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BAR - Brazilian Administration Review, Volume: 2, Número: 1, Publicado: 2005
  • Editorial

    Guimarães, Tomás de Aquino; Bertero, Carlos Osmar
  • Unlocking the institutionalization process: insights for an institutionalizing approach Articles

    Machado-da-Silva, Clóvis L.; Fonseca, Valéria Silva da; Crubellate, João Marcelo

    Resumo em Inglês:

    The neoinstitutional theory has been characterized by some scholars in the field of organizational studies as a supposedly deterministic approach. We will demonstrate in this paper that this characterization cannot be impinged on the neoinstitutional perspective in a generalized way, but only to a dichotomic reading of it, that is typical of monoparadigmatic views of the process of institutionalization. With this demonstration, we defend the idea of the institutional theory as a multiparadigmatic theory. To this end, we present arguments for a recursive approach of the institutionalization process, highlighting that the notions of structure, agency and interpretation are more suitably dealt with when defended as fundamental elements of institutionalization as a recurrent, guaranteed process that is conditioned, not determined, by a certain degree of stabilization of social systems. We conclude the essay with methodological considerations on the consequences of the use of the proposal for a recurrent systemic-process approach of institutionalization for the development of research in the field of organizational studies
  • Unpacking firm effects: modeling political alliances in variance decomposition of firm performance in turbulent environments Articles

    Bandeira de Mello, Rodrigo; Marcon, Rosilene

    Resumo em Inglês:

    In this paper, firm heterogeneity in turbulent environments is addressed. It is argued that previous studies have not taken into account effects of a turbulent environment, like the Brazilian context, in which firms must face a weak and erratic government. In such an environment, the large portion of variance usually attributed to firm effects may be explained, not by the usual assumptions of mainstream scholars, but by a more 'political' view of firm differences, namely, the ability to manage valuable political alliances. To account for these differences, a multivariate performance measure was construed and a new factor, 'politics effects', has been introduced to the usual model. Company donations for campaign funds in elections was used as a proxy for this factor. A sample of 607 observations, of 177 firms in 15 sectors was used. Results suggest that the presence of politics effects were found to be not significant (using COV and Hierarchical ANOVA). However, different from previous studies, transient industry effects appear to be more important than stable effects. Findings also indicate that a better model specification for turbulent environments is needed and highlight the importance of the cost of capital
  • Does technological learning pay off?: implications of capability accumulation for techno-economic performance improvement in a steelmaking unit in Brazil (1997-2001) Articles

    Castro, Eduardo Côrtes de; Figueiredo, Paulo Negreiros

    Resumo em Inglês:

    This paper focuses on the implications of learning processes for technological capability accumulation and performance improvement. These relations are evaluated through a single case study in the steelmaking unit of Companhia Siderúrgica Nacional (1997-2001). Recently developed frameworks in literature on technological capability accumulation and learning processes have been used, but adapted to the unit studied. The technological capability is assessed in levels of competence to process, product and equipment functions. The learning processes are analysed in processes (inner and outer knowledge acquisition, socialization and codification) and examined in the light of their key-features (variety, intensity, functioning and interaction). The study has found that the technological capability accumulation through learning processes had positive implications to the improvement of the unit's performance
  • How to deal with negative publicity: the importance of consumer involvement Articles

    Matos, Celso Augusto de; Veiga, Ricardo Teixeira

    Resumo em Inglês:

    Negative information about companies can have a harmful effect on consumer perceptions. However, few studies investigate how consumers process negative publicity and how companies should react to it. In order to examine this question, two experiments were carried out: first, a laboratory experiment which tests how consumers process two different types of negative publicity (product attributes or company values); second, a field experiment comparing three different responses (no answer, denial/reduction of offensiveness and corrective action) given by the company affected by the negative publicity. Results from the first study confirm the detrimental effect of negative publicity on consumer attitudes, indicate that consumers have a higher level of involvement with the message when it is concerned with the company's values and suggest a moderating role of the product involvement on the influence of negative information on corporate image. The second study extends these findings by identifying different options for company reactions from literature and testing them empirically. Results suggest again the involvement variable as a moderator, now on the influence of company reaction on product image
  • Management accounting profile of firms located in brazil: a field study Articles

    Frezatti, Fábio

    Resumo em Inglês:

    Companies must have resources that provide competitive advantages and are important factors for success. There is a great variety of such resources-including information systems, concepts of participation, models, and organizational structures. These can be referred to as components of managerial practice. Each company can be characterized as having a unique configuration of tools that can be recognized as the company profile. This paper analyzes the conceptual adherence (i. e., the relationship between theory and practice) of the managerial accounting practices of medium-sized and large Brazilian companies. Statistical multivariate analysis has allowed for the identification of five clusters within the group of companies studied. The main conclusion for the sample is that conceptual adherence to tactical components is greater than to strategic components. In addition, it is apparent that the newer components have not been widely adopted in the sample, similar to other field studies in the UK and USA
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