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Boletim do Instituto Oceanográfico, Volume: 4, Número: 1-2, Publicado: 1953
  • Los Pejerreyes (Familia Atherinidae) en la fauna uruguaya, con descripción de nuevas especies

    De Buen, Fernando

    Resumo em Português:

    Trata o presente trabalho dos Peixe-Rei da fauna uruguaia, descrevendo-se nele cinco espécies novas, um gênero e um subgênero. Inicialmente, lembra o autor que, na fauna uruguaia, bem como nas da Argentina e Brasil, ainda não se efetuaram estudos aprofundados a respeito dos representantes da família Atherinidae. O que se tem feito, até o presente, tem tido por base material colhido acidental e dispersivamente em escassas localidades ou então tomando-se como ponto de partida trabalhos nem sempre moldados em métodos ictiológicos capazes de permitir a sua incorporação no âmbito da Ciência universal. Daí o fato de surgirem dificuldades insuperáveis que impedem o estudo comparativo e a distinção clara entre as várias unidades específicas que compõem o grupo. Cuida-se, pois, neste trabalho, de reunir e selecionar conhecimentos sobre os Peixe-Rei das águas uruguaias, efetuando-se o estudo comparativo das formas colecionadas, propondo-se a sua ordenação na sistemática em voga. Tratando-se de exemplares de importância econômica, muito apreciados quer para o consumo, quer para atividades esportivas, faz-se referência especial à sua criação artificial, setor tão importante que, dentro da Piscicultura, já se destaca o capítulo referente à Aterinicultura. Depois de fazer um histórico a respeito dos autores que se pronunciaram sobre alguns gêneros existentes no Atlântico sul e que freqüentam também águas interiores do Uruguai e Argentina, passa o autor a considerar a Aterinicultura em si, citando o exemplo do México que a ela se tem dedicado, com sucesso, na sua Estação Limnológica de Patzcuaro. Mostra, então, o que aí se tem feito nesse sentido, em relação a Eslopsarum bartoni bartoni. Considera-se, em seguida, a Biometria dos Peixe-Rei, discutindo-se todos os seus elementos descritivos. Demorando-se em considerações sobre o gênero Odontesthes, analisa o autor as espécies que dele fazem parte, descrevendo O. humensis nov. esp., O. guazu nov. esp. e referindo-se a O. orientalis De Buen. Cria o subgênero Tupa e o gênero Yaci, o primeiro abrigando O. platensis (Berg) e o segundo Y. retropinnis De Buen, nov. sp. Refere-se o autor ao gênero Kronia de Miranda Ribeiro (1915), recordando que aos vários autores que se reportaram à validez do gênero escapou um caráter distintivo e muito importante: "ventrais ligadas entre si". Descreve K. alba nov. sp. e K. rex nov. sp. Manifesta-se, a seguir, sobre o gênero Austroatherina Marrero e à espécie A incisa (Jenyns) = Menidia uruguayensis Devincenzi. Todas as diagnoses acham-se acompanhadas de desenhos elucidativos, figurando ao todo, no trabalho, 44 desenhos e uma fotografia.

    Resumo em Inglês:

    This paper records the "Peixe-Rei" fishes from the Uruguayan fauna, giving a description of five new species, one genus and one sub-genus. The author reminds initially that for the time being no exaustive studies have been published concerning specimens of the family Atherinidae belonging to the fauna of Uruguay, Argentine and Brazil. The only works available on the subject are based on widely scattered and occasionally gathered material or on some other work not always founded on sound ichthyological methods and according to general scientific principles. This situation is the source of insurmountable difficulties in the comparative study and clear distinction of the various specific units that form the group. It is therefore the aim of this work to present a selective collection of the available literature concerning the "Peixe-Rei" of Uruguayan waters, making a comparative study of the preserved forms and proposing their classification according to the current systematic methods. The species under study being of economical importance, not only for food but also from the sportive point of view, special reference is made of artificial hatching, this section being already so important that a new branch of fish culture has been created, the Atherinoculture. A retrospective study is made of the authors that have investigated the existing genera in the South Atlantic and that are also found in inland waters of Uruguay and Argentine following with a special description of the Atherinoculture pointing out the example of Mexico that has obtained good results in its Limnologic Station at Patzcuaro. The author presents a description of the researches concerning Eslopsarum bartoni bartoni carried out at the Station. The Biometry of the "Peixe-Rei" is discussed in all its descriptive elements. Extensive considerations are made regarding Odontesthes followed by an analysis of the species included in this genus and a description of O. humensis nov. sp., O. guazu nov. sp. is given with a special reference to O. orientalis De Buen. The author creates the sub-genus Tupa and the genus Yaci, the first mentioned including O. platesis (Berg) and the second Y. retropinnis De Buen, nov. sp. Reference is made to the genus Kronia of Miranda Ribeiro (1915), pointing out that the several authors who have studied the validity of this genus overlooked a most important and distinctive character, i. e.: "ventral fins fused". A description of K. alba nov. sp. and K. rex nov. sp. is given. The writer presents his views on the genus Austroatherina Marrero and the species A. incisa (Jenyns) = Menidia uruguayensis Devincenzi. All analysis are accompanied by explanatory figures totalling 44 drawings and one photo.
  • Três novas tornarias (Enteropneusta) das costas Sul do Brasil

    Björnberg, Tagea K. S.

    Resumo em Inglês:

    The "Instituto Oceanográfico", of the University of S. Paulo, lent me several tornariae for studying purposes. These larvae were obtained from samples of plankton collected off the Island of Bom Abrigo (see map) and off Cananéia on the South Coast of Brazil, State of S. Paulo. The samples were taken from a depth of 10 mts., more or less. Fr. Müller mentioned (1898) the existence of Tornaria which probably belonged to Balanoglossus on the coast of Brazil, but did not describe the larvae. No other scientist has published anything on Brazilian tornariae since. All larvae studied from the two samples given me, were larvae without tentacles, answering the general description of the larvae belonging to Stiasny-Wijnhoff and Stiasny's type I tornaria (1931). They are generally middle sized to small. The pre-oral area has the form of an anchor in all three of them, they show the general form of a double cone, the ventral loop is normal, there are no inferior ventral lobes, lateral lobes are present, with ventral loops, and inferior dorsal lobes, the second and third cœloms are situated next to the gut, the middle-gut being large and swollen, according to Stiasny-Wijnhoff and Stiasny's description (1931, p. 185-186) of the tornariae belonging to type I. The description of the three different types of tornariae found in the samples did not correspond to the description of any of the already described tornariae belonging to type I of Stiasny-Wijnhoff and Stiasny's, and so new names were given to them - Tornaria mourei n. sp., Tornaria lilianae n. sp.,
  • Notas biológicas: II. sobre Embletonia mediterranea (Costa), nudibranquio da região lagunar de Cananéia

    Vannucci, M.; Hosoe, K.

    Resumo em Português:

    1) - Foram estabelecidas em S. Paulo algumas colónias de E. mediterranea proveniente das águas salobras da região de Cananéia afim de completar as observações realisadas in loco. 2) - São apresentadas tanto a descrição como a classificação, incluindo uma rápida comparação com quase todas as outras espécies desse gênero que foram até hoje descritas. 3) - Descreve-se o ciclo completo desde a desova até a postura da geração seguinte. Não foi feito o estudo embriológico detalhado. 4) - Foram anotados o habitat e a alimentação, e verificada a ausência de cnidocistos em animais não alimentados com hidrozoários. 5) - Foram estabelecidas as temperaturas letais e a duração das principais fases do desenvolvimento em temperaturas diferentes. 6) - Foi feita a comparação com o ciclo de E. pallida, otimamente descrito e figurado por Rasmussen (1944). 7) - Foi verificada in loco a ausência de migrações. 8) - Considera-se essa espécie, sem dúvida eurihalina, um ótimo material para o estudo das relações entre o meio interno e a pressão osmótica externa.

    Resumo em Inglês:

    A rich colony of the cladohepatic nudibranchiate mollusk Embletonia mediterranea was studied from the lagoon region of Cananéia, from March to July (end of summer through winter). To the author's knowledge this species is here redescribed for the first time since its description by Costa (1866), fulfilling some omissions present in the original paper. A comparison is here made with 4 out of the remaining 8 species of the genus. All the species are closely allied, two of the species which were not compared for lack of the necessary bibliography, are probably only a variety of E. pallida which is known to the authors. These are: E. juscata and E. remigata. E. minuta, also not compared, may be a synonim of E. pulchra. The fourth uncompared species: E. pygmex is the only one totally unknown to the authors. The colony became well established in aquaria in S. Paulo where the animals reproduced freely. The whole individual cycle was observed from spawning of a generation to spawning of the following one. The egg masses are lump-shaped, they contain an average of 11 eggs; each full-size animal lays about 16 to 17 eggs in 24 hours. Spawning begins in animals about one third full length. The whole development, from spawning to hatching takes from 48 h to 60 h in temperatures from 20º C to 25º C. Few days after hatching the veligers settle to the bottom and after 24 h to 48 h the young ones abandon the nautiloid shell yet with no cerata neither rhinophores and with reduced cephalic expansions. A comparison is made with the development of E. pallida, described and wonderfully portrayed by Rasmussen (1944). This species is closely associated to Bougainvillia on which were always found numerous egg-masses and adults and on which the animals feed. On the athecate hydroid, are usually found several cauli of Obelia bidentata. Animals reared out of reach of living hydroids had cerata entirely devoid of cnidocysts. In spite of its natural association to the mentioned hydroids, the species is euryphagous since it thrives well in captivity feeding on detritus and perhaps diatoms, small ciliates and suctorians. There is no annual cycle, the species having been found active continuously from summer through the coldest months. No migrations have been recorded and the population seems to be stationary the year round. Finally it was pointed out that this species seems to be a suitable material to study the problems of the relation between the internal medium and the external osmotic pressure.
  • Alimentação de Xenomelaniris brasiliensis (Quoy & Gaimard): (Pisces - Mugiloidei - Atherinidæ)

    Carvalho, J. de Paiva

    Resumo em Inglês:

    This work is based on the study of 12 samples of specimens of Peixe-Rei, Xenomelaniris brasiliensis (Quoy & Gaimard), that were caught, one sample per month, in the waters in front of the Base that the Institute maintains in Cananéia, in the south coast of S. Paulo State. Of the total catch 240 specimens were separated, that is, 20 specimens each month, and the gastro-intestinal contents were studied. As per page 134 the principal components found were the following, by order of importance: 1) Vegetal organic matter and vegetal detritus; 2) Crustacea; 3) Fishes; 4) Several Algæ; 5) Insecta; 6) Mollusca; 7) Protozoa and 8) Worms. Sand was computed in some extent, the percentage of amorphic matter completely digested and not liable of determination being relatively low. The author expends his opinions about each one of the components found presenting in one table and two graphs their mean relative frequency. This mean relative frequency was found to be very irregular. A conclusion is drawn that the species is a great consumer of vegetal organic matter and vegetal detritus, which were, otherwise, prominently found in all planctonic collections made at the same period, in the same region. In second place are the crustacea, mainly represented by Copepoda and the occurrence, although not very frequent, of a few young and adult shrimps from the genus Peneus (P. schmitti Burkenroad?). The more or less sporadic appearance of Crangon sp., C. armillatus, Palæmonetes (Paleander) northropi and Periclemenes sp. is also recorded. Besides a few Isopoda probably swallowed together with their hosts, some Amphipoda and Tainaidacea were found although in small quantities. A few samples showed substantial quantities of Cypris of Cirripedia, evidently from the genera Balanus and Cthamalus commonly found in the region. Fish remains were abundant only during two months, being scarce the rest of the time. Greater occurrence of specimens belonging to the genus Xenomelaniris was evident, showing that the school's individuals devour each other. Although monocellular algæ were always very abundantly found in the plancton collections made during the period under study, their mean frequency in the stomach contents never reached a high mark. Concerning the species under study it is therefore not possible to apply the usual conception of researchers that "all fish is diatoms". The average frequency of Insecta, Mollusca, Protozoa and Worms in general was also found to be very low. Insecta seem to happen only by accident their ingestion occurring probably while fluttering about on the water surface; in relation to Hemiptera the author believes that these were draggled together with stems of dry vegetais swept out by the tides movements from the mangrove margin. Mollusca and Protozoa were always very rare. Regarding worms only a few Polichæta may have been ingested intentionally. The Nematoda and Trematoda occasionally found are evidently endo-parasits of the species itself or from any other that may have been ingested. Xenomelaniris brasiliensis is therefore an omnivorous species, great consumer of vegetal detritus, which is, certainly, a character that typifies very well the group to which belong the other components of sub-order Mugiloidei.
  • Resultados científicos do cruzeiro do "Baependí" e do "Vega" á Ilha da Trindade

    Joly, Aylthon B.

    Resumo em Português:

    O presente trabalho descreve com certos detalhes uma coleção de algas marinhas de profundidade coletadas nas proximidades das ilhas da Trindade e Martim Vaz, e em certos pontos afastados da costa do Espírito Santo. Esta lista no entanto está longe de representar uma flora da região, que o autor considera como muito mais rica do que o evidenciado pela presente lista. Novas e extensivas coleções tanto de profundidade como mais próximas à superfície, sem dúvida trarão informações valiosas para a ficologia
  • "Croquis" topográfico da entrada da região lagunar de Cananéia (da Ilha do Bom Abrigo à cidade de Cananéia)

    Miniussi, I. C.

    Resumo em Inglês:

    The Oceanographic Institute maintains a working Station at Cananéia in the southern coast of the State of S. Paulo. It is a lagoon region in a great extent occupied by mangrove swamps that offers many interesting aspect from the economical (fishing) and biological (variety of fauna and flora) points of view. Strong erosion processes are taking place and the coastal contour is rapidly being altered together with the navigation channels and sand banks as well. For hydrographical purposes and the development of routine control work several geodetic marks were established to serve as reference points. The author presents a map which is a graphic study of the region. The instrument used in this work was a "Watts" n.º 1 theodolite and the original "croquis" was drawn to a scale of 1:20,000 which gives a maximum error allowance of 20 meters.
  • Nota sobre alimentação de alevinos da "sardinha legitima" ou "verdadeira": Sardinella aurita Cuvier & Valenciennes

    Montes, Maria de Lourdes A. Homem de

    Resumo em Inglês:

    The stomach content of 542 specimens of youngs of Sardinella aurita was investigated for ecological purposes. The fishes were divided into four lots according to the region where they were fished. Lot I was collected at the "Ponta de Feiticeira", in the Island of S. Sebastião where the main food was found to be copepods. Lot II comes from the beach of "Rabo Azêdo", also in the Island of S. Sebastião, the more abundant food here consisted of ostracods. Lot III, captured at Cananéia, had been feeding mainly on diatoms. A large percentage of the fishes of Lot IV which were gathered at Santos, had empty stomachs and the major part of the remainder had ingested sand. It may be concluded that Sardinella aurita feeds on plancton in a general way similarly to Clupea pilchardus and therefore is euryphagous. It is interesting to note that the fishes from Santos had probably found themselves in a food-deficient environment as regards plancton, this being apparently the reason of having ingested sand. According to local information, the first occurrence of schools of Sardinella aurita in the lagoonal region of Cananéia was only noted about 12 years ago. Previously the species was found only outside in the open sea. A supposition is presented that biological changes are in process.
  • Nota sobre Lernaeenicus longiventris Wilson e sua ocorrência em Xenomelaniris brasiliensis (Quoy & Gaimard): (Crustacea, Copepoda - pisces, Atherinidae)

    Carvalho, J. de Paiva

    Resumo em Inglês:

    This note records the occurrence of a parasitic copepod Lernaeenicus longiventris Wilson, found on Xenomelaniris brasiliensis (Quoy & Gaimard). 285 specimens of Atherinidae caught at Cananeia in the waters in front of the Research Base of this Institute were used in this investigation. In this material the author found 79 infested specimens (23 <img src="/img/revistas/bioce/v4n1-2/a08img01.jpg" align=absmiddle>and 56 <img src="/img/revistas/bioce/v4n1-2/a08img02.jpg" align=absmiddle>) which amounts to 27,7% of the total. After making a reference to the presence of epizoic organisms that were only found on the samples of December 1952 and January 1953 the author shows the parasit distribution on each sex being evident that the female specimens were more subject to parasitism. In the opinion of the authors majority the individuals of the genus Lernaeenicus penetrate in the host flesh in search of vasculated zones in order to obtain a blood supply as food. Although in some cases it seems that this tendency actually exists, the writer was able to find in the major part of his observations that the parasit had followed an absolutely superficial path which is a fact that invalidates totally the hypothesis that the parasits are properly hematophagous but instead it shows that they feed almost exclusively on their hosts tissues lymph. Three cases of fixation of the parasit in the ocular zone are recorded by the author snowing that the larvae not always penetrates in the conjunctival dermal layer. The eyes parasits have not been found structurally different from the other specimens found on other parts of the body as it has been stated by some authors.
  • Modificações em curso na entrada da barra de Cananéia

    Sadowsky, Viktor

    Resumo em Inglês:

    Continuing a series of investigations connected with the shore processes and bar shifting occuring at the entrance of the lagoon region of Cananéia, in the south coast of the State of S. Paulo, the author describes the methods that were used to observe the modifications of the shore line and shoals in the Ilha Comprida and Ilha do Cardoso. The mechanics of the beach erosion and consequent sedimentary processes are examined in detail and several conclusions are drawn in relation to the apparent periodicity and duration of such phenomena. The effect of the dynamic activity of ocean waters is considered and the importance of meteorological factors on such activity is emphasized. In order to continue the work already done a plan for further investigations is presented.
  • Sambaquís da região lagunar de Cananéia: I - observações geográficas. II - Especulações prehistóricas

    Ab'Sáber, Aziz N.; Bernard, W.

    Resumo em Inglês:

    This paper records a few geographic and archeologic observations related with several "sambaquís" found in the lagoon region of Cananéia, in the south coast of the State of S. Paulo. The major part of such shell-mounds were found to be lying directly upon beach or dune sand, their location being, generally, at the margin of a "marigot" (salt-water river). From the observations made at four different "sambaquís" the authors have concluded that these mounds may be considered a most valuable material for the investigation of the region's near past history. It is believed that at the time the "Man-of-the-sambaquí" was living, the planimetric configuration of the Isle of Cananéia and other low parts of the region were considerably different than at the present time. The authors point out that all the former controversies between the "naturalist" and "artificialist" currents have been definitively settled by the work of Guerra (1951, p. 3-18) in which the differences existing between the "sambaquís" and the "wave-built terraces" are demonstrated by this geographer. The lagoon region of Cananéia with its "restingas", canals, etc., is thoroughly analysed and the probable configuration of the lagoon system and marine canals during the prehistoric period is examined. After a few speculative considerations about the prehistory of the region and after studying the stratification of the "sambaquís" layers together with the heterogenous materials which are included in them the authors present their hypothesis that the building of these mounds was probably connected with magic ritual practices.
  • Errata

Instituto Oceanográfico da Universidade de São Paulo Praça do Oceanográfico, 191, 05508-120 São Paulo SP Brasil, Tel.: (55 11) 3091 6513, Fax: (55 11) 3032 3092 - São Paulo - SP - Brazil