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Sao Paulo Medical Journal, Volume: 131, Número: 3, Publicado: 2013
  • Avaliação da qualidade do atendimento médico na prática clínica Editorial

    Pêgo-Fernandes, Paulo Manuel; Terra, Ricardo Mingarini; Lauricella, Letícia Leone; Bibas, Benoit Jacques
  • Inadequação do consumo alimentar em adultos vivendo com HIV Original Article

    Giudici, Kelly Virecoulon; Duran, Ana Clara Fonseca Leitão; Jaime, Patricia Constante

    Resumo em Português:

    CONTEXTO E OBJETIVO O número de pessoas vivendo com HIV (PVH) no Brasil oscila entre 600.000 e 890.000. A avaliação de dietas é relevante para o planejamento de ações de saúde e melhoria da qualidade de vida desses indivíduos. Este estudo visa estimar a prevalência de inadequação do consumo de proteínas, lipídios totais, lipídios saturados, carboidratos, fibras, sódio, cálcio e colesterol em PVH em terapia antirretroviral de alta atividade (TARV). TIPO DE ESTUDO E LOCAL Estudo transversal em nove Centros de Assistência Especializados em DST/Aids localizados em São Paulo. MÉTODOS Homens e mulheres com idade entre 20 e 59 anos, em TARV por no mínimo 3 meses, foram incluídos. O consumo de nutrientes foi avaliado com um recordatório alimentar de 24 horas aplicado pes-soalmente e repetido em 30% da população por telefone. A variabilidade intra e interpessoal foi corrigida. RESULTADOS Foram avaliados 507 indivíduos, 58% homens e idade média de 41,7 anos (desvio padrão, DP = 7,8). O tempo médio de infecção por HIV foi de 6,6 anos (DP = 4,1), e de TARV, de 5,1 anos (DP = 3,3). Mais que 20% da população apresentou consumo acima das recomendações para lipídios saturados, colesterol e/ou sódio, e abaixo para fibras. Excederam a recomendação máxima tolerada para sódio 99% da amostra, enquanto 86% dos homens e 94% das mulheres não atingiram as recomendações diárias para o cálcio. O consumo de proteínas, carboidratos e lipídios totais mostrou-se adequado para a maioria da população. CONCLUSÕES Uma importante parcela da população apresentou consumo inadequado para lipídios saturados, sódio, fibras e cálcio. Intervenções que visem melhorar a qualidade da dieta de PVH são necessárias.

    Resumo em Inglês:

    CONTEXT AND OBJECTIVE The number of people living with HIV (PLHIV) in Brazil is between 600,000 and 890,000. Assessing the diet is important in planning healthcare actions and improving PLHIV's quality of life. This study aimed to estimate the prevalence of inappropriate protein, total fat, saturated fat, carbohydrate, fiber, sodium, calcium and cholesterol intake among PVHIV on highly-active antiretroviral therapy (HAART). DESIGN AND SETTING Cross-sectional study in nine Specialized STD/AIDS Healthcare Centers in São Paulo. METHODS Men and women aged 20 to 59 years, on HAART for at least three months, were included. Nutrient intake was assessed using 24-hour food recall applied in person and repeated among 30% of the population by telephone. The between and within-person variances were corrected. RESULTS 507 individuals were evaluated: 58% male, mean age 41.7 years (standard deviation, SD = 7.8). The mean time since HIV diagnosis was 6.6 years (SD = 4.1), and since HAART onset, 5.1 years (SD = 3.3). More than 20% of the population presented intake above the recommendations for saturated fat, cholesterol and/or sodium, and below the recommendations for fiber. The recommended maximum tolerable sodium level was exceeded by 99% of the sample, and 86% of men and 94% of women did not reach the daily recommendations for calcium. Protein, carbohydrate and total fat intakes were adequate for the majority of the population. CONCLUSIONS A significant portion of the population presented inappropriate intake of saturated fat, sodium, fiber and calcium. Interventions aimed at improving PLHIV's dietary quality are needed.
  • Acidentes por queda de laje Original Article

    Rudelli, Bruno Alves; Silva, Marcelo Valério Alabarce da; Akkari, Miguel; Santili, Claudio

    Resumo em Português:

    CONTEXTO E OBJETIVO A queda de cima da laje é um acidente com alto potencial, que ocorre nas grandes metrópoles brasileiras e frequentemente acomete crianças e adolescentes. O objetivo do estudo foi caracterizar os fatores que predispõem às quedas da laje envolvendo crianças e adolescentes, quantificar a gravidade das lesões associadas e sugerir medidas preventivas. TIPO DE ESTUDO E LOCAL Estudo prospectivo longitudinal observacional de caráter descritivo realizado em dois hospitais na região metropolitana de São Paulo. MÉTODOS Foram coletados dados de 29 casos de queda da laje envolvendo crianças e adolescentes no período de outubro de 2008 a outubro de 2009. RESULTADOS O gênero masculino foi o mais prevalente, com 84% dos casos. A faixa etária predominante foi a escolar (7 a 12 anos) com 44%. O lazer foi a atividade mais frequente praticada na laje no momento da queda (86%), sendo a brincadeira de empinar pipa a mais prevalente (37,9%). Em 72% dos casos, as crianças estavam desacompanhadas de um adulto responsável. Quadros graves como politraumas e traumas cranioencefálicos representaram 79% dos acidentes. CONCLUSÃO A queda da laje representa acidente com alto potencial de gravidade, sendo necessária a adoção de medidas preventivas direcionadas ao esclarecimento de pais e responsáveis sobre os perigos e fatores de risco relacionados com esse tipo de acidente, além da adoção de medidas de proteção física, como muretas ao redor da laje e portões com travas para restringir o livre acesso a esse local.

    Resumo em Inglês:

    CONTEXT AND OBJECTIVE Falls from the roof slabs of houses are accidents of high potential severity that occur in large Brazilian cities and often affect children and adolescents. The aims of this study were to characterize the factors that predispose towards this type of fall involving children and adolescents, quantify the severity of associated lesions and suggest preventive measures. DESIGN AND SETTING Descriptive observational prospective longitudinal study in two hospitals in the metropolitan region of São Paulo. METHODS Data were collected from 29 cases of falls from roof slabs involving children and adolescents between October 2008 and October 2009. RESULTS Cases involving males were more prevalent, accounting for 84%. The predominant age group was schoolchildren (7 to 12 years old; 44%). Leisure activities were most frequently being practiced on the roof slab at the time of the fall (86%), and flying a kite was the most prevalent game (37.9%). In 72% of the cases, the children were unaccompanied by an adult responsible for them. Severe conditions such as multiple trauma and traumatic brain injuries resulted from 79% of the accidents. CONCLUSION Falls from roof slabs are accidents of high potential severity, and preventive measures aimed towards informing parents and guardians about the dangers and risk factors associated with this type of accident are needed, along with physical protective measures, such as low walls around the slab and gates with locks to restrict free access to these places.
  • Incidência, indicação e complicações da reintubação no pós-operatório de cirurgia eletiva intracraniana Original Article

    Hayashi, Lucas Yutaka; Gazzotti, Mariana Rodrigues; Vidotto, Milena Carlos; Jardim, José Roberto

    Resumo em Português:

    CONTEXTO E OBJETIVO Não há relatos sobre incidência de reintubação, suas causas e consequências no pós-operatório de cirurgia intracraniana eletiva. O objetivo foi avaliar a incidência de reintubação, suas causas e complicações em pós-operatório de cirurgia intracraniana eletiva. TIPO DE ESTUDO E LOCAL Estudo de coorte prospectivo, com dados que foram obtidos de 2003 a 2006 em um hospital universitário terciário. MÉTODO 169 pacientes submetidos a cirurgia intracraniana eletiva foram estudados. Foi realizada avaliação pré-operatória e os pacientes foram acompanhados até a alta hospitalar ou óbito, verificando a taxa de reintubação, suas causas e complicações. RESULTADOS A incidência de reintubação foi de 12,4% sendo a principal causa o rebaixamento do nível de consciência (71,5%). Houve maior incidência de reintubação no sexo feminino (P = 0,028), bem como do nível de consciência alterado no momento da extubação (P < 0,0001). Pacientes reintubados apresentaram maior tempo de ventilação mecânica (P < 0,0001) e de internação em unidade de terapia intensiva (UTI) e hospitalar (P < 0,0001), maior incidência de complicações pulmonares (P < 0,0001), maior necessidade de reoperação e traqueostomia, além de aumento de mortalidade (P < 0,0001). CONCLUSÃO A incidência de reintubação nesses pacientes foi de 12,4%. A principal causa da reintubação foi o rebaixamento do nível de consciência. O sexo feminino e nível de consciência alterado no momento da extubação foram relacionados à maior incidência de reintubação. A reintubação foi associada a complicações pulmonares, maior tempo de ventilação mecânica, de internação e de permanência na UTI, maior incidência de traqueostomia e mortalidade.

    Resumo em Inglês:

    CONTEXT AND OBJECTIVE There are no reports on reintubation incidence and its causes and consequences during the postoperative period following elective intracranial surgery. The objective here was to evaluate the incidence of reintubation and its causes and complications in this situation. DESIGN AND SETTING Prospective cohort study, using data obtained at a tertiary university hospital between 2003 and 2006. METHODS 169 patients who underwent elective intracranial surgery were studied. Preoperative assessment was performed and the patients were followed up until hospital discharge or death. The rate of reintubation with its causes and complications was ascertained. RESULTS The incidence of reintubation was 12.4%, and the principal cause was lowered level of consciousness (71.5%). There was greater incidence of reintubation among females (P = 0.028), and greater occurrence of altered level of consciousness at the time of extubation (P < 0.0001). Reintubated patients presented longer duration of mechanical ventilation (P < 0.0001), longer stays in the intensive care unit (ICU) and in the hospital (P < 0.0001), greater incidence of pulmonary complications (P < 0.0001), greater need for reoperation and tracheostomy, and higher mortality (P < 0.0001). CONCLUSION The incidence of reintubation in these patients was 12.4%. The main cause was lowering of the level of consciousness. Female gender and altered level of consciousness at the time of extubation correlated with higher incidence of reintubation. Reintubation was associated with pulmonary complications, longer durations of mechanical ventilation, hospitalization and stay in the ICU, greater incidence of tracheostomy and mortality.
  • Qualidade de vida em pacientes iranianos com beta-talassemia maior usando o questionário SF-36 Original Article

    Haghpanah, Sezaneh; Nasirabadi, Shiva; Ghaffarpasand, Fariborz; Karami, Rahmatollah; Mahmoodi, Mojtaba; Parand, Shirin; Karimi, Mehran

    Resumo em Português:

    CONTEXTO E OBJETIVO Pacientes com beta-talassemia maior (β-TM) vivenciam problemas físicos, psicológicos e sociais que levam à diminuição da qualidade de vida (QV). O objetivo foi determinar a QV relacionada à saúde e seus determinantes em pacientes com β-TM, utilizando questionário SF-36 (Short Form-36). TIPO DE ESTUDO E LOCAL Estudo transversal no Centro de Hematologia e Pesquisa em Universidade de Ciências Médicas de Shiraz, no sul do Irã. MÉTODOS Foram selecionados aleatoriamente 101 pacientes com β-TM. Após registro demográfico e características da doença, eles foram convidados a preencher o questionário SF-36. A correlação entre fatores clínicos e demográficos com escore de QV foi avaliada. RESULTADOS Havia 44 homens e 57 mulheres, com idade média de 19,52 ± 4,3 (variação 12-38) anos. Em duas escalas, dor (P = 0,041) e aspectos emocionais (P = 0,009), as mulheres apresentaram escores significativamente menores aos dos homens. Menor renda, baixa adesão à terapia quelante de ferro e presença de comorbidades foram correlacionadas com escores SF-36 significativamente menores. Esses fatores foram também considerados determinantes de piores escores de SF-36 em análise multivariada. CONCLUSÕES Mostramos que a presença de complicações da doença, a baixa adesão ao tratamento da terapia quelante de ferro e o baixo status econômico são preditores de pior QV em pacientes com β-TM. Prevenção e manejo adequado das complicações relacionadas com a doença, aumento do conhecimento dos pacientes sobre a importância do gerenciamento de comorbidades e ter maior adesão ao tratamento quelante de ferro, considerando também o apoio psicossocial e financeiro, poderiam ser úteis para melhor lidar com esse estado de doença crônica.

    Resumo em Inglês:

    CONTEXT AND OBJECTIVE Patients with beta-thalassemia major (β-TM) experience physical, psychological and social problems that lead to decreased quality of life (QoL). The aim here was to measure health-related QoL and its determinants among patients with β-TM, using the Short Form-36 (SF-36) questionnaire. DESIGN AND SETTING Cross-sectional study at the Hematology Research Center of Shiraz University of Medical Sciences, in southern Iran. METHODS One hundred and one patients with β-TM were randomly selected. After the participants' demographics and disease characteristics had been recorded, they were asked to fill out the SF-36 questionnaire. The correlations of clinical and demographic factors with the QoL score were evaluated. RESULTS There were 44 men and 57 women of mean age 19.52 ± 4.3 years (range 12-38). On two scales, pain (P = 0.041) and emotional role (P = 0.009), the women showed significantly lower scores than the men. Lower income, poor compliance with iron-chelating therapy and presence of comorbidities were significantly correlated with lower SF-36 scores. These factors were also found to be determinants of worse SF-36 scores in multivariate analysis. CONCLUSIONS We showed that the presence of disease complications, poor compliance with iron-chelating therapy and poor economic status were predictors of worse QoL among patients with β-TM. Prevention and proper management of disease-related complications, increased knowledge among patients regarding the importance of managing comorbidities and greater compliance with iron-chelating therapy, along with psychosocial and financial support, could help these patients to cope better with this chronic disease state.
  • SAPS 3, APACHE IV ou GRACE Original Article

    Nassar Junior, Antonio Paulo; Mocelin, Amilcar Oshiro; Andrade, Fabio Moreira; Brauer, Leonardo; Giannini, Fabio Poianas; Nunes, Andre Luiz Baptiston; Dias, Carlos Augusto

    Resumo em Português:

    CONTEXTO E OBJETIVO Síndromes coronarianas agudas (SCA) são causa comum de admissão à unidade de terapia intensiva (UTI). Escores prognósticos específicos foram desenvolvidos e validados para pacientes com SCA e, dentre esses, o GRACE (Registro Global de Eventos Coronarianos Agudos) tem tido a melhor performance. No entanto, os intensivistas normalmente usam escores desenvolvidos para populações heterogêneas de pacientes graves, como o APACHE IV (Avaliação de Saúde Crônica e Fisiologia Aguda IV) e o SAPS 3 (Escore Fisiológico Agudo Simplificado 3). O presente estudo objetiva avaliar e comparar a performance desses três escores em uma população não selecionada admitida com diagnóstico de SCA. TIPO DE ESTUDO E LOCAL Estudo retrospectivo observacional para a avaliação de três escores prognósticos em uma população admitida com SCA em três UTIs gerais de hospitais particulares em São Paulo. MÉTODOS Todos os pacientes admitidos com SCA de julho de 2008 a dezembro de 2009 foram avaliados para inclusão no estudo. Foram avaliadas a calibração e a discriminação dos escores em predizer a mortalidade hospitalar. RESULTADOS Um total de 1.065 pacientes foi incluído. A calibração foi adequada para o APACHE IV e para o GRACE, mas não para o SAPS 3. A discriminação foi muito boa para todos os escores (área sob a curva de 0,862; 0,860 e 0,804 para GRACE, APACHE IV e SAPS 3). CONCLUSÕES Nesta população de pacientes com SCA admitidos à UTI, os escores GRACE e APACHE IV apresentaram uma calibração adequada, mas o SAPS 3 não. Todos os escores tiveram uma discriminação muito boa. O GRACE e o APACHE IV podem ser usados para predição de mortalidade em pacientes com SCA.

    Resumo em Inglês:

    CONTEXT AND OBJECTIVE Acute coronary syndromes (ACS) are a common cause of intensive care unit (ICU) admission. Specific prognostic scores have been developed and validated for ACS patients and, among them, GRACE (Global Registry of Acute Coronary Events) has had the best performance. However, intensive care clinicians generally use prognostic scores developed from heterogeneous populations of critically ill patients, such as APACHE IV (Acute Physiologic and Chronic Health Evaluation IV) and SAPS 3 (Simplified Acute Physiology Score 3). The aim of this study was to evaluate and compare the performance of these three scores in a non-selected population of ACS cases. DESIGN AND SETTING Retrospective observational study to evaluate three prognostic scores in a population of ACS patients admitted to three general ICUs in private hospitals in São Paulo. METHODS All patients with ACS admitted from July 2008 to December 2009 were considered for inclusion in the study. Score calibration and discrimination were evaluated in relation to predicting hospital mortality. RESULTS A total of 1065 patients were included. The calibration was appropriate for APACHE IV and GRACE but not for SAPS 3. The discrimination was very good for all scores (area under curve of 0.862 for GRACE, 0.860 for APACHE IV and 0.804 for SAPS 3). CONCLUSIONS In this population of ACS patients admitted to ICUs, GRACE and APACHE IV were adequately calibrated, but SAPS 3 was not. All three scores had very good discrimination. GRACE and APACHE IV may be used for predicting mortality risk among ACS patients.
  • Anestesia neuroaxial versus anestesia geral para cirurgias urológicas: revisão sistemática Original Article

    Barbosa, Fabiano Timbó; Castro, Aldemar Araújo

    Resumo em Português:

    CONTEXTO E OBJETIVO A escolha da melhor técnica anestésica para cirurgias urológicas para reduzir mortalidade permanece controversa. O objetivo foi comparar a efetividade e segurança da anestesia neuroaxial versus anestesia geral para cirurgias urológicas. TIPO DE ESTUDO E LOCAL Revisão sistemática, Universidade Federal de Alagoas. MÉTODO Fizemos a busca em Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials na Cochrane Library (2012, volume 10), Medline via PubMed (1966 até outubro de 2012), Lilacs (1982 até outubro de 2012), SciELO e EMBASE (1974 até outubro de 2012). As listas de referências dos estudos incluídos e de uma revisão sistemática em urologia também foram analisadas. Os estudos incluídos foram ensaios clínicos randomizados (ECR) que analisaram as anestesias neuroaxial e geral para cirurgias urológicas. RESULTADOS Os títulos e resumos de 2.720 artigos foram analisados. Entre eles, 16 estudos foram identificados e 11 preencheram os critérios de inclusão. Um ECR foi publicado duas vezes. A validade dos estudos foi: escore de Jadad &#x3E; 3 em um ECR; sete ECRs com indeterminado risco de viés como a resposta mais comum; cinco ECR sem preenchimento da metade dos itens da lista de Delphi. A frequência de mortalidade não foi significante entre os grupos de estudo em três ECR. A metanálise não foi realizada. CONCLUSÃO Até o momento, as evidências disponíveis não puderam provar que a anestesia neuroaxial seja mais efetiva e segura do que a anestesia geral para cirurgias urológicas. Não houve dados suficientes para reunir os resultados de mortalidade, infarto cerebral, infarto do miocárdio, duração de internação hospitalar, qualidade de vida, grau de satisfação, disfunção cognitiva pós-operatória e necessidade de transfusão sanguínea.

    Resumo em Inglês:

    CONTEXT AND OBJECTIVE Choosing the best anesthetic technique for urological surgery with the aim of mortality reduction remains controversial. The objective here was to compare the effectiveness and safety of neuraxial anesthesia versus general anesthesia for urological surgery. DESIGN AND SETTING Systematic review, Universidade Federal de Alagoas. METHODS We searched the Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials in the Cochrane Library (Issue 10, 2012), Medline via PubMed (1966 to October 2012), Lilacs (1982 to October 2012), SciELO and EMBASE (1974 to October 2012). The reference lists of the studies included and of one systematic review in the same field were also analyzed. The studies included were randomized controlled trials (RCT) that analyzed neuraxial anesthesia and general anesthesia for urological surgery. RESULTS The titles and abstracts of 2720 articles were analyzed. Among these, 16 studies were identified and 11 fulfilled the inclusion criteria. One RCT was published twice. The study validity was: Jadad score &#x3E; 3 in one RCT; seven RCTs with unclear risk of bias as the most common response; and five RCTs not fulfilling half of the Delphi list items. The frequency of mortality was not significant between study groups in three RCTs. Meta-analysis was not performed. CONCLUSION At the moment, the evidence available cannot prove that neuraxial anesthesia is more effective and safer than general anesthesia for urological surgery. There were insufficient data to pool the results relating to mortality, stroke, myocardial infarction, length of hospitalization, quality of life, degree of satisfaction, postoperative cognitive dysfunction and blood transfusion requirements.
  • Estudos colaborativos na América Latina: desafios e oportunidades em cirurgia ortopédica e traumatológica Short Communication

    Moraes, Vinícius Ynoe de; Belloti, João Carlos; Faloppa, Flávio; Bhandari, Mohit

    Resumo em Português:

    CONTEXTO E OBJETIVOS A programação de pesquisa em ortopedia deve ser considerada do ponto de vista global. Esforços devem ser planejados como forma de se obter evidência que seja válida para promoção da saúde de alcance mundial. TIPO DE ESTUDO E LOCAL Estudo exploratório conduzido na Universidade Federal de São Paulo (Unifesp), São Paulo, Brasil e na McMaster University, Hamilton, Canadá. MÉTODOS Identificamos e analisamos pesquisas multicênticas/colaborativas realizadas na América Latina, considerando os esforços nos Estados Unidos e Canadá como referência. Para tal, exploramos os aspectos dos dados disponíveis em fontes oficiais e utilizamos os dados provenientes de acidentes de trânsito como modelo de discussão de pesquisas colaborativas nestes países. RESULTADOS A avaliação demonstra uma pequena proporção de estudos colaborativos/multicêntricos em nosso meio. Análise breve demonstrou que existe enorme proporção de mortes devidas a traumas provenientes dos acidentes de trânsito. Dessa forma, parece-nos claro que iniciativas envolvendo estudos colaborativos são importantes para a definição e melhor entendimento do padrão das lesões provenientes de trauma ortopédico e as formas de tratamento. A pesquisa ortopédica pode ser importante ferramenta para aglutinar cirurgiões ortopédicos, pesquisadores e sociedades médicas para uma ação em conjunto. CONCLUSÕES Apontamos algumas diretrizes práticas para iniciativas em pequisas colaborativas e propusemos algumas soluções com um plano de ação resumido para a realização de pesquisa baseada em evidências envolvendo trauma ortopédico.

    Resumo em Inglês:

    CONTEXT AND OBJECTIVE Orthopedic research agendas should be considered from a worldwide perspective. Efforts should be planned as the means for obtaining evidence that is valid for health promotion with global outreach. DESIGN AND SETTING Exploratory study conducted at Universidade Federal de São Paulo (Unifesp), São Paulo, Brazil, and McMaster University, Hamilton, Canada. METHODS We identified and analyzed collaborative and multicenter research in Latin America, taking into account American and Canadian efforts as the reference points. We explored aspects of the data available from official sources and used data from traffic accidents as a model for discussing collaborative research in these countries. RESULTS The evaluation showed that the proportion of collaborative and multicenter studies in our setting is small. A brief analysis showed that the death rate due to traffic accidents is very high. Thus, it seems clear to us that initiatives involving collaborative studies are important for defining and better understanding the patterns of injuries resulting from orthopedic trauma and the forms of treatment. Orthopedic research may be an important tool for bringing together orthopedic surgeons, researchers and medical societies for joint action. CONCLUSIONS We have indicated some practical guidelines for initiatives in collaborative research and have proposed some solutions with a summarized plan of action for conducting evidence-based research involving orthopedic trauma.
  • Evidências sobre o tratamento da acne Review Article

    Costa, Caroline Sousa; Bagatin, Ediléia

    Resumo em Português:

    Na terapêutica atual da acne vulgar, muitas opções amplamente praticadas carecem de respaldo em estudos de melhor nível de evidência científica. O objetivo desta revisão narrativa é apresentar o que há de mais recente no tratamento tópico e sistêmico da acne vulgar. São enfatizadas as informações de revisões sistemáticas e de ensaios clínicos com bom desenho metodológico, obtidas a partir de busca sistematizada nas principais bases de dados em medicina. Há importantes questões referentes à conduta clínica diante da acne que ainda requerem embasamento em evidências científicas consistentes, entre elas a dose e a duração ideais do tratamento com antibióticos orais, sem que ocorra indução de resistência bacteriana, e a segurança da isotretinoína oral.

    Resumo em Inglês:

    Among the current treatments available for acne vulgaris, many widely practiced options lack support from studies at the best level of scientific evidence. The aim of this narrative review was to present the very latest information on topical and systemic treatments for acne vulgaris. Information from systematic reviews and well-designed clinical trials, obtained through a systematic search of the major medical databases, is emphasized. There are important issues regarding the clinical management of acne that still lack consistent grounding in scientific evidence. Among these are the optimum dose and duration of treatment with oral antibiotics that can be given without inducing bacterial resistance, and the safety of oral isotretinoin.
  • Mastocitose sistêmica indolente restrita ao osso: um relato de caso e revisão da literatura Case Report

    Pinto-Lopes, Pedro; Fonseca, Francisco Adão; Silva, Roberto; Hafe, Pedro von; Fonseca, Elsa

    Resumo em Português:

    CONTEXTO A mastocitose sistêmica é definida como um distúrbio clonal do mastócito e suas células precursoras, sendo atualmente classificada como uma neoplasia mieloproliferativa. Seu curso clínico tem um espectro alargado, variando desde a doença indolente caraterizada por uma sobrevida normal, até a doença altamente agressiva associada a um envolvimento multissistêmico e a uma sobrevida reduzida. Este artigo reporta um caso de mastocitose sistêmica indolente, focando as principais dificuldades diagnósticas e fazendo uma revisão sistematizada da literatura. RELATO DO CASO Mulher de 79 anos, caucasiana, com antecedentes de osteoporose, foi avaliada no Serviço de Urgência por queixas de dor lombar. Antes disso, a doente havia consultado um ortopedista e realizado alguns exames de imagem, nomeadamente uma cintilografia óssea, que revelou um padrão em “superscan”. Em virtude de suas queixas álgicas e dos resultados dos estudos efetuados, foi internada no Departamento de Medicina Interna. Depois de realizados vários estudos analíticos e exames de imagem suplementares para excluir algumas importantes hipóteses de diagnóstico, a doente fez uma biópsia de medula óssea que permitiu identificar uma mastocitose sistêmica indolente. CONCLUSÃO A mastocitose sistêmica é uma entidade rara e difícil de diagnosticar. Os seus sintomas são muitas vezes inespecíficos e frequentemente ignorados. As alterações esqueléticas podem ser as primeiras e as únicas manifestações e, em certos casos, como este, o diagnóstico só pode ser feito após exame histológico. O mais importante para o diagnóstico é contemplar a hipótese de estarmos perante uma mastocitose sistêmica.

    Resumo em Inglês:

    CONTEXT Systemic mastocytosis is defined as a clonal disorder of mast cells and their precursor cells and is currently classified as a myeloproliferative neoplasm. Its clinical course has a wide spectrum, ranging from indolent disease, with normal life expectancy, to highly aggressive disease, associated with multisystemic involvement and poor overall survival. The aim of this study was to report a case of indolent systemic mastocytosis, focusing on the diagnostic challenges, with a review of the literature. CASE REPORT A 79-year-old Caucasian woman with osteoporosis was evaluated at the Emergency Department because of complaints of low back pain. Before this, she had consulted an orthopedist and had undergone some imaging examinations, namely a bone scan that revealed a “superscan” pattern. Due to her pain complaints and these test results, the patient was admitted to the Department of Internal Medicine. After undergoing several analytical tests and some additional imaging examinations to rule out some important differential diagnoses, she then underwent bone marrow biopsy, which made it possible to identify indolent systemic mastocytosis. CONCLUSION Systemic mastocytosis is a rare entity that is difficult to diagnose. Its symptoms are often unspecific and frequently ignored. Skeletal changes may be the first and only manifestation of the disease and in some cases, like this one, the diagnosis is made only after histological examination. The key point for the diagnosis is to contemplate the possibility of systemic mastocytosis.
  • Um caso de arritmia supraventricular induzida por tacrolimus, após o transplante renal Case Report

    Kim, Bo-Ra; Shin, Ho-Sik; Jung, Yeon-Soon; Rim, Hark

    Resumo em Português:

    CONTEXTO Tacrolimus (tacrolimo) é uma potente droga imunossupressora frequentemente administrada a pacientes receptores de transplante e exibe uma variedade de efeitos cardiovasculares adversos. RELATO DE CASO Relatamos um caso de uma mulher asiática de 53 anos de idade que desenvolveu vários fenômenos de arritmias, incluindo complexos atriais prematuros e taquicardia supraventricular após a administração de tacrolimus. CONCLUSÃO Tacrolimus associado a arritmia após transplante de rim pode ser fatal, por isso, pacientes submetidos a esse procedimento devem ser cuidadosamente monitorados.

    Resumo em Inglês:

    CONTEXT Tacrolimus is a potent immunosuppressive drug often administered to transplant recipient patients and exhibits a variety of adverse cardiovascular effects. CASE REPORT We report a case of a 53-year-old Asian female who developed various arrhythmic phenomena including atrial premature complexes and supraventricular tachycardia after administration of tacrolimus. CONCLUSION Tacrolimus-associated arrhythmia after kidney transplantation may be life-threatening, and so patients undergoing this procedure should be carefully monitored.
  • Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) for stroke recovery Cochrane Highlights

    Mead, Gillian E.; Hsieh, Cheng-Fang; Lee, Rebecca; Kutlubaev, Mansur A.; Claxton, Anne; Hankey, Graeme J.; Hacklett, Maree L.

    Resumo em Inglês:

    BACKGROUND Stroke is the major cause of adult disability. Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) have been used for many years to manage depression. Recently, small trials have demonstrated that SSRIs might improve recovery after stroke, even in people who are not depressed. Systematic reviews and meta-analyses are the least biased way to bring together data from several trials. Given the promising effect of SSRIs on stroke recovery seen in small trials, a systematic review and meta-analysis is needed. OBJECTIVE To determine whether SSRIs improve recovery after stroke, and whether treatment with SSRIs was associated with adverse effects. METHODS Search methods: We searched the Cochrane Stroke Group Trials Register (August 2011), Cochrane Depression Anxiety and Neurosis Group Trials Register (November 2011), Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials (CENTRAL) (The Cochrane Library 2011, Issue 8), MEDLINE (from 1948 to August 2011), EMBASE (from 1980 to August 2011), CINAHL (from 1982 to August 2011), AMED (Allied and Complementary Medicine) (from 1985 to August 2011), PsycINFO (from 1967 to August 2011) and PsycBITE (Pyschological Database for Brain Impairment Treatment Efficacy) (March 2012). To identify further published, unpublished and ongoing trials we searched trials registers, pharmaceutical websites, reference lists, contacted experts and performed citation tracking of included studies. Selection criteria: We included randomized controlled trials that recruited stroke survivors (ischaemic or haemorrhagic) at any time within the first year. The intervention was any SSRI, given at any dose, for any period. We excluded drugs with mixed pharmacological effects. The comparator was usual care or placebo. In order to be included, trials had to collect data on at least one of our primary (dependence and disability) or secondary (impairments, depression, anxiety, quality of life, fatigue, healthcare cost, death, adverse events and leaving the trial early) outcomes. Data collection and analysis: We extracted data on demographics, type of stroke, time since stroke, our primary and secondary outcomes, and sources of bias. For trials in English, two review authors independently extracted data. For Chinese papers, one review author extracted data. We used standardized mean differences (SMD) to estimate treatment effects for continuous variables, and risk ratios (RR) for dichotomous effects, with their 95% confidence intervals (CIs). MAIN RESULTS We identified 56 completed trials of SSRI versus control, of which 52 trials (4059 participants) provided data for meta-analysis. There were statistically significant benefits of SSRI on both of the primary outcomes: RR for reducing dependency at the end of treatment was 0.81 (95% CI 0.68 to 0.97) based on one trial, and for disability score, the SMD was 0.91 (95% CI 0.60 to 1.22) (22 trials involving 1343 participants) with high heterogeneity between trials (I2 = 87%; P < 0.0001). For neurological deficit, depression and anxiety, there were statistically significant benefits of SSRIs. For neurological deficit score, the SMD was -1.00 (95% CI -1.26 to -0.75) (29 trials involving 2011 participants) with high heterogeneity between trials (I2 = 86%; P < 0.00001). For dichotomous depression scores, the RR was 0.43 (95% CI 0.24 to 0.77) (eight trials involving 771 participants) with high heterogeneity between trials (I2 = 77%; P < 0.0001). For continuous depression scores, the SMD was -1.91 (95% CI -2.34 to -1.48) (39 trials involving 2728 participants) with high heterogeneity between trials (I2 = 95%; P < 0.00001). For anxiety, the SMD was -0.77 (95% CI -1.52 to -0.02) (eight trials involving 413 participants) with high heterogeneity between trials (I2 = 92%; P < 0.00001). There was no statistically significant benefit of SSRI on cognition, death, motor deficits and leaving the trial early. For cognition, the SMD was 0.32 (95% CI -0.23 to 0.86), (seven trials involving 425 participants) with high heterogeneity between trials (I2 = 86%; P < 0.00001). The RR for death was 0.76 (95% CI 0.34 to 1.70) (46 trials involving 3344 participants) with no heterogeneity between trials (I2 = 0%; P = 0.85). For motor deficits, the SMD was -0.33 (95% CI -1.22 to 0.56) (two trials involving 145 participants). The RR for leaving the trial early was 1.02 (95% CI 0.86 to 1.21) in favour of control, with no heterogeneity between trials. There was a non-significant excess of seizures (RR 2.67; 95% CI 0.61 to 11.63) (seven trials involving 444 participants), a non-significant excess of gastrointestinal side effects (RR 1.90; 95% CI 0.94 to 3.85) (14 trials involving 902 participants) and a non-significant excess of bleeding (RR 1.63; 95% CI 0.20 to 13.05) (two trials involving 249 participants) in those allocated SSRIs. Data were not available on quality of life, fatigue or healthcare costs. There was no clear evidence from subgroup analyses that one SSRI was consistently superior to another, or that time since stroke or depression at baseline had a major influence on effect sizes. Sensitivity analyses suggested that effect sizes were smaller when we excluded trials at high or unclear risk of bias. Only eight trials provided data on outcomes after treatment had been completed; the effect sizes were generally in favour of SSRIs but CIs were wide. AUTHORS' CONCLUSIONS SSRIs appeared to improve dependence, disability, neurological impairment, anxiety and depression after stroke, but there was heterogeneity between trials and methodological limitations in a substantial proportion of the trials. Large, well-designed trials are now needed to determine whether SSRIs should be given routinely to patients with stroke.
  • Interventions for skin changes caused by nerve damage in leprosy Cochrane Highlights

    Reinar, Liv Merete; Forsetlund, Louise; Bjørndal, Arild; Lockwood, Diana

    Resumo em Inglês:

    BACKGROUND More than three million persons are disabled by leprosy worldwide. The main complication of sensory nerve damage is neuropathic ulceration, particularly of the feet. In this review we explored interventions that can prevent and treat secondary damage to skin and limbs. OBJECTIVE To assess the effects of self-care, dressings and footwear in preventing and healing secondary damage to the skin in persons affected by leprosy. METHODS Search methods: We searched the Cochrane Skin Group Specialised Register (April 2008), the Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials (The Cochrane Library Issue 1, 2008), MEDLINE (from 2003 to April 2008), EMBASE (from 2005 to April 2008), CINAHL (1982-2006) and LILACS (1982- April 2008) as well as online registers of ongoing trials (April 2008). Selection criteria: Randomised controlled trials involving anyone with leprosy and damage to peripheral nerves treated with any measures designed to prevent damage with the aim of healing existing ulcers and preventing development of new ulcers. Data collection and analysis: Two authors assessed trial quality and extracted data. MAIN RESULTS Eight trials with a total of 557 participants were included. The quality of the trials was generally poor. The interventions and outcome measures were diverse. Although three studies that compared zinc tape to more traditional dressings found some benefit, none of these showed a statistically significant effect. One trial indicated that topical ketanserin had a better effect on wound healing than clioquinol cream or zinc paste, RR was 6.00 (95% CI 1.45 to 24.75). We did not combine the results of the two studies that compared topical phenytoin to saline dressing, but both studies found statistically significant effects in favour of phenytoin for healing of ulcer (SMD -2.34; 95% CI -3.30 to -1.39; and SMD -0.79; 95% CI -1.20 to 0.39). Canvas shoes were not much better than PVC-boots, and double rocker shoes did not promote healing much more than below-knee plasters. AUTHORS' CONCLUSIONS One study suggested that topical ketanserin is more effective than clioquinol cream or zinc paste. Topical phenytoin (two studies) may be more effective than saline dressing regarding ulcer healing. For the other dressings the results were equivocal. Canvas shoes were a little better than PVC-boots, but not significantly, and the effect of double rocker shoes compared to below-knee plasters was no different in promoting the healing of ulcers. No side effects were documented.
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