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Boletim do Instituto Oceanográfico, Volume: 34, Publicado: 1986
  • Incidência de isópodes parasitas (Cymothoidae) em peixes da plataforma continental brasileira Artigos

    Sartor, Silvia Maria

    Resumo em Português:

    No presente trabalho examinaram-se 90.418 exemplares de 186 espécies de peixes, coletados entre a região de Cabo de São Tome (RJ) e Torres (RS) - Brasil (latitudes 22º27'00"S -29º21'00"S), o que possibilitou um levantamento das espécies de isopodes parasitas que ocorrem na área e das espécies de peixes susceptíveis a este parasitismo. Foram constatadas 12 diferentes espécies de isopodes da família Cymothoidae e 13 espécies hospedeiras. O índice de parasitismo observado foi variável dependendo das espécies de parasita e hospedeiro consideradas, local de coleta e época do ano. O peixe Chloroscombrus chrysurus apresentou o maior índice de parasitismo entre as espécies analisadas, com área de concentração na região próxima a Paranaguá (PR), (latitude 25º40'00"S). Foi encontrado alto grau de especificidade de Cymotkoa spi com relação ao hospedeiro C. chrysurus. Lironeca redmanni entretanto, apesar de parasitar principalmente peixes da espécie Cynoscion striatus parece não ser parasita específico do mesmo, pois ocorreu também em outras seis espécies hospedeiras.

    Resumo em Inglês:

    In the present paper 90.418 individuals belonging to 186 species of fish were examined. The samples were taken on the southeastern Brazilian shelf, from Cabo de São Tome (RJ) (22º21'S) to Torres (RJ) (29º21'S) - Brazil. The present results indicate the presence of 12 different parasitic species of Cymothoidae and 13 host-species of fish. A high degree of specificity between Cymothoa sp1** and the host, Chloroscombrus chrysurus (Pisces, Carangidae) was disclosed. Although Lironeca redmanni is not specific-parasite, it was found mainly on Cynoscion striatus (Pisces, Sciaenidae).
  • A multivariate approach to environmental-zooplankton relationships in Maldonado Bay (Uruguay)

    Milstein, Ana

    Resumo em Inglês:

    Environment-zooplankton relationships were analysed in Maldonado Bay (Uruguay), an estuarine area between the River Plate and the Atlantic Ocean. This was done through Principal Component Analysis. Most of the environment variability is accounted for, primarily, by the outflow of the River Plate and the inflow of coastal waters which change through the annual cycle, and in the second place by surface water conditions. On the other hand, most of the zooplankton variability is accounted for by 17 taxa abundant in April and February and by one dominant species present only from May to August. A second source of zooplanktonic variability is due to species which occurred in fall only The main observed variabili ty occurred on an annual scale. On it, variations on smaller scales overlap: from one day to another, between Maldonado Bay and the adjacent waters of the River Plate. The main factors involved were different at each scale. The Bay is relatively isolated from adjacent waters, but the degree of isolation varies throughout the year. The influence of coastal water is greater and occurs first outside the Bay. Biological processes may develop under different conditions in the Bay and in the adjacent waters of the River Plate.
  • Características físicas e químicas do sistema estuarino-lagunar de Cananéia-Iguape Artigos

    Miyao, Sadako Yadoya; Nishihara, Linda; Sarti, Claudio Cícero

    Resumo em Inglês:

    This paper reports a series of data on salinity, current, nutrient and dissolved oxygen concentration observed in the Cananeia-Iguape region. The circulation of the system is dominated by tides entering from Barra de Cananéia and Barra de Icapara. Due to differences in the ebb and flood periods in Mar de Cananéia and Mar do Cubatão, residual flows of opposite directions were observed in the bottom layers of these channels. Observations from January 1982 in Mar de Cananéia showed nutrient concentrations generally higher at high tide than at low tide. The same behaviour was not observed in July 1981, when the concentrations were lower than in January. Differences in nutrient distributions in Mar de Cananeia and Bata de Trapande-Mar do Cubatao are apparently related to local influence of mixing processes, as well as to local biological and chemical processes.
  • Vertical distribution of benthic marine organisms on rocky coasts of the Fernando de Noronha Archipelago (Brazil)

    Eston, Verena Rapp de; Migotto, Alvaro Esteves; Oliveira Filho, Eurico Cabral de; Rodrigues, Sergio de Almeida; Freitas, Jose Carlos de

    Resumo em Inglês:

    Qualitative samples of flora and fauna were collected in several points, from the supralittoral fringe down to 30 m, using mainly aqualungs. Species distribution and abundance were determined along four transects, up to 200 m long, in selected places. Samples were taken from 25 x 25 cm quadrats positioned at fixed intervals along the transects down to a variable depth, depending on algal percentage cover and their substrate. The intertidal zone was populated essentially by molluscs. The subtidal was covered predominantly by macroalgae. Montastrea cavernosa, Siderastrea stellata and Mussismillia hispida were the only animal species with a significant percentage cover within the quadrats. Dictyopteris justii, D. plagiograma, Dictyota cervicornis, D. linearis, D. mertensii, Sargassum platycarpum, Sargassum sp, and Stypopodium zonale were the plants with the highest biomass and/or percentage cover, along with Amphiroa fragilissima, Caulerpa verticillata, and crustose corallines. The scarcity of sea urchins, along with the dominance of algae known to produce chemical feeding deterrents or to have a calcareous nature, points towards a strong pressure by predators, with fishes probably playing a key role in the maintenance of the structure of this subtidal community.
  • Early development of Thyrsitops lepidopoides (Pisces: Gempylidae)

    Gosuke, Sato; Matsuura, Yasunobu

    Resumo em Inglês:

    Thyrsitops lepidopoides larvae were caught with Bongo nets in the upper 200 m of the ocean from the coast of southern Brazil during 1975-1978. Based on a serie of 271 specimens ranging from 2.5 to 24.0 mm body lenght, morphological and osteological development of the larvae and juveniles is described. Small larvae (2.5-12.0 mm NL) can be distinguished from all known gempylid larvae by the presence of a distinct melanophore at the base of the dorsal and anal fins. The larvae have well developed dorsal and ventral spines. It is the only gempylid with six preopercular spines and non-serrated dorsal and ventral spines during the larval stage.
  • Contribuição ao conhecimento da biologia da manjuba, Anchoviella lepidentostole (Fowler, 1911), no Estuário de São Vicente, SP (Osteichthyes, Engraulidae) Artigos

    Paiva Filho, Alfredo Martins; Zani-Teixeira, Maria de Lourdes; Kihara, Paulo Kiyoshi

    Resumo em Inglês:

    As many as 3408 specimens from 16 samples were collected in São Vicente Estuary, Sao Paulo, Brazil, from June 1979 to July 1980. The occurrence, growth, length-weight relationship and condition factor of the species are analysed. This estuarine region is one of the areas where the species grows, moving from it when the maturation process begins.
  • Estudo sobre a ictiofauna acompanhante da pesca do camarão sete-barbas (Xyphopenaeus kroyeri) nas proximidades da Baía de Santos - SP: I - aspectos quantitativos Artigos

    Paiva-Filho, Alfredo Martins; Schmiegelow, João Marcos Miragaia

    Resumo em Inglês:

    During the sea-bob shrimp fishery, a large quantity of miscellaneous fishes are caught, of which the most part was discarded in the sea. In this paper, quantitative aspects of this bycatch products are analized, e.g. diversity of ichthyofauna, catch per unit effort and proportions of the sea-bob shrimp versus acompanying fish fauna. Sampling has been made from Sept. 1981 to Sept. 1983 at Santos bay, one of the most important fishing area from Brazil. A total of 5583 fishes were collected during 28 fishery operations with otter-trawl.
  • Lista das dissertações de mestrado e teses de doutorado

Instituto Oceanográfico da Universidade de São Paulo Praça do Oceanográfico, 191, 05508-120 São Paulo SP Brasil, Tel.: (55 11) 3091 6513, Fax: (55 11) 3032 3092 - São Paulo - SP - Brazil