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Boletim do Instituto Oceanográfico, Volume: 3, Número: 1-2, Publicado: 1952
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  • Resultados científicos do cruzeiro do "Baependi" e do "Vega" à Ilha da Trindade: Chaetognatha

    Vannucci, M.; Hosoe, K.

    Resumo em Inglês:

    This paper presents the taxonomic results regarding the Chaetognatha collected during a voyage to the oceanic island of Trindade made in 1950. Collects were done at different stations around the island and in the waters above banks between the island and the continent. Seven different species were collected, 5 of which belong to the genus Sagitta: 8. bipunctata, 8. enflata, 8. friderici, 8. hexaptera, 8. serratodentata, one is recognized as a new species of the genus Pterosagitta: Pt. besnardi, and finally the last is Krohnitta subtilis. Descriptions and drawings are presented of the species, as well as records of what is known of their habits and of the environments which they select. The new species, Pterosagitta besnardi, the second known of this genus, is as a whole similar to its elder: Pt. draco; but differs from it in some essential points. Pt. besnardi is shorter, its caudal segment is proportionately shorter, it has a smaller number of teeth and hooks, the hook's sheath has no crest, it has intestinal diverticula, its receptacula are extremely large and have a clavate shape and, finally its vesiculae are short and oval. This work was done aiming at a better knowledge of the Chaetognathous fauna of the western south Atlantic and for this purpose more work is being prepared dealing with the coastal species. Random informations are being pieced together in the hope of gathering in the near future enough material to establish some useful indicator among the species of this group that might be efficiently used for practical purposes.
  • Estudo preliminar da propagação do marulho de leste sobre a plataforma continental do E. de São Paulo, e, em particular de sua refração e arrebentação em Cananéia

    Silva, Paulo de Castro Moreira da

    Resumo em Português:

    O estudo do plano de vagas constitue, indubitàvelmente, o instrumento mais útil para a defesa geológica das costas, para trabalhos portuários, investigação de correntes litorâneas, bem como para pesquisas relativas à segurança da navegação e planejamentos de operações militares de desembarque. A teoria do plano de vagas será exposta, em breve, nos seus mínimos detalhes, na publicação do autor "Curso de Oceanografia Dinâmica", que a Diretoria do Ensino Naval, do Ministério da Marinha, vai editar. No presente trabalho, trata-se do estudo preliminar da propagação do marulho de Leste sobre a plataforma do E. de São Paulo. Na Carta I, acham-se figuradas vagas de leste, de 180 m de comprimento, nela podendo-se notar a existência de nina discreta divergência do marulho em toda a costa bandeirante que se apresenta, em grau máximo, em Santos e em mínimo, na região de Cananéia. Na Carta II, evidenciase o fato de que a Ilha do Bom Abrigo não oferece proteção para a vaga de leste sondo que esta se adianta nitidamente pelo canal que dá acesso a Cananéia. Examinando qualitativamente os fenômenos de convergência e divergência dessa vaga, conelue o autor que são eles atenuados ao norte e ao sul do canal, conquanto se apresentem bastante agravados à entrada do mesmo, a ponto de permitir a delimitação do canal por processos aerofofogramétricos.

    Resumo em Inglês:

    This is a preliminary study of the wave action over the continental shelf of the State of S. Paulo, Chart I figures a theorical 180 m. long wave as would be produced by an eastern polar anticyclone. The waves will strike the coast at right angles with a slight divergence along the whole coast of the State; reaching a maximum at Santos and a minimum at Cananeia. Chart II, figures the waves, incidence at Cananeia; it can be pointed out that the island of Bom Abrigo offers no protection against a wave coming from the east and that this wave penetrates easily along the pass leading to the inland waters of the region of Cananeia.
  • Re-discovery of Mesogloea brasiliensis Montagne

    Joly, Aylthon B.

    Resumo em Português:

    No presente trabalho o autor refere o achado de uma planta coletada uma única vez no litoral sul do Brasil. Além de uma nova descrição é também proposta uma nova combinação em conformidade com a moderna nomenclatura ficológica.
  • Resultados científicos do cruzeiro do "Baependi" e do "Vega" na Ilha da Trindade: observações sobre a relevografia da região situada entre a Ilha da Trindade e o Continente

    Besnard, W.

    Resumo em Inglês:

    The return voyage from the Island of Trindade (Besnard, W., 1951, p. 37-48) to Rio de Janeiro was made on board of a trawling boat, "Vega", and the established route was through the series of banks that occur between the continent and the group of islands Trindade and Martim Vaz. The banks are accurately placed on the map and the deepness of the ocean above them, correctly stated. Dredgings, due to lack of time and inappropriate gear available on board, brought back only samples comparable to those of the insular platform of the island of Trindade, more similar to the collections made nearer the island, and gradually differing from them on the banks located closer to the continent. As is shown in the accompanying schematieal section, the submarine profile is extremely irregular, there being instances of falls of over 2.000 meters in the distance of a few meters. It seems, therefore, reasonable to imagine that there is, between the continent and the island a series of mountains and ridges possibly of eruptive nature. However, the schema is necessarily very incomplete due to the scarcity of the soundings. The voyage was altogether much too short for more than a quick glance, that produced enough material to show that it is an interesting region from several points of view and worth of a more detailed study.
  • Pesquisas Físicas e Químicas do Sistema Hidrográfico da região lagunar de Cananéia: II - águas de junção. Estudos iniciais das águas comuns da região da Ilha da Casca. "Nota prévia" sobre as águas na junção do Canal de Ararapira e Baía de Trapandé

    Machado, Labieno de Barros

    Resumo em Inglês:

    In this "previous note" we are presenting the results obtained by our Researches and referring to the waters of junction around the Island of Casca, located between the Trapandé Bay and the Canal of Ararapira, in the Lagoon Region of Cananéia, in the southern part of the S. Paulo State, Brazil. This note is a continuation of the physical and chemical researches of the Hydrographie System of the Cananéia Lagoon Region. In the Bull. Inst. Paulista de Oceanografia, vol. I, fase. I, pág. 45, 1950, we present the first results of the works carried out in the region. "We give the situation and description of the Island of Casca 's region, situated approximately near the crossing of lat. 25º4' S with long. 48º3'30" W; a bathymétrie study and the results obtained by our preliminary Technical Researches. We referred to the water samples collected from 8-12-48 to 27-10-49, the results of which are shown on table I and II. We discussed all these results, showing some graphics and comparing them with the physical and chemical properties of the surrounding waters - Table II and IIa. We constructed a T-S diagram in order to make evident the particularities which may exist. We discussed the origin of the predominating waters of the Island of Casca's region of junction, having made a tentative essay of dynamics. The previous and undermentioned conclusions will be dully fitted of with the corresponding instruments: 1) As the region under observation has several sand banks the channels leading to Ararapira may suffer or not some modifications; 2) The variation of salinity is of the lagoon type, suffering the influence of tidal currents and the continental contingents; 3) The predominating waters of the region come, first during ebb from the Ararapira channel and second during high tide the superficial layers come in the Bay from the entrance of the region, since the entrance is blocked by the tidal flood, then by the rising of the water level, they enter into the region of junction; 4) The fall of the dissolved oxygen could not be explained, due to the complexity of the interfering factors, and stilJL depends on future studies; 5) The T-S diagram put in evidence the periods of greater or smaller influence of the continental contingents which reach the locality in the months of January, February, March and June, July and August and shows the harmonic variation of the salinity between waters of surface and depth.
  • Sôbre alguns Foraminifera da costa do Estado de São Paulo

    Carvalho, J. de Paiva; Chermont, E. M. Leclere

    Resumo em Português:

    Neste trabalho, estudam-se 27 espécies de foraminiferos colecionados ao longo da costa do E. de São Paulo. Para tanto, operaram os autores em seis praias principais, como sejam: Praia do Rabo Azedo, na Ilha de São Sebastião, praia das Flexeiras, situada no continente, próximo à cidade de São Sebastião, Ponta da Praia e Boqueirão, em Santos, praia de Itararé, em São Vicente e Praia de Fora, na Ilha Comprida, em Cananéia. Efetuaram-se coletas no canal de São Sebastião bem como èm regiões próximas a Caraguatatuba e Ubatuba, além de pontos situados na entrada da barra de Cananéia e adjacências das ilhas de Bom Abrigo, Vitória e Anchieta. Os trabalhos de dragagem foram efetuados era profundidades que oscilaram entre 0m80 e 12 metros. Das 27 espécies relacionadas até o presente, 21 são provenientes do litoral norte, das quais 3 ocorrem também no centro do litoral do Estado (Santos e São Vicente). Seis são da região sul da costa bandeirante (Cananéia). Dentre as praias visitadas, as do litoral norte revelaram-se mais produtivas, salientando-se, entre todas, a Praia das Flexeiras. Embora menos rica, a Praia de Itararé forneceu material variado e interessantíssimo. Em relação aos gêneros representados pelo maior número de espécies, figuram, em primeiro lugar: Quinqueloculina e Discorbis, vindo a seguir o gênero Bolivina. Embora fazendo-se representar por pequeníssimo número de exemplares, o gênero Lagena segue aos acima referidos posto que até agora, tenha sido representado somente por duas espécies. Os demais 14 figuraram, cada um, com uma só espécie. Os autores investigaram, preliminarmente, o grupo sob o prisma puramente taxonómico para conhecimento das principais espécies ocorrentes no litoral do E. de São Paulo, tencionando prosseguir, em maior profundidade, na pesquisa biológica e, sobretudo, ecológica. Assim, investigam a ocorrência de determinadas formas nas diversas estações do ano, acompanhando a sua distribuição, tanto no estado planctónico como no sessil, quer nas praias, como nos sedimentos dos fundos, com o objetivo de conhecer a sua penetração e distribuição nos ambientes de águas salobras e doces do litoral paulista.

    Resumo em Inglês:

    In this paper are recorded 27 different species of Foraminifera collected along the coast of the State of São Paulo. The specimens were collected mainly at six points: "Rabo Azedo" beach in the Island of São Sebastião; "Flexeiras" beach, on the continent, near to the town of São Sebastião; beaches of "Ponta da Praia" and "Boqueirão" in the Bay of Santos; "Itararé" beach at São Vicente and "Praia de Fora", the beach of the "Ilha Comprida" (Long Island) at Cananéia. Collects were also effected in the channel of São Sebastião and at places near Caraguatatuba and Ubatuba, at spots located at the entrance of the bar of Cananéia and near the islands "Bom Abrigo", "Vitória" and 'Anchieta". Dredgings were done at depths varying from 0.80 to 12 meters. Of the 27 species recorded until now, 21 are from the northern coast of the State, 3 of which are present also in the central region (Santos and São Vicente) ; 6 species are from the southern coast of the State. The richest collects were from the northern litoral, especially so at the beach of "Flexeira'. The beach of Itararé although poorer in abundance produced a varied and most interesting material. In what concerns the genera represented by the greater number of species, are in first place Quinqueloculina and Discorbis, followed by Bolivina. Next comes Lagena with up to now only two species. The remaining 14 genera are represented by only one species. The authors studied the group only under an entirely taxonomic point of view to know which are the commonest species that occur on the coast of the State; they intend later to pursue biological and ecological researches in the group. Researches are being effected to study the occurence of certain forms in the different seasons, their distribution, both in the planctonic and sessil stage, on the beaches and bottom deposits, aiming at discovering their penetration and distribution in brackish and fresh waters of the littoral region of the State.
  • An approach to the Bibliography of Brazilian algae

    Joly, Aylthon B.
  • Nótulas Ictiológicas: I. sôbre um estádio post-larvar do Barbeiro - Acanthurus hepatus (L)

    Carvalho, J. de Paiva

    Resumo em Português:

    Trata-se aqui de um estágio post-larvar de Acanthurus hepatus (L), obtido na Ilha da Trindade (praia das Tartarugas). O autor compara esse exemplar com o que foi descrito por Breder Jr., em 1925 e proveniente de Glover Reef, ao largo do Yucatan.

    Resumo em Inglês:

    This note deals with a post-larval stage of the Surgeon-fish, Acanthurus hepatus (L), from Trindade Island (praia das Tartarugas), Brazil, located at 20º 30' 00" S. and long. 29º 22' 00" W., 600 miles off the brazilian coast. The author compares this stage with an identical one described by Breder (1925), from Glover Reef specimens, off Yucatan.
  • Nota sobre um correntômetro de pêndulo utilizado pelo Chesapeake Bay Institute (Technical Report n.º 1)

    Silva, Paulo de Castro Moreira da
  • Un nouveau dispositif pour mensuration dans les travaux biométriques

    Besnard, W.
  • Sôbre uma coleção de Copepodos, não parasíticos, da baía de Santos e suas adjacências: Est. I e II

    Carvalho, J. de Paiva

    Resumo em Inglês:

    This paper deals with the occurrence of Copepods in the Bay of Santos (State of São Paulo, Brazil) and its surroundings. During 1934-1945 the author collected plankton samples from that region not only to study its various components but especially to test its distribution in the contents of fish's stomachs. Thus, 1.136 samples were gathered, mostly from surface waters, since only 18.6% from intermediary and 8.8% from deep waters. According to the available literature, up to 1939, no important account had been given on the Copepoda from the coast of São Paulo and few works deal with this order from the Brazilian coast in general. Among them Van Douwe (1911; 1912), Wright (1927; 1935; 1936; 1936a; 1937), Kiefer (1935; 1936a; 1936&;) Chappuis (1936), Marsh (1933) and Schubart (1938-1942) who referred to some specimens from the north of Brazil. However, in all these works only brackish and fresh water specimens were considered. Later on, Oliveira (1945-1947) while carrying out researches on the micro crustácea from Guanabara Bay, presented interesting studies on marine species. A list is given of the commonest species collected and the author arrived to the following conclusions: a) excepting the genus Oithona, Paracalanus, Euterpina, Corycaeus and in certain months Acartia that, generally were found throughout the year, there was a great variation of species in the region investigated. b) In a general way, the author could not find that strict subdivision proposed by some authors who proved the existance of an absolute characteristical fauna on the surface, another intermediary one and still a bathipelagial one. This was due, perhaps, to the irregular catches and to the methods employed which could only be improved after 1947. c) Bright light did not cause the accumulation of organisms on the surface, excepting, obviously, the night catches; quite rich catches were made in misty days. d) Winds of high and medium speed had no great effect on the distribution of macroplankton while the rain seemed to help the concentration of Copepods on the surface, at least during the day; strong winds as well heavy rains drawn the plankton deeper down. e) The temperature influentiated the occurrence of material though slight changes had no great effect. f) As it was expected the zooplankton from the Bay of Santos presented the same characteristics as that from the open sea, though it proved to be poorer in quality and concerning some species, reacher in quantity. Some general considerations are made regarding the impure and contaminated water of a large city like Santos. While studying the research methods, the author gives slight references to the migration observed and to geographical distribution of some species.
  • Achegas ao Dicionário dos Animais do Brasil, de Rodolpho von Ihering

    Carvalho, João de Paiva; Sawaya, Paulo
  • Observações sobre as modificações em curso na entrada de Cananéia de sua barra e da região adjacente

  • Observações sôbre as modificações em curso na entrada de Cananéia, de sua barra e da região adjacente: I. desgaste das costas. N.º 1 - Ponta da Trincheira (1952)

    Sadowsky, Viktor
  • Livros e revistas

Instituto Oceanográfico da Universidade de São Paulo Praça do Oceanográfico, 191, 05508-120 São Paulo SP Brasil, Tel.: (55 11) 3091 6513, Fax: (55 11) 3032 3092 - São Paulo - SP - Brazil