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BAR - Brazilian Administration Review, Volume: 3, Número: 2, Publicado: 2006
  • Editorial

    Machado-da-Silva, Clóvis L.
  • The role of internal and external factors in the performance of Brazilian companies and its evolution between 1990 and 2003 Articles

    Gonçalves, André Ribeiro; Quintella, Rogério H.

    Resumo em Inglês:

    This work studies the variance of the return over assets (ROA) of 1,664 Brazilian organizations between 1996 and 2003. This variance is divided into in factors associated with differences between business units, imdustries and economic conditions. The model is also calculated dividing the overall period into four year intervals so as to follow the evolution of the factors over the years. Results show that the main source of the variation in the performance can be attributed to differences among companies. The weight of this element increases over time. Surprisingly, considering the many and frequent crises suffered in the last couple of years, the role of the economic climate is slight and similar to that found by other authors for the American market.
  • Validation of the team factors inventory in Brazilian companies Articles

    Gimenez, Fernando Antonio Prado; Inácio Júnior, Edmundo

    Resumo em Inglês:

    The aim of this paper is to test the validity and reliability of a Portuguese version of the Team Factors Inventory/TFI derived from the Creative Leadership Model. This inventory measures the propensity of a team towards creative leadership and consists of a paper and pen measure with 37 items on a Likert-type scale. The literature concerning creativity in organizational studies has focused mainly on the contribution the individual makes to innovation and technical change. The model of Creative Leadership, on the other hand, has turned attention to group behaviour and team management. The model has been recently proposed in England and there are no literature reports on its application in a language other than English. The method involved a review of the literature on creative leadership, backtranslation of the inventory, and data analysis through descriptive statistics, hypotheses testing, factor analysis, and analysis of variance, using as control variables, sex, and type of enterprise. The sample consisted of 115 respondents, with 73 owner-managers of high-tech incubated firms and 42 owner-managers of service firms. Analyses indicated that the translated version Portuguese of the inventory reached satisfactory levels of validity and reliability. This means that the TFI may be applied in a cultural context other than the original.
  • Organizational fields and the structuration perspective: analytical possibilities Especial Forum On The Institucional Theory On Brazilian Organizational Studies

    Machado-da-Silva, Clóvis L.; Guarido Filho, Edson R.; Rossoni, Luciano

    Resumo em Inglês:

    The concept of the organizational field has been greatly dealt with in the literature on institutional theory in recent years. As the concept of field involves a relational and symbolic dimension, we propose that the theory of structuration, based on the logic of recursiveness between agency and structure should be adapted to the understanding of the field dynamically. In this way, the objective of this theoretical essay is to deal with the dynamic of the organizational field using structurationist logic, allowing that from this logic we recall both the importance of the practice in the structuration process of the organizational field and the historical and recursive character which may constrain or enable the actions of social actors. To this end, we revise the concept of field in different perspectives of analysis, reflecting on the implication of the theoretical presuppositions of each approach and then discuss in a critical manner the theoretical foundation of the structuration process of organizational fields based on the structurationist approach. We conclude the paper with propositions pertaining to the revision of the concept of field from a multiparadigmatic viewpoint in which structure and agency are recursively implied.
  • Organizational design for institutional change: the case of MPB Festivals, 1960 to 1968 Especial Forum On The Institucional Theory On Brazilian Organizational Studies

    Kirschbaum, Charles

    Resumo em Inglês:

    A central concern in neo-institutional research is the genesis of new organizational fields. This article explores the emergence of the MPB (Brazilian Popular Music) field in tandem with the organization of music festivals in the sixties. The festivals were instrumental in combining musicians, critics and the audience in a forum relatively buffered from the music industry influence. This interaction supported the introduction and diffusion of new influences in the popular music field, and at the same time, it consecrated the category MPB as a high-brow art form. The festivals' design provoked two unintended consequences: the conflict between musicians and the audience, and between musicians and the jury. While several musicians strived to conquer autonomy for their creative activity, the audience claimed its supremacy. As a result, musicians exerted pressure on the jury to buffer the aesthetical criteria from the audience. It concludes with a critical appraisal of the role of festivals in the evolution of the MPB field.
  • Brazilian nonprofit organizations and the new legal framework: an institutional perspective Especial Forum On The Institucional Theory On Brazilian Organizational Studies

    Alves, Mário Aquino; Koga, Natália Massaco

    Resumo em Inglês:

    The purpose of this study is to understand the impact of the new Brazilian legislation regulating partnerships between the State and Civil Society (Nonprofit) Organizations between 1999 and 2002. The passing of Law No. 9790/99 - known as the Nonprofit Law - created the legal concept of Organizações da Sociedade Civil de Interesse Público - OSCIPs (Public Interest Civil Society Organizations). Based on an exploratory survey, this study, using the Institutional Theory, allowed the analysis of how older organizations (NGOs and traditional social benefit organizations) resisted to the adoption of the OSCIP standard due to organizational inertia, while acceptance of the model was greater among younger organizations, in a clear coercive and normative isomorphic development.
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