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BAR - Brazilian Administration Review, Volume: 16, Número: 1, Publicado: 2019
  • False Dichotomies (Part I): The Axiomatic Systems of Science and Religion, and Implications for Scholarly Publications Editorial

    Bellini, Carlo Gabriel Porto
  • Bank Responses to Corporate Reorganization: Evidence from an Emerging Economy Research Article

    Oreng, Mariana; Saito, Richard; Silva, Vinicius A. B.

    Resumo em Inglês:

    Abstract This study analyzes a unique dataset of 125 corporate reorganization filings in Brazil from 2006 to 2016 to understand the role of bank creditor seniority in bankruptcy outcomes of small- and medium-sized companies. We find that conflict between bank creditor classes is relevant for explaining reorganization outcomes and that it occurs when organizations are in the money. Additionally, bank seniority matters more than the bank’s debt share for explaining bankruptcy outcomes in creditor-oriented regimes. Finally, we find a concave relationship between favorable votes and the number of banks involved and between favorable votes and a company’s age.
  • Sports Mega-Event Sponsorship: The Impact of FIFA Reputation and World Cup Image on Sponsor Brand Equity Research Article

    Coelho, Mariana Guará Rocha; Amorim, João Guilherme Barbosa de; Almeida, Victor Manoel Cunha de

    Resumo em Inglês:

    Abstract The present study investigates the influence the organizing body’s reputation has on the image of a sports mega-event and on the mega-event sponsors’ consumer-based brand equities. The study's main theoretical references are Associative Network Theory (Collins & Loftus, 1975) and Schema Theory (Axelrod, 1973), both about the functioning of the human memory. The research was carried out during the 2014 FIFA World Cup in Rio de Janeiro. Brazilians and foreigners who attended the 2014 FIFA Fan Fest on Copacabana Beach were surveyed through a non-probabilistic sampling, and 1,973 questionnaires were collected. Data analysis was performed using Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA) and Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA). We verified the reliability, convergent, discriminant, and nomological validity of the constructs. In order to test the substantive hypotheses, we applied Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) using an Asymptotic Distribution-Free (ADF) technique. The empirical results suggest that FIFA’s reputation influences the image of the FIFA World Cup, but may not directly influence the sponsors’ consumer-based brand equities. We also verified that the perception of fit between the mega-event and the sponsor plays a partial mediating effect on the relationship between the image of the mega-event and the sponsor's brand equity.
  • Dynamic Capabilities for Accreditation: Evidence in the Healthcare Sector Research Article

    Meira, Mariana Monteiro; Machado, André Gustavo Carvalho; Gomes, Glauco Ricardo Simões

    Resumo em Inglês:

    Abstract The objective of this paper is to analyze the development of dynamic capabilities in the process of hospital accreditation, using case study methodology. Data were collected through semi-structured interviews, observation and document analysis and analyzed through content analysis techniques. We found that deliberate learning and relationships were the principal sources for capability creation, and that they were renewed and recombined along the way. Periods of convergence punctuated by strategic reorientation allowed us to conclude that the changes adhered to the punctuated equilibrium model. The outcomes of this study advance the findings documented in the literature about the construction of a formative path of dynamic capabilities, understanding the duality of operational and dynamic capabilities, and comprehending the mechanisms by which capabilities are developed.
  • Climbing the Ladder of Performance: Are Psychological Contract and Organizational Commitment Steps? Research Article

    Maia, Leticia Gomes; Bastos, Antonio Virgilio Bittencourt

    Resumo em Inglês:

    Abstract Low attrition and high job security in public organizations make the risk low for consequences of performing poorly. Climbing the ladder of job performance, what are the steps that should be in mind? The effects of fulfillment of the psychological contract and of affective organizational commitment on job performance were examined in a longitudinal study with employees and their line managers in a Brazilian public sector agency. We tested three models of mediation, aiming to better explain variance in job performance. This research design with employees and their bosses (N = 202) relieves common method bias and demonstrates in a robust and unique way, through a study carried out over two years, the effects of the fulfillment of the psychological contract on in-role job performance as well as the role of organizational commitment in this process. We found that fulfillment of the psychological contract explained variance in job performance, while commitment did not. However, the addition of organizational commitment as a mediating variable increased the explanatory power of the psychological contract. In our metaphor, psychological contract would be a significant step on the ladder, while commitment would be the difference in how much an individual can stretch his/her arms to reach the best job performance.
  • Intersections between Race and Class: A Postcolonial Analysis and Implications for Organizational Leaders Research Article

    Souza, Eloisio Moulin de

    Resumo em Inglês:

    Abstract This article seeks to understand the construction of racial identity in the Brazilian social context and its intersections with social class, aiming to analyze the occurrence of race resignification in this intersectional process, a process called the classification of race herein. Considering that business students will be leaders involved with the elaboration of organizational policies, this article seeks to contribute to the development of racial diversity policies in the field. Interviews were thus held with undergraduate students of management in a Brazilian university. The interviews occurred in focus groups, and data analysis was performed by means of discourse analysis from a postcolonial identity perspective, which allowed us to conclude that the boundaries between race and class are quite tenuous, to the point that racial aspects are reduced to merely involving social class. At the same time, social class acts as a form of whitening. The reduction of race to social class is a strategy of denying race as a social marker that produces inequalities and denying the existence of structural racism in the Brazilian society, thus bearing the myth that Brazil is a racial democracy.
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