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BAR - Brazilian Administration Review, Volume: 6, Número: 1, Publicado: 2009
  • Editorial

    Machado-da-Silva, Clóvis L
  • Organizational culture and the renewal of competences Articles

    Fleury, Maria Tereza Leme

    Resumo em Inglês:

    Culture and competence are fairly well-known topics; both are part of the academic agenda and are widely discussed in day-to-day debates within organizations. However, the interactions between these two concepts and their interdependence are yet to be analyzed. Those are areas of organizational phenomena that might be complementary or even be contradictory. The aim of this paper is to discuss the relationship between these two subjects. Does organizational culture enhance or jeopardize the development of new competences? Is it possible for an organization to develop new competences while keeping its core values? This paper proposes an initial incursion into this debate, revisiting the concept of culture and cross checking it with the concept of competence; two case studies of Brazilian firms are presented in order to illustrate this debate
  • Strategic HR? A study of the perceived role of HRM departments in Brazil and Peru Articles

    Coda, Roberto; César, Ana Maria Roux Valentini Coelho; Bido, Diógenes de Souza; Louffat, Enrique

    Resumo em Inglês:

    This study discusses the perceived role of the Human Resource Management Department and its perceived capacity of outstanding performance by comparing data collected in Brazil and Peru from employees of large organizations as well as participants in MBA programs at renowned schools. The non-probabilistic sample was composed of 416 Brazilian and 90 Peruvian respondents. The results point out that both in Brazil and Peru, the relevance attached to the HRM Department role for contributing to the future success of organizations does not correspond to its current capacity of performance. As such, in these realities the HRM Department has not yet made the qualitative leap that would enable its strategic role in organizations
  • What lies behind the concept of customer relationship management? Discussing the essence of CRM through a phenomenological approach Articles

    Pedron, Cristiane Drebes; Saccol, Amarolinda Zanela

    Resumo em Inglês:

    Several authors and consulting firms show statistics indicating that at least 50% of all CRM projects fail. Some of them attempt to point out a list of factors in order to guarantee successful CRM implementation and application. However, few people (either academics or practitioners) attempt to discuss or consider the essence of the idea of CRM. The main goal of this exploratory research is to discuss the CRM essence through a phenomenological approach. This paper assumes that one of the main reasons for CRM failure is the lack of understanding about the true meaning and implication of practices for managing the relationship with customers. Therefore, we need to question the essence of CRM itself and discuss the very concept of relationship. We claim that the idea of CRM involves very serious issues about institutions, roles, power and ethical values that have to be considered. In this article, we attempt to analyze the essence of relationship, trying to go beyond the common meaning of CRM. As the main results of this paper, we offer a critical reflection related to the different faces and aspects of the CRM phenomenon, not only as a matter of IT applications, but also as a strategy and even as an organizational philosophy
  • Willingness to try innovative food products: a comparison between British and Brazilian consumers Articles

    Barcellos, Marcia Dutra de; Aguiar, Luís Kluwe; Ferreira, Gabriela Cardozo; Vieira, Luciana Marques

    Resumo em Inglês:

    In this study we investigate the consumer's willingness to try innovative food products in the context of the metropolitan area of Porto Alegre in Brazil and Cirencester in England, UK. Innovation in the food industry is an important source of differentiation and a value-adding opportunity for managers to develop new products. Therefore, the adoption or rejection of innovative food products becomes strategic from a market point-of-view. Using the Domain Specific Innovativeness [DSI] scale and the Food Neophobia Scale [FNS], two surveys were carried out in Brazilian and British universities with 279 and 101 respondents, respectively. Consumers were not the most inclined to adopt innovations, but they were not afraid of new foods either, especially in the UK. Managers in the food industry could be missing out on opportunities to innovate more. The results provide strategic and unique information about consumers for the food industry, aiming at supporting the development of innovative food products.
  • Resource-based view as a perspective for public tourism management research: evidence from two Brazilian tourism destinations Articles

    Massukado-Nakatani, Marcia Shizue; Teixeira, Rivanda Meira

    Resumo em Inglês:

    This study adopted the Resource-Based View approach to analyse two public organizations located in Curitiba and Foz do Iguaçu, Brazil. The focus was to verify how organizational and tourist resources are being used for planning and public management in these cities. Data collection was made by adopting semi-structured interviews with two groups: public and private sector managers. The insights of these two groups and the use of documentary secondary data made it possible to infer that the main resource for the implementation of public policies was organizational architecture. However, the most influential resource in public tourism management is the existence of tourist resources and organizational resources related to internal and external relationships and organizational culture. The analysis demonstrated that the researched cities do not use or do not know how to use the available resources in value-creating activities for local tourist management. Both cities present imperfections that do not earmark the full exploitation of organizational resources, compromising the exploration of available tourist resources
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