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Journal of Applied Oral Science, Volume: 16, Número: 2, Publicado: 2008
  • Editorial: the Journal of Applied Oral Science is selected for coverage in the Science Citation Index ExpandedTM

    Santos, Carlos F.
  • Development of Candida-associated denture stomatitis: new insights Review

    Pereira-Cenci, Tatiana; Del Bel Cury, Altair Antoninha; Crielaard, Wim; Ten Cate, Jacob Martien

    Resumo em Inglês:

    Despite therapeutic progress, opportunistic oral fungal infectious diseases have increased in prevalence, especially in denture wearers. The combination of entrapment of yeast cells in irregularities in denture-base and denture-relining materials, poor oral hygiene and several systemic factors is the most probable cause for the onset of this infectious disease. Hence colonization and growth on prostheses by Candida species are of clinical importance. The purpose of this review is to critically discuss several key factors controlling the adhesion of Candida species which are relevant to denture-associated stomatitis. Although there is some consensus on the role of surface properties, studies on several other factors, as the use of denture liners, salivary properties and yeast-bacterial interactions, have shown contradictory findings. A comprehensive fundamental understanding is hampered by conflicting findings due to the large variations in experimental protocols, while other factors have never been thoroughly studied. Surface free energy and surface roughness control the initial adherence, but temporal changes have not been reported. Neither have in vivo studies shown if the substratum type is critical in dictating biofilm accumulation during longer periods in the oral environment. The contribution of saliva is unclear due to factors like variations in its collection and handling. Initial findings have disclosed that also bacteria are crucial for the successful establishment of Candida in biofilms, but the clinical significance of this observation is yet to be confirmed. In conclusion, there is a need to standardize experimental procedures, to bridge the gap between laboratory and in vivo methodologies and findings and - in general - to thoroughly investigate the factors that modulate the initial attachment and subsequent colonization of denture-base materials and the oral mucosa of patients subjected to Candida infections. Information on how these factors can be controlled is required and this may help to prevent the disease. The societal impact of such information is significant given the magnitude of the candidosis problem worldwide.
  • Intrapupal temperature variation during Er,Cr: YSGG enamel irradiation on carries prevention Original Articles

    Freitas, Patrícia Moreira de; Soares-Geraldo, Débora; Biella-Silva, Ana Cristina; Silva, Amanda Verna; Silveira, Bruno Lopes da; Eduardo, Carlos de Paula

    Resumo em Inglês:

    Studies have shown the cariostatic effect of Er,Cr:YSGG (2.78 mm) laser irradiation on human enamel and have suggested its use on caries prevention. However there are still no reports on the intrapulpal temperature increase during enamel irradiation using parameters for caries prevention. The aim of this in vitro study was to evaluate the temperature variation in the pulp chamber during human enamel irradiation with Er,Cr:YSGG laser at different energy densities. Fifteen enamel blocks obtained from third molars (3 x 3 x 3 mm) were randomly assigned to 3 groups (n=5): G1 - Er,Cr:YSGG laser 0.25 W, 20 Hz, 2.84 J/cm², G2 - Er,Cr:YSGG laser 0.50 W, 20 Hz, 5.68 J/cm², G3 - Er,Cr:YSGG laser 0.75 W, 20 Hz, 8.52 J/cm². During enamel irradiation, two thermocouples were fixed in the inner surface of the specimens and a thermal conducting paste was used. One-way ANOVA did not show statistically significant difference among the experimental groups (a=0.05). There was intrapulpal temperature variation <0.1ºC for all irradiation parameters. In conclusion, under the tested conditions, the use of Er,Cr:YSGG laser with parameters set for caries prevention lead to an acceptable temperature increase in the pulp chamber.
  • Comparative scanning electron microscopic study of the effect of different dental conditioners on dentin micromorphology Original Articles

    Susin, Alexandre Henrique; Alves, Luana Severo; Melo, Gliciana Piovesan de; Lenzi, Tathiane Larissa

    Resumo em Inglês:

    This study evaluated comparatively by scanning electron microscopy (SEM) the effect of different dental conditioners on dentin micromorphology, when used according to the same protocol. Forty dentin sticks were obtained from 20 caries-free third human molars and were assigned to 4 groups corresponding to 3 conditioners (phosphoric acid 37%, Clearfil SE Bond and iBond) and an untreated control group. After application of the conditioners, the specimens were immersed in 50% ethanol solution during 10 s, chemically fixed and dehydrated to prepare them to SEM analysis. In the control group, dentin surface was completely covered by smear layer and all dentinal tubules were occluded. In the phosphoric acid-etched group, dentin surface was completely clean and presented exposed dentinal tubule openings; this was the only group in which the tubules exhibited the funnel-shaped aspect. In the groups conditioned with Clearfil SE Bond primer and iBond, which are less acidic than phosphoric acid, tubule openings were occluded or partially occluded, though smear layer removal was observed. SE Bond was more efficient in removing the smear layer than iBond. In the Clearfil SE Bond group, the cuff-like aspect of peritubular dentin was more evident. It may be concluded all tested conditioners were able to change dentin morphology. However, it cannot be stated that the agent aggressiveness was the only cause of the micromorphological alterations because a single morphological pattern was not established for each group, but rather an association of different aspects, according to the aggressiveness of the tested conditioner.
  • Influence of thermal stress on marginal integrity of restorative materials Original Articles

    Cenci, Maximiliano Sérgio; Pereira-Cenci, Tatiana; Donassollo, Tiago Aurélio; Sommer, Leandro; Strapasson, André; Demarco, Flávio Fernando

    Resumo em Inglês:

    The aim of this study was to evaluate the influence of thermal stress on the marginal integrity of restorative materials with different adhesive and thermal properties. Three hundred and sixty Class V cavities were prepared in buccal and lingual surfaces of 180 bovine incisors. Cervical and incisal walls were located in dentin and enamel, respectively. Specimens were restored with resin composite (RC); glass ionomer (GI) or amalgam (AM), and randomly assigned to 18 groups (n=20) according to the material, number of cycles (500 or 1,000 cycles) and dwell time (30 s or 60 s). Dry and wet specimens served as controls Specimens were immersed in 1% basic fuchsine solution (24 h), sectioned, and microleakage was evaluated under x40 magnification. Data were analyzed by Kruskal-Wallis and Mann-Whitney tests: Thermal cycling regimens increased leakage in all AM restorations (p<0.05) and its effect on RC and GI restorations was only significant when a 60-s dwell time was used (p<0.05). Marginal integrity was more affected in AM restorations under thermal cycling stress, whereas RC and GI ionomer restoration margins were only significantly affected only under longer dwell times.
  • Influence of different catilever extensions and glass or polyamaramid reinforcement fibers on fracture strength of implant-supported temporary Original Articles

    Colán Guzmán, Paola; Freitas, Fernando Furtado Antunes de; Ferreira, Paulo Martins; Freitas, César Antunes de; Reis, Kátia Rodrigues

    Resumo em Inglês:

    In long-term oral rehabilitation treatments, resistance of provisional crowns is a very important factor, especially in cases of an extensive edentulous distal space. The aim of this laboratorial study was to evaluate an acrylic resin cantilever-type prosthesis regarding the flexural strength of its in-balance portion as a function of its extension variation and reinforcement by two types of fibers (glass and polyaramid), considering that literature is not conclusive on this subject. Each specimen was composed by 3 total crowns at its mesial portion, each one attached to an implant component (abutment), while the distal portion (cantilever) had two crowns. Each specimen was constructed by injecting acrylic resin into a two-part silicone matrix placed on a metallic base. In each specimen, the crowns were fabricated with either acrylic resin (control group) or acrylic resin reinforced by glass (Fibrante, Angelus) or polyaramide (Kevlar 49, Du Pont) fibers. Compression load was applied on the cantilever, in a point located 7, 14 or 21 mm from the distal surface of the nearest crown with abutment, to simulate different extensions. The specimen was fixed on the metallic base and the force was applied until fracture in a universal test machine. Each one of the 9 sub-groups was composed by 10 specimens. Flexural strength means (in kgf) for the distances of 7, 14 and 21 mm were, respectively, 28.07, 8.27 and 6.39 for control group, 31.89, 9.18 and 5.16 for Kevlar 49 and 30.90, 9.31 and 6.86 for Fibrante. Data analysis ANOVA showed statistically significant difference (p<0.05) only regarding cantilever extension. Tukey's test detected significantly higher flexural strength for the 7 mm-distance, followed by 14 and 21 mm. Fracture was complete only on specimens of non-reinforced groups.
  • Electromyographic evaluation of mastication and swallowing in elderly individuals with mandibular fixed implant-supported prostheses Original Articles

    Berretin-Felix, Giédre; Nary Filho, Hugo; Padovani, Carlos Roberto; Trindade Junior, Alceu Sergio; Machado, Wellington Monteiro

    Resumo em Inglês:

    This study evaluated the effect of implant-supported oral rehabilitation in the mandible on the electromyographic activity during mastication and swallowing in edentulous elderly individuals. Fifteen patients aged more than 60 years were evaluated, being 10 females and 5 males. All patients were edentulous, wore removable complete dentures on both dental arches, and had the mandibular dentures replaced by implant-supported prostheses. All patients were submitted to electromyographic evaluation of the masseter, superior orbicularis oris muscles, and the submental muscles, before surgery and 3, 6 and 18 months postoperatively, using foods of different textures. The results obtained at the different periods were analyzed statistically by Kruskal-Wallis non-parametric test. Statistical analysis showed that only the masseter muscle had a significant loss in electromyographic activity (p<0.001), with a tendency of similar response for the submental muscles. Moreover, there was an increase in the activity of the orbicularis oris muscle during rubber chewing after treatment, yet without statistically significant difference. Mandibular fixed implant-supported prostheses in elderly individuals revealed a decrease in electromyographic amplitude for the masseter muscles during swallowing, which may indicate adaptation to new conditions of stability provided by fixation of the complete denture in the mandibular arch.
  • Bone regeneration after demineralized bone matrix and castor oil (Ricinus communis) polyurethane implantation Original Articles

    Leite, Fábio Renato Manzolli; Ramalho, Lizeti Toledo de Oliveira

    Resumo em Inglês:

    Innocuous biocompatible materials have been searched to repair or reconstruct bone defects. Their goal is to restore the function of live or dead tissues. This study compared connective tissue and bone reaction when exposed to demineralized bovine bone matrix and a polyurethane resin derived from castor bean (Ricinus communis). Forty-five rats were assigned to 3 groups of 15 animals (control, bovine bone and polyurethane). A cylindrical defect was created on mandible base and filled with bovine bone matrix and the polyurethane. Control group received no treatment. Analyses were performed after 15, 45 and 60 days (5 animals each). Histological analysis revealed connective tissue tolerance to bovine bone with local inflammatory response similar to that of the control group. After 15 days, all groups demonstrated similar outcomes, with mild inflammatory reaction, probably due to the surgical procedure rather than to the material. In the polymer group, after 60 days, scarce multinucleated cells could still be observed. In general, all groups showed good stability and osteogenic connective tissue with blood vessels into the surgical area. The results suggest biocompatibility of both materials, seen by their integration into rat mandible. Moreover, the polyurethane seems to be an alternative in bone reconstruction and it is an inexhaustible source of biomaterial.
  • Immediate and delayed solubility of mineral trioxide aggregate and Portland cement Original Articles

    Bodanezi, Augusto; Carvalho, Nara; Silva, Daniela; Bernardineli, Norberti; Bramante, Clovis Monteiro; Garcia, Roberto Brandão; Moraes, Ivaldo Gomes de

    Resumo em Inglês:

    This study investigated the solubility of mineral trioxide aggregate (MTA) and Portland cement since its mixture until 672 hours, by means of two complimentary methods. Metal ring molds filled with the cements were covered with distilled water and, at each experimental time (3, 24, 72, 168, 336 and 672 hours), were weighed as soon as the plates in which the samples have been placed. Empty rings served as the control group (n=8). Mean weight gain and loss was determined and analyzed statistically by two-way ANOVA and Tukey's test for all pairwise comparisons. Only Portland cement showed less than 3% weight loss through 24 hours. Detached MTA residues were heavier than those of Portland cement over the 3 to 168 hours. The weight of MTA rings increased more than that of Portland rings within 672 hours (p=0.05). The findings of the present study indicate that, in an aqueous environment MTA is more soluble than Portland cement and exceeds the maximum weight loss considered acceptable by ISO 6876 standard (2001).
  • Optical density and chemical composition of microfilled and microhybrid composite resins Original Articles

    Braun, Ana Paula; Grassi Soares, Clarissa; Glüer Carracho, Helena; Pereira da Costa, Nilza; Bauer Veeck, Elaine

    Resumo em Inglês:

    This study evaluated the optical density of two microfilled and two microhybrid resins, as well as the composition of these materials with regard to their optical density. Cavities prepared in 12 2-mm- or 4-mm-thick acrylic plastic plates were filled with Z250 (3M-ESPE), A110 (3M-ESPE), Charisma (Heraeus-Kulzer) and DurafillVS (Heraeus-Kulzer). The resin increments (2-mm-thick) were light-cured for 40 s. Three 0.12-s radiographic exposures were made of each #2 acrylic plastic plate. DenOptix system optical plates were used to obtain the digital images. Three readings of the composite resin surface were made in each radiograph, totalizing 216 readings. The mean of highest and lowest grey-scale values was obtained. Two specimens of each composite resin were prepared for SEM analysis of the chemical elements related to optical density, using energy dispersive x-ray analysis (EDX). The results were subjected to Shapiro-Wilk's test, ANOVA, Tukey's test at 1% level of significance and Pearson's correlation. The mean grey-scale values at 2 mm and 4 mm were: Z250 = 154.27a and 185.33w; A110 = 46.77b and 63.05y; Charisma = 163.40c and 200.46z; DurafillVS = 43.92b and 58.99x, respectively. Pearson's test did not show any positive correlation between optical density and percentage weight of optical density chemical elements. It was concluded that the microhybrid resins had higher optical density means than the microfilled resins; among the evaluated resins, Charisma had the highest optical density means.
  • Comparison of the biocompatibility of different root canal irrigants Original Articles

    Gomes-Filho, João Eduardo; Aurélio, Kamila Guilherme; Costa, Mariana Machado Teixeira de Moraes; Bernabé, Pedro Felício Estrada

    Resumo em Inglês:

    The purpose of this study was to compare the reaction of rat subcutaneous connective tissue to 0.9% sterile saline, 2.5% sodium hypochlorite (NaOCl), 5.25% NaOCl and 2% chlorhexidine gluconate solution or gel. Six circles were demarcated on the dorsal skin of 24 male Wistar rats, leaving 2 cm between each circle. Using a syringe, 0.1 mL of each root canal irrigant was injected subcutaneously into 5 circles. In the 6th circle, the needle of an empty syringe was introduced into the skin, but no irrigant was injected (control group). Evaluations were undertaken at 2 h, 48 h, 14 days and 30 days post-procedure. Tissue samples were excised, embedded in paraffin blocks and 3-µm-thick sections were obtained and stained with hematoxylin and eosin. The areas of inflammatory reaction were evaluated and analyzed statistically by ANOVA and Tukey's test. The control group showed few or no inflammatory reaction areas in the subcutaneous tissue. 0.9% saline solution, 2.0% chlorhexidine solution and 2.5% NaOCl showed a good biocompatibility, as very mild inflammatory reaction was detected at 14 days and tissue repair occurred at 30 days. 5.25% NaOCl was the most toxic irrigant, as the number of inflammatory cells remained elevated at 14 and 30 days. The group treated with 2.0% chlorhexidine gluconate gel presented a moderate inflammatory response at 14 days, which decreased at 30 days, being considered similar to that of the control group, 0.9% saline solution, 2.0% chlorhexidine solution and 2.5% NaOCl at this experimental period.
  • Infrared spectroscopy: a tool for determination of the degree of conversion in dental composites Original Articles

    Moraes, Luciene Gonçalves Palmeira; Rocha, Renata Sanches Ferreira; Menegazzo, Lívia Maluf; Araújo, Eudes Borges de; Yukimito, Keizo; Moraes, João Carlos Silos

    Resumo em Inglês:

    Infrared spectroscopy is one of the most widely used techniques for measurement of conversion degree in dental composites. However, to obtain good quality spectra and quantitative analysis from spectral data, appropriate expertise and knowledge of the technique are mandatory. This paper presents important details to use infrared spectroscopy for determination of the conversion degree.
  • Knowledge and attitude of parents or caretakers regarding transmissibility os caries disease Original Articles

    Sakai, Vivien T.; Oliveira, Thais M.; Silva, Thiago C.; Moretti, Ana Beatriz S.; Geller-Palti, Dafna; Biella, Vivian A.; Machado, Maria Aparecida A. M.

    Resumo em Inglês:

    Dental caries is a transmissible infectious disease in which mutans streptococci are generally considered to be the main etiological agents. Although the transmissibility of dental caries is relatively well established in the literature, little is known whether information regarding this issue is correctly provided to the population. The present study aimed at evaluating, by means of a questionnaire, the knowledge and usual attitude of 640 parents and caretakers regarding the transmissibility of caries disease. Most interviewed adults did not know the concept of dental caries being an infectious and transmissible disease, and reported the habit of blowing and tasting food, sharing utensils and kissing the children on their mouth. 372 (58.1%) adults reported that their children had already been seen by a dentist, 264 (41.3%) answered that their children had never gone to a dentist, and 4 (0.6%) did not know. When the adults were asked whether their children had already had dental caries, 107 (16.7%) answered yes, 489 (76.4%) answered no, and 44 (6.9%) did not know. Taken together, these data reinforce the need to provide the population with some important information regarding the transmission of dental caries in order to facilitate a more comprehensive approach towards the prevention of the disease.
  • Comparasion of two minimally invasive methods on the longevity of glass ionomer cement restorations: short-term results of a pilot study Original Articles

    Barata, Terezinha Jesus Esteves; Bresciani, Eduardo; Mattos, Maria Cecília Ribeiro; Lauris, José Roberto Pereira; Ericson, Dan; Navarro, Maria Fidela de Lima

    Resumo em Inglês:

    The purpose of this study was to evaluate the clinical performance of glass ionomer cement (GIC) restorations comparing two minimally invasive methods in permanent teeth after 12 months. Fifty pregnant women (second trimester of pregnancy), mean age 22 ± 5.30 years, were treated by two previously trained operators. The treatment approaches tested were: chemomechanical method (CarisolvTM; MediTeam) and atraumatic restorative treatment (ART). A split-mouth study design was used in which the two treatments were randomly placed in 50 matched pairs of permanent teeth. The chemomechanical method (CM) was the test group and the ART was the control group. The treatments were performed in Public Health Centers. The tested restorative material was a high-strength GIC (Ketac Molar; 3M/ESPE). The restorations were placed according to the ART guidelines. Two calibrated independent examiners evaluated the restorations in accordance with ART criteria. The inter-examiner kappa was 0.97. Data were analyzed using 95% confidence interval on the binomial distribution and Fisher's exact test at 5% significance level. In a 12-month follow-up, 86% of the restorations were evaluated. In the test group (CM), 100% (CI=93.3-100%) of the restorations were considered successful. In the control group (ART) 97.6% (CI=87.4-99.9%) of the restorations were considered successful and 2.4% unsuccessful (marginal defect >0.5 mm). There was no statistically significant difference between the 12-mounth success rate for both groups (Fisher's exact test: P=0.49) and between the two operators (Fisher's exact test: P=1.00). Both minimally invasive methods, chemomechanical method and ART, showed a similar clinical performance after 12 months of follow up.
  • Relationship between the degree of conversion, solubility and salivary sorption of a hybrid and a nanofilled resin composite Original Articles

    Silva, Eduardo Moreira da; Almeida, Giselle Soares; Poskus, Laiza Tatiana; Guimarães, José Guilherme Antunes

    Resumo em Inglês:

    This study analyzed the relationship between the degree of conversion (DC), solubility, and salivary sorption of a hybrid (Filtek P 60) and a nanofilled resin composite (Filtek Supreme), and evaluated the influence of the light-activation mode on these properties. Two light-activation modes were used: Conventional (C; 850 mW/cm² for 20 s) and Soft-start (SS; 100-1,000 mW/cm² for 10 s + 1,000 mW/cm² for 10 s). The DC (%) was evaluated by FT-Raman spectroscopy. The solubility and salivary sorption were measured after immersion in artificial saliva for 7 days. Data were analyzed by ANOVA and Student-Newman-Keuls' test and linear regression analysis (a = 0.05). The DC varied from 50.52% (nanofilled composite) to 57.15% (hybrid composite), and was influenced by the light-activation mode: C > SS. The solubility (0.45 mg/mm³) and salivary sorption (8.04 mg/mm³) of the nanofilled composite were greater than those of the hybrid composite (0.40 mg/mm³ / 6.87 mg/mm³), and were influenced by the light-activation mode: SS > C. Correlation was found between DC and solubility (r = - 0.89, p<0.05), as well as between solubility and salivary sorption (r = 0.95). These findings suggest that nanofilled composites may present higher degradation in the oral environment than hybrid ones. Soft-start light-activation mode may increase the solubility of resin composites.
  • Comparison of radiographic measurements obtained with conventional an indirect digital imaging during endontic treatment Original Articles

    Schmitd, Ligia Buloto; Lima, Tatiana de Castro; Chinellato, Luiz Eduardo Montenegro; Bramante, Clóvis Monteiro; Garcia, Roberto Brandão; Moraes, Ivaldo Gomes de; Bernardineli, Norberti

    Resumo em Inglês:

    The aims of this study were to evaluate the quality of indirect digitized radiographic images taken during endodontic procedures and to compare the measurements recorded with this technique to those obtained from conventional radiographs. Two-hundred conventional periapical radiographs taken at the undergraduate Endodontics Clinic of the Dental School of Bauru were digitized. The conventional and indirect digitized images were compared by three examiners as to the quality and accuracy of the measurements recorded during endodontic treatment, in canal length determination, gutta-percha adaptation, lateral condensation and final obturation. The conventional radiographs were observed on a film viewer, surrounded by a dark card, and measured with magnifying glass and a millimeter ruler; the indirect digitized images were evaluated on the Digora® for Windows software, with free utilization of the bright/contrast tool. Unlike the conventional radiographic images, all indirect digitized images were considered as having a high quality. The distance between the filling material and the root apex was 0.117 mm larger, on average, for the Digora® system (p<0.01). The measurements achieved by the investigated radiographic methods were clinically similar and they are thus equivalent. Changes in brightness and contrast of the images using Digora®software improved the diagnosis.
Faculdade De Odontologia De Bauru - USP Serviço de Biblioteca e Documentação FOB-USP, Alameda Dr. Octávio Pinheiro Brisolla 9-75, 17012-901 Bauru SP Brasil, Tel.: +55 14 3235-8373 - Bauru - SP - Brazil