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JISTEM - Journal of Information Systems and Technology Management, Volume: 8, Número: 3, Publicado: 2011
  • ICTS - new organizational form linkage in the Australian context: theoretical model and research instrument

    Abareshi, Ahmad; Martin, Bill; Molla, Alemayehu

    Resumo em Inglês:

    Since the publication of the seminal article 'Management in the 1980s' (Leavitt and Whisler, 1958), the relationship between Information and Communications Technology (ICT) and organizations has been one of the most challenging issues for management scholars and researchers. Despite a long tradition of research that has been looking into the relationship between ICTs and organizations, the findings remain inconclusive. In particular, the specific mechanisms by which new information technologies affect and are affected by organizational forms have not been described in any systematic manner. This paper aims to make a contribution to address the above gap in research by developing an instrument and theoretical model that relates ICT and the attributes of new organizational forms (NOFs). Likert-type scale items were used for all scale items. Of the 3770 emails sent to top Australian managers, 312 were completed and returned. An Exploratory Factor Analysis was used to identify the underlying constructs in this research. The research findings provide an instrument whose properties were validated and ready to use in future research.
  • Semantic wikis and the collaborative construction of ontologies: a case study

    Zaidan, Fernando Hadad; Bax, Marcello Peixoto

    Resumo em Inglês:

    Ontologies are complex artifacts. They should seek consensus on the use of a set of modeled concepts. Some authors propose that these devices would be beneficial if they were built collaboratively. This article aims to address the use of a semantic wiki as an alternative to the collaborative construction of ontologies, and describes its ontological structure. Wikis are known as tools for collaborative construction of content. The semantic wiki is a research effort to integrate the concepts of wikis with the semantic web. The case study presented shows an implementation in Semantic MediaWiki: the best known and most used semantic wiki features by the academic community and the organizational environment.
  • Aligning information security with the image of the organization and prioritization based on fuzzy logic for the industrial automation sector

    Knorst, André Marcelo; Vanti, Adolfo Alberto; Andrade, Rafael Alejandro Espín; Johann, Silvio Luiz

    Resumo em Inglês:

    This paper develops the strategic alignment of organizational behavior through the organizations´ image, prioritization and information security practices. To this end, information security is studied based on the business requirements of confidentiality, integrity and availability by applying a tool which integrates the strategic, tactical and operational vision through the following framework: Balanced Scorecard - BSC (strategic) x Control Objectives for Information and Related Technology - COBIT (tactical) x International Organization for Standardization - ISO/International Electro Technical Commission - IEC27002 (operational). Another image instrument of the organization is applied in parallel with this analysis to identify and analyze performance involving profiles related to mechanistic, psychic prisons, political systems, instruments of domination, organisms, cybernetics, flux and transformation (MORGAN, 1996). Finally, a model of strategic prioritization, based on compensatory fuzzy logic (ESPIN and VANTI, 2005), is applied. The method was applied to an industrial company located in southern Brazil. The results with the application show two organizational images: "organism" and "flux and transformation ". The strategic priorities indicated a significant search for new business services and international markets. Regarding protection of information, security found the gap between "minimum" and "Reasonable" and in domain 8 (HR) of standard ISO/IEC27002, considered 71% protection as "inappropriate" and "minimal" in the IT Governance context.
  • Understanding the subject's behavior in the interaction with a decision support system under time pressure and missing information

    Corso, Kathiane Benedetti; Löbler, Mauri Leodir

    Resumo em Inglês:

    The article seeks to determine how time pressure and missing information in decision-making affect the behavior of decision makers. Data was collected through an experimental task of simulating the purchase of a car, which was structured with the AHP (Analytic Hierarchy Process) multi-criteria method in a Decision Support System. When pressured by time, the experimental subjects focused on the car of their choice; whereas with no time pressure, some of them rationalized more, used the information, and did not agree with the chosen car. Assumptions of the Theory of Image justified some findings, indicating that previously structured images in the mind of the decision maker are a way to cope with time pressure. Given the missing information, the use of background knowledge and individual experience were the most prominent coping strategy.
  • Análise de risco na terceirização da tecnologia de informação e comunicação

    Prado, Edmir Parada Vasques

    Resumo em Inglês:

    This research aims at evaluating the risk analysis process in Information Technology and Communication (ICT) outsourcing conducted by organizations of the private sector. The research is characterized by being a descriptive, quantitative and transversal type study, which was used the survey method. Data were collected through questionnaire, the sample is not random and we used a convenience sampling process. The research made contributions to understanding the risk analysis process in ICT services outsourcing, and identified statistically significant relationships between risk analysis, organization's size and its industry, and between risk analysis and diversity of outsourced services.
  • Metamodels of information technology best practices frameworks

    Ferreira Neto, Arthur Nunes; Souza Neto, João

    Resumo em Inglês:

    This article deals with the generation and application of ontological metamodels of frameworks of best practices in IT. The ontological metamodels represent the logical structures and fundamental semantics of framework models and constitute adequate tools for the analysis, adaptation, comparison and integration of the frameworks of best practices in IT. The MetaFrame methodology for the construction of the metamodels, founded on the discipline of the conceptual metamodelling and on the extended Entity/Relationship methodology is described herein, as well as the metamodels of the best practices for the outsourcing of IT, the eSCM-SP v2.01 (eSourcing Capability Model for Service Providers) and the eSCM-CL v1.1 (eSourcing Capability Model for Client Organizations), constructed according to the MetaFrame methodology.
  • XLDM: an xlink-based multidimensional metamodel

    Silva, Paulo Caetano da; Cruz, Mateus Silqueira Hickson; Times, Valéria Cesário

    Resumo em Inglês:

    The growth of data available on the Internet and the improvement of ways to handle them consist of an important issue while designing a data model. In this context, XML provides the necessary formalism to establish a standard to represent and exchange data. Since the technologies of data warehouse are often used for data analysis, it is necessary to define a cube model data to XML. However, data representation in XML may generate syntactic, semantic and structural heterogeneity problems on XML documents, which are not considered by related approaches. To solve these problems, it is required the definition of a data schema. This paper proposes a metamodel to specify XML document cubes, based on relationships between elements and XML documents. This approach solves the XML data heterogeneity problems by taking advantages of data schema definition and relationships defined by XLink. The methodology used provides formal rules to define the concepts proposed. Following this formalism is then instantiated using XML Schema and XLink. It also presents a case study in the medical field and a comparison with XBRL Dimensions and a financial and multidimensional data model which uses XLink.
  • Estrategias de decisión en sistemas dinámicos: aplicando mapas cognitivos difusos aplicación a un ejemplo socio - económico

    Curia, Lisandro; Lavalle, Andrea

    Resumo em Espanhol:

    Las situaciones que abarcan el contexto en que el ser humano desarrolla sus tareas cotidianas son extremadamente complejas y dinámicas. En cada campo, el análisis de las variables que componen el sistema objeto de estudio puede simplificarse si se lo concibe compuesto como un conjunto de conceptos donde un cambio en cada uno de ellos provocará cambios en los restantes. Cuando se trata de analizar la problemática de un área particular, la representación de los conceptos en forma de un mapa permite sintetizar la información aislando los principales conceptos que están vinculados en el problema. En estos casos los Mapas Cognitivos Difusos (MCD) logran sintetizar gran parte de la información presente. Además con esta técnica es posible seguir la evolución de los conceptos hasta un estado de equilibrio y por lo tanto permiten estudiar la dinámica que lleva el pasaje de un estado a otro determinado en la situación que se analiza. En este trabajo se expone la técnica de construcción y análisis de Mapas Cognitivos Difusos a través de un ejemplo de aplicación a la economía. El objetivo consiste en presentar una metodología de trabajo apoyada en los MCD que permite analizar la evolución y el impacto que provoca en el sistema el cambio en el valor de uno o varios conceptos intervinientes.

    Resumo em Inglês:

    Situations in which human beings develop their daily tasks are extremely complex and dynamic. In each field, the analysis of the system's variables under consideration can be simplified if the system is conceived as a set of concepts, where a change in each of them will cause changes in the remainder. In the analysis of a particular problem, the representation of concepts in the form of a map helps to synthesize information detecting the main concepts that are linked to the problem. In these cases, Fuzzy Cognitive Maps (FCM) are able to synthesize much of this information. Also with this technique is possible to follow the evolution of the concepts to a state of equilibrium and therefore allow us to study the dynamics that takes the passage from one state to another given the situation under review. This paper describes the construction and analysis of the Fuzzy Cognitive Maps technique through an economy application example. The aim is to present a methodology supported by the FCM to analyze the evolution and impact on the system causing by the change in the value of one or more concepts involved.
  • Sistemas de recomendação em redes sociais

    Valois B. Jr, Cleomar; Oliveira, Marcius Armada de

    Resumo em Inglês:

    The continued and diversified growth of social networks has changed the way in which users interact with them. With these changes, what once was limited to social contact is now used for exchanging ideas and opinions, creating the need for new features. Users have so much information at their fingertips that they are unable to process it by themselves; hence, the need to develop new tools. Recommender systems were developed to address this need and many techniques were used for different approaches to the problem. To make relevant recommendations, these systems use large sets of data, not taking the social network of the user into consideration. Developing a recommender system that takes into account the social network of the user is another way of tackling the problem. The purpose of this project is to use the theory of six degrees of separation (Watts 2003) amongst users of a social network to enhance existing recommender systems.
  • Managing it as a business: the Lutchen's gap in the 100 top organizations based in Brazil

    Simões, Sergio Alexandre; Rodrigues, Leonel Cezar; Maccari, Emerson Antonio; Pereira, Mauricio Fernandes

    Resumo em Português:

    Um problema comum em gestão de TI, apontados pelos especialistas, envolve a falta de visão de negócio dos executivos de TI ao alinharem seus departamentos com as premissas estratégicas da empresa e esquecerem-se das funções táticas da TI, onde esta poderia ser gerida como um negócio. Esse é conhecido como o gap de Lutchen e por sua importância no contexto da gestão da TI, este artigo é complementar ao artigo de Rodrigues et al. (2009) e visa identificar a presença do gap de Lutchen, na gestão da TI entre as 100 maiores empresas sediadas no Brasil. Para tanto, procedeu-se a um levantamento do perfil da gestão de TI nessas empresas, na visão de seus executivos. Utilizou-se um questionário, respondido pelos executivos de TI, contendo 77 perguntas que varrem os quatro fundamentos da função da TI na empresa. Os principais resultados indicam que: (a) na função Alinhar, o desenho da TI apresenta dicotomias entre os objetivos dos negócios e os da TI; (b) na função Gerir, observa-se que os orçamentos de TI orientam-se para garantir a capacidade de entregae dos serviços de TI e diferem nos métodos de controle de custo, variando entre rateios por volume, overhead e custo ABC; (c) na função Entregar, as evidências indicam que a TI é gerida como uma capacitadora de negócios; e (d) na função Garantir a Qualidade e Segurança, muitos executivos de TI monitoram eventos de qualidade e segurança, mas limitam-se às operações básicas da TI. Em conclusão, o que se observa nas empresas pesquisadas é que a TI é vista como um sistema fornecedor de soluções,f sob demanda, dos negócios, mais do que como um instrumento capaz de garantir inovação e capacidade competitiva para as organizações.

    Resumo em Inglês:

    A common problem in IT management involves the lack of business vision on the part of IT executives who align IT to the strategic assumptions of the company, but forget the tactical functions of the former, managed as a business. This is known as the Lutchen's gap. Because of its importance in the context of IT management, this paper is a complementary approach to the preceding one from Rodrigues et al. (2009) and aims at identifying the Lutchen´s gap presence in the management of IT among the 100 top companies located in Brazil. To do this, we proceeded to a description of the profile of IT management in these companies, controlled by the executive board. We used a questionnaire filled out by IT executives, containing 77 questions covering the four functions of IT in a company. The main results indicate that: (a) In the IT's Alignment function, the design of IT reveals dichotomies between business and IT objectives (b) In the IT's Management function, the IT's budget is oriented toward ensuring "delivering" abilities to IT services and differing in the methods of cost control, ranging from apportion by volume, overheads and by ABC cost, (c) in the IT's Deliver function, evidence suggests that IT is managed as a business enabler; and (d) in the IT's Quality and Safety Assurance, IT executives monitor quality and safety events, but are limited to IT's basic operations. In conclusion, in the companies surveyed, IT is seen much more as an" on-demand solution provider", rather than as an instrument of innovation and competitiveness enabler for organizations.
TECSI Laboratório de Tecnologia e Sistemas de Informação - FEA/USP Av. Prof. Luciano Gualberto, 908 FEA 3, 05508-900 - São Paulo/SP Brasil, Tel.: +55 11 2648 6389, +55 11 2648 6364 - São Paulo - SP - Brazil