the zeolite. The catalytic production of hydrogen peroxide from oxygenated water confirmed the successful synthesis of the complex diNOsarcobalt(III) immobilized in the zeolite.
  • Coeficiente de distribuição do inseticida tiametoxam na fração mineral de solos sob efeito de ácidos orgânicos mono, di e tricarboxílicos Artigo

    Carvalho, Samara Andrade; Lima, José Maria de; Curi, Niton; Silva, Carlos Alberto; Toledo, João Paulo Vaz Floriano; Soares, Flávia Villela

    Resumo em Inglês:

    The aim of this study was to investigate the sorption and desorption of thiamethoxam in contrasting soils under the effect of organic acids. The results showed that MTo sorption had higher Kd. The presence of organic acids increased sorption and reduced desorption of thiamethoxam at MTo. The opposite was observed for the LVdf where the presence of 400 µmol L-1 of acid reduced the sorption of thiamethoxam in a concentration of 20 µmol L-1, not influencing desorption. The dynamics of organic acids with minerals from the soil particles were clarified by infrared analysis.
  • Modificação e caracterização do resíduo pó de aciaria elétrica (PAE) para aplicação em reações de redução de cromo (VI) Artigo

    Paula, Leandro Neves de; Giusto, Luana Ap. dos Reis; Rodrigues Filho, Rodolfo Cesar; Castilho, Leandro Rossi; Magalhães, Fabiano; Rosmaninho, Marcelo Gonçalves; Lima, Diana Quintão

    Resumo em Inglês:

    In this study, electric arc furnace dust (EAFD) was thermally modified at different temperatures under H2 flow or charcoal in order to obtain reduced iron phases (Fe3O4, FeO and Fe0). The formation of these phases was confirmed by powder X-ray diffraction. The tests performed for reducing Cr (VI) using resultant materials obtained after thermal treatment of the EAFD showed excellent results, with PAE600H (EAFD reduced at 600 ºC under H2 flow) decreasing around 100% of the Cr (VI) in only 10 minutes of reaction. These results indicate the possibility of adding value to the residue, obtaining materials that offer great potential for environmental applications.
  • Caracterização potenciométrica de substâncias húmicas extraídas de solos da Antártica Marítima Artigo

    Carvalho, Juliana Vanir de Souza; Mendonça, Eduardo de Sá; La Scala Júnior, Newton; Reis, César; Reis, Efrain Lázaro; Schaefer, Carlos Ernesto G. R.

    Resumo em Inglês:

    Monitoring of soil carbon storage may indicate possible effects of climate change on the terrestrial environment and it is therefore necessary to understand the influence of redox potential and chemical characteristics of humic substances (HS) of Antarctic soil. Five soils from King George Island were used. HS were extracted, quantified and characterized by potentiometry and the content of total carbon and nitrogen determined. HS of these soils had greater aliphatic character, low content of phenolic groups, lower acidity and lower formal standard electrode potential, compared to HS of soils from other regions, suggesting they are more likely to be oxidized.
  • Caracterización de cristales líquidos por microscopía óptica en sistemas surfactante polietoxilado-alcano-agua

    Chávez, Gerson; Parra, Irán; Luzardo, Milangel; Bravo, Bélgica; Márquez, Nelson

    Resumo em Inglês:

    The phase behavior of an alcohol polyethoxylated surfactant with decane and dodecane oil phase varying the water proportion from 5 to 90% to determine compositions in which the formation of liquid crystals and microemulsions ocurred was investigated. Pseudoternary phase diagrams were built to represent the regions of liquid crystals, biphases and microemulsions. Polarized light optical microscopy was used for the analysis and characterization of the separate phases. The micrographs obtained showed characteristics of hexagonal and lamellar phases of liquid crystal, isotropic phases, microemulsions and vesicles. This study is important to propose hypothesis regarding the factors determining the formation and stability of phases composed by surfactant/oil/water systems.
  • Síntese do material mesoporoso MCM-41 usando esponja de água-doce como fonte de sílica Artigo

    Lacerda Júnior, Orivaldo da Silva; Cavalcanti, Rodrigo Marinho; Matos, Thaisa Moreira de; Venâncio, Jocilândia de Brito; Barros, Iuri Bezerra de; Veiga-Júnior, Valdir Florêncio da; Barros, Ivoneide de Carvalho Lopes

    Resumo em Inglês:

    Fresh water sponge was used as a silica source for the synthesis of MCM-41 via the hydrothermal process. The silica was extracted from the sponge by washing with nitric acid and piranha solution. Synthesis of MCM-41 was performed at 100 °C for 5 days and the procedure was optimized, with modifications made to the leaching temperature of the silica and the synthesis of mesoporous material, which was characterized by XRD, FT-IR, SEM and adsorption of N2. The optimal result was achieved at a temperature of 135 °C for 3 days, showing ordered mesoporous material with a surface area of 1080 m² g-1.
  • Sodium dodecyl sulfate coated γ-alumina support modified by a new Schiff base for solid phase extraction and flame-AAS determination of lead and copper ions

    Shokrollahi, Ardeshir; Montazerozohori, Morteza; Mehrpour, Tahere; Tavallali, Hossein; Khafri, Batool Zare; Montaseri, Zohreh

    Resumo em Inglês:

    A simple and fast approach for solid phase extraction is herein described, and used to determine trace amounts of Pb2+ and Cu2+ metal ions. The solid phase support is sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS)-coated γ-alumina modified with bis(2-hydroxy acetophenone)-1,6-hexanediimine (BHAH) ligand. The adsorbed ions were stripped from the solid phase by 6 mL of 4 M nitric acid as eluent. The eluting solution was analyzed by flame atomic absorption spectrometry (FAAS). The sorption recovery of metal ions was investigated with regard to the effects of pH, amount of ligand, γ-alumina and surfactant and the amount and type of eluent. Complexation of BHAH with Pb2+ or Cu2+ ions was examined via spectrophotometry using the HypSpec program. The detection limit for Cu2+ was 7.9 µg L-1 with a relative standard deviation of 1.67%, while that for Pb2+ was 6.4 µg L-1 with a relative standard deviation of 1.64%. A preconcentration factor of 100 was achieved for these ions. The method was successfully applied to determine analyte concentrations in samples of liver, parsley, cabbage, and water.
  • Níveis de contaminantes inorgânicos em cachaças da região do Quadrilátero Ferrífero armazenadas em copos in natura de esteatito (pedra-sabão) Artigo

    Fernandes, Isabela da Costa; Fausto, Maria Arlene; Bezerra, Olivia Maria de Paula Alves; Quintaes, Kesia Diego; Morgano, Marcelo Antonio; Cerqueira, Isabela Bissoli

    Resumo em Inglês:

    The levels of inorganic contaminants (As, Cd, Cu, Ni and Pb) were measured in 18 Brazilian spirit beverages, before and after 4 contact cycles of 24h each with in natura soapstone (steatite) cups. Results were compared to Brazilian regulation levels. Spirits contained As, Cd, Ni and Pb within permitted levels. For Cu, 5.6% of the brands were above the limit. The contact with soapstone cups decreased Cu levels in the spirits, while the other elements remained unchanged. The use of in natura soapstone cups was considered safe because this kind of vessel did not transfer inorganic contaminants to the spirits.
  • Preparative separation of C19-diterpenoid alkaloids from Aconitum carmichaelii Debx by pH‑zone-refining counter-current chromatography

    Liu, Dahui; Shu, Xikai; Wang, Xiao; Fang, Lei; Huang, Luqi; Xi, Xingjun; Zheng, Zhenjia

    Resumo em Inglês:

    The technique of pH-zone-refining counter-current chromatography was successfully applied to preparatively separate three C19-diterpenoid alkaloids from the crude extracts of Aconitum carmichaelii for the first time using a two-phase solvent system of petroleum ether-ethyl acetate-methanol-water (5:5:1:9, v/v/v/v). Mesaconitine (I), hypaconitine (II), and deoxyaconitine (III) were obtained from 2.5 g of the crude alkaloids in a one-step separation; the yields were 4.16%, 16.96%, and 5.05%, respectively. The purities of compounds I, II, and III were 93.0%, 95%, and 96%, respectively, as determined by HPLC. The chemical structures of the three compounds were identified by electrospray ionization mass spectrometry (ESI-MS) and NMR.
  • Constituintes químicos e avaliação da atividade antibacteriana de Macroptilium lathyroides (L.) Urb. (Fabaceae) Artigo

    Sousa, Leôncio M. de; Gois, Roberto W. da S.; Lemos, Telma L. G.; Arriaga, Ângela M. C.; Andrade-Neto, Manoel; Santiago, Gilvandete M. P.; Braz-Filho, Raimundo; Costa, José G. M. da; Rodrigues, Fabiola F. G.

    Resumo em Inglês:

    The chemical investigation of the stems and branches of Macroptilium lathyroides led to the isolation of a mixture of β-sitosterol and stigmasterol. The extracts from the roots allowed the isolation of lasiodiplodin, a mixture of stigmast-4-en-6β-ol-3-one and stigmast-4,22-dien-6β-ol-3-one, de-O-methyllasiodiplodin, genistein and lupinalbin A. The structures of the isolated compounds were assigned on the basis of their NMR data, including comparison of their spectral data with values described in the literature. The antibacterial activity of crude extracts from stems, branches and roots was evaluated. This is the first report involving the chemical investigation of this species.
  • Composição química e atividade anticolinesterásica de uma fração ativa do extrato de folhas de Citrus limon (L.) Burm Artigo

    Carvalho, Rusbene Bruno Fonseca de; Almeida, Antonia Amanda Cardoso de; Freitas, Rivelilson Mendes de; Lima, Luciano Silva; David, Juceni Pereira; David, Jorge Mauricio; Feitosa, Chistiane Mendes

    Resumo em Inglês:

    This paper describes the chemical composition and acetylcholinesterase inhibition of an active chromatographic fraction of the EtOAc extract of Citrus limon leaves. The composition of the active fraction presented a mixture of two coumarins, 5,8-dimethoxy-psoralen and 5,7- dimethoxycoumarin, identified by ¹H and ¹³C NMR data analysis, including DEPT, COSY, HMBC and HSQC experiments. It was also demonstrated that this mixture presents qualitative and quantitative AChE inhibition. In vitro studies indicated a CE50 value of 340 µg/mL with 95% of confidence. In vivo studies (10 and 25 mg/kg) revealed inhibition of 30.09 and 30.06% of AChE activity in relation to neostigmine, respectively.
  • Inhalable particulate matter characterization in a medium-sized urban region in Brazil (São José dos Campos Town) - Part I: Morphology

    Ferreira, Tatiane Morais; Forti, Maria Cristina; Alcaide, Roberta Lee Maciviero

    Resumo em Inglês:

    In this study, the concentration and morphological characteristics of inhalable particulate material (PM10) were evaluated and associated with climatic conditions. The mean annual concentration was 11.0 µg m−3, varying between 0,647 µg m−3 and 36.8 µg m−3. Wind speed has a higher influence on PM10 dispersion, but direction was associated with particle source. During the wet period, wind speed is the main dispersion factor, while speed and direction both are important during the dry period. Based on the morphological characteristics, it is concluded that biogenic particles prevail during the rainy season and terrigenous particles during the dry period, depending on the wind direction and intensity.
  • Estudio hidrofóbico de soluciones acuosas diluidas de isómeros de pentanodiol a varias temperaturas a partir de datos volumétricos

    Portacio, Alfonso A.; Páez, Manuel S.; Urango, María del Pilar

    Resumo em Inglês:

    Density of dilute aqueous solutions of 1,2 pentanediol, 2,4 pentanediol, 1,4 pentanediol and 1,5 pentanediol at 283.15, 288.15, 293.15, 298.15, 303.15 and 308.15 K in the concentration range 0.0000 to 0.0060 in mole fraction were determined by using Wood-Brusie type capillary neck pycnometers. The solute partial molar volume as a function of solute concentration for each system was correlated with a linear equation for each temperature to estimate the slope limit and the partial molar volume at infinite dilution, and the predominant hydrophilic-hydrophobic effect was found in this region.
  • Atividade inseticida de óleos essenciais de Pelargonium graveolens l'Herit e Lippia alba (Mill) N. E. Brown sobre Spodoptera frugiperda (J. E. Smith) Artigo

    Niculau, Edenilson dos S.; Alves, Péricles B.; Nogueira, Paulo Cesar de L.; Moraes, Valéria Regina de S.; Matos, Andréia P.; Bernardo, Antonio R.; Volante, Ana C.; Fernandes, João B.; Silva, Maria F. G. F. da; Corrêa, Arlene G.; Blank, Arie F.; Silva, Anderson de C.; Ribeiro, Leandro do P.

    Resumo em Inglês:

    Insecticidal activity of essential oils of Pelargonium graveolens, Lippia alba and compounds geraniol, linalool, 1,8-cineole, limonene, carvone, citral and Azamax® were evaluated against Spodoptera frugiperda. Topical application assay showed essential oil of P. graveolens has acute toxicity against Spodoptera frugiperda larvae (third instar) with LD50 1.13 µg/mg per insect and LD90 2.56 µg/mg per insect. Three essential oils of L. alba also exhibited insecticidal activity with LD50 ranging from 1.20 to 1.56 µg/mg per insect and LD90 from 2.60 to 3.75 µg/mg per insect. Geraniol, linalool, carvone and citral caused significant mortality of 30, 90, 84 and 64% respectively, compared to negative control. The bioinsecticide, Azamax®, caused lower mortality than the compounds of the essential oils.
  • Compostos orgânicos voláteis na defesa induzida das plantas contra insetos herbívoros Revisão

    Pinto-Zevallos, Delia M.; Martins, Camila B. C.; Pellegrino, Ana C.; Zarbin, Paulo H. G.

    Resumo em Inglês:

    The identification and manipulation of chemical compounds involved in vital activities of arthropods have the potential for developing less aggressive pest control strategies. Herbivory induces the emission of volatile organic compounds involved in the recruitment of natural enemies, plant-plant interactions and repellency of other herbivores. In this report, we review the main chemical groups of volatile organic compounds and their ecological functions, provide an overview of the signal transduction pathways activated upon herbivory, and review the current state of knowledge for practical applications in pest management. We conclude by proposing perspectives for future research.
  • Ésteres de cloropropanóis e de glicidol em alimentos Revisão

    Arisseto, Adriana Pavesi; Marcolino, Priscila Francisca Corrêa; Vicente, Eduardo; Sampaio, Klicia Araújo

    Resumo em Inglês:

    Chloropropanols are a well-known group of food processing contaminants. They are formed through the reaction between lipids and chlorides when submitted to thermal treatment, and can be found in free and bound form. Although free chloropropanols were identified around 30 years ago, the occurrence of bound forms, especially 3-MCPD, and glycidyl fatty acid esters, has only recently been reported in several food products. Dietary exposure to these ester-bound compounds has been considered a priority food safety issue since free forms can be potentially released through the action of gut lipases, representing a major toxicological concern.
  • Implementação de um método robusto para o controle fiscal de umidade em queijo minas artesanal. Abordagem metrológica multivariada Nota Técnica

    Botelho, Bruno G.; Mendes, Bruna A. P.; Sena, Marcelo M.

    Resumo em Inglês:

    This study developed and validated a method for moisture determination in artisanal Minas cheese, using near-infrared spectroscopy and partial-least-squares. The model robustness was assured by broad sample diversity, real conditions of routine analysis, variable selection, outlier detection and analytical validation. The model was built from 28.5-55.5% w/w, with a root-mean-square-error-of-prediction of 1.6%. After its adoption, the method stability was confirmed over a period of two years through the development of a control chart. Besides this specific method, the present study sought to provide an example multivariate metrological methodology with potential for application in several areas, including new aspects, such as more stringent evaluation of the linearity of multivariate methods.
  • Eletroquímica computacional - princípios e diretrizes para utilização Nota Técnica

    Lopes, Mauro Chierici

    Resumo em Inglês:

    In this paper, a detailed guide for the application of computational electrochemistry is presented. The basic framework of the electrochemical models and their computational solutions are described. We highlighted that the availability of commercial software allows application of the technique by experimentalists with minimal mathematical and computational expertise. The most used packages are indicated. Simulations of typical examples are presented and some references cited to illustrate the wide applicability of computational electrochemistry.
  • Simultaneous analysis of saturated and unsaturated fatty acids present in pequi fruits by capillary electrophoresis

    Barra, Patrícia M. de Castro; Oliveira, Marcone A. L. de; Nery-Enes, Bárbara; Cardoso, Leandro de M.; Cesário, Cristiane do C.; Moreira, Ana V. B.; Pinheiro-Sant'Ana, Helena M.; Peluzio, Maria do C. G.

    Resumo em Inglês:

    In the current study, an alternative method has been proposed for simultaneous analysis of palmitic, stearic, oleic, linoleic, and linolenic acids by capillary zone electrophoresis (CZE) using indirect detection. The background electrolyte (BGE) used for the analysis of these fatty acids (FAs) consisted of 15.0 mmol L−1 NaH2PO4/Na2HPO4 at pH 6.86, 4.0 mmol L−1 SDBS, 8.3 mmol L−1 Brij 35, 45% v/v acetonitrile (can), and 2.1% n-octanol. The FAs quantification of FAs was performed using a response factor approach, which provided a high analytical throughput for the real sample. The CZE method, which was applied successfully for the analysis of pequi pulp, has advantages such as short analysis time, absence of lipid fraction extraction and derivatization steps, and no significant difference in the 95% confidence intervals for FA quantification results, compared to the gas chromatography official method (AOCS Ce 1h-05).
  • Stability of a nanofiltration membrane after contact with a low-level liquid radioactive waste

    Oliveira, Elizabeth Eugenio de Mello; Barbosa, Celina Cândida Ribeiro; Afonso, Júlio Carlos

    Resumo em Inglês:

    This study investigated the treatment of a liquid radioactive waste containing uranium (235U + 238U) using nanofiltration membranes. The membranes were immersed in the waste for 24-5000 h, and their transport properties were evaluated before and after the immersion. Surface of the membranes changed after immersion in the waste. The SW5000 h specimen lost its coating layer of polyvinyl alcohol, and its rejection of sulfate ions and uranium decreased by about 35% and 30%, respectively. After immersion in the waste, the polyamide selective layer of the membranes became less thermally stable than that before immersion.
  • Registrador portátil de odorantes basado en la modulación de temperatura de un sensor mos comercial

    Rodríguez, Andy Blanco; Jiménez Chacón, Juan; Noda García, Frank Emilio; Carrillo de Albornoz, Alejandro Durán; García Ramírez, Alejandro Rafael

    Resumo em Inglês:

    A simple, portable and low-cost system for odor detection was developed using a single MOS commercial sensor and a microcontroller. The temperature modulation technique was implemented applying a DC signal pulse to the sensor heater by a bipolar transistor. Two odorant profiles, ethanol and acetic acid vapors, were obtained and distinguished based on their amplitude versus time responses. Response for acetic acid was not reported by the sensor manufacturer. An ethanol vapor calibration curve was also obtained. Experimental data showed a potential behavior according to the theoretical equation of the MOS sensors. Values of logK=0.457 and α=-0.213 for a 95% confidence level were obtained.
  • Físico-química experimental: uma proposta para abordar equilíbrio de fases em sistemas ternários Educação

    Reiznautt, Quelen Bulow; Girelli, Bruna; Santa Catharina, Vinícius Millan; Samios, Dimitrios; Garcia, Irene Teresinha Santos

    Resumo em Inglês:

    On undergraduate courses, practical classes represent periods in which students can verify the concepts presented in theoretical classes. Conversely, the teaching internship in graduate programs allows these students to incorporate pedagogical practices into their experience, predominantly involving observation and reproduction of methods adopted by supervisors. We propose internship teaching as a period for reflection on our pedagogical practice and present a methodology for an experimental physical chemistry classroom. The students can interact with the experiment and instructor, furthering the study of ternary systems while developing their skills for investigative work.
  • Acoplamento de cloreto de 4-nitrofenildiazônio com nucleófilos alifáticos: experimento integrado de síntese orgânica e cristalografia de raios X Educação

    Cunha, Silvio; Marques, Monique F.; Rocha, Valéria; Lariucci, Carlito; Vencato, Ivo

    Resumo em Inglês:

    This article describes an undergraduate experiment for the synthesis of p-nitrophenyldiazonium chloride and its coupling with acetylacetone and two enaminones, 4-phenylamino-pent-3-en-2-one and 4-amino-pent-3-en-2-one, in an adaptation of a previously reported synthetic protocol. The azo dyes 4-(E)-phenylamino-3-[(E)-2-(4-nitrophenylazo)]-3-penten-2-one and 4-(E)-amino-3-[(E)-2-(4-nitrophenylazo)]-3-penten-2-one were obtained, and the solid state structure of this latter azo compound was characterized by single crystal X-ray diffraction studies. This two-week integrated laboratory approach involves simple synthetic experiments and microwave chemistry in the organic laboratory plus crystallography analysis, suitable for novice students on undergraduate experimental chemistry courses.
  • A etimologia de biomoléculas com metais de transição como auxiliar na aprendizagem de Química Biológica Educação

    Silva, José A. L. da

    Resumo em Inglês:

    Numerous functional biomolecules are associated with metals, i.e. the metallobiomolecules; more specifically, some are dependent on transition metals required for several crucial biological roles. Nevertheless, their names can lead to ambiguous interpretations concerning the properties and performances of this group of biological molecules. Their etymology may be useful by providing a more perceptive insight into their features. However, etymology can lead to incongruous conclusions, requiring an especially careful approach to prevent errors. Examples illustrating these subjects shall be examined.
  • Miniprojeto para ensino de Química Orgânica Experimental baseado no acoplamento catalítico N-C promovido por micro-ondas Educação

    Dalmás, Michelle; Moura, Neusa Fernandes de; Rosa, Gilber Ricardo; Ferreira, Cristina Lorenski; Santos, João Augusto Oliveira dos; Bolzan, Thais Kazakevicius; Kokubun, Fernando

    Resumo em Inglês:

    This paper describes a three-week mini-project for an Experimental Organic Chemistry course. The activities include N-C cross-coupling synthesis of N-(4-methoxyphenyl) benzamide in an adapted microwave oven by a copper catalyst (CuI). Abilities and concepts normally present in practical organic chemistry courses are covered: use of balances, volumetric glassware, separation of mixtures (liquid-liquid extraction and filtration), chromatographic techniques, melting point determination and stoichiometric calculations.
  • Da escassez ao estresse do planeta: um século de mudanças no ciclo do nitrogênio Assuntos Gerais

    Garcia, Gabriel; Cardoso, Arnaldo Alves; Santos, Oalas Aparecido Morais dos

    Resumo em Inglês:

    Heavy metals and pesticides are usually associated with the main problems humankind has created in the natural environment. However, compounds with characteristics of essential macronutrients are causing serious environmental changes that could intensify, compromising the diversity of life on the planet. This is the case of nitrogen compounds, produced by industrial processes for use in intensive agriculture in addition to those unwittingly produced from human activities, available in excess in the environment. These compounds warrant greater attention from researchers in various fields of knowledge and public agencies for environmental control, toward minimizing their availability in the environment, thereby returning conditions closer to the natural environmental balance of the planet.
Sociedade Brasileira de Química Instituto de Química, Universidade Estadual de Campinas (Unicamp), CP6154, 13083-0970 - Campinas - SP - Brazil