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Ilha do Desterro, Volume: 68, Número: 2, Publicado: 2015
  • Apresentação: Corpo e Literatura Editorial

    Campello, Eliane; Schmidt, Rita Terezinha

    Schneider, Liane

    Resumo em Português:

    Neste artigo propomos a discussão de diversas teorias culturais contemporâneas sobre o corpo, o sujeito migrante e sua relação com as fronteiras, discurso aqui justaposto à crítica literária, enfocando uma narrativa em que a protagonista e as representações de seu corpo desvelam marcas linguísticas e culturais em um espaço de inserção provisória. Buscamos verificar se o estado de suspensão é, na narrativa em questão, uma estratégia de sobrevivência psicológica, linguística e cultural encontrada pela protagonista ao longo de seus deslocamentos. O romance em foco é o de Paloma Vidal, intitulado Algum lugar (2009), a partir do qual tecemos nossas considerações sobre corpo migrante e estado de suspensão, conceito que tangencialmente se aproxima da ideia de entre lugar, mas numa perspectiva mais espacial do que geográfica. Utilizamos as teorias desenvolvidas por Elizabeth Grosz, Glória Anzaldúa, Susan Bordo, entre outras, na leitura crítica aqui apresentada do romance em foco.

    Resumo em Inglês:

    In this article we propose the discussion of different cultural theories of today on the body, the migrant subject and its relation to the concept of frontier, always in dialogue with literary criticism. We focus on a narrative in which the protagonist as well as the representation of her body unveil cultural and linguistic markers, always in a space of provisional insertion, planning to verify if the state of suspension is a survival strategy in pshycological, linguistic and cultural ways. The narrative we deal with is Algum lugar (2009), by Paloma Vidal, a novel from which we weave our considerations on the migrant body and its state of suspension, a concept we see as in dialogue with the concept of in-between, but here in a perspective arranged in ways that are more spacial than geographic. We take as our theoretical foundations Elizabeth Grosz, Glória Anzaldua, Susan Bordo, among others for developing the critical reading we present on the selected novel.

    Santana, Jorge Alves

    Resumo em Português:

    Representações de processos de subjetivações e de espaços transversais são observadas e analisadas na narrativa Um copo de cólera, de Raduan Nassar. Entre vestígios da loucura, obtidos por uma atualização da imagem da Nau dos Loucos, nos enfrentamentos entre o bucolismo pastoral e a emergência da produtividade urbana, vai-se para a produção territorializada e desterritorializada de rostidades que demonstram aberturas para possibilidades de novos acordos afetivos, culturais e políticos, nos quais os sentidos da loucura se deslocam para realidades menos essencialistas e mais históricas

    Resumo em Inglês:

    Representations of the process of subjectivity and transversal spaces are perceived and analyzed in Raduan Nassar's Um copo de cólera. Among traces of madness, obtained by an updating of the image of The ship of fools in the conflict between pastoral bucolism and the emergency of urban productivity, the study proceeds to the territorialized and deterritorialized production of faciality that reveal openings to possibilities of new emotional, cultural and political pacts in which the meaning of madness moves to less essentialist and more historical realities.

    Gabriel, Maria Alice Ribeiro

    Resumo em Português:

    Como ver o corpo além de sua materialidade é, obviamente, uma das maiores preocupações da ficção gótica de Edgar Allan Poe: "Metzengerstein", "Morella", "Ligeia", "Uma estória das montanhas Ragged", "Revelação mesmérica" e "Os fatos no caso de monsieur Valdemar" são alguns exemplos. Mas em seu grotesque cômico "O homem que fora consumido - Uma história das velhas campanhas dos Bugaboos e Kickapoos", o humor negro e a sátira social prevalecem quando a trama centra-se no famoso brigadeiro por distinção John A. B. C. Smith e na obsessão do protagonista "Sobre este assunto - o do aspecto pessoal de Smith". Este artigo pretende estabelecer algumas observações sobre as personagens do general Smith e do narrador não nomeado, utilizando como parâmetro teórico para esta análise os conceitos de patologia da adaptação, de Mahmoud Sami-Ali, e os de personalidade narcísica e estado-limite, desenvolvidos por Didier Anzieu.

    Resumo em Inglês:

    How to see the body beyond its materiality is obviously one of majors preoccupations of Edgar Allan Poe's gothic fiction: "Metzengerstein", "Morella", "Ligeia", "A Tale of the Ragged Mountains", "Mesmeric Revelation" and "The Facts in the Case of M. Valdemar" are some examples. But in his comic grotesque "The Man Was Used Up-A Tale of the Late Bugaboo and Kickapoo Campaign", dark humour and social satire prevail when the bizarre plot focuses on the famous Brevet Brigadier General John A. B. C. Smith and the protagonist's obsession with "the topic of Smith's personal appearance". This paper intends to develop some observations on the personalities of General Smith and the unnamed narrator. The concept of pathology of adaptation, according Mahmoud Sami-Ali, and Didier Anzieu's structures of narcissistic personality and borderline personality disorder provide the model for this analysis.

    G.Cykman, Avital

    Resumo em Português:

    Esse artigo realiza uma análise do romance Bodily Harm (1981) (Dano Corporal) escrito por Margaret Atwood, a partir do estudo da ligação entre a corporealidade e a contextualidade. Em especial, observa-se a relação entre o contexto histórico e sociocultural no qual a identidade é formada e a maneira como a protagonista percebe o corpo e a si mesma. Além disso, aborda-se a viagem retrospectiva da protagonista como fundamento de uma desconstrução de seus valores, comportamento, relações sociais e desconfortos com o corpo, revelando as relações de poder e as causas sociais relacionadas à sua situação. O estudo centra-se na articulação literária e nos temas principais acerca dos problemas de ser mulher, na análise da relação entre o corpo biológico e o conceito cultural do corpo, e na crítica das representações sociais de mulheres.

    Resumo em Inglês:

    This article analyses Margaret Atwood's novel Bodily Harm (1981) in regard to its exploration of the link between corporeality and contextuality, focusing on the relation between the historical and socio-cultural context in which identity is constructed and the female character's perception of body and self. The study approaches the character's retrospective journey as a basis for a deconstruction of the character's values, behavior, relationships, and discomfort with the body, revealing the power relations and social causes related to her present situation. The study focuses on the literary articulation of the problems of being female, the exploration of the relation between the biological body and the cultural concept of the body, and the criticism of social representations of women.

    Scheidt, Déborah

    Resumo em Inglês:

    "Mateship", or companionship and loyalty in adverse situations, was a common theme in late nineteenth century Australian short stories. Women were excluded from the practice of mateship and were not usually the protagonists of those narratives, being either kept in the background as mothers and housewives, or not present at all in the plots. Going against these stereotypes, in Barbara Baynton's story "Squeaker's Mate", the "mate" is an independent, strong and hard-working woman. Baynton explores the gloomy consequences of this reversal of expected gender roles, especially after an accident leaves the protagonist paralysed and no longer in control of her body. What occurs in "Squeaker's Mate" is a kind of "anti-mateship", in which irony serves as a device to expose gender relations and the exclusion of women from what is traditionally considered heroic and historical. In "Squeaker's Mate", Baynton questioned the adoption of "mateship" as an Australian value more than half a century before that discussion started to draw formal critical attention.

    Dalmaso, Renata Lucena

    Resumo em Inglês:

    Borrowing George Lakoff and Mark Johnson's Conceptual Metaphor theory, and its implications for the study of visual metaphors, this article seeks to investigate the representation of the disabled body in the graphic memoir Tangles: A Story about Alzheimer's, My Mother, and Me(2012), by Sarah Leavitt. The genre of comics, as a cross-discursive medium, is prolific in the use of visual metaphor as a narrative technique and Leavitt's graphic memoir, in particular, employs visual metaphor in the depiction of her mother's experience of Alzheimer's, as someone slowly distancing herself from her family. This article points to ways in which Sarah Leavitt's graphic memoir explores the potential of visual metaphor as an empowering narrative device in terms of representing disability.
  • The Body of the Mother in Contemporary Black Women Narratives: (Re)Writing Immanence Towards Transcendence Articles

    Stevens, Cristina M. T.

    Resumo em Inglês:

    Articulating class, gender and race issues, we analyze black motherhood in novels by contemporary black women writers, the harsh reality of this experience under slavery, colonization and its consequences in contemporary society. They expose the bodily aspects of labor, in deep contrast with the patriarchal, idealized images of Western motherhood; in doing so, however, they reject its characterization as a purely immanent process which defines and entraps women's body in utterly distorted, essentialist terms.
  • "It's always a means to an end":Queering the Caribbean Literary Space in Valmiki's Daughter Articles

    Harris, Leila Assumpção; Pires, Raquel Gonçalves

    Resumo em Inglês:

    The legacy of a colonial past marked by violence and oppression still influences sexual politics on the Caribbean Islands. The absence of laws to protect LGBT citizens together with firmly rooted heteronormative structures make the islands an inhospitable place for those who do not comply with the rules, reinforcing the idea of Caribbean LGBTs as virtually inexistent. In Valmiki's Daughter Shani Mootoo uses literary representation to break "the silence about sexuality and nonnormalizing desire". The novel underscores the sexual diversity of individuals situated inside a region that has been perceived as primarily heterosexual, a perception that needs to be deconstructed. However, Mootoo implicitly acknowledges the constricted space for individuals that do not abide by compulsory heterosexuality, attesting the power of discursive processes and practices that still regulate bodies, genders and desires.
  • Body as Danger: Gender, Race and Body in Toni Morrison's Sula Articles

    Ni, Pi-hua

    Resumo em Inglês:

    This paper aims at tackling the question as to why Sula as a social nonconformist and sexual dissident ends up as an avatar of evil, a powerless victim of witch-hunt and eventually a scapegoat for the decline and misfortunes of her community. To facilitate this critical task, this paper shall first apply Michel Foucault's genealogy of "the body as the bearer of pleasure and desire" as laid out in Abnormal to illustrate that Christian folks in Sula's community interpret Sula's nonconformity as evil and treat her as a danger to their social order. Thus, this paper argues that the black folks' ostracism of Sula betokens their mass hysteria and witch-hunt to exorcise their community of danger and evil. Moreover, this paper suggests that Sula is gendered and racialized as a black witch and symbolically executed. In conclusion, this paper contends that an identification of body with flesh, a phallocentric gender ideology and race bias converge into the black folk's association of Sula with a witch and a danger and their subsequent victimization of Sula as a scapegoat for all the misfortunes of their community.

    Grué, Mélanie

    Resumo em Inglês:

    Using social and queer theory on domination, sexuality and gender, this contribution explores how the queer American author Dorothy Allison celebrates the vilified transgressive lesbian body. As, in the 1970s, the mainstream American feminist movement crystallized around the definition of an acceptable sexuality in the name of femininity, female sexual practices were standardized according to strict identity frames, carnal desire was denied, and transgressive lesbians who play with gender roles were defined as abject. In response to this extreme taming of the body, Allison interrogates the notions of masculinity and femininity, domination and submission in her exploration of sexual pleasure and traumatized sexuality. She celebrates the aggressiveness and masculinity of queer lesbianism, promotes the fluidity of gender roles, and asserts the primacy of the flesh, sensuality, and materiality in sexuality.
Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro de Comunicação e Expressão, Bloco B- 405, CEP: 88040-900, Florianópolis, SC, Brasil, Tel.: (48) 37219455 / (48) 3721-9819 - Florianópolis - SC - Brazil