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Brazilian Journal of Chemical Engineering, Volume: 34, Issue: 4, Published: 2017
  • Fermentation of hexoses and pentoses from hydrolyzed soybean hull into ethanol and xylitol by Candida guilliermondii BL 13 Bioprocess Engineering

    Cunha-Pereira, F. da; Hickert, L. R.; Rech, R.; Dillon, A. P.; Ayub, M. A. Záchia

    Abstract in English:

    Abstract This work investigated the ability of a recently isolated strain of Candida guilliermondii to convert hexoses and pentoses obtained from acid-enzymatic soybean hull hydrolysates into ethanol and, in smaller amounts, into xylitol. Operational conditions and media formulation were optimized concerning ethanol production using experimental designs (Plackett-Burman and Central Composite Design). Results showed that C. guilliermondii BL 13 was capable of growing in non-supplemented, non-detoxified biomass hydrolysates, and the best culture conditions were determined to be 28 °C, pH 5.0, and 109 CFU mL-1 of inoculum size. Ethanol productivity reached 1.4 g L-1 h-1, and maximal yields of 0.41 g g-1 were obtained, representing 80.4 % of the expected theoretical yields, whereas small amounts of xylitol were also produced. These results suggest that C. guilliermondii BL13 is a potentially useful yeast strain to be applied in second-generation ethanol production from lignocellulosic biomass based on its natural capacity to metabolize C-5 and C-6 sugars.
  • Pretreatments and enzymatic hydrolysis of sugarcane bagasse aiming at the enhancement of the yield of glucose and xylose Bioprocess Engineering

    Guilherme, A. de A.; Dantas, P. V. F.; Soares, J. C. J.; Santos, E. S. dos; Fernandes, F. A. N.; Macedo, G. R. de

    Abstract in English:

    ABSTRACT This work studied the enzymatic hydrolysis of sugarcane bagasse aiming at the production of glucose and xylose. The bagasse was subjected to two different pretreatments: combined acid and alkalinepretreatment and hydrogen peroxidepretreatment. The enzymatic hydrolysis was optimized and a kinetic study was carried out in a stirred tank reactor (STR) in batch mode. Optimal conditions were obtained by subjecting the bagasse to the hydrogen peroxide pretreatment followed by enzymatic hydrolysis. The addition of xylanases to the enzymatic mixture improved the production of fermentable sugars by 48%.
  • Yeast fermentation of sugarcane for ethanol production: Can it be monitored by using in situ microscopy? Bioprocess Engineering

    Belini, V. L.; Caurin, G. A. P.; Wiedemann, P.; Suhr, H.

    Abstract in English:

    ABSTRACT This paper addresses some key issues related to the automation of fermentation process analysis in the context of industrial-scale ethanol production from sugarcane substrates. As the current methods for the determination of cell density and viability are time consuming and laborious, high resolution in situ microscopy (0.5µm) is proposed as a promising alternative. Laboratory-scale experiments presented here show that this imaging technique allows automatic, on-line, and real-time monitoring of yeast cells suspended in sugarcane molasses used in the ethanol industry. In particular, the feasibility of cell concentration measurements of Saccharomyces cerevisiae SA-1 in industrial sugarcane molasses is demonstrated. Automated concentration measurements exhibit a linear correlation with manual reference values using a Neubauer chamber from 3×106 cells/mL up to a saturation level at approximately 2×108 cells/mL. Furthermore, it was demonstrated that the microscopic resolution of this technique, combined with its large statistics, allows a morphological assessment of the size, shape and some internal structures of the yeast cells. On average, the accuracy of the algorithm´s yeast cells classification was 0.80. The results obtained suggest that the ISM is a suitable tool to perform in-line sugarcane fermentation monitoring.
  • Nutrient Biological Removal in an Up-flow Sludge Bed Reactor under Intermittent Aeration using Glycerol as the Sole Carbon Source Environmental Engineering

    Carneiro, R. B.; Foresti, E.

    Abstract in English:

    Abstract This work evaluated the feasibility of glycerol as the sole carbon source for nutrient biological removal in an intermittently aerated bioreactor. The reactor operation was divided into two phases: the first one aimed only at removing nitrogen; and the second one aimed at removing nitrogen and phosphorus. In the first operational phase, three C/N (Carbon / Nitrogen) ratios were tested: 1.2, 1.5 and 1.8. For a C/N ratio of 1.8, higher denitrification efficiency was achieved (91 ± 8%). During the second phase, the reactor was subjected to periods of aeration and non-aeration of 2 h and 4 h, respectively, for a C/P (Carbon / Phosphorus) ratio of 10. The biological phosphorus removal in this phase was not significant (12 ± 9%), indicating that there was no development of PAO (Phosphorus Accumulating Organisms), since phosphate release did not occur during the anaerobic phase. This can be explained by the lack of VFA (Volatile Fatty Acids), which should come from the anaerobic degradation of the remaining amount of glycerol after denitrification was completed. The optical microscopy analysis indicated the presence of filamentous bacteria similar to the genusBeggiatoa, which could also have consumed part of the substrates from the glycerol fermentation.
  • Dairy manure wastewater in serial UASB reactors for energy recovery and potential effluent reuse Environmental Engineering

    Montoya, A. C. V.; Mazareli, R. C. da S.; Silva, D. C. da; Oliveira, R. A. de; Leite, V. D.

    Abstract in English:

    Abstract This manuscript addresses the use of dairy manure wastewater (DMW) as a substrate for methane production in a high rate system - two serial UASB reactors - and the characterization of the effluent in the different phases of the treatment. Two experimental conditions were applied. In the first, the organic load rate (OLR) was 6.2 gCODtotal L-1 d-1 and the hydraulic retention time (HRT) was 12 days, whereas in experiment 2 they were 14.2 gCODtotal L-1 d-1 and 7.5 days, respectively. The reactors showed a high capacity of removal of COD and solids, i.e., above 71%, which led to bioenergy productivities of 0.55 and 0.73 L CH4 L-1 d-1 in experiments 1 and 2,respectively. The methane yield in UASB1 was 0.19 and 0.08 L CH4g CODrem.-1, respectively, inexperiments 1 and 2. The methane yield in UASB1 was greater than UASB2, with approximately 70% of methane content in the biogas in this reactor.The effluent characterization showed micro and macronutrients - some in high concentrations, as nitrogen, phosphorous, K, and Fe between 12.1 and 521.4 mg L-1, and others in low concentrations, as Ca, Mg, Zn and Mn between 0.6 and 13 mg L-1. Na was not removed from the UASB systems and its concentration in the effluent was raised to 23.5% in comparison with the substrate.
  • The effect of temperature on the efficiency of aerobic biodegradation of sugar beet distillery stillage: Removal of pollution load and biogens Environmental Engineering

    Lutosławski, K.; Cibis, E.; Krzywonos, M.

    Abstract in English:

    Abstract Beet stillage is a high-strength effluent from the production of ethanol from sugar beet. A large annual volume of sugar beet stillage requires finding new effective ways for its utilization. The aim of the study was to investigate the effect of temperature on the efficiency of aerobic biodegradation of beet stillage. Biodegradation was carried out for 168 hours in a stirred-tank reactor with a working volume of 5 L at 27°C, 36°C, 45°C, 54°C and 63°C. All experiments were performed at uncontrolled pH, aeration of 1.0 vvm and of 900 rpm. The effectiveness of biodegradation was determined by the extent of removal of SCODsum (COD determined after suspended solids separation and theoretical COD of betaine), BOD5 and TOC. Studies have shown that, under mesophilic conditions, the extents of reduction of SCODsum, BOD5 and TOC were statistically significantly (p≤0.05) higher than under thermophilic conditions. Within the range of 27-36°C, the highest reduction in SCODsum (79.2-79.9%), BOD5 (98.4-99%) and TOC (76.1-77.3%) was obtained. Additionally, at the temperature of 36°C, the highest reduction in total nitrogen (56.4%) and total phosphorus (58%) was achieved. Aerobic biodegradation allows for efficient treatment of sugar beet distillery stillage (preferably at 36°C).
  • Investigation of hydrodynamics and heat transfer in pseudo 2D spouted beds with and without draft plates Fluid Dynamics, Heat And Mass Transfer

    Hosseini, S. H.; Fattahi, M.; Ahmadi, G.

    Abstract in English:

    Abstract In the present study, hydrodynamics and gas to particle heat transfer in pseudo two dimensional spouted beds (2DSB) with and without draft plates were investigated using the Eulerian-Eulerian approach. The main objective of the study was to provide an understanding of effects of the presence of draft plates on the hydrodynamics and heat transfer behavior of solid particles in the spouted beds. To validate the model, the predicted mean particle vertical velocity at the bed axis, the lateral profiles of vertical particle velocity at different bed heights for both systems, and the particle velocity vector fields in the beds were compared with the experimental measurements. A close agreement between the CFD results and the experimental data was found for both systems. The simulation results showed that the particle volume fraction in the spout and fountain regions of the spouted bed with draft plates is considerably lower than that in a conventional spouted bed (without draft plates). Simulation results also showed significant differences between the temperature distributions of gas and solid phases in spouted beds with and without draft plates.
  • Convective recirculation effect on the selective non-catalytic reduction behavior in an industrial furnace Fluid Dynamics, Heat And Mass Transfer

    Oliveira, F. C. L.; Martignoni, W. P.; Souza, E.; Pereira, L.G.; Santos, L.S.; Prata, D.M.; Monteiro, L.P.C.

    Abstract in English:

    Abstract Selective non-catalytic reduction (SNCR) has become an important technique for reducing NOx emissions in industrial furnaces. The occurrence of convective recirculation can cause significant changes in SNCR performance. This paper presents the results of a study performed by Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) considering: (i) changes of initial NOX; (ii) injection plan and (iii) NH3/NO molar ratio. The simulations have demonstrated that the convective recirculation (resultant from different injection plans and high temperature gradients) of flue gas assumes a role of vital importance for performance analysis of existing plants and the potential NOX reduction in furnaces during the design phase.
  • An entirely renewable biofuel production from used palm oil with supercritical ethanol at low molar ratio Kinetics And Catalysis, Reaction Engineering And Materials Science

    Sakdasri, W.; Sawangkeaw, R.; Ngamprasertsith, S.

    Abstract in English:

    Abstract The biofuel production from used palm oil (UPO) using supercritical ethanol (SCE) at low molar ratio was investigated in order to produce an entirely renewable fuel. The effects of the reaction time and ethanol to oil molar ratio were considered from 0.5 to 10 min and 6:1 to 18:1, respectively. The optimal parameters were 10 min and a 12:1 molar ratio, representing a remarkable reduction from 42:1 for the conventional SCE process. Because of the high operating temperature, the triglycerides conversion rate reached 99%, and the glycerides content met the international specification for biodiesel. However, an ester content of 70% was obtained at optimal conditions. The side reaction between glycerol and ethanol demonstrated a positive effect in increasing fuel yield by 8.15%. The product can be considered an alternative biofuel instead of biodiesel.
  • Effect of dissolution kinetics on flotation response of calcite with oleate Kinetics And Catalysis, Reaction Engineering And Materials Science

    Horta, D. G.; Monte, M. B. M.; Leal-Filho, L. S.

    Abstract in English:

    Abstract Phosphate flotation performance can be influenced by the dissolution kinetics of the minerals that compose the ore. The purpose of this work was to investigate the effect of dissolution kinetics on flotation response with oleate (collector) of calcites from different origins and genesis. The calcite samples were first purified and characterized by x-ray Fluorescence (XRF) and the Rietveld method applied to x-ray Diffractometry data (RXD). Experiments of calcite dissolution and microflotationwere performed at pH 8 and pH 10.The pH effect on the calcite dissolution and flotation indicates the possible influence of the carbonate/bicarbonate ions provided by the CO2 present in the air. In addition, the flotation response is greater as the dissolution increases, making more Ca2+ ions available to interact with collector molecules. This result corroborates the surface precipitation mechanism proposed foroleate adsorption on the calcite surface.
  • Influence of the anodizing process variables on the acidic properties of anodic alumina films Kinetics And Catalysis, Reaction Engineering And Materials Science

    Boldrini, D.E.; Yañez, M.J.; Tonetto, G.M.

    Abstract in English:

    Abstract In the present work, the effect of the different variables involved in the process of aluminum anodizing on the total surface acidity of the samples obtained was studied. Aluminum foils were treated by the electro-chemical process of anodic anodizing within the following variable ranges: concentration = 1.5-2.5 M; temperature = 303-323 K; voltage = 10-20 V; time = 30-90 min. The total acidity of the samples was characterized by two different methods: acid-base titration using Hammett indicators and potentiometric titration. The results showed that anodizing time, temperature and concentration were the main variables that determined the surface acid properties of the samples, and to a lesser extent voltage. Acidity increased with increasing concentration of the electrolytic bath, whereas the rest of the variables had the opposite effect. The results obtained provide a novel tool for variable selection in order to use synthetized materials as catalytic supports, adding to previous research based on the morphology of alumina layers.
  • Preparation of Zinc Oxide-Nanoclay Hybrids by Alkaline Ion Exchange Method Kinetics And Catalysis, Reaction Engineering And Materials Science

    Garshasbi, N.; Ghorbanpour, M.; Nouri, A.; Lotfiman, S.

    Abstract in English:

    Abstract ZnO/nanoclay hybrids are synthesized by a single-step solid-state reaction using ZnCl2 as a reagent. These hybrids were prepared by a simple alkaline ion exchange method, without using any surfactant or chelating agents. By adjusting the reagent’s immersion time in molten salt, production of pure ZnO/nanoclay hybrids was achieved. Synthesized hybrids were characterized by UV-vis diffuse reflectance spectroscopy, XRD, XRF and SEM. SEM confirmed increased nanoclay porosity. The XRD pattern of the ZnO/nanoclay indicated small changes in the intensity and position of the interlayer spacing of montmorillonite. Antibacterial activity of the hybrids against Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus aureus were assessed using disc diffusion. The results show that the antibacterial efficiency of the hybrid is not influenced by the time or the temperature of ion exchange, but is affected by bacterial type.
  • AnaBioPlus: a new package for parameter estimation and simulation of bioprocesses Process Systems Engineering

    Oliveira, C. M.; Jesus, C. D. F.; Ceneviva, L. V. S.; Silva, F. H.; Cruz, A. J. G.; Costa, C. B. B.; Badino, A. C.

    Abstract in English:

    Abstract A very important step in the study of bioprocesses is the modeling and simulation of bioreactors. This paper presents the AnaBioPlus software package, which was developed for teaching and research purposes concerning the analysis of bioreactors. The package consists of two programs: OptimusFerm and SimulaFerm. OptimusFerm allows the analysis of experimental batch cultivation data sets in order to estimate parameters of kinetic models by means of a differential evolution method. SimulaFerm performs simulations obtaining values of cell growth, product formation, and limiting substrate consumption for batch, fed-batch and continuous cultivations. Thirty-two kinetic models of cell growth are available in OptimusFerm and SimulaFerm. Two case studies are described in order to illustrate the use of AnaBioPlus. The results show that AnaBioPlus is a very useful tool for the analysis of bioprocesses. Furthermore, it presents a user-friendly graphical interface and is freely available to users, in both English and Portuguese versions.
  • A novel transition identification mechanism for the diesel blending and distribution scheduling problem using the discrete time representation with two time-scales granularity Process Systems Engineering

    Dimas, D.; Murata, V. V.; Neiro, S. M. S.

    Abstract in English:

    ABSTRACT Transitions between tasks arise in many different scheduling problems. Sometimes transitions are undesired because they incur costs; sometimes they are undesired because they require setup time, and sometimes both. In one way or the other, frequently, transitions need to be identified and penalized in order for their frequency to be minimized. The present work is concerned with the study of alternative optimization formulations to address transitions with the blending and distribution scheduling of oil derivatives. Our study starts by revisiting a model proposed in the literature that was built considering a very short time horizon (24 h). Next, improvements concerning the transition constraints are evaluated and a new approach is proposed with the purpose of extending model applicability to cases where longer time horizons are of interest. The new proposed mechanism of evaluating transitions relies on aggregating the detailed discrete time scale (hours) to a higher and less detailed level (days). Transitions are then evaluated on the lower level of aggregation with the benefit of reducing the number of required constraints. It must also be emphasized that the proposed model is built on the basis of a set of heuristics that have direct impact on solution and solution time. Results attained for a four-day time horizon demonstrate cost savings on the order of 32% when compared with four sequenced schedules of a one-day time horizon each. Savings are mainly obtained as a consequence of the reduction of the predicted number of transitions.
  • Comparing a Dynamic Fed-Batch and a Continuous Steady-State Simulation of Ethanol Fermentation in a Distillery to a Stoichiometric Conversion Simulation Process Systems Engineering

    Fonseca, G.C.; Costa, C.B.B.; Cruz, A.J.G.

    Abstract in English:

    Abstract An autonomous sugarcane bioethanol plant was simulated in EMSO software, an equation oriented process simulator. Three types of fermentation units were simulated: a six parallel fed-batch reactor system, a set of four CSTR in steady state and one consisting of a single stoichiometric reactor. Stoichiometric models are less accurate than kinetic-based fermentation models used for fed-batch and continuous fermenter simulations, since they do not account for inhibition effects and depend on a known conversion rate of reactant to be specified instead. On the other hand, stoichiometric models are faster and simpler to converge. In this study it was found that the conversion rates of sugar for the fermentation systems analyzedwere predictable from information on the composition of the juice stream. Those rates were used in the stoichiometric model, which accurately reproduced the results from both the fed-batch and the continuous fermenter system.
  • Simulation of species concentration distribution in reactive flows with unsteady boundary conditions Process Systems Engineering

    Oliveira, A. G. de; Mangiavacchi, N.; Pontes, J.

    Abstract in English:

    Abstract The determination of species concentration profiles in reactive flows with variable inlets is a problem of practical interest to many fields such as in flow reactor transient operation and in cyclic degradable pollutants disposals in watercourses. In these cases, the inflow condition often consists of a time-dependent function, which may imply unsteady outflows, not always well represented by the usual boundary conditions (BC) used so far. A new approach, using an outlet condition in the form of a material derivative, termed Material Derivative Boundary Condition (MDBC), is introduced and a numerical model to solve convection-diffusion-reaction equations in two-dimensional (2-D) incompressible flows is developed. Upon reviewing the literature, it is noted that the Finite Element Method (FEM) is rarely used in the simulation of reactive flows, in spite of its ability of consistently coping with variable BCs. The above facts are reasons to explore its use along with a semi-discrete formulation with the Galerkin Method in our simulations. Results are obtained for various conditions, in order to show features of the code, and are compared to existing solutions. Use of the MDBC is shown to provide a better approximation of the exit concentrations and use of FEM in reactive flows is further enhanced.
  • Discharge of Non-Reactive Fluids from Vessels1 Process Systems Engineering

    Castier, M.; Basha, A.; Kanes, R.; Véchot, L. N.

    Abstract in English:

    Abstract This paper presents simulations of discharges from pressure vessels that consistently account for non-ideal fluid behavior in all the required thermodynamic properties and individually considers all the chemical components present. The underlying assumption is that phase equilibrium occurs instantaneously inside the vessel and, thus, the dynamics of the fluid in the vessel comprises a sequence of equilibrium states. The formulation leads to a system of differential-algebraic equations in which the component mass balances and the energy balance are ordinary differential equations. The algebraic equations account for the phase equilibrium conditions inside the vessel and at the discharge point, and for sound speed calculations. The simulator allows detailed predictions of the condition inside the vessel and at the discharge point as a function of time, including the flow rate and composition of the discharge. The paper presents conceptual applications of the simulator to predict the effect of leaks from vessels containing mixtures of light gases and/or hydrocarbons and comparisons to experimental data.
  • A TVD scheme for 3d unstructured grids applied to compositional reservoir simulation Process Systems Engineering

    Fernandes, B. R. B.; Lima, I. da C. M.; Drumond, E. P.; Oliveira, J. C. B. de; Marcondes, F.; Sepehrnoori, K.

    Abstract in English:

    Abstract In reducing the grid orientation effect for the numerical solution of partial differential equations, interpolation functions play an important role when the advective transport of the governing equations is considered. This is due to the fact that, in general, the unknowns are evaluated in the vertices of the elements and such properties must be extrapolated to inner parts of the elements. First-order schemes, such as upwind, are the easiest methods to use for performing the extrapolation of the properties. However, such methods introduce a large amount of numerical diffusion in the solution. A few higher-order interpolation schemes, on the other hand, are capable of providing solutions free of numerical diffusion, increasing the accuracy of the method and reducing the computational efforts required. In this work, we investigate the TVD interpolation scheme for three-dimensional unstructured grids in conjunction with Element-based Finite Volume Method (EbFVM) using four types of elements: hexahedron, tetrahedron, prism and pyramid.
  • CFD simulation of the mixing and dispersing of floating particles in a viscous system Process Systems Engineering

    Liu, Baoqing; Zheng, Yijun; Chen, Mingqiang; Chen, Xiaoge; Jin, Zhijiang

    Abstract in English:

    Abstract Based on the Gidaspow model, the distributions of velocity, turbulence intensity, and solid concentration in stirred vessels equipped with a down-pumping propeller (TXL),a six flat-blade disc turbine (Rushton), or a down-pumping six 45° pitched-blade turbine (PBTD-6) in a viscous system were simulated. The power curve of the TXL propeller and the dimensionless solid concentrations of one sampling point in the vessel at different agitation speeds were obtained by simulation and experiment, which were in good agreement with each other. The results showed that: (1) both the tangential velocity and turbulence intensity on the liquid surface caused by a Rushton turbine were the highest of the three conditions at the same agitation speed; (2) the turbulence intensity on the azimuth of 90° behind the baffle near the shaft on the liquid surface was relatively larger than that in other regions; (3) the uniformity of solid concentration distribution in the stirred vessel equipped with a Rushton or PBTD-6 turbine was better than that with a TXL impeller at the same agitation speed.
  • Parametric study of sweetening process of sour gas by Molybdenum oxide nanoparticles Separation Processes

    Hosseini, Amir; Hassankiadeh, M. Nabipoor

    Abstract in English:

    Abstract The purpose of this work is to study the application of nano-molybdenum oxide adsorbent in gas sweetening process. Experiments were made to evaluate the operating and geometrical parameters in the adsorption process. The process performance of H2S removal from methane gas on molybdenum oxide nanoparticles was defined as the ratio of final concentration of H2S on the initial concentration of H2S. The effects of operating conditions such as operating temperature, pressure, the size of nanoparticles, the amount of H2S concentration in feed stream, feed superficial velocity, and the bed length were studied in this paper. Different temperature values (65, 75, 85, 87 and 89 °C) and pressure values (10, 13, 16 and 19 bar) were applied on the adsorption bed with 19 cm length and 10 cm diameter. Two types of spherical and cylindrical nanoparticles were applied and the effect of different adsorbents diameters (54, 58, 73, 77 and 83 nm) on the process quality (C/C 0 ) was investigated. Also, the effect of initial concentration of H2S in the feed gas stream was surveyed. The optimum operating conditions for spherical and cylindrical types were the same, 16 bar and 85 °C. The adsorption capacity of 0.22 g H2S/g MoO2 and 0.19 g H2S/g MoO2 was achieved at the optimum conditions using nano-spherical and nano-cylindrical MoO2 sorbent, respectively. Applying in our study two adsorption isotherms, the Langmuir and Freundlich isotherms, analysis of variance displayed a high coefficient of determination (R2) value of 0.989 for the Freundlich isotherm, indicating the satisfactory adjustment of the experimental data. The results can be interesting for related industries and can be applicable in process optimization.
Brazilian Society of Chemical Engineering Rua Líbero Badaró, 152 , 11. and., 01008-903 São Paulo SP Brazil, Tel.: +55 11 3107-8747, Fax.: +55 11 3104-4649, Fax: +55 11 3104-4649 - São Paulo - SP - Brazil