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Boletim do Instituto Oceanográfico, Volume: 6, Número: 1-2, Publicado: 1955
  • Sea-hares and side: gilled slugs from Brazil

    Eveline,; Marcus, Ernst

    Resumo em Português:

    A espécie mais comum de Aplysia, no litoral superior da costa de S.Paulo, é A.brasiliana Rang, 1828, descrita do Rio. A.livida d'Orbigny, 1837, também do Rio, foi expressamente separada de brasiliana por d'Orbigny e, por isso, figura no Manual de Pilsbry (1895-96) como espécie a parte. As diferenças, porém, revelam-se como variações da cor. Há lesmas acastanhadas escuras, cor de chocolate, esverdeadas, oliváceas, e outras quase cor de creme. As mais das vezes, são malhadas. Contribuem para a composição do colorido: 1) a côr geral do corpo, verde garrafa, ora mais clara ora mais escura, acinzentada, ou mais ou menos carregadamente amarelada; 2) o pigmento superficial preto ou sépia, de quantidade muito variável; e 3) o conteúdo de glândulas cutâneas, também extremamente variável e caduco como caráter colorativo nos liquidos de conservação. Areas claras e escuras alternadas no lado interno da orla dos parapódios ocorrem na maioria dos exemplares, mas, são variavelmente nitidas e, ás vezes, faltam. As relações entre as algas alimentares e a idade por um lado e o colorido pelo outro merecem estudo. Rang descreveu material conservado; d'Orbigny, lesmas viventes. O aspecto das figuras difere muito, porque a regiào anterior se contrai especialmente, no momento da conservação, e os animais de d'Orbigny, um em natação e o outro deslizando sobre o substrato, se apresentam maximamente estendidos. Conchas de individues de brasiliana de tamanho semelhante variam menos em comprimento do que em largura. Lesmas adultas foram vistas em todas as estações do ano, quase em todos os meses. Ovipostura ocorre defins de agosto até meados de dezembro; de outras épocas faltam talvez apenas as observações. Lesmas de 0,9mm, ao comprido,, quando vivas, incolores, sem rinóforos, mas com olhos, consideramos como recém-metamorfoseadas. Um animal de 2, 5mm foi o primeiro a produzir secreção purpúrea. Os nervos que suprem os tentáculos desenvolvem-se antes dos rinoforiais; órgãos copuladores, muito mais cedo que as gônadas. Aplysia dactylomeia Rang, 1828, verificada nos dois lados do Atlântico, aproximadamente entre Lat. 35º N e 35º S, vive também na costa de S. Paulo, mas não é comum no eulitoral, na zona das nossas pesquisas. O caráter principal de Aplysia juliana Q. &G. é a sola. Anteriormente, é sub-dividida em dois lóbulos contrécteis; posteriormente, é arredondada e forma um disco sólido, firmemente aderente ao substrato. Os parapódios apresentam-se bastante concrescidos; lesmas desprendidas do substrato e soltadas nágua afundaram-se sem nadar. A secreção da glândula purpúrea é esbranquiçada; a da glândula opalina, viscosa e cheirosa. A espécie, até agora encontrada somente em uma localidade da costa de São Paulo, Ubatuba, foi comparada com as descrições de juliana da Florida (badistes, Pilsbry 1951), da Africa do Sul, e do Indico-Pacifico ocidental. A extensão do sulco nos rinóforos varia; a abertura do manto é grande (badistes, capensis, sibogae do Japão); a concha é bem calcificada (também em badistes); 3-4 placas marginais de rédula não possuem ponta (1-2 no material de Macnae, 1955). Confirmam-se os tubérculos na base da bainha penial (Macnae). Cada plaquinha cuticular da mandíbula de Berthella agassizii (MacFarland 1909) é formada por uma célula muito alta. Os órgãos reprodutivos desta espécie foram descritos. Pleurobranchus (Oscanius) amarillius Mattox 1953 pertence a Berthellina Gardiner 1936 e aproxima-se muito a B. quadridens (Mörch 1863). Em Pleurobranchaea hamva, spec.nov., de Cananéia e Ilhabela, a membrana branquial ocupa três quartos do comprimento do ctenidio; o anus localiza-se ao nivel do centro da branquia; o nefróporo, ao da segunda pinula. P.hamva difere da outra espécie brasileira, P. inconspicua Bergh 1897, da qual se conhece um exemplar de Sergipe, pelo numero das placas da radula e por pormenores dos dutos do sistema reprodutivo. O colar ao redor do orificio genital tem um processo dorsal. Como foi visto por Bergh (1898) e Pruvot-Fol (1926), as lesmas comem, és vezes, outras da mesma espécie. Além de inconspicua, foram comparadas ainda 17 espécies e variedades de Pleurobranchaea.
  • Equinoideos y asteroideos de la colección del Instituto Oceanográfico de la Universidad de San Pablo: primera contribución

    Bernasconi, Irene

    Resumo em Espanhol:

    Se describen las siguientes especies de Equinoideos: Eucidaris tribuloides (Lamarck), Arbacia lixula (Linneo), Cent rostephanus besnardi Bernasconi, Lytechinus variegatus (Lamarck), Echinometra lucunter (Linneo), Mellita quinquiesperforata latiambulacra H.L.Clark, Encope emargina ta (Leske) y Moira átropos (Lamarck). Además las siguientes especies de Asteroideos: Astropecten marginatus Gray, Linckia guildingii Gray, Enoplopatiría marginata (Hupé) y Echinaster antonioensis de Loriol. La autora refiere con particular interés, la distribución geográfica de estas especies que proceden del litoral Paulista (Ubatuba, S.Sebastián, Santos, Cananéia) e Isla Trindade. Trata la igualdad o afinidad con aquellas de la costa africana. Describe a continuación una nueva especie Centrostephanus besnardi, cuya procedencia, Isla Trindade (20º 30' S - 29º 22' W) presenta un problema interesante en cuanto a su distribución pues es muy afin a C. longispinus (Philippi), especie tipioa del Atlántico Este (costas de Guinea, I. Cabo Verde, I. Azores, Marruecos). Se incluye al final, la Bibliografía y láminas correspondientes.

    Resumo em Inglês:

    The following species of Echinoidea are here described: Eucidaris tribuloides (Lamarck), Arbacia lixula (Linneo), Centrostephanus besnardi Bernasooni, Lytechinus variegatus (Lamarck), Echinometra lucunter(Linneo), Mellita quinquiesperforata latiambulacra H.L.Clark, Encope emarginata (Leske) and Moira atropos (Lamarck). The following species of Asteroidea are also described: Astropecten marginatus Gray, Linckia guildingii Gray, Enoplopatiria marginata (Hupé) and Echinaster antonioensis de Loriol. Special attention has been given to the geographical distribution of these species from the coast of São Paulo State (Ubatuba, S. Sebastião, and Cananéia), comparing them with those from the coast of Africa. A new species is described: Centrostephanus besnardi, collected at the Island of Trindade (20º 30' S - 29º 22' w) which presents an interesting problem as to its distribution since it is quite similar to C.longispinus typical species known from the East Atlantic (coast of Guinea, Cape Verde Is., Azores Is., Morocco). Corresponding plates and bibliography have been added at the end of the paper.
  • Las diatomeas del plancton marino de las costas del Brasil

    Müller-Melchers, F.C.

    Resumo em Português:

    Versa o presente trabalho sobre Diatomáceas do plancton marinho dos Estados de S.Paulo e R.G. do Sul, além de espécimes colhidos na costa brasileira até os rochedos S.Pedro e S.Paulo, pelo Eng. J.Weiher, durante a viagem por ele feita a Europa. Baseou-se o autor, pois, em três coleções das quais logrou determinar 182 Diatomáceas par a o Brasil e em que se encontravam também 126 peculiares as costas uruguaias e 114 frequentadoras das águas argentinas. Foi feita a comparação entre o material brasileiro e o das águas do Uruguai e Argentina. Assinala o autor que nem todas sâo planctónicas, havendo no acervo colhido, representantes neriticos e de água doce. Dentre estes existem espécimes desgarrados que foram parar no plancton marinho. Dentre o material colhido pelo Eng. Weiher figuram também espécies neriticas colhidas mais próximo da costa, sobretudo ao se aproximar o navio de Santos e R. de Janeiro. Comprova-se assim o deslocamento do material neritico, rumo ao mar aberto. Exemplo disso temos em Hemidiscus ovalis, encontrado também no mar largo, proveniente das amostras de S.Francisco do Sul. Do R. de Janeiro para o Norte encontrou o autor Hemidiscus membranáceas e Asterolampra ma rylandica, ambas tipicamente tropicais. Para o sul, no Uruguai, durante o inverno, encontra-se, as vezes, Chaetoceros coarctatus, espécie frequente nas amostras brasileiras, que lá surge repentinamente para desaparecer logo a seguir. Julga o autor que se trate de representante desviado pela corrente equatorial do Brasil, fazendo ver que existem incógnitas que se apresentam a quem se entrega ao estudo do plancton e que precisam ser resolvidas mediante estudo de maior profundidade. Finalizando, lembra o autor que o presente trabalho foi efetuado com o objetivo de servir de guia a futuras investigações, nào tendo, portanto, a pretençào de ser completo. Julga ainda que há necessidade de se estudar sistematicamente o plancton da costa brasileira, compreendendo nesse estudo nao só as Diatomáceas, mas todos os micro-organismos existentes no ambiente marinho.

    Resumo em Inglês:

    This paper deals with the Diatomacea from the plankton collected at the coast of the States of São Paulo and Rio Grande do Sul (Brazil), as well as with some specimens gathered along the brazilian coast (up to S.Pedro and S.Paulo Rocks), by Eng. J.Weiher, during his voyage to Europe. Three collections were examined from which 182 Diatomacea were determined as occurring in the Brazilian coast, as many as 126 of tnem being also peculiar to Uruguay coast while 114 were recorded from Argentine w aters. The material from Brazil was compared with that from the coasts of Uruguay and Argentine. The author points out that not all of them are planktonic speoiea since the material collected contained neritic as well as fresh water specimens. Among them there were strayed individuals that reached the marine plankton- Neritic species collected nearer the coast were also present in the material collected by Eng. Weiher, specially when the vessel approached Santos and Rio de Janeiro. This fact confirms the displacement of neritic material towards the open sea. For instance, Hemidiscus ova lis was also found in the open sea, in off shore samples from S.Francisco do Sul. Hemidiscus membranaceus and Asterolampra marylandica, both typically tropical species were found from Rio de Janeiro northwards. Chaetoceros coarctatus, frequent species in the Erazilian samples may be found in Uruguay during the winter months, when it appears all of a sudden and soon disappears. According to the author, it might well be an individual carried by the Erazilian Equatorial Current. These are, therefore, doubts that occur to all who devote themselves to the study of plankton and further investigations are necessary in order to find the answer to these questions. As a conclusion the author reminds that this paper was written with the purpose of serving as a guide for future investigations and it is far from being complete. Attention is called to the fact that it is necessary to carry on with systematic studies with the plankton from the Brazilian coast, including not only the Diatomacea but also all the micro-organisms that live in the marine environment.
  • Bomolochus xenomelanirisi n. sp. parasito de Peixe-Rei: Xenomelaniris brasiliensis (Quoy & Gaimard) (Copepoda - Cyclopoida - Pisces - Mugiloidei)

    Carvalho, J. de Paiva

    Resumo em Inglês:

    This work deals with Bomolochus xenomelanirisi n.sp. - Copepoda Cyclopoida - that was found as parasite on Xenomelaniris brasiliensis (Quoy & Gaimard), a fish inhabiting the south seashore region of São Paulo State (Brazil). On examining 100 fishes, the author found 30 ♀ ♀ and 14 ♂ ♂ , all of which were attached to the internal portion of the posterior region of the opérele. The new species here described is related to Bomolochus nitidus and B.exilipes, both described by Wilson, but differs from them by the shape of the maxilliped, by the greater number of setae of the first maxilla, by the lenght of the second antennae, by the strongest armature of the first antennae and by the shape and number of the eggs contained in the ovigerous sacs. The author describes male and female, illustrating the descriptions with 21 drawings. Some ecological notes are presented. The author is indebted to the National Research Council (Conselho Nacional de Pesquisas) of Rio de Janeiro, for a grant in aid, for which thanks are due.
  • Contribuição ao conhecimento dos moluscos da Ilha Fernando de Noronha - Brasil

    Lopes, H. de Souza; Alvarenga, Moacir
  • Sobre quatro tornárias do Atlântico e do Mediterrâneo

    Björnberg, Tagea K. S.

    Resumo em Inglês:

    Several tornariae were obtained from the plankton collected during the Cruise of the "Baependi" and the "Vega" to Trindade Is. and vicinities on 18th June 195D, also from plankton collected at Fernando de Noronha Is. These larvae were fixed in a solution of formalin at 4%. Those of Trindade Is. were in a very bad state of conservation (Fig. 1) . They proved to be probably Tornari a weldoni Stiasny in a young Krohn stage of progressive development (no coeloma were noticed). The secondary loops and lobes which were 4 to 6 in number, the high oral arch, the very large oral field, the elevated and narrow ventral loop are characteristic of the above mentioned species and were observed in our best preserved specimen. It is only 1,01mm long, therefore smaller than the T.weldoni described by Stiasny & Stiasny-Wijnhoff (1996). Distribution:- Bahamas Is. and New-England. The beautiful large tornariae from Fernando de Noronha Is. (4mm in height)(Figs. 2-6) are all T.chierchiai I Stiasny in the Krohn stage of development. This is a Ptychodera type larva, according to Stiasny and Stiasny-Wijnhoff (1926), with lobate tentacles, no anal ring, not apically pointed, with a narrow oral field and very deep superior lobes with an inferior bifurcation (Fig. 2). The oral arch is very narrow and low (Fig. 5). The inferior dorsal lobes are narrow, long and without lobate tentacles (Fig. 4). The lateral lobe is short, oblique (as in T. morgani) , narrow, with more or less 8-10 lobate tentacles and provided with a lateral loop as in T.morgani (Fig. 4 and 2), the connective belt between the median and the lateral loops of the post-oral and the pre-oral fields is provided with 6-10 lobate tentacles (Fig. 2). There are about 26 lobate tentacles on the loops. There are no lobate tentacles on the apical region, where the eyes are situated (Fig. 3). Hydrocoel has large "spurs". There is a strong pigmentation on the ciliated ring. The trunk and collar coeloma are periferically situated. The larva is in an advanced Krohn stage of development. T. chierchiai I has only been found in the Pacific up to now. It is generally considered to be the larva of Ptychodera flava widely distributed in that Ocean. A species very closely related to P.flav a occurs in the Atlantic - Ptychodera bahamensis - whose larva T.morgani, differs from T.chierchia i I chiefly by the absence of the inferior dorsal lobes. The larva found at Fernando de Noronha Is. is T. chierchiai I or a morphologically intermediate type between T. chierchiai I and T. morgani. Its occurrence in the Atlantic near to the West Indies strongly supports Trewawas' (1931) and Van der Horst's (1939) suggestions that P. flava and P. bahamensis are probably varieties of the same species. Probably their larvae are also very variable. Or else, T.morgani and T. chierchiai I are not the larvae of the mentioned species of Ptychodera , which is not probable. T. morgani has been reared up to a young Ptychodera sp. stage. Dr. K. P. Rao in India is now trying to rear the larva of P. flava and thus to settle all this controversy. Several tornariae were also sent to me from Algiers (Mediterranean Sea) by Prof. A.Hollande. They are beautifully coloured and mounted in Canada balsam by Dr. J. Cachon, who collected them on the 28th March 1949. One of them had been reared to a stage of metamorphosis. These tornariae belong to two different species: T.krohn i Stiasny and T.dubi a Spengel, both already known from the Mediterranean Sea. T. krohni is very similar to T.mielcki (Stiasny & Stiasny-Wijnhoff 1926, p. 160-161) and my specimens in the Krohn stage of development were intermediate in shape and characteristics between the two above mentioned species, thus proving that the two are varieties of the same species. The height of the tornariae were from 1,1mm to 1,3mm (smaller than the first T. krohni described, probably in part due to fixation and mounting). They belong to the Balanoglossus and Glossobalanus type of tornaria, with the anal field in the shape of an inverted cone, the anterior part of the larva bell shaped, a median apical plate, a narrow ventral loop, which is not very elevated (Fig. 7). The lateral lobe with its corresponding lateral loops is like T.krohni's from Messina (Fig. 10). The stomach is balloon shaped. The primary and the secondary dorsal lobes are very large (Fig. 8). The secondary loops are narrow and protruding (Fig. 7). The oral arch is elevated (Fig. 7). The hydroporus is situated slightly to the right of the median line (Fig. 8). Strongly developed primary inferior dorsal lobes. There are 4 to 5 secondary loops ventrally (Fig. 7). Dorsally there are 3 to 4 (Fig. 8) of the same. The hydrocoel has no "spurs" and the pericardium is already developed. Both collar and trunk coeloma are present. The tornaria is therefore an advanced Krohn stage of development. Fig. 11 shows a tornaria of this species in the Spengel stage of development (with greatly developed coeloma and hydrocoel). Fig. 12 shows the same species at a very late Metschnikoff stage of development (with only very poorly developed trunk coeloma and the beginning of the secondary loop formation, the hydrocoel with thin walls). T. krohni i Spengel is here considered a different species of tornaria probably belonging to Balanoglossus clavigerus, as stated in Stiasny & Stiasny-Wijnhoff (1926, p. 66). Tornaria dubia Spengel collected in the same region, in the vicinities of Algiers, (Figs. 13, 14, 15 and 16) belongs to the Glandiceps type of Stiasny and Stiasny-Wijnhoff. The tornaria is double-cone shaped, with pre-oral field in the form of an upside down Y, and with protruding not separate lqops which give it also the shape of a butterfly. Oral arch with not parallel limbs. The ventral loop has two inferior ventral lobes and two corresponding loops (Fig. 13). It is not long, but large and flat. No lateral lobe, nor lateral loop (Fig. 15). Dorsal primary loops partly in the ventral region with one or two secondary lobes (resulting in an S shaped band) with a long narrow horizontal connection to the median field (Fig. 15). The hydrocoel is very large with pericardium and coeloma well developed. This and the great height of the tornaria (1, 23-1,34mm) show that the larvae of Figs. 13, 14 and 15 are in an advanced Krohn stage of progressive development. They are more developed than the larvae figured by Stiasny & Stiasny-Wijnhoff (1926, fig. 36a and 36b) and by Spengel (1893, pi . 22, fig. 17, 18, 19). Fig. 16 shows this larva in the Spengel stage of development with smaller number of loops and lobes and coeloma far more developed as well as larger hydrocoel. Two metamorphosis stages are also figured (Figs. 17 and 18) but have not been described because they were already mounted in Canada balsam. They belong to T. dubia or to T. krohni and were also obtained in Algiers. It would be interesting to rear both larvae and to settle the question as to which adult species they belong.
  • Ergasilus xenomelanirisi n. sp. parasito de Peixe-Rei: Xenomelaniris brasiliensis (Quoy & Gaimard) (Copepoda - Cyclopoida - Pisces - Mugiloidei)

    Carvalho, J. de Paiva

    Resumo em Inglês:

    During 1952-53, while studying the parasitic copepods of some brazilian fishes, at the laboratory of the Research Station of the Oceanographie Institute (Cananéia, southern coast of S. Paulo State. Brazil), the author found 87 copepods of the genus Lernaeenicus, 176 of the genus Fomolochus and 2.093 of the genus Ereasilus. These copepods were obtained from the gills of the mugilid fish Xenomelaniris brasiliensis (Q & G.). In this paper the author deals only with specimens of the genus Ergasilus since the other two genera, Lernaeenicus (Carvalho 1953, p. 191-190) and Bomolochus (Carvalho 1955, p. 143-151) were already studied previously. The species now described, according to the key of Wilson (1911, p.327) is related to sieboldii, lizae, nanus and versicolor, but differs from them by various important characters. A diagnosis of the new species is presented and comparisons are made with the related ones. Some considerations concerning the parasitism of the young fishes by leaches probably belonging to the family Ichthyobdellidae are presented, as well as references about two cases of parasitism by isopods and a few laboratory experiments related to the study of the nauplius stages of Lernaeenicus. The author is indebted, with due thanks, to the National Research Council (Conselho Nacional de Fesquisas) of Rio de Janeiro, for a grant in aid.
Instituto Oceanográfico da Universidade de São Paulo Praça do Oceanográfico, 191, 05508-120 São Paulo SP Brasil, Tel.: (55 11) 3091 6513, Fax: (55 11) 3032 3092 - São Paulo - SP - Brazil