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Sao Paulo Medical Journal, Volume: 136, Issue: 5, Published: 2018
  • Characteristics of total laparoscopic hysterectomy among women with or without previous cesarean section: retrospective analysis Original Article

    Koroglu, Nadiye; Cetin, Berna Aslan; Turan, Gokce; Yıldırım, Gonca Yetkin; Akca, Aysu; Gedikbasi, Ali

    Abstract in English:

    ABSTRACT BACKGROUND: The number of hysterectomized patients with previous cesarean sections (CSs) has increased due to increasing CS rates. A previous history of CS has been demonstrated to be an important risk factor for major complications in total laparoscopic hysterectomy. The aim here was to evaluate the major complications and safety of TLH in patients with previous CS. DESIGN AND SETTING: Retrospective analysis in a tertiary-level center. METHODS: The medical records of 504 total laparoscopic hysterectomy patients operated between May 2013 and May 2017 were reviewed retrospectively. Data on age, parity, surgical indications, duration of operation, length of hospital stay, histopathological diagnosis and major intra and postoperative complications were gathered. The patients were categorized into two groups according to their CS history, namely those with and those without previous CS. Major complications were defined as the presence of lower urinary tract injury (bladder or ureter injury), enterotomy/colostomy, bowel serosal injury or vascular injury. RESULTS: There was no difference between the groups in terms of parity, duration of operation, hospital stay or pre and postoperative hemoglobin levels. The conversion rates to laparotomy in the previous CS and no CS groups were 2% and 1.7%, respectively. The rates of major complications in the previous CS and no CS groups were 5% and 1.3%, respectively, and these results did not differ significantly (P > 0.05). CONCLUSION: TLH could be performed safely in the previous CS group, since the complication rate was not different from that of the patients without previous CS.
  • Accuracy of praxis test from Cambridge Cognitive Examination (CAMCOG) for Alzheimer’s disease: a cross-sectional study Original Article

    Cecato, Juliana Francisca; Melo, Brian Alvarez Ribeiro de; Moraes, Gisele Correa de; Martinelli, José Eduardo; Montiel, José Maria

    Abstract in English:

    ABSTRACT BACKGROUND: Praxis impairment may be one of the first symptoms manifested in dementia, primarily in cortical dementia. The Cambridge Cognitive Examination (CAMCOG) evaluates praxis, but little is known about the accuracy of CAMCOG for diagnosing dementia. The aims here were to investigate the accuracy of praxis and its subitems in CAMCOG (constructive, ideomotor and ideational subitems) for diagnosing Alzheimer’s disease (AD) among elderly patients. DESIGN AND SETTING: Cross-sectional study on community-dwelling elderly people. METHODS: 158 elderly patients were evaluated. CAMCOG, Mini-Mental State Examination and Pfeffer Functional Activities Questionnaire were used. ROC curve analysis was used to establish cutoff points. RESULTS: The total scores for praxis and the constructive subitem presented significant differences (P < 0.0001) between healthy elderly people and AD patients. Stage of dementia (clinical dementia rating, CDR = 0, 1 and 2) showed that total and constructive praxis can be used to classify the stages of dementia (mild and moderate cases), i.e. constructive praxis classified 88% of the patients with mild dementia (P < 0.0001) while total praxis classified 56% with moderate dementia. Comparison of normal controls (NC) and mild dementia cases showed specificity of 71% and sensitivity of 88% (AUC = 0.88; P < 0.0001). CONCLUSION: Some praxis subtests can have higher predictive diagnostic value for detecting Alzheimer’s disease in mild stages (total praxis AUC = 0.858; P < 0.0001; constructive AUC = 0.972; P < 0.0001). Constructive praxis as measured using CAMCOG may contribute towards diagnosing dementia, because occurrence of impairment of praxis may help in recognizing an evolving dementia syndrome.
  • Stroke at baseline of the Brazilian Longitudinal Study of Adult Health (ELSA-Brasil): a cross-sectional analysis Original Article

    Abreu, Fernanda Gabriela de; Goulart, Alessandra Carvalho; Birck, Marina Gabriela; Benseñor, Isabela Martins

    Abstract in English:

    ABSTRACT BACKGROUND: Secondary prevention of stroke is a very important goal for achieving continuous reduction in stroke mortality rates over the next decades. DESIGN AND SETTING: Cross-sectional analysis on the Brazilian Longitudinal Study of Adult Health ­(ELSA-Brasil), with data from Salvador, Vitória, Belo Horizonte, Rio de Janeiro, São Paulo and Porto Alegre. METHODS: This descriptive analysis focused on secondary prevention of stroke among participants who self-reported a medical diagnosis of stroke at the baseline of ELSA-Brasil, and its association with sociodemographic characteristics. RESULTS: Overall, 197 participants (1.3%) reported a prior medical history of stroke. Participants with stroke were older and less educated and had lower mean monthly family income, compared with non-stroke participants. Among all stroke cases, 23.7% did not use any medication for secondary prevention of stroke. Use of secondary prevention was higher among men than among women (respectively, 59.6% versus 40.4%; P = 0.02 for aspirin; and 71.4% versus 28.6%; P = 0.04 for other antiplatelet drugs). Having private health insurance was associated with greater use of less cost-effective and more expensive medications (like angiotensinogen receptor blockers) and a tendency to use antiplatelet drugs other than aspirin, among participants reporting stroke, compared with others. Use of medication decreased as time passed after suffering a stroke. CONCLUSIONS: In this sample of individuals with better access to healthcare services, use of secondary prevention for stroke was low, which may suggest that the situation in the general population is worse. Sex was the most important sociodemographic variable associated with low use of secondary prevention.
  • Use of antibiotics by adults: a population-based cross-sectional study Original Article

    Pereira, Jéssica Quintão; Silva, Marcus Tolentino; Galvão, Taís Freire

    Abstract in English:

    ABSTRACT BACKGROUND: The consumption of antibiotics has been widely discussed, mainly because of antibacterial resistance, which has become a worldwide concern. In Brazil, sale of antibiotics is currently ruled by Agência Nacional de Vigilância Sanitária (ANVISA) regulation RDC 20/2011, which restricts sales to those made under medical prescription. The aims of this study were to evaluate antibiotic use and associated factors among adults in the Metropolitan Region of Manaus, Amazonas, Brazil, and to assess the proportion of self-medication from this use. DESIGN AND SETTING: Population-based cross-sectional study conducted in the Metropolitan Region of Manaus between May and August 2015. METHODS: Adults aged ≥ 18 years were selected through probabilistic sampling in three stages. Trained interviewers collected data from the participants in their homes. Antibiotic consumption over the last 15 days was reported. Bivariate analysis was used to calculate the prevalence ratio (PR) of antibiotic usage, with 95% confidence interval (95% CI). A multivariate model adjusted according to significant variables at P ≤ 0.20 using Poisson regression with robust variance was constructed. RESULTS: The prevalence of antibiotic use was 3.4% (95% CI 2.8-4.0%). Adjusted analysis showed that consumption was higher among women than among men (PR 1.58; 95% CI 1.11-2.24) and among people with fair health status than among those with good health (PR 1.52; 95% CI 1.08-2.15). The prevalence of self-medication was 19.0%; amoxicillin was the most self-medicated antibiotic (10/26). CONCLUSION: Antibiotic use was associated with women and individuals with fair health status. One fifth of the antibiotics were consumed through self-medication, contrary to the current Brazilian legislation.
  • Are surface and deep learning approaches associated with study patterns and choices among medical students? A cross-sectional study Original Article

    Delgado, Álvaro Henrique de Almeida; Almeida, João Paulo Rodrigues; Mendes, Larissa Souza Borowski; Oliveira, Isabella Noceli de; Ezequiel, Oscarina da Silva; Lucchetti, Alessandra Lamas Granero; Lucchetti, Giancarlo

    Abstract in English:

    ABSTRACT BACKGROUND: Different approaches to learning can exert considerable influence on the teaching-learning process in medical education. This study aimed to investigate the association of surface and deep learning with study patterns, preferred type of assessment, practices of cheating and quality of sleep among medical students. DESIGN AND SETTING: Cross-sectional study on medical students enrolled in all six years of a medical school in Juiz de Fora, Brazil. METHODS: Questionnaires were applied to evaluate learning approaches (R-SPQ-2F), study patterns, sources and choices, and quality of sleep. Students’ learning approaches (deep or surface) were assessed in relation to their study patterns, study resources, quality of sleep and whether they cheated in tests. RESULTS: Among the 710 students included, 43% frequently studied on the night before an exam, 65% had used psychostimulants to study and more than 46% had cheated in an exam. Regarding quality of sleep, most students (53.4%) reported that their quality of sleep was poor, such that 45.3% slept for fewer than five hours before an exam. Those who studied just prior to an exam, used class summaries, preferred multiple-choice questions and cheated during the test had a more surface-learning approach. On the other hand, those who read books, preferred practical exams and slept better had a deeper approach. CONCLUSION: The type of learning approach was associated with study patterns and choices among medical students. Educators need to be attentive to the type of learning their students use and think of measures that impact teaching and assessment methods.
  • Comparison of the effects of albumin and crystalloid on mortality among patients with septic shock: systematic review with meta-analysis and trial sequential analysis Original Article

    Zou, Yan; Ma, Ke; Xiong, Ji-Bin; Xi, Cai-Hua; Deng, Xiao-Jun

    Abstract in English:

    ABSTRACT BACKGROUND: This study aimed to compare the effects on mortality of albumin and crystalloid, used for fluid resuscitation among adult patients with septic shock, through conducting a meta-analysis and trial sequential analysis (TSA). DESIGN AND SETTING: Meta-analysis and TSA conducted at Shanghai Jiao Tong University Affiliated Sixth People’s Hospital, Shanghai, China. METHODS: Data were collected from several major databases including MEDLINE, EMBASE, Clinical and Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials. Studies that compared the effects of albumin therapy versus crystalloid therapy on mortality among adult septic shock patients were eligible for inclusion in the analyses. The study name, year of publication, country of the trial, albumin concentration, type of crystalloid and all reported mortalities at different follow-up endpoints were extracted. RESULTS: Compared with crystalloid, albumin did not decrease all-cause mortality at the final follow-up. However, in TSA, the required information size was not achieved in all groups, which means that the effect size was not definitive and further RCTs are needed to confirm or deny these findings CONCLUSIONS: Compared with crystalloid solutions, albumin was unable to decrease all-cause mortality. However, TSA indicated that these results could be false-negative. Additional randomized controlled trials are needed to clarify this discrepancy.
  • Cost of a community mental health service: a retrospective study on a psychosocial care center for alcohol and drug users in São Paulo Original Article

    Becker, Paula; Razzouk, Denise

    Abstract in English:

    ABSTRACT BACKGROUND: Psychosocial care centers for alcohol and drug users (CAPS-ad) are reference services for treatment of drug users within the Brazilian National Health System. Knowledge of their total costs within the evidence-based decision-making process for public-resource allocation is essential. The aims here were to estimate the total costs of a CAPS-ad and the costs of packages of care (according to intensity of care); to ascertain the ratio between total CAPS-ad costs and the federal funding allocated; and to describe the methods for estimating unit costs for each CAPS-ad cost component. DESIGN AND SETTING: Retrospective study conducted in a public community mental health service. METHODS: This was a retrospective cost description study on a CAPS-ad located in a city in the state of São Paulo, using a public healthcare provider perspective and a top-down approach, conducted over a 180-day period from March 1 to August 30, 2015. RESULTS: The total mean monthly costs of the CAPS-ad were BRL 64,017.54. Healthcare staff accounted for 56.5% of total costs. The mean costs per capita and per month for intensive and non-intensive care packages were, respectively, BRL 668.34 and BRL 37.12. CONCLUSIONS: The federal budget allocation covered 62.1% of the CAPS-ad costs and the remaining 37.9% end up funded by the municipal government. The cost of the intensive package of care was 18 times greater than the non-intensive package. Developing criteria for using services and different packages of care based on patients’ needs, and optimizing human resources according to specific actions, may improve people’s mental health and avoid wasted resources.
  • Development and validation of a whole-cell ELISA for serologically diagnosing Helicobacter pylori infection in Brazilian children and adults: a diagnostic accuracy study Original Article

    Ogata, Silvio Kazuo; Camorlinga-Ponce, Margarita; Granato, Celso Francisco Hernandes; Rohr, Maria Rachel da Silveira; Artigiani Neto, Ricardo; Kawakami, Elisabete

    Abstract in English:

    ABSTRACT BACKGROUND: Serological tests are practical, with low cost, but no noninvasive tests are available for diagnosing Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) infection in Brazil. The aim here was to develop and validate enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) serological tests to detect anti-H. pylori immunoglobulin G antibodies, based on cultured strains from Brazilian patients. DESIGN AND SETTING: Cross-sectional, diagnostic accuracy study comparing a locally developed and validated ELISA and invasive tests among dyspeptic patients at two public hospitals in São Paulo, Brazil. METHODS: An ELISA test was prepared using whole-cell antigen from 56 strains. After genotypic characterization, it was standardized and optical density (OD) cutoffs were determined based on the serum antibody response of 100 H. pylori-negative samples, compared with 82 H. pylori-positive samples. Validation was performed on 174 symptomatic patients. RESULTS: The optimal OD cutoffs established (for monoclonal and polyclonal tests, respectively) were 0.167 and 0.164; overall ELISA sensitivity: 84.3%, 78.9%; specificity: 88.6%, 90.6%; positive predictive value (PPV): 75.4%, 80%; negative predictive value (NPV): 93.1%, 81.8%; accuracy: 87.3%, 86.2%; child and adolescent ELISA sensitivity: 74.2%, 81.8%; specificity: 90.8%, 86.7%; PPV: 66.6%, 84.3%; NPV: 95.8%, 84.8%; accuracy: 88.5%, 84.6; adult ELISA sensitivity: 84.4%, 75%; specificity: 86.9%, 93%; PPV: 81.8%, 78.3%; NPV: 88.9%, 91.8%; accuracy: 85.9%, 88.5%. CONCLUSION: The polyclonal serological test developed using local strains presented better diagnostic performance among children and adolescents, while the monoclonal test was better among adults. The results from both tests suggest that these in-house serological tests could be used to detect anti-H. pylori antibodies in our population, for screening purposes.
  • Cross-sectional epidemiological investigations of Giardia lamblia in children in Pakistan Original Article

    Naz, Aneeqa; Nawaz, Zeeshan; Rasool, Muhammad Hidayat; Zahoor, Muhammad Asif

    Abstract in English:

    ABSTRACT BACKGROUND: The prevalence of Giardia lamblia in Pakistani children is currently unknown. The aim here was to evaluate the prevalence and risk factors of Giardia lamblia in children exhibiting diarrhea. DESIGN AND SETTING: Cross-sectional study at different district healthcare hospitals in Pakistan. METHODS: A total of 800 samples were collected from children aged 0-10 years. Information regarding personal data, demographic data and supposed risk factors was collected through a structured questionnaire. Giardia lamblia was detected through direct microscopy and antigens through the enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). RESULTS: The prevalence of Giardia lamblia was 2.75% through direct microscopy and inflated to 9.5% through ELISA. The demographic factors positively associated with occurrences of giardiasis were age (P = 0.035; odds ratio, OR = 1.96; 95% confidence interval, CI = 1.094-3.533), mother’s educational level (P = 0.031; OR = 2.67; 95% CI = 1.186-6.045) and father’s educational level (P = 0.004; OR = 3.56; 95% CI = 1.612-7.899). Similarly, among the supposed risk factors, rural residency (P = 0.032; OR = 1.76; 95% CI = 1.098- 2.851), absence of proper sewerage system (P = 0.000; OR = 6.60; 95% CI = 4.029-10.841) and unavailability of safe drinking water (P = 0.000; OR = 4.08; 95% CI = 2.207-7.547) were the factors strongly connected with giardiasis. Abdominal discomfort was a prominent clinical sign with 46% frequency. CONCLUSION: Various risk factors were associated with occurrences of Giardia, thus emphasizing the importance of parents’ education, safe drinking water and proper sewerage systems for Pakistani children’s health.
  • Temporal trends in the nutritional status of women and children under five years of age in sub-Saharan African countries: ecological study Original Article

    Humbwavali, João Baptista; Giugliani, Camila; Silva, Inácio Crochemore Mohnsam da; Duncan, Bruce Bartholow

    Abstract in English:

    ABSTRACT BACKGROUND: While the global prevalence of obesity is rapidly increasing, this pandemic has received less attention in sub-Saharan Africa, particularly in the light of the persistent undernutrition that exists in the context of maternal and child health. We aimed to describe obesity trends among women of childbearing age over recent decades, along with trends in over and undernutrition among children under five years of age, in sub-Saharan African countries. DESIGN AND SETTING: Ecological study with temporal trend analysis in 13 sub-Saharan African countries. METHODS: This was a description of temporal trends in nutritional status: adult obesity, childhood overweight, low height-for-age (stunting), low weight-for-height (wasting), low weight-for-age (underweight) and low birth weight. Publicly available data from repeated cross-sectional national surveys (demographic and health surveys and multiple-indicator cluster surveys) were used. We chose 13 sub-Saharan African countries from which at least four surveys conducted since 1993 were available. We investigated women aged 15-49 years and children under five years of age. RESULTS: In multilevel linear models, the prevalence of obesity increased by an estimated 6 percentage points over 20 years among women of childbearing age, while the prevalence of overweight among children under 5 years old was stable. A major decrease in stunting and, to a lesser extent, wasting accompanied these findings. CONCLUSIONS: The upward trend in obesity among women of childbearing age in the context of highly prevalent childhood undernutrition suggests that the focus of maternal and child health in sub-Saharan Africa needs to be expanded to consider not only nutritional deficiencies but also nutritional excess.
  • Comparison of health-related quality of life between patients with different metatarsalgia types and matched healthy controls: a cross-sectional analysis Original Article

    Tovaruela-Carrión, Natalia; López-López, Daniel; Losa-Iglesias, Marta Elena; Álvarez-Ruíz, Verónica; Melero-González, Gemma; Calvo-Lobo, César; Becerro-de Bengoa-Vallejo, Ricardo

    Abstract in English:

    ABSTRACT BACKGROUND: Metatarsalgia can be considered to be a common complaint in clinical practice. The aim of this study was to compare quality of life (QoL) between participants with different metatarsalgia types and matched-paired healthy controls. DESIGN AND SETTING: A cross-sectional analysis on a sample of 124 participants of median age ± interquartile range of 55 ± 22 years was carried out in the University Clinic of Podiatric Medicine and Surgery, Ferrol, Spain. They presented primary (n = 31), secondary (n = 31) or iatrogenic (n = 31) metatarsalgia, or were matched-paired healthy controls (n = 31). METHODS: Self-reported domain scores were obtained using the Foot Health Status Questionnaire (FHSQ) and were compared between the participants with metatarsalgia and between these and the healthy controls. RESULTS: Statistically significant differences were shown in all FHSQ domains (P ≤ 0.001). Post-hoc analyses showed statistically significant differences (P < 0.05) between the metatarsalgia types in relation to the matched healthy control group, such that the participants with metatarsalgia presented impaired foot-specific and general health-related QoL (lower FHSQ scores). CONCLUSION: This study demonstrated that presence of metatarsalgia had a negative impact on foot health-related QoL. Foot-specific health and general health were poorer among patients with metatarsalgia, especially among those with secondary and iatrogenic metatarsalgia, in comparison with matched healthy controls.
  • What do Cochrane systematic reviews say about the use of cannabinoids in clinical practice? Narrative Review

    Latorraca, Carolina de Oliveira Cruz; Pacheco, Rafael Leite; Martimbianco, Ana Luiza Cabrera; Pachito, Daniela Vianna; Riera, Rachel

    Abstract in English:

    ABSTRACT BACKGROUND: The therapeutic effects of cannabinoid compounds have been the center of many investigations. This study provides a synthesis on all Cochrane systematic reviews (SRs) that assessed the use of cannabinoids as a therapeutic approach. DESIGN AND SETTING: Review of SRs, conducted in the Discipline of Evidence-Based Medicine, Escola Paulista de Medicina (EPM), Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP). METHODS: A broad search was conducted in the Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews to retrieve any Cochrane SRs that assessed the efficacy and safety of cannabinoids as a therapeutic approach. The results and key characteristics of all reviews included were summarized and discussed. RESULTS: Eight SRs were included. They assessed the use of cannabinoids for the following types of conditions: neurological (two SRs), psychiatric (two SRs), rheumatological (one SR), infectious (one SR) and oncological (two SRs). There was moderate-quality evidence showing that the use of cannabinoids reduced nausea and vomiting among adults, compared with placebo. Additionally, there was moderate-quality evidence showing that there was no difference between cannabinoids and prochlorperazine regarding the number of participants who reported vomiting, in this same population. CONCLUSIONS: This review identified eight Cochrane systematic reviews that provided evidence of unknown to moderate quality regarding the use of cannabinoids as a therapeutic intervention. Further studies are still imperative for solid conclusions to be reached regarding practical recommendations.
  • A psychotic experience during adolescence: reasoning about differential diagnosis. case report Case Report

    Leite, Vítor Ferreira; Araújo, Carla Andrade

    Abstract in English:

    ABSTRACT CONTEXT: The aim of the present clinical review was to illustrate the diagnostic difficulty associated with psychotic experiences during adolescence, in the light of the multiplicity of circumstances interplaying during this period. It was also intended to illustrate the observation that not all hallucinations occur in the context of a declared psychotic disorder. Case Report: The patient was a 16-year-old adolescent girl who came to the Emergency Department of Coimbra Pediatric Hospital. On admission, she displayed mood and sensory perception disorders, with a bizarre gait abnormality. A diagnosis of conversion disorder was finally suggested, in accordance with the International Classification of Diseases, 10th edition. CONCLUSIONS: Conversive hallucinations are rare in the psychiatric literature. This diagnostic hypothesis only gained consistency over a long period of follow-up within a child and adolescent psychiatry outpatient service, which was fundamental for appropriate diagnostic clarification. The authors discuss psychotic experiences that can arise from a neurotic setting and share the reasoning that was constructed in relation to the differential diagnosis. The psychogenesis and phenomenology of this young patient’s conversive hallucinations and the therapeutic strategies adopted over the course of the follow-up are also discussed.
  • Inflammatory myofibroblastic tumor of the prostate after transurethral resection of the prostate with negative expression of anaplastic lymphoma kinase: a case report Case Report

    Zeng, Jie; He, Rong-Quan; Mo, Wei-Guang; Peng, Zhi-Gang; Ma, Jie; Zhong, Jin-Cai; Mo, Chao-Hua; Qin, Mei-Jiao; Hu, Xiao-Hua

    Abstract in English:

    ABSTRACT CONTEXT: Inflammatory myofibroblastic tumors are a rare type of soft-tissue tumor. Inflammatory myofibroblastic tumors are characterized by rearrangements involving the anaplastic lymphoma kinase gene locus on 2p23. Case Report: We report the case of a 67-year-old Chinese male who presented with dysuria and fever. Magnetic resonance imaging showed an irregular prostatic mass with an isointense signal and obscure boundary. Histopathological evaluation showed that the mass consisted mainly of spindle-shaped cells. Immunohistochemical evaluation showed that the tumor cells were negative for anaplastic lymphoma kinase. CONCLUSIONS: Inflammatory myofibroblastic prostate tumors are rare lesions with unclear etiology. The pathological diagnosis is very important.
  • Spontaneous rupture of right gastroepiploic artery aneurysm: a rare cause of hemorrhagic shock. case report Case Report

    Sarigoz, Talha; Carkit, Sedat; Topuz, Omer; Ertan, Tamer; Koc, Ali

    Abstract in English:

    ABSTRACT CONTEXT: Aneurysms of the gastroepiploic arteries are seen only rarely. They are usually diagnosed during autopsy or laparotomy in patients with hemodynamic instability. Although the operation to treat this condition is relatively easy, delay in making the diagnosis affects the course of the disease. Case Report: A 57-year-old woman was admitted to the emergency department with abdominal pain and unconsciousness. A computed tomography scan showed extravasation of contrast agent at the headcorpus junction of the pancreas, and the patient underwent exploratory laparotomy under general anesthesia. During laparotomy, aneurysmatic rupture of the right gastroepiploic artery was detected. Control over bleeding was achieved by ligating the right gastroepiploic artery at its origin. The aneurysm was also resected and sent for pathological examination. CONCLUSION: Especially in cases of unidentified shock, splanchnic artery aneurysms should be kept in mind. Moreover, in the light of the data in the literature, the possibility of death should be taken into account seriously and, if feasible, prophylactic aneurysmectomy should be performed.
  • Cryptococcoma mimicking a brain tumor in an immunocompetent patient: case report of an extremely rare presentation Case Report

    Paiva, Aline Lariessy Campos; Aguiar, Guilherme Brasileiro de; Lovato, Renan Maximilian; Zanetti, Arthus Vilar Deolindo; Panagopoulos, Alexandros Theodoros; Veiga, José Carlos Esteves

    Abstract in English:

    ABSTRACT CONTEXT: Central nervous system (CNS) infectious diseases have high prevalence in developing countries and their proper diagnosis and treatment are very important for public health planning. Cryptococcus neoformans is a fungus that may cause several CNS manifestations, especially in immunocompromised patients. Cryptococcal meningitis is the most common type of involvement. Mass-effect lesions are uncommon: they are described as cryptococcomas and their prevalence is even lower among immunocompetent patients. The aim here was to report an extremely rare case of cryptococcoma causing a mass effect and mimicking a brain tumor in an immunocompetent patient. The literature on CNS cryptococcal infections was reviewed with emphasis on cryptococcomas. Clinical, surgical and radiological data on a female patient with this rare presentation of cryptococcoma mimicking a brain tumor are described. Case Report: A 54-year-old female patient presented to the emergency department with a rapid-onset progressive history of confusion and completely dependency for basic activities. Neuroimaging showed a left occipital lesion and neurosurgical treatment was proposed. From histopathological evaluation, a diagnosis of cryptococcoma was established. She received clinical support with antifungals, but despite optimal clinical treatment, her condition evolved to death. CONCLUSIONS: Cryptococcal infections have several forms of presentation and, in immunocompetent patients, their manifestation may be even more different. Cryptococcoma is an extremely rare presentation in which proper surgical and clinical treatment should be instituted as quickly as possible, but even so, there is a high mortality rate.
  • Fashion braces: an alarming trend Letter To The Editor

    Sorooshian, Shahryar; Kamarozaman, Alangseri Ayubayu
Associação Paulista de Medicina - APM APM / Publicações Científicas, Av. Brigadeiro Luís Antonio, 278 - 7º and., 01318-901 São Paulo SP - Brazil, Tel.: +55 11 3188-4310 / 3188-4311, Fax: +55 11 3188-4255 - São Paulo - SP - Brazil