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BAR - Brazilian Administration Review, Volume: 11, Número: 1, Publicado: 2014
  • Editorial

    Carneiro, Jorge
  • Systems architecture, procedural knowledge and learning by using: implications on systems integration capabilities Articles

    Chagas Junior, Milton de Freitas; Campanário, Milton de Abreu

    Resumo em Inglês:

    The objective of this article is to assess the implications of systems architecture on the establishment of organizational learning cycles, and its influence on possible forms of process integration. Dynamics of innovation of complex systems do not follow the pattern of mass-production industries. In complex systems industries there is no dominant design and each new product generation remains in a fluid phase. This article focuses on analysis of the dynamic phenomena that occur when a system performs its functions within the operational environment. By considering successive generations of the China-Brazil Earth Resources Satellite (CBERS) platform as a case study a stylized cognitive model is presented. It is argued that learning by using is practice-oriented epistemology to the extent that it requires the reflective confrontation of a previous stock of knowledge with that derived from praxis, which is concrete, dynamic and relational. Knowledge generation derived from learning by using - tacit and explicit - crystallizes a common knowledge base, allowing the refinement of subsystems designs and interfaces through successive generation of products. Systems integration capability building requires a project-based organization in order to merge operating and learning processes in a multifunctional framework.
  • Productivity spillovers from foreign direct investment in the Brazilian processing industry Articles

    Bruhn, Nádia Campos Pereira; Calegario, Cristina Lelis Leal

    Resumo em Inglês:

    The increasing importance of foreign direct investment (FDI) to international production has prompted considerable interest in its real effects on host economies all over the world. The aim of this study was investigate whether the presence of FDI produces productivity spillovers in Brazilian processing industries. We conduct our analysis using a panel database on twenty-three Brazilian processing industries and applied Moderated Multiple Regression (MMR) and Generalized Linear Models (GLM) analysis of variance to address potential spillover effects from foreign presence. This paper finds evidences of the coexistence of both positive and negative effects arising from FDI on the productivity of Brazilian industries. We found negative effects for FDI presence in labor-intensive industries. Furthermore, FDI benefits depend on the absorptive capacity of industries, confirming the hypothesis that a minimum level of absorptive capacity is required so that locally owned enterprises (LOEs) can benefit from foreign presence.
  • Leadership, personal values, and cultural context in Brazil, China, and the USA Articles

    Nelson, Reed Elliot

    Resumo em Inglês:

    This research examines the association between configurations of personal values and managerial incumbency among professionals in Brazil, the US, and Asia. Our research is different from classical leadership research as well as most cross-cultural studies in that it focuses on variance within countries first and then compares results between countries, while the great bulk of research looks at differences between means from one country or category to another. Accordingly, we use cluster analyses rather than analyses of variance or regressions as the major analytical tool. By generating comparable clusters of professionals in different countries, we obtain a novel view of the relationship between individual variables, cultural settings, and leadership. In each cultural setting sampled there is one cluster of personal values which is highly associated with managerial position, and particularly with upper management. These managerial clusters are similar in their overall profile, and are the smallest clusters in each of the three countries, suggesting a universalistic managerial personality like that identified by Miner over thirty years ago. At the same time, we find significant differences between countries in the absolute numerical levels of values held by managers and even greater differences in the levels of values which characterize their subordinates.
  • Dynamics of competition and survival Articles

    Brito, Renata Peregrino de; Brito, Luiz Artur Ledur

    Resumo em Inglês:

    Along time, increasing competitiveness is said to have shortened firms' life spans; however, for those who managed to survive, the question relies on what are the best competitive positions. The question is whether firms can sustain a competitive advantage for longer periods. To answer it, this article analyzes the combined performance (profit and growth) trajectories of 993 firms along two decades, comparing their competitive dynamics with the overall market. We use American COMPUSTAT data (1990-2009), decomposing the individual firm effect in hierarchical modeling and segregating the different strategic choices and transitions between advantage, disadvantage and parity along that period. The results reveal that most firms are unable to maintain advantage/disadvantage for longer periods. Moreover, the comparison between the 993 long-lived firms and the overall database reveals a more conservative profile of competitiveness of the former, suggesting different strategies between the groups.
  • The foreign capital flows and the behavior of stock prices at BM&FBovespa Articles

    Sanvicente, Antonio Zoratto

    Resumo em Inglês:

    The main purpose of this article is to investigate alternative explanations for the impact of foreign capital flows on Ibovespa returns, including: trend chasing, information contribution and mutual feedback. Daily data of the period between 2005 and 2012 are analyzed using simultaneous equation models which are estimated by ordinary least squares (OLS). Several exogenous market variables are included as determinants of returns and capital flows. The research results present that only the information contribution hypothesis is supported by the analysis. Besides, it also shows that the 2008 global financial crisis had no significant effect on the interaction of market returns with foreign capital flows.
  • Reflections on actor-network theory, governance networks, and strategic outcomes Articles

    Montenegro, Ludmilla Meyer; Bulgacov, Sergio

    Resumo em Inglês:

    In an attempt to instigate discussion in the areas of organizational studies and strategy, this essay focuses on themes related to Governance, Actor-Network Theory, and Strategic Outcomes. We seek to expand understanding of the Governance Network Theory by proposing the inclusion of human and non-human actors from the Actor-Network Theory in its scope. Recent studies concerning the notion of heterogeneous networks have demonstrated the importance of non-human actors for understanding social and organizational phenomena. When combined with a network perspective, strategy is seen as something that people within organizations do and not something that organizations have (Johnson, Langley, Melin, & Whittington, 2007). Networks require interaction, movement, and process; i.e., the active participation of actors involved. Decision making and activities are continuously realized based on the ties between actors and the content they deal with. We believe that this theoretical framework will reveal aspects and issues taken for granted that should be incorporated in the Governance Network Theory's empirical scope of analysis, primarily for research in plural and complex organizations permeated with ambiguous and power-related issues.
ANPAD - Associação Nacional de Pós-Graduação e Pesquisa em Administração Av. Carneiro Leão, 825, Zona 04, Zip code: 87014-010, Tel.: (+55) (44) 3354-8545 - Maringá - PR - Brazil