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BAR - Brazilian Administration Review, Volume: 16, Número: 2, Publicado: 2019
  • Gamification in Management Education: A Systematic Literature Review Research Article

    Silva, Rui Jorge Rodrigues da; Rodrigues, Ricardo Gouveia; Leal, Carmem Teresa Pereira

    Resumo em Inglês:

    Abstract Quality of teaching is increasingly important for the success of educational institutions. In this context, gamification is a tool often used to improve the teaching-learning process by helping both teachers and students reach their goals in the short, medium and long term. Given the importance of the topic both in academia and society, this article presents a systematic review of the literature on the use of gamification as a tool to enhance the quality of the teaching process in general, and, in particular, the teaching of management. The study searches the most relevant literature on the application of gamification to educational contexts and describes gamification’s main themes and constructs based on a systematic literature review of scholarly articles available in ISI Web of Science and Scopus databases. One of the main results of this study is to describe theoretical approaches to gamification and provide a conceptual model that gathers the contribution of various studies and paves the way for future research.
  • Convents without Nuns: Historical Analysis of Women Workers in a Textile Factory Research Article

    Pereira, Rafael Diogo; Nunes, Andressa Carolina do Nascimento; Oliveira, Thaís Zimovski Garcia de

    Resumo em Inglês:

    Abstract This paper aims to contribute to the historical unveiling of a certain set of dispositives and discourses that befell Brazilian textile factory working women who came to reside in the convents inaugurated in the last decades of the 19th century by a textile company located in the state of Minas Gerais, Brazil. By appropriating methodological contributions such as historical document analysis, we present a historically-situated analysis of the discourses and truth effects organized by the company that influenced the lives of these women, along with an articulation of gender issues and the dynamics of power relations. An analytical scheme following the writings of Michel Foucault is proposed, in order to discuss the statements and their truth effects in the factory worker’s lives, as well as to create an analytical lens through which the discussion of gender issues can take place. Our findings include the demonstration of how gender can be seen beyond a binary, sexist and biological vision, that is, close to a historical creation of power relations that still involves the female sexed body. Lastly, we also demonstrated how the gendered idea of a female factory worker is strongly built via discourse and performed routinely by the enforced compliance to gendered norms that constrain and constitute a female worker’s subjectivity.
  • A Temporal Model of Perceived Control to Explain Service Failures Research Article

    Pacheco, Natalia Araujo; Pizzutti, Cristiane; Geuens, Maggie

    Resumo em Inglês:

    Abstract Research on service failure has neglected the temporal dimension of consumer-perceived control (i.e., past, present and future control). This paper introduces the temporal model of perceived control to service research and compares its explanatory power for consumers’ emotional and behavioural reactions after a service failure to that of the causal attribution model. The results of a correlational study show that the temporal model of perceived control has greater explanatory power than the causal attribution model (i.e., the former can better predict consumers’ regret, self-focused anger, and repurchase behaviour after a stressful service episode). This is the first empirical research to use a temporal model of perceived control to explain consumer reactions after service failures, showing that this model may be combined with others in a complementary way to provide a better understanding of consumer reactions.
  • Market Conditions and the Exit Rate of Private Equity Investments in an Emerging Economy Research Article

    Minardi, Andréa Maria Accioly Fonseca; Bortoluzzo, Adriana Bruscato; Rosatelli, Piero; Ribeiro, Priscila Fernandes

    Resumo em Inglês:

    Abstract Private Equity (PE) funds are active investors. Besides providing capital, they improve the governance, operational performance and innovation of the investee companies. However, potential misalignment between the fund manager and the company owner regarding exit timing is a limitation of the model. PE funds have a finite-life, and thus they have to liquidate investments after holding them for a certain period. They tend to time the market to exploit favorable market conditions and obtain higher selling prices, and consequently, PE funds may divest before accomplishing the value creation plan. In this article, we use the hazard model to investigate the magnitude of the impact of market conditions on the exit rate of PE deals in Brazil, a volatile emerging economy, and if it increases the chances of exiting investments with holding periods shorter than two years. We analyze a sample of 470 PE deals invested between 1994 and 2014, and we investigate four variables related to market conditions: the stock market price-earnings ratio, the number of IPOs, the Brazilian real (the Brazilian currency) appreciation against the US dollar and the Brazilian interest rate. Our results show that favorable market conditions more than double the exit rate and increase the probability of quick flips.
  • Business Analytics in Tourism: Uncovering Knowledge from Crowds Research Article

    Marcolin, Carla; Becker, João Luiz; Wild, Fridolin; Schiavi, Giovana; Behr, Ariel

    Resumo em Inglês:

    Abstract Business Analytics leverages value from data, thus being an important tool for the decision-making process. However, the presence of data in different formats is a new challenge for analysis. Textual data has been drawing organizational attention as thousands of people express themselves daily in text, like the description of customer perceptions in the tourism and hospitality area. Despite the relevance of customer data in textual format to support decision making of hotel managers, its use is still modest, given the difficulty of analyzing and interpreting the large amounts of data. Our objective is to identify the main evaluation topics presented in online guest reviews and reveal changes throughout the years. We worked with 23,229 hotel reviews collected from TripAdvisor website through WebScrapping packages in R, and used a text mining approach (Latent Semantic Analysis) to analyze the data. This contributes with practical implications to hotel managers by demonstrating the applicability of text data and tools based on open-source solutions and by providing insights about the data and assisting in the decision-making process. This article also contributes in presenting a stepwise text analysis, including capturing, cleaning and formatting publicly available data for organizational specialists.
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