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Ilha do Desterro, Número: 66, Publicado: 2014
  • Introduction: L2 Learning/teaching and Technology: A 'CALL' for a change? Artigos

    D'Ely, Raquel Carolina Souza Ferraz; Tavares, Maria da Gloria Guará

    Borges, Vládia M. C.

    Resumo em Inglês:

    This study investigated the extent to which ESL/EFL software programs on the market develop language skills. A software evaluation instrument was used to evaluate fifteen ESL/EFL software programs for the technological, pedagogical and individualization features that would account for the incorporation of Communicative Language Teaching (CLT) principles and an interactive approach to computer use in language teaching. Results indicated that only three programs incorporated more than 75% of the technological features, four programs incorporated more than 70% of the pedagogical features, and only one program contained more than 70% of the features that allow for individualization of instruction. Overall, only two programs incorporated more than 70% of all analyzed features. The analysis of the programs provided evidence that the differentiating factor in ESL software programs lies not only in their pedagogical orientation, but also in how they incorporate CLT principles and an interactive approach to computer use into their design.
  • Blogging: agency, mindset and literacy Artigos

    Paiva, Vera Lucia Menezes de Oliveira e; Braga, Junia de Carvalho Fidelis

    Resumo em Inglês:

    In this article, we discuss the concepts of agency, mindset and literacy in order to investigate, in the light of complexity theory, three groups of teachers and their blogging practices. Our aim was to check if formal teaching of digital technologies have 'disturbed' the traditional literacy behavior of our participants and changed their mindsets. We visited their blogs to check if they went on blogging after the end of the course and emailed them a questionnaire to learn about their experiences with this new literacy and to collect their opinions about blogging. We realized that just a few blogs were relatively active and that the majority of the teachers had not incorporated this new literacy into their teaching practices. Nevertheless, the results do not allow us to state that those teachers have not changed their mindsets because they might have migrated to other digital contexts.

    Gimenez, Telma; Ramos, Samantha Gonçalves Mancini

    Resumo em Português:

    Embora tenha havido crescimento considerável no uso de Tecnologias de Informação e Comunicação (TIC) no ensino a distância no Brasil na última década, a formação de professores de línguas estrangeiras para esse contexto ainda se dá de modo tímido. Neste artigo relatamos a experiência de realização de estágio na Prática de Ensino de Inglês em um curso de Letras, na qual os professores em formação se encarregaram de todas as etapas de realização de um curso de extensão oferecido na plataforma Moodle. Orientado por abordagem reflexiva e colaborativa, o processo formativo incluiu a redação de um artigo acadêmico relativo à experiência. Os artigos dos cinco estagiários que realizaram a prática de ensino nessa modalidade em 2013 foram analisados, buscando-se verificar suas representações por meio das apropriações da literatura bem como das considerações sobre a prática na construção de conhecimento sobre ensino a distância. O contato com a literatura parece ter servido para fortalecer a adesão à proposta do estágio e a experiência vivida apontou para aspectos que poderiam ser melhorados em futuras ofertas do mesmo curso. Os resultados sugerem que oportunidades como as relatadas poderiam contribuir para construção de conhecimentos teórico-práticos sobre ensino a distância.

    Resumo em Inglês:

    Although there has been considerable growth in the use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) in distance education in Brazil in the last decade, the education of foreign language teachers in this context seems to remain scarce. We report the experience of an English language teaching practicum in a 'Letras' course in which student-teachers were responsible for all stages of design and implementation of an extracurricular course offered on the Moodle platform. Guided by a reflective and collaborative approach, the professional preparation process included the writing of an academic article on the experience. The papers written by the five student teachers who did their practicum by means of this mode in 2013 were analyzed. The purpose was to verify the appropriation of literature as well as practical considerations in building knowledge about distance learning. The contact with the literature seems to have served to strengthen adherence to the supervisor's proposal and the lived experience pointed to aspects that could be improved in future offers of the same course. The results suggest that opportunities such as those reported could contribute to the construction of theoretical and practical knowledge about distance learning.
  • Telecollaborative interactions in the learning of foreign languages: focus on the use of the resources of a web conferencing software known as Openmeetings Artigos

    Figueiredo, Francisco José Quaresma de; da Silva, Suelene Vaz

    Resumo em Inglês:

    This paper is part of a study conducted among Brazilian learners and their German partners who interacted, through a virtual context, to learn languages and to develop a project on environmental sustainability. It is a qualitative research (BOGDAN ; BIKLEN, 1994) conducted from August to December in 2010. The data, collected through a software called Openmeetings, were analyzed using mainly the theoretical perspectives of collaborative language learning and negotiation (FIGUEIREDO, 2006; PICA, 1994) and language learning in tandem/teletandem (BENEDETT I, 2010; TELLES, 2009a; VASSALO; TELLES, 2006, 2009). The results discussed in this paper show how the learners congregate the use of the features present in Openmeetings and other resources associated with it to help their partners in the learning of Portuguese and English, as well as to talk about issues related to the theme of the proposed project.

    Resumo em Inglês:

    This paper is part of a study conducted among Brazilian learners and their German partners who interacted, through a virtual context, to learn languages and to develop a project on environmental sustainability. It is a qualitative research (BOGDAN ; BIKLEN, 1994) conducted from August to December in 2010. The data, collected through a software called Openmeetings, were analyzed using mainly the theoretical perspectives of collaborative language learning and negotiation (FIGUEIREDO, 2006; PICA, 1994) and language learning in tandem/teletandem (BENEDETT I, 2010; TELLES, 2009a; VASSALO; TELLES, 2006, 2009). The results discussed in this paper show how the learners congregate the use of the features present in Openmeetings and other resources associated with it to help their partners in the learning of Portuguese and English, as well as to talk about issues related to the theme of the proposed project.

    Araújo, Júlio; Turolo-Silva, Andréia

    Resumo em Português:

    Trata-se de uma pesquisa de caráter exploratório, de base etnográfica (FRAGOSO, 2011), que teve como objetivos específicos identificar, descrever e explicar os modos de representação sobre a língua inglesa de futuros professores desta língua em processo de formação inicial, conforme interagiam em fóruns online sobre temas relacionados aos estudos da linguagem. Para complementar a análise, os participantes desta pesquisa responderam a uma pergunta motivadora. As bases teóricas que sustentaram a análise foram construídas a partir das propostas de Fairclough (2001, 2003, 2009), de uma abordagem dialético-relacional de Análise de Discurso Crítica, principalmente o que se refere a discursos enquanto representação, e de van Dijk (2008, 2009), de uma abordagem sócio-cognitiva de Estudos Críticos de Discurso, principalmente ao que se refere a modos de representação. Os resultados obtidos de certa forma convalidaram um discurso latente de hegemonia da língua inglesa. Foram encontradas, no entanto, discrepâncias nos modos de representar a língua inglesa entre o discurso natural e o discurso motivado pela pergunta.

    Resumo em Inglês:

    This is an exploratory research with ethnographic basis (FRAGOSO 2011), and which had as specific objectives to identify, describe and explain the modes of representation of the English language by future English teachers while they interacted in online discussion forums about themes related to language studies in general, in a pre-service teacher education program. To complement the analysis, the research participants answered a motivating question. The theoretical bases on which this research was built were the dialectical-relational approach to Critical Discourse Analysis of Fairclough (2001, 2003, 2009), especially what refers to discourses as representations, and the sociocognitive approach to Critical Discourse Studies of van Dijk (2008, 2009), especially what refers to modes of representation. The results could somehow validate a common discourse of the English language hegemony. However, discrepancies were found between the modes of representation of the English language in the natural discourse and in the question-motivated discourse.
  • Recursos digitais e aprendizagem de inglês como língua estrangeira Artigos

    Tumolo, Celso

    Resumo em Português:

    In this article, I present the results of a research carried out on the digital resources used for the development of English as a foreign language (FL), based on the resources available on the Internet, as well as a characterization of the identified resources. Considering four essential aspects for the development of a foreign language, namely components of language ability, interaction, integration of the four skills, and motivation, I present a reflection on how they can be used, pointing to ways each of the resources identified can be used for the teaching and learning of English as a FL. Lastly, I conclude that the identified resources can meet the requirements of the essential aspects, both for the teacher to use in the teaching practice, and for the learner, with autonomous initiatives for learning, with the aim of developing English as a FL.

    Resumo em Português:

    In this article, I present the results of a research carried out on the digital resources used for the development of English as a foreign language (FL), based on the resources available on the Internet, as well as a characterization of the identified resources. Considering four essential aspects for the development of a foreign language, namely components of language ability, interaction, integration of the four skills, and motivation, I present a reflection on how they can be used, pointing to ways each of the resources identified can be used for the teaching and learning of English as a FL. Lastly, I conclude that the identified resources can meet the requirements of the essential aspects, both for the teacher to use in the teaching practice, and for the learner, with autonomous initiatives for learning, with the aim of developing English as a FL.

    Finardi, Kyria Rebecca; Porcino, Maria Carolina

    Resumo em Inglês:

    The paper reflects on the role of technology in English language teaching (ELT) methodologies and on the impact of globalization and internationalization in education in general and in the ELT in particular. The study is based on the assumption that access to information and technology is necessary to build social capital (WARSCHAUER, 2003) and that this access requires some English knowledge and digital literacy (FINARDI; PREBIANCA; MOMM, 2013). Departing from a bibliographic review on the use of ELT methodologies and the role of technologies in these methodologies the study proposes that both the resistance to and the uncritical use of technologies and methodologies may bring negative consequences to the development of English language proficiency and social development in Brazil. The study concludes that in the post-method (BROWN, 2002; KUMARAVADIVELO, 2003) and information era (LEVY, 1999) technologies have a relevant and crucial role that should be critically considered in ELT methodologies. The study also suggests that the informed use of technologies and methodologies, allied with the teaching of English as an international language are essential to leverage the development and the internationalization of education in Brazil in a critical way in relation to the effects globalization.

    Resumo em Inglês:

    The paper reflects on the role of technology in English language teaching (ELT) methodologies and on the impact of globalization and internationalization in education in general and in the ELT in particular. The study is based on the assumption that access to information and technology is necessary to build social capital (WARSCHAUER, 2003) and that this access requires some English knowledge and digital literacy (FINARDI; PREBIANCA; MOMM, 2013). Departing from a bibliographic review on the use of ELT methodologies and the role of technologies in these methodologies the study proposes that both the resistance to and the uncritical use of technologies and methodologies may bring negative consequences to the development of English language proficiency and social development in Brazil. The study concludes that in the post-method (BROWN, 2002; KUMARAVADIVELO, 2003) and information era (LEVY, 1999) technologies have a relevant and crucial role that should be critically considered in ELT methodologies. The study also suggests that the informed use of technologies and methodologies, allied with the teaching of English as an international language are essential to leverage the development and the internationalization of education in Brazil in a critical way in relation to the effects globalization.
  • INTERVIEW WITH MARTA GONZÁLEZ-LLORET AND VILSON LEFFA: Building an interface between SLA and Technology Artigos

    D`Ely, Raquel Carolina Souza Ferraz; Guará-Tavares, Maria da Gloria
  • Review Book Reviews

    Matielo, Rafael; Farias, Priscila
  • Review Book Reviews

    Cardoso, Gisele Luz
Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro de Comunicação e Expressão, Bloco B- 405, CEP: 88040-900, Florianópolis, SC, Brasil, Tel.: (48) 37219455 / (48) 3721-9819 - Florianópolis - SC - Brazil