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Journal of Applied Oral Science, Volume: 21, Número: 2, Publicado: 2013
  • To heal or not to heal? Chemokines as determinants of constructive or destructive inflammatory microenvironments Editorial

    Garlet, Gustavo Pompermaier
  • CCL3 and CXCL12 production in vitro by dental pulp fibroblasts from permanent and deciduous teeth stimulated by Porphyromonas gingivalis LPS Original Articles

    Sipert, Carla Renata; Morandini, Ana Carolina de Faria; Modena, Karin Cristina da Silva; Dionísio, Thiago José; Machado, Maria Aparecida Andrade Moreira; Oliveira, Sandra Helena Penha de; Campanelli, Ana Paula; Santos, Carlos Ferreira

    Resumo em Inglês:

    Objective: The aim of this study was to compare the production of the chemokines CCL3 and CXCL12 by cultured dental pulp fibroblasts from permanent (PDPF) and deciduous (DDPF) teeth under stimulation by Porphyromonas gingivalis LPS (PgLPS). Material and Methods: Primary culture of fibroblasts from permanent (n=3) and deciduous (n=2) teeth were established using an explant technique. After the fourth passage, fibroblasts were stimulated by increasing concentrations of PgLPS (0 – 10 µg/mL) at 1, 6 and 24 h. The cells were tested for viability through MTT assay, and production of the chemokines CCL3 and CXCL12 was determined through ELISA. Comparisons among samples were performed using One-way ANOVA for MTT assay and Two-way ANOVA for ELISA results. Results: Cell viability was not affected by the antigen after 24 h of stimulation. PgLPS induced the production of CCL3 by dental pulp fibroblasts at similar levels for both permanent and deciduous pulp fibroblasts. Production of CXCL12, however, was significantly higher for PDPF than DDPF at 1 and 6 h. PgLPS, in turn, downregulated the production of CXCL12 by PDPF but not by DDPF. Conclusion: These data suggest that dental pulp fibroblasts from permanent and deciduous teeth may present a differential behavior under PgLPS stimulation.
  • Cellular proliferation markers in peripheral and central fibromas: a comparative study Original Articles

    Garcia, Bruna Gonçalves; Caldeira, Patrícia Carlos; Johann, Aline Cristina Batista Rodrigues; Sousa, Suzana Cantanhede Orsini Machado de; Caliari, Marcelo Vidigal; Carmo, Maria Auxiliadora Vieira do; Mesquita, Ricardo Alves

    Resumo em Inglês:

    Objective: To perform a comparative study of the cellular proliferation in the peripheral and central fibromas. Material and Methods: Immunohistochemistry for PCNA and the AgNOR technique were performed in 9 cases of peripheral odontogenic fibroma (POF), in 4 cases of odontogenic fibroma (OdF), in 8 cases of peripheral ossifying fibroma (PEOF) and 7 cases of ossifying fibroma (OsF). The Kruskal-Wallis and Mann-Whitney tests were used for the statistical analyses. Results: Mesenchymal component of the central lesions presented a higher mean number of AgNOR per nucleus and PCNA index than did the peripheral lesions (P≤0.05). The mean number of AgNOR per nucleus in the epithelial component proved to be higher in the OdF than in the POF (P≤0.05). The mesenchymal and epithelial components presented similar mean numbers of AgNOR per nucleus and PCNA index in the OdF, as well as a similar mean number of AgNOR per nucleus in the POF. Conclusions: The mesenchymal component may well play a role in the differences between the biological behaviour of the central lesions as compared to the peripheral lesions. Moreover, considering that the epithelial and mesenchymal components in odontogenic fibromas presented a similar proliferation index, more research is warranted to understand the true role of the epithelial components, which are believed to be inactive in nature, as well as in the development and biological behaviour of these lesions.
  • Minimal alterations on the enamel surface by micro-abrasion: in vitro roughness and wear assessments Original Articles

    Rodrigues, Marcela Charantola; Mondelli, Rafael Francisco Lia; Oliveira, Gabriela Ulian; Franco, Eduardo Batista; Baseggio, Wagner; Wang, Linda

    Resumo em Inglês:

    Objective: To evaluate the in vitro changes on the enamel surface after a micro-abrasion treatment promoted by different products. Material and Methods: Fifty (50) fragments of bovine enamel (15 mm × 5 mm) were randomly assigned to five groups (n=10) according to the product utilized: G1 (control)= silicone polisher (TDV), G2= 37% phosphoric acid (3M/ESPE) + pumice stone (SS White), G3= Micropol (DMC Equipment), G4= Opalustre (Ultradent) and G5= Whiteness RM (FGM Dental Products). Roughness and wear were the responsible variables used to analyze these surfaces in four stages: baseline, 60 s and 120 s after the micro-abrasion and after polishing, using a Hommel Tester T1000 device. After the tests, a normal distribution of data was verified, with repeated ANOVA analyses (p≤0.05) which were used to compare each product in different stages. One-way ANOVA and Tukey tests were applied for individual comparisons between the products in each stage (p≤0.05). Results: Means and standard deviations of roughness and wear (µm) after all the promoted stages were: G1=7.26(1.81)/13.16(2.67), G2=2.02(0.62)/37.44(3.33), G3=1.81(0.91)/34.93(6.92), G4=1.92(0.29)/38.42(0.65) and G5=1.98(0.53)/33.45(2.66). At 60 seconds, all products tended to produce less surface roughness with a variable gradual decrease over time. After polishing, there were no statistically significant differences between the groups, except for G1. Independent of the product utilized, the enamel wear occurred after the micro-abrasion. Conclusions: In this in vitro study, enamel micro-abrasion presented itself as a conservative approach, regardless of the type of the paste compound utilized. These products promoted minor roughness alterations and minimal wear. The use of phosphoric acid and pumice stone showed similar results to commercial products for the micro-abrasion with regard to the surface roughness and wear.
  • In vitro antimicrobial activity of auxiliary chemical substances and natural extracts on Candida albicans and Enterococcus faecalis in root canals Original Articles

    Valera, Marcia Carneiro; Maekawa, Lilian Eiko; Oliveira, Luciane Dias de; Jorge, Antonio Olavo Cardoso; Shygei, Érika; Carvalho, Cláudio Antonio Talge

    Resumo em Inglês:

    Objective: The aim of this study was to evaluate the antimicrobial activity of auxiliary chemical substances and natural extracts on Candida albicans and Enterococcus faecalis inoculated in root canals. Material and Methods: Seventy-two human tooth roots were contaminated with C. albicans and E. faecalis for 21 days. The groups were divided according to the auxiliary chemical substance into: G1) 2.5% sodium hypochlorite (NaOCl), G2) 2% chlorhexidine gel (CHX), G3) castor oil, G4) glycolic Aloe vera extract, G5) glycolic ginger extract, and G6) sterile saline (control). The samples of the root canal were collected at different intervals: confirmation collection, at 21 days after contamination; 1st collection, after instrumentation; and 2nd collection, seven days after instrumentation. Microbiological samples were grown in culture medium and incubated at 37°C for 48 hours. Results: The results were submitted to the Kruskal-Wallis and Dunn (5%) statistical tests. NaOCl and CHX completely eliminated the microorganisms of the root canals. Castor oil and ginger significantly reduced the number of CFU of the tested bacteria. Reduction of CFU/mL at the 1st and 2nd collections for groups G1, G2, G3 and G4 was greater in comparison to groups G5 and G6. Conclusion: It was concluded that 2.5% sodium hypochlorite and 2% chlorhexidine gel were more effective in eliminating C. albicans and E. faecalis, followed by the castor oil and glycolic ginger extract. The Aloe vera extract showed no antimicrobial activity.
  • Surface hardness evaluation of different composite resin materials: influence of sports and energy drinks immersion after a short-term period Original Articles

    Erdemir, Ugur; Yildiz, Esra; Eren, Meltem Mert; Ozel, Sevda

    Resumo em Inglês:

    Objectives: This study evaluated the effect of sports and energy drinks on the surface hardness of different composite resin restorative materials over a 1-month period. Material and Methods: A total of 168 specimens: Compoglass F, Filtek Z250, Filtek Supreme, and Premise were prepared using a customized cylindrical metal mould and they were divided into six groups (N=42; n=7 per group). For the control groups, the specimens were stored in distilled water for 24 hours at 37°C and the water was renewed daily. For the experimental groups, the specimens were immersed in 5 mL of one of the following test solutions: Powerade, Gatorade, X-IR, Burn, and Red Bull, for two minutes daily for up to a 1-month test period and all the solutions were refreshed daily. Surface hardness was measured using a Vickers hardness measuring instrument at baseline, after 1-week and 1-month. Data were statistically analyzed using Multivariate repeated measure ANOVA and Bonferroni's multiple comparison tests (α=0.05). Results: Multivariate repeated measures ANOVA revealed that there were statistically significant differences in the hardness of the restorative materials in different immersion times (p<0.001) in different solutions (p<0.001). The effect of different solutions on the surface hardness values of the restorative materials was tested using Bonferroni's multiple comparison tests, and it was observed that specimens stored in distilled water demonstrated statistically significant lower mean surface hardness reductions when compared to the specimens immersed in sports and energy drinks after a 1-month evaluation period (p<0.001). The compomer was the most affected by an acidic environment, whereas the composite resin materials were the least affected materials. Conclusions: The effect of sports and energy drinks on the surface hardness of a restorative material depends on the duration of exposure time, and the composition of the material.
  • Accuracy of five electronic foramen locators with different operating systems: an ex vivo study Original Articles

    Vasconcelos, Bruno Carvalho de; Bueno, Michelli de Medeiros; Luna-Cruz, Suyane Maria; Duarte, Marco Antonio Hungaro; Fernandes, Carlos Augusto de Oliveira

    Resumo em Inglês:

    Objective: The aim of this study was to evaluate, ex vivo, the precision of five electronic root canal length measurement devices (ERCLMDs) with different operating systems: the Root ZX, Mini Apex Locator, Propex II, iPex, and RomiApex A-15, and the possible influence of the positioning of the instrument tips short of the apical foramen. Material and Methods: Forty-two mandibular bicuspids had their real canal lengths (RL) previously determined. Electronic measurements were performed 1.0 mm short of the apical foramen (-1.0), followed by measurements at the apical foramen (0.0). The data resulting from the comparison of the ERCLMD measurements and the RL were evaluated by the Wilcoxon and Friedman tests at a significance level of 5%. Results: Considering the measurements performed at 0.0 and -1.0, the precision rates for the ERCLMDs were: 73.5% and 47.1% (Root ZX), 73.5% and 55.9% (Mini Apex Locator), 67.6% and 41.1% (Propex II), 61.7% and 44.1% (iPex), and 79.4% and 44.1% (RomiApex A-15), respectively, considering ±0.5 mm of tolerance. Regarding the mean discrepancies, no differences were observed at 0.0; however, in the measurements at -1.0, the iPex, a multi-frequency ERCLMD, had significantly more discrepant readings short of the apical foramen than the other devices, except for the Propex II, which had intermediate results. When the ERCLMDs measurements at -1.0 were compared with those at 0.0, the Propex II, iPex and RomiApex A-15 presented significantly higher discrepancies in their readings. Conclusions: Under the conditions of the present study, all the ERCLMDs provided acceptable measurements at the 0.0 position. However, at the -1.0 position, the ERCLMDs had a lower precision, with statistically significant differences for the Propex II, iPex, and RomiApex A-15.
  • Spectrophotometric analysis of crown discoloration induced by MTA- and ZnOE-based sealers Original Articles

    Ioannidis, Konstantinos; Mistakidis, Ilias; Beltes, Panagiotis; Karagiannis, Vassilis

    Resumo em Inglês:

    Crown discoloration can be induced by root canal sealer remnants following root canal treatment. Objective: The aim of this study was to evaluate chromatic alterations in human tooth crowns induced by a Mineral Trioxide Aggregate-based sealer (MTA Fillapex®) and a commonly used ZnOE-based sealer (Roth-811). The tested null hypothesis was that the application of the materials did not induce clinically perceptible crown discoloration (Ho: CIE color difference ΔE<3.7). Material and Methods: Forty five fully developed, intact, mandibular third molars were sectioned 1 mm below the cemento-enamel junction. The pulp chambers were chemomechanically debrided via the cervical access. The specimens were randomly assigned into three groups Group 1: MTA Fillapex, Group 2: Roth 811, Group 3: Negative control (unfilled) and immersed in individually marked vials containing distilled water up to the cervix (37±1°C). The spectral reflectance lines were recorded by utilizing a UV-VIS spectrophotometer equipped with integration sphere in the visual spectrum at baseline, 1 week, 1 and 3 months after material placement. Data were transformed into values of the CIE L*a*b* color system and the corresponding ΔE values were calculated. Statistical analysis was performed using two-way mixed ANOVA models, at p=0.05 level of significance. Results: A statistically significant increase in a* and b* chromatic parameters of the MTA Fillapex Group was measured. However, ΔE values did not exceed the human eye perceptibility threshold (set at ΔE<3.7) during the experimental period (ΔEt3=2.88). In Roth-811 Group, a statistically significant decrease in L* and a statistically significant increase in a* and b* chromatic parameters was measured, during all observation periods. Resultant ΔE values exceeded the human eye perceptibility threshold after 1 week (ΔEt1=5.65). Conclusions: Application of MTA Fillapex in tooth crowns resulted in minimal color alterations, while Roth 811 induced severe discoloration, in vitro. It could be suggested that, in terms of aesthetics, the use of MTA Fillapex appears to be favorable.
  • Influence of different beverages on the force degradation of intermaxillary elastics: an in vitro study Original Articles

    Leão Filho, Jorge César Borges; Gallo, Daphine Beatriz; Santana, Regis Meller; Guariza-Filho, Odilon; Camargo, Elisa Souza; Tanaka, Orlando Motohiro

    Resumo em Inglês:

    Objective: The aim of this study was to evaluate in vitro the effects of frequently ingested beverages on force degradation of intermaxillary elastics. Material and Methods: One hundred and eighty 1/4-inch intermaxillary elastics (TP Orthodontics) were immersed into six different beverages: (1) Coca-Cola®; (2) Beer; (3) Orange juice; (4) Red wine; (5) Coffee and (6) artificial saliva (control). The period of immersion was 15 min for the first and second cycles and 30 min for the third to fifth cycles. Tensile forces were read in a tensile testing machine before and after the five immersion cycles. One-way repeated measures ANOVA was used to identify significant differences. Results: Force degradation was seen in all evaluated groups and at all observation periods (p<0.05). A greater degree of degradation was present at the initial periods, decreasing gradually over time. However, no statistically significant differences were seen among groups at the same periods, showing that different groups behaved similarly. Conclusions: The chemical nature of the evaluated beverages was not able to influence the degree of force degradation at all observation periods.
  • Prevalence of long face pattern in Brazilian individuals of different ethnic backgrounds Original Articles

    Cardoso, Mauricio de Almeida; Castro, Renata Cristina Faria Ribeiro de; Li An, Tien; Normando, David; Garib, Daniela Gamba; Capelozza Filho, Leopoldino

    Resumo em Inglês:

    Objective: The long face pattern is a facial deformity with increased anterior total facial height due to vertical excess of the lower facial third. Individuals with long face may present different degrees of severity in vertical excess, as well as malocclusions that are difficult to manage. The categorization of vertical excess is useful to determine the treatment prognosis. This survey assessed the distribution of ethnically different individuals with vertical excess according to three levels of severity and determined the prevalence of long face pattern. Material and Methods: The survey was comprised of 5,020 individuals of Brazilian ethnicity (2,480 females and 2,540 males) enrolled in middle schools in Bauru-SP, Brazil. The criterion for inclusion of individuals with vertically impaired facial relationships was based on lip incompetence, evaluated under natural light, in standing natural head position with the lips at rest. Once identified, the individuals were classified into three subtypes according to the severity: mild, moderate, and severe. Then the pooled sample was distributed according to ethnical background as White (Caucasoid), Black (African descent), Brown (mixed descent), Yellow (Asian descent) and Brazilian Indian (Brazilian native descent). The Chi-square (χ2) test was used (p<0.05) to compare the frequency ratios of individuals with vertically impaired facial relationships in the total sample and among different ethnicities, according to the three levels of severity. Results: The severe subtype was rare, except in Black individuals (7.32%), who also presented the highest relative frequency (45.53%) of moderate subtype, followed by Brown individuals (43.40%). In the mild subtype, Yellow (68.08%) and White individuals (62.21%) showed similar and higher relative frequency values. Conclusions: Black individuals had greater prevalence of long face pattern, followed by Brown, White and Yellow individuals. The prevalence of long face pattern was 14.06% in which 13.39% and 0.68% belonged to moderate and severe subtypes, respectively.
  • Temperature and curing time affect composite sorption and solubility Original Articles

    Castro, Fabrício Luscino Alves de; Campos, Bruno Barbosa; Bruno, Kely Firmino; Reges, Rogério Vieira

    Resumo em Inglês:

    Objective: This study evaluated the effect of temperature and curing time on composite sorption and solubility. Material and Methods: Seventy five specimens (8×2 mm) were prepared using a commercial composite resin (ICE, SDI). Three temperatures (10°C, 25°C and 60°C) and five curing times (5 s, 10 s, 20 s, 40 s and 60 s) were evaluated. The specimens were weighed on an analytical balance three times: A: before storage (M1); B: 7 days after storage (M2); C: 7 days after storage plus 1 day of drying (M3). The storage solution consisted of 75% alcohol/25% water. Sorption and solubility were calculated using these three weights and specimen dimensions. The data were analyzed using the Kruskal-Wallis and Mann-Whitney U Tests (α=5%). Results: The results showed that time, temperature and their interaction influenced the sorption and solubility of the composite (p<0.05). At 60°C, the composite sorption showed an inverse relationship with the curing time (p<0.05). The composite cured for 5 s showed higher sorption for the 40 s or 60 s curing times when compared with all temperatures (p<0.05). Curing times of 20 s and 40 s showed similar sorption data for all temperatures (p>0.05). The 60°C composite temperature led to lower values of sorption for all curing times when compared with the 10°C temperature (p<0.05). The same results were found when comparing 10°C and 25°C (p<0.05), except that the 20 s and 40 s curing times behaved similarly (p>0.05). Solubility was similar at 40 s and 60 s for all temperatures (p>0.05), but was higher at 10°C than at 60°C for all curing times (p<0.05). When the composite was cured at 25°C, similar solubility values were found when comparing the 5 s and 10 s or 20 s and 40 s curing times (p>0.05). Conclusions: In conclusion, higher temperatures or longer curing times led to lower sorption and solubility values for the composite tested; however, this trend was only significant in specific combinations of temperature and curing times.
  • Efficacy of HPA Lanolin® in treatment of lip alterations related to chemotherapy Original Articles

    Santos, Paulo Sérgio da Silva; Tinôco-Araújo, José Endrigo; Souza, Lucas Monteiro de Vasconcelos Alves de; Ferreira, Rafael; Ikoma, Maura Rosane Valério; Razera, Ana Paula Ribeiro; Santos, Márcia Mirolde Magno de Carvalho

    Resumo em Inglês:

    The side effects of chemotherapy on the lips may cause esthetic and functional impact and increase the risk of infection. HPA Lanolin® is an option for supportive therapy because it has anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial and moisturizing properties. Objective: To evaluate the efficacy of this product in the prevention of lip alterations in a population of patients undergoing chemotherapy. Material and Methods: Patients undergoing chemotherapy (n = 57) were examined and distributed into two groups: study (used HPA Lanolin®) and control (without supportive therapy on the lips). We evaluated the patients two weeks after chemotherapy, registering oral alterations, symptoms of pain, discomfort, limitation of mouth opening and dehydration, classified according to a visual analogue scale. Results: Patients who used HPA Lanolin® had lower dehydration and experienced improvement of lip dryness (p<0.001). The main symptoms were dehydration, discomfort, limitation of mouth opening, pain. The main clinical signs were dry lips, mucositis, cheilitis, hematoma, swelling and cracking. We found no difference concerning the variables of pain, discomfort, and limitation of mouth opening between the study and control group. Conclusions: We suggest that HPA Lanolin® is effective in reducing the symptoms of dehydration and the signs of lip dryness resulting from toxicity of chemotherapy, proving to be an interesting alternative supportive therapy for cancer patients.
  • Comparison of manual, digital and lateral CBCT cephalometric analyses Original Articles

    Navarro, Ricardo de Lima; Oltramari-Navarro, Paula Vanessa Pedron; Fernandes, Thais Maria Freire; Oliveira, Giovani Fidelis de; Conti, Ana Cláudia de Castro Ferreira; Almeida, Marcio Rodrigues de; Almeida, Renato Rodrigues de

    Resumo em Inglês:

    Objective: The aim of this study was to compare the reliability of three different methods of cephalometric analysis. Material and Methods: Conventional pretreatment lateral cephalograms and cone beam computed tomography (CBCT) scans from 50 subjects from a radiological clinic were selected in order to test the three methods: manual tracings (MT), digitized lateral cephalograms (DLC), and lateral cephalograms from CBCT (LC-CBCT). The lateral cephalograms were manually analyzed through the Dolphin Imaging 11.0™ software. Twenty measurements were performed under the same conditions, and retraced after a 30-day period. Paired t tests and the Dahlberg formula were used to evaluate the intra-examiner errors. The Pearson's correlation coefficient and one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) tests were used to compare the differences between the methods. Results: Intra-examiner reliability occurred for all methods for most of the measurements. Only six measurements were different between the methods and an agreement was observed in the analyses among the 3 methods. Conclusions: The results demonstrated that all evaluated methodologies are reliable and valid for scientific research, however, the method used in the lateral cephalograms from the CBCT proved the most reliable.
  • Effect of ozone gas on the shear bond strength to enamel Original Articles

    Pires, Patrícia Teixeira; Ferreira, João Cardoso; Oliveira, Sofia Arantes; Silva, Mário Jorge; Melo, Paulo Ribeiro

    Resumo em Inglês:

    Ozone is an important disinfecting agent, however its influence on enamel adhesion has not yet been clarified. Objective: Evaluate the influence of ozone pretreatment on the shear strength of an etch-and-rinse and a self-etch system to enamel and analyze the respective failure modes. Material and Methods: Sixty sound bovine incisors were used. Specimens were randomly assigned to four experimental groups (n=15): Group G1 (Excite® with ozone) and group G3 (AdheSE® with ozone) were prepared with ozone gas from the HealOzone unit (Kavo®) for 20 s prior to adhesion, and groups G2 (Excite®) and G4 (AdheSE®) were used as control. Teeth were bisected and polished to simulate a smear layer just before the application of the adhesive systems. The adhesives were applied according to the manufacturer's instructions to a standardized 3 mm diameter surface, and a composite (Synergy D6, Coltene Whaledent) cylinder with 2 mm increments was build. Specimens were stored in 100% humidity for 24 h at 37°C and then subjected to a thermal cycling regimen of 500 cycles. Shear bond tests were performed with a Watanabe device in a universal testing machine at 5 mm/min. The failure mode was analyzed under scanning electron microscope. Means and standard deviation of shear bond strength (SBS) were calculated and difference between the groups was analyzed using ANOVA, Kolmogorov-Smirnov, Levene and Bonferroni. Chi-squared statistical tests were used to evaluate the failure modes. Results: Mean bond strength values and failure modes were as follows: G1- 26.85±6.18 MPa (33.3% of adhesive cohesive failure); G2 - 27.95±5.58 MPa (53.8% of adhesive failures between enamel and adhesive); G3 - 15.0±3.84 MPa (77.8% of adhesive failures between enamel and adhesive) and G4 - 13.1±3.68 MPa (36.4% of adhesive failures between enamel and adhesive). Conclusions: Shear bond strength values of both adhesives tested on enamel were not influenced by the previous application of ozone gas.
  • Alteration of the oral environment in patients undergoing esophagectomy during the perioperative period Original Articles

    Yoshioka, Masami; Hinode, Daisuke; Yamamoto, Yota; Furukita, Yoshihito; Tangoku, Akira

    Resumo em Inglês:

    Objective: During the perioperative period, oral ingestion is changed considerably in esophagectomy patients. The aim of this study was to investigate oral environment modifications in patients undergoing esophageal cancer treatments due to changes in dietary intake and swallowing functions. Material and Methods: Thirty patients who underwent operation for removal of esophageal cancer in Tokushima University Hospital were enrolled in this study. Results: It was found that 1) the flow rate of resting saliva decreased significantly at postoperative period by deprived feeding for one week, although it did not recover several days after oral ingestion began, 2) the accumulation of dental plaque and the number of mutans streptococci in saliva decreased significantly after operation, while both increased relatively quick when oral ingestion began, and 3) the swallowing function decreased significantly in the postoperative period. Conclusions: These results suggest that dental professionals should emphasize the importance of oral health care and provide instructions on plaque control to patients during the perioperative period of esophageal cancer treatment.
  • Post-curing conversion kinetics as functions of the irradiation time and increment thickness Original Articles

    Scotti, Nicola; Venturello, Alberto; Borga, Francesco Andrea Coero; Pasqualini, Damiano; Paolino, Davide Salvatore; Geobaldo, Francesco; Berutti, Elio

    Resumo em Inglês:

    Objective: This study evaluated the variation of conversion degree (DC) in the 12 hours following initial photoactivation of a low-shrinkage composite resin (Venus Diamond). Material and Methods: The conversion degree was monitored for 12 hours using Attenuated Total Reflection (ATR) F-TIR Spectroscopy. The composite was placed in 1 or 2 mm rings and cured for 10 or 20 seconds with a LED lamp. ATR spectra were acquired from the bottom surface of each sample immediately after the initial photoactivation (P=0), 30 minutes (P=0.5) and 12 hours after photoactivation (P=12) in order to obtain the DC progression during the post-curing period. Interactions between thickness (T), irradiation time (I) and post-curing (P) on the DC were calculated through ANOVA testing. Results: All the first order interactions were statistically significant, with the exception of the T-P interaction. Furthermore, the shift from P=0 to P=0.5 had a statistically higher influence than the shift from P=0.5 to P=12. The post-curing period played a fundamental role in reaching higher DC values with the low-shrinkage composite resin tested in this study. Moreover, both the irradiation time and the composite thickness strongly influenced the DC. Conclusions: Increased irradiation time may be useful in obtaining a high conversion degree (DC) with a low-shrinkage nano-hybrid composite resin, particularly with 2 mm composite layers.
  • Effect of the application time of phosphoric acid and self-etch adhesive systems to sclerotic dentin Original Articles

    Mena-Serrano, Alexandra Patricia; Garcia, Eugenio Jose; Perez, Miguel Muñoz; Martins, Gislaine Cristine; Grande, Rosa Helena Miranda; Loguercio, Alessandro Dourado; Reis, Alessandra

    Resumo em Inglês:

    Objective: To evaluate the effect of application time on the resin-dentin bond strength (µTBS) and etching pattern of adhesive systems applied on sclerotic dentine. Material and Methods: A total of forty-two bovine incisors had their roots removed. The 1-step self-etch GO (SDI), the 2-step self-etch Adper SE Bond (3MESPE) and the 35% phosphoric acid (3MESPE) from the 2-step etch-and-rinse Adper Single Bond 2 (3MESPE) were applied on the bovine incisal surfaces according to the manufacturer's instructions or duplicating the recommended conditioning time. After adhesive application, thirty teeth were restored with composite resin, stored for 24 h in distilled water at 37°C, and sectioned into resin-dentin bonded sticks (0.8 mm2) and tested according to the µTBS at 0.5 mm/min. The etching pattern of the remaining twelve teeth (n=4 for each material) was examined under scanning electron microscopy. Each tooth was divided into a buccal-to-lingual direction into three thirds, and each third randomly assigned to the groups: control (no treatment), according to the manufacturers' instructions and duplicating the recommended application time. The µTBS and the relative percentage of the tubule area opening were evaluated by two-way repeated measures ANOVA and Tukey's tests (α=0.05). Results: The duplication of the conditioning time favored only the GO adhesive (p<0.05). Both application methods significantly increased the tubule area opening (p<0.05) compared to the controls. Conclusions: The efficacy of duplicating the conditioning time was only effective for the 1-step self-etch adhesive system tested.
  • Catechin-incorporated dental copolymers inhibit growth of Streptococcus mutans Original Articles

    Mankovskaia, Alexandra; Lévesque, Céline M.; Prakki, Anuradha

    Resumo em Inglês:

    Objective: To test the inhibitory growth activity of green tea catechin incorporated into dental resins compared to resins containing the broad-spectrum antimicrobial compound chlorhexidine against Streptococcus mutans in vitro. Material and Methods: The minimum inhibitory concentrations (MICs) of epigallocatechin-gallate (EGCg) and chlorhexidine (CHX) were determined according to the microdilution method. Resin discs (5 mm × 3 mm) were prepared from Bis-GMA/TEGDMA (R1) and Bis-GMA/CH3Bis-GMA (R2) comonomers (n=9) containing: a) no drug, b) EGCg, c) CHX. Two concentrations of each drug (0.5× MIC and 1× MIC) were incorporated into the resin discs. Samples were individually immersed in a bacterial culture and incubated for 24 h at 37°C under constant agitation. Cell viability was assessed by counting the number of colonies on replica agar plates. Statistical analysis was performed using one-way ANOVA, Tukey and Student t-tests (α=0.05). Results: Both resins containing EGCg and CHX showed a significant inhibition of bacterial growth at both concentrations tested (p<0.05). A significantly higher inhibition was observed in response to resins containing CHX at 0.5× MIC and 1× MIC, and EGCg at 1× MIC when compared to EGCg at 0.5× MIC. Also, EGCg at 0.5× MIC in R1 had a significantly higher growth inhibition than in R2. Conclusions: Both EGCg and CHX retained their antibacterial activity when incorporated into the resin matrix. EGCg at 1× MIC in R1 and R2 resins significantly reduced S. mutans survival at a level similar to CHX. The data generated from this study will provide advances in the field of bioactive dental materials with the potential of improving the lifespan of resin-based restorations.
  • Photodynamic therapy associated with full-mouth ultrasonic debridement in the treatment of severe chronic periodontitis: a randomized-controlled clinical trial Original Articles

    Balata, Maybel Lages; Andrade, Lyla Prates de; Santos, David Barros Nunes; Cavalcanti, Andrea Nóbrega; Tunes, Urbino da Rocha; Ribeiro, Érica Del Peloso; Bittencourt, Sandro

    Resumo em Inglês:

    Background: Photodynamic therapy (PDT) is a method of microbial reduction which can benefit periodontal treatment in areas of difficult access, such as deep pockets and furcations. The aim of this randomized controlled clinical trial was to evaluate the effects of PDT as an adjunct to full-mouth ultrasonic debridement in the treatment of severe chronic periodontitis. Material and Methods: Twenty-two patients with at least one pocket with a probing depth (PD) of ≥7 mm and one pocket with a PD of ≥5 mm and bleeding on probing (BOP) on each side of the mouth were included, characterizing a split mouth design. The control group underwent full-mouth ultrasonic debridement and the test group received the same treatment associated with PDT. The PDT was performed on only one side of the mouth and the initial step consisted of subgingival irrigation with 0.005% methylene blue dye. Two minutes after applying the photosensitizer, the low power laser – AsGaAl (Photon Lase III – PL7336, DMC, São Carlos -São Paulo, Brazil) was applied (660 nm, 100 mW, 9 J, 90 seconds per site, 320 J/cm2, diameter tip 600 µm). The following clinical parameters were evaluated: plaque index, gingival index, BOP, gingival recession (GR), PD, and clinical attachment level (CAL). All parameters were collected before, 1, 3 and 6 months after treatment. Results: An improvement in BOP, PD and CAL was observed after treatment, in both groups, but without any difference between them. After 6 months, the PD decreased from 5.11±0.56 mm to 2.83±0.47 mm in the test group (p<0.05) and from 5.15±0.46 mm to 2.83±0.40 mm in the control group (p<0.05). The CAL changed, after 6 months, from 5.49±0.76 mm to 3.41±0.84 mm in the test group (p<0.05) and from 5.53±0.54 to 3.39±0.51 mm in the control group (p<0.05). Conclusion: Both approaches resulted in significant clinical improvements in the treatment of severe chronic periodontits, however, the PDT did not provide any additional benefit to those obtained with full-mouth ultrasonic debridement used alone.
Faculdade De Odontologia De Bauru - USP Serviço de Biblioteca e Documentação FOB-USP, Alameda Dr. Octávio Pinheiro Brisolla 9-75, 17012-901 Bauru SP Brasil, Tel.: +55 14 3235-8373 - Bauru - SP - Brazil