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Journal of Applied Oral Science, Volume: 19, Número: 1, Publicado: 2011
  • Guest Editorial - Grading the quality of evidence and strength of recommendations: the GRADE approach to improving dental Clinical Guidelines

    Nasser, Mona; Fedorowicz, Zbys
  • pH and calcium ion release evaluation of pure and calcium hydroxide-containing Epiphany for use in retrograde filling Original Articles

    Tanomaru-Filho, Mário; Saçaki, Juliana Nogueira; Faleiros, Frederico Bordini Chaves; Guerreiro-Tanomaru, Juliane Maria

    Resumo em Inglês:

    OBJECTIVE: Hydroxyl (OH-) and calcium (Ca++) ion release was evaluated in six materials: G1) Sealer 26, G2) White mineral trioxide aggregate (MTA), G3) Epiphany, G4) Epiphany + 10% calcium hydroxide (CH), G5) Epiphany + 20% CH, and G6) zinc oxide and eugenol. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Specimens were placed in polyethylene tubes and immersed in distilled water. After 3, 6, 12, 24, and 48 h, 7, 14, and 28 days, the water was assessed for pH with a pH meter and for Ca++ release by atomic absorption spectrophotometry. RESULTS: G1, G2, G4, and G5 had the highest pH until 14 days (p<0.05). G1 presented the highest Ca++ release until 6 h, and G4 and G5, from 12 h through 14 days. Ca++ release was greater for G1 and G2 at 28 days. G6 released the least Ca++. CONCLUSIONS: MTA, Sealer 26, Epiphany, and Epiphany + CH release OH- and Ca++ ions. Epiphany + CH may be an alternative as retrofilling material.
  • Presence of Candida spp. in the oral cavity of heart transplantation patients Original Articles

    Ribeiro, Patrícia Monteiro; Bacal, Fernando; Koga-Ito, Cristiane Yumi; Junqueira, Juliana Campos; Jorge, Antonio Olavo Cardoso

    Resumo em Inglês:

    Candida spp. can lead to infections or even fungal sepsis particularly among immunocompromized individuals. OBJECTIVE: The aim of the present study was to analyze the presence of Candida spp. among patients subjected to orthotopic heart transplantation. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Oral rinses from 50 patients subjected to orthotopic heart transplantation, aged 13 to 70 years, 40 males and 10 females, were examined. Sex-age-oral conditions matched-control included 50 individuals who were not subjected to any kind of transplantation and were not immunocompromized for any other reason. Counts of yeasts were expressed as median values of logarithm of cfu/mL and were statistically compared by Mann-Whitney's test. The heart transplant and control groups were compared for the presence of Candida spp. by chi-square test (p<0.05). RESULTS: The results showed statistically significant difference (p=0.001) in the prevalence of Candida spp. between the transplantation and control groups. Counts of yeasts (cfu/mL) in the transplanted group were significantly higher than in the control group (p=0.005). Candida albicans was the most prevalent species isolated from both groups. CONCLUSIONS: It was concluded that Candida yeast counts were higher in the heart transplant recipients than in the controls. There was higher variation of Candida species among the heart transplant patients and the most frequently isolated samples were: Candida albicans, Candida glabrata and Candida tropicalis. Isolates of Candida dubliniensis was not found in either of the groups.
  • Anesthetic technique for inferior alveolar nerve block: a new approach Original Articles

    Palti, Dafna Geller; Almeida, Cristiane Machado de; Rodrigues, Antonio de Castro; Andreo, Jesus Carlos; Lima, José Eduardo Oliveira

    Resumo em Inglês:

    BACKGROUND: Effective pain control in Dentistry may be achieved by local anesthetic techniques. The success of the anesthetic technique in mandibular structures depends on the proximity of the needle tip to the mandibular foramen at the moment of anesthetic injection into the pterygomandibular region. Two techniques are available to reach the inferior alveolar nerve where it enters the mandibular canal, namely indirect and direct; these techniques differ in the number of movements required. Data demonstrate that the indirect technique is considered ineffective in 15% of cases and the direct technique in 13-29% of cases. OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study was to describe an alternative technique for inferior alveolar nerve block using several anatomical points for reference, simplifying the procedure and enabling greater success and a more rapid learning curve. MATERIAL AND METHODS: A total of 193 mandibles (146 with permanent dentition and 47 with primary dentition) from dry skulls were used to establish a relationship between the teeth and the mandibular foramen. By using two wires, the first passing through the mesiobuccal groove and middle point of the mesial slope of the distolingual cusp of the primary second molar or permanent first molar (right side), and the second following the oclusal plane (left side), a line can be achieved whose projection coincides with the left mandibular foramen. RESULTS: The obtained data showed correlation in 82.88% of cases using the permanent first molar, and in 93.62% of cases using the primary second molar. CONCLUSION: This method is potentially effective for inferior alveolar nerve block, especially in Pediatric Dentistry.
  • Effect of cyclic load on vertical misfit of prefabricated and cast implant single abutment Original Articles

    de Jesus Tavarez, Rudys Rodolfo; Bonachela, Wellington Cardoso; Xible, Anuar Antônio

    Resumo em Inglês:

    OBJECTIVES: The purpose of this in vitro study was to evaluate misfit alterations at the implant/abutment interface of external and internal connection implant systems when subjected to cyclic loading. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Standard metal crowns were fabricated for 5 groups (n=10) of implant/abutment assemblies: Group 1, external hexagon implant and UCLA cast-on premachined abutment; Group 2, internal hexagon implant and premachined abutment; Group 3, internal octagon implant and prefabricated abutment; Group 4, external hexagon implant and UCLA cast-on premachined abutment; and Group 5, external hexagon implant and Ceraone abutment. For groups 1, 2, 3 and 5, the crowns were cemented on the abutments and in group 4 crowns were screwed directly on the implant. The specimens were subjected to 500,000 cycles at 19.1 Hz of frequency and non-axial load of 133 N in a MTS 810 machine. The vertical misfit (μm) at the implant/abutment interface was evaluated before (B) and after (A) application of the cyclic loading. Data were analyzed statistically by using two-away ANOVA and Tukey's post-hoc test (p<0.05). RESULTS: Before loading values showed no difference among groups 2 (4.33±3.13), 3 (4.79±3.43) and 5 (3.86±4.60); between groups 1 (12.88±6.43) and 4 (9.67±3.08), and among groups 2, 3 and 4. However, groups 1 and 4 were significantly different from groups 2, 3 and 5. After loading values of groups 1 (17.28±8.77) and 4 (17.78±10.99) were significantly different from those of groups 2 (4.83±4.50), 3 (8.07±4.31) and 5 (3.81±4.84). There was a significant increase in misfit values of groups 1, 3 and 4 after cyclic loading, but not for groups 2 and 5. CONCLUSIONS: The cyclic loading and type of implant/abutment connection may develop a role on the vertical misfit at the implant/abutment interface.
  • Light-activation through indirect ceramic restorations: does the overexposure compensate for the attenuation in light intensity during resin cement polymerization? Original Articles

    Bueno, Albano Luis Novaes; Arrais, Cesar Augusto Galvão; Jorge, Ana Carolina Tedesco; Reis, Andre Figueiredo; Amaral, Cristiane Mariote

    Resumo em Inglês:

    OBJECTIVES: This study evaluated the effects of light exposure through simulated indirect ceramic restorations (SICR) on hardness (KHN) of dual-cured resin cements (RCs), immediately after light-activation and 24 h later. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Three dual-cured RCs were evaluated: Eco-Link (Ivoclar Vivadent), Rely X ARC (3M ESPE), and Panavia F (Kuraray Medical Inc.). The RCs were manipulated in accordance to the manufacturers' instructions and were placed into cylindrical acrylic matrixes (1-mm-thick and 4-mm diameter). The RC light-activation (Optilux 501; Demetron Kerr) was performed through a glass slide for 120 s (control group), or through 2-mm or 4-mm thick SICRs (IPS Empress II; Ivoclar Vivadent). The specimens were submitted to KHN analysis immediately and 24 h after light-activation. The data obtained at the 2 evaluation intervals were submitted to 2-way ANOVA repeated measures and post-hoc Tukey's test (pre-set alpha of 5%). RESULTS: Lower KHN was observed when light-activation was performed through SICRs for Eco-Link at all evaluation intervals and for Rely X ARC 24 h later. For Panavia F, no significant difference in KHN was observed between control and experimental groups, regardless of evaluation interval. Most groups exhibited higher KHN after 24 h than immediately after light-activation, with the exception of Rely X ARC light-activated through SICR, as no significant difference in KHN was found between evaluation intervals. CONCLUSIONS: Light overexposure did not compensate for light intensity attenuation due to the presence of SICR when Rely X and Eco-Link were used. Although hardness of such RCs increased over a 24-h interval, the RCs subjected to light overexposure did not reach the hardness values exhibited after direct light exposure.
  • Effect of different ferrule designs on the fracture resistance and failure pattern of endodontically treated teeth restored with fiber posts and all-ceramic crowns Original Articles

    Sherfudhin, Haneef; Hobeich, Joseph; Carvalho, Carlos Augusto; Aboushelib, Moustafa N.; Sadig, Walid; Salameh, Ziad

    Resumo em Inglês:

    OBJECTIVE: This study investigated the effect of different ferrule heights on endodontically treated premolars. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Fifty sound mandibular first premolars were endodontically treated and then restored with 7-mm fiber post (FRC Postec Plus #1 Ivoclar-Vivadent) luted with self-polymerized resin cement (Multilink, Ivoclar Vivadent) while the coronal section was restored with hybrid composite core build-up material (Tetric Ceram, Ivoclar-Vivadent), which received all-ceramic crown. Different ferrule heights were investigated: 1-mm circumferential ferrule without post and core (group 1 used as control), a circumferential 1-mm ferrule (group 2), non-uniform ferrule 2-mm buccally and 1-mm lingually (group 3), non-uniform ferrule 3-mm buccally and 2-mm lingually (group 4), and finally no ferrule preparation (group 5). The fracture load and failure pattern of the tested groups were investigated by applying axial load to the ceramic crowns (n=10). Data were analyzed statistically by one-way ANOVA and Tukey's post-hoc test was used for pair-wise comparisons (α=0.05). RESULTS: There were no significant differences among the failure load of all tested groups (P<0.780). The control group had the lowest fracture resistance (891.43±202.22 N) and the highest catastrophic failure rate (P<0.05). Compared to the control group, the use of fiber post reduced the percentage of catastrophic failure while increasing the ferrule height did not influence the fracture resistance of the restored specimens. CONCLUSIONS: Within the limitations of this study, increasing the ferrule length did not influence the fracture resistance of endodontically treated teeth restored with glass ceramic crowns. Insertion of a fiber post could reduce the percentage of catastrophic failure of these restorations under function.
  • Effect of experimental chewing on masticatory muscle pain onset Original Articles

    Conti, Paulo César Rodrigues; Silva, Rafael dos Santos; Araujo, Carlos dos Reis Pereira de; Rosseti, Leylha Maria N.; Yassuda, Shigueharu; Silva, Renato Oliveira Ferreira da; Pegoraro, Luiz Fernando

    Resumo em Inglês:

    OBJECTIVES: To evaluate the effect of a chewing exercise on pain intensity and pressure-pain threshold in patients with myofascial pain. METHODS: Twenty-nine consecutive women diagnosed with myofascial pain (MFP) according to the Research Diagnostic Criteria comprised the experimental group and 15 healthy age-matched female were used as controls. Subjects were asked to chew a gum stick for 9 min and to stay at rest for another 9 min afterwards. Pain intensity was rated on a visual analog scale (VAS) every 3 min. At 0, 9 and 18 min, the pressure-pain threshold (PPT) was measured bilaterally on the masseter and the anterior, medium, and posterior temporalis muscles. RESULTS: Patients with myofascial pain reported increase (76%) and no change (24%) on the pain intensity measured with the VAS. A reduction of the PPT at all muscular sites after the exercise and a non-significant recovery after rest were also observed. CONCLUSION: The following conclusions can be drawn: 1. there are at least two subtypes of patients with myofascial pain that respond differently to experimental chewing; 2. the chewing protocol had an adequate discriminative ability in distinguishing patients with myofascial pain from healthy controls.
  • In vitro evaluation of an alternative method to bond molar tubes Original Articles

    Pinzan-Vercelino, Célia Regina Maio; Pinzan, Arnaldo; Gurgel, Júlio de Araújo; Bramante, Fausto Silva; Pinzan, Luciana Maio

    Resumo em Inglês:

    Despite the advances in bonding materials, many clinicians today still prefer to place bands on molar teeth. Molar bonding procedures need improvement to be widely accepted clinically. OBJECTIVE: The purpose of this study was to evaluate the shear bond strength when an additional adhesive layer was applied on the occlusal tooth/tube interface to provide reinforcement to molar tubes. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Sixty third molars were selected and allocated to the 3 groups: group 1 received a conventional direct bond followed by the application of an additional layer of adhesive on the occlusal tooth/tube interface, group 2 received a conventional direct bond, and group 3 received a conventional direct bond and an additional cure time of 10 s. The specimens were debonded in a universal testing machine. The results were analyzed statistically by ANOVA and Tukey's test (α=0.05). RESULTS: Group 1 had a significantly higher (p<0.05) shear bond strength compared to groups 2 and 3. No difference was detected between groups 2 and 3 (p>0.05). CONCLUSIONS: The present in vitro findings indicate that the application of an additional layer of adhesive on the tooth/tube interface increased the shear bond strength of the bonded molar tubes.
  • Validation of an experimental polyurethane model for biomechanical studies on implant-supported prosthesis: compression tests Original Articles

    Moretti Neto, Rafael Tobias; Hiramatsu, Daniel Afonso; Suedam, Valdey; Conti, Paulo César Rodrigues; Rubo, José Henrique

    Resumo em Inglês:

    OBJECTIVES: The complexity and heterogeneity of human bone, as well as ethical issues, most always hinder the performance of clinical trials. Thus, in vitro studies become an important source of information for the understanding of biomechanical events on implant-supported prostheses, although study results cannot be considered reliable unless validation studies are conducted. The purpose of this work was to validate an artificial experimental model based on its modulus of elasticity, to simulate the performance of human bone in vivo in biomechanical studies of implant-supported prostheses. MATERIAL AND METHODS: In this study, fast-curing polyurethane (F16 polyurethane, Axson) was used to build 40 specimens that were divided into five groups. The following reagent ratios (part A/part B) were used: Group A (0.5/1.0), Group B (0.8/1.0), Group C (1.0/1.0), Group D (1.2/1.0), and Group E (1.5/1.0). A universal testing machine (Kratos model K - 2000 MP) was used to measure modulus of elasticity values by compression. RESULTS: Mean modulus of elasticity values were: Group A - 389.72 MPa, Group B - 529.19 MPa, Group C - 571.11 MPa, Group D - 470.35 MPa, Group E - 437.36 MPa. CONCLUSION: The best mechanical characteristics and modulus of elasticity value comparable to that of human trabecular bone were obtained when A/B ratio was 1:1.
  • Biocompatibility of RealSeal, its primer and AH Plus implanted in subcutaneous connective tissue of rats Original Articles

    Grecca, Fabiana Soares; Kopper, Patrícia Maria Poli; Santos, Régis Burmeister dos; Fossati, Anna Christina; Carrard, Vinicius Coelho; Acasigua, Gerson Arison Xavier; Figueiredo, José Antônio Poli de

    Resumo em Inglês:

    OBJECTIVE: This study tested rat connective tissue response to RealSeal, RealSeal primer or AH Plus after 7, 15, 30, 60 and 90 days of implantation. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Thirty Wistar rats had subcutaneous sockets created on their back and received four implants each of polyethylene tubes containing one of the materials tested according to the groups: AH (AH Plus Sealer); RS (RealSeal Sealer); RP (RealSeal Primer); CG (control group - empty tube). After histological processing, sections were analyzed to identify the presence of neutrophils, lymphocytes and plasma cells, eosinophils, macrophages and giant cells, as well as fibrous capsule and abscesses, by an examiner using light microscope. Kruskal-Wallis and multiple-comparisons test were used for statistical analysis. Significance level was set at 5%. RESULTS: Lymphoplasmacytic infiltrate scores significantly higher than those of the control group were observed at 14 and 60 days in AH group, and at 90 days in RS group (p<0.05). There were no differences in terms of presence of macrophages, giant cells, eosinophils, neutrophils or fibrosis. AH Plus group scored higher for abscesses at 7 days than after any other period (p=0.031). RP group scored higher for lymphoplasmacytic infiltrate at 14 days than at 90 days (p=0.04). CONCLUSION: The main contribution of this study was to demonstrate that issues involved with tissue tolerance of a Resilon-containing sealer, RealSeal Sealer, cannot be attributed to its primer content.
  • Friction between different wire bracket combinations in artificial saliva: an in vitro evaluation Original Articles

    Fidalgo, Tatiana Kelly da Silva; Pithon, Matheus Melo; Maciel, José Vinicius Bolognesi; Bolognese, Ana Maria

    Resumo em Inglês:

    OBJECTIVE: The objective this work was to assess the friction coefficient between brackets and wires of different materials under conditions simulating the oral environment. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Stainless steel (SS) and titanium-molybdenum alloy (TMA) wires of 0.019x0.025-in diameter (American Orthodontics) and polycarbonate bracket (American Orthodontics), ceramic bracket (American Orthodontics), and metal bracket (3M Unitek) with slots of 0.022x0.030-in were used. The friction coefficient was assessed by means of mechanical traction with the system immersed in artificial saliva. The mean roughness of both wire surface and bracket slots was evaluated by using a surface profilometer. RESULTS: The system using TMA wire and polycarbonate bracket had the highest roughness (p<0.05). SS wire with ceramic bracket had the highest friction coefficient, whereas the use of metallic bracket yielded the lowest (p<0.05). However, it was observed a statistically significant difference in the system using TMA wire and ceramic bracket compared to that using TMA wire and polycarbonate bracket (p=0.038). CONCLUSIONS: Ceramic brackets in association with SS wire should be judiciously used, since this system showed a high friction coefficient.
  • A rationale method for evaluating unscrewing torque values of prosthetic screws in dental implants Original Articles

    Saliba, Felipe Miguel; Cardoso, Mayra; Torres, Marcelo Ferreira; Teixeira, Alexandre Carvalho; Lourenço, Eduardo José Veras; Telles, Daniel de Moraes

    Resumo em Inglês:

    OBJECTIVES: Previous studies that evaluated the torque needed for removing dental implant screws have not considered the manner of transfer of the occlusal loads in clinical settings. Instead, the torque used for removal was applied directly to the screw, and most of them omitted the possibility that the hexagon could limit the action of the occlusal load in the loosening of the screws. The present study proposes a method for evaluating the screw removal torque in an anti-rotational device independent way, creating an unscrewing load transfer to the entire assembly, not only to the screw. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Twenty hexagonal abutments without the hexagon in their bases were fixed with a screw to 20 dental implants. They were divided into two groups: Group 1 used titanium screws and Group 2 used titanium screws covered with a solid lubricant. A torque of 32 Ncm was applied to the screw and then a custom-made wrench was used for rotating the abutment counterclockwise, to loosen the screw. A digital torque meter recorded the torque required to loosen the abutment. RESULTS: There was a significant difference between the means of Group 1 (38.62±6.43 Ncm) and Group 2 (48.47±5.04 Ncm), with p=0.001. CONCLUSION: This methodology was effective in comparing unscrewing torque values of the implant-abutment junction even with a limited sample size. It confirmed a previously shown significant difference between two types of screws.
  • Changes in the subgingival biofilm composition after coronally positioned flap Original Articles

    Lima, Jadson Almeida; Santos, Vanessa Renata; Feres, Magda; Figueiredo, Luciene Cristina de; Duarte, Poliana Mendes

    Resumo em Inglês:

    OBJECTIVES: This study evaluated the effects of coronally positioned flap (CPF) on the subgingival biofilm composition. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Twenty-two subjects with gingival recessions were treated with CPF. Clinical parameters were assessed before and at 6 months after surgery. Subgingival biofilms were analyzed by checkerboard DNA-DNA hybridization technique for 40 bacterial species. RESULTS: Recession height, clinical attachment level and bleeding on probing improved significantly (p<0.05) at 6 months post-CPF. The proportions of 10 periodontal pathogens and the proportions of red and orange complexes decreased at 6 months. CONCLUSION: In conclusion, CPF can induce beneficial effects on the composition of the subgingival microbiota after 6 months.
  • Ultramorphology of the root surface subsequent to hand-ultrasonic simultaneous instrumentation during non-surgical periodontal treatments: an in vitro study Original Articles

    Aspriello, Simone D.; Piemontese, Matteo; Levrini, Luca; Sauro, Salvatore

    Resumo em Inglês:

    OBJECTIVE: The purpose of this study was to investigate the ultramorphology of the root surfaces induced by mechanical instrumentation performed using conventional curettes or piezoelectric scalers when used single-handedly or with a combined technique. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Thirty single-rooted teeth were selected and divided into 3 groups: Group A, instrumentation with curettes; Group B instrumentation with titanium nitride coated periodontal tip mounted in a piezoelectric handpiece; Group C, combined technique with curette/ultrasonic piezoelectric instrumentation. The specimens were processed and analyzed using confocal and scanning electron microscopy. Differences between the different groups of instrumentation were determined using Pearson's χ2 with significance predetermined at α=0.001. RESULTS: Periodontal scaling and root planing performed with curettes, ultrasonic or combined instrumentation induced several morphological changes on the root surface. The curettes produced a compact and thick multilayered smear layer, while the morphology of the root surfaces after ultrasonic scaler treatment appeared irregular with few grooves and a thin smear layer. The combination of curette/ultrasonic instrumentation showed exposed root dentin tubules with a surface morphology characterized by the presence of very few grooves and slender remnants of smear layer which only partially covered the root dentin. In some cases, it was also possible to observe areas with exposed collagen fibrils. CONCLUSIONS: The curette-ultrasonic simultaneous instrumentation may combine the beneficial effects of each instrument in a single technique creating a root surface relatively free from the physical barrier of smear layer and dentin tubules orifices partial occlusion.
  • Platelet-rich plasma plus bioactive glass in the treatment of intra-bony defects: a study in dogs Original Articles

    Carvalho, Marcelo Diniz; Suaid, Fabrícia Ferreira; Santamaria, Mauro Pedrine; Casati, Marcio Zaffalon; Nociti Jr., Francisco Humberto; Sallum, Antonio Wilson; Sallum, Enilson Antônio

    Resumo em Inglês:

    OBJECTIVE: This study was designed to evaluate, histomorphometrically, the association of platelet-rich plasma (PRP) and bioactive glass (BG) in the treatment of periodontal intrabony defects. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Nine mongrel dogs were included in the study. Three-wall intrabony defects were surgically created at the mesial and distal aspect of first mandibular molar and exposed to plaque accumulation for 1 month. The defects were randomly assigned to the groups: control, BG, PRP, PRP+BG. Dogs were sacrificed 90 days after the surgeries. The histometric parameters evaluated were: length of sulcular and junctional epithelium, connective tissue adaptation, new cementum, new bone, defect extension and area of new bone filling the defect. RESULTS: A superior area of new bone was observed in PRP+BG and BG (13.80±2.32 mm² and 15.63±2.64 mm², respectively) when compared to the other groups (8.19±1.46 mm² and 8.81±1.47 mm² for control and PRP, respectively). No statistically significant differences were observed in the remaining parameters. CONCLUSIONS: Within the limits of this study, it may be concluded that PRP failed to provide statistically significant improvements in the histometric parameters.
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