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International Archives of Otorhinolaryngology, Volume: 17, Número: 4, Publicado: 2013
  • New Challenges for International Archives of Otorhinolaryngology Editorial

    Jotz, Geraldo Pereira
  • Quality, Range, and Legibility in Web Sites Related to Orofacial Functions Original Articles

    Corrêa, Camila de Castro; Ferrari, Deborah Viviane; Berretin-Felix, Giédre

    Resumo em Inglês:

    Introduction Plenty of information about health is available on the Internet; however, quality and legibility are not always evaluated. Knowledge regarding orofacial functions can be considered important for the population because it allows proper stimulus, early diagnosis, and prevention of the oral myofunctional alterations during early infancy. Objective The aim was evaluate the quality, legibility, and range of Web sites available in Brazilian Portuguese regarding the orofacial functions. Methods Selected Web sites with information directed to parents/caregivers of babies regarding breast-feeding, feeding after 6 months, deleterious oral habits, and breathing and speech were studied. The Web sites were evaluated through the application of Flesch Reading Ease Test and aspects of the Health on the Net (HON) modified code (HONCode); the range of the subjects addressed was compared with other aspects of infant development. Results From the access of 350 pages of the Internet, 35 Web sites were selected and 315 excluded because they did not meet the inclusion criteria. In relation to legibility, Web sites scored an average of 61.23% in the Flesch Test, and the application of the modified HONCode showed an average of 6.43 points; an average of 2.49 subjects were found per Web site evaluated, with information on breast-feeding being more frequent and subjects such as breathing and speech less frequent. Conclusions Web sites that deal with orofacial functions presented standard legibility classification. Only half of the ethical principles were considered by the modified HONCode in their majority, and most addressed subjects after “breast-feeding” were presented with restricted range.
  • Head Position Comparison between Students with Normal Hearing and Students with Sensorineural Hearing Loss Original Articles

    Melo, Renato de Souza; Silva, Polyanna Waleska Amorim da; Souza, Robson Arruda; Raposo, Maria Cristina Falcão; Ferraz, Karla Mônica

    Resumo em Inglês:

    Introduction Head sense position is coordinated by sensory activity of the vestibular system, located in the inner ear. Children with sensorineural hearing loss may show changes in the vestibular system as a result of injury to the inner ear, which can alter the sense of head position in this population. Aim Analyze the head alignment in students with normal hearing and students with sensorineural hearing loss and compare the data between groups. Methods This prospective cross-sectional study examined the head alignment of 96 students, 48 with normal hearing and 48 with sensorineural hearing loss, aged between 7 and 18 years. The analysis of head alignment occurred through postural assessment performed according to the criteria proposed by Kendall et al. For data analysis we used the chi-square test or Fisher exact test. Results The students with hearing loss had a higher occurrence of changes in the alignment of the head than normally hearing students (p < 0.001). Forward head posture was the type of postural change observed most, occurring in greater proportion in children with hearing loss (p < 0.001), followed by the side slope head posture (p < 0.001). Conclusion Children with sensorineural hearing loss showed more changes in the head posture compared with children with normal hearing.
  • Prevalence of Contralateral Hearing Aid Use in Adults with Cochlear Implants Original Articles

    Yamaguchi, Cintia Tizue; Goffi-Gomez, Maria Valéria Schmidt

    Resumo em Inglês:

    Introduction The exclusive use of a cochlear implant (CI) in one ear allows patients to effectively hear speech in a quiet environment. However, in environments with competing noise, the processing of multiple sounds becomes complex. In an attempt to promote binaural hearing in a noninvasive manner, the use of a hearing aid in the nonimplanted ear is suggested for patients with a unilateral CI. Aims To identify the prevalence of hearing aid use in the contralateral ear in adults who already have a CI; to determine the reasons why some patients do not use contralateral hearing aids (CHAs); and to analyze the effects of residual hearing in CHA users. Materials and Methods This is a clinical study in 82 adult patients with CI implants who responded to a questionnaire designed to determine current use of CHA. Results In our patient sample, 70 CHA nonusers were identified. The prevalence of CHA users was determined to be 12% with a 95% confidence interval of 11 to 13%. About 58.2% of the CHA nonusers reported a lack of noticeable benefit even after wearing hearing aids, and 23.6% reported not having received the option to use a CHA. CHA users had a pure tone average of 107-dB hearing level, whereas CHA nonusers had a pure tone average of 117-dB hearing level. Conclusion The prevalence of the use of a CHA is low in our study. We attribute the low use of a CHA to either a lack of residual hearing or to a lack of benefit from the amplification.
  • Allergen-Specific Immunotherapy in Patients 55 Years and Older: Results and Review of Literature Original Articles

    Baptistella, Eduardo; Maniglia, Sergio; Malucelli, Diego Augusto; Rispoli, Daniel; Silva, Thanara Pruner de; Tsuru, Fernanda Miyoko; Becker, Renata Vecentin; Bernardi, Gustavo; Dranka, Daniela; Ferraz, Bruno

    Resumo em Inglês:

    Introduction Over the years the immune system suffers many morphologic and functional alterations, which result in a peak of function in puberty and a gradual decrease in the elderly. Aim Treat patients 55 years or older with allergic rhinitis with immunotherapy and then analyze the response to allergens. Materials and Methods From June 2009 to July 2010, 104 charts of patients 55 years or older with allergic complaints were evaluated. The patients were selected by anamnesis, physical examination, and otorhinolaryngologic exam. The patients had cutaneous test for mites before and after 1 year of sublingual specific immunotherapy. The cutaneous response was classified as negative (absent), light, moderate, or severe. Results Before vaccination, 42 (40.4%) patients were classified as having a severe form of allergy and 62 (59.6%) as having a moderate allergy. After the specific therapy, 40 (38.4%) patients were classified as negative (absent), 37 (35.6%) as light, 19 (18.3%) as moderate, and 8 (7.7%) as severe responses. Conclusion Immunotherapy, a desensitization technique, is indicated in cases which patients cannot avoid the exposure to allergens and in situations where pharmacologic therapy is not ideal. Specific immunotherapy to treat the allergic rhinitis in elderly patients was efficient and had no collateral effects, and in addition to the clinical benefit, improvement in the cutaneous test could also be observed.
  • Vector Electronystagmography Analysis in Elderly Individuals with Dizziness Complaint Original Articles

    Ferreira, Lidiane Maria de Brito Macedo; Ribeiro, Karyna Mirelly O. B. de Figueiredo; Pestana, André; Ribeiro, Arthur Jorge de Vasconcelos; Lima, Kenio Costa de

    Resumo em Inglês:

    Introduction Vector electronystagmography is widely used to evaluate vestibular function; however, elderly patients may show changes not due to vestibular disorders. Aim This study aims to characterize vector electronystagmography tests in the elderly participants in a service station of the Brazilian public health system, the Unified Health System (SUS) in the city of Natal, who presented with dizziness. Methods A cross-sectional and clinical study to characterize the vector electronystagmography in 10 members of an elderly SUS referral center located in the city of Natal with dizziness. Results Of 10 patients interviewed, 9 were women, and just 1 was a man. All complained of dizziness in the last year, and most of them had more than one type of dizziness. The main differential diagnosis was benign paroxysmal positional vertigo. Regarding vector electronystagmography, we found 20% of patients with semispontaneous nystagmus in at least one direction and changes in saccades latency in 100% of patients, with 20% in relation to the accuracy of pendular tracking changes at the frequency of 0.2 Hz, 10% at 0.4 Hz, and 80% at 0.8 Hz, and 10% change in optokinetic gain. No patient had altered caloric test. Conclusion Vector electronystagmography alterations in the elderly do not always indicate disease.
  • Characterization of Swallowing Sounds with the Use of Sonar Doppler in Full-Term and Preterm Newborns Original Articles

    Lagos, Hellen Nataly Correia; Santos, Rosane Sampaio; Abdulmassih, Edna Marcia da Silva; Gallinea, Liliane Friedrich; Langone, Mariangela

    Resumo em Inglês:

    Introduction Technological advances have provided a large variety of instruments to view the swallowing event, aiding in the evaluation, diagnosis, and monitoring of disturbances. These advances include electromyography of the surface, dynamic video fluoroscopy, and most recently sonar Doppler. Objective To characterize swallowing sounds in typical children through the use of sonar Doppler. Method Thirty newborns participated in this prospective study. All newborns received breast milk through either their mother's breasts or bottles during data collection. The newborns were placed in either right lateral or left lateral positions when given breast milk through their mother's breasts and in a sitting position when given a bottle. There were five variables measured: initial frequency of sound wave (FoI), frequency of the first peak of the sound wave (FoP1), frequency of the second peak of the sound wave (FoP2), initial intensity and final sound wave (II and IF), and swallowing length (T), the time elapsed from the beginning until the end of the analyzed acoustic signal measured by the audio signal, in seconds. Results The values obtained in the initial frequency of the babies had a mean of 850 Hz. In terms of frequency of first peak, only three presented with a subtle peak, which was due to the elevated larynx position. Conclusion The use of sonar Doppler as a complementary exam for clinical evaluations is of upmost importance because it is nonintrusive and painless, and it is not necessary to place patients in a special room or expose them to radiation.
  • Are Histologic Studies of Adenotonsillectomy Really Necessary? Original Articles

    Rebechi, Giseli; Pontes, Thiago Euênio; Braga, Elias Lobo; Matos, Willian Maduel; Rebechi, Fernando; Matsuyama, Cícero

    Resumo em Inglês:

    Introduction In most ear, nose, and throat services, it is routine to send the material extracted from tonsillectomy for histologic study to research malignancy, to analyze suspect material, or to provide medical-legal documentation. Recent studies have shown that this routine analysis is dispensable. Objective To evaluate the actual need and perform a cost–benefit analysis of routine histopathologic examination in tonsillectomy with no signs or symptoms of malignancy. Methods A retrospective observational study evaluated the charts of patients undergoing adenotonsillectomy, tonsillectomy, or adenoidectomy from January 2008 to September 2009 at the Institute of Otorhinolaryngology CEMA-SP. Costs of this test for the public health system were analyzed and the literature reviewed. Results We studied 281 patients between 2 and 22 years of age; 142 (50.5%) were male and 139 (49.5%) were female. Of the surgeries, 201 were adenotonsillectomies (71.5%), 41 were tonsillectomies (14.5%), and 39 were adenoidectomies (14%). The most common indication for surgery was recurrent infection (63.3%). None of study patients had clinical suspicion of malignancy. The tests showed a cost of R$20.03 per tonsil analyzed. Conclusion Routine histopathologic examination in patients undergoing adenotonsillectomy with no signs or symptoms of malignancy is dispensable and increases the cost of the surgeries.
  • A Descriptive Epidemiology Study of Oral Cleft in Sergipe, Brazil Update Article

    Luiza, Andrea; Góis, Diego Noronha de; Santos, Jadson Alípio Santana de Sousa; Oliveira, Rosany Larissa Brito de; Silva, Luiz Carlos Ferreira da

    Resumo em Inglês:

    Introduction The nonsyndromic orofacial cleft is the fourth most common birth defect, but in Brazil, data about the cleft epidemiology are not accurate. Objective This study aimed to describe the epidemiologic characteristics of oral cleft cases at Specialized Society Attending Cleft Patient in Sergipe State. Methods Data were obtained from patients' medical records in relation to the following characteristics: age; gender; race; origin; cleft type; additional malformations and/or complications; prenatal accomplishment; treatment applied. For diagnosis analysis, it was noted if mothers had received prenatal care and if they had ultrasonography performed and if the cleft was viewed in it. Results We observed a prevalence of male gender (54%). Age between 0 and 4 years old was most prevalent (53%), and pheoderma race was observed in 47%. Transincisive foramen cleft was found in 52.3% of the individuals. The prevalence of pre- and transincisive foramen cleft was higher in men (66.3 and 55.7%), women accounted for 65.0% of postincisive foramen, and atypical facial cleft (0.3%) occurred in one case. Associated malformations and complications were present in 12% of patients. Prenatal care was reported by 48% of the mothers. Conclusion In this study male gender was the most affected, and 0 to 4 years was the most frequent age group. Transincisive foramen cleft type was most frequently encountered. Prenatal care was reported by most mothers. So, this study found that early treatment is a reality in SEAFESE (Service Specializing in Cleft Care of Sergipe), and consequently the chances of successful integration of the child to society will be better.
  • Tympanometry in Infants: A Study of the Sensitivity and Specificity of 226-Hz and 1,000-Hz Probe Tones Review Article

    Carmo, Michele Picanço; Costa, Nayara Thais de Oliveira; Momensohn-Santos, Teresa Maria

    Resumo em Inglês:

    Introduction For infants under 6 months, the literature recommends 1,000-Hz tympanometry, which has a greater sensitivity for the correct identification of middle ear disorders in this population. Objective To systematically analyze national and international publications found in electronic databases that used tympanometry with 226-Hz and 1,000-Hz probe tones. Data Synthesis Initially, we identified 36 articles in the SciELO database, 11 in the Latin American and Caribbean Literature on the Health Sciences (LILACS) database, 199 in MEDLINE, 0 in the Cochrane database, 16 in ISI Web of Knowledge, and 185 in the Scopus database. We excluded 433 articles because they did not fit the selection criteria, leaving 14 publications that were analyzed in their entirety. Conclusions The 1,000-Hz tone test has greater sensitivity and specificity for the correct identification of tympanometric curve changes. However, it is necessary to clarify the doubts that still exist regarding the use of this test frequency. Improved methods for rating curves, standardization of normality criteria, and the types of curves found in infants should be addressed.
  • Rehabilitation with Cochlear Implant in Patient with Harboyan Syndrome Case Reports

    Paniagua, Lauren Medeiros; Dorfman, Maria Elza Kazumi Yamaguti; Lavinsky, Luiz; Sleifer, Pricila

    Resumo em Inglês:

    Background Harboyan syndrome, defined as congenital corneal dystrophy associated with progressive sensorineural hearing loss, was first described by Harboyan in 1971. It is a hereditary disease manifested by eye lesions consistent with corneal endothelial dystrophy and progressive sensorineural hearing loss. There is bilateral symmetric progressive hearing loss, which may be either dominant or recessive. Objective To report a case of a patient with a diagnosis of Harboyan syndrome. Case Report A 25-year-old woman with profound bilateral sensorineural hearing loss, showing poor hearing performance while using a personal sound amplification device, underwent hearing rehabilitation with a cochlear implant. Conclusion Rehabilitation was imperative in this case. The cochlear implant has proven to be the best therapeutic option, providing the patient with a better quality of life.
  • Dermoid of the Nasopharynx Causing Neonatal Respiratory Distress Case Reports

    Manica, Denise; Saleh Neto, Cátia; Schweiger, Cláudia; Cortina, Marcelo; Kuhl, Gabriel

    Resumo em Inglês:

    The dermoid is a rare and benign malformation of bigerminal origin. It is seen frequently in the neonatal period, and the clinical presentation depends on the site and on the size of the lesion, and the classical clinical picture is of a tumor derived from the naso- or oropharynx, leading to respiratory distress and/or feeding disorders. A female newborn was born cyanotic requiring intubation. The oroscopy revealed a large smooth mass. Transoral surgery was performed with successful extubation. Seven months after, there are no signs of recurrence of the lesion. This report adds another case of this rare pathology that can be life-threatening condition in the neonate. It emphasizes the importance of dermoid in the differential diagnosis of the naso- or oropharyngeal lesions, especially in neonates.
  • Stage II Chronic Maxillary Atelectasis Associated with Subclinical Visual Field Defect Case Reports

    Mangussi-Gomes, João; Nakanishi, Márcio; Chalita, Maria Regina; Damasco, Fabiana; Oliveira, Carlos Augusto Costa Pires De

    Resumo em Inglês:

    Introduction Chronic maxillary atelectasis (CMA) is characterized by a persistent decrease in the maxillary sinus volume due to inward bowing of its walls. According to its severity, it may be classified into three clinical-radiological stages. Objective To report a case of stage II CMA associated with subclinical visual field defect. Case Report A 34-year-old woman presented with a 15-year history of recurrent episodes of sinusitis and intermittent right facial discomfort for the past 5 years. She denied visual complaints, and no facial deformities were observed on physical examination. Paranasal sinus computed tomography (CT) demonstrated a completely opacified right maxillary sinus with inward bowing of its walls, suggesting the diagnosis of stage II CMA. A computerized campimetry (CC) disclosed a scotoma adjacent to the blind spot of the right eye, indicating a possible damage to the optic nerve. The patient was submitted to functional endoscopic sinus surgery, with drainage of a thick mucous fluid from the sinus. She did well after surgery and has been asymptomatic since then. Postoperative CT was satisfactory and CC was normal. Discussion CMA occurs because of a persistent ostiomeatal obstruction, which creates negative pressure inside the sinus. It is associated with nasosinusal symptoms but had never been described in association with any visual field defect. It can be divided into stage I (membranous deformity), stage II (bony deformity), and stage III (clinical deformity). The silent sinus syndrome is a special form of CMA. This term should only be used to describe those cases with spontaneous enophthalmos, hypoglobus, and/or midfacial deformity in the absence of nasosinusal symptoms.
  • Human Syngamosis as an Uncommon Cause of Chronic Cough Case Reports

    Pulcherio, Janaína Oliveira Bentivi; Silva, Eduardo Oliveira Machado da; Rezende, Daniela Pereira; Barbeira, Patrícia Bittencourt Barcia; Machado, Rosane Siciliano; Oliveira, Marcos Aurélio Baptista de

    Resumo em Inglês:

    Introduction Chronic cough may represent a diagnostic challenge. Chronic parasitism of upper airways is an unusual cause. Objective To describe a case of human syngamosis as an uncommon cause of dry cough. Case Report An endoscopic exam performed in a woman suffering of chronic cough revealed a Y-shaped worm in the larynx identified as Syngamus laryngeus. Discussion This nematode parasitizes the upper respiratory tract of many animals including humans. The diagnosis is performed by the examination of the worm expelled by cough or by endoscopy. Endoscopic exam is easy to perform and is essential in the diagnosis of causes of chronic cough, even uncommon entities. Removal is the only efficient treatment.
  • Adult Rhabdomyoma of the Larynx Case Reports

    Pinho, Márcia Monteiro; Castro, Jair de Carvalho e; Ramos, Rosana Grandelle

    Resumo em Inglês:

    Introduction Rhabdomyoma is a rare benign tumor derived from skeletal muscles. Laryngeal rhabdomyomas are even rarer, with only approximately 40 reported cases in world literature. Laryngeal rhabdomyomas usually are seen as masses covered by mucosa. They are often solitary asymptomatic tumors, but symptoms such as hoarseness can occur. The radiologic features are usually those typical of benign neoplasms, showing well-delineated borders. The differential diagnoses for laryngeal masses include cysts, laryngoceles, and benign and malignant neoplasms. The diagnosis is usually made using histopathologic findings, but in some cases some difficulties can be found. Immunohistochemical staining is of great value in the differentiation of similar tumors. Treatment of rhabdomyoma is surgical excision. Objective To describe a case of rhabdomyoma of the larynx attended at Santa Casa de Misericórdia do Rio de Janeiro. Case Report A 35-year-old man presented with progressive hoarseness in the preceding year. Laryngoscopy showed a large submucosal tumor at the supraglottic region of the larynx. The neck computed tomography scan confirmed the submucosal mass, with distinct borders. The patient was taken to the operating suite, where endoscopic extirpation of the mass was performed. Initial histologic diagnosis was suggestive of paraganglioma, which was not confirmed by studies with immunohistochemical markers, and diagnosis was changed to adult-type rhabdomyoma. The patient recovered well. His voice returned to normal after 3 months. Discussion Although muscle tumors of the larynx are very rare, rhabdomyoma should be considered when there is a submucosal mass in the larynx.
  • Atypical Manifestation of Vestibular Schwannoma Case Reports

    Webster, Guilherme; Ortega Filho, Rui Carlos; Sousa, Antonini de Oliveira e; Salmito, Márcio Cavalcante; Favero, Mariana Lopes; Marques, Patrícia Maria Sens

    Resumo em Inglês:

    Introduction Vestibular schwannoma (also known as acoustic neuroma) is a benign tumor whose cells are derived from Schwann sheaths, which commonly occurs from the vestibular portion of the eighth cranial nerve. Furthermore, vestibular schwannomas account for ∼8% of intracranial tumors in adults and 80 to 90% of tumors of the cerebellopontine angle. Its symptoms are varied, but what stands out most is a unilateral sensorineural hearing loss, with a low index of speech recognition. Objective Describe an atypical manifestation of vestibular schwannoma. Case Report The 46-year-old woman had vertigo and binaural hearing loss and fullness, with ear, nose, and throat examination suggestive of cochlear injury. After 6 months, the patient developed worsening of symptoms and onset of right unilateral tinnitus. In further exams the signs of cochlear damage remained, except for the vestibular test (hyporeflexia). Magnetic resonance imaging showed an expansive lesion in the right cerebellopontine angle. Discussion This report warns about the atypical manifestations of vestibular schwannoma, which must always be remembered in investigating and diagnosing hearing loss.
  • Giant Nasolabial Cyst Treated Using Neumann Incision: Case Report Case Reports

    Ordones, Alexandre Beraldo; Neri, Larissa; Oliveira, Ingrid Helena Lopes; Tepedino, Miguel Soares; Pinna, Fábio de Rezende; Voegels, Richard Louis

    Resumo em Inglês:

    Introduction A nasolabial cyst is an ectodermal development cyst. It presents as a fullness of canine fossa, nasal ala, or vestibule of the nose. It is rare and usually small. Treatment consists of complete surgical excision or transnasal endoscopic marsupialization. Objective To describe a giant nasolabial cyst case treated using Neumann incision. Case Report A 37-year-old man was referred to the otolaryngology department with nasal obstruction and nasal deformity. Computed tomography showed a nasal cystic lesion 4 × 4.5 × 5 cm wide. Surgical excision using Neumann incision was performed. Discussion Neumann incision provides wide access to the nasal cavity and may be useful in nasolabial cyst treatment.
  • Cochlear Implants in Children Diagnosed with CHARGE Syndrome Case Reports

    Cardoso, Carolina Costa; Meneses, Michelle Sales de; Silva, Isabella Monteiro de Castro; Alves, Angela Maria Vaccaro Silva

    Resumo em Inglês:

    Introduction The CHARGE association (coloboma of the eyes; heart disease; atresia of the choanae; retarded growth and development; genital hypoplasia/genitourinary anomalies; ear anomalies and/or hearing loss) was first described in 1979 by Hall, and among its main features is hearing loss. This study presents a case aiming to establish relationships between performance on Infant Toddler Meaningful Auditory Integration Scale (IT-MAIS) and Meaningful Use of Speech Scales (MUSS) tests and the analysis of hearing and language categories of a patient diagnosed with CHARGE syndrome, before and after cochlear implant (CI) surgery. Case Report A 7-year-old girl was diagnosed with CHARGE. She had severe sensorineural hearing loss and was a prelingual unilateral CI user. We analyzed data from the patient's medical records regarding therapies and video recordings. Results The patient showed positive results in all evaluations after CI. IT-MAIS rose from 5 to 90% following the use of CI. MUSS also rose, from 75 to 72.5%, after use of CI. Classification of Auditory Skills changed from category 1 before use of CI to category 6 after use of CI. Classification of Language Skills changed from category 1 before use of CI to category 3 after use of CI. The CI is an aid but there are many factors in the therapeutic process, and great heterogeneity in individuals diagnosed with CHARGE should be investigated. Conclusion The development of listening and language skills after CI use was demonstrated by IT-MAIS and MUSS tests, and categorization of speech and hearing in this child with a diagnosis of CHARGE syndrome shows that CI can be an effective technological resource to provide information on hearing as one source for language construction.
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