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Ilha do Desterro, Volume: 71, Número: 1, Publicado: 2018
  • A Journal’s Journey across Time and Space: The Importance of Ilha Do Desterro within Local, National, and Transnational Contexts Article

    Wasserman, Renata; Corseuil, Anelise Reich; Beck, Magali Sperling; Mota, Mailce Borges; Silveira, Rosane

    Resumo em Inglês:

    Abstract: Taking, as a point of departure, the fact that the journal Ilha do Desterro is currently celebrating the publication of its 70th volume, this article presents an overview of Ilha’s trajectory since its first issues, almost forty years ago. Besides tracing the major changes in the journal’s editorial line, the article also demonstrates Ilha’s impact as a transnational scholarly publication. Moreover, by presenting a description of Ilha’s journey along time and space, the article shows the journal’s consolidation as a venue for critical discussions on cultural production within the Anglophone world, offering to its readers state-of-the-art bilingual research in English Language, Literatures in English, and Cultural Studies.
  • Introduction Thematic Section

    Toolan, Michael
  • Children's Literature Parallel Corpora: a Hybrid Experimental Model to Evaluate Transfers of Language Complexity Via Linguistic Transcoding Thematic Section

    Durão, Adja Balbino de Amorim Barbieri; Kloeppel, Paulo Roberto

    Resumo em Inglês:

    Abstract: This article aims at proposing a hybrid model to evaluate language complexity of source and target texts written both in English and Portuguese so that one can analyse what extent language complexity has been transferred from a text to its translation. Here,hybrid modelpoints to paralleled approaches to lexical repetition, lexical diversity and lexical density, readability and word unusualness with the help of some Corpus Linguistics tools. The article also stands for developing adjustments to Paul Nation’s word family lists and Gunning’s GFI formula so that they can be applied to the Portuguese language. Aiming at checking the reliability of the model, the article also presents a case study based on contrastive investigations on The Secret Garden by Burnett and its translation into Portuguese O Jardim Secreto by Perota and Carvalho.
  • Verbal and Verbal-Visual Logico-Semantic Relations in Picturebooks: an English-Brazilian Portuguese Parallel Corpus Study Thematic Section

    Pagano, Adriana Silvina; Paula, Flávia Ferreira de; Ferreguetti, Kícila

    Resumo em Inglês:

    Abstract: This article presents a methodology to analyze verbal and verbal-visual logico-semantic relations in picturebooks originally written in English and their translations into Brazilian Portuguese. Drawing on systemic-functional theory (Halliday & Matthiessen, 2014) and on Visual Grammar (Kress & van Leeuwen, 2006), verbal and visual texts in picturebooks were annotated and analyzed according to the logico-semantic relations identified in them. Results revealed a higher number of clause complexes than simplexes. As regards the type of logico-semantic relations that tend to occur most frequently between clause complexes in verbal text and between verbal and visual text, in both source and translated texts, Projection_Locution is the most frequent logico-semantic relation between clause complexes, while Expansion_Extension is the most frequent logico-semantic relation between verbal and visual text. Differences between source and target texts are basically related to the number of clause complexes. The study brings an original contribution to systemic functional theory and translation studies, as it shows typical patterns of logico-semantic relations in picturebooks and offers a proposal to categorize logico-semantic relations in verbal text and between visual and verbal text that proves to be fully operational for annotation purposes and text analysis.
  • A construção da personagem Aslan e suas relações com o universo cristão em língua inglesa e em língua portuguesa: um estudo baseado no corpus da obra de C. S. Lewis Thematic Section

    Serpa, Talita; Rocha, Celso Fernando; Soares, Vanessa Prestes

    Resumo em Português:

    Resumo: Este trabalho tem por objetivo analisar a construção da personagem Aslan, na crônica The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe (1994), escrita por C. S. Lewis, e na respectiva tradução, realizada por Mendes Campos (2002). Para isso, consideramos a intertextualidade entre tal estória e a narrativa da Bíblia Sagrada (1994), focando-nos, principalmente, nas construções léxico-contextuais que tangem a personagem-objeto de nosso estudo. Para isso, guiamo-nos por pressupostos dos estudos da área da Lexicologia (BARBOSA, 1990, 1998; DUBOIS, 2001), da Linguística de Corpus (BERBER SARDINHA, 2000, 2002) e dos Estudos da Tradução Baseados em Corpus (BAKER, 1999, 2000; CAMARGO, 2005, 2007), bem como nos valemos dos subsídios disponibilizados pelas ferramentas do programa WordSmith Tools (WordList e Concord), a fim de verificarmos qual o comportamento tradutório adotado mediante uma obra rica em significações e relevante dentro do panorama literário mundial. Notamos, com base em nosso levantamento das palavras de maior frequência em contexto, que os textos fonte e meta apresentam aproximações no que diz respeito às escolhas lexicais para a composição intertextual bíblica, criando imagens associativas entre Aslan e Cristo.

    Resumo em Inglês:

    Abstract: The main purpose of this article is to analyze the construction of the character Aslan in the chronicle The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe (1994) written by C. S. Lewis and in its translation into Portuguese by Mendes Campos (2002). We took into consideration the intertextuality presented between the story and the Holy Bible (1994 [Portuguese version]), focusing, mainly, on lexical and contextual constructions in relation to the target-character under investigation. Lexicology (BARBOSA, 1990, 1998; DUBOIS, 2001), Corpus Linguistics (BERBER SARDINHA, 2000, 2002) and Corpus-based translation studies were applied as theoretical background (BAKER, 1999, 2000; CAMARGO, 2005, 2007). We also employed subsidies provided by the software suite WordSmith Tools (Wordlist and Concord) in order to observe the translation procedures adopted to convey into Portuguese a that is relevant work, in the international literary scenario and that abounds symbolic meaning. The results, based on the most frequent words in context, show that both the target and source text present similitudes in terms of words selected to establish intertextual relations with the Bible, crafting associative images between Aslan and Christ.
  • Translating National History for Children: A Case Study of Adventures of Huckleberry Finn Thematic Section

    Epstein, B. J.

    Resumo em Inglês:

    Abstract: Mark Twain’s classic novel The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn is arguably about the history of the United States in terms of slavery and race relations. How, then, can this be translated to another language and culture, especially one with a very different background in regard to minorities? And in particular, how can this be translated for children, who have less knowledge about history and slavery than adult readers? In this article, I analyse how Twain’s novel has been translated to Swedish. I study 15 translations. Surprisingly, I find that instead of retaining Twain’s even-handed portrayal of the two races and his acceptance of a wide variety of types of Americans, Swedish translators tend to emphasise the foreignness, otherness, and lack of education of the black characters. In other words, although the American setting is kept, the translators nevertheless give Swedish readers a very different understanding of the United States and slavery than that which Twain strove to give his American readers. This may reflect the differences in immigration and cultural makeup in Sweden versus in America, but it radically changes the book as well as child readers’ understanding of what makes a nation.
  • Translating Children’s Literature: Some Insights from Corpus Stylistics Thematic Section

    Čermáková, Anna

    Resumo em Inglês:

    Abstract: In this article I explore the potential of a corpus stylistic approach to the study of literary translation. The study focuses on translation of children’s literature with its specific constrains, and illustrates with two corpus linguistic techniques: keyword and cluster analysis - specific cases of repetition. So in a broader sense the article discusses the phenomenon of repetition in different literary (stylistic) traditions. These are illustrated by examples from two children’s classics aimed at two different age groups: the Harry Potter and the Winnie the Pooh books - and their translations into Czech. Various shifts in translation, especially in the translation of children’s literature, are often explained by the operation of so-called “translation universals”. Though “repetition” as such does not belong to the commonly discussed set of translation universals, the stylistic norms opposing repetition seem to be a strong explanation for the translation shifts identified.
  • Children’s Literature in/and Translation: The Oeuvre as Corpus Thematic Section

    Malmkjær, Kirsten

    Resumo em Inglês:

    Abstract: In this article, I argue that whereas Lewis Carroll builds the fantastic world of Alice’s dreams primarily through narration, Hans Christian Andersen uses patterns of lexical choices that recur throughout his opus to build a universe divided solely in terms of a distinction between what is genuine and what is artificial; and this distinction is a central player in all of his work. Arguably, therefore, attention to Andersen’s wider corpus, and to his use of lexis in it, are key to producing translations of Andersen’s work that reflect its essence.
  • How Children’s Literature is Translated: Suggestions for Stylistic Research Using Parallel Corpora Thematic Section

    Toolan, Michael

    Resumo em Inglês:

    Abstract: This paper aims to offer some points of orientation for anyone interested in carrying out research into TCL (the Translation of Children’s Literature) from a translational corpus stylistic perspective. In order to achieve that, I first offer some general observations about Stylistics and Narrative Analysis. Then, I briefly describe the corpus-based system used to show the potential significance of this proposal for a research area within TCL, which has a chiefly empirical character. Next, I make some suggestions of topics that could be further explored by people interested in this particular area of study. Finally, while emphasizing the unprogrammable situated determinacy of all communication (including translation), I offer some observations about how to proceed with a translational corpus stylistic approach and its promise of benefitting future research on TCL.
  • Os contos de Charles Perrault em tradução: uma entrevista de Anna Olga Prudente de Oliveira com a tradutora Eliana Bueno-Ribeiro Entrevista

    Oliveira, Anna Olga Prudente de
Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro de Comunicação e Expressão, Bloco B- 405, CEP: 88040-900, Florianópolis, SC, Brasil, Tel.: (48) 37219455 / (48) 3721-9819 - Florianópolis - SC - Brazil