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Journal of Applied Oral Science, Volume: 20, Número: 3, Publicado: 2012
  • The 2011 Journal Citation Reports and the impact factor of the Journal of Applied Oral Science Editorial

    Santos, Carlos F.
  • Mechanisms of action of systemic antibiotics used in periodontal treatment and mechanisms of bacterial resistance to these drugs Review

    Soares, Geisla Mary Silva; Figueiredo, Luciene Cristina; Faveri, Marcelo; Cortelli, Sheila Cavalca; Duarte, Poliana Mendes; Feres, Magda

    Resumo em Inglês:

    Antibiotics are important adjuncts in the treatment of infectious diseases, including periodontitis. The most severe criticisms to the indiscriminate use of these drugs are their side effects and, especially, the development of bacterial resistance. The knowledge of the biological mechanisms involved with the antibiotic usage would help the medical and dental communities to overcome these two problems. Therefore, the aim of this manuscript was to review the mechanisms of action of the antibiotics most commonly used in the periodontal treatment (i.e. penicillin, tetracycline, macrolide and metronidazole) and the main mechanisms of bacterial resistance to these drugs. Antimicrobial resistance can be classified into three groups: intrinsic, mutational and acquired. Penicillin, tetracycline and erythromycin are broad-spectrum drugs, effective against gram-positive and gram-negative microorganisms. Bacterial resistance to penicillin may occur due to diminished permeability of the bacterial cell to the antibiotic; alteration of the penicillin-binding proteins, or production of β-lactamases. However, a very small proportion of the subgingival microbiota is resistant to penicillins. Bacteria become resistant to tetracyclines or macrolides by limiting their access to the cell, by altering the ribosome in order to prevent effective binding of the drug, or by producing tetracycline/macrolide-inactivating enzymes. Periodontal pathogens may become resistant to these drugs. Finally, metronidazole can be considered a prodrug in the sense that it requires metabolic activation by strict anaerobe microorganisms. Acquired resistance to this drug has rarely been reported. Due to these low rates of resistance and to its high activity against the gram-negative anaerobic bacterial species, metronidazole is a promising drug for treating periodontal infections.
  • Prevalence of enamel defects and associated risk factors in both dentitions in preterm and full term born children Original Articles

    Cruvinel, Vanessa Resende Nogueira; Gravina, Danuze Batista Lamas; Azevedo, Tatiana Degani Paes Leme; Rezende, Catharina Siqueira de; Bezerra, Ana Cristina Barreto; Toledo, Orlando Ayrton de

    Resumo em Inglês:

    OBJECTIVES: The aim of this study was to evaluate the prevalence of enamel defects and their risk factors on primary and permanent dentitions of prematurely born children and full-term born children born at Regional Hospital of Asa Sul, Brasília, DF, Brazil. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Eighty 5-10-year-old children of both genders were examined, being 40 born prematurely (G1) and 40 born full term (G2). The demographic variables, medical history and oral health behaviors were retrieved using a questionnaire and data obtained from clinical examination were recorded. The teeth were examined and the presence of enamel defects was diagnosed according to the DDE Index and registered in odontograms. Subsequently, the defects were categorized in four groups according to one of the criteria proposed in 1992 by the FDI Commission on Oral Health, Research and Epidemiology. Kruskal-Wallis, Chi-square, Kappa, Mann-Whitney tests and logistic regression were used for statistical analysis. RESULTS: 75% of total sample had enamel defects. There was a major prevalence of hypoplasia of the enamel in G1 (p<0.001). There was a significant relationship between low weight and presence of the imperfections on the enamel in G1 on the primary dentition. The logistic regression model showed that the other risk factors such as monthly per capita family income, educational level, dietary and hygiene habits, fluoride exposure, trauma, and diseases were not associated with enamel defects and caries. CONCLUSIONS: Pre-term labor can be a predisposing factor for the presence of the enamel hypoplasia in the primary dentition.
  • Iron supplementation reduces the erosive potential of a cola drink on enamel and dentin in situ Original Articles

    Kato, Melissa Thiemi; Buzalaf, Marília Afonso Rabelo

    Resumo em Inglês:

    Iron has been suggested to reduce the erosive potential of cola drinks in vitro.OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study was to evaluate in situ the effect of ferrous sulfate supplementation on the inhibition of the erosion caused by a cola drink. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Ten adult volunteers participated in a crossover protocol conducted in two phases of 5 days, separated by a washout period of 7 days. In each phase, they wore palatal devices containing two human enamel and two human dentin blocks. The volunteers immersed the devices for 5 min in 150 mL of cola drink (Coca-ColaTM, pH 2.6), containing ferrous sulfate (10 mmol/L) or not (control), 4 times per day. The effect of ferrous sulfate on the inhibition of erosion was evaluated by profilometry (wear). Data were analyzed by paired t tests (p<0.05). RESULTS: The mean wear (±se) was significantly reduced in the presence of ferrous sulfate, both for enamel (control: 5.8±1.0 µm; ferrous sulfate: 2.8±0.6 µm) and dentin (control: 4.8±0.8 µm; ferrous sulfate: 1.7±0.7 µm). CONCLUSIONS: The supplementation of cola drinks with ferrous sulfate can be a good alternative for the reduction of their erosive potential. Additional studies should be done to test if lower ferrous sulfate concentrations can also have a protective effect as well as the combination of ferrous sulfate with other ions.
  • 56-month clinical performance of Class I and II resin composite restorations Original Articles

    Pazinatto, Flavia Bittencourt; Gionordoli Neto, Ranulfo; Wang, Linda; Mondelli, José; Mondelli, Rafael Francisco Lia; Navarro, Maria Fidela de Lima

    Resumo em Inglês:

    OBJECTIVE: This study evaluated the 56-month clinical performance of Class I and II resin composite restorations. Filtek P60 was compared with Filtek Z250, which are both indicated for posterior restorations but differ in terms of handling characteristics. The null hypothesis tested was that there is no difference in the clinical performance of the two resin composites in posterior teeth. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Thirty-three patients were treated by the same operator, who prepared 48 Class I and 42 Class II cavities, which were restored with Single Bond/Filtek Z250 or Single Bond/Filtek P60 restorative systems. Restorations were evaluated by two independent examiners at baseline and after 56 months, using the modified USPHS criteria. Data were analyzed statistically using Chi-square and Fisher's Exact tests (a=0.05). RESULTS: After 56 months, 25 patients (31 Class I and 36 Class II) were analyzed. A 3% failure rate occurred due to secondary caries and excessive loss of anatomic form for P60. For both restorative systems, there were no significant differences in secondary caries and postoperative sensitivity. However, significant changes were observed with respect to anatomic form, marginal discoloration, and marginal adaptation. Significant decreases in surface texture were observed exclusively for the Z250 restorations. CONCLUSIONS: Both restorative systems can be used for posterior restorations and can be expected to perform well in the oral environment.
  • Qualitative SEM/EDS analysis of microleakage and apical gap formation of adhesive root-filling materials Original Articles

    Souza, Soraia de Fátima Carvalho; Francci, Carlos; Bombana, Antonio C.; Kenshima, Silvia; Barroso, Lúcia P.; D'Agostino, Liz Z.; Loguercio, Alessandro D.

    Resumo em Inglês:

    OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study was to compare the correspondence between gap formation and apical microleakage in root canals filled with epoxy resin-based (AH Plus) combined or not with resinous primer or with a dimethacrylate-based root canal sealer (Epiphany). MATERIAL AND METHODS: Thirty-nine lower single-rooted human premolars were filled by the lateral condensation technique (LC) and immersed in a 50-wt% aqueous silver nitrate solution at 37ºC (24 h). After longitudinal sectioning, epoxy resin replicas were made from the tooth specimens. Both the replicas and the specimens were prepared for scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The gaps were observed in the replicas. Apical microleakage was detected in the specimens by SEM/energy dispersive spectroscopy (SEM/EDS). The data were analyzed statistically using an Ordinal Logistic Regression model and Analysis of Correspondence (α=0.05). RESULTS: Epiphany presented more regions containing gaps between dentin and sealer (p<0.05). There was correspondence between the presence of gaps and microleakage (p<0.05). Microleakage was similar among the root-filling materials (p>0.05). CONCLUSIONS: The resinous primer did not improve the sealing ability of AH Plus sealer and the presence of gaps had an effect on apical microleakage for all materials.
  • Ion release from a composite resin after exposure to different 10% carbamide peroxide bleaching agents Original Articles

    Bueno, Renata Plá Rizzolo; Viaro, Paloma Salomone; Nascimento, Paulo Cícero; Pozzobon, Roselaine Terezinha

    Resumo em Inglês:

    OBJECTIVE: This in vitro study evaluated the influence of two 10% carbamide peroxide bleaching agents - a commercial product (Opalescence PF; Ultradent Products, Inc.) and a bleaching agent prepared in a compounding pharmacy - on the chemical degradation of a light-activated composite resin by determining its release of ions before and after exposure to the agents. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Thirty composite resin (Filtek Z250; 3M/ESPE) samples were divided into three groups: group I (exposed to Opalescence PF commercial bleaching agent), group II (exposed to a compounded bleaching agent) and group III (control - Milli-Q water). After 14 days of exposure, with a protocol of 8 h of daily exposure to the bleaching agents and 16 h of immersion in Milli-Q water, the analysis of ion release was carried out using a HP 8453 spectrophotometer. The values were analyzed statistically by ANOVA, Tukey's test and the paired t-tests. The significance level was set at 5%. RESULTS: After 14 days of the experiment, statistically significant difference was found between group II and groups I and III, with greater ion release from the composite resin in group II. CONCLUSIONS: The compounded bleaching agent had a more aggressive effect on the composite resin after 14 days of exposure than the commercial product and the control (no bleaching).
  • Effects of a Mikania laevigata extract on bone resorption and RANKL expression during experimental periodontitis in rats Original Articles

    Benatti, Bruno B.; Campos-Júnior, Jozafá C.; Silva-Filho, Vilmar J.; Alves, Polyanna M.; Rodrigues, Isabela R.; Uber-Bucek, Elizabeth; Vieira, Silvio M.; Napimoga, Marcelo H.

    Resumo em Inglês:

    OBJECTIVES: The Mikania laevigata extract (MLE) (popularly known in Brazil as "guaco") possesses anti-inflammatory properties. In the present study we tested the effects of MLE in a periodontitis experimental model in rats. We also investigated possible mechanisms underlying such effects. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Periodontal disease was induced by a ligature placed around the mandibular first molars of each animal. Male Wistar rats were divided into 4 groups: non-ligated animals treated with vehicle; non-ligated animals treated with MLE (10 mg/kg, daily); ligature-induced animals treated with vehicle and ligature-induced animals treated with MLE (10 mg/kg, daily). Thirty days after the induction of periodontal disease, the animals were euthanized and mandibles and gingival tissues removed for further analysis. RESULTS: Morphometric analysis of alveolar bone loss demonstrated that MLE-treated animals presented a decreased alveolar bone loss and a lower expression of the activator of nuclear factor-κB ligand (RANKL) measured by immunohistochemistry. Moreover, gingival tissues from the MLE-treated group showed decreased neutrophil migration myeloperoxidase (MPO) assay. CONCLUSIONS: These results indicate that MLE may be useful to control bone resorption during progression of experimental periodontitis in rats.
  • Sealability of MTA and calcium hydroxidecontaining sealers Original Articles

    Gomes-Filho, João Eduardo; Moreira, Jaqueline Viana; Watanabe, Simone; Lodi, Carolina Simonetti; Cintra, Luciano Tavares Angelo; Dezan Junior, Eloi; Bernabé, Pedro Felício Estrada; Nery, Mauro Juvenal; Otoboni Filho, José Arlindo

    Resumo em Inglês:

    OBJECTIVES: The aim of this study was to evaluate the apical sealability of Fillapex®, endo-CPM-Sealer® and Sealapex®. Material and Methods: Ninety-four freshly extracted single-rooted teeth were selected and decoronated. All teeth were radiographed to confirm the existence of a single and straight root canal, which was prepared using Protaper Universal and 2.5% sodium hypochlorite. The teeth were randomly divided in groups of 10 specimens each according to the sealer, and the canals were filled using the single cone technique and one of the sealers. Four additional teeth were used as controls. The teeth were submitted to dye leakage with Rhodamine B for 24 h but using vacuum on the initial 15 min. Thereafter, they were cut longitudinally and the leakage was measured in a linear fashion from apex to crown. Data were analyzed by ANOVA and Tukey's tests at 5% significance level. Results: Fillapex® and Sealapex® showed significantly less dye leakage than endo-CPM-Sealer® (p<0.05). Conclusions: It was concluded that Fillapex® and Sealapex® were able to prevent apical dye leakage differently from endo-CPM-Sealer®.
  • A 12-month clinical evaluation of pit-and-fissure sealants placed with and without etch-and-rinse and self-etch adhesive systems in newly-erupted teeth Original Articles

    Nogourani, Maryam Karami; Janghorbani, Mohsen; Khadem, Parvin; Jadidi, Zahra; Jalali, Shahriar

    Resumo em Inglês:

    OBJECTIVES: The objective of this one-year clinical study was to investigate the effect of two adhesive systems (Adper Single Bond, a two-step etch-and-rinse and Clearfil SE Bond, a two-step self-etch system) on pit-and-fissure sealant retention in newly-erupted teeth. This study compared the success of the sealants in mesial and distopalatal grooves with and without these two adhesive systems. MATERIAL AND METHODS: In a clinical trial, 35 children aged 6-8 years undergoing sealant placement were recruited. This one-year clinical study scored 70 mesial and 70 distopalatal sealants of newly-erupted permanent maxillary first molar, with a split-mouth design. All children received sealant alone in one permanent maxillary molar tooth. Children were randomized into two groups. One group received Self-etch (Se) bond plus sealant and the other group received Single Bond plus sealant in another permanent maxillary molar tooth. Clinical evaluation at 3, 6 and 12 months was performed and the retention was studied in terms of the success and failure. RESULTS: The success rate of sealant in the distopalatal groove, using SeB at 3, 6 and 12 months was 93.3% (95% CI: 68.0, 99.8), 73.3% (95% CI: 44.9, 92.2) and 66.7% (95% CI: 38.4, 88.2), respectively. It was greater than that of the distopalatal groove in SB group with a success rate of 62.5% (95% CI: 35.4, 84.8), 31.3% (95% CI: 11.8, 58.7) and 31.3% (95% CI: 11.8, 58.7), at the three evaluation periods. The success rate of sealant in the mesial groove using SeB was 86.6% (95% CI: 59.5, 98.3), 53.3% (95% CI: 26.6, 78.7) and 53.3% (95% CI: 26.6, 78.7), while this was 100% (95% CI: 79.4, 100.0), 81.3% (95% CI: 54.4, 96.0) and 81.3% (95% CI: 54.4, 96.0) using SB, at 3, 6 and 12-month evaluation periods. CONCLUSIONS: These results support the use of these two bonding agents in pit-and-fissure sealants under both isolated and contaminated conditions. Further, Se bond seemed to be less sensitive to moisture contamination.
  • Influence of lingual bracket position on microbial and periodontal parameters in vivo Original Articles

    Sfondrini, Maria Francesca; Debiaggi, Maurizia; Zara, Francesca; Brerra, Roberto; Comelli, Mario; Bianchi, Marco; Pollone, Sara Ramella; Scribante, Andrea

    Resumo em Inglês:

    OBJECTIVE: Lingual orthodontics is becoming more popular in dental practice. The purpose of the present investigation was to compare plaque formation on teeth bonded with the same bracket onto buccal or lingual surface, with non-bonded control teeth, via an in vivo growth experiment over a 30-day period. MATERIAL AND METHODS: A randomized controlled trial with split-mouth design was set up enrolling 20 dental students. Within each subject sites with buccal and lingual brackets and control sites were followed. Clinical periodontal parameters (periodontal pocket depth: PPD; bleeding on probing: BOP) were recorded at baseline and on days 1, 7 and 30. Microbiological samples were taken from the brackets and the teeth on days 1, 7 and 30 to detect colony-forming units (CFU). Total CFU, streptococci CFU and anaerobe CFU were measured. RESULTS: No significant differences (P>0.05) were found between buccal and lingual brackets in terms of clinical periodontal parameters and microbiological values. Conclusion: Bracket position does not have significant impact on bacterial load and on periodontal parameters.
  • Periodontal ligament influence on the stress distribution in a removable partial denture supported by implant: a finite element analysis Original Articles

    Archangelo, Carlos Marcelo; Rocha, Eduardo Passos; Pereira, João Antônio; Martin Junior, Manoel; Anchieta, Rodolfo Bruniera; Freitas Júnior, Amilcar Chagas

    Resumo em Inglês:

    OBJECTIVES: The non-homogenous aspect of periodontal ligament (PDL) has been examined using finite element analysis (FEA) to better simulate PDL behavior. The aim of this study was to assess, by 2-D FEA, the influence of non-homogenous PDL on the stress distribution when the free-end saddle removable partial denture (RPD) is partially supported by an osseointegrated implant. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Six finite element (FE) models of a partially edentulous mandible were created to represent two types of PDL (non-homogenous and homogenous) and two types of RPD (conventional RPD, supported by tooth and fibromucosa; and modified RPD, supported by tooth and implant [10.00x3.75 mm]). Two additional Fe models without RPD were used as control models. The non-homogenous PDL was modeled using beam elements to simulate the crest, horizontal, oblique and apical fibers. The load (50 N) was applied in each cusp simultaneously. Regarding boundary conditions the border of alveolar ridge was fixed along the x axis. The FE software (Ansys 10.0) was used to compute the stress fields, and the von Mises stress criterion (svM) was applied to analyze the results. RESULTS: The peak of svM in non-homogenous PDL was higher than that for the homogenous condition. The benefits of implants were enhanced for the non-homogenous PDL condition, with drastic svM reduction on the posterior half of the alveolar ridge. The implant did not reduce the stress on the support tooth for both PDL conditions. Conclusion: The PDL modeled in the non-homogeneous form increased the benefits of the osseointegrated implant in comparison with the homogeneous condition. Using the non-homogenous PDL, the presence of osseointegrated implant did not reduce the stress on the supporting tooth.
  • Expression of the cell cycle regulation proteins p53 and p21WAF1 in different types of non-dysplastic leukoplakias Original Articles

    Visioli, Fernanda; Lauxen, Isabel Silva; Sant'Ana Filho, Manoel; Rados, Pantelis Varvaki

    Resumo em Inglês:

    OBJECTIVES: The aim of this study was to analyze the immunolabeling of two cell cycle protein regulators, p53 and p21WAF1, in non-dysplastic leukoplakias with different epithelial alterations: acanthosis, hyperkeratosis and acanthosis combined with hyperkeratosis, and compare them with dysplastic leukoplakias. MATERIAL AND METHODS: This was a prospective cohort study involving 36 patients with oral homogeneous leukoplakias. excisional biopsies were performed and the patients remain under clinical follow-up. The leukoplakias were divided into four groups: 6 acanthosis, 9 hyperkeratosis, 10 acanthosis combined with hyperkeratosis, and 11 epithelial dysplasias. Paraffin-embebeded sections were immunostained for p53 and p21WAF1. Five hundred cells from the basal layer and 500 from the parabasal layer were counted to determine the percentage of positive cells. A qualitative analysis was also carried out to determine the presence or absence of immunohistochemical staining in the intermediate and superficial layers. Groups were compared with ANOVA (p<0.05). Pearson's correlation coefficient was used to test for associations between the two markers, p53 and p21WAF1. RESULTS: No leukoplakia recurred and no malignant transformation was observed whitin a follow-up period of 3-6 years. The mean percentage of p53 staining in the basal and parabasal layers was similar in all groups. p21WAF1 staining differed between layers was as follows: in the basal, only 3 to 4% of cells were stained, while in the parabasal, between 16 and 28% of the epithelial cells were stained in the four different studied groups with no statistically significant difference (p>0.05). CONCLUSIONS: Our findings failed to differentiate the non-dysplastic lesions by means of p53 and p21WAF1 immunostaining, notwithstanding similar profiles between non-dysplastic and dysplastic leukoplakias were observed.
  • Influence of concentration, time and method of application of citric acid and sodium citrate in root conditioning Original Articles

    Cavassim, Rodrigo; Leite, Fábio Renato Manzolli; Zandim, Daniela Leal; Dantas, Andrea Abi Rached; Rached, Ricardo Samih Georges Abi; Sampaio, José Eduardo Cezar

    Resumo em Inglês:

    OBJECTIVES: The aim of this study was to establish the parameters of concentration, time and mode of application of citric acid and sodium citrate in relation to root conditioning. MATERIAL AND METHODS: A total of 495 samples were obtained and equally distributed among 11 groups (5 for testing different concentrations of citric acid, 5 for testing different concentrations of sodium citrate and 1 control group). After laboratorial processing, the samples were analyzed under scanning electron microscopy. A previously calibrated and blind examiner evaluated micrographs of the samples. Non-parametric statistical analysis was performed to analyze the data obtained. RESULTS: Brushing 25% citric acid for 3 min, promoted greater exposure of collagen fibers in comparison with the brushing of 1% citric acid for 1 minute and its topical application at 1% for 3 min. Sodium citrate exposed collagen fibers in a few number of samples. CONCLUSION: Despite the lack of statistical significance, better results for collagen exposure were obtained with brushing application of 25% citric acid for 3 min than with other application parameter. Sodium citrate produced a few number of samples with collagen exposure, so it is not indicated for root conditioning.
  • Wear of double crown systems: electroplated vs. casted female part Original Articles

    Bayer, Stefan; Kraus, Dominik; Keilig, Ludger; Gölz, Lina; Stark, Helmut; Enkling, Norbert

    Resumo em Inglês:

    OBJECTIVES: The wear of telescopic crowns is a common problem often reducing the patient's satisfaction with the denture and resulting in a renewal of the denture. The study aims to compare the wear behavior of conical crowns using electroplated copings (group E ) with standard telescopic crowns with cast female parts (group C). MATERIAL AND METHODS: 10 conical crowns were milled for each group of a cast gold alloy. The specimen of group E had a conicity of 2º. The cast secondary crowns of group C had a 0º design. The electroplated coping was established by direct electroforming. An apparatus accomplishing 10,000 wear cycles performed the wear test. The retentive forces and the correlating distance during insertion and separation were measured. The wear test was separated in a start phase, an initial wear phase and the long term wear period. The retention force value and the force-distance integral of the first 0.33 mm of each cycle were calculated. RESULTS: The retentive forces were significantly higher for group E and the integrals were significantly lower for this group except the integral at cycle 10,000. The changes of retention force and integral did not differ significantly between both groups in all phases. The change of the integrals as well as the integral at the particular cycles showed higher interquartile distances for group C. CONCLUSIONS: Within the limitations of this study the tested conical crowns showed clinically acceptable retentive properties. The values reached a range comparable to retentive elements tested in recent literature. The values of group C showed higher ranges. The force measured for group E was significantly higher than for group C but the integrals showed an opposite tendency. The results indicate that an exclusive analysis of the force is not sufficient as the integral is not equivalent to the force although it describes the retentive property of the system in a better way than the force over a distance is described. Both systems seem to be suitable for clinical practice.
  • Newly forming bone graft: a novel surgical approach to the treatment of denuded roots Case Report

    Sant'Ana, Adriana Campos Passanezi; Ferraz, Bruna F. Rahal; Rezende, Maria Lúcia Rubo de; Greghi, Sebastião Luiz Aguiar; Damante, Carla Andreotti; Passanezi, Euloir

    Resumo em Inglês:

    Many techniques have been proposed for root coverage. However, none of them presents predictable results in deep and wide recessions. OBJECTIVES: The aim of this case series report is to describe an alternative technique for root coverage at sites showing deep recessions and attachment loss >4 mm at buccal sites. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Four patients presenting deep recession defects at buccal sites (>4 mm) were treated by the newly forming bone graft technique, which consists in the creation of an alveolar socket at edentulous ridge and transferring of granulation tissue present in this socket to the recession defect after 21 days. Clinical periodontal parameters, including recession depth (RD), probing depth (PD), clinical attachment level (CAL), bleeding on probing (BOP), plaque index (PI) and keratinized gingiva width (KGW) were evaluated by a single examiner immediately before surgery and at 1, 3, 6 and 9 months postoperatively. RESULTS: All cases showed reduction in RD and PD, along with CAL gain, although no increase in KGW could be observed. These findings suggest that the technique could favor periodontal regeneration along with root coverage, especially in areas showing deep recessions and attachment loss.
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