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BAR - Brazilian Administration Review, Volume: 5, Número: 3, Publicado: 2008
  • Editorial

    Machado-da-Silva, Clóvis L
  • The construction of organizational identity: discourses on a Brazilian private railroad Articles

    Souza, Mariana Mayumi Pereira de; Carrieri, Alexandre de Pádua; Faria, Antônio Augusto Moreira de

    Resumo em Inglês:

    Considering the current organizational macro-environments, we notice that competitors have become more aggressive. At the same time, some stakeholders are expecting more from organizations in relation to social and environmental issues. Therefore, in order to survive in this context, it is crucial for organizations to know better their identity, which is projected by different means of communication to its internal members and external public. In this scenario, the aim of this paper is to analyze the projected organizational identity of a recently privatized Brazilian railroad. We studied the construction and transformation process of this organizational identity through two different discourses: that of the high-level manager and that of the trade union. In addition, two Discourse Analysis elements were used: the persuasion strategies and the discursive images. These elements were very useful in order to apprehend the ideological background of the discourses and the organizational identity projected. In the end, we concluded that the identity projection process occurs in a very diverse, contradictory and interactive way.
  • Services offshoring and its strategic effects on value chains Articles

    Gião, Paulo Roberto; Oliveira Júnior, Moacir de Miranda; Vasconcellos, Eduardo Pinheiro Gondim de

    Resumo em Inglês:

    This article's main objective is to examine some known management theories under the offshoring point of view. It detaches some factors in existing theories and how they can be at risk in an increasing offshoring of services processes. In the absence of more systematic studies about the effects of offshoring over value chain and core competencies imprecise borders and definitions, we try to interpret them in a holistic manner and stimulate discussions in a new area of study rather than to provide definitive general conclusions. The methodological aspects mainly concerning the offshoring bibliography are very impressive, especially since 2000. There seems to be a new trend appearing, like a wedge between strategy and international business theories, or that at least complements these theories. The analysis presented in this paper is offered as an aid to systematic investigation involving value chains, core competencies, innovations and the accelerated process of offshore outsourcing of services. Some preliminary evidence showed countries and companies in good conditions to improve their participation in the international market. The internationalization of these new firms from emerging countries and their learning process may need extension to existing theories, at least from the perspective of emerging and in the developing world.
  • Cause related marketing: consumers' perceptions and benefits for profit and non-profits organisations Articles

    Farache, Francisca; Perks, Keith John; Wanderley, Lilian Soares Outtes; Sousa Filho, José Milton de

    Resumo em Inglês:

    This study is an attempt to understand consumers' perceptions regarding Cause Related Marketing [CRM]. The research findings were based on a survey of 200 consumers in the Brighton area and published data. The research aim was focused on the consumers' perception of the alliance between corporations and non-profit organisations. The research found that consumers have a better perception of firms that work with charities and good causes than those that do not. They believe that the partnership between corporations and charities has an impact on the good of society. However, they are aware that corporations themselves benefit from this partnership. Concerning good causes, consumers prefer to support those related to Children. The researchers noticed that an individual connection with a cause might have considerable influence on consumer attitudes and behaviour in relation to a specific cause.
  • Antecedents and consequences of consumer trust in the context of service recovery Articles

    Santos, Cristiane Pizzutti dos; Fernandes, Daniel Von der Heyde

    Resumo em Inglês:

    The purpose of this paper is to investigate the antecedents and consequences of consumer trust after complaint handling episodes about services. A cross-sectional study was carried out with complainers of banks and airline companies. The respondents were approached at an International Airport in Brazil. Structural Equation Modeling was used to test the hypotheses developed. The building of consumer trust was sensitive to perceptions of justice regarding the way complaints were handled by the company. More specifically, the perception of interactional fairness strongly impacted consumer trust in the employees which, in turn, revealed a high impact on trust in the company. Insofar as satisfaction with complaint handling does not mediate the relationship between the dimensions of fairness and trust, following a conflict it loses part of its importance. Finally, both repurchase intention and word-of-mouth communication were influenced by trust in the company, satisfaction with complaint handling and perceived value. The company should attentively observe the interactional aspect in terms of developing relationships with customers. Appropriate complaint handling and the consequent trust created between the parties is an efficient form of developing and maintaining solid relationships with customers.
  • Interactions between corporate governance, bankruptcy law and firms' debt financing: the Brazilian case Articles

    Funchal, Bruno; Galdi, Fernando Caio; Lopes, Alexsandro Broedel

    Resumo em Inglês:

    This paper examines the relationship between corporate governance level and the bankruptcy law for such debt variables as firms' cost of debt and amount (and variation) of debt. Our empirical results are consistent with the model's prediction. First, we find that the better the corporate governance, the lower the cost of debt. Second, we find that better corporate governance arrangements relate to firms with higher amounts of debt. Finally we find that better governance and harsher bankruptcy laws have a positive effect on debt. Moreover, this effect is stronger for firms with worse corporate governance, which indicates that the law works as a substitute for governance practices to protect creditors' interests.
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